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la società? è una grande famiglia, e dentro, ci sono tutti, con tutte le loro diversità, perché, il pluralismo è una ricchezza, ed ogni persona che ama è una risorsa, che contribuisce alla grande sinfonia: I DIRITTI UMANI, LA PERSONA è AL CENTRO DELLO STATO E NON UNA PEDINA DELLO STATO! ed io non credo, che, in una società laica deve esserci qualcuno, che, fa un terrorismo religioso, perché, tutti devono esaminare la loro coscienza alla presenza del nostro Creatore! E CHI NON ESAMINA LA PROPRIA COSCIENZA, POI SARà UN INCOSCIENTE CHE COSTRUISCE LA SUA CASA SULLA SABBIA: PEGGIO PER LUI! Quindi io non voglio una società che alza delle barricate, contro qualcuno! Nessun Orgoglio GENDER gay, e, nessun Striscione 'orgoglio eterosessuale' e presidio, IO VOGLIO VEDERE. PERCHé IO VEDO UNA SOCIETà COME FAMIGLIA DI FRATELLI! ma è giusto che matrimonio, significa, "matrimonium", cioè, il luogo dove la madre deve essere protetta, dal marito e dalla Società! l'unico luogo idoneo per crescere i bambini, come ha dimostrato scientificamente: Sigmund Freud: per il complesso di Edipo e di Elettra! Quindi, i gay non abusino del potere enorme, che massoni Illuminati bildenberg, usurocrazia rothschild, satanisti hanno dato loro, per poter danneggiare la nostra società!
le vittime? sono sicuramente cristiani! Salafiti shariah, e satanisti 322 Bush, loro alleati? me la pagheranno, anche i loro sangue sarà sparso!! Uomini di Boko Haram hanno decapitato sette persone oggi nel nordest della Nigeria.
Lo riferiscono testimoni e un responsabile locale. L'attacco è avvenuto a Ngambi, nello stato di Borno, una delle regioni più di frequente obiettivo di Boko Haram.
"Sono stati brutalmente assassinati" nello "stesso modo in cui si uccidono i montoni" ha dichiarato un abitante del villaggio, Musa Abor. Nell'ultimo video del gruppo islamico, diffuso la settimana scorsa, un uomo presentato come un pilota dell'aeronautica nigeriana è stato decapitato, ma le autorità hanno smentito che si tratti di lui. Negli ultimi mesi Boko Haram ha condotto a più riprese rappresaglie contro gli abitanti dei villaggi che hanno combattuto nelle milizie civili volontarie a fianco dei militari. [ WELCOME in my holy JHWH holy! This is Faith that give the victory it has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov 54[MENE TECHEL PERES] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ?"Drink your poisons made by yourself". Rei Unius King Israel Mahdì C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux, Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux, Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana, Non mi persuaderai di cose vane, S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce, e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Amen!
PER, tutti crimini commessi in nome della shariah NAZISTA! quindi, Onu, LEGA ARABA SHARIAH USA, DEVE RISPONDERNE!
TUTTO SAPEVANO MA LE BESTIE DI SATANA, DI MERKEL BARROSO, HANNO TACIUTO! tutti crimini commessi in nome della shariah NAZISTA, e della loro corrotta maligna religione! Quindi, Onu Criminale: violatore dei diritti umani, e sua LEGA ARABA SHARIAH DEVE RISPONDERNE! [ WELCOME in my holy JHWH holy! This is Faith that give the victory it has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov 54[MENE TECHEL PERES] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ?"Drink your poisons made by yourself". Rei Unius K... Altro...
Manuel Fantoni · Segui già · Top Commentator · Scuola Hokuto Gemmy
Allora? La Serbia è stata bombardata dal demoniaco esercito americano con la scusa delle fosse comuni e poi si viene a sapere dopo 15 anni che nella realtà sono stati gli albanesi ad ammazzare i civili innocenti del Kosovo???
Alberto Valli · Top Commentator · Università degli Studi di Milano
Tutto questo sotto l'occhio delle truppe NATO ,che dal 10 Giugno 1999 erano entrate in Kosovo. Saro' cinico , ma quando vedo che qualche militare USA muore in missioni in paesi esteri ,sono contento. E buona fortuna a tutti!!
[ WELCOME in my holy JHWH holy! This is Faith that give the victory it has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov 54 [MENE TECHEL PERES] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ?"Drink your poisons made by yourself". Rei Unius
questa non è politica, questa non è informazione! Questa è volgarità! questo è pettegolume e volgarità! ANSA non di doveva prestarsi a questa informazione spazzatura! Merkel è un criminale del sistema massonico, nemico dei popoli del mondo, perché, è una sacerdotessa strega della usurocrazia Rothschild legalizzata, per alto tradimento, di tutti coloro che hanno spergiurato, insieme a lei, contro la Costituzione e contro la sovranità dei popoli! cit:. Unius REI!
Cgil Cisl e Uil: la triade monattica, nelle loro rappresentanze partenopee e regionali massoniche, invocano il voto anticipato.. e vomitano fango contro DE MAGISTRIS il cui lavoro e abnegazione nessuno ha mai contestato! E se tutti i comuni di Italia sono nella merda, certo è colpa della usurocrazia Rothschild bildenberg, certo non è colpa dei sindaci!
Pippo Mestrangelo · Milano
Amico mio, adesso parlo come parlerebbe da un pulpito di cartapesta il sig. Berlusconi-Magistratura deviata! Renzi è stato condannato non dalla magistratura ma dalla corte dei conti il che forse è ancora peggio!Quanto a De Magistris ci andrei un po' più cauto non perché sia speciale ma semplicemente per il fatto che in Italia tutti quelli che schiacciano i piedi al potere sono a rischio.Per adesso non pare abbia rubato niente di nostro e chissà che tra non molto non si scopra che lui era vessato dai ladri e dal potere esattamente come noi(per aver fatto il suo dovere di magistrato) con la sola differenza che essendo più esposto lui fa più rumore.Noialtri più silenziosi siamo la maggioranza ed anche se ci vessano a morte subiamo senza fare rumore.Non c'è che dire; noi popolo bue siamo decisamente più schic e cerchiamo di disturbare il meno possibile il manovratore....Andereotti....Berlusca e poi...Renzi docet!
Uber Bertolini · Top Commentator · L'Università della vita
Sarebbe meglio che pensassero alla situazione economica e non alla politica.
Quando qualcuno canta fuori dal coro,ecco subito che infastidisce un qualche potere.
    Cesare Terzo
    Proprio così, e mi sa che gli infastiditi qui siano stati più di uno.

Claudio Cuman · Segui · Top Commentator · Lavora presso Luxottica Agordo
Ricordiamoci che De Magistris è stato condannato in 1° grado, come Renzi !
Se tanto mi dà tanto....AD OGNIUNO IL SUO !!!
Umberto Speranza · Pula
Su De Magistris non ho alcunché per esprimere un giudizio compiuto, ma resta innocente sino alla condanna definitiva

Bruno Zugno-Brunetti · Segui · Castelgomberto
tieni duro, quando un magistrato fa il suo dovere viene bacchettato, certi politici vanno messi in prigione.
Massimo Campadello · Nessuna
De Magistris oggi è Sindaco ma prima era magistrato per cui, da uomo di legge, sapeva bene quello che faceva violando la legge dello Stato e sa bene quello che dovrebbe oggi fare.
Semplicemente, se ha violato la legge penale facendo quanto non si poteva, come ogni altro cittadino dello Stato e da Magistrato conosceva le conseguenze, deve assogettarsi alla conseguenze.
Che differenza c'è fra chi ruba per piacere, per bisogno o per arricchirsi? La necessità, ma queste sono valutazioni che deve fare il Giudice, quindi, da P.M. inquirente deve dare l'esempio, per cui, condannato, come ogni qualsiasi altro sa che non può discutere direttamente la sentenza ma che può farlo, che deve farlo, solo nelle sedi adeguate.
Discutere come fa e rifiutare quanto già è stato fatto ad altri è solo polemica inutile o "campagna politica" per cui, seriamente, da uomo di legge, più degli altri, deve sottomettersi alla legge dello Stato aspettando l'appello e le determinazioni di quella Magistratura di cui anche Lui faceva parte.
Concludo: invece di calunnie o illazioni, faccia una bella figura, si dimetta e si tiri da parte.

    nella fattispecie cosa ha violato De Magistris, io so che stava facendo delle indagini e guardava tabulati telefonici di persone di cui non conosceva la identità!
    Se poi, un magistrato non può fare indagini, poi, che tipo di sentenza potrebbe emettere? che tipo di legalità potrebbe difendere?
    non è forse che, gli indagati appartengono, per caso, alla alta massoneria e Bildenberg?

Gino Giovenali · Terni
Cgil Cisl e Uil: la triade monattica, nelle loro rappresentanze partenopee e regionali massoniche, invocano il voto anticipato.. e vomitano fango contro DE MAGISTRIS il cui lavoro e abnegazione nessuno ha mai contestato! E se tutti i comuni di Italia sono nella merda, certo è colpa della usurocrazia Rothschild bildenberg, certo non è colpa dei sindaci!
Nulla Dinuovo · Cambé
Siria Libia e Iraq, sono stati totalmente rovinati, dai satanisti massoni e dai loro alleati ottomani sauditi: la abominazione dell'inferno! ed infatti, insieme al Cossovo? ogni presenza cristiana è stata sterminata!
PREGHIAMO per tutte le Chiese Cristiane, affinché, non cadano nella apostasia del relativismo, modernismo, del consociativismo massonico: che è questa super chiesa universale dell'anticristo new age!
che ritiene positiva la natura umana:
1. per rendere non indispensabile il sacrificio della Croce!
2. e Quindi, per nascondere la natura divina del Cristiano!
Sebastiano Vacca · Top Commentator · Purgatorio
Molti parroci si sentono padroni della vigna non operai vignaioli, allontanando così i fedeli.
Ben detto. [[ ASWER ]]
    tu non devi pretendere la santità degli altri, del tuo prossimo, con arroganza se, tu non sei santo tu! TUTTAVIA, TU PUOI PREGARE PER LA SANTITà DI CHIUNQUE, NEL MONDO, a qualsiasi religione lui appartenga, poi, DICE: "IO SONO MINISTRO DI DIO! " ma, poi, non ha il coraggio di fare del suo cuore, un pezzo di pane, per gli affamati, e del suo sangue una bevanda per chi ha sete! Mentre farisei e salafiti ancora oggi credono di dare culto a Dio uccidendo e sfruttando usurocrazia mondiale, tutti coloro che non appartengono alla loro abominazione!
NON si può, distruggere il lavoro di 2000 anni, di amore, abnegazione, valori e santità, MARTIRIO DEI CRISTIANI, con la tua generalizzazione SCANDALOSA!
i padri della Chiesa hanno detto: "la Chiesa è Madre, Meretrix e Casta!" tu hai scelto la parte peggiore della Chiesa, e con la misura con cui tu misuri? a tua volta tu sarai misurato!
tutto come se, atei come Benedetto Croce, filosofi mistici come Gandhi, e Maestri buddisti non siano inginocchiati di fronte al sublime esempio ed insegnameto dell'uomo Gesù di Betlemme!
come se, da tutto questo, non è venuta, ANCHE la civiltà cristiana laica, che  ha permesso la DEMOCRAZIA e i diritti umani!
Davide Palermo · Top Commentator · Milano
Ogni persona definisce la gravità di un reato per mezzo dei suoi principi etici e morali, evidentemente la maggioranza della Cassazione ha problemi di valutazione, in tal caso gli consiglierei una prova empirica al fine di giudicare meglio il reato.
Rispondi · Mi piace · 1 · Non seguire più il post · 25 settembre alle ore 21.50
    Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
    Davide Palermo · Top Commentator · Milano
    Lorenzo Scarola Tutto può essere, non mi stupirei , ciò che mi stupisce è che non ci sia stata una manifestazione con migliaia di donne di fronte alla Cassazione.
Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
Alberto Valli · Top Commentator · Università degli Studi di Milano
Continuate a dar retta a questi truffatori di politici e giudici e vedrete che andra' sempre peggio ,lo sostengo da sempre.Maledetta Corte di Scassazione!!!!
Rispondi · Mi piace · Non seguire più il post · 25 settembre alle ore 20.51
    Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
    Jeta Jeta
Fatte schifo,vorrei vedere se la stuprata fosse figlia di questi giudici...
L'esercito ucraino ha violato 7 volte il cessate il fuoco. Nei giorni scorsi l'esercito ucraino ha violato la tregua 7 volte. Dopo che le truppe hanno lasciato l'aeroporto di Donetsk, il principale punto delle attività rimane Avdeevka. L'elenco delle vittime conta altri 2 morti tra i civili. In direzione di Mariupol sono state viste truppe e armi di artiglieria pesante. Nella regione di Lugansk una persona è morta, altre 10 sono rimaste ferite. I Comandanti dell'esercito dell'autoproclamatasi Repubblica Popolare di Lugansk hanno parlato di provocazioni. I militari hanno sparato sulla strada: tra i cecchini vi sono anche donne. Il battaglione è arrivato nella regione dal Baltico. Rapporti dell'intelligence parlano di altri mercenari stranieri, la cui partecipazione alle ostilità è vietata dal memorandum di Minsk.
Terrorista si fa esplodere nel Giorno di festa di Groznyj. Nella Giornata della città, nel centro di Groznyj c'è stata una forte esplosione. Non lontano dal luogo in cui si sarebbe dovuto tenere il concerto in occasione della festività, la polizia ha controllato con un metal detector il quadro di un giovane uomo sospetto. Quando il terrorista si è reso conto di aver attirato l'attenzione delle forze dell'ordine, si è fatto esplodere, uccidendo quattro poliziotti. Altri quattro sono rimasti feriti. La capitale della Cecenia quest'anno compie 196 anni ed in occasione della festa sono state invitate 28 delegazioni da diverse regioni. Nel centro di Groznyj vi sono mostre e fiere.
IL POPOLO NON è UN POLLO, E DEVE ESSERE ASCOLTATO! ] Pechino ha esortato gli USA a non infiammare gli animi a Hong Kong.  Le autorità cinesi hanno espresso aspre critiche agli Stati Uniti, chiedendo loro di non interferire negli affari della Cina e di non infiammare le ostilità politiche interne. A Pechino non sono soddisfatti del sostegno espresso da Washington ai manifestanti a Hong Kong.
Nel frattempo, le proteste nella regione amministrativa speciale sono sempre più caotiche. I dimostranti sono passati dagli slogan politici alla resa dei conti con i pugni. Le autorità hanno dato un ultimatum ai manifestanti. Se entro lunedì non ripuliranno le strade e la gente non tornerà al lavoro, alla polizia verrà data carta bianca per usare "tutte le misure legali" per ristabilire l'ordine.

Gli Emirati Arabi chiedono chiarimenti sulle dichiarazioni di Biden. Gli Emirati Arabi Uniti hanno chiesto al vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti Joseph Biden un chiarimento circa le sue osservazioni sulla partecipazione degli Emirati Arabi Uniti in un raid terroristico dei militanti dello Stato islamico. Durante il suo discorso all'Università di Harvard, Biden aveva dichiarato che uno dei principali problemi del Medio Oriente è quello del sostegno ai ribelli da parte dei paesi confinanti con la Siria. In particolare, aveva sottolineato che la Turchia e gli Emirati Arabi Uniti hanno messo a disposizione centinaia di milioni di dollari e tonnellate di armi a sostegno [[ DEL PROGETTO TERRORISTICO, GALASSIA JIHADISTA, DI ABBATTERE IL REGIME]] del Presidente siriano Bashar al-Assad. In precedenza, Biden aveva dovuto chiedere scusa al Presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan per le sue parole sull'estremismo.
I radicali ucraini hanno occupato una chiesa ortodossa.
Nella città ucraina di Turka 50 radicali hanno occupato la Chiesa ortodossa della Santa Vergine. 300 parrocchiani lo hanno scoperto quando si sono recati alla messa e hanno visto le porte della chiesa chiuse, le serrature riempite di stagno ed il passaggio bloccato.
I poliziotti ai quali si sono rivolti i credenti li hanno accusati di provocare un conflitto e hanno rifiutato di intervenire. Qualcuno degli occupanti dall'interno della chiesa ha gettato contro il sacerdote una bottiglia di acqua, ferendolo al volto. Come ha detto l'abate, già durante l'Euromaidan hanno iniziato ad intimidire i sacerdoti e i fedeli del Patriarcato di Mosca ortodossi, esortandoli a passare sotto la giurisdizione del Patriarcato di Kiev.

Alberto Valli · Top Commentator · Università degli Studi di Milano
Ha fatto bene il vigliacco ,spero che finisca all'Inferno.La mia domanda e' : perche' era ancora in vita dopo l'assassinio della moglie?Condoglianze alla famiglia della vittima.
    Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
i massoni bildenberg usurocrazia rothschild la devono smettere di calpestare la volontà popolare!
ogni bambino ha diritto ad un padre, ed a una madre!
MATRIMONIO viene dal latino "matrimonium" che significa protezione della madre, da parte di un padre! e per avere detto questo parole Rocco Buttiglione, fu cacciato dal Governo della UE,
sono tutti una massa di anticristo, senza sovranità monetaria i traditori della sovranità dei popoli!
Al grido di "proteggiamo la famiglia" e "no alle madri surrogate" migliaia di oppositori delle nozze gay sono scesi in piazza a Parigi contro le politiche familiari del governo. La manifestazione era organizzata dal collettivo 'Manif pour tous' che ha focalizzato la sua protesta contro la possibilità per le coppie omosessuali di accedere alla procreazione assistita e all'utero in affitto, nonostante di recente il premier Manuel Valls ha assicurato che quest'ultima pratica "è e sarà vietata"
soltanto un criminale dopo 66 anni di terrorismo islamico, potrebbe pensare ad un soluzione a due Stati! SE QUESTA ERA UNA SOLUZIONE POSSIBILE?
POI, QUESTI 66 ANNI DI STORIA TRAGICA, presto, DIVENTERANNO "666" COME DICO IO: Unius REI, e Rothschild 322 Bush LaVey culto i cannibali CIA!!
decisione Svezia su Palestina? è riconoscere il Califfato nazista shariah, dichiarare il genocidio degli ebrei e della civiltà umanistica nel mondo! ] tutta la Europa diventerebbe un carnaio come la Siria!
QUESTO è VERO, SE, C'è QUALCOSA CHE PUZZA DI PIù? POI, QUELLO CHE PUZZA DI MENO, NEANCHE SI VEDE! ECCO COME AL-QAEDA, ERDOGAN, BIDEN, LEGA ARABA ONU, VOGLIONO NASCONDERE TUTTI I LORO CRIMINI E DELITTI SHARIAH! ] [ Ribelli libici liberano cittadino britannico. I guerriglieri libici hanno liberato il cittadino britannico David Bolam, ha fatto sapere il Ministero degli Esteri della Gran Bretagna. Bolan lavorava presso la scuola internazionale a Bengasi ed era stato rapito nel maggio di quest'anno sulla strada di casa e tenuto prigioniero per circa 4 mesi.
Ad agosto i ribelli avevano diffuso il video in cui Bolam chiedeva alle autorità britanniche di aiutarlo e liberarlo. In precedenza, l'organizzazione terroristica Al-Qaeda stava cercando di liberare un altro cittadino britannico prigioniero, Alan Henning, che èstato poi giustiziato dal gruppo di terroristi dello Stato islamico.
tutti gli Stati del Nord e lo stesso Presidente della Nigeria sono complici con i Boko Haram! INFATTI QUESTE SONO LE DIRETTIVE DEI PAESI CANAGLIA SHARIAH LEGA ARABA! ]  Ventotto presunti affiliati alla setta islamista Boko Haram sono rimasti uccisi nel corso di feroci combattimenti con soldati dell'Esercito del Camerun, nel nord del Paese. Lo riferiscono alcuni siti panafricani, secondo i quali i combattimenti hanno avuto come teatro la località di Koubougue, nel dipartimento di Logone-Et- Chari, dove si trova la città di Fotokol, il cui sindaco, Mahamat Moussa, è stato arrestato nei giorni scorsi per collusione con Boko Haram.

Hanan Ashrawi, del comitato esecutivo dell'Olp? MA, QUESTI SONO I TERRORISTI, SHARIAH, senza diritti umani, i maniaci religiosi del califfato mondiale genocidio contro tutti! CHE, CON LA OPERAZIONE ISIS shariah mediatica net work tv satellite: sgozzamenti, poi la LEGA ARABA sharia si vuole decriminalizzzare!
poi, proprio loro i nazisti VOGLIO PASSARE COME PERSONE PER BENE, e DECRIMINALIZZArE se stessi!
ECCO PERCHé Margaret Thatcher disse: "l'Euro farà della Europa i nazisti! "
Ashrawi shariah geocidio si e' augurata che altri Stati europei seguano la Svezia: "tutti quelli a sostegno di Due Stati devono comprendere che riconoscere la Palestina e' la chiave della soluzione" per ottenere il califfato mondiale Allah akbar: morte agli infedeli!
Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
ringraziamo la LEGA ARABA, che, ha voluto tutto questo orrore a motivo della sua shariah religione nazista corrotta!
questo Islam DI ASSASSINI, LADRI BUGIARDI, IGNORANTI, MANIACI RELIGIOSI, senza reciprocità della LEGA ARABA, e tutta la sua galassia jihadista servizi segreti?
deve essere fermato ad ogni costo!
QUESTO VUOLE OTTENERE OTTOMANO ERDOGAN LEGA ARABA SALAFITA SAUDITA, NEL LORO PATETICO TENTATIVO DI CONQUISTARE IL MONDO! MA, se voi studiate nella storia, poi, capirete, come i musulmani hanno sempre ridotto in schiavitù i cristiani, e si sono sempre fatti pagare, un riscatto per rilasciare gli schiavi dhimmi! tutto questo è nei geni di criminale shariah Maometto salafita ottomano saudita! [ Libia: ostaggio libero, riscatto da Gb? Foreign Office nega, 'non paghiamo'. Ma media lo sbugiardano.
Decapitato Alan Henning, musulmani Gran Bretagna: "Sarà la fine dell'Isis" ] really? lol. no! QUESTA è LA FINE DELL'ISLAM!
KING ABD ALLAH SAUDI ARABIA  -- tu mi chiederai: "ma, che importa a te, delle 12 Tribù di Israele?" è vero: a me personalmente, non me ne importa un cazzo: "ma, Dio JHWH mi ha ordinato, di fare: questo lavoro: di riunire le 12 Tribù di Israele, ed io ti ucciderò per questo!"
KING ABD ALLAH SAUDI ARABIA  -- mio caro! Se, le 12 Tribù di Israele non verranno ricostituite? e se, gli ebrei più ricchi, non ritorneranno da JHWH, e, continueranno a fare i satanisti? Non ci sarà modo, per salvare l'Islam! è vero che, per 60 anni, non hanno detto che la sharia è peggio del nazismo, ma, questo non significa che, non potrebbero iniziare a dirlo, in qualsiasi momento! NULLA è DIVENTATO PIù ODIOSO DELLA LEGA ARABA e dell'Islam sharia, in questo pianeta! e poi, per quanto tu sei il maniaco religioso: io non posso credere, che, tu aspetti con ansia la guerra mondiale! ] [ il Papa a RediPuglia, per le vittime di tutte le guerre! In his image. War as Cain: "To me it matter?" ] tu sai le alleanze di una guerra, come, possono iniziare, ma, poi, tu non sai mai come possono finire
Tags: pastor beaten in india, persecution of christians in india, Video - Persecution of Christians in India
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    Keith Davies @blasphemylaws
    Video – Persecution of Christians in India
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    Keith Davies @blasphemylaws
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    Hundreds of Egyptian women and girls kidnapped, forced into Islam, claims report  #humantrafficking @blasphemylaws
    Retweeted by Keith Davies
    @blasphemylaws Beating of American Pastor @FreePastorSaeed in Iran Linked to Nuke Talks  @UNWatch @BarackObama
    Retweeted by Keith Davies
    Show Summary
    18 Jun
    Keith Davies @blasphemylaws
    @LadyImpactOhio @blasphemylaws A malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report.
    @UNWatch @blasphemylaws @StateDept Filipino Pastors Tortured, Sentenced to Death in Muslim Qatar
    Retweeted by Keith Davies
    18 Jun
    Keith Davies @blasphemylaws
    @LadyImpactOhio @pamnsc Why don't you start with asking before slander?
    18 Jun
    Keith Davies @blasphemylaws
    @LadyImpactOhio @blasphemylaws @pamnsc Gotta love people who try to slander others who are trying to save lives.
Tweet to @blasphemylaws
Syria's war continues
North Korea has the deadliest level of Christian persecution in the world
KOSOVO ETHNIC INTOLERANCE AGAINST CHRISTIANS Vandalized and Destroyed Churches in Kosovo Saves 3-4 Families a Week From Slavery
Burma Kachin War 45,000 refugees and internally displaced people are in refugee camps
Acts of violence Christians in Indonesia
Christians Persecuted in Sudan
India Christians Are Fleeing India's Troubled Kashmir Valley Rescue Christians RescueChristians org
Video – Persecution of Christians in India
Persecution of Christians in India, a Pastor beaten by Hindu extremists.
Attack against Pastor Walter Masih in Jaipur rescuechristians org
Persecuted Church, Chinese Christians Suffer
Persecuted Church, Chinese Christians Suffer
Egypt Muslims burned and looted Christian homes
Eritrean Christians fleeing persecution
Christians in Gaza have faced increasing persecution since Hamas wrested control
Middle East Christians have become regular targets for Islamic thugs
Nigeria Christians worried by Boko Haram threat to make June the bloodiest month
Pakistan Christian Media Fear Attacks After Killing Rescue Christians RescueChristians org
Nigeria Boko Haram Is Taking Credit For Killing Christians RescueChristians org
Persecution in Afghanistan
No Religious Freedom in Saudi Arabia
Sudan Threatens to Arrest Church Leaders Rescue Christians RescueChristians org
RAW Christians Massacred By Hindus in India YouTube
Sudan Christians live in fear as they become the target of militia groups
The Danger to Christian's in Pakistan
NIGERIA Gunmen Attacked University Church Service killing 26 Christians
Nigeria SUICIDE bomber has killed at least 15 people, 40 injured
Authorities In Uzbekistan Have Warned Churches Rescue Christians RescueChristians org
Sudan Religion is the pivotal factor in the civil war between Sudan's North and South
Bethlehem Christian population has dropped dramatically   
US Delegation Remembers Raoul Wallenberg, who saved the lives of 100,000 Hungarian Jews
Burma Kachin War 45,000 refugees and internally displaced people are in refugee camps
Death Toll Climbs in Islamist Attacks in Nigeria Rescue Christians RescueChristians org
Christians In Tajikistan Concerned About Islamic Extremism RescueChristians org
Cuba Pastor Denied Visa To Leave Island For U S Rescue Christians RescueChristians org
Dozens Of Catholic Missionaries Killed In 2011 Rescue Christians RescueChristians org
Christians Who Remain In Iraq Live In An Atmosphere Of Terror
Christian persecution in Somalia
Eritrea 2,000 to 3,000 Christians are inhumanely and indefinitely detained without trial
Christians are suffering major persecution throughout the Middle East and North Africa
Irak The Situation Is Getting Worse Day By Day Rescue Christians RescueChristians org
Egypt Christians worried over presidential election
Indonesia Religious tolerance and freedom under threat
Indication Of Imminent Mass Attack Against The Copts Of Egypt RescueChristians org
Iranian authorities once again raided a house church
Hundreds of Syrian Christians have been killed
Laos Officials forced Christians to give up their faith in order to bury a family member
Malaysia Christians are persecuted for Their Faith
Kenya Two pastors burned to death in Jomvu area Mombasa
Muslim Brotherhood Declares Mastership of World as Ultimate Goal
NIGERIA Gunmen Attacked University Church Service killing 26 Christians1
Mideast Christians Face Widening Persecution Rescue Christians RescueChristians org
Nigeria More than 85 Christians have died RescueChristians org
Muslim Persecutions Against Christians
MOSCA, 6 OTT - La Russia GIUSTAMENTE, accusa gli Usa di aver fatto pressione sull'Ue, perché adottasse delle sanzioni, contro Mosca sullo sfondo della crisi ucraina. Il ministro degli Esteri russo, Serghiei Lavrov, cita come prova le parole del vicepresidente Joe Biden sulla riluttanza iniziale dei Paesi europei in materia. Additato poi l'atteggiamento dell'assistente segretario di Stato Victoria Nuland, che proprio oggi, si trova in Ucraina per discutere dell'incremento degli aiuti finanziari Usa al nuovo potere di Kiev. [ WELCOME in my holy JHWH holy! This is Faith that give the victory it has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov 54[MENE TECHEL PERES] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ?"Drink your poisons made by yourself". Rei Unius
ADESSO è STATO DIMOSTRATO: ULTERIORMENTE! TURCHIA OTTOMANO ERDOGAN HA CREATO ISIS SHARIAH, ED INSIEME HANNO GLI STESSO OBIETTIVI! MA, RIMOSSO ASSAD, LA SIRIA DIVENTEREBBE, SPROFONDEREBBE, COME, UN ALTRA LIBIA! CHE, POI, è QUELLO CHE LA LEGA ARABA è STATA IN 1400 ANNI DI MALEDIZIONE ISLAMICA, UN SOLO GENOCIDIO A CIELO APERTO, DISTRUZIONE DI OGNI DIVERSITà, PER LA FELICITà DELL'INFERNO BUSH 322 ROTSCHILD! [ WELCOME in my holy JHWH holy! This is Faith that give the victory it has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov 54 [MENE TECHEL PERES] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ?"Drink your poisons made by yourself". Rei Unius ] La Turchia invierà propri militari sul terreno in Siria "solo se la strategia Usa includerà anche la destituzione di Assad": lo ha detto il premier turco Ahmet Davutoglu in un'intervista alla Cnn. Per quanto riguarda Kobane, Ankara "ha la priorità al momento di salvare la vita alle decine di migliaia di persone fuggite dalla città", ha aggiunto il premier, glissando invece per ora su un ipotetico impegno militare del suo Paese su quel fronte: dove i curdi sono minacciati dall'Isis.
Fabio Dell'Acqua · Top Commentator Ecco chi sarebbero gli eroi salvatori, quelli che devono salvare le persone dagli jihadisti .
Sostanzialmente alla Turchia dell'ISIS non importa un fico secco con 1.000.000 di soldati e forza militare a volontà. Tutto questo la dice lunga, l'unica cosa che per loro è importante è distruggere Assad, non salvare il medio oriente dagli jihadisti e le persone che vivono e fuggono da questi animali.
Finalmente sappiamo con chi abbiamo a che fare e qual'è il loro vero obbiettivo, almeno l'hanno ammesso pubblicamente e non c'è più nessun dubbio.
Belli, gli alleati che si è scelta la UE che vorrebbe in europa, il cinismo è la loro guida suprema e aimè ne vedremo delle belle prossimamente.....
eCCO PERCHé è INDISPENSABILE UN COORDINAMENTO CON LE FORZE DI TERRA DI ASSAD! 6 OTT - L'agenzia irachena Nina riferisce che 22 civili, tra cui 4 bambini, sono morti quando un raid aereo della Coalizione internazionale guidata dagli Usa ha colpito oggi per errore un edificio ad una settantina di metri da una postazione dello Stato islamico (Isis) a Hit, 150 chilometri a ovest di Baghdad.
     WELCOME in my holy JHWH holy! This is Faith that give the victory it has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov 54 [MENE TECHEL PERES] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ?"Drink your poisons made by yourself". Rei Unius
WELCOME in my holy JHWH holy! This is Faith that give the victory it has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov 54 [MENE TECHEL PERES] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ?"Drink your poisons made by yourself". Rei Unius
Manuel Fantoni · Segui già · Top Commentator · Scuola Hokuto Gemmy
Ma l' Osce che deve vigliare che fa? Forse anche nell' Osce è arrivata la mano satanica targata USA/UE ?
Daniele Vero · Top Commentator · Milano
Ma i membri dell'Osce che dovevano vigilare sulla presunta tregua non dicono un cazzo? Siamo a posto!
Armando Gaburri · Top Commentator · Brescia
e la solita tregua del porcoscenko che non paga le pensioni nel donbass, come a dire che mia suocera di 75 anni gli farebbe la guerra contro. sono quasi peggio dei nostri politici
Alex Yol · Top Commentator · Burgos
Elena Vaypan: Sono nazisti...quindi sono dei criminali della peggior specie. Mi dispiace che la Russia non sia intervenuta subito per togliere di mezzo questi sporchi nazifascisti psicopatici. Adesso pure hanno licenziato ad Odessa un'insegnate perché criticava i nazisti di Kiev.
I militanti della cosiddetta Guardia Nazionale e le forze dell'ordine ucraine non fermano il bombardamento di Donetsk. Contro i civili sono stati usati fucili semoventi di grosso calibro "Acacia", mortai da 120 millimetri, lanciarazzi multipli "Grad".
I rappresentanti della milizia e della Croce Rossa parlano di un incremento del fuoco dalla zona dell'aeroporto. A causa delle granate sparate, si sono verificati anche degli incendi e sono state danneggiate le case nella parte occidentale della città, è stato distrutto uno dei negozi di impianto per la produzione delle finestre al plastico, sono interrotte elettricità e acqua. Durante l'ultima notte otto civili sono rimasti feriti e ci sono state 2 vittime.
WELCOME in my holy JHWH holy! This is Faith that give the victory it has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov 54 [MENE TECHEL PERES] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ?"Drink your poisons made by yourself". Rei Unius
6 ottobre 2014, Putin e Burkhalter chiedono un'indagine approfondita sulle fosse comuni.
Il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin e il Presidente svizzero Didier Burkhalter hanno chiesto un'indagine approfondita sulle fosse comuni ritrovate in Ucraina e sullo schianto del Boeing della compagnia aerea malese. In una conversazione telefonica le parti anche prestato attenzione alla sicurezza degli osservatori dell'OSCE.
Putin e Burkhalter hanno sottolineato l'importanza del rispetto rigoroso degli accordi tra le parti in conflitto, in particolare il cessate il fuoco. Il leader russo ha anche espresso profondo cordoglio per la morte il 2 ottobre a Donetsk del cittadino svizzero membro del CICR ​​Etienne du Pasquier.
Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
non illuderti, la svezia l'ha detto solo in un comizio elettorale ma vedrai che ci ripensa. sai le risate a dover scrivere su un pezzo di carta che riconosce tre villaggi e una mulattiera
la storia degli ulivi è vecchia: vengono tagliati per la sicurezza dell'esercito quando da dietro gli ulivi vengono esplosi colpi verso i soldati o i cittadini e comunque sono alberi sulla terra di Israele e salvo la contravvenzione per aver tagliato un albero senza il permesso della forestale, la storia finisce lì
sarei curioso di sapere quali sono le fonti d'acqua a cui ti riferisci visto che tutto il territorio d'Israele era un deserto senza acqua. L'ingegno l'ha fatto diventare un giardino ma quello non ce lo rubano di certo. i sistemi di irrigazione li vendiamo in tuttoil mondo ma a chi li paga. nel seserto del negev è bellissimo vedere come in pieno deserto, all'improvviso vedi un terreno verde perchè lì si è impiantato un kibbutz ed hanno fatto fiorire il deserto.
tutti gli agricoltori evacuati da gaza hanno avuto terreno desertico ma in cinque anni è diventato il paradiso terrestre. la meraviglia di gaza lasciata ai palestinesi adesso è sterpaglia. queste sono le cose importanti, altro che alberi tagliati!!!

Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
come ti diocevo la svezia già fa marcia indietro
in serata il ministero degli Esteri svedese fa un mezzo passo indietro rettificando di non voler danneggiare i negoziati diretti e che lo Stato di Palestina «verrà riconosciuto», senza specificare però quando ciò avverrà
dammi retta, mangiarsi il fegato per i palestinesi è fatica sprecata. la palestina riconosciuta o semplicemente esistente io e te non la vedremo e se continuano così a cercare i colpi di mano , non la vedranno mai. devonodecidersi a diventare persone civili, a disarmarsi fisicamente e mentalmente e allora forse se ne potrà ripalrlare
Anche il Dipartimento di Stato di Washington, con la portavoce Jen Psaki, striglia Stoccolma parlando di «decisione prematura perché prima bisogna risolvere le questioni pendenti fra le parti»
che ti dicevo?

Alex Yol · Top Commentator · Burgos
Antimo Marandola: ma ancora non l'hanno ricoverato in un manicomio criminale. Un consiglio: si faccia curare urgentemente. E' malato seriamente. Lo dice uno che è del mestiere. Fra lei e Heinrich Himmler non c'è nessuna differenza. La mancanza di sensibilità e una paranoica e psicopatia senile. I nazisti sionisti sono così. Prima facevano i lecchini dei nazisti mandando i propri fratelli alle camera a gas... adesso sono sadici e hanno imparato proprio bene. Si faccia ricoverare lei e quel pazzo psicopatico di Benjamin Netanyahu, insieme agli amici oligofrenici tipo Bush. Sparisca che è meglio per l'umanità. I tipi come lei fomentano la guerra e l'odio. Invece uccidere e massacrare i palestinesi, se siete così sadici, perché non vi ammazzate fra di voi?

Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
Alex Yol ] [ Antimo Marandola HA PORTATO DELLE ARGOMENTAZIONI VALIDE, circa la sicurezza, circa terroristi, che, si possono nascondere, ecc..! MA, TU HAI PORTATO INSULTI PESANTI! CHI è IL NAZISTA, ALLORA? Infatti, gli ulivi sono stati potati, semplicemente disboscati, hanno fatto 12 tagli, ad albero, quando con un taglio solo, tutto l'albero sarebbe venuto giù rapidamente! è CHIARO CHE è STATO UN LAVORO DI POTATURA DELL'ESERCITO! L'ALBERO DI ULIVO NON VIENE DANNEGGIATO, IN QUEL MODO! PERDERANNO UN ANNO DI RACCOLTO, MA, PALESTINESI SONO I RESPONSABILI DEL LORO TERRORISMO, si o no?! E QUINDI, UN MINIMO DI CONSEGUENZE, PER IL LORO TERRORISMO LO DEVONO PAGARE, si o no?! ED IO NON SO PERCHé, ISRAELE HA REGALATO TANTI tanti, veramente tanti, SOLDI PER RICOSTRUIRE GAZA, DOPO CHE HA PERSO TANTE PERSONE E SOLDATI INNOCENTI, ANCHE QUESTA VOLTA, SENZA SUA COLPA, INFATTI, SONO STATI I PALESTINESI DI HAMAS, ad iniziare, anche questa volta, A FARE AGGRESSIONI, ed uccisioni di una ragazza di 20 anni, e di tre ragazzi studenti!
e questa è sempre la stessa tragica storia, di questi 66 anni di terrorismo! e perchè, tu non ti indigni di 300, martiri cristiani innocenti, che, muoiono ogni giorno, in tutta la LEGA ARABA Sharia, negli ultimi 30 anni, per colpa del nazismo della shariah? SE, tu NON SEI DISPOSTO A DIVENTARE ISLAMICO RAPIDAMENTE, E A RINUNCIARE RAPIDAMENTE A TUTTI I TUOI DIRITTI GAY, COME VATTIMO? PRIMA CHE, TU NON TI PUOI IMMAGINARE, poi, proprio LA TUA TESTA POTREBBE CADERE A TERRA!
Dozzine di alberi di ulivi sono stati tagliati in un villaggio palestinese presso Nablus, in Cisgiordania. Lo denunciano i residenti che, secondo quanto riportano i media, hanno definito l'episodio come un caso di 'price tag': ossia un atto antiarabo teorizzato dalla strategia di missioni intimidatorie di gruppi di coloni ebrei ultrà.
    Nell'occasione sono stati scoperti anche slogan xenofobi contro gli arabi su alcune pietre. La polizia israeliana ha promesso di indagare.
Alberto Valli · Top Commentator · Università degli Studi di Milano
Mi sono informato su come va' realmente il mondo dal 2011 in poi, dopo il golpe massonico di Monti in Italia e Papademos in Grecia, leggendo vari libri. In pratica il vero pericolo alla pace e prosperita' del mondo sono i governi degli USA e la sua elìte economica e finanziaria. S'e' aggiunta a tutta questa gentaglia dal 1990 in poi l'Unione europea con tutti i suoi governi , sia Socialisti che Popolari. I suoi bracci esecutivi sono la BCE , la FED , il FMI e il WTO.
Peccato che l'80% della gente ancora non lo capisce. Abbassare le tasse e' solo una piccola parte del problema , va' ripensato lo sviluppo sociale ed economico globale. E poi questa cultura mondialista ed omologatrice non va' bene.
Per fortuna che e' rimasto Putin ,ed anche la Cina ,a tenere a bada la situazione internazionale. Saluti
Marco Carmine · Top Commentator · Alba
Il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin e il Presidente svizzero Didier Burkhalter hanno chiesto un'indagine approfondita sulle fosse comuni ritrovate in Ucraina e sullo schianto del Boeing della compagnia aerea malese. In una conversazione telefonica le parti anche prestato attenzione alla sicurezza degli osservatori dell'OSCE.
 Marco Carmine · Top Commentator · Alba
Il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin e il Presidente svizzero Didier Burkhalter hanno chiesto un'indagine approfondita sulle fosse comuni ritrovate in Ucraina e sullo schianto del Boeing della compagnia aerea malese. In una conversazione telefonica le parti anche prestato attenzione alla sicurezza degli osservatori dell'OSCE.
Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
Marco Carmine e se, il Giudice CIA NATO USA, è lui l'assassino? ED è PROPRIO COSì LUI è IL CRIMINALE ASSASSINO!
come potrebbe condannare se stesso?
Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
sono i farisei Illuminati Bildenber, usurocrazia mondiale rothschild, la causa di tutti i mali del mondo!
Rispondi · Mi piace · Non seguire più il post · 15 ore fa
Nicola Nick Carter Cartacci · Facoltà di Fisica
vai a cagare
Rispondi · Mi piace · Modificato · 12 ore fa
Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
Nicola Nick Carter Cartacci ✙ ♥. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✙ ♥. This is Faith that give, the victory, it has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov 5,4[♚MENE ★ TECHEL ★ PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself". ♰ by ★ ♰ Rei Unius★ ♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì,
Rispondi · Mi piace · 8 ore fa
Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
Nicola Nick Carter Cartacci così, tu ti trovi in internet, una persona, che, tu non conosci, e ti permetti di essere volgare, senza esporre nessuna motivazione, senza chiedere un chiarimento? e quale è il tuo livello di civiltà?
soltanto perché, la nostra magistratura è stata lottizzata dalla massoneria, e la nostra polizia ha avuto le mani legate dai bildenberg, poi, tu ti permetti di fare il bullo volgare, in giro, impunemente? così, come tante persone che vanno bestemmiando Dio, e che fanno facendo corsi di bestemmie, impunemente, in quel satanista perfetto che è youtube?
Come le femmen che fanno sacrilegio, profanazione, e bestemmia in Chiesa e non succede niente?
ma, SE, un cittadino del mondo, osserva il tuo grado di civiltà, poi, cosa deve pensare del nostro popolo?
Poi, tu hai portato nella vergogna la nostra Nazione!
Ma, con la tua volgarità, bullismo, irrazionalità, quale Italia tu stai rappresentando nel mondo?
Egidio Cavallini non si può dire ad un popolo semita, che, tanto ha sofferto, per colpa di falsi ebrei: apostati talmud farisei, che, in realtà, sono seguari di Baal dio gufo al Bohemian Grove, e, 322 LaVey Kerry culto, e della usurocrazia schiavizzazione, e corruzione, relativismo e partitocrazia, massonica, mondiale.. che, oggi hanno truffato: e schiAvizzato tutti i popoli: "tu ebreo, tu non devi mai avere una Patria, perché, io con la shariah nazista, io devo fare i mio califfato mondiale, e tu dhimmi schiavo, a cui non viene riconosciuta la tua dignità, identità, libertà di coscienza reciprocità, libertà di religione, tu devi pagare la jihza, io mi devo sposare e stuprate tua figlia, e tu devi morire! [ PERCHé, è QUESTO CHE, SONO I PALESTINESI, in TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA shariah ] SONO 30 ANNI, che ogni giorno, muoiono 300 martiri cristiani, in tutta la LEGA ARABA nazi ONU Shariah, e questo non importa a nessuno! QUESTO ODIO CONTRO, GLI EBREI è PROPRIO QUELLO CHE SERVE AI SATANISTI ROTHSCHILD PER FARCI UCCIDERE TRA DI NOI, E PER PORTARE VERSO IL PEGGIO TUTTE LE COSE!
Egidio Cavallini · Top Commentator · Verona
Antimo Marandola ti ho gia invitato a non rispondermi. la ragione la sai, ti considero un idiota
Rispondi · Mi piace · 1 · 6 ore fa
Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
Alex Yol sei delmestiere perchè a forza di farti rodere il fegato sei diventato quello che sei? Vieni in Israele e tra una cura e l'altra ti godi questo paese meraviglioso. la guerra non la fomentiamo, invitiamo solo certi individui a stare alla lontana da noi. questo è pacifiscmo allo stato puro. basta girare a largo e noi pensiamo solo a goderci la vita. più pacifisti di così!!! agli sproloqui non rispondo a parole ma se vuoi fare la mia conoscenza ti rispondo moltooooo volentieri
con i palestinesi c'è più gusto perchè si illudono di poterci colpire e non si accorgono che si suicidano perchè pacifisti si ma coglioni no e appena alzano un dito li fulminiamo.
al prossimo bombardamento di gaza ti invito sulla mia terrazza a vedere i fuochi d'artificio
che ne dici? ti ho fornito abbastanza materiale per elaborare altre stupidagini?
Rispondi · Mi piace · 6 ore fa
Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
Egidio Cavallini e allora come fai a fare un invito a un idiota? è più stupida la volpe o chi l'acchiappa? mi diverto un mondo con un livoroso come te che non rinuncerei per nulla al mondo a vedersti arrampicare sugli specchi ... sono ebreo e quindi idiota ed attaccato ai soldi e godermi il tuo mal di pancia è gratis: cosa posso pretendere di più???
credimi, sei divertente! vuoi parlare da solo? ti do un consiglio strategico: mettiti davanti allo specchio e recita tutte le invettive antiebraiche che sai a memoria ma forse non puoi perchè qualcuno in casa ne ha le palle piene ...
Rispondi · Mi piace · 6 ore fa
Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
Egidio Cavallini comunque per non perdere i contatti puoi trovarmi sulla pagina facebook forza Israele, basta cliccare mi piace e avrai tutte le mie notizie oppure vai sul sito
Rispondi · Mi piace · 6 ore fa
Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
Egidio Cavallini non si può dire ad un popolo semita, che, tanto ha sofferto, per colpa di falsi ebrei: apostati talmud farisei, che, in realtà, sono seguari di Baal dio gufo al Bohemian Grove, e, 322 LaVey Kerry culto, e della usurocrazia schiavizzazione, e corruzione, relativismo e partitocrazia, massonica, mondiale.. che, oggi hanno truffato: e schivizzato tutti i popoli: "tu ebreo, tu non devi mai avere una Patria, perché, io con la shariah nazista, io devo fare i mio califfato mondiale, e tu dhimmi schiavo, a cui non viene riconosciuta la tua dignità, identità, libertà di coscienza reciprocità, libertà di religione, tu devi pagare la jihza, io mi devo sposare e stuprate tua figlia, e tu devi morire! [ PERCHé, è QUESTO CHE, SONO I PALESTINESI, in TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA shariah ] SONO 30 ANNI, che ogni giorno, muoiono 300 martiri cristiani, in tutta la LEGA ARABA nazi ONU Shariah, e questo non importa a nessuno! QUESTO ODIO CONTRO, GLI EBREI è PROPRIO QUELLO CHE SERVE AI SATANISTI ROTHSCHILD PER FARCI UCCIDERE TRA DI NOI, E PER PORTARE VERSO IL PEGGIO TUTTE LE COSE!
Rispondi · Mi piace · 2 secondi fa
Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
QUINDI TU SARAI IL PRIMO EBREO DELLA MIA VITA, CHE FARà QUESTA DENUNCIA, ORA, adesso! oppure, tu dovrai sparire come una piattola da ANSA, perché tu non potrai più incontrare me!

Antimo Marandola Antimo Marandola I REALIZE, That YE no KNOW NOT: Jesus Of Bethlehem, To OVERCOME Hatred With Love! BUT, NOT ALL The HATRED AGAINST Jews, is without JUSTIFICATION, IF you will not REPORT, the ROTHSCHILD SPA USUROCRAZIA WORLD BANK, international menaty FUND: scam IMF FED ECB SPA, i.e. la inglese regina Gezabele II, the brutal INSTITUTIONAL, scm, for, the ENSLAVEMENT of all Nations. THIS is obvious: the GOD BAAL the DEVIL is your God, and ye are a Talmudic JUDAISM'S APOSTASY! I HAVE NOT FOUND, again, one ONLY ONE Jew, Who DENOUNCED The MASONIC CONSPIRACY, CONSTITUTIONAL HIGH TREASON: The LOSS Of Monetary Sovereignty Of PEOPLES! but, THEN, YOU WILL BE the FIRST JEW in MY LIFE, which will make THIS COMPLAINT, now, now! or, You disappear like a little bitch by ANSA, if, you won't be able to meet me!
tutto il dialogo
Egidio Cavallini · Top Commentator · Verona
sono decenni che gli ebrei usano questa tecnica con la quale procedono ad una autentica pulizia etnica. "la polizia indaga" ma fatemi il piacere... un'altra tecnica consiste nel realizzare un insediamento in prossimita di una fonte d'acqua così da poterla togliere agli agricoltori palestinesi e costringerli ad andarsene. viva la svezia che ha avuto il coraggio di riconoscere lo stato palestinese. vergogna al resto d'europa.
Rispondi · Mi piace · 3 · Non seguire più il post · 12 ore fa

    Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
    non illuderti, la svezia l'ha detto solo in un comizio elettorale ma vedrai che ci ripensa. sai le risate a dover scrivere su un pezzo di carta che riconosce tre villaggi e una mulattiera
    la storia degli ulivi è vecchia: vengono tagliati per la sicurezza dell'esercito quando da dietro gli ulivi vengono esplosi colpi verso i soldati o i cittadini e comunque sono alberi sulla terra di Israele e salvo la contravvenzione per aver tagliato un albero senza il permesso della forestale, la storia finisce lì
    sarei curioso di sapere quali sono le fonti d'acqua a cui ti riferisci visto che tutto il territorio d'Israele era un deserto senza acqua. L'ingegno l'ha fatto diventare un giardino ma quello non ce lo rubano di certo. i sistemi di irrigazione li vendiamo in tuttoil mondo ma a chi li paga. nel seserto del negev è bellissimo vedere come in pieno deserto, all'improvviso vedi un terreno verde perchè lì si è impiantato un kibbutz ed hanno fatto fiorire il deserto.
    tutti gli agricoltori evacuati da gaza hanno avuto terreno desertico ma in cinque anni è diventato il paradiso terrestre. la meraviglia di gaza lasciata ai palestinesi adesso è sterpaglia. queste sono le cose importanti, altro che alberi tagliati!!!
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 10 ore fa
    Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
    come ti diocevo la svezia già fa marcia indietro

    in serata il ministero degli Esteri svedese fa un mezzo passo indietro rettificando di non voler danneggiare i negoziati diretti e che lo Stato di Palestina «verrà riconosciuto», senza specificare però quando ciò avverrà

    dammi retta, mangiarsi il fegato per i palestinesi è fatica sprecata. la palestina riconosciuta o semplicemente esistente io e te non la vedremo e se continuano così a cercare i colpi di mano , non la vedranno mai. devonodecidersi a diventare persone civili, a disarmarsi fisicamente e mentalmente e allora forse se ne potrà ripalrlare
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 10 ore fa
    Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
    Anche il Dipartimento di Stato di Washington, con la portavoce Jen Psaki, striglia Stoccolma parlando di «decisione prematura perché prima bisogna risolvere le questioni pendenti fra le parti»

    che ti dicevo?
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 10 ore fa
    Alex Yol · Top Commentator · Burgos
    Antimo Marandola: ma ancora non l'hanno ricoverato in un manicomio criminale. Un consiglio: si faccia curare urgentemente. E' malato seriamente. Lo dice uno che è del mestiere. Fra lei e Heinrich Himmler non c'è nessuna differenza. La mancanza di sensibilità e una paranoica e psicopatia senile. I nazisti sionisti sono così. Prima facevano i lecchini dei nazisti mandando i propri fratelli alle camera a gas... adesso sono sadici e hanno imparato proprio bene. Si faccia ricoverare lei e quel pazzo psicopatico di Benjamin Netanyahu, insieme agli amici oligofrenici tipo Bush. Sparisca che è meglio per l'umanità. I tipi come lei fomentano la guerra e l'odio. Invece uccidere e massacrare i palestinesi, se siete così sadici, perché non vi ammazzate fra di voi?
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 9 ore fa
    Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
    Alex Yol ] [ Antimo Marandola HA PORTATO DELLE ARGOMENTAZIONI VALIDE, circa la sicurezza, circa terroristi, che, si possono nascondere, ecc..! MA, TU HAI PORTATO INSULTI PESANTI! CHI è IL NAZISTA, ALLORA? Infatti, gli ulivi sono stati potati, semplicemente disboscati, hanno fatto 12 tagli, ad albero, quando con un taglio solo, tutto l'albero sabbe venuto giù rapidamente! è CHIARO CHE è STATO UN LAVORO DI POTATURA DELL'ESERCITO! L'ALBERO DI ULIVO NON VIENE DANNEGGIATO, IN QUEL MODO! PERDERANNO UN ANNO DI RACCOLTO, MA, PALESTINESI SONO I RESPONSABILI DEL LORO TERRORISMO, si o no?! E QUINDI, UN MINIMO DI CONSEGUENZE, PER IL LORO TERRORISMO LO DEVONO PAGARE, si o no?! ED IO NON SO PERCHé, ISRAELE HA REGALATO TANTI tanti, veramente tanti, SOLDI PER RICOSTRUIRE GAZA, DOPO CHE HA PERSO TANTE PERSONE E SOLDATI INNOCENTI, ANCHE QUESTA VO... Altro...
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 8 ore fa
    Egidio Cavallini · Top Commentator · Verona
    Antimo Marandola ti ho gia invitato a non rispondermi. la ragione la sai, ti considero un idiota
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 1 · 6 ore fa
    Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
    Alex Yol sei delmestiere perchè a forza di farti rodere il fegato sei diventato quello che sei? Vieni in Israele e tra una cura e l'altra ti godi questo paese meraviglioso. la guerra non la fomentiamo, invitiamo solo certi individui a stare alla lontana da noi. questo è pacifiscmo allo stato puro. basta girare a largo e noi pensiamo solo a goderci la vita. più pacifisti di così!!! agli sproloqui non rispondo a parole ma se vuoi fare la mia conoscenza ti rispondo moltooooo volentieri
    con i palestinesi c'è più gusto perchè si illudono di poterci colpire e non si accorgono che si suicidano perchè pacifisti si ma coglioni no e appena alzano un dito li fulminiamo.
    al prossimo bombardamento di gaza ti invito sulla mia terrazza a vedere i fuochi d'artificio
    che ne dici? ti ho fornito abbastanza materiale per elaborare altre stupidagini?
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 6 ore fa
    Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
    Egidio Cavallini e allora come fai a fare un invito a un idiota? è più stupida la volpe o chi l'acchiappa? mi diverto un mondo con un livoroso come te che non rinuncerei per nulla al mondo a vedersti arrampicare sugli specchi ... sono ebreo e quindi idiota ed attaccato ai soldi e godermi il tuo mal di pancia è gratis: cosa posso pretendere di più???
    credimi, sei divertente! vuoi parlare da solo? ti do un consiglio strategico: mettiti davanti allo specchio e recita tutte le invettive antiebraiche che sai a memoria ma forse non puoi perchè qualcuno in casa ne ha le palle piene ...
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 6 ore fa
    Antimo Marandola · Top Commentator · Tel Aviv
    Egidio Cavallini comunque per non perdere i contatti puoi trovarmi sulla pagina facebook forza Israele, basta cliccare mi piace e avrai tutte le mie notizie oppure vai sul sito
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 6 ore fa
    Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
    Egidio Cavallini non si può dire ad un popolo semita, che, tanto ha sofferto, per colpa di falsi ebrei: apostati talmud farisei, che, in realtà, sono seguari di Baal dio gufo al Bohemian Grove, e, 322 LaVey Kerry culto, e della usurocrazia schiavizzazione, e corruzione, relativismo e partitocrazia, massonica, mondiale.. che, oggi hanno truffato: e schivizzato tutti i popoli: "tu ebreo, tu non devi mai avere una Patria, perché, io con la shariah nazista, io devo fare i mio califfato mondiale, e tu dhimmi schiavo, a cui non viene riconosciuta la tua dignità, identità, libertà di coscienza reciprocità, libertà di religione, tu devi pagare la jihza, io mi devo sposare e stuprate tua figlia, e tu devi morire! [ PERCHé, è QUESTO CHE, SONO I PALESTINESI, in TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA shariah ] SONO 30 ANNI, che ogni giorno, muoiono 300 martiri cristiani, in tutta la LEGA ARABA nazi ONU Shariah, e questo non importa a nessuno! QUESTO ODIO CONTRO, GLI EBREI è PROPRIO QUELLO CHE SERVE AI SATANISTI ROTHSCHILD PER FARCI UCCIDERE TRA DI NOI, E PER PORTARE VERSO IL PEGGIO TUTTE LE COSE!
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 2 secondi fa
    Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
    tu dovrai sparire come una piattola da ANSA, perché tu non potri più incontrare me!
    Rispondi · Mi piace · 2 secondi fa
    Lorenzo Scarola · Teologico dell'Italia Meridionale
    Antimo Marandola Antimo Marandola I REALIZE, That YE no KNOW NOT: Jesus Of Bethlehem, To OVERCOME Hatred With Love! BUT, NOT ALL The HATRED AGAINST Jews, is without JUSTIFICATION, IF you will not REPORT, the ROTHSCHILD SPA USUROCRAZIA WORLD BANK, international menaty FUND: scam IMF FED ECB SPA, i.e. la inglese regina Gezabele II, the brutal INSTITUTIONAL, scm, for, the ENSLAVEMENT of all Nations.
    THIS is obvious: the GOD BAAL the DEVIL is your God, and ye are a Talmudic JUDAISM'S APOSTASY!
    but, THEN, YOU WILL BE the FIRST JEW in MY LIFE, which will make THIS COMPLAINT, now, now!
    You disappear like a little bitch by ANSA, if, you won't be able to meet me!
    Kiev attende i rappresentanti della Croce Rossa Internazionale. I rappresentanti del Comitato internazionale della Croce Rossa (CICR​​) arriveranno oggi a Kiev per alcuni colloqui con il Governo sul futuro lavoro dell'organizzazione nell'est del Paese. L'ufficio stampa del CICR ​​a Ginevra ha comunicato che i rappresentanti sono Laurent Corbaz, Direttore del CICR ​​in Europa e in Asia, e Regis Savioz, vice Direttore delle operazioni del CICR.
In precedenza, durante il bombardamento del centro di Donetsk è morto un rappresentante della Croce Rossa, il 38 enne cittadino svizzero Laurent Etienne du Pasquier. L'organizzazione ha deciso di sospendere le operazioni in Ucraina per un paio di giorni per garantire la sicurezza dei dipendenti.
Per saperne di più:

Messianic Prophecies

TUTTO UN SOLO COMPLOTTO USA CIA TURCHIA ARABIA SAUDITA [ The Free Syrian Army (Arabic: الجيش السوري الحر , al-Jaysh as-Sūrī al-Ḥurr, FSA) is a group of defected Syrian Armed Forces officers and soldiers, No-comment Prigioniero Isis: "Sono stato reclutato e addestrato in Turchia" in un campo millitare del "free syrian army" PandoraTV Pubblicato il 30 dic 2015. Abdurrahman Abdulhadi, militante ISIS siriano, è stato imprigionato dalle Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) l'1 novembre 2015 nel villaggio di Heresta, nei pressi di Al-Hasakah, in Siria. L'intervista è stata condotta da un giornalista. accreditata da Sputnik in un prigione nel Rojava, in cui Abdurrahman Abdulhadi è attualmente detenuto. Video diffuso da Ruptly.
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ERDOGAN ] voi non avete capito niente! [ I SACERDOTI DI SATANA ESSENDO STATI SCONFITTI ORA DIPENDONO DA ME ] in che modo voi volete morire?
187AUDIOHOSTEM voleva rendermi colpevole, di peccato di concupiscenza e adulterio spirituale, e disse: "quello che l'occhio guarda il cuore desidera", COSì AVREBBE DISTRUTTO IL MIO MINISTERO POLITICO, ma, il fatto che io sono attratto dalle curve femminili, non vuol dire che io coltivo sentimenti di concupiscenza nel mio cuore! E LUI (la CIA ) PUò VEDERE QUELLO CHE I MIEI OCCHI GUARDANO, utilizzando le connessioni neuronali aliene che sono state poste nel mio cervello, MA, lui NON PUò VEDERE QUELLO CHE IL MIO CUORE DESIDERA!
i sacerdoti di satana della CIA avevano perso contro di me ogni confronto, e addirittura: Synnek1 era stato licenziato come Direttore generale di youtube, ed era diventato 187AudioHostem. per merito mio, ] EPPURE, NON SEMBRA AFFATTO CHE I SACERDOTI DI SATANA e della CIA, ABBIANO PERSO IL CONTROLLO DI YOUTUBE [ @Kerry, Rothschild, Bush, 322, 666 187AUDIOHOSTEM -- quanto sangue di porco, tu hai bevuto oggi? 187AUDIOHOSTEM [I Know Much About You Piece Of Shit]
UFuckWithWrongPerson ( lui è IHateNewLayout ) I love you pics ( vuol dire che, attraverso Le connessioni neuronali aliene, IMPIANTATE NEL MIO CERVELLO, lui può vedere attraverso i miei occhi e può percepire attraverso i miei sensi! )
non sono lo stupido cattivo che se la prende contro i banchieri che lavorano per portare uno stipendio a casa! me la prendo con gli azionisti SpA Banche Centrali, che hanno sputato contro la Bibbia e contro la Costituzione nella MASSONERIA! .. non potrete sfuggire all'ira dei popoli!
Erdogan, Salman, FED Merkel Obama NATO CIA FMI ] ORA è IL VOSTRO TURNO [ io ho visto il vostro satana trascinare la croce sul calvario monte, con la corona di spine in testa! ORA TOCCA A VOI! Van rumpuy his massonico valore ] MERKEL MOGHERINI RENZI [ alto tradimento NATO SpA Rothschild FED FMI NWO ] satana è dio mecca caaba
ISRAELE dear BLOGSPOT GOOGLE ] SOSTANZIALMENTE DICE SEMPRE [ firefox non risponde! ] sono i vampiri della CIA DATAGATE della NSA UK, LEGA ARABA, sono tutti a succhiare il mio pene cazzo ciola ADSL 100MB fibra ottica!
dear BLOGSPOT GOOGLE ] io ho cancellato tutti i cookies ed infatti la segnazione del tipo di errore è cambiato, non riesco ancora a mettere i tag! Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore. (bX-owt4t6)
IL BULLISMO DEL POTERE FINANZIARIO TECNOCRATICO MASSONICO E LA SOVVERSIONE DEMOCRATICA. 29.12.2015( Il primo ministro montenegriNo chiede la fiducia al Parlamento, ma non concede il referendum popolare per l'ingresso nella Nato
IO SONO L'OSSERVATORIO SUL MARTIRIO DEI CRISTIANI DA 30 ANNI, E SONO INDIGNATO DALLE AFFERMAZIONI DI QUESTA FEMMINA! QUALI LIBERTà RELIGIOSE ESISTONO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? QUANTI CRISTIANI SONO SOPRAVVISSUTI IN TURCHIA? NEW YORK, 30 DIC - L'Isis commette un genocidio contro i cristiani e le altre minoranze religiose in Medio Oriente. Lo afferma Hillary Clinton. "Sì. Lo chiamerò genocidio adesso", ha detto. "E lo farò perchè ora abbiamo prove sufficienti", ha proseguito: "Quello che sta succedendo adesso è genocidio, deliberatamente rivolto non solo a distruggere le vite umane, ma anche a cancellare l'esistenza dei cristiani e delle altre minoranze religiose in Medio Oriente, nei territori controllati dall'Isis".
INDIA NON HA IL CONCETTO DI DECORRENZA DEI TERMINI CARCERAZIONE PREVENTIVA. QUINDI STARANNO LI IN ETERNO. 29 DIC - Oltre cento militanti di Azione Nazionale hanno manifestato stamani davanti l'Ambasciata dell'India a Roma per chiedere la liberazione dei due sottoufficiali della Marina Italiana, Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone, il cui destino è da oltre 1.440 giorni in mano al governo di Nuova Delhi. I manifestanti hanno aperto uno striscione con su scritto "Marò Subito Liberi" e sei di loro si sono incatenati per protesta fuori la sede diplomatica indiana.
il regime massonico USA SPA FED NEOCONS, prevede di contrastare le libertà costituzionali dei propri parlamentari! ] QUINDI PER GLI USA I PROPRI PARLAMENTARI VANNO CONTRASTATI, CAPIAMO TUTTI CHE ISRAELE è IL NEMICO, DA ABBATTERE, MA VIOLARE LA SOVRANITà DEI PROPRI PARLAMENTARI è INCOSTITUZIONALE! [ NEW YORK, 30 DIC - Le intercettazioni della National Security Agency (NSA) dei leader stranieri hanno incluso anche conversazioni private tra alti ufficiali israeliani, tra cui il premier Benyamin Netanyahu, deputati al Congresso Usa e gruppi ebraici americani. Lo riferisce il Wall Street Journal che cita ex ed attuali funzionari Usa. Secondo la Casa Bianca - rivelano le fonti al giornale - le intercettazioni potevano essere valide per contrastare la campagna di Netanyahu contro l'accordo nucleare con l'Iran.
LEGIONE di zombies 666 Obama GENDER Darwin la scimmia ] TU STAI ZITTO E NON FIATARE!
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] [ ok, se non vuoi costruire 4 milioni di Chiese, tu mi devi costruire il TEMPIO EBRAICO e mi devi dare la MADIANA, per costruirlo!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] lo sanno tutti che, i santi martiri cristiani innocenti, si onorano, con il dedicare loro, la titolarità delle Chiese, e dalla maledetta apparizione, del vostro falso Profeta Maometto ad oggi? voi avete ucciso non meno di 40 milioni di martiri cristiani! E LORO HANNO AVUTO DA DIO LE CHIAVI DEL PARADISO! Quindi se vuoi entrare in Paradiso? ogni 10 martiri uccisi dai maomettani tu devi costruire una Chiesa!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] ovviamente, noi siamo infedeli, noi siamo idolatri, noi siamo la merda, il nostro dio non esiste, QUINDI NOI POSSIAMO COMPRARE, come schiavi che devono morire, DAI FARISEI I NOSTRI SOLDI AD INTERESSE! [ mentre al contrario ], voi siete i veri fedeli, non siete idolatri, non siete la merda, il vostro Dio e quello vero, e la vostra religione è l'unica religione giusta, ecco perché , anche voi POTETE COMPRARE DAI FARISEI I VOSTRI SOLDI AD INTERESSE, come schiavi che devono morire, DAI SALMAN VAFFANCULO BESTIA!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] che cosa? voi comprate ad interesse, come schiavi di Satana Bush il fariseo Rothschild, il vostro denaro, stampato dall'occhio di Lucifero FMI, piramide torre di Babilonia, e poi, con quel denaro che è il simbolo del demonio, poi, voi entrate in una Moschea del vostro idolo Allah la Cagna Troia! VOI MI FATE SCHIFO!
ALLAH il fetido ] se, il vostro Dio fosse vero? come voi potevate essere gli alleati dei sacerdoti di satana CIA NATO farisei massoni USA? non ci sono massoni anche tra di voi? in Turchia ci sono eccome! e poiché voi dichiarate che il vostro dio è il demonio, poi, lo sanno tutti .. NON SI FA PECCATO AD INSULTARE IL DEMONIO! se, poi, è per colpa vostra che io sto profanando il vostro dio? poi, questo è un peccato che, si aggiunge alla lista dei vostri peccati, che gridano "vendetta" presso il Trono di Dio, cioè, quando la coppa della sua ira sarà stata riempita contro di voi!
TURCHIA ARABIA SAUDITA ] ma, se come voi dite, Allah è il Dio di Abramo, POI, ABRAMO NON HA FATTO I VOSTRI DELITTI. Lui IL TOPO ALLAH, se la prenderà contro di me, che lo sto insultando per colpa vostra? voi avete profanato la sua santità! OPPURE SE LA PRENDERà CONTRO DI VOI? voi lo avete messo in mezzo ai demoni del gufo USA SPA FED, il vostro dio? voi lo avete fatto diventare un demonio, quindi io insulto il vostro demonio, e non c'è peccato ad insultare il demonio, infatti, tutti i delitti e crimini del gufo? anche il vostro dio li fa: come voi siete gli alleati del gufo al bohemian grove USA. QUINDI, VOI STATE BESTEMMIANDO IL VOSTRO DIO, NON IO! e se mi dite, noi stiamo ingannando il GUFO, perché noi siamo ISIS, Boko Haram ecc.. poi, sorgono problemi anche peggiori per il vostro dio di merda! Masonry is satanic Rothschild RELIGION TOPO ALLAH, DESERT IDOL LILIT MECCA CAABA SHARIA
TUTTI POSSONO OTTENERE L'INDIPENDENZA SE FUGGONO DALLA RUSSIA.. MA, C'è LA POSSIBILITà DI AVERE LA INDIPENDENZA PER FUGGIRE DALLA NATO? I CADAVERI IN DONBASS HANNO DETTO DI NO! l presidente della Serbia, da parte sua, ha dichiarato che Belgrado è rammaricata dal sostegno turco all'indipendenza del Kosovo. "È particolarmente doloroso per noi, quando i nostri amici promuovono l'indipendenza del Kosovo. Sto parlando anche della Turchia", — ha detto Nikolic:
E I SATANISTI ISLAMICI ERDOGAN NATO USA POLIZIOTTI DEL MONDO CHE DICONO? Nepal, violente proteste etnia Madhesi, Contro la nuova Costituzione che non tutela la minoranza
Salman Erdogan ARABIA SAUDITA, LEGA ARABA ] [ SUVVIA SIAMO SERI.. se Allah era un vero Dio, come voi potevate fare gli alleati degli USA FARISEI ROTHSCHILD TALMUD KABBALAH IL GUFO BAAL cannibali? lo sanno tutti che sono massoni GENDER DARWIN e sacerdoti di Satana, QUINDI allah potrebbe soltanto essere un demone topo assassino maligno ecc.. ecc.. VOI ANDRETE DISPERATI TUTTI ALL'INFERNO! ] però noi possiamo diventare tutti adoratori di JHWH, non è difficile, coraggio!
Abd Allah TOPO LILIT, DEMONE DEL DESERTO. Allah è soltanto un topo! SOLTANTO JHWH è VERO! ] BUSH 322 KERRY ROTHSCHILD ] da vivo, o meglio da morto? IO SO, sempre, voi DOVE SIETE! e non potrebbe mai esistere un vostro esercito di: alieni demoni fantasmi vampiri zombies, ecc.. che mai potrebbe essere un problema per me! [ COSA DI FOLLE CRIMINALE, SOPRANNATURALE, ESOTERICO MASSONICO, E SOPRATTUTTO DI IRRAZIONALE (PER GLI UMANI PUò SEMBRARE IL SATANISMO) SI DEVE FARE PER PORTARE SATANA, AD ESSERE ADORATO DA TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO? IL PROBLEMA DEGLI USA NON è LA RUSSIA, CINA, ECC.. O LA GUERRA MONDIALE, NO! IL LORO PROBLEMA SONO SOLTANTO IO: UNIUS REI: IL RE DI ISRAELE! IO NON POSSO ESSERE VINTO DA NESSUNO! COME DICE IL PROVERBIO: "IL POTERE E LA POTENZA SENZA IL CONTROLLO DIVENTERANNO UNA MINACCIA CONTRO DI TE! "Razzismo" occidentale e Stato Islamico sono gemelli siamesi.". 29.12.2015 ( What they say about USA. Lo Stato Islamico è una conseguenza. Il motivo della sua comparsa è stato il monopolio americano sul mondo, cresciuto dopo la fine dell'URSS e continuato per gli ultimi 25 anni:
BUSH 322 KERRY ROTHSCHILD ] da vivo o meglio da morto? IO SO, sempre, voi DOVE SIETE!
questo è l'insegnamento dogmatico, che un qualsiasi saudita di salafita wahhabita, darebbe oggi nei territori di guerra, che poi, loro i sauditi ammettono ancora oggi, lo sfruttamento di schiavi e schiave, perché questo è oggettivamente, sia il Corano che la sharia! Così è sempre stato e così sempre sarà, finché non verranno sterminati, tutti i salafiti come ERDOGAN! LONDRA, 29 DIC - L'Isis arriva a indicare regole su come violentare le 'schiave'. Il britannico Daily Mirror pubblica sul suo sito la 'fatwa' emessa in gennaio dallo Stato islamico con 15 'norme' introdotte dopo che i militanti dello Stato islamico si erano lasciati andare a terribili violenze nei confronti delle vittime. Ma il presunto 'regolamento' in realtà non fa che sottolineare il sadismo dell'Isis: viene proibito lo stupro di donne con le mestruazioni, incinte, o di due sorelle contemporaneamente.
Dio JHWH dispera di poter salvare gli USA, questa nazione così potentemente maledetta dagli omosessuali satanisti culto massoni farisei! Dio distruggerà gli USA completamente... è indispensabile che tutti coloro che appartengono al popolo di Dio escano fuori da questa Nazione MALEFICATA!
ISRAEL ] potrebbero essere stati angeli? non so dirlo! ma il tutto è stato fatto: in una frazione di secondo e con troppa precisa determinazione! [ qualcuno nel blog, mi ha fatto comparire, in un luogo del documento, da ma lasciato intenzionalmente senza commenti, che, questa posizione del post, doveva essere: necessariamente, senza commenti, un posto siramente pulito, sotto delle immagini: IN CODA, CIOè IN FONDO A TUTTO IL POST, che mi sarebbe servito in seguito, per un copia incolla, che avevo prospettato di fare, questo strano hacker MI HA FATTO EVIDENZIARE, in questa zona dove avevo cancellato tutto, DUE MIEI VECCHI COMMENTI: 1. IL PRIMO ARTICOLO, giustificava PUTIN per avere dato gli S300 all'IRAN, infatti lui ha paura di forze militarmente soverchianti, e non è stato lui il primo che ha armato fino ai denti i nazisti islamici, 2. ed IL SECONDO ARTICOLO: denunciava OBAMA, di avere ipocritamente fatto un accordo con CUBA e IRAN, al solo scopo, di farsi una immagine di pacifista, come a dire: 1. tutti i disastri nel mondo, 2. il gencidio di tutti i cristiani nel Medio Oriente, ecc.., 3. la diffusione della galassia jihadista, 4. e la stessa Guerra Mondiale Nucleare non potevano mai essere stati colpa mia, perché io sono un pacifista!
E NOI QUANDO IRRORIAMO SANZIONI ALLA TURCHIA PER AVERE COMPRATO IL PETROLIO DA ISIS? Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha firmato un decreto per l'attuazione di misure economiche speciali contro la Turchia. Lo ha reso noto il servizio stampa del Cremlino. Turchia non pagherà danni per l'abbattimento del bombardiere russo Su-24 in Siria
Le relazioni tra Mosca e Ankara si sono deteriorate dopo che le forze turche hanno abbattuto un aereo russo Su-24 in risposta a una presunta violazione dello spazio aereo turco. Il Su-24 era impegnato in un'operazione antiterrorismo della Russia in Siria.
è INDISPENSABILE DICHIARARE GUERRA ALLA NATO! 29.12.2015. Washington sta cercando un motivo per far saltare il vertice NATO fissato per l'anno 2016 a Varsavia. In questo modo gli USA intendono far capire alla Polonia che le sue azioni possono danneggiare i rapporti tra i due Paesi, dice l'ex capo della diplomazia polacca Grzegorz Schetyna:
16:19 Iraq, esercito iracheno ha catturato ministro delle Finanze del Daesh
 16:17 Reporter senza frontiere: 110 giornalisti uccisi nel 2015
 15:43 Iraq, esercito segnala cattura del “tesoriere” Daesh
 15:41 Summit NATO può saltare a causa della politica della Polonia
 15:13 Mosca: escalation in Ucraina evitata grazie alla Russia:
ANKARA, 29 DIC. un INQUIETANTE ISLAMICO NAZISTA SALMAN ERDOGAN SALAFITA CRIMINALE INTERNAZIONALE, MANDANTE DEL TERRORISMO MONDIALE ISLAMICO: LUI MI DEVE DIRE COSA è IL CONCETTO DELLA PIETà NEL SUO CORANO MECCA CAABA ISLAM ALLAH SHARIA, Il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan accusa il presidente siriano Bashar al Assad di aver ucciso "400.000 persone", "senza pietà". Erdogan ha poi affermato che alcuni Paesi "gettano benzina sul fuoco" sostenendo i combattenti curdo-siriani, che Ankara bolla come terroristi. ASSAD HA CONSERVATO 2000 ANNI DI CRISTIANESIMO CHE ERDOGAN CON CIA E NATO HANNO DISTRUTTO, E NON è STATO ASSAD, AD UCCIDERE 2MILIONI DI CRISTIANI SIRIANI!
cosa credevate che la Bibbia è una favola cattiva come il Corano? Caino oggi è Rothschild ed Abele oggi è ISRAELE, se volete che Satana sia il vostro Dio, è semplice: "uccidete Israele!"
IL SIGNIFICATO DI QUESTO SIMBOLO MONETARIO è TROPPO EVIDENTE: ROTHSCHILD HA DETTO AD ISRAELE: "BAAL è IL MIO DIO GUFO IMF MARDUK SPA JABULLON FED, ED IO HO PAGATO MOLTO DI PIù PER FARTI MORIRE, DI COME HO PAGATO PER FARTI VIVERE! adesso: TUTTE LE NAZIONI DEL MONDO DEVONO DIRE, SE STANNO CON ME O SE STANNO CON ROTHSCHILD ] [ TEL AVIV, 29 DIC - Riproduzioni di banconote da 100 dollari statunitensi con la sovrapposizione dell'effigie di Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi e con scritte inneggianti allo Stato islamico sono stati rinvenute in diverse localita' della Galilea, in prossimita' di Kiryat Shmona. Lo rende noto la polizia israeliana che ha aperto un'inchiesta. Per il momento, ha precisato una portavoce, non e' chiaro quale fosse la loro finalita' e non si ha notizia di arresti. ] [ ISRAELE è stata pagata come una troia, a servizio prostituzione, per ORE CONTATE vita SHARIA il mortale nazismo CIA shoah new Olocausto SPA ROTHSCHILD FED NWO
ISRAELE ] ovviamente, se avessi avuto una fiducia il blogspot al 100%? io non mi sarei messo a costruire prove un mese fa!

OUTSTANDING: 332 Messianic Prophecies.
[[Edition to care of Prof. Lorenzo SCAROLA. Intellectual property rights are of the respective authors cited starting with Jesus of Bethlehem That is Been the first to expose this teaching of his disciples Emaus. Punctuation is functional to the work of translators MULTILINGUAL machines. THANK YOU for the understanding! ]] The only scientific evidence That of Jesus Bethlehem is God! [God or the Catholic Church not make of religious terrorism of like "if you want to go to Heaven you have to necessarily be a Christian!" God is love then who is universal love it will be saved to apart from those That may be his religious choices! But not to CASE NONE of BE an ADMINISTRATOR and UNGRATEFUL dishonest about the gifts received THAT thou not that is the villain HAS TAKEN BY ALL KNEW selfishly MA That not HAS KNEW give back to others the gift of though! Why God YHWH Has you because the Universe you Has given his Son of Jesus Bethlehem on the Cross etc... then you also have to learn to give something back of you to the company! not is That enough you give something you have to give something of yourself then: Make of thy heart an That bread others That all those they are hungry they can eat! ] [For the statistical science of the POSSIBILITY fraudulent can realize only 37 of these prophecies is of one in 100000000000000000. Josh McDowell ["A Ready Defense" (Nashville Tennessee: Thomas Nelson 1993) p. 210] reports these extraordinary chance: "In order for a person to fulfill 48 of these prophecies the number becomes staggering: 1 in 10 chance: the centocinquantasettesima power (1 followed by 157 zeros). Add to this the other prophecies and 250 it becomes impossible for any person except that for God to be able to correspond to that particular sequence of times and events.
LAMB of GOD: 332 fulfilled prophecies for impress! HERE'S WHAT prophesied by: 500: to first of 1600 years Christ said of Jesus Bethlehem.
"The fulfillment of all the prophecies he said with Pascal right is an perpetual miracle and not no need of for other evidence recognize the divinity of the Christian religion."

* The Messiah would be born from the seed of Abraham; Isaac; Jacob;
* The Messiah would be descended from Judah; born to Bethlehem; in the house of David;
* It would be supernaturally born of a virgin to Bethlehem but That would have been called the Nazaneno "Nezer"!
* They would have been forced to flee to Egypt; there would be a massacre of the innocents; preceded by a star adored by the Magi;
* The Messiah would preach in Galilee and at the Jordan;
* Christ would have been dismissed from his the same people;
* Descendant of Christ Jesse father of David would show an unusual character;
* It would be entered triumphantly on an donkey to Jerusalem.
* State would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver; from his best friend That he would kill himself That would have thrown the money (thirty pieces of silver) in the Temple and That with that money Caiaphas the High Priest would have bought the field of Potter!
* That was foretold that money (thirty pieces of silver) would be bloody;
* It would have been accused by false witnesses; and would have been abandoned by his friends!
* He would have been in when silence would have accused him during the show trial;
* That you would be offered voluntarily for the sins of the human race;
* That would have been scourged (unusual for who was crucified); and with the crucifix common criminals;
* David That he specified and the hands the feet would be pierced;
* It would have been mocked and insulted mocked by the people;
* That would have had the shame of nakedness; and would have been killed by the pagans;
* That would have given him to drink gall and vinegar;
* That the cost would have been pierced by a spear (Zacharias);
* That would have pulled to the fate of her tunic; * Not they would have broken any bone (unusual);
* That there had to be two nights in an day (of eclipse the sun) in the day of the her death (unusual);
* It would have been buried in the tomb of an rich (unusual);
* David declared her resurrection after her death;
* David That said would ascend to heaven;
* That on his the message would reach the ends of the earth;
* That would have been destroyed the Jewish Temple (Daniel)
Bible Study on Messianic Prophecies ("project Haeven") According to the prophecy the Messiah must:
41.- Being thirsty during the execution of the her condemned to death].
 In Prophecy Tanach: Old Testament
Psalm. 22:15: My strength is dried up as terra cotta and my tongue sticks to the palate; you lay me in the dust of death.
Fulfillment in New Testament:
John 19:28: After this Jesus knowing That all things were now accomplished that the scripture might be fulfilled said "I thirst."
Drinking vinegar for 42.- satisfy the thirst].
 In Prophecy Tanach: Old Testament.
Psalm 69:21: They put gall in my food and they gave me vinegar to drink for quench my thirst.
Fulfillment in New Testament:
Matthew 27:34: And they gave him a drink of wine mixed with gall.
43.- Dying without any broken bone].
 In Prophecy Tanach: Old Testament
Exodus. 12:46: shall it be eaten for all in a home. not take away nothing of the her and meat not not even an the broken bone. Psalm 34:20: He keeps all his bones; not if it breaks even one.
Fulfillment in New Testament:
John 19: 33_36 but came to Jesus they saw him already dead and not break his legs but one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear and immediately there came out blood and water. That he the HAS seen it HAS testified and the her testimony is true; That and he knows he tells the truth that you also may believe. Because this is the case was to fulfill the Scripture: "No bones of he will be broken."
To be considered an 44.- the offender].
In Prophecy Tanach: Old Testament Old Testament
Isaiah 53:12: has given himself to death and is Been numbered with the transgressors.
Fulfillment in New Testament:
Matthew. 27:38: Then were crucified with him two robbers one to and right the other to left.
-------------------------------------------------- ----
45.- be put to death and no one will be for Him].
In Prophecy Tanach: Old Testament:
Daniel 9:26: After an sixty-two weeks and shall Messiah be cut off but not for him.
Fulfillment in New Testament:
Romans 5:16: Regarding the gift not what happens That is in the case case of one that HAS sin; because after one trespass the judgment is become conviction while the gift becomes justification after many transgressions.
1 Peter 3:18: Christ Has too once suffered for the sins the righteous for the unjust for to lead us to God.
He was put to death as to / in the flesh but made ​​alive in the Spirit.
-------------------------------------------------- --------
46.- Be the One whose death would atone for the sins of the mankind].
In Prophecy Tanach: Old Testament Isaiah 3: 5 to 7.12:
He is Been wounded to because of our transgressions crushed to because of our iniquities; punishment for we have peace is dropped out of him and by his stripes we are healed. We had all gone astray as sheep each of us we turned to his own way; but the LORD HAS laid on of him the iniquity of us we all. Oppressed and he was afflicted not he opened his mouth. as the lamb led to the slaughter as a sheep dumb before to who the shearer he not opened his mouth. Therefore I will give in the great he shall divide the spoil with the many because Has given himself to death and is Been numbered with the transgressors; because he HAS bore the sin of many and HAS interceded for the guilty.
Fulfillment in New Testament:
Mark 10:45: For even the Son of not man is came for to be served but for serve and for give her life as price of ransom for many. John 1:29 Behold the Lamb of God
who takes away the sin of the world. v 3:16 Why Has God so loved the world
Has that given his the only begotten Son that whoever believes in he not perish
but have everlasting life. Acts 8: 3233: Now the passage of the Scripture That he read was this:
"He is Been led to the slaughter as a sheep; and as an lamb That is to mute front That he his shearer
so he not HAS open your mouth. In her humiliation he was removed from the trial.
Who can describe her generation. Because her life is taken from the earth. "
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
47.- be buried with the rich].
In Prophecy Tanach: Old Testament
Isaiah 53: 9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked but in her death he is Been with the rich not because he had done no violence none there was no deceit in her mouth.
Fulfillment in New Testament:
Matthew 27: 57-60: And when it was evening it was an of a rich man Arimathea named Joseph who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. These appearing to Pilate asked for the body of Jesus. Pilate commanded That the body to be given. Joseph took the body wrapped it in an clean linen cloth and set him in his own new tomb That he had hewn out in the rock. Then he rolled a great stone to the door of sepulcher and departed.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
48.- resurrect from the dead].
In Prophecy Tanach: Old Testament
 Isaiah 53:10: After giving her life in sacrifice for the sin he shall see his offspring and prolong his days and the work of the LORD shall prosper in his hands. Psalm 2: 7 Has my Lord said: "Thou art my son this day have I begotten thee."
Psalm 16:10 because thou not you will leave my soul in of power death neither wilt That your Holy One see decay.
Fulfillment in New Testament:
Matthew. 28: 1-20: After the Sabbath toward the dawn of the first day of the week Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher. And behold there was an great earthquake; because an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat upon it the his appearance was as of and lightning the her as white as snow. and Jesus came and spake unto them saying "All power is I Been in fact heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Son and of the HOLY Spirit YHWH teaching them to observe all things whatsoever That there HAS controlled.

And behold I are with you always until the end of the present age. "Acts 2: 23-36: This man when it was given in for hands the determinate counsel and to the foreknowledge of God you for of hand unequal crucified and slain; but God raised him. (...) This Jesus God Has resuscitated; of what we are all witnesses. Being therefore exalted by the right hand of God and having received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit Has That hath shed forth this and now you see hear. For David is not is in rose sky; yet he himself says: "The Lord Has said to my Lord:" Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies for your footstool. '"Therefore know with certainty all the house of Israel That God Has made ​​him both Lord and Christ this Jesus That you crucified. "

Acts 13: 33-37: God has fulfilled this for us we their children by raising Jesus as also is written in the second psalm 'You are my Son this day have I begotten thee. "Since the HAS raised from the dead in That way not to have more go to decomposition Has God said so: "I will give you the holy and faithful promises made to David." In fact he says elsewhere: "You not That wilt your Holy One see decay." Now David having done the will of God in her generation he is asleep and is Been combined with his fathers and on his body is decomposed; but the one That God Has raised not HAS suffered decomposition.
1 Cor. 15: 4-8: that he was buried; That is Been rose again the third day according to the scriptures; That appeared to Peter then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more of five hundred brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto life and some are dead. Then he appeared to James then to all the apostles; and last of all he appeared also to me as abortion. (Taken from the Jewish New Testament of David Stem)
Deo Gratias. THANK YOU for Benny Hinn THIS his WORK.
LE 332 Messianic prophecies of L 'Old Testament.
In the Old Testament we find many prophecies That concerning the time of the appearance of Messiah to her life his earthly ministry. to hand to hand That the years went by God by the sacred writers added to special particular until - as an and big beautiful mosaic - the Messiah and to her the work was so well described by be perfectly recognizable to every person sincerely in search of the truth. Here are described in schematically the steps Messianic most important. In the Gospels and especially Matthew (who writes for his fellow Jews) he continually makes reference to the fulfillment of the ancient Messianic prophecies in the life of Jesus Christ:

1 The lineage of Christ]].
 in Genesis 3:15 in the first promise of an Salvatore made ​​to Adam and Eve after the sin the Messiah the future is simply defined as "the seed of the woman" (where the woman according to the biblical terminology is understood as "people of God") That will crush the head of the serpent (Satan) and will win coming from him though wounded in the heel (the Devil would have resulted in the death of Salvatore). When God called Abraham to come out of her for earth go in an "That country I will show you" also pointed out: "In thee shall be blessed all the families of the earth" (Genesis 12: 1-3 - L). This step is as has always been understood the messiah; In fact in That and how Abraham the her the offspring would be a source of blessing for the whole world if not to because of That promised Messiah would be born from the line of descendant of the patriarch Shem son of Noah? in Genesis 49:10 we find That while Jacob gives her blessing to the twelve sons of the first die it provides an important clarification: "He That and give the rest to whom obedience of the nations" would be an descendant of the tribe of Judah. in Jeremiah 23: 5-6 / 33: 14-16 it should be noted that of all the families of Judah is that of King David That would have had the privilege of count among his descendants the "Bud right "who" will be called: the LORD our Righteousness "that all Jews identified with the long-awaited Messiah.

2. birth to Bethlehem]].
 The text of the prophet Micah (5: 1-2) is very precise as to the place of of birth of the Anointed One the Lord: "But you O Bethlehem Ephrathah... That one will come out to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth are from of old from everlasting... "(L - see. Matthew 2: 3-6).

3 The forerunner John the Baptist]].
 Isaiah 40: 3-5 and Malachi 3: 1 heralded the appearance of an "precursor" as described by the prophet Isaiah "a voice crying in the desert prepare the way of Lord Make straight in the desert a highway for our God... "(P - see. Matthew 3: 3). God then define through the prophet Malachi as "my messenger" that "prepares the way to the front me" (cf. Matthew 11: 9-10).

4 Born of a virgin]].
 Isaiah 7:14 says That and a young virgin would conceive give birth to n son of name Immanuel. The archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary (cf.. Matthew 1:23) after having commanded of call the child Jesus (which means "Yahweh saves") recalls the prophecy of Isaiah. Obviously the name 'Immanuel' had to be taken for the his etymological meaning (very important for the Semitic peoples) in fact 'Emmanuel' means "God with us we" God in person was for to be born as a man in the world!

5 It would have been the Son of God]].
 in Psalm 2: 7 we read: "And the LORD said unto me Thou art my Son today have begotten thee" (L). in Acts 13:33 and Hebrews 1: 5.5: 5 the apostle Paul applies this psalm to Christ. in Matthew 22: 41-46 we find Jesus That raises questions of the Pharisees asked them who had to be descending the promised Messiah. The Pharisees respond without hesitation That would be the "son" of David which is supposed to be of ancestry "royal". This had already predicted Balaam shortly after the exodus of Israel from Egypt: "I see him but not now I look at it but not from near: a star moves from Jacob a scepter rises from Israel... "(Numbers 00:17 - P). Christ replica then the doctors of the law quoting Psalm 110: 1 That he said "The LORD says to my Lord: 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet' (ND). Then asks: "If David then call him Lord how is He his son?" (L). Pharisees not knew what to say: that the Master wanted understood the her ancestry "human" by David but also that God from God himself.

6 The Flight into Egypt and the massacre of the innocents]].
Hosea 11: 1 is an step in which speaks of God the chosen people saying: "From out of Egypt I called my son" (L) while Jeremiah 31:15 refers to women of Judea That mourn their sons killed during the siege of the Babylonians: "a voice was heard in Ramah an and lament an and bitter weeping Rachel weeping for her children and refuses of be comforted..." (L).
How many books of the Old Testament these verses have an double meaning: a contemporary historian or for an and an imminent messianic future. We are unsure why in his gospel Matthew (2: 15.18) makes the application referring to the return from the Flight into Egypt of the family of Jesus and perpetrated the massacre of the innocents by Herod That wanted to eliminate the Messiah.

7 Date of and baptism of death]].
 in the book of prophet Daniel (9: 24-27) we find a great Messianic prophecy That stated the date of the beginning of the public ministry of Christ That coincided with the his baptism and the date of death. Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are fixed for your people and for your holy city
to put an end to impiety put the seals sins make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness seal up vision and prophecy and anoint the Holy of Holies. 25 and Sappi you mean well since the word went out on the return and the rebuilding of Jerusalem to up an the Prince there shall be seven weeks. During sixty-two weeks will be restored rebuilt and squares ditches and in this troublesome times. 26 After sixty-two weeks an Messiah shall be cut no-fault him; the people of an prince That will destroy the city and the sanctuary; to her the end will be a flood and till the end and war desolations decreed. 27 He will tighten a strong covenant with many for one week and in the space of mid-week will cease the sacrifice and the offering; of the wing the temple will place the abomination of the desolation and it will be until the end until the end marked on the desolate. "

8. miracles]].
Isaiah 35: 5-6 speaks of the great and many miracles That would have made ​​of the Anointed One the Lord of Miracles where it is said in all the Gospels. Isaiah 35: 5-6. 5 Then will the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. 6 Then will the lame leap as an deer cry out of joy of the language mute because water will emerge in desert streams in the desert.

9 He spoke parables]].
Psalm 77: 2 I will open my mouth in a parable the mysteries of ancient times. Promises to be a habit of expose the teachings parables That Jesus actually used much in of course his earthly ministry. When asked by his disciples why of this her habit the Savior quoted an step of Isaiah 6: 9-10 That put in emphasize the hardness of heart of the people of Israel That "heard with the ears but not included looked without seeing... ". in practice Jesus implies That spoke parables because only those who had an sincere seeker of the deep spiritual truths are bothered of deepen the symbolic meaning of that That said the Master. Isaiah 6.9. He said "Go 'and referring to this people Hear ye indeed but understand not; observed as well but without knowing. 10 Make the heart of this people foul and hard of hearing blind his eyes and not see with the eyes nor hear with ears nor understand with the heart. nor is converted into so as to be healed. "

10 He lived in Galilee]].
Isaiah 8: 9.23: 1 speaks of the glory That he would see that land of Israel to because of the presence of the Messiah. Isaiah 8:23. because not there will be no darkness where he now is anguish. in the past he humbled the land of and Zebulun land of Naphtali but in make glorious the way of the future sea beyond the Jordan and the curve of the Gentiles. Isaiah 9: 1 That the people walked in darkness have seen a great light; That on those they lived in the land of gloom a light has shone. (see. Matthew 4: 12-16). Matthew 4: 12-16. (12 Having learned That the meantime John had been arrested he withdrew to Galilee 13 And leaving Nazareth he came to live in Capernaum by the sea in the territory of and Zebulun of Naphtali 14 because it that fulfilled what had been said for half of the prophet Isaiah: 15 the country of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali the way of sea of there of Jordan Galilee of the people; 16 the people which sat in Has darkness saw a great light on those That in dwelling land and shadow of death a light is doffing.

11 It would have been light and salvation for all the nations]].
Isaiah 42: 6. "I the Lord Has called for justice and you Has taken for hand; I Has formed and established as alliance of people and light of the nations 7 to open the eyes for the blind and to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon from the prison those That live in darkness.
Isaiah 49: 6. I said "That is too little you should be my servant for restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back the survivors of Israel. But I make you a light of the nations so that my salvation to the ends of the earth. "
Isaiah 56: 8. Oracle of Lord God That gathers the dispersed of Israel: "I will gather still his prisoners besides those already gathered."
Speaks of the fact that of the Anointed the Lord would be a light for all nations of the world and not only for the people of Israel. Simeon a devout man who warned by the Spirit he recognized in Jesus newly born That the Messiah awaited for a long time he spoke of as He of the "Light for lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel "(Luke 2:32 - L).

12 The cornerstone]].
Psalm 118: 22-23. and Isaiah 28:16. Thus says the Lord God: "Behold I lay a stone in Zion a stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation: he that believeth not falter. spoke of an the foundation laid by the Lord of a cornerstone solid and precious That however would have been rejected. Jesus applies to these steps himself (cf.. Matthew 21:42 and parallels) and Jesus said to them "Have you never read in the scriptures The stone That the builders rejected is become the cornerstone ; the Lord is Been done that and is wonderful in our eyes?. Again epistles talk about it.

13 Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem]].
Zechariah 9: 9-11 read: "... Your king is coming to you he is right and victorious humble and mounted on an ass above an the foal of a donkey..." (L ).
Psalm 8: 2. Oh Lord our Lord how is big is your name in all the earth above the heavens you exalted your majesty. 3 with the lips of children and of infants affirm your power against your opponents for to silence enemies and rebels.]] Spoke of the praise out of the mouth of children. Both these things were fulfilled when Jesus a week before of the her death entered triumphantly into Jerusalem mounted on of an the foal of a donkey while the children around to he shouted "Hosanna to the Son of David Blessed is he That is in the name of Lord Hosanna in the highest "(L - see Matthew 21).

14 It would be hated without reason]].
In Psalm 69: 478 David spoke of hatred of which he was subject for no reason. This step was also messianic as many other psalms. John 15: 24-25 [applies this text to Christ]. 24 If not I'd done in half to their works That Has anyone else ever did not they would have no sin; now they have seen and have hated both me and my Father. 25 This was to fulfill the word written in their Law: 'They hated me without reason.

15 It would have been betrayed by an friend]].
Always an psalm of David (Psalm 41: 9) it was said: "Even with the man who was living in peace... that ate my bread Has lifted up his heel against to me. "(L). in John 13:18 applies this same text to the betrayal of Judas. Jesus announces the betrayal of Judas (Mt 26: 21-25; Mr 14: 18-21; Lu 22: 21-23) "I do not speak of all of you; I know those That Has chosen; but because the scripture may be fulfilled: "He That eat my bread Has raised against of me on his heel."

16 predicted the anguish of first of Christ death]].
Psalm 22: 11-15 is one of the Messianic psalms for excellence. Vv. 11-15 is predicted the anguish That would have grasped the idea of Christ separation from the Father to because of of sin That world weighed in on of Him.
Psalm 22: 11-15. Not 11 get away from me for trouble is close and not there's no one That help me. 12 Many bulls have surrounded me strong bulls of Bashan have surrounded me; 13 they open their mouths wide against of me as an and ravening roaring. 14 are poured as water and all my bones are dislocated; my heart is as That wax melts in the midst of my bowels. 15 My strength is you parched as an earthenware and clay my tongue is attached to the roof of my mouth; you lay me in the dust of death.

17 It would have been abandoned by the disciples]].
In Matthew 26:31 we read That Jesus foreseeing the terror That he would escape all the disciples we apply a prophecy in Zechariah 13: 7: Awake O sword against my shepherd against the man That is my companion. Oracle of the Lord of hosts. Smite the shepherd and both scattered the flock I will turn my hand upon the weak.]] "Then Jesus said unto them All ye Tonight a chance of me fall because is written: 'I will strike the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will be scattered. '"(L).

18. and thirty shekels the field of the potter]].
In Zechariah 11: 12-13 we find an amazing prophecy which God himself speaks through the prophet saying: "If you think good give me my wages and if not forbear. So they weighed for my wages thirty shekels of silver. and the LORD said unto me Cast it for the potter that magnificent price at which they valued me from! and I took the thirty shekels of silver and threw them into the house of the LORD for the potter. "(L). in Matthew 27: 9-10 is cited this prophecy. We know That Judas betrayed the Master for that figure. Then realizing of That what he had done he threw the thirty pieces of silver in the temple. The Pharisees said to him "There is lawful to put them in darling of the offers because they are the price of blood. And they took counsel and bought with the scope of that money potter of serve to bury strangers." (Matthew 27: 6-7 - L).

19 The abuse]].
Isaiah 50: 6/53: 7 Predicts That the Son of God would have been ill-treated the description of which is found in all the last chapters of the Gospels. [[Isaiah 50: 6. HAS my back to the smiters and my cheeks to those That I pulled out my beard; not HAS face away and the insults spitting. Isaiah 53: 7. Oppressed and he was afflicted and not opened her mouth; was as lamb led to the slaughter as of dumb sheep before its shearers and not opened her mouth.

20. taunts]].
In Psalm 22: 7-8 reads: "All That they see me mock of me and lengthen the lip they shake the head saying He is entrusted LORD let Him deliver him the helpers because like it. "in Matthew 27: 39-43 we read these same words with sarcasm by the doctors of the law and by the elders of the Jewish people before the cross.

21 His suffering and the atoning death]].
In one of the most touching distance of the Old Testament and of the whole Bible Isaiah (52:13. Behold my servant shall prosper will be honored and exalted very exalted. 14. as many were astonished of him for he was so disfigured than any man his appearance and other than the her form more than the sons of the man so they will marvel of 15 he many nations and kings to the front he shall shut their mouths because they see an never told them they did and will understand what that never had heard.) (Isaiah cap.53 read the whole chapter) the messianic prophet described the anguish ill-treatment and the atoning death of Salvatore. Also prophesied that it would have been buried in the tomb of an rich (Isaiah 53: 9. They gave him a burial with the wicked with the rich man in his death although not had done no violence neither was any deceit in her mouth.) as in fact happened because Jesus had been buried in the tomb of a new wealthy Joseph of Arimathea.

22 The death on the cross carved up the garments]].
Again in Psalm 22: 16-18 we spoke of "the hands and feet pierced" of divisions of clothes and of to throw the fate of a dress. All this came to pass in so amazing death of Christ when the Roman soldiers after they had crucified him they divided his garments as was the custom then. Psalm 22:16. For dogs have surrounded me; a bevy of I Has evildoers surrounded; I have pierced my hands and the feet. 17 I can count all my bones; and they look at me look at me. 18 They divide my garments among them and to pull lots for my clothing. ] Fulfillment [John 19: 23-24 quoting this psalm That precise the soldiers seeing That the tunic of Jesus was seamless and therefore of good workmanship they decided of pull it to have arisen between them.

23. vinegar to drink and of death heartbreak]].
Psalm 69: 20-21 spoke of broken heart pain] Psalm 69:20. Reproach Has broken heart and are full of heaviness; Has who waited to comfort me but in vain; Has who waited to comfort me but not there was none. 21 I have instead given gall for food and for thirst they gave me to drink of the vinegar.]... That you think it was this death of Jesus: That in fact Pilate marveled was dead so hurry since that the torment of the cross had been designed especially for last for many hours. in psalm also speaks of gall and vinegar offered to drink (cf.. Matthew 27: 333448).

24 "My God my God why have you forsaken me?" ]].
In Psalm 22: 1 we find the same phrase That Jesus spoke of before expire feeling separate from the Father of of he weighed all the sins of and the world just that earned him death (cf.. Matthew 27:46).

25 No bones would have been broken]].
In Exodus 24:46 The lamb must be eaten in a single house; not you will bring nothing of her the meat out of home and not they break a bone. and Numbers 9:12 not I will leave any of it until the morning and not nor break a bone. The celebrated according to all the ordinances of the Passover.
Among other instructions relating to Easter we find the prescription of eat lamb without breaking any bones. Now we know That the Passover in addition to remember the passage (from the meaning of the word 'Easter') from slavery to freedom in Israel also prefigured the atoning sacrifice of the promised Messiah. The Roman soldiers came - as it was in use - for break his bones of the legs and hasten death because it was for starting on Saturday they found him already dead and not touched him except pierce his side with for a spear make sure of once death (cf.. John 19:36 That in fact cites the two passages of the Old Testament mentioned above).

26. not would suffer the decomposition of the death]].
We read in Psalm 16:10: "Why do you not leave my soul in Sheol (= grave) and not That wilt your SANTO see corruption" (ND).
In Acts 2: 2731 / Acts 13: 35-37 apply this passage to the resurrection of Christ whose body not suffered the physical consequences of death.

27 The Ascension]].
In Psalm 24: 7-10. 7 O gates lift up your pediments; and ye everlasting doors stand up; and the King of glory shall come. 8 Who is this King of glory? is the LORD strong and powerful
the LORD mighty in battle. 9 Oh doors lift up your pediments;
stand up O everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come. 10 Who is this King of glory? is the LORD of hosts; he is the King of glory. [Pause]
Psalm 68:18 we find foretold the ascension of Christ to heaven after his resurrection.
Psalm 68:18 Thou hast ascended on high leading prisoners have you received gifts from men even from the rebels for to here your dwelling O LORD God. Psalm 68:18 Thou hast ascended on high you've done captivity captive thou hast received gifts among men even among the rebels so that you O LORD God might dwell there. (see. Acts 1: 9 / Ephesians 4: 7-8).

28. her priestly work in sky]].
In Zechariah 6: 12-13 That are specified the Messiah called "Bud" held in priestly work the Temple of God. Zechariah 612-13
12. shall speak: Thus says the Lord of hosts Behold an That man his name is Bud: break forth from itself and will rebuild the temple of the Lord. 13 Yes he will rebuild the temple of the Lord he will receive the glory he will sit by the sovereign on his the throne.
 Just read the epistle to the Hebrews for finding explained everything.

332 Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament.
Introduction: for be able to deal in particular of the Messianic prophecy must be stated first some considerations on the formation of the Old Testament (AT) and on her transmission up to us.

The OT was written in a space of overruling the time 1100 years; ie from the time of Moses 1500 BC (BC) approximately until the time of the prophet Malachi 420 BC about.
Reading the AT arouse deep feeling and desire the ardent expectation of an the future Savior the Anointed One the Messiah (= the king consecrated the sacred anointing) That should eliminate the problems of background of humanity and in everlasting righteousness. This promised Messiah is described in every detail in the writings of the AT. But surprise find in many books of the AT statements concerning an "suffering Messiah" That had to be hated rejected and killed in cruel way from his the same people while he would suffer for the sins of a lot of. On the other hand the Old Testament speaks of an 'triumphant Messiah "That to her coming must establish an glorious reign of peace for the whole world. The apparent paradox is of easy solution if you think That these two different descriptions illustrate two appearances of the same Messiah but concern for different events different times.
The prophecies of 'triumphant Messiah "still concern the future; while those of 'suffering Messiah "had already past their full performance.

It is in this respect of most of 330 prophecies very accurate and truly differentiated. in the following pages will be conclusively demonstrated and on historical grounds That these prophecies are literally fulfilled in Jesus of Annunciation Nazareth historical character. But first he has to be exposed as be truly impossible That these prophecies are included in falsifications later period.
In the years 1947 and following were discovered in numerous caves of Qumran on the Dead Sea Biblical manuscripts That raised in unspeakable wonder all over the world. These manuscripts That in part dating back to the years preceding the Christian era contain all the books of the AT with the exception of the book of Esther. Since a large part of is located in the Messianic prophecies book of seer Isaiah the discovery of an full roll of this prophet took the utmost importance. The text is written on parchment of of leather goat in not Jewish vocalized. The roll consists of 15 pieces of skin sewn together is long and 7.34 meters 26 centimeters wide. On his extraordinary degree of conservation is really stunning.

Professor Andre Lamorte writes to purpose of the age of this text: "The complete scroll of Isaiah is now considered and finally copied the first of the Christian era. The opinions of the experts of the subject dating vary generally between the beginning of and the 1st century the end of the 2nd century BC "1
Since all of the messianic prophecies of a book of Isaiah found in this roll is absolutely impossible to doubt of their genuineness.
Now this scroll is located in possession of the young State of Israel. It was also photographed size and published for in full. Therefore in this form is now available for all interested parties in a book "Scrolls from Qumran Cave I" [2].

The genuineness of the Messianic prophecies in the other books of the AT it can also be demonstrated with the manuscripts of the Dead Sea. Frank Moore Cross writes in his book "The ancient library of and Qumran biblical science" That by the discovery of the manuscripts Qumran makes it impossible to believe an any book of the prophets of the front or rear (to say nothing of all of the Pentateuch) later wrote of the early years of 2nd century aC3. Front of the prophets are part of the books of Joshua Judges 1 and 2 and Samuel and 1 2 Re; rear of the books of the prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Haggai Zechariah and Malachi. The Pentateuch includes the five books of Moses. with what appears in glaring That way no step of these books can still be put in no doubt. As in will be recalled later also many Messianic prophecies contained in the Psalms must be drawn particular attention on the discovery of manuscript of an Psalter dating from the 2nd century BC [4]

Of the book are the prophet Daniel came to light numerous fragments. for half of the palaeography an the manuscript of the cave is IV Been dated to the end of 2nd century BC [4 °]

1. not messianic prophecies are found only in the prophets but also in the Law of Moses and in other writings of the AT.
2 There must be a difference between the prophecies which: a) God speaks of his the Messiah; b) men speak of the Messiah or c) talk about the Messiah himself.
3 Many prophecies of the AT are written not only over time but also the future using the past perfect or remote for thus accentuating the security of the Fulfillment of these prophecies. It is exactly of so-called "prophetic perfect." This expression is an "terminus technicus" particular to the Hebrew grammar. [9 °]
4 The "suffering Messiah" and the "triumphant Messiah" can be found in an and only the same step of the AT.

5 The author of the Messianic prophecy is Yahweh the God of the Bible. On his That name means HE AND 'THE ETERNAL ONE That or not MUTA. It is therefore always of the designation of the Being for and excellence in absolute sense. He not is subject to the changes of the past present and future so he could with the her foreknowledge of or things to come to introduce the future to his prophets so infallible.

The free will and the freedom of the decision of the man and to her correlative responsibility not to be excluded because of the messianic prophecy not because Yahweh the HAS predestined but only preconosciute. So the Bible speaks of the "prognosis" of God (see 1 Peter 1: 2 and also Romans 8:29) that is of the foreknowledge of the foreknowledge of God.

6 The [New Testament] That show by means of the Messianic prophecy can be "proven" in the true sense of the word That of Jesus Nazareth is the Messiah foretold. In Acts 9:22 is said of Paul and in of the Acts of the Apostles 18:28 Apollo That they have applied to Jews this kind of demonstration of the Christian faith. in the first case is used the original text the word "symbibazo" and in accordance with the word "deiknymi." "Symbibazo" means a demonstration by logical conclusions drawn from a quantity of material brought to demonstrations. "Deiknymi" means a test done with a clear and exposure clear the grounds of demonstration.

It can never be emphasized enough That no religion other than Christianity Biblical knows an this kind of conclusive proof!
First chapter]
[The time of the coming of Messiah: The weeks of years the prophet Daniel.
The ninth chapter of prophet Daniel is of great importance for the Bible prophecy. in that chapter was named the exact moment of the coming of Messiah of the Anointed One as Chief.
The meaning of the expression "weeks of years"
The word "Shabua 'used in corresponds exactly to the Hebrew word" Eptade. "It designates a "composition of seven" or a "unit of seven."
In the context of Daniel 9 the word "Shabua" That otherwise also indicates a week of seven days it can only have the meaning of a "Eptade of years."
For the Jews of AT count weeks years or not was not new. Already in the Law of Moses God commanded the people of Israel of counting with an cycle of weeks of years. Every seven years the land was to be left uncultivated and every seven times seven years was to be celebrated on the feast of Jubilee (see Leviticus 25: 1-7 8-13).

Historical background].
In the year 606 B.C. and following the king Nebuchadnezzar brought the Jews into captivity to Babylon. Jerusalem the magnificent city was completely destroyed the temple of God and the palaces were razed or burned (see 2 Chronicles 36).
The exile of the Jews lasted seventy years as Jeremiah had foretold (Jeremiah 25: 11-12). Daniel found himself among the captives and then as well worked in this time as prophet.
The date of the decree of the rebuilding of Jerusalem.
From the first verse of the ninth chapter of Daniele is That the following prophecy in view of Messiah dates from the year 536 BC (The year of kingdom of king of the Medes Darius son of Ahasuerus (= approx 536 BC) an then in time when Jerusalem lay destroyed.
In verses 25 and 26 we read: "Know therefore and you mean! From the moment that is out of order and to restore rebuild Jerusalem until the appearance of an Anointed (Messiah) of an Chief you are and seven weeks 62 weeks. It will be restored and rebuilt and squares walls but troublesome times. After 62 weeks an Anointed One will be cut off but not for him. and the people of the prince That will destroy the city and the sanctuary... "(Version in Elberfeld Germany and Diodati other).
When the Romans in the year 70 A.D. put an end to the Jewish state he smashed the national identity of the tribe of Judah. Judah also lost the political leadership. Consequently the Messiah must have come before of that year. Jesus Has actually made ​​her in appearance about 40 years before Israel!
In addition to
We also noted to Title complementary about the Babylonian captivity of Judah That then the national identity of not Judah s' was wrecked as this tribe was in an sense only moved geographically as nation. Ezekiel 8: 1 and 20: 1 is obtained That also in the time Judah was a political leader. The tribe came simply from that moment under foreign rule.
Second chapter. And descent origin of Messiah].
1. his family tree
Since about the year AD 70 (!) Was at least normal cases possible for every Jew of birth of go back with precision along his family tree since 1 Chronicles 9: 1 That testifies to all the people Israel was logged in genealogical tables. The possession of such a table was of personal interest eminent not as those who could prove thus her not lineage was recognized as an Israelite That fact involved a number of disadvantages (see Ezra 2: 59-62 and Nehemiah 7: 61-65).
When someone took in Israel a public position and with this was also to be known That was natural became known to her genealogical table or at least some well-known ascendants it reported. If someone whose genealogical chart not he was absolutely irreproachable he wanted to take a public position it would have been immediately rejected as incompetent.
These statements are preliminary very important in view of That fact in the Old Testament was prophesied to That some people the Messiah would be an their direct descendant.
The genealogical tables in the gospels of Matthew and Luke
In Matthew 1 is transmitted the genealogical table of Joseph the foster father of Jesus and in Luke 3 that of Mary the mother of Jesus. Latter table is of great importance for the 'further treatment.
Here is the table concerning Mary from Luke 3: 23-3816: "And Jesus when he also began to teach was about thirty years and was the son as credevasi of Joseph of Heli (father of Mary ) of Matthat of Levi of Melchi of Jannai of Joseph of Mattathias of Amos of Naum of Esli of Naggai of Maath of Mattathias of Semein of Josech of Joda of Joanan of Rhesa of Zerubbabel of Salathiel of Blacks of Melchi of Addi of Cosam of Elmadan of er of Jesus of Eliezer of Jorim of Matthat of Levi of Simeon of Judas of Joseph of Jonam of Eliakim of Melea of Menna of Mattatha of Nathan of David of Jesse of Jobed of Boos of Hall of Nahshon of Amminadab of Admin of Arni of Esrom of Fares of Judas of Jacob Isaac Abraham of Tara of Nahor of Seruch of Ragau of Falek of Eber of Hall of Cainan of Arphaxad of Sem of Noah of Lamech of Methuselah of Enoch of Jaret of Maleleel of Cainan of Enos of Seth of Adam of God. "

Promises of God to Abraham Isaac and Jacob]
Around 1920 BC God promised Abraham many times That the Messiah would be an his descending. in Genesis 22:18 we read for example: "... and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in thy seed."
Originate in the text reads "in your seed"; this is descendant the Messiah because of he is called in the [New Testament] that he will be a blessing for all the nations (Galatians 3:16).
Around 1900 BC God promised many times That the Messiah would be an descendant of Isaac.
In Genesis 26: 4 for example God said to Isaac "... all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in thy seed."
Genesis 28:14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east to and north to noon. and be blessed for and you for your descendants all the nations of the earth. was promised by God around 1760 B.C. to Jacob That he received in followed by the name of and Israel he was confirmed That the Messiah would be an his descending. Then around 1760 B.C. That had already been clearly revealed the Messiah would be an Jew. But which of these 12 tribes of Israel had to come?

The Messiah comes from the tribe of Judah].
Around 1690 BC the patriarch Jacob told his twelve sons That one in the future would have happened to their descendants. to his son Judah said "The scepter shall not will be removed from Judah nor a stick of control of between his feet until he comes He That will give the rest (in Hebrew Schilo) and to which obey peoples. "(Genesis 49:10)
The Messiah will be an descendant of Judas and not of Benjamin Joseph Naphtali Asher Gad Issachar Zebulun Levi Simeon and Reuben. 1 Chronicles 5: 2 (about 530 BC) says the same thing but with other words: "Judas was is true the prevalence among his brothers and from him and went down to the prince."
(The word prince [in Hebrew "Nagid '] is the same as that used in Daniel 9:25.)
But which family of Judah shall come the Messiah?

The Messiah descends from the family of Jesse].
In chapter 11: 1 the prophet Isaiah answers to the above question: "Then an branch out of the stem of Jesse and an offspring shall grow out of his roots."
(In Targum Jonathan Ben Uzziel14 this step is intended as messianic as is Been added the title "Messiah" as of ucidazione!)
That with what is asserted the Messiah will come from the family of the Jesse Bethlemite. But Jesse had eight sons (see 1 Samuel 16). Of those they would have been the ancestor of Messiah?

The Messiah is an a descendant of David].
At several points of the AT That being said the Messiah will be an son of David the son of Isai. Around 600 BC announced in Jeremiah 23: 5 (see 33:15): "Behold the days come saith the LORD that I will raise to David an righteous who will... and reason justice country. "
In Psalm 132: 11 is written "The Lord Has made ​​to David of this oath truth" and not I will withdraw "I will set upon your throne n the result of your insides." God YHWH had pledged an oath to David (see also Psalm 88: 35-36 35 not violate my covenant not I will turn my promise. Has 36 on my holiness juror for once always of course not to lie to you David.) That the Messiah would be an a direct descendant of King David.

The confirmation of the genealogical table of Maria].
All these people are in the genealogical table of Mary mother of Jesus. With it is confirmed that even these prophecies found Fulfillment in Jesus of the story.
In Jewish people the her descent was made ​​known publicly so it was called "Son of David" (see Luke 18: 38-39 Matthew 21: 915; 9:27 also 15:22). If not everything he had basis in reality the leaders of Judaism of that time they could make use of it as argument against the messianic claim of Jesus. However an did not so easily verifiable could be denied or challenged.

The historian Luke].
Since the genealogical table of Jesus is was handed down by Luke we must also say That Has archeology confirmed Luca as historical trusted accurate and precisely. The famous archaeologist William Ramsay Has That written the representation of the story is made ​​by Luca unsurpassed for the her trustworthiness. A recapitulation of his judgment of Luke gained after a long period of investigation is reported in the book "The Bearing of Recent Discovery" p. 222.
2 The birthplace of Messiah [Prophecy of seer Micah].
The 8th century BC Micah Moresheth worked as prophet (see Micah 1: 1). He had to make known the birthplace of Messiah. in Chapter 5: 1 God says: "But you O Bethlehem Ephrathah for small to be among the thousands of Judah from you shall come forth for me one That will be ruler over Israel whose origins date back to ancient times from everlasting. "
In Palestine there were two cities under the name of Bethlehem one in Galilee (see Joshua 19: 15-16) and in one Judea. for distinguish the latter was called Bethlehem Ephratah.
The Messiah was to be born in this village to place an little 'more of 10 km to south of Jerusalem and That at the time of Jesus must have had less of 1000 inhabitants. The prophet Micah says it clearly and with many centuries before the safety of the fulfillment.
Of Confirmation [the New Testament]
In the [New Testament] That is confirmed Jesus was born in Bethlehem Ephratah. Matthew 2: 1 writes: "Now when Jesus was born Bethlehem of Judah in the days of King Herod..."
The physician Luke confirms this fact well in the 2nd chapter of his gospel. Consider in this link to what is Been written in chapter "The historian Luke"!

Micah 5: 1 is always well understood. Micah 5: 1. and you of Bethlehem Ephrata
for so little to be among the clans of Judah from you shall come forth for me one That to be ruler in Israel; its origins are from old from ancient days.
When Herod the Great learned That was born an the new king gathered all the chief priests and the scribes for to know what was the birthplace of Messiah. They answered him "In Bethlehem of Judah for thus it is written for half of a prophet." (Matthew 2: 5)
Not only for the learned it was clear this point but also for the people of people That according to John 7: 41-42 say: "But is perhaps from Galilee That is the Christ (the Messiah)? Scripture not HAS she said That the Christ cometh of the seed of David and from Bethlehem the village where David was? "
Further evidence That Micah 5: 1 was well understood is supplied by the translators of the Septuagint in which this verse was played so well That That it may be concluded including the translator much exactly what That in turned greek.
Micah 5 in Targum Jonathan.
The Targum Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Prophets [14] also shows very clearly the Messianic interpretation That you gave to this step Judaism. for clearly the title "Messiah" there is which is placed directly in the text.

3 Jesus the Nazarene].
In the [New Testament] Jesus is said 18 times "Nazarene". This name comes from the Hebrew "Nezer" That means' branch '' sprout '' Branch shall. "
Among the contemporary people in the years 29-32 AD Jesus was generally known by the name of "Jesus of Nazareth." And 'That note so they called him even his greatest enemies (see John 18: 5-7). That so was fulfilled what the prophets had announced That he would be called "Bud" "Scion" "Branch shall."
The statements of the prophets Zechariah Jeremiah and Isaiah.
The prophet Zechariah (6:12) announced to the 520 BC the following about the Messiah: "Thus saith the LORD of hosts Behold an man That HAS the name Bud."
"Behold I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH." (3: 8) (These two steps of Zechariah are as indicated in the messianic Targum Jonathan. [14]
Jeremiah (23: 5) announced the first of nearly 80 years Zechariah: "Behold the days come saith the LORD that I will raise to David an righteous Branch who shall execute judgment and... Justice country. "Even the prophet Isaiah (4: 2) appointed him the Messiah in this way:" in that day the bud of the Lord will be the splendor and the glory. "
A game of the Hebrew words.
Although in the above-mentioned steps is used in the word jew "Zamach" ("Bud" "Branch" "Branch shall") That every Jew knew the Scriptures hearing of Jesus "the Nazarene" not could to less of connect the name "Nazarene" with the word "Zamach" of the aforementioned steps. The meanings of the names in the Bible have a great importance!
In the Old Testament there are also other references to the "Nazarene". in Isaiah 11: 1 reads for example: "Then an branch out of the stem of Jesse and an offspring shall grow out of his roots." the word used for the original text "Scion" is "Nezer "!
A question justified.
But now you have to wonder why not because Jesus was never called Bethlemite but only "Jesus of Nazareth" although he was born to Bethlehem.
The following hints should clarify as things are. When the terrible and cruel King Herod called the Great ordered the slaughter of the innocents (see Matthew 2) Joseph and Mary fled with the child in Egypt. After the death of Herod they returned and wanted to recover Bethlehem. But when Joseph learned That Archelaus the most cruel of the sons of Herod the Great [17] was to head of the Judea (actually it was for this kingdom to Herod Antipas the brother of Archelaus but an fit of rage Herod the Great just before of the her death she had changed the Old Testament and Archelaus in place place of Herod Antipas [18] Joseph s'intimorì and not he went there again.
So Joseph and Mary with the child Jesus went into the region of Galilee and established themselves to Nazareth. Jesus lived there for about 28 years. for this is why it was said "Jesus of Nazareth."
It 'amazing to see as the political situation has played an important part in the fulfillment of this messianic prediction.
Even today and often just by his critics Jesus is called "the Nazarene" or "Jesus of Nazareth ' so that the prophecy That the Messiah would be called" the Nazarene "is yet to be confirmed by his own enemies.

4 From Egypt].
What seems somewhat paradoxical when one sees That in the 8th century BC God did herald the prophet Hosea That the Messiah would come from Egypt. in Hosea 11: 1 reads: "And out of Egypt I called my son." in Matthew 2 you can read the Fulfillment of this prophecy.
Mary and Joseph That had fled Egypt following the order issued by Herod of kill small children of Bethlehem in the returned of again the land of Israel after the death of this ruler. So the Messiah actually came from Egypt.
Now everything seems clear: the prophets are expressed with all a lot of precision. The Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem in was to be called "Nazarene" and being called in the homeland of Egypt!

Third Chapter: Public presentation of Messiah (29-32 AD)
The precursor 1. The announcement of the prophets Malachi and Isaiah.
In the third chapter of prophet Malachi 3: 1 one hears the voice of the Messiah when he says:
"Behold I will send my messenger; and he shall prepare the way before to me. "
That just before the Messiah did the her appearance had to rise an prophet which would prepare the people of the imminent arrival of Messiah.
Isaiah also speaks of this precursor. He calls it "a voice of one That cries in desert." Isaiah 40: 3 19: "The voice of one crying: Prepare in the desert the way of the Lord."
In Luke 3: 4 reads: "And 'written in a book of the words of prophet Isaiah: There is a voice of one That cries in desert..." So Isaiah That does know this precursor will be desert detail not spoken through the prophet Malachi.

The function of precursor].
This precursor had the task of preparing the people of Israel in the next coming of Messiah in That way welcome him with willing heart. in the heart of this people not there must be nothing That could prove to be an impediment to the reception of promised Messiah; in fact his heart there had to be the "ways of Shrine" ("your ways" according to another version of this Psalm 84: 5). So in Isaiah 40: 4-5 is also said: "Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill made low; places are steep holyllati the rough places become plain. Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and of all flesh for an shall see it. "
The announcement of this precursor found the his perfect in Fulfillment John the Baptist the son of Zechariah. The her the apparition took place about 29 A.D. That Luke writes he appeared in 15 years of reign of the Emperor Tiberius (Luke 3: 1).

From 450 years no other prophet].
The appearance of John the Baptist caused a sensation not because almost 450 years was born in Israel no other prophet (the last prophet of the Old Testament was Malachi). in a historical testimony of intertestamental period lasted 450 years is an lament the lack of prophets in Israel. in 1 Maccabees 9:27 we read: "There was great tribulation in Israel as not occurred since among them were missing the prophets." The Babylonian Talmud in the preparation refers That after the last prophets Haggai Zechariah and Malachi the Holy Spirit had departed from Israel.
How great was the sensation caused by the appearance of John the Baptist it can be seen from the fact That Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region running along the Jordan came to him (Matthew 3: 5).

The activity of John the Baptist].
John was baptizing in the desert and preached the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Making use of an language and hugely impressive shocking made ​​him realize the people of Israel that the Messiah would come shortly and That everyone had to convert that is confess their sins to the living God repentance and to be suffer ready to meet the promised Messiah. But if not had accepted the Messiah and not they would repent not they could escape the wrath of fortune God. See in about the various reports on the occurrence of the gospels John the Baptist of the desert Judea (Matthew 3 Mark 1 and Luke 3 John 1).

It presents Jesus].
That is told in Matthew 3:13 Jesus also came for to be baptized by John when the latter was preaching at the Jordan. This agrees with Isaiah 40: 5 where we read: "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh an shall see it together; for the mouth of the LORD has said. "
Jesus the Messiah the complexion of Yahweh AT began her activities immediately after the appearance in public scene of John the Baptist. to this way Isaiah speaks of the appearance of our Lord Jesus as of the "glory of the Lord revealed." And 'interesting to know about the allegations of an eyewitness. The disciple John testifies of the following Lord Jesus "full of grace and of truth we beheld her glory glory as one of the only begotten of the Father." (John 1: 14)

John the Baptist and Josephus].
That the historian Josephus he lived in 1st century AD confirms the historicity of John the Baptist in her the work "Antiquitates judaicae" (XVIII 5.2).

2 The activity of the public the Messiah].
The place of the appearance. When the Jew of the AT wanted to know what region or area of the country would start the Messiah his public service he had to read Isaiah 8: 23-9: 1: "But not the darkness they will last forever for the land which is now in anguish. as in times past God covered reproach of the country Zebulun and the land of Naphtali so in times of future cover the glory land close to the sea of beyond the Jordan Galilee of the Gentiles. That the people walked in darkness have seen a great light; That on those living in the land of the shadow of the death the light shines. "
Clarifying remarks of the previous steps The expression "great light" means that That the sun radiates (see Genesis 1:16). Here is such an expression used for the Messiah That in Malachi 4: 2 is said "the sun of justice" and in John 8:12 "the light of the world." He was to shine in the darkness of spiritual Israel as an the rising sun. That is derived from Isaiah the inhabitants of and Zebulun of Naphtali by the Sea of Tiberias (also called Lake of Gennesaret Sea of Galilee) for they would have seen this first light and therefore it would be covered of glory. After these observations on Isaiah is clear That the Messiah would start his the public service in the region of Galilee.

The confirmation given by [the New Testament].
In Matthew 4: 12 to 14.17 is written: "Now when Jesus had heard That John was put in prison he withdrew into Galilee. And leaving Nazareth he came and dwelt in Capernaum a city on the sea (said of or of Tiberias Galilee) to the borders of and Zebulun of Naphtali... From that time Jesus began to preach and to say Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is near. "
The same thing is also confirmed in Luke 23: 5 (see also Matthew 4: 18-25).

The miracles of the Messiah].
In several passages of the AT is asserted with That force to the appearance of Messiah there would be miracles. in Isaiah 35: 4-6 reads: "Say to those That have a fearful heart Be strong do not be afraid! Behold your God will come! He will come to to save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and will be the ears of the deaf unstopped; then will the lame leap as an and deer the language of mute will sing of joy. "

In Isaiah 29:24 is prophesied still an another miracle: "The backsliding of spirit will learn salvation."
So through the Messiah will be cleaned up lame blind deaf dumb and of erring spirit.
The Fulfillment of prophecies confirmed by the [New Testament]
In the [New Testament] is confirmed with as clearly as possible That these and other miracles are were made by the Lord Jesus. For example in John 9 is an healed blind in Mark 2: 3-12 an paralytic in Matthew 15: 29-31 an and dumb in Mark 7: 31-37 an dull. for That the concerns of the erring spirit not you can think of moody Matthew 4:24 That too was healed?

The Fulfillment confirmed by Josephus].
The Fulfillment of these prophecies not it is confirmed only by the writings of [the New Testament] but also from other historical sources. The Jewish historian Josephus writes of in her new opera 'Antiquitates judaicae "published in the year 93 AD the following interesting reference to the Lord Jesus:" In that time (ie at the time of Pilate 26-36 AD ) Jesus appeared to him an wise man That miracle worker performed many miraculous works and was an teacher for the men That gladly accepted the truth. "[20]

The authenticity of quote of Flavio].
Here we are in possession of a confirmation truly amazing That Has the Lord Jesus performed miracles brought about by an Jew lived in the 1st century and That not was not even a Christian. This step was put in questioned by various critics as "Christian interpolation back." for to be precise from the point of view of criticism of texts (ie examination of old manuscripts handed down) not it seems justified to even the slightest doubt about to such a forgery.
There is to add the interesting finding That Eusebius (263-339) Has known this step because it brings him twice in his writings. Once in the "History of Church» I and 12 once in the "Demonstratio Evangelica" III 5.
There is also to be noted that among others Dr. H. St. John Thackeray one of the most important scholars of English issues relating to Josephus HAS of That newly established this step shows certain linguistic peculiarities That macaws characteristics of Josephus!

The miracles are confirmed by the Talmud].
In the Babylonian Talmud (Tractate Sanhedrin 43a) is admitted That in Israel are in fact the successes of the miracles worked by the Lord Jesus. Yet it is spoken in a blasphemous way of describing them magical operations (see Matthew 24:24).

The testimony of Justin Martyr].
Further confirmation of the miracles of Lord Jesus is found in Justin Martyr (who died around 165 AD). in his "Dialogus cum Tryphoni Judeo" chapter 69 Justin is to speak of the reproaches of the Jews to the Lord Jesus. mention That he will is called the Lord Jesus magician ("Magos") and even traviatore of people ("Laoplanos").

The testimony of Origen].
A further document almost the same content is at Origen (185-254 AD) That he speaks in his wrote "Contra Celsum» 1.28. Origen refers to you one written by an anti-Christian compiled certain Celso towards 178 AD

Psalm 72]. Again Psalm 72: 12-13 as of rest well in many other passages of AT we speak of the public activity of Messiah. There is written:
"For he will deliver the needy That cries and the poor That not HAS those who aid. He will have compassion of and unhappy of needy and shall save the souls of the poor. "

That the needy cries].
In Luke 18: 35-43 is written: "That came to pass as he drew near to Jericho an certain blind man sat by the way side begging; and hearing the crowd That passing That asked what it was. and That they told him Jesus of Nazareth was passing. Then he cried out Jesus son of David have mercy of me! and That those preceded rebuked him for quiet; but he cried the more Son of David have mercy of me! and Jesus stopped and commanded That he had brought him; and when he was come near he asked him: that wilt thou have me do for you? And he said Lord that I may receive my sight. and Jesus said to him: Retrieve the view; thy faith hath made thee whole. and in that moment he received his sight and followed him glorifying God; and all the people saw it gave praise to God. "

That the poor not HAS those who aid].
The invocation of "That poor not HAS those who aid 'is eg. In John 5 where it speaks of an That man was sick already for 38 years and although he had speak of not have none That assist him. He too was healed by Jesus.

Of compassion and unhappy of needy].
Luke 13:10 and following tells of of compassion for the Messiah an be unhappy or weak as can also be translated the Hebrew word of Psalm 72 Compassion for an poor or for an beggar is eg. well described in John 9 (see verse 8).

The Prophet].
Having now written of some of works of Messiah we want to deal briefly of words spoken by the Messiah. in Deuteronomy 18 Moses announced as the Messiah a prophet. This step was always well understood as messianic prophecy That among other things result from the findings of Qumran in which speaks of this coming Messiah. Here is the text of Deuteronomy 18: 15.17-19: "The Lord your God will raise up an as prophet me in to the middle you from among your brethren; to that you will listen... and the LORD said unto me What That Han said is good; I will raise them an as prophet you of from among their brethren and I will put my words in her mouth and he will tell them everything That I shall command him. and That will happen if someone not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I will require it of him. "

The fulfillment].
Jesus Has demonstrated of also be a prophet making predictions about the future which can easily be shown Fulfillment. [21]
To be precise the Hebrew word used for "prophet" not only indicates an predictor of things to come but also in kind who announced the will of God. This is important because from Psalms 39 : 10. Has preached righteousness in the great assembly; see not keep closed lips O Lord thou knowest. That is the Messiah will announce in Israel (the Great Assembly) faithfulness salvation mercy and truth of justice God. Fulfillment of everything is in the Gospels (see eg. the Sermon on the Mount; Matthew

5). Now however raises the question of as you know the people of Israel would react against of his the Messiah.
3 The reaction of the people of Israel toward his the Messiah] One of the greatest paradoxes
The promised Messiah and much desired was to be rejected and hated by his people! So foretold by the prophets and so you actually fulfilled with the Lord Jesus.
In Isaiah 49: 7 is spoken of as the Messiah of 'he that is despised by the men detested by the nation. "
2 " Psalm 69: 4 is heard to complain of the Messiah That hate he was part of the opposite people:" Those That hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head; are powerful That those I would like destroyed and That to wrong I are enemies. "
Psalms 40:10. Even in his friend whom I trusted he That ate my bread
up against of me his heel.
In Psalm 109: 3-4 says: "Me from besieged with words of hatred and have made me war without a cause. Instead of love That harbor them I macaws adversaries and I will not That I pray. "

The leaders of the Jewish people despise the Messiah].
In the book of prophet Isaiah is mentioned contempt of Messiah by the heads of the Jewish nation. in Isaiah 53: 2-3 is written:
"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him nor appearance that we should desire. And despised rejected by men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief equal to the one before which hide their faces he was despised and we not it made ​​no estimate. "
The expression "Ishim" used Hebrew translated here with men means among other things powerful people and on the high condition! 22

The Messiah is stretched traps]
The Messiah says in Psalm 35: 7 "For without cause tense of me from hiding their network without cause they have digged a pit for take my life."
Several times compared comes in [the New Testament] That to the Messiah were part of the thesis pitfalls spiritual guides of and Judaism That you want to grasp do it with leading questions (see Luke 11: 53-54; 14: 1-5; Mark 12: 13-17; see also Luke 6: 7).

Murderous intentions against the Messiah]
In Psalm 31:13 the Messiah for more complains of something worse: "For I have heard the defaming of many fear on every side to me while they will recommend to my detriment and devise of take my life. "
Mark 3 illustrates the performance: "And the Pharisees went forth and straightway took counsel with the Herodians against of he with the aim of kill him." (3: 6)
John 11:53 also confirms the Fulfillment of Psalm 31:13.
rejected the 15 of Nisan 32 A.D.
The Messiah had to be completely rejected by both the populace That by its leaders. as manifested in so impressive in the total rejection the 15th of Nisan 32 AD when Jesus was of opposite to Pilate!
"And Pilate called together the chief priests and the magistrates and the people said unto them Me have ye done this before comparir man as subversive of the people; and behold after having it in looked at your presence not HAS found in any of him of guilt which the accused; and nor yet Herod for he has sent him back to us we and behold he not Has That did nothing is worthy of death. I will therefore chastise him release him. But they shouted all together: It's' dying man and deliver us Barabbas! (Barabbas had been thrown into prison to reason of in a sedition occurred and city of an murder.) And Pilate again spoke to them desiring to release Jesus; but they cried out: Crucify him crucify him! and for the third time he said to them But That evil Has he done? I do not HAS found nothing he That deserves death. I will therefore chastise him release him. But they were urgent with loud voices asking That to be crucified; and their cries for finished have the upper hand. and Pilate decreed That he did what That wondering. "(Luke 23: 13-24)

4 Judas Iscariot].
In the previous chapter we wrote of and enmity of hatred of the people of Israel against the Messiah. But in the Old Testament it comes in especially various points of an determined man of That the people of Israel he will hate the Messiah in an a very special way. Has this person previously announced found his Fulfillment in full Judas Iscariot. These are the steps of such as Psalms 41 55 69 the 109 and Zechariah 11.

Psalm 41].
In Psalm 41: 9 for the Messiah speaks the mouth of David: "Even the man with whom I was living in peace (ie my friend) in which I was confident That ate my bread Has lifted up his heel against of me. "

The friend and the confidant].
This man must therefore be an friend of the Messiah. Judas Iscariot was actually during the nearly three years when he was a disciple of Lord Jesus (see the stories and the gospels Matthew 26:50 where it says "friend"). of this man is also said That the Messiah had confidence in him. not HAS perhaps what was said found his in Fulfilment That done the Lord Jesus entrusted the keeping of the common purse to Judas? (John 12: 6; 13:29).

The bread of the Messiah].
Psalm 41: 9 is of rich details. This enemy had to eat the bread (Hebrew: "Lechem") of Messiah. Therefore this traitor was to receive the Messiah an morsel of bread and eating first of to 'lift the heel "against the Anointed One.

The Fulfillment is found in John 13: 21-30 which describes the last of Easter the Lord Jesus with His disciples:
"Having said these things Jesus was troubled in spirit and so openly expressed: in truth in That truth I tell you one of you shall betray me. The disciples looked at one another standing in of doubt those who spoke. Or to table leaned on the breast of Jesus he was one of his disciples That Jesus loved him Simon Peter therefore motioned to him and said to him Di ' who is one of which he speaks? And he stooped down on the breast of Jesus he asked him 'Lord who is it? Jesus answered and said 'that to which I will give a sop when I have dipped it. and an dipped bite and took it he gave it to Judas son of Simon Iscariot. and then after the morsel Satan entered into him. for which Jesus said unto him That That do do quickly. But none of the guests understood why he said so. In fact some thought because Judas had the bag That Jesus had said to him: Buy those things That we have need of for the feast; That that is he should give something to the poor. He then having received the sop went out immediately; and it was night. "

Psalm 55].
In Psalm 55: 12-14 the Messiah says: "For not is Been an enemy That to me Has made ​​a reproach; otherwise I would have entailed; not is Been That one I hated to levarmisi against; otherwise I would have hid myself from him; but it was you man That I esteemed as my equal my companion and my intimate friend. We had sweet counsel together together we went upon our way through the crowd to the house of God. "

I trust relationships].
Also in this step the traitor is called "friend" from the Messiah. It is also repeated once again That the Messiah had confidence in him. For almost three years Judas Iscariot was the trusty companion of Lord Jesus together with the other disciples and thus the fulfilled in Psalm 55:14 very precisely:

Go to the house of God].
That is the Gospel accounts Judas Iscariot was often in temple with Jesus and the other disciples. Precisely these occasions often agreed in Temple a great multitude for listen to the speeches of Lord Jesus (see in about eg. Luke 19: 47-21: 38 especially Luke 19: 47-48 in connection with 2045)! So you literally fulfilled also '"together we went upon our way through the crowd to the house of God"!

From Psalm 55: 12-14 That is also this traitor will reproach to the Messiah. not it is here forced to immediately think of the kiss of Judas? not it was an terrible shame when Judas Iscariot gave Jesus the Lord denouncing him with an kiss (see Matthew 26: 47-50)?
It 's true That we often speak of the kiss of Judas but who Has already heard of an greeting of Judah? in Matthew 26:49 we read That Judas greeted Jesus with these words: "Chaire Rabbi!" when betrayed him with an kiss.
Usually this greeting is translated simply "Hail Master." But if you want a literal translation from the greek of this formula greeting it means "Hail Master." That I salute and blasphemous treacherous considering the imminent death terrible and cruel of you Lord Jesus crucified!

The 30 pieces of silver].
In Zechariah 11 (about 520 BC) speaks for the 30 pieces of silver Judas Iscariot who betrayed the Lord Jesus. In verse 12 the Messiah says: "And they weighed for my wages; 30 pieces of silver. "
In Matthew 26: 14-16 he finds the exact Fulfillment: "Then one of the twelve called Judas Iscariot went to the chief and said to them" What will you give me and I will deliver him? And they counted out 30 pieces of silver. and from that time he sought should of betray him. "

The death of traitor: the his office].
Following his betrayal Judas Iscariot committed suicide (Matthew 27: 5). The her the end was foretold in Psalm 109: 8-9: "Let his days be few an let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless and to her his wife a widow. "
Which occupied the office of Judas Iscariot That now had to switch to an other? Luke 6: 13-16 tells us That Judas had received from the Lord Jesus the office of apostle. After the death of Judas Iscariot went to this office an of course Matthias (see Acts 1: 21-26).

Concluding remarks].
A mo 'of the conclusion must be clearly That said not Judas Iscariot was predestined to this Act. God the One That is in forever (Yahweh!) That not is subject to the changes of the past present and future as were exhibited already in the Introduction HAS known before That Judas Iscariot would be handed over to the enemies of the Messiah his own will and therefore could make known to the prophets with many centuries in advance the actions and the intentions of this man.

The fourth chapter. The sentence the execution and the resurrection of Messiah.
1 The sentence
In the previous chapter was treated the paradox of rejection of the promised Messiah as part of the people of Israel. in this will be dealt with some of the prophecies That explained the point of culminantr rejection condemnation and that is the crucifixion of Messiah. in Psalm 69: 4 we hear the voice of the Messiah in his lament "Those That hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head; are powerful ones That and I would like to destroy That to wrong I are enemies. "

It was already mentioned the lament of Messiah in Psalm 31:13: "For I have heard the defaming of many fear on every side to me but they are recommended to and my damage devise of take my life. "(see Mark 3: 6 and John 11:53)

Hit of condemnation].
This hatred and this refusal That meant the Messiah promised in the Old Testament were to be sentenced to death. in known chapter of 53 the prophet Isaiah is described with the verb in the perfect prophetic as the Messiah was to be conducted for be condemned: "He was oppressed he humbled himself and not opened his mouth. as the lamb brought him to the slaughter as to the sheep dumb before who the shearer he not he opened his mouth. "(Isaiah 53: 7)
One does not feel perhaps that being said with clarity and evidence in the Gospels? He allowed himself to take away without resistance even voluntarily.

Witnesses unjust].
In Psalm 35: 1112 feels Messiah That he says "unfair witnesses rise up... I make it bad for well..." in Psalm 38:14 expresses the same reality: "I am as an that man not listen and in whose mouth not is replication of kind. "
Perfect Fulfillment of this prophetic word is found in Matthew 26: 59-62: "And the chief priests and all the council sought false testimony against Jesus for him to death; and not found none although they had many false witnesses. Finally two witnesses came forward That said This man HAS said: I am able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days. and the high priest stood up in the feet he said not You answer nothing? That to testify against them you? But Jesus held his peace. "
In this step appears all her evidence hatred suffered against the Messiah. It had to be murdered to all costs even though he only made ​​them of and well not it could be accused of any wrongdoing.
Maltreatment: in Isaiah 50 is predicted with the way when the Messiah will be discussed in this session of the court: "I HAS my back to who smote me and my cheeks to who I pull out the beard; I will not HAS and hid not my face from shame spitting. "(Isaiah 50: 6)
Matthew 26: 66-67 describes the performance: "And they answered and said It 'guilty of death. Then did they spit in and face gave him his fists; and others slapped him. "
The prophet Micah makes known details of this session court: "They strike with the rod of his cheek judge of Israel (ie of Messiah)" (Micah 4:14)
Matthew 27:30 describes its fulfillment: "And they spit upon him and took the reed and struck him on the head."

The scourging].
John 19: 1 says "So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged him."
Reading of this scene of flagellation you should know That flagella then used by the Romans were strips of leather attached to an and handle bringing the end of pieces sharp metal stones and even snaps That tearing of the flesh and scourged the bleeding reduced to a shapeless mass. in Psalm 129: 3 speaks prophetically of the Messiah her flagellation: "Of the ploughmen plowed upon my back delightsomely tracing their furrows long."

The crown of thorns].
In Matthew 27:29 is That said the Lord Jesus was placed upon her head a crown of thorns. It was of thorns That could reach 5-8 inches. Dried were tough and acuminate as needles. If to someone was imposed on the head like a crown of thorns the skin was torn in it countless points rose up in great pain blood dripping abundant hair was matted and it hung in disorder. A show highly disturbing! Now you understand the words of Isaiah 52:14 with which centuries earlier had testified of God his the Messiah: "How many seeing him were dismayed son was so undid his so as not countenance an opinion more man and on his so as to not look more than an opinion son of man. "

2 The crucifixion].
In Psalm 22 an Psalm of David was described in minute detail the crucifixion of Messiah a thousand years before That the fact happen. The crucifixion itself not had never been the kind of with conviction that the Jews punished an malefactor (the Jews stoned often the transgressors; see eg. Leviticus 20: 2 and other steps). The execution by crucifixion was practiced only centuries after the writing of Psalm 22 first by the Romans.
On the Jewish side Psalm 22 was interpreted as messianic book Pegista Rabbati. The pain you are understood as pain scapegoats! 22a.
We follow in the Psalm the word: "To the chief Musician. On Cerva of aurora. Psalm of David.
(1) My God my God why hast thou forsaken me? Why are you away without succor without listening to the words of my groaning? (2) My God I cry out of day and you not answer; of night again and not HAS posing no. And yet you are the HOLY YHWH That sit on the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted in you; and trusted thou didst deliver them. They cried to you and they were saved; confided in you and not they were confused.
(6) But I are an worm and not an man; a reproach of men and of the despised the people.
Everyone who sees me mocks of me; stretches the lip shaking his head saying: Ei gets back in the Lord; let Him deliver him; rescue him because He delights!

Yes you're the one That took me from the womb; have made me riposar trusting the breasts of my mother. to I was cast upon thee from my birth you are my God from the womb of my mother. not you turn away from me for trouble is close and not is none That help me. Many bulls have surrounded me strong bulls of Bashan surrounded me; to open their mouths wide against me as an and ravening roaring. (14) as I am That water spreads and all my bones are out; my heart is as the wax is melted in the midst of my bowels. (15) My strength is dried up as terra cotta and my tongue clings to the palate; you lay me in the dust of death. (16) For dogs have surrounded me; a bevy of criminals surrounded me; they pierced my hands and the feet. I can count all my bones. And they look at me look at me; (18) divide my garments among them and to throw cast lots for my garment. Thou therefore O LORD not walk away That you you're my strength make haste to help me. Deliver my soul from the sword my only one out of the paw of lion. You will answer me from the horns of the buffalo. I will declare your name to my brethren and praise you in among the congregation. O ye That fear the LORD praise him! Glorify you all the seed of Jacob and all ye the seed of Israel the fear of you him! Because he not HAS despised nor abhorred the affliction of distressed and not HAS hid her face from him; but when HAS cried to him he heard him. You are the subject of my praise in the great assembly; I will fulfill my vows in the presence of those That I fear. The meek shall eat and will be satisfied; That those seek the LORD will praise him; their hearts shall live forever. All the ends of the earth will remember of and Lord will be converted to him; and all the families of nations will worship in thy presence. Because the Lord belongs the kingdom and he lords it over the nations. All the earth shall eat and opulent worship; That all those and go down into the dust not can remain in life to bow down before him. Posterity will serve him; you speak of Lord to the next generation. And they shall come shall declare her justice and to the people That as yet unborn Has he operated. "Hands and feet pierced. in verse 16 the Messiah says: "For dogs have surrounded me; a bevy of criminals surrounded me they pierced my hands and the feet. "
The expression "Dogs" was used to designate the not the Jews (see Matthew 15: 21-28). [23] It was to be an of the group not Jews a band of foreign That forerebbe the Messiah and the hands feet [24] ie That crucify him.

Matthew 27: 27-31 confirms this fact with very clearly: "Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into hall and gathered to him the whole band. and they stripped him and put him an scarlet cloak; and platted a crown of thorns they put it on his head and a reed in his right hand; and to knee before him and mocked him saying Hail King of the Jews! and spit on him and took the reed and struck him on the head. and after they had mocked him they stripped him of mantle and clothed him of his garments; for then they led him away crucify him. "

Clothes and divided drawn].
Is in verse 18 said of these not Jews That first divide the clothes of Messiah and then throw the lot on her gown. Even these details have found the precise fulfillment: "Then the soldiers when they had crucified Jesus took his garments and made ​​four parts a part for each soldier and the tunic. Now the tunic was without seam woven for from the top throughout low. They said therefore among themselves not rend to pull to fate those who touch it. "(John 19: 23-24)

Disjointed bones].
In verse 14 the Messiah says: "... and all my bones are out."
Which words and terrible shocking! The limbs That now hang from the nails driven in and hands feet are disconnected from the weight of the body of crucified!

And sweat thirst].
The great affliction and the sweat the thirst of Messiah suffered indescribable suffering are expressed by verses 14 and 15: "I ​​am as That water it spreads... My strength is dried up as terra cotta and my tongue clings to the palate. "

And light darkness].
In verse 2 we speak of intermittent periods of light and of darkness "My God I cry out of day and not you answer: of still night and not HAS no rest."
Mark 15: 25.33-34 shows its fulfillment: "It was the third hour when they crucified him... and when the sixth hour darkness came for all the land until the ninth hour."
Even in Isaiah 50 (as in Psalm 88.1) speaks of this darkness. with closely connected with the condemnation of the Messiah God says in Isaiah 50: 3: "I clothe the heavens of black and I give them an for sackcloth covered."
Confirmation of darkness left by Tallo.
The darkness lasted three hours on the day of crucifixion of Lord
Jesus is also confirmed by sources outside the Bible. The historic Samaritan Tallo That wrote to Rome in the year 52 AD he spoke his now untraceable "Histories." However an their shards [New Testament] or is in Julius Africanus to the first of the third century AD It reads: "Tallo said in the third book of its That the darkness was due to an solar eclipse unreasonably as it seems to me." [25]
The objection of Julius Africanus is very important because really not may have been treated of an solar eclipse since it would not because for three whole hours of and total darkness because then of time the full moon is impossible that occurrence of a total eclipse the sun (the crucifixion took place on the 15th of Nisan 32 AD and towards the middle of this month the moon was full). It needs to be treated of an miracle That though the prophets have predicted as accurately as possible and That can be documented very well with historical sources.

And ridicule shame].
In verses 6-8 the Messiah speaks of and derision mockery of That will have to endure from all sides: "But I are an worm and not an man; a reproach of men and despised by the people. Everyone who sees me mocks of me; stretches the lip shaking his head saying: Ei gets back in the Lord; let Him deliver him; save it because like it! "
The [New Testament] shows in Matthew 27: 39-44 as even this was fulfilled: "And those That of passing there reviled him wagging their heads and saying Thou That destroy the temple and in three days rebuild it save yourself if you are the Son of God and come down of cross! Similarly with the chief priests and the scribes elders mocking said: has and saved others not is able to save himself! By That is the King of Israel descend now of cross and we will believe in him. He trusted in God; let him deliver him now if he should like it because HAS said: I am the Son of God. and in the same way the robbers who were crucified with vituperavano also him. "

Numbered with the transgressors; to her merciful intercession].
Isaiah 53:12 That speaks of the two criminals were crucified with Jesus as well as of the her merciful int [New Testament] for ercessione his tormentors: "He gave himself to death and is Been numbered with the transgressors (or criminals) because he HAS bore the sin of many and HAS interceded for the transgressors. "(See Luke 23: 32-34:" Now two others two criminals were led away with for him be put to death. and when they came to the place called and there they crucified him the criminals one to and right the other to left. and said Jesus Father forgive them for they not they know what that they do! ")

Gall and vinegar].
A further detail of the crucifixion is found in Psalm 69:21 where the crucified Messiah says: "Indeed I have given of gall for food and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to ber of the 'vinegar. "for is in the gall Hebrew" Rosch "and in greek' Chole '. [25a]
That this passage attests the Messiah was first given gall for food and then vinegar for the her thirst. The Fulfillment for the gall (greek: "Chole"!) Offered to the Messiah is found in Matthew 27: 32-35: "Or found an in coming Simon of Cyrene Simon by name and forced him to take the the cross of Jesus. and come to an the place called Golgotha​​ that means: location of Skull they gave him to drink of wine mixed with gall; but not Jesus he wanted to drink. Then after they had crucified him... "
The description of in a way which gave him vinegar to the Messiah is found in Matthew 27: 45-48: "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness for all the land until the ninth hour. and about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice Eli Eli lama sabachthani? that is to say My God my God why hast thou forsaken me? But some of the bystanders hearing it said This man is calling Elijah. and at once an of them ran to take a sponge; and filled it with vinegar and putting it in on a reed and gave him 'a drink. "

The death].
The conclusion of all these unfathomable pain is expressed in Psalm 22:15 where the Messiah prays to his God "You lay me in the dust of death."
In Psalm 31.5 is the last word of the crucified Messiah: "I commit my spirit your hands" (see the respective Fulfilment in Luke 23:46).

In the tomb of an rich].
An important Messianic prophecy is found in Isaiah 53: 9 where it is written: "He had been assigned to the grave with the wicked but in her death he is Been with the rich not because he had done no violence neither v 'had been fraud in her mouth. "
The malefactors were often burned to the west of Jerusalem in of fire Tophet. This then would be the tomb of condemned. But Isaiah 53: 9 That you see not God no one else will outrage after the death of Messiah and That the Messiah from the dead will rest in an rich. The Fulfillment of this prophecy is found in Matthew 27: 57-60: "And when it was evening it was an of a rich man Arimathea named Joseph who had also become a disciple of Jesus. These presented himself to Pilate asked for the body of Jesus. Pilate commanded That the body to be released. and Joseph took the body wrapped it in an net linen cloth and placed him in his own new tomb That had hewn out in the rock and he rolled a great stone to the door of shrine he went away. "
In Hebrew the word "death" of Isaiah 53: 9 is the plural thereby seeking to express the agony of this kind of death. [26]

The duration of the life].
It is also an Old Testament That reference to their ages will the Messiah dying? in Psalm 102: Even an Messianic Psalm Messiah complains praying his God for the fact That must die "I HAS 'Oh my God not take me away in half of the my days "(Psalm 102: 24) the expression" in the midst of my days "is easy to understand if you know the Psalm 90 in which is spoken of short of time of life the man of this land. in verse 10 reads: "The days of our years to come seventy years... and that That their pride not is That and labor vanity; it will soon pass and we fly away there. "
If so the probable duration of the life of an Jew was average of 70 years it is clear that That we mean with the expression "in the midst of my days." Has the Lord Jesus also fulfilled this prophecy since he died to about 36 years. He began his public service when he was approximately 33 years (Luke 3:23) and worked almost three years until her death in cross.

No broken bone].
A prediction is somewhat strange written for the Messiah in Psalm 34:20: "He (Yahweh) preserves all the bones of to him not one of them is broken."
If you compare this prophecy with his fulfillment it seems quite clear. in John 19: 31-33 we read: "Then the Jews because the bodies not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath (because it was the preparation and that day of Saturday was an great day) asked him to Pilate That they fiaccate their legs and they might be taken away. So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and then of the other That was crucified with him; But when they came to Jesus as they saw him already dead not break His legs. "

The exact location of the her death].
The exact spot where the Messiah was to die was already known from the time of Abraham (about 1900 BC).
In Genesis 22: 1-19 describes the history of the sacrifice of Isaac. It took place on an upstream of the land of or of Moriah Moriah (according to another version: Hebrew "Erez hammorijah»! see Genesis 22: 2).
Moriah is the mountain of temple of Jerusalem (cf.. 2 Chronicles 3: 1). Therefore the 'country of Moriah "or of Moriah is simply the region surrounding Jerusalem. Isaac not found his death because as the son of Abraham was only an Typos an the model in view of the Messiah. To the place of sacrifice of Isaac (it was not then of Mount Moriah itself but of a mountain next to it!) Abraham gave the name "Yahweh jireh." (The Lord sees and provides see verse 14 and verses 7-8). That means God would take care of that mount for the real to the victim whose story aims typologically (as an example). Thus Genesis 22: 14b says: "For this we say today: In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen."
Is not perhaps actually died in the country of Moriah our Lord Jesus out of Jerusalem on the hill of Golgotha​​? (see John 18 + 19; Hebrews 13:12). in thus HAS also fulfilled this prophecy!

The importance of and passion of death of the Messiah].
In order to illustrate the importance of and passion of death of Messiah you must take a few steps back. The Bible states many verses of the AT (eg. In Psalm 14) and of the [New Testament] That all men have sinned without exception. Romans 3:23 says "There is no distinction; For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. "

God however is an and HOLY God infinitely right (Joshua 00:19 Psalm 7:11) and not can in no way tolerate or pass over sin ie all of That is in contradiction with his or her thoughts person (see Habakkuk 1:13). And therefore would have to curse condemn every man. But the Bible also says That God is love (1 John 4: 8) and therefore not and wants to curse condemn anyone even 'That wants all men to be saved "says 1 Timothy 2: 4! So it became necessary to That God found a solution for we can offer to men in according to her and holiness justice and forgiveness of sins eternal salvation. But this was only possible if an perfect man without sin and HOLY YHWH sopportasse as substitute the judgment of God. So God sent his and the Son he did become man Scripture says expressly of That the Lord Jesus he not no sin (1 Peter 2:22) and in [the New Testament] calls him seven times the "Right." When the Lord Jesus was hanging on the cross God took upon him the sins of all those That they believed in and he That still believe. Yes in three hours of darkness he ident the [New Testament] ificò with all these sinners and dumped out of he of all judgment the wrath of God (1 Peter 2:24 2 Corinthians 5:21 Isaiah 53:10). in these three hours completely abandoned God and the Messiah so they had to issue the terrible cry: "My God my God why have you forsaken me?" (Psalm 22: 1 Matthew 27:46) So Jesus the Messiah died (Matthew 27:50) leading to a term the redemptive work (John 19:30)! Now God can give the perfect pardon to every sinner That relies on the Lord Jesus as pent offender [New Testament] ito and converted in confessing praying for their sins (1 John 1: 9); but always according to the blood shed by Jesus on Golgotha ​​(Ephesians 1: 7). We read in Hebrews 9:22 That without shedding of blood is excluding That there can be forgiveness of sins. in this time they found Fulfillment well as the words of Isaiah 53: 3-6: "He was despised and abandoned by men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief equal to the one before whom hide their face. He was despised and we not it made ​​no estimate. And nevertheless That were our diseases he bore and carried our sorrows of those which had been loaded; and we did esteem him stricken smitten by God and afflicted But he is Been wounded to reason of our transgressions bruised to reason of our iniquities; punishment for our peace is Been on him and for with his stripes we are healed. We had all gone astray as sheep each of us we followed the her own way; and the LORD HAS dropped on him the iniquity of us we all. "

3 Reading Isaiah 53].
As Isaiah assumes an place of so much importance in the Messianic prophecy this passage must be considered to part and more to background. Chapters 52: 13-53: 12 can be set to because "The gospel according to Isaiah." The Lord of announced nearly 700 years before Christ through the prophets That the "Hope of Israel" the awaited Messiah would have been inexplicably despised and rejected by his people. However this "gospel" also showed that not the Messiah to bear sorrows only by men but also under the hand of God that he will die sostitutivamente as for just the unjust for to save them from their sins.

The authenticity of Isaiah].
To be able to refer back to and trustworthiness authenticity of Isaiah you have to go back with the mind once again to what was said in the introduction about the translation of the Septuagint and the complete scroll of Isaiah to found Qumran. In fact Isaiah 53 is for content in whole both the works!

The different Jewish interpretation of Isaiah 53].
Today Has Judaism completely abandoned the Messianic interpretation of this passage of Isaiah. But as however shows the rabbinic literature for not a long time so it was. The most widespread opinion today argues That the "Servant of God" not is the Messiah but the people of Israel or her part. The people of Israel would have fallen pain described here. This interpretation of Isaiah 53 is however untenable for a variety of reasons content:
- When ever HAS suffered the people of Israel or her part for the sins of others? Not just men as Noah Daniel and Job could have done so as testifies Ezekiel 14: 12-20!
- It may perhaps be said of an any Jew to apart from the Messiah That "he had done no violence neither was any deceit in her mouth?" (Isaiah 53: 9)
- When will the people of Israel or a part of it is Been in tomb of an rich instead of in one place with the transgressors? (Isaiah 53: 9)

Messianic interpretations in rabbinic literature].
As already mentioned in the literature there is a whole series of messianic That walk link Isaiah 53 to the Messiah. These steps are for example in the Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 98b in the Treaty of Abkath Rokel book Paskita (700 AD) in an commentary to Genesis 1: 3 of Rabbi Moses Haddarschan (11th century ) and in a book Rabboth (300 AD) on Ruth 2:12. The rabbi Alschesch (16th century) says about Isaiah 53: "Our ancient rabbis thought on the basis of the tradition That here we are speaking of King Messiah. So we too following them we believe That That we think the subject of this prediction is David; he is the Messiah as is well clear. "28
In Midrasch Tanchuma (9th century?) Is to say the way of the words "Behold my servant shall prosper" (Isaiah 52:13): "This is the King Messiah That is high and exalted made excelled more of high Abraham Moses lifted up above and most of the angels That serve. "[29].
In Targum Jonathan Ben Uzziel [14] transpositions Aramaic of the prophets That hark back to a tradition rimontante to pre-Christian times the phrase "Behold my servant shall prosper" (Isaiah 52:13) is inserted even the title 'Messiah ".30 There are still many other interesting documents of kind; However now we want to take care of the way in which these prophecies written for a large part with the "prophetic perfect" (see Introduction) you are fulfilled in Jesus of the story.

Comments on the text of Isaiah 53].
Isaiah 52:13: "Behold the servant will prosper (or" act wisely " according to another version) will be high exalted made ​​supremely exalted." Before That it is described the terrible Passion of the Messiah is represented his triumph. The Messiah must be removed from the tomb (the resurrection Acts 2:24); high in the sky (ascension Acts 1: 9); and exalted (on the throne at the right hand of God; Mark 16:19).
Isaiah 52:14: "How many people saw it they remained stunned (it was so undid his so as not countenance more than an opinion man and on his so as to not look more than an opinion son d 'man). "
Here we speak of Messiah mistreated by men: the back of the Lord Jesus was turned into a bloody mass and to her torn flesh when Pilate scourged (with straps of leather from the end of armed sharp pieces of metal stone or hooks John 19: 1). On his the head was placed a crown of thorns with spines 5-8 cm long so that the blood ran and abundant hair on the face (John 19: 2).
Isaiah 52:15: "So will many of the nations he will arouse the admiration: the kings shall shut their mouths before to him That they shall see that not they had never been told and learn what That not they had heard. "
The message of battered Messiah Jesus it was then announced in the whole world outside the borders of Israel where it picked up big impression (see Romans 15: 18-21). Even the king heard this news (Agrippa: Acts 26: 27-28 the Roman emperor: see Acts 25: 11-12 etc.).
Isaiah 53: 1: "Who Has to believe That what we have preached unto you? and to Who is Been revealed the arm of the LORD? "
Although the announcement of Messiah and of his suffering would spread throughout the world it met a great disbelief. Only a few Jews will believe (John 12: 37-38). But even among the not Jews pagans raised (and raises) an deep denial.
Isaiah 53: 2a: "He is came up to him as before an scion as a root out of dry ground."
This verse speaks of the growth of Messiah as a small child (the Hebrew word "Joneq" = "Scion" means simultaneously "Infant"). Of this growth however the Lord Jesus came 'to before he "that is in complete communion with his God (Luke 2: 40.41 to 52). He grew up in the middle of an people characterized by hardness of heart and unbelief religious life that is "to dry ground."
Isaiah 53: 2b + 3: "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him nor appearance that we should desire. And despised rejected by men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief equal to the one before which hide their faces he was despised and we not it made ​​no estimate. "
Among the Jews expected as an Messiah fighter for the freedom That would have thrown off the yoke of the Romans. So you had for Jesus That as was of meek ​​servant O Lord and only contempt shame. They were especially leaders of That the people rejected it (the Hebrew word "Ishim" means of men particularly high status). Only a few recognized the her glory "full of grace and of truth glory... as one of the only begotten of the Father" (John 1:14).
Isaiah 53: 4a: "And nevertheless That were our illnesses he carried and carried our sorrows of those which had been loaded."
Has the Lord Jesus deeply affected by the suffering of the many sufferers of Israel: and brought her throughout her life on this earth (Matthew 8: 16:17; see John 11: 33-36). (Note That in this verse speaks of 'disease' and 'pain' and not of 'misdeeds' or 'transgressions').
Isaiah 53: 4b-6: "And we did esteem him stricken smitten by God and afflicted But he is Been wounded to reason of our transgressions bruised to reason of our iniquities; punishment for our peace is Been on him and for with his stripes we are healed. We had all gone astray as sheep each of us we followed the her own way; and the LORD HAS laid on him the iniquity of us we all. "
That was obvious the Messiah Jesus suffered for and the wickedness of the Romans the Jews (though this fact alone not could forgive any sin) while in step prophetic states That in three hours of darkness God punished him to the cross as a substitute for the sins of all those who repenting they have confessed to the Creator (or that they will in below) and have confidence in of sacrifice of expiation Golgotha ​​(or you believe in future) (1 John 1: 9; Romans 3: 23-26).
Isaiah 53: 7: "He was oppressed he humbled himself and not opened his mouth. as the lamb brought him to the slaughter as to the sheep dumb before who the shearer he not he opened his mouth. "
The Lord Jesus endured all the abuse without resistance. as it is exactly fulfilled: "like sheep... not he opened his mouth..." (see Matthew 26:62 27: 12-14 etc.).!
In the Old Testament were offered to God sacrifices of animals for the sins committed; is interesting to note that for eg from this passage of Isaiah can be recognized That already that time it was clear That these victims were only prototypes in view of the sacrifice of Messiah That really takes off sins!
Isaiah 53: 8: "By oppression and from judgment he was taken away (or ripped and hurry fury). and among those of the her generation who reflects that he had been ripped from the land of the living and to hit reason of the transgressions of my people? "
The condemnation of the Lord Jesus was only a false procedure corrupt That was reduced to a brief caricature of the process. Since "in processes issues of life and of death" of the Sanhedrin had usually cite as witnesses people That they could testify to favor of the accused. Where were the defenders instead of Jesus? in and hurry fury the proceedings took place. Who can describe the corruption of those people? They killed their Messiah! But at the same time that he died for all Israel (see Matthew 1:21 John 11: 5051)!
Isaiah 53: 9: "He was assigned a grave with the wicked but in her death he is Been with the rich not because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in her mouth."
The burial of the wicked would have been in the valley of Hinnom outside of the city of Jerusalem where they were burned municipal waste. But God will not allowed an further outrage. That so happened he was in place the tomb of rich of Joseph Arimathea (Matthew 27: 57-60). The her innocence is confirmed by a threefold apostolic witness:
- Not knew sin (2 Corinthians 5:21 Paul)
- Not no sin (1 Peter 2:22: Peter)
- Not was found in sin he (1 John 3: 5: John). Isaiah 53:10: "Yet it pleased the LORD of bruise with suffering. After giving her life in sacrifice for the sin he shall see seed prolong his days and the work of the LORD shall prosper in his hands. "

When the Lord Jesus was placed in cross load of the faults of others and HOLY God Just had to abandon it for three hours (Matthew 27: 4546) and hit at our place. But having led to completed the work of redemption "prolong his days" rising from the dead on the third day (Acts 1: 3 10: 4041; Romans 6: 9; Revelation 1:18 etc.).
Isaiah 53:11: "He shall see the fruit of of torment his soul and shall be satisfied; for to her knowledge my righteous servant will justify many and it will charge himself of their iniquities. "
The her redeeming work of entails the unthinkable consequences sinners can be freed from their sins and are "the fruit of of torment his soul." for through him all believers are to be justified before God (Romans 3:26).
Isaiah 53:12: "Therefore I will give her portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the powerful because it HAS gave himself to death and is Been numbered with the transgressors; Has bore the sin of many and HAS interceded for the transgressors. "
The Lord is sacrificed of her own volition (he gave himself in death; see John 10: 1718) and is Been numbered with the transgressors (Hebrew "Posch gim '= of inquenti Luke 23: 33) so God will give him as reward the future messianic kingdom (Revelation 20: 6) and even the faithful remnant of Israel will participate (= powerful). When he was in the cross the Lord Jesus HAS interceded for offenders (Luke 23:34). He bore the sins of many but not of all (see Hebrews 9:28 Mark 10:45)! Anyone not he confesses to God and his own guilt not thank you for having sacrificed his Messiah Jesus will fall under the eternal judgment of God (Matthew 25: 4146). But today is still the day of salvation; everyone who comes to the Lord Jesus will be welcomed (Matthew 11: 28-30)!

4 The Resurrection].
Even the resurrection of Messiah was foretold in the Old Testament! in Psalm 16: 8-10 speaks the Messiah himself: "I ​​HAS set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand I will not I will point moved. Therefore my heart is glad and my soul is celebrating; my flesh also shall dwell safely; because thou not leave my soul in you can of the death (Hebrew: Sheol) That neither wilt your SANTO One to see corruption. "(King James Version or" decomposition " according to Webster of the SBG 1982). This step is not absolutely can relate to David the composer of this Psalm since he died in 1000 before That and lived the Messiah 'saw' consequently 'corruption' 'decomposition'. On his grave could be visited to even in Jerusalem 32 AD (see Acts 2:29)! But of Lord Jesus comes with certificate clarity That sum he is resurrected three days after his death and That he "saw no corruption" the "decomposition" (see Matthew 28 Mark 16 Luke 24; John 20 and 21).

Josephus confirms the resurrection].
The resurrection of Jesus Christ not there is only confirmed by historical sources the Bible. The historian Josephus published in the year 93 the her and operates in 20 volumes "Antiquitates judaicae" That he wrote for the Romans so that they were better informed on the Jews and on their religion. in it he briefly to pronounce judgment and on the resurrection of Lord Jesus: "In that time (ie one of Pilate 26-36 AD) Jesus appeared to him an wise man That miracle worker performed many miraculous works and was a teacher for the men That gladly accepted the truth. Gained to her because many Jews and also many Greeks. This man was the Messiah. and after That Pilate had condemned to the death at the instigation of our own leaders those That not loved him left him. For he appeared to them of new living after three days... ". Already treating 31 The authenticity of the quote of Flavio (p. 35) That intimated this step was put in questioned by various critics. We therefore revise the arguments to before favor of The authenticity of this quote of Josephus.

Of more than 500 eyewitnesses].
In all there were more of 500 eyewitnesses of the resurrection (see 1 Corinthians 15: 3-9). not is impostors can declare all these men since the insincerity is in the fundamental contradiction with the insegnament or of [the New Testament] to where they were sticking with the utmost firmness and also because some of their not they were afraid of having to suffer martyrdom reason of their faith!

Without the resurrection not there is Christianity].
It should be noted carefully the following fact: around the year AD 57 the apostle Paul wrote in a letter to the Corinthians That the certainty of the Christian faith is based on the reality of the resurrection that is if the resurrection of the Lord not it was an historical fact not the faith of Christians would make no sense. In fact 1 Corinthians 15: 16-19 reads verbatim: "For if the dead are not rise then Christ is resuscitated; and if not Christ is risen is vain your faith; ye are yet in your sins. That even those they sleep in Christ have perished. If we have hope in Christ for this life only we are the most miserable of all men. "
If the eye-witnesses of the resurrection were deceiving as they would then have to depend on all their preaching from a lie? So the resurrection must have been an unwavering certainty. Paul writes then the very next verse (1 Corinthians 15:20): "But now is Christ risen from the dead the firstfruits of those That sleep."

The importance of the resurrection].
 The resurrection of Christ from the dead is so important because in raising the his the Messiah from the dead God wanted to give all the evidence That he accepted fully his substitutionary sacrifice and is pront [New Testament] or to forgive anyone who uses and makes her personally in faith this atoning work confessing her without hesitation personal guilt.

Appendix. A) Note (T - German F -> French I - English V. - see)
1 A. Lamorte: Israel - the her and earth the his book Beatenberg 1970 p. 28 T; v. A. Lamorte: The archaeological discoveries of the Dead Sea - or fantasy story? Bevaix p. 34
2 John C. Trever: Manuscripts of the cave of 1 Qumran (The large roll of Isaiah) Jerusalem 1972 I
344a. Frank Moore Cross: The ancient library of and Qumran biblical science Neukirchen-Vluyn
1967 p. 154; 155; 56; T
56. The Septuagint [New Testament] to in and greek english Bagster and Sons Ltd London Introduction p. 1; see John 10:34 with Psalm 82: 6 and with 1 Corinthians 14:21 Isaiah 28: 11-12 The
7 Translation of the Bible Luther with in the Apocrypha appendix Stuttgart 1955 p. 31 T
8 Kurt Aland Short list of Greek manuscripts [the New Testament] Berlin 1963 T Kurt and Barbara Aland text of the New Testament 1982 p. 87 T
9 See also: W. Gitt Prophecy - Manifestation of God in and time in space in: factum 1 / 2-1981 T
9a. Hollenberg-Budde: Book Hebrew school and Basel Stuttgart 1957 p. 75 T 9b V. Sir R. Anderson: The Prince That is Grand Rapids Michigan tenth edition 1957 p. 67 to 75.1
10 Quoted according to Dale Rhoton: The logic of the faith Strombeeck Bever Belgium 1970 p. 19 T
11 Quoted according to Michael Green: No one is to to talk of facts II Edition Neuhausen-Stuttgart 1974 p. 19 T
12 Quoted according to Frederick F. Bruce MA DD: The credibility of the writings the New Testament an examination of the historical finds Bad Liebenzell 1976 p. 124 T
12a. V. Babylonian Talmud Nazir 32b; Josephus: Antiquities judaicae X II.7; De bello Judaico IV and 6.3 VI 5.4 T
13 Quoted according to Abraham Meister: The Fulfillment of the Messianic promise of the AT with of Jesus Nazareth Drs. S. Kulling Chrischonarain 201 Bettingen 4126 p 19 T
13a. Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 98b
14 "Targum" plural "Targumim 'transcripts and Aramaic translations of almost all the Old Testament. in following the Babylonian captivity Aramaic replaced Hebrew as the national language. So from this moment the reading of the AT the text always had to be translated into Aramaic. At first it was made ​​orally and to memory. Later these traditions of were fixed for version recorded in the Targumim. Since they also contain added as explanation inform the theological thought in until the time of the pre-Christian Judaism. Of the oldest and most important part Targums Targum Onkelos for the five books of Moses and the Targum Jonatlìan Ben Uzziel for the prophets
15 The "Shebet" is in relationship with the people of Israel even of expression That done the tribe That I possess is considered by God as a witness in charge of front [New Testament] and on the other peoples.
16 That Matthew 1 actually reproducing the genealogical table of and Joseph Luke 3 that of Mary must be demonstrated: in Matthew 1:16 we have: "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary." From this it is That Jacob was the real father of Joseph. in Luke 3:23 it is written according to some translations: "Jacob son of Heli." But in the original greek missing the word "son"! He was in fact the son of Jacob; and of Heli father of Mary was only the son.
Approximately 17 of the cruelty v Archelaus. "De bello Judaico ' II 7.3 of Josephus
18 V. "De bello Judaico" 1.33
19 This quotation corresponds to the translation of the LXX in Isaiah 40: 3; v. Matthew 3: 3
20 Quoted according to Michael Green page 19 v. 11
21 See for eg. his prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem (Luke 19: 41-44 and 21: 20-24). The her prophecy in Luke 21: 20-24 was used for the salvation of all Christians during the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD When Tito having surrounded the city withdrew his troops for an 'inexplicable reason "as hands down Josephus the Christians fled trusting in the order of and Lord they could get to safety. in there were following the final siege and the destruction of the city. 21a This verse is interpreted in messianic Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 97b
22 See for example. Benjamin Davidson Analytical Hebrew and vocabulary II Chaldean London 1970 The 22nd Pesiqta Rabbati Pisqua 36 161b on Isaiah 60: 12 and Pisqua 37162b on Isaiah 60:10
23 In the Old Testament it makes a difference and clear very precise and between clean beasts unclean animals (see. Levites co-11: 5; Deuteronomy 14). According to this breakdown the dogs belong to the unclean animals. Therefore not Jews That not belong to the people of God (= Israel) may be designated figuratively with the expression "Dogs." So not it comes in no case of an insult as on the other hand it is in Italian and also in other languages!
24 Translation with "pierced" is very correct. Also included in the LXX so the Hebrew expression. So "Kaari 'for' kaarim 'can be understood as a part. att. masc. plur. from the root 'kvr. "V. Benjamin Davidson Analytical Hebrew and vocabulary II Chaldean p. 45 (XXXI I I) and p. 367 The
25 Quoted according to Michael Green v. 11 p. 15 T
25a. It is intended with what an narcotic an anesthetic an amazing
26 See the note of the Elberfeld translation of Isaiah 53: 9 T
27 The breaking of the bones had to hasten death
28 Quoted according to Abraham Meister v. 13 p. 13 T
29 as above
30 Virtually all the pain will be in followed but doing violence to the language kept lont [New Testament] ani by the Messiah. But it must be of the result of an editorial work done for the rear polemical reasons.
31 Quoted according to Michael Green p. 19 see above
B) Quotes Bible
The author HAS used for the German text the version most Elberfeld. for the translation Italian biblical quotations are you are taken for mostly by the Italian King James Version published by the Bible Society and the British stranger. The name of God is Been made ​​with "Yahweh." It is also made ​​use of versions of Webster of the Bible Society Geneva 1982 Diodati and for others also used in Italy.
C) editions of the original texts of the AT and of the [New Testament]
- Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensis Thora Neviim Uketubim Stuttgart 1967/77
- Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece XXVI edition Stuttgart 1979
- The Greek New Testament United Bible Societies Third Edition 1975
- Alfred Septuagint Rahlfs Stuttgart 1935
- Version Wuppertal Elberfeld XII edition 1951
And behold I are with you always until the end of TIME. "
** Acts 2: 23-36: This man when you were given in hands for by the determinate counsel and to the foreknowledge of God you for of hand unequal crucified and slain; but God raised him. This... Jesus God Has resuscitated; of what we are all witnesses. Being therefore exalted by the right hand of God and having received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit Has That hath shed forth this and now you see hear.
For David is not is in rose sky; yet he himself says: "The Lord Has said to my Lord:" Sit at my right hand until I make thine enemies for your footstool. '"Therefore know with certainty all the house of Israel That God Has made ​​him both Lord and Christ this Jesus That you crucified. "
*** Acts 13: 33-37: God has fulfilled this for us we their children by raising Jesus as also is written in the second psalm 'You are my Son this day have I begotten thee. "Since the HAS raised from the dead in That way not to have more go to decomposition Has God said so: "I will give you the holy and faithful promises made to David." In fact he says elsewhere: "You not That wilt your Holy One see decay." Now David having done the will of God in her generation he is asleep and is Been combined with his fathers and on his body is decomposed; but the one That God Has raised not HAS suffered decomposition.
*** 1 Cor. 15: 4-8: that he was buried; That is Been rose again the third day according to the scriptures; That appeared to Peter then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more of five hundred brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto life and some are dead. Then he appeared to James then to all the apostles; and last of all he appeared also to me as abortion. (Taken from the Jewish New Testament of David Stem)
"Cardinal Pietro Parente Mons. Antonio Pioli Mons. Salvatore Garofalo: Selected entries from the Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology." DEITY (Jesus Christ) is fundamental dogma of Christianity.

In the A. T. divinity of Christ is overshadowed:
a) Messianic Texts (Gen 3 14 ss.; ibid. 1-3 and 12 4914; Num. 24 17; Psalms 2 44 71 88 109; Prophecies: Is. 7 and 14 9 6 Micah 5 2 Ger. 23 6 Dan. 7 13; Malach. 3 1). These texts have all their strength if we consider in the light of NT; m not taken themselves are all dogmatic but suggest at least a vague transcendence of the future Messiah. Has particular value the text of Is. 9 where 6 is the Messiah as prophesied (* = strong God) the title given elsewhere to Yahweh. not is not valid the prophecy of Mal. 3 1 which predicts the forerunner and the Messiah. That enter into as the temple Dominator (Heb. = name of Yahweh).
b) Texts sapienzali That present the divine wisdom in almost personified so to suggest a distinction of terms or subjects of the breast the Divinity
(Prov. 8 12 ss.; Eccli. 24 5 ff.; Sap. 7 21 ff. And 18 14).
In N. T. divinity of Christ is evident:
c) is the prophesied Messiah Christ (the gospel in all);
1) in the Synoptic Gospels Christ is the Son of God only (* = favorite = only): Matt 3 and 17 17 5; Mc. 1 and 11 9 7; is confessed that St. Peter (Matt 16 16 ff.) and Jesus approves and praises. Furthermore Jesus distinguishes the Father with the possessive 'my' and 'your' and never associated with the men saying "our". before the Sanhedrin states Son of God and is condemned for this. Proclaims itself superior to Solomon (Matthew 12 41) completes the divine law (Mt. 5: 21) forgives sins to Mary Magdalene to the paralytic promises eternal life to those who love Him above all things and follows him rose from death to life and rising to the sky.
2) Gospel of S. John: Christ is the eternal Word truly God; is the only begotten from the Father That first of there Abraham That is and one with the Father send the Holy Spirit.
3) St. Paul strongly affirms the divinity of Christ especially Rom. 9 5; Col. 1 and 15 2 9; Filipp. 2 6 ss.; Heb. 1 11; Tit. 2 13
Tradition is an unanimous chorus a testimony of words of art of life of blood. sealed by Conc. Nicaea (325).
Messianic EXPECTED EXTRA BIBLICAL. Zarathustra is Spitama Been an prophet and mystic Iranian founder of Zoroastrianism. Zarathustra has therefore for the tradition mazdeista an central role in the salvation of the humanity is Been to him say for the first hymn of the Ahuna Vairya (Yatha vairyo ahu) That had to flee the demons from the land where once roamed freely.
Regarding other prophecies and messianic expectations we find something of very interesting also to of outside of the Hebrew Scriptures in such ares shows the prophecies of the Hebrew prophets. Again other peoples of the earth is an expected Messiah as in fact is demonstrated by the Magi.
Who were and what was their religious system? E 'should be asking this question it is for to see if it was just the messianic expectation of the Israelites and because the facts relating to the Magi is shown directly from the Gospel.
 In the "Life of Jesus Christ" of Giuseppe Ricciotti (Mondadori) p. 272 we find this remark interesting:
The theological system of the Magi is based on the dualism and on the eternal struggle between good and evil and on the expectation of saushyant (rescuer). This role is assigned to three characters That future would arise after Zarathustra and whose activity is framed in different times; the last of these helpers is ascribed the most important because it will ensure the triumph of good over evil and lead humanity to happiness.
Some Persian texts having appointed two rescuers descendants of Zarathustra present the third and final RESCUER as given birth to a girl "That no no man comes close."
With this helper according to those Persian texts will be the resurrection of the dead the judgment of the general and humanity the establishment of an kingdom of justice.
Historically is likely That towards the beginning of the Christian era was widespread in the caste of the Magi (re astronomers priests) knowledge of the Jewish expectation of an the Messiah-King That this expectation was identified foreign with the expectation of Persian an and rescuer that certain magi took any interest of the appearance of this character expected. [The Gospel of the Magi confirms this hypothesis.]
Another case of revelation of the outside of the circle are described in the Hebrew Bible as well That for the wise men even in the case of prophet Balaam belonging to the Canaanite people who was invited by his people to to curse Israel but God inspired him to a long blessing That included the famous phrase "a star shall rise out of Jacob" just in reference to the coming of an Salvatore.
Let us read now with focus on the text of Matthew].
Matthew 2.1 Jesus was born to Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod. Some Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asking 2 "Where is the king of the Jews That is born? For we have seen her the star and we have come for worship him." 3. heard this King Herod was troubled and with him all Jerusalem. 4 and assembling all the chief priests and the scribes of the people he inquired of them the place where the Messiah was to be born. 5 They answered him "In Bethlehem of Judea for thus is written for means of prophet and 6 you Bethlehem land of Judah not you are really the least among the clans of Judah: from you will come an head That to shepherd my people Israel. "7 Then Herod summoned the wise men came with say ascertained from them the time when the star had appeared and 8 he sent them to Bethlehem exhorting them: "Go and inquire carefully of child and when you have found him bring me word that I too may go and worship him. "9 When they had heard of the king they departed. And lo the star That they had seen his East went before them till it came and he stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. 11 On entering the house they saw the child with Mary her mother and they bowed down and worshiped him.

How could reasonably be a conjunction of planets or a comet or a star That any traveling to millions of miles away from the earth stopping just at the place where the Child was found pointing to the Magi the exact location without the possibility of confusion? That maybe this celestial body is both an point closer to the terrestrial sphere so as to stay a few feet off the ground? But if we think we need to take better That also present an celestial body is of enormous size and even if we admit an closer to the ground and on his stopping in an given point we should take into account That not indicate only a house but an entire region. as then it could be so easy to identify the place of the birth of the long-awaited Savior?
The logical conclusion is That not it is not only of an not only astronomical event astrological.
That the luminous body is called a star with in all probability is as already noted to reason St. Basil That That was pointed out the "star" in not himself was neither an planet or a comet or else it was something of extraordinary for example in his movement different from that of the stars known and not could not be identified with a star from which to draw an horoscope. It was according to St. Basil an or an angel a direct sign of sky.
It is of a very agreeable and opinion unlikely. Only an intelligent being could guide the Magi in so finding the poor dwelling of the Holy Family in clearly without getting lost in an impossible quest.
That one however we are more interested is That also of outside of the Jews there were prophecies inspired by the prophets of their peoples That identified with some elements precisely connotations That would have allowed them of recognize the Awaited One of the people.

THIS list of biblical references WHOSE overall picture gives us MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY That in of Jesus Nazareth you are having fulfilled all of the Messianic prophecies and That then is He is the Christ the true Messiah Awaited by people not only from the Jews but also from other peoples and religions That considered the same foreigners were expecting the coming of the Magi in their religion.
W. Devivier SJ of Jesus Nazareth is the promised Messiah. The fulfillment of the prophecies That concerning the Person and the mission of Jesus Christ.
Enumeration of Some Prophecies:
Beginning with the fall of the first man not God ceased to send later a multitude of prophets for and announce paint with more and more certain circumstances That the Messiah the Mosaic religion was to replace a religion more perfect destined for and all the peoples for all the times. These are sent of God with secure increasing precision in time when the Messiah will appear on the earth which belong to the family the city which will see the light: many centuries before the damage of surrounding more precise the her birth of her the life of the her preaching de 'his miracles his sufferings of her the death of his triumph over death and on the world. We remember especially the famous prophecy of Jacob of Daniel of Haggai and of Malachi That one after the other always better to determine the time which was to be the Messiah. At the same time these particular points will see the importance of to the prophecies prove the divine mission of Salvatore.

1 Coming and quality of the Messiah].
"Son of Abraham" (Genesis 12) a descendant of the tribe of Judah (Gen... 49) David (Psalm. 88 II Isaiah Jeremiah. Etc. 23.) The Messiah awaited by all nations (January 49 Haggai. 52) born of the Virgin (Isaiah. 7 Jeremiah. to Ezek. 44) in the town of Bethlehem (Micah 5) the first of the slavery of the nation (Gen. 49) the seventieth week of years after the edict for the reconstruction of temple of Jerusalem (Daniel 9) and first of destruction of for this second temple the work of a foreign nation (Haggai. 2 Malachi 3). The her coming will be preceded by a universal peace (Psalm. 71 Isaiah 2 Daniel 2 Zechariah. 3) and will be announced and prepared by a special envoy (Malachi. 3) whose voice will resonate in desert (Isaiah. 40). The Messiah of as the name of in fact Jesus will say Salvatore (habac. 3 Isaiah 5i etc..) Emmanuel or God with us we (Isaiah. 7) ie the Anointed for Christ excellence (Psalm. 2 44 61 Isaiah Lamentations 4 the Son of God (Psalm. 2 Hosea. 11) God (Isaiah. 9 25 35 40 Ps. 44 109 Bar. 3 Malachi. 3) and hidden God (Isaiah. 45) according to the order of the pope Melchizedek (Psalm. 109) the right for excellence (Jeremiah. 23 Wisdom. 2 Isaiah 45 62 etc.). the Holy and the Holy of Holies (Psalm. 4 15 Isaiah 12 Daniel 9) the admirable the counselor the mighty God the father of future century the Prince of the peace (Isaiah. 9 ).

2. her and birth the her youth].
Will be adored by the kings of the East That will offer gold and incense (Psalm. 71 Isaiah 60); the Savior sojourn in Egypt (Hosea. II) and to in Nazareth Galilee (according to the text jew Isaiah 3) converse with the inhabitants of Zion (Isaiah. 12 etc..) and glue her presence will honor the second temple (Haggai. 2 Malachi. 3). It will be poor and from her youth work be done (Psalm. 87) and however and will be king possessor of eternal an That kingdom will extend to the ends of the earth (Psalm. 2). It will be obedient (Psalm. 39) and sweet and peaceful (Psalm. 119).

3. her apostolic career].
He not crush with the feet and the broken reed not turn off the wick That still smokes (Isaiah. 42); to go look for the lost sheep raise those That macaws falls bind up the wounds of those That macaws wounds will strengthen the weak and confirm the faithful in the lead ways of Justice (Ezek. 34) ; comforted the afflicted (Isaiah. 61) and to work miracles for the blind the deaf the dumb and so on. (Isaiah. 35 42). However in spite of the intrinsic efficacy of the her the divine word (Isaiah. 1149) despite the splendor of this divine light (Isaiah. 9 43 6o) the Messiah will be a stone of scandal and an occasion of ruin for an large number of Jews (Isaiah. 1 6 8 42).

4. her passion and the her death].
Isaiah Zechariah and the Psalms are as a sort of prophetic gospel. It is judged by the following: "I weighed out for reward my 30 silver coins. And the Lord said to me: Throw to this beautiful statuary that sum to which I have estimated (Zechariah. 21). Truly leaned against our griefs took upon our sorrows. it seemed like an leper smitten of God and afflicted. for our iniquity is Been covered of wounds was smashed for our of ict. Out of he is fallen That the punishment we must bring peace and with his stripes we were healed. we were lost in false ways and God compounded of all our iniquities hit him for the of conflicts of his people. not there's more he neither beauty nor glory. We saw more not was recognizable it was an object of contempt the last of the men an of man and pains all disfigured as sheep will be led to be killed and as an lamb is dumb before to That he his shearer so he not opens her mouth (Isaiah. 53); more resembling an worm That to an man the reproach of men and the refusal of the plebs (Salt 21). That wounds are in these the midst of your hands? are made ​​to me by those wounds That my friends were saying (Zechariah. 13). And pierced my hands my feet they counted all my bones. I considered it and I examined; divided my clothes and they cast lots for to have my garments (Psalm 21). How many saw me mocked of me and her lips moved shook their heads. He confided in you Lord they say; the free save it if you is is it That she loves him (Psalm. 21 Wisdom. 2). as bulls surrounded me roared as lions; as a pack of dogs attacked me with Wrath (Psalm. 21). for food they gave me gall and for calm my thirst they offered me vinegar (Psalm 68). All day I was the object of for derision all my people (Jeremiah. 3).

5 Establishment of the her the Church].
The most part of the prophecies announce it: "On the inhabitants of Jerusalem God will spend his spirit give them a new spirit and an new heart (Isaiah. 46 Ezek. 37 Jol. 2). Preached first in Zion (Isaiah. 2 Micah 11) The word of God will be carried by faithful witnesses (Isaiah. 43 44) in Africa in Lydia in Italy in Greece the isles afar off to the people immersed in the shadows of the death That they will conquer the Lord (Isaiah. 60 52). them will go in and the fire will try them as gold is tried (Zechariah. 13). A new alliance will bring together all peoples (Isaiah. 49 Jeremiah. 31st Hosea. 2 etc..): wolves and lambs and lions sheep and docile peaceful live together (Isaiah. 11 Sof. 3 Jeremiah. 32) ".

6 The sacrifice of the new law].
To cap off the wonderful set of the revelations about the Messiah Malachi That ends the series of prophets proclaim That the sacrifices of the old law which had been offered in only temple of Jerusalem will be subrogated by a 'oblation all pure That will be done in every place and at all ì nations (Malachi. 1 10 il). Isaiah and David adds That this sacrifice of the new covenant will be offered by priests removed from all nations (Isaiah. 66) under the supreme pontiff according to the order of Melchizedek (Psalm 109).

Figure 7 prophetic of Messiah].
That God wanted the spirit of his people were constantly busy of future Redeemer and everything would evoke him to her imagination. So not he was glad of preach through the ministry of the prophets. Conforming to the genius of the Jewish people and in general of all the peoples of the East of procured appear with the Messiah types and live with symbolic phenomena. Among the first mention Isaac Joseph Moses David Jonah; among the latter the paschal lamb the manna the serpent of bronze. In fact you can dine That and all worship institutions of the people of Israel had an typical character. "The whole of government the people says St. Augustine not That was a continual prophecy of King That waiting." not is to neglect this kind of prophecy which although not of servant according to the test That in this moment we expose it can nevertheless accomplish and confirm the arguments.

8 Between the end of the Messianic prophecies and the principle of their fulfillment spent five hundred years].
On the other hand we know That for making impossible any doubt as to this prior art of the prophecies Providence ordered That was translated into greek the Old Testament of nearly 300 years before Jesus Christ and That the translation called the Septuagint was widespread in the whole world long before of the coming of promised Messiah. But these prophecies That succeeded so numerous in an of course 4000 years and That they found themselves in agreement in announcing the same event extraordinary prodigious to impossible to predict you are then really accomplish? That is the question especially important to examine.

The fulfillment of the prophecies].
To fully convinced of perfect fulfillment of all these prophecies Jesus Christ and only in Jesus Christ just read the Gospels. The agreement of the Old with the New Testament is so wonderful That if with most certainly not That we knew the prophetic books existed many centuries before of Jesus Christ we are tempted to believe That than so many and the precise circumstances were written after the events by historians and not by the prophets. are known efforts tempted by modern critics especially from Renan Wellhousen etc. Darmstetter. for take away the supernatural character of the prophetic mission and for the prophets assign a historic part different from that That their attributes the tradition. not hath kind of That flaw not it is made to undergo the texts no fantastic interpretation which not use has been made for lower the prophets in the same way of simple fortune-tellers or for represent their predictions as written after the fact. However if the naturalistic theory is untenable in That it concerns the history and the religion of Israel why not correspond to the facts it is even less sustainable as we will see in That it concerns the 'proclamation of the Messiah.

1 The age and THE PLACE of the coming of Messiah had been well determined].
Vintage and THE PLACE of the coming of Messiah had been well determined and for widespread all the earth That at the time of the proclamation of the Roman Empire under Augustus not only the Jews but all the people were waiting for the great event. This same expectation That had been foretold by the prophets is attested by all contemporary historians. "On the faith of ancient prophecies says Tacitus was the general persuasion That the East would prevail and That from Judea would come out of the masters world." At to just speak with the same terms and Suetonius Joseph jew. The expectation of promised deliverer was so general and so alive at the Jews That many of them blindly followed some factions which are spacciarono for precursors of or for the Messiah the Messiah himself. Hence the numerous rebellions That preceded the destruction of Jerusalem. It is remarkable! while Europe was waiting for an Salvatore from the East and the Indians the Chinese were waiting by the West. Codest is stated by Voltaire his additions to the overall story. From one and the other side looks focused on an small spot of globe That Boulanger an another unbelieving quite rightly calls "the center of the hope of all nations."
The other prophecies are of equal true. That we may say the picture of the prophecies of the Old Testament is the picture of the life and of the death of Jesus Christ the history of abridged his works and of wonderful establishment of to her the Church. The comparison is clear and the application not only is easy but you do by herself. The prophets are witnesses That only to lay favor of Jesus: "Huic omnes Prophetae testimonium perhibent" said St. Peter to the Jews (Acts 10 43). All of them their predictions all kinds prophetic figurative of all the institutions the ancient law refer to Jesus of and Nazareth prove That he is the true Messiah appointed by divine inspiration the Savior of gender human.

2 We must therefore be surprised seeing the apostles constantly invoke the testimony of the prophets for convince the Jews of the divine mission of Jesus Christ?
 For other listeners presented arguments of another kind; but for their compatriots nothing could match the strength of this. Therefore s. Peter made ​​it the basis of his exhortations That converted thousands of people. After pleading in as a witness of the heavenly voice heard on Tabor appeals to the prophecies as to a test even more irrefrangibile: "Habemus firmiorem propheticus sermonem" (II. Ep. 1 19).
St. Paul by her consecrated to whole days let them see Jesus in the law of Moses and in the prophets: Suadebat eis de Jesu ex lege et Moysi Prophetis to mane usque ad vesperam (Acts viii 23).

3 The same Jesus got up the courage of his disciples showing them That all that troubled them not That was the fulfillment of the prophecies]:
 Interpretabatur in illis Scripturis omnibus quae de ipso erant (s. Luca 2421. That we had hoped it was to him Israel free with all this is now the third day since these things are happened. 22 But some women of our we were astounded they went to the tomb 23 in the morning and not having found his body they came to tell us of they had seen a vision of angels who said That he is alive. 24. Some of our altars and went to the tomb they found as the women had said but he did not have seen it. "25 and he said to them" O foolish men and of late heart in believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26. not That was necessary for the Christ to suffer these things get into her glory?. "27 and beginning from Moses and from all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures that what he was referring to him. 28 When they approached the village where they were going Jesus acted as if he were going farther. 29 But they urged him strongly "Stay with us we it is nearly evening and the day is now almost over. "). and therefore he had said to the Jews: Study the scriptures which you believe That contain the words of life they testify to my favor (S. John. 5 39).
From the fulfillment of the many prophecies made ​​many centuries before That about events it was impossible to conjecture it is with the greatest evidence That Jesus Christ is truly the Messiah the one sent by God announced and expected to be several thousand years and That for consequently the religion he founded and by so long predicted is truly divine. In fact only the One to whom all the centuries are present and That alone can prepare and directing the events of her glue wisdom and omnipotence he could make similar revelations. "The fulfillment of all the prophecies he said with Pascal right is an perpetual miracle and not no need of for other evidence recognize the divinity of the Christian religion."
We can not refrain from quoting here a magnificent pages of Lacordaire. After mentioning the major Messianic prophecies as he exclaimed:
"Here gentlemen two facts parallel and correlative and all two certain and all two of a gigantic proportion That one lasted two thousand years of Jesus Christ the other That hard by one thousand eight hundred after Christ Jesus: That one announces a major revolution and impossible to predict That the other it is the fulfillment and all having two Jesus Christ for principle for end for conjunction. I ask you again: that do you think? Would you take possibly the party of the denial? But That what neghereste?
Perhaps the existence of the Messianic idea? But this is in the Jewish people That is living in the whole series of the monuments of the her history in universal traditions of mankind in more open denominations of the most profound disbelief.
Perhaps the anteriority of the circumstances prophetic? But the Jewish people That Has Jesus Christ crucified and That Has an and the national interest to secular rob him of the evidence the her divinity That there asserts its scriptures were an That this time are nowadays; and to greater security two hundred and fifty days before Jesus Christ (250 °.AC) under the king of Egypt Ptolemy Philadelphus and upon his orders throughout the Old Testament translated greek became the property of the Roman world of the whole civilized world.
You'll turn to the other pole of the question and deny the fulfillment of the messianic idea? But the Catholic Church daughter of this idea is before your eyes there HAS baptized.
Maybe you will try your foothold in the encounter of these two formidable events?
That you deny Jesus Christ has in her person verified the Messianic idea That he is a Jew of the tribe of Judah of the house of David That he founded the Catholic Church on the double ruin of the Synagogue and of idolatry?
But the two parties and in agree irreconcilable enemy everything.
The Jew says "yes; and the Christian says "yes.
That will say this meeting of miraculous events at the precise point of Jesus Christ is the effect of a case?
But the case though there n'ha not is That an accident and short fortuitous the her the definition excludes the idea of succession: not it gives the case of two thousand years and of one thousand eight hundred others to be added to those two thousand. "
"Gentlemen when God works nothing remains to be against of him and Jesus Christ we see the engine of and past the engine of the future to the soul of the times he front and to the soul of the times he rear. for half of 'his ancestors he is linked to the Jewish people That is the largest monument social and religious of ancient times and for to her posterity binds the Catholic Church That is the greatest work and social religious of the new times. He appears to us in taking her left hand the Old Testament the greatest book of the times That preceded him and in her right hand holding the Gospel the greatest book of the times that followed him. and in the meantime so be preceded and followed he is in himself still the largest of its ancestors and of to her posterity of the patriarchs and the prophets and the apostles the martyrs. Though all that is of more illustrious before and after of he suffraghi the her personal appearance comes off again from this fund sublime and reveals to us That God not HAS neither model nor equal "(41st conference 1846).
(Taken from W. Devivier SJ Christian apologetics course. Reasoned position of the fundamentals of the faith 6.a ed. Italian revised and updated by P. Celestino Thestor SJ Libreria Editrice Emiliana Venice 1937).

✙ ♥. ♔ WELCOME in my holy JHWH holy! ✙ ♥. This is Faith that give the victory it has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov 54[♚MENE ★ TECHEL ★ PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself". ♰ by ★ ♰ Rei Unius★ ♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen!
EXCEPTIONAL: The only scientific test That of Jesus Nazareth is God.
Prophecy = Progeny of a woman (virgin birth) Reference = Genesis 3:15 Consummation Lu. 1:35; + Mt. 1: 18-20
Prophecy 2 = He will crush the head of Satan - Reference = Genesis 3:15 Consummation ----- Hebrews 2:14; + 1 Jn. 3:18
Prophecy 3 = bodily ascension to heaven - Reference Genesis 5:24 = 6:19 Consummation Mr.
4 = Son of Prophecy Sem - Reference = Genesis 9: 26-27 Consummation Lu. 3:36
5 From the seed of Abraham - Reference = Genesis 12: 3 Consummation At.3: 25-26
6 Promised to descendants of Abraham - Reference = Genesis 12: 7 Consummation Ga. 3:16
7 priest after Melchizedek - Reference = Genesis 14:18 Consummation ----- Hebrews 6:20
8 Re - Reference = Genesis 14:18 - Fulfillment Heb. 7: 2
9 of foreshadowing the last supper Genesis 14:18 - Fulfillment Mt. 26: 26-29
10 Seed of Isaac Genesis 17:19 - Fulfillment Romans 9: 7
11 The Lamb of God promised Genesis 22: 8 - Consummation Jn. 1:29
12 The descendants of Isaac will bless the nations Genesis 22:18 Ga.3: 16
13 The Redeemer by the progeny of Isaac Genesis 26: 2-5 ---- Hebrews 11:18
14 The time of the her Genesis 49:10 ---- Ga appearance. 4: 4 + Lu. 2: 1-7;
15 Seed of Judah Genesis 49:10 ---- Lu. 3:33
16 Called Shiloh or "Sent" Genesis 49:10 ---- Jn. 17: 3
17 Before That Judah lost the identity Genesis 49:10 ---- Jn. 11: 47-52
Obedience to 18 Genesis 49:10 ---- He Jn. 10:16
19 The Great I are Exodus 3: 13-14 ---- Jn. 4:26
20 an a lamb without blemish Exodus 12: 5 ---- 1 Peter 1:19
21 The blood of the Lamb saves from wrath Exodus 12:13 ---- Ro. 5: 8
22 Christ our Passover Exodus 12: 21-27 ---- 1 Corinthians 5: 7
23 No bone of the Lamb will be broken Exodus 24:46 ---- Jn. 19: 31-36
24 Prediction of the exaltation of Yeshua Exodus 15: 2 ---- At. 7: 55-56
25 Holiness of his nature Exodus 15:11 ---- Lu.1: 35; + At. 4:27
26. spiritual Rock of Israel Exodus 17: 6 ---- 1 Corinthians 10: 4
Exodus 33:19 27 Merciful ---- Luke 1:72
28 Purification by leprosy Leviticus 14:11 ---- Lu. 5: 12-14; + Mt 8: 2
29 Uniqueness of the death of Christ Le. 16: 15-17 ---- Hebrews 9: 7-14
30 The Suffering off the field. 16:27 ---- Mt 27:33; + Hebrews 13: 11-12
31 Blood the life of the flesh Le. Mr. ---- 17:11 26:28; + Mt. 10:45
32 The means of blood atonement Leviticus 17:11 ---- Gv.3: 14-18
33 "If a man HAS thirst" Le. 23: 36-37 ---- Gv.7: 37-38
34 No broken bone Numbers 9:12 ---- Jn. 19: 31-36
35 Christ on the cross high Numbers 21: 9 ---- Jn. 3: 14-18
36 Time: "I see him but not now" Numbers 00:17 ---- Galatians 4: 4
37 will be an prophet De 18:15 ---- Gv.6: 14
38 believed to Moses to believe me Deuteronomy 18: 15-16 ---- Jn. 5: 45-47
39 Sent to proclaim the Word of Father De. l8: 18 ---- Jn. 8: 28-29
40 If someone not listen... De. 18:19 ---- At.3: 23
41 Cursed be hung to an De tree. 21:23 ---- Galatians 3: 10-13
42 Has Christ redeemed. Rut: -9 ---- Eph. 1: 3-7.
43 an Rè anointed for the Lord 1 Samuel 2:10 ---- Mt. 28:18; + Jn. 12:15
44 The seed of David 2Sa. 7:12 ---- Mt. 1: 1
45 The Son of God 2 Sam ---- Lu 7:14. 1:32
46 The house of David established for always 2 Sam ---- Lu 7:16. 3:31; + Ap. 22:16
47. bodily ascension to heaven 2 Kings: 11 ---- Lu. 00:51
48 The seed of David 1Ch 17:11 ---- Mt. 1: 1; 9:27
49 On the throne of David for always 1Ch. 17: 12-13 ---- Lu. 1: 32-33
50 "I will be his Father and he My Son" 1 Cr. 17:13 ---- Hebrews 1: 5
51 The resurrection predicted Job 19: 23-27 ---- Gv.5: 24-29
52 He became humble men Job 25: 6 ---- Mt.27: 30-31
53 Enmity preordained kings of Psalm 2: 1-3 ---- At. 4: 25-28
54 He had the title of Unto (SI = read: Psalm) Psalm 2: 2 ---- At. 2:36
55. his character: holiness Psalm. 2: 6 Ap. 3: 7
56 He had the title of King of Psalm 2: 6 ---- Mt 2: 2
57 Declared the beloved Son Psalm 2: 7 ---- MT.3: 17
58 The crucifixion and the resurrection Psalm 2: 7-8 ---- At. 13: 29-33
59 Life comes from faith in He Psalm 2:12 ---- Jn. 20:31
60 Praise be perfect from the mouths of children Psalm 8: 2 ---- Mt. 21:16
61. her and humiliation the her exaltation. Psalm 8: 5-6. ---- Lu. 24: 50-53;. + 1 Co. 15:27
62. not he would have seen the corruption Psalm 16:10 ---- At. 2:31
63 He must rise again from the dead Psalm 16: 9-11 ---- Jn. 20: 9
64 The resurrection predicted Psalm 17:15 ---- Lu. 24: 6
65 Abandoned for the sins of others Psalm 22: 1 2 Co. 5:21
66 Words from Calvary: "My God..." Psalm 22: 1 ---- Mr. 15:34
Psalm 67 Darkness on Calvary. 22: 2 ---- Mt. 27:45
68. shook his head Psalm 22: 7 ---- Mt. 27:39
Has 69 confided in God That God help him SL 22: 8 Mt. 27:43
70 The Savior is born SL 22: 9 ---- Lu. 2: 7
71 died with the broken heart Psalm 22:14 ---- Jn. 19:34
72 He suffered the agony on Calvary Psalm 22: 14-15 ---- Mr: 15: 34-37
He was thirsty SL 73 ---- Jn 22:15. 19:28
74. and pierced hands feet SL ---- Jn 22:16. 19: 3437; + Jn. 20:27
The 75 stripped of in front of men Psalm 22: 17-18 ---- Lu. 23: 34-35
76 They divided His garments Psalm 22:18 ---- Jn. 19: 23-24
77 He got back to God Psalm 22: 20-21 ---- Lu. 23:46
78 Satan bruised the heel Redeemer Psalm 22: 20-21 ---- Hebrews 2:14
79. her resurrection was proclaimed Psalm 22:22 Jn. 20:17
Reference Prophecy Fulfillment
80 The Governor of the nations Ps 22: 27-28 ----? Colossians 1:16
81 "It is finished!" Psalm 22:31 Psalm ---- = Jn. 19:30
82 "I are the good shepherd" Psalm 23: 1 ---- Jn. 10:11
83. her exaltation announced Psalm 24: 3 ---- At. 1:11; + FI. 2: 9
84. her ascension Psalm 24: 7-10 ---- Jn. 7:33
85. her resurrection expected Psalm 30: 3 ---- At. 2:32
86 "Into your hands I commit my spirit" Psalm 31: 5 ---- Lu. 23:46
87.1 acquaintances fled from Him Psalm 31:11 ---- Mr.14: 50
88 They agreed for send him to death Psalm 31:13 ----? 11:53
Has 89 confided in God God will free Psalm 31: 14-15 ---- Mt. 27:43
90. not an sol The bone was broken Psalm 34:20 ---- Jn. 19: 31-36
91 False witnesses against of Him Psalm 35:11 ---- Mt. 26:59
92 He was hated without a cause Psalm 35:19 ---- Jn. 15:25
93.1 His friends watched from afar Psalm 38:11 ---- Lu. 23:49
94 The joy of the resurrection was foretold Psalm 40: 2-5 ---- Jn. 20:20
95. his beloved follow the Father Psalm 40: 6-8 ---- Jn. 4:34
96 Justice preached in Israel Psalm 40: 9 ---- mt.4: 17
97 It was addressed garden Psalm 40:14 ---- v. 18: 1
98 Betrayed by an friend Psalm 41: 9 ---- Jn. 13:18
99 From His lips descended grace Psalm 45: 2 ---- Lu. 4:22
100 would have been called God or Elohim Psalm 45: 6 ---- Hebrews 1: 8
101 Anointed by the Spirit HOLY Psalm 45: 7 ---- Mt. 3:16; + Hebrews 1: 9
102 Called Christ (Messiah Anointed One) Psalm 45: 7-8 ---- Lu.2: ll
103 Worthy of our worship Psalm 45:11 ---- Mt 2: 2
104 Betrayed by an friend not as an enemy Psalm 55: 12-14 ---- Jn. 13:18
105 Death of unrepentant traitor Psalm 55:15 ---- Mt. 27: 3-5; + At. 1: 16-19
106 He gave gifts to men Psalm 68:18 ---- Eph. 4: 7-16
Reference Prophecy Fulfillment
He ascended into heaven SL 107 ---- Lu 68:18. 00:51
108 He was hated without an why Psalm 69: 4 ---- Jn. 15:25
109 an alien for your brothers Psalm 69: 8 ---- Lu. 8: 20-21
Zealous for 110 the home of Lord Psalm 69: 9 ---- Jn. 2:17
111 The pain of first of Messiah the cross ---- Psalm 69: 14-20 ---- Mt. 26: 36-45
112 "My soul is oppressed..." Psalm 69:20 ---- Mt. 26:38
He was thirsty and 113 he was given vinegar Psalm 69:21 ---- Mt. 27:34
114 The Savior delivered and smitten Psalm 69:26 ---- Jn. 17: 4; + Jn. 18:11
115 Great men have visited the SL 72: 10-11 ---- Mt 2: 1-11
116 n grain of wheat fallen to earth SL Jn 72:16. 24:24
117 The name Yinon produces fruit SL ---- Jn 72:17. 1: 12-13
118 All nations blessed in He SL ---- Acts 72:17. 2: 11-12 41
119 He taught in parables SL 78: 1-2 ---- Mt. 13: 34-35
120 He spoke wisely with authorities SL 78: 2 ---- Mt. 7:29
121 From the tribe of Judah Psalm 78: 67-68 ---- Lu. 3:33
122 He had compassion SL Mt. 9:36 ---- 86:15
123 They were to look away from the Psalm 88: 8 ---- Lu. 23:49
124 Greatest of the kings of the earth Psalm 89:27 ---- Lu. 1: 32-33
125 The seed of David will last forever Psalm 89: 35-37 Lu. 1: 32-33
126. his character: loyalty Psalm 89: 36-37 ---- Rev. 1: 5
127 He is from eternity to eternity Mi 5: 2 + Psalm 90: 2; Jn. 1: 1
128 Identified as the Messiah SL 91: 11-12 Lu. 4: 10-11
129. her exaltation announced Psalm 97: 9 At.1: 11; + Ef. 1:20
130. his character: goodness Psalm 100: 5 Mt. 19: 16-17
131 Suffering the reproach of Calvary SL 102: 1-11 ---- Jn. 19: 16-18
132 The Messiah is the Son That preexisting SL 102: 25-27 ---- Hebrews 1: 10-12
133 mocked Psalm 109: 25 ---- Mt. 27:39
Reference Prophecy Fulfillment
134 Son of David Psalm 110: 1 ---- Mt. 22:43
135 Ascended to the right hand of Father Psalm 110: 1 ---- Mr 16:19
136 The Son of David called the Lord SL 110: 1 Mt. 22: 44-45
137 Priest according to the order of Melchizedek SL 110: 4 ---- Ebrei6: 20
138. his character: compassionate SL 112: 4. ---- Mt. 9:36
139 The certainty of the resurrection SL 118: 17-18 ---- Lu. 24: 5-7; + Co: 15:20
140 The rejected stone is the cornerstone Psalm 118: 22-23 ---- Mt. 21:42
141 The Blessed One presented to Israel SL 118: 26 Mt.21: 9
142 would come when there was the temple SL 118: 26 Mt. 21:12
143 Seed of David (the result of his body) SL 132: 11 ---- Lu.1: 32
144 The seed of David surprises the king SL 138: 1-6 ---- Mt. 2: 2-6.
145 of them earthly ministry Christ SL 147: 3 6 ---- Lu. 4:18
146 He will send the Spirit of God SL 147: 18 ---- Jn. 1: 6: 7
147 Friend of sinners Pr 18: 24 ---- Mt. 11:19
148 Still loving Song ---- Jn 5:16. 1:17
149 judge between the nations Isaiah = Isaiah 2: 4 Lu. 11:22.
150 Bel bud and true vine Is. 4: 2 Gv.l5: l
151 When Isaiah saw her glory Is.6: 1 Jn. 12: 40-41
152 The parables fall on deaf ears Isaiah 6: 9-10 ---- Mt. 13: 13-15
153 Blind to Christ deaf to His words Isaiah 6: 9-12 ---- At. 28: 23-29
154 would be born of a - virgin Is.7: 14 ---- Lu. 1:35
155 Emmanuel God with us we Isaiah 7:14 ---- Mt. 1: 18-23
156 was called Emmanuel Is.8: 8 ---- Mt: 28:20.
157 Stone of stumbling stumbling stone Isaiah ---- 1 Peter 8:14. 2: 8
158 The beginning of his ministry and Galilee Isaiah 9: 1-2 Mt 4: 12-17
159 Uh child there is born humanity Is.9: 6 Lu. 1:31
160 n there is the Son Been since beyond divinity Isaia.9: 6 ---- Lu. 1:32; + Jn. 1:14; + 1 Ti. 3:16
Reference Prophecy Fulfillment
161 Declared the Son of God with power Is.9: 6 ---- Romans 1: 3-4
162 Called Wonderful Peleh Isaiah 9: 6 ---- Lu.4: 22
163 The Director Yaatz Isaiah 9: 6 ---- Mt. 13:54
164 Mighty God El Gibor Isaiah 9: 6 ---- Mt 11:20
165 Eternal Father Avi Adth Is.9: 6 ---- Jn. 8:58
166 Prince of the Peace Sar Shalom Is.9: 6 ---- Jn. 16:33
167 Establish an eternal kingdom Is.9: 7 ---- Lu. 1: 32-33
168. his character: Is.9 right: 7 ---- Jn. 5:30
169 kingdom and throne peace without end Is.9: 7 ---- Lu. 1: 32-33
170 Called Nazarene Isaiah 11: 1 ---- Mt.2: 23
171 Branch from the stump of Jesse the son of Jesse: Isaiah 11: 1 ---- Lu. 3:23 32
172 The Anointed by the Spirit Is.11: 2 Mt 3: 16-17
173. his character: wisdom Isaiah 11: 2 Jn. 4: 4-26
174. his character: truth Isaiah 11: 4 Jn. 14: 6
175.1 Gentiles seek Him Isaiah 11:10 Jn. 12: 18-21
176 Called Jesus Yeshua (salvation) Isaiah 12: 2 ---- Mt l: 21
177 The resurrection predicted Is: 25: 8 ---- 1 Co. 15:54
178 The power of the resurrection foretold Isaiah 26:19 ---- Jn. 11: 43-44
179 Precious Cornerstone Isaiah 28:16 ---- At. 4: 11-12
180 hypocritical Obedience to the Word Is.29: 13 ---- Mt. 15: 7-9
181 The wise confused by the word Isaiah 29:14 ---- 1 Corinthians 1: 18-31
182 n shelter an for place hiding Isaiah 32: 2 ---- Mt. 23:37
He will come to 183 save Isaiah 35: 4 ---- Mt. 1:21
It will have an 184 miraculous ministry Is.35: 5 ---- Mt. 11: 4-6.
185 It will be preceded by an precursor Isaiah 40: 3-4 ---- Jn. 1:23
186 "Here is your God!" Isaiah 40: 9 ---- Jn. 1:36; + Jn. 19:14
187 Shepherd compassionate giver of life Is.40: 11 Jn. 10: 10-18
188 Fedele patient redeemer Isaiah 42: 1-4 Mt. 12: 18-21
189 Meek and humble Isaiah 42: 2 Mt. 11: 28-30
190 He brings hope to the hopeless Isaiah 42; 3 ---- Jn. 4: 1-26
191 nations await His teachings Isaiah 42: 4 Jn. 12: 20-26
192 The Light the salvation of the Gentiles Isaiah 42: 6 ---- Lu. 2: 32
193 Universal Compassion Is.42: l 6 ---- Mt. 28: 19-20
194 The eyes of the blind are opened Isaiah 42: 7 ---- Jn. 9: 25-38
195 He is the only Savior Isaiah 43:11 ---- At. 4:12
196 He will send the Spirit of God Isaiah 44: 3 ---- Jn. 16: 7.13
197 He will be the Judge Isaiah 45:23 ---- Jn. 5:22; + Ro. 14:11
198 The first and the last Is.48: 12 ---- Jn. 1:30; + Ap. 1: 8 17
199 He comes as the Master Is.48: 17 ---- Jn. 3: 2
200 Called from the womb Is.49: l ---- Mt. 1:18
201 n servant from the womb Isaiah 49: 5 ---- Lu. 1:31; + FI. 2: 7
202 He is salvation for Israel Isaiah 49: 6 ---- Lu. 2: 29-32
203 He is the Light of the Gentiles Isaiah 49: 6 ---- At. 13:47
204 Salvation unto the ends of the earth Isaiah 49: 6 At. 15: 7-18
205 He is detested by the nation Isaiah 49: 7 ---- Jn. 8: 48-49
206 The sky darkens to her humiliation Isaiah 50: 3 ---- Lu. 23: 44-45
207 Counselor for who is tired Isaiah 50: 4 ---- Mt. 11: 28-29
208 Servo That voluntarily obeys Isaiah 50: 5 ---- Mt. 26:39
209 "I HAS my back to who smote me" Isaiah 50: 6 ---- Mt. 27:26
210 He was struck on the cheeks Isaiah 50: 6 ---- Mt. 26:67
211 The spat Isaiah 50: 6 ---- Mt. 27:30
Announcement of 212 good news of peace Isaiah 52: 7 ---- Lu. 4: 14-15
213 The Servant exalted ---- At Isaiah 52:13. 1: 8-11; + Ef. 1: 19-22
214 "Here is my servant" Isaiah 52:13 ---- Philippians. 2: 5-8
215 The Servant Isaiah 52:14 horribly outraged ---- Lu. 18: 31-34; + Mt. 26: 67-68
216 nations surprises from his Isaiah 52:15 Post Rom. 15: 18-21
217. his shed blood atonement for all Isaiah 52:15 Ap. 1: 5
The 218 his not the people would believe Isaiah 53: 1 Jn. 12: 37-38
219 He grew up in a poor household Isaiah 53: 2 Lu. 2: 7
220 Appearance of an ordinary man Isaiah 53: 2 FI. 2: 7-8
221 Despised Isaiah 53: 3 Lu. 4: 28-29
222 Rejected Isaiah 53: 3 Mt. 27: 21-23
223 Great sadness and pain Isaiah 53: 3 Lu. 19: 41-42
224 The men hide their faces Isaiah 53: 3 Mr. 14: 50-52
225 n ministry of healing Isaiah 53: 4 Lu. 6: 17-19
226 Port of sins the world Isaiah 53: 5 1 Pet. 2:24
227 Considered cursed by God Is.53: 4 Mt. 27: 41-43
228 Port of guilt of sin man Isaiah 53: 5 Lu. 23:33
229 Peace between man and God Isaiah 53: 5 ---- Colossians?. 1:20
230 They would have whipped Isaiah 53: 5 ---- Mt. 27:26
231 He took the sins of all humanity Isaiah 53: 6 Ga. 1: 4
232 God chose to bear the sin of the man Isaiah 53: 6 1 Jn. 4:10
233 Oppressed and afflicted Isaiah 53: 7 Mt. 27: 27-31
234. in silence before His accusers Isaiah 53: 7 Mt. 27: 12-14
235 sacrificial Lamb Isaiah 53: 7 Jn. 1:29
236 arrested and persecuted Isaiah 53: 8 Mt. 26:47; Mt 27:31
The 237 would have judged Isaiah 53: 8 Jn. 18: 13-22
238 Hit and crucified Isaiah 53: 8 ---- Mt. 27:35
239 He died for the sins of world Isaiah 53: 8 ---- 1 Jn. 2: 2
240 Buried in the tomb of an rich Isaiah 53: 9 ---- Mt. 27: 57-60
241 Innocent not he made no violence Isaiah 53: 9 ---- Mr. 15: 3
242 not there was no deceit in her mouth Isaiah 53: 9 ---- Jn. 18:38
243 That God wanted to die for the man Isaiah 53:10 ---- Jn. 18:11
244 An offering for the sin Isaiah 53:10 Mt. 20:28
245 and risen and lives for always Mr. Isaiah 53:10 16:19
246 He thrived Isaiah 53:10 Jn. 17: 1-5
Reference Prophecy Fulfillment
247 satisfied God for the her suffering Isaiah 53:11 ---- Jn. 12:27
248 The Servant of God Isaiah 53:11 Rom. 5: 18-19
249 He justified the men of front-to-God Isaiah 53:11 Rom. 5: 8-9
250 One That brought the sin of all Hebrews 9:28 Isaiah 53:11 -----
251 Exalted by God for the his sacrifice Mt Isa 53:12.. 28:18
252 He gave his life for to save humanity Isaiah 53:12 ---- Lu. 23:46
253. to Put together criminals Isaiah 53:12 ---- Lu.23: 32
254 He took the sin of all humanity Isaiah 53:12 2 Corinthians 5:21
255 He intercedes for the man Is.53: 12 Lu. 23:34
256 Risen from God Is.55: 3 Acts; 13:34
257 n witness Is.55: 4; Jn. 18: 3.7.
258 Dimora eternity lives in heart Isaiah 57:15 ---- Ro. 10:10
259. his ministry prisoners free Isaiah 58: 6 ---- Lu. 4: 17-18
260 was for give salvation Isaiah 59: 15-16 ---- Jn. 6:40
261 intercedes between man and God Isaiah 59: 15-16.. ---- Mt 10:32
262 came to as Sion Redeemer Isaiah 59:20 ---- Lu.2: 38
263 The Spirit of God out of Him Isaiah 61: 1-2 ---- : Mt 3: 16-17 '
264 He preached the Good News Isaiah 61: 1-2 ---- Lu. 4: 17-21
265 He gave freedom from slavery Isaiah 61: 1-2 ---- Jn. 8: 31-32
Proclamation 266 an time of grace Isaiah 61: 1-2 ---- Gv.5: 24
267 for power save Is.63: l ---- Mt. 9: 6
268. joy instead of pain Is.61: 3 ---- Gv.17: 13
269 ​​Direction of David Jeremiah = Gr. 23: 5-6 ---- Lu. 3: 23-31
270 The Messiah would be God Gr. 23: 5-6 ---- Jn. 13:13
271 The Messiah and God man Gr. 23: 5-6 1 ---- Ti. 3:16
Born of a virgin 272 Gr. 31:21 ---- Mt. 1: 18-20
273 The Messiah was the New Covenant Gr. Mt. 31:31 ---- 26:28
274 Direction of David Gr. 33: 14-15 ---- Lu. 3: 23-31
275 He proclaimed the Word of God Ez. 2: 1 Jn. 17: 8
276 Direction of David Ez. 17: 22-24 Lu. 3: 23-31
277 The men marveled Ez. 32:10 Mr. 5:20
Reference Prophecy Fulfillment
278 Direction of David Ez. 34: 23-24 Mt. 1: 1
279 It would have ascended to cycle Daniele = Da.7: 13-14 At. 1: 9-11
From 280 Greatly exalted. 7: 13-14 Eph. 1: 20-22
281. his From everlasting dominion. 7: 13-14 Lu. 1: 31-33
For 282 put an end to sin Da. 9:24 ---- Galati. 1: 3-5
283; It would have been SANTO Da. 9:24 Lu. 1:35
The order of 284 From Jerusalem to rebuild. 9:25 Jn. 12: 12-13
285 The Messiah deleted Da. 9:26 Mt. 27:35
286 Died for the sins of world Da. 9:26 ----- Hebrews 2: 9
287 Killed first of the destruction of a temple Da. 9: 26.1; Mt.27: 50-51
288 The Messiah glorified Da. 10: 5-6 Ap. 1: 13-16
289 The personification of the love Hosea 11: 2 Cor 4 5: 14
290 He would defeat death Hosea 13:14 1 Corinthians 15: 55-57
291. his scattered Spirit Joel 2:28 "At. 2: 17-18
292 offers salvation to all mankind Joel 2:32 Rom. 10: 12-13
293 Pre-existence of Christ Mi 5: 1 ----- Hebrews 1: 8
294 Born to Bethlehem Mi 5: 1 Mt. 2: 1-2
295 Servant of God Mi 5: 1 Jn. 15:10
296. eternity Mi 5: 1. Jn 8: 58
297 He visited the temple according to Haggai. 2: 6-9 Mon. 2: 27-32
298 Direction of Zerubbabel Ag. 2:23 Lu. 3: 23-27
299 Servant of God Za. 3: 8 Jn. 17: 4
300 Priest and King Zechariah = Za. 6: 12-13 ----- Ebrei8: l
301 Greeted with joy to Jerusalem Za. 9: 9 Mt. 21: 8-10
302 seen as king Za. 9: 9 Jn. 12: 12-13
303 The Messiah would be right Za. 9: 9 Jn. 5:30
304 The Messiah brought salvation Za. 9: 9 Lu. 19:10
305 The Messiah would be humble Za. 9: 9 Mt. 11:29
306 He entered Jerusalem on of an ass Za. 9: 9 Mt. 21: 6-9
307 The cornerstone Za. 10: 4 Eph. 2:20
Prophecy Fulfillment 308 leaders unworthy of Israel Za. 11: 4-6 Mt. 23: 1-4
309 The protection removed to because of refusal Za. 11: 4-6 Mon. 19: 41-44
310 Rejected to favor of an another king Za. 11: 4-6 John. 19: 13-15
311 Ministry for poor people Za. 11: 7 Mt. 9: 35-36
312 Unbelief leads to rejection Za. 11: 8 Mt. 23: 13-36
313 He was despised and loathed Za. 11: 8 Mt. 27:20
314 End of That those have rejected Him Za. 11: 9 Mt 3: 10-11
315 The protection removed to because of refusal Za. 11: 10-11 ---- Lu. 19: 41-44
316 The Messiah would be God Za. 11: 10-11 Jn. 14: 7
317 Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver Zechariah. 11: 12-13 ---- Mt. 26: 14-15
318 Rejected Za. 11: 12-13 Mt. 26: 14-15
319 silver thrown into the house of Lord Za. 11: 12-13 ---- Mt. 27: 3-5
320 The Messiah would be God Za. 11: 12-13 ---- Jn. 12:45
321 The Messiah would be pierced Za. ---- Jn 24:10. 19: 34-37
322 The Messiah and God man Za. Jn 24:10. 10:30 + ---- Jn 10:30
323 The Messiah would be rejected Za. 24:10 ---- Gv.1-11
324 wanted to die for mankind Za. 13: 7 ---- Jn. 18:11
325 A violent death Za. 13: 7 Mt. 27:35
326 God and man Za. 13: 7 Jn. 14: 9
Israel scattered for 327 have Him Za rejected. 13: 7 Mt. 26: 31-56
328 n the messenger who prepared the way Malachi. 3: 1 Mt. 11:10
329 Sudden appearance at the temple Malachi. 3: 1 Mr. 11: 15-16
330 The Messenger of New Covenant Malachi. 3: 1 Mon. 4:43
331 The Forerunner in the spirit of Elijah Malachi. 4: 5 Mt. 3: 1-2
332 Many converts to justice Malachi. 4: Lu 6. 1: 16-17
 666 drink your poison made by yourself!

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