TUTTO UN SOLO COMPLOTTO USA CIA TURCHIA ARABIA SAUDITA [ The Free Syrian Army (Arabic: الجيش السوري الحر , al-Jaysh as-Sūrī al-Ḥurr, FSA) is a group of defected Syrian Armed Forces officers and soldiers, No-comment Prigioniero Isis: "Sono stato reclutato e addestrato in Turchia" in un campo millitare del "free syrian army" https://youtu.be/1F7pwo1B2uc PandoraTV Pubblicato il 30 dic 2015. Abdurrahman Abdulhadi, militante ISIS siriano, è stato imprigionato dalle Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) l'1 novembre 2015 nel villaggio di Heresta, nei pressi di Al-Hasakah, in Siria. L'intervista è stata condotta da un giornalista. accreditata da Sputnik in un prigione nel Rojava, in cui Abdurrahman Abdulhadi è attualmente detenuto. Video diffuso da Ruptly.
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ERDOGAN ] voi non avete capito niente! [ I SACERDOTI DI SATANA ESSENDO STATI SCONFITTI ORA DIPENDONO DA ME ] in che modo voi volete morire?
187AUDIOHOSTEM voleva rendermi colpevole, di peccato di concupiscenza e adulterio spirituale, e disse: "quello che l'occhio guarda il cuore desidera", COSì AVREBBE DISTRUTTO IL MIO MINISTERO POLITICO, ma, il fatto che io sono attratto dalle curve femminili, non vuol dire che io coltivo sentimenti di concupiscenza nel mio cuore! E LUI (la CIA ) PUò VEDERE QUELLO CHE I MIEI OCCHI GUARDANO, utilizzando le connessioni neuronali aliene che sono state poste nel mio cervello, MA, lui NON PUò VEDERE QUELLO CHE IL MIO CUORE DESIDERA!
i sacerdoti di satana della CIA avevano perso contro di me ogni confronto, e addirittura: Synnek1 era stato licenziato come Direttore generale di youtube, ed era diventato 187AudioHostem. per merito mio, ] EPPURE, NON SEMBRA AFFATTO CHE I SACERDOTI DI SATANA e della CIA, ABBIANO PERSO IL CONTROLLO DI YOUTUBE [ @Kerry, Rothschild, Bush, 322, 666 187AUDIOHOSTEM -- quanto sangue di porco, tu hai bevuto oggi? 187AUDIOHOSTEM [I Know Much About You Piece Of Shit]
UFuckWithWrongPerson ( lui è IHateNewLayout ) I love you pics ( vuol dire che, attraverso Le connessioni neuronali aliene, IMPIANTATE NEL MIO CERVELLO, lui può vedere attraverso i miei occhi e può percepire attraverso i miei sensi! )
non sono lo stupido cattivo che se la prende contro i banchieri che lavorano per portare uno stipendio a casa! me la prendo con gli azionisti SpA Banche Centrali, che hanno sputato contro la Bibbia e contro la Costituzione nella MASSONERIA! .. non potrete sfuggire all'ira dei popoli!
Erdogan, Salman, FED Merkel Obama NATO CIA FMI ] ORA è IL VOSTRO TURNO [ io ho visto il vostro satana trascinare la croce sul calvario monte, con la corona di spine in testa! ORA TOCCA A VOI! Van rumpuy his massonico valore ] MERKEL MOGHERINI RENZI [ alto tradimento NATO SpA Rothschild FED FMI NWO ] satana è dio mecca caaba
ISRAELE dear BLOGSPOT GOOGLE ] SOSTANZIALMENTE DICE SEMPRE [ firefox non risponde! ] sono i vampiri della CIA DATAGATE della NSA UK, LEGA ARABA, sono tutti a succhiare il mio pene cazzo ciola ADSL 100MB fibra ottica!
dear BLOGSPOT GOOGLE ] io ho cancellato tutti i cookies ed infatti la segnazione del tipo di errore è cambiato, non riesco ancora a mettere i tag! Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore. (bX-owt4t6)
IL BULLISMO DEL POTERE FINANZIARIO TECNOCRATICO MASSONICO E LA SOVVERSIONE DEMOCRATICA. 29.12.2015( Il primo ministro montenegriNo chiede la fiducia al Parlamento, ma non concede il referendum popolare per l'ingresso nella Nato
IO SONO L'OSSERVATORIO SUL MARTIRIO DEI CRISTIANI DA 30 ANNI, E SONO INDIGNATO DALLE AFFERMAZIONI DI QUESTA FEMMINA! QUALI LIBERTà RELIGIOSE ESISTONO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? QUANTI CRISTIANI SONO SOPRAVVISSUTI IN TURCHIA? NEW YORK, 30 DIC - L'Isis commette un genocidio contro i cristiani e le altre minoranze religiose in Medio Oriente. Lo afferma Hillary Clinton. "Sì. Lo chiamerò genocidio adesso", ha detto. "E lo farò perchè ora abbiamo prove sufficienti", ha proseguito: "Quello che sta succedendo adesso è genocidio, deliberatamente rivolto non solo a distruggere le vite umane, ma anche a cancellare l'esistenza dei cristiani e delle altre minoranze religiose in Medio Oriente, nei territori controllati dall'Isis".
INDIA NON HA IL CONCETTO DI DECORRENZA DEI TERMINI CARCERAZIONE PREVENTIVA. QUINDI STARANNO LI IN ETERNO. 29 DIC - Oltre cento militanti di Azione Nazionale hanno manifestato stamani davanti l'Ambasciata dell'India a Roma per chiedere la liberazione dei due sottoufficiali della Marina Italiana, Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone, il cui destino è da oltre 1.440 giorni in mano al governo di Nuova Delhi. I manifestanti hanno aperto uno striscione con su scritto "Marò Subito Liberi" e sei di loro si sono incatenati per protesta fuori la sede diplomatica indiana.
il regime massonico USA SPA FED NEOCONS, prevede di contrastare le libertà costituzionali dei propri parlamentari! ] QUINDI PER GLI USA I PROPRI PARLAMENTARI VANNO CONTRASTATI, CAPIAMO TUTTI CHE ISRAELE è IL NEMICO, DA ABBATTERE, MA VIOLARE LA SOVRANITà DEI PROPRI PARLAMENTARI è INCOSTITUZIONALE! [ NEW YORK, 30 DIC - Le intercettazioni della National Security Agency (NSA) dei leader stranieri hanno incluso anche conversazioni private tra alti ufficiali israeliani, tra cui il premier Benyamin Netanyahu, deputati al Congresso Usa e gruppi ebraici americani. Lo riferisce il Wall Street Journal che cita ex ed attuali funzionari Usa. Secondo la Casa Bianca - rivelano le fonti al giornale - le intercettazioni potevano essere valide per contrastare la campagna di Netanyahu contro l'accordo nucleare con l'Iran.
LEGIONE di zombies 666 Obama GENDER Darwin la scimmia ] TU STAI ZITTO E NON FIATARE!
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] [ ok, se non vuoi costruire 4 milioni di Chiese, tu mi devi costruire il TEMPIO EBRAICO e mi devi dare la MADIANA, per costruirlo!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] lo sanno tutti che, i santi martiri cristiani innocenti, si onorano, con il dedicare loro, la titolarità delle Chiese, e dalla maledetta apparizione, del vostro falso Profeta Maometto ad oggi? voi avete ucciso non meno di 40 milioni di martiri cristiani! E LORO HANNO AVUTO DA DIO LE CHIAVI DEL PARADISO! Quindi se vuoi entrare in Paradiso? ogni 10 martiri uccisi dai maomettani tu devi costruire una Chiesa!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] ovviamente, noi siamo infedeli, noi siamo idolatri, noi siamo la merda, il nostro dio non esiste, QUINDI NOI POSSIAMO COMPRARE, come schiavi che devono morire, DAI FARISEI I NOSTRI SOLDI AD INTERESSE! [ mentre al contrario ], voi siete i veri fedeli, non siete idolatri, non siete la merda, il vostro Dio e quello vero, e la vostra religione è l'unica religione giusta, ecco perché , anche voi POTETE COMPRARE DAI FARISEI I VOSTRI SOLDI AD INTERESSE, come schiavi che devono morire, DAI SALMAN VAFFANCULO BESTIA!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] che cosa? voi comprate ad interesse, come schiavi di Satana Bush il fariseo Rothschild, il vostro denaro, stampato dall'occhio di Lucifero FMI, piramide torre di Babilonia, e poi, con quel denaro che è il simbolo del demonio, poi, voi entrate in una Moschea del vostro idolo Allah la Cagna Troia! VOI MI FATE SCHIFO!
ALLAH il fetido ] se, il vostro Dio fosse vero? come voi potevate essere gli alleati dei sacerdoti di satana CIA NATO farisei massoni USA? non ci sono massoni anche tra di voi? in Turchia ci sono eccome! e poiché voi dichiarate che il vostro dio è il demonio, poi, lo sanno tutti .. NON SI FA PECCATO AD INSULTARE IL DEMONIO! se, poi, è per colpa vostra che io sto profanando il vostro dio? poi, questo è un peccato che, si aggiunge alla lista dei vostri peccati, che gridano "vendetta" presso il Trono di Dio, cioè, quando la coppa della sua ira sarà stata riempita contro di voi!
TURCHIA ARABIA SAUDITA ] ma, se come voi dite, Allah è il Dio di Abramo, POI, ABRAMO NON HA FATTO I VOSTRI DELITTI. Lui IL TOPO ALLAH, se la prenderà contro di me, che lo sto insultando per colpa vostra? voi avete profanato la sua santità! OPPURE SE LA PRENDERà CONTRO DI VOI? voi lo avete messo in mezzo ai demoni del gufo USA SPA FED, il vostro dio? voi lo avete fatto diventare un demonio, quindi io insulto il vostro demonio, e non c'è peccato ad insultare il demonio, infatti, tutti i delitti e crimini del gufo? anche il vostro dio li fa: come voi siete gli alleati del gufo al bohemian grove USA. QUINDI, VOI STATE BESTEMMIANDO IL VOSTRO DIO, NON IO! e se mi dite, noi stiamo ingannando il GUFO, perché noi siamo ISIS, Boko Haram ecc.. poi, sorgono problemi anche peggiori per il vostro dio di merda! Masonry is satanic Rothschild RELIGION TOPO ALLAH, DESERT IDOL LILIT MECCA CAABA SHARIA
TUTTI POSSONO OTTENERE L'INDIPENDENZA SE FUGGONO DALLA RUSSIA.. MA, C'è LA POSSIBILITà DI AVERE LA INDIPENDENZA PER FUGGIRE DALLA NATO? I CADAVERI IN DONBASS HANNO DETTO DI NO! l presidente della Serbia, da parte sua, ha dichiarato che Belgrado è rammaricata dal sostegno turco all'indipendenza del Kosovo. "È particolarmente doloroso per noi, quando i nostri amici promuovono l'indipendenza del Kosovo. Sto parlando anche della Turchia", — ha detto Nikolic: http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20151229/1805671/Turchia-Serbia-aiuto.html#ixzz3vjtLO9Sr
E I SATANISTI ISLAMICI ERDOGAN NATO USA POLIZIOTTI DEL MONDO CHE DICONO? Nepal, violente proteste etnia Madhesi, Contro la nuova Costituzione che non tutela la minoranza
Salman Erdogan ARABIA SAUDITA, LEGA ARABA ] [ SUVVIA SIAMO SERI.. se Allah era un vero Dio, come voi potevate fare gli alleati degli USA FARISEI ROTHSCHILD TALMUD KABBALAH IL GUFO BAAL cannibali? lo sanno tutti che sono massoni GENDER DARWIN e sacerdoti di Satana, QUINDI allah potrebbe soltanto essere un demone topo assassino maligno ecc.. ecc.. VOI ANDRETE DISPERATI TUTTI ALL'INFERNO! ] però noi possiamo diventare tutti adoratori di JHWH, non è difficile, coraggio!
Abd Allah TOPO LILIT, DEMONE DEL DESERTO. Allah è soltanto un topo! SOLTANTO JHWH è VERO! ] BUSH 322 KERRY ROTHSCHILD ] da vivo, o meglio da morto? IO SO, sempre, voi DOVE SIETE! e non potrebbe mai esistere un vostro esercito di: alieni demoni fantasmi vampiri zombies, ecc.. che mai potrebbe essere un problema per me! [ COSA DI FOLLE CRIMINALE, SOPRANNATURALE, ESOTERICO MASSONICO, E SOPRATTUTTO DI IRRAZIONALE (PER GLI UMANI PUò SEMBRARE IL SATANISMO) SI DEVE FARE PER PORTARE SATANA, AD ESSERE ADORATO DA TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO? IL PROBLEMA DEGLI USA NON è LA RUSSIA, CINA, ECC.. O LA GUERRA MONDIALE, NO! IL LORO PROBLEMA SONO SOLTANTO IO: UNIUS REI: IL RE DI ISRAELE! IO NON POSSO ESSERE VINTO DA NESSUNO! COME DICE IL PROVERBIO: "IL POTERE E LA POTENZA SENZA IL CONTROLLO DIVENTERANNO UNA MINACCIA CONTRO DI TE! "Razzismo" occidentale e Stato Islamico sono gemelli siamesi.". 29.12.2015 ( What they say about USA. Lo Stato Islamico è una conseguenza. Il motivo della sua comparsa è stato il monopolio americano sul mondo, cresciuto dopo la fine dell'URSS e continuato per gli ultimi 25 anni: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151229/1805444/razzismo-isis.html#ixzz3vjUTI0RM
BUSH 322 KERRY ROTHSCHILD ] da vivo o meglio da morto? IO SO, sempre, voi DOVE SIETE!
COSA DI FOLLE CRIMINALE, SOPRANNATURALE, ESOTERICO MASSONICO, E SOPRATTUTTO DI IRRAZIONALE (PER GLI UMANI PUò SEMBRARE IL SATANISMO) SI DEVE FARE PER PORTARE SATANA, AD ESSERE ADORATO DA TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO? IL PROBLEMA DEGLI USA NON è LA RUSSIA, CINA, ECC.. O LA GUERRA MONDIALE, NO! IL LORO PROBLEMA SONO SOLTANTO IO: UNIUS REI: IL RE DI ISRAELE! IO NON POSSO ESSERE VINTO DA NESSUNO! COME DICE IL PROVERBIO IL POTERE E LA POTENZA SENZA IL CONTROLLO DIVENTERANNO UNA MINACCIA CONTRO DI TE! "Razzismo" occidentale e Stato Islamico sono gemelli siamesi. 17:41 29.12.2015( What they say about USA. Lo Stato Islamico è una conseguenza. Il motivo della sua comparsa è stato il monopolio americano sul mondo, cresciuto dopo la fine dell'URSS e continuato per gli ultimi 25 anni: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151229/1805444/razzismo-isis.html#ixzz3vjUTI0RM
questo è l'insegnamento dogmatico, che un qualsiasi saudita di salafita wahhabita, darebbe oggi nei territori di guerra, che poi, loro i sauditi ammettono ancora oggi, lo sfruttamento di schiavi e schiave, perché questo è oggettivamente, sia il Corano che la sharia! Così è sempre stato e così sempre sarà, finché non verranno sterminati, tutti i salafiti come ERDOGAN! LONDRA, 29 DIC - L'Isis arriva a indicare regole su come violentare le 'schiave'. Il britannico Daily Mirror pubblica sul suo sito la 'fatwa' emessa in gennaio dallo Stato islamico con 15 'norme' introdotte dopo che i militanti dello Stato islamico si erano lasciati andare a terribili violenze nei confronti delle vittime. Ma il presunto 'regolamento' in realtà non fa che sottolineare il sadismo dell'Isis: viene proibito lo stupro di donne con le mestruazioni, incinte, o di due sorelle contemporaneamente.
Dio JHWH dispera di poter salvare gli USA, questa nazione così potentemente maledetta dagli omosessuali satanisti culto massoni farisei! Dio distruggerà gli USA completamente... è indispensabile che tutti coloro che appartengono al popolo di Dio escano fuori da questa Nazione MALEFICATA!
ISRAEL ] potrebbero essere stati angeli? non so dirlo! ma il tutto è stato fatto: in una frazione di secondo e con troppa precisa determinazione! [ qualcuno nel blog, mi ha fatto comparire, in un luogo del documento, da ma lasciato intenzionalmente senza commenti, che, questa posizione del post, doveva essere: necessariamente, senza commenti, un posto siramente pulito, sotto delle immagini: IN CODA, CIOè IN FONDO A TUTTO IL POST, che mi sarebbe servito in seguito, per un copia incolla, che avevo prospettato di fare, questo strano hacker MI HA FATTO EVIDENZIARE, in questa zona dove avevo cancellato tutto, DUE MIEI VECCHI COMMENTI: 1. IL PRIMO ARTICOLO, giustificava PUTIN per avere dato gli S300 all'IRAN, infatti lui ha paura di forze militarmente soverchianti, e non è stato lui il primo che ha armato fino ai denti i nazisti islamici, 2. ed IL SECONDO ARTICOLO: denunciava OBAMA, di avere ipocritamente fatto un accordo con CUBA e IRAN, al solo scopo, di farsi una immagine di pacifista, come a dire: 1. tutti i disastri nel mondo, 2. il gencidio di tutti i cristiani nel Medio Oriente, ecc.., 3. la diffusione della galassia jihadista, 4. e la stessa Guerra Mondiale Nucleare non potevano mai essere stati colpa mia, perché io sono un pacifista!
E NOI QUANDO IRRORIAMO SANZIONI ALLA TURCHIA PER AVERE COMPRATO IL PETROLIO DA ISIS? Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha firmato un decreto per l'attuazione di misure economiche speciali contro la Turchia. Lo ha reso noto il servizio stampa del Cremlino. Turchia non pagherà danni per l'abbattimento del bombardiere russo Su-24 in Siria
Le relazioni tra Mosca e Ankara si sono deteriorate dopo che le forze turche hanno abbattuto un aereo russo Su-24 in risposta a una presunta violazione dello spazio aereo turco. Il Su-24 era impegnato in un'operazione antiterrorismo della Russia in Siria.
è INDISPENSABILE DICHIARARE GUERRA ALLA NATO! 29.12.2015. Washington sta cercando un motivo per far saltare il vertice NATO fissato per l'anno 2016 a Varsavia. In questo modo gli USA intendono far capire alla Polonia che le sue azioni possono danneggiare i rapporti tra i due Paesi, dice l'ex capo della diplomazia polacca Grzegorz Schetyna: http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20151229/1803930/summit-nato-polonia-politica.html#ixzz3vixmk9X7
16:19 Iraq, esercito iracheno ha catturato ministro delle Finanze del Daesh
16:17 Reporter senza frontiere: 110 giornalisti uccisi nel 2015
15:43 Iraq, esercito segnala cattura del “tesoriere” Daesh
15:41 Summit NATO può saltare a causa della politica della Polonia
15:13 Mosca: escalation in Ucraina evitata grazie alla Russia: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/#ixzz3vix0ukST
ANKARA, 29 DIC. un INQUIETANTE ISLAMICO NAZISTA SALMAN ERDOGAN SALAFITA CRIMINALE INTERNAZIONALE, MANDANTE DEL TERRORISMO MONDIALE ISLAMICO: LUI MI DEVE DIRE COSA è IL CONCETTO DELLA PIETà NEL SUO CORANO MECCA CAABA ISLAM ALLAH SHARIA, Il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan accusa il presidente siriano Bashar al Assad di aver ucciso "400.000 persone", "senza pietà". Erdogan ha poi affermato che alcuni Paesi "gettano benzina sul fuoco" sostenendo i combattenti curdo-siriani, che Ankara bolla come terroristi. ASSAD HA CONSERVATO 2000 ANNI DI CRISTIANESIMO CHE ERDOGAN CON CIA E NATO HANNO DISTRUTTO, E NON è STATO ASSAD, AD UCCIDERE 2MILIONI DI CRISTIANI SIRIANI!
cosa credevate che la Bibbia è una favola cattiva come il Corano? Caino oggi è Rothschild ed Abele oggi è ISRAELE, se volete che Satana sia il vostro Dio, è semplice: "uccidete Israele!"
IL SIGNIFICATO DI QUESTO SIMBOLO MONETARIO è TROPPO EVIDENTE: ROTHSCHILD HA DETTO AD ISRAELE: "BAAL è IL MIO DIO GUFO IMF MARDUK SPA JABULLON FED, ED IO HO PAGATO MOLTO DI PIù PER FARTI MORIRE, DI COME HO PAGATO PER FARTI VIVERE! adesso: TUTTE LE NAZIONI DEL MONDO DEVONO DIRE, SE STANNO CON ME O SE STANNO CON ROTHSCHILD ] [ TEL AVIV, 29 DIC - Riproduzioni di banconote da 100 dollari statunitensi con la sovrapposizione dell'effigie di Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi e con scritte inneggianti allo Stato islamico sono stati rinvenute in diverse localita' della Galilea, in prossimita' di Kiryat Shmona. Lo rende noto la polizia israeliana che ha aperto un'inchiesta. Per il momento, ha precisato una portavoce, non e' chiaro quale fosse la loro finalita' e non si ha notizia di arresti. ] [ ISRAELE è stata pagata come una troia, a servizio prostituzione, per ORE CONTATE vita SHARIA il mortale nazismo CIA shoah new Olocausto SPA ROTHSCHILD FED NWO
PER ORA VOCI E RUMORI, SOSPETTI, MA QUESTA STORIA PUò PRENDERE UNA BRUTTA PIEGA! cioè, questa storia dei brogli eletorali nel sistema massonico Rothschild MERKEL Bildenberg OBAMA Banche centrali Spa, è una bruta storia che comincia a prendere consistenza. CARACAS, 30 DIC - Il presidente del Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, ha detto che la vittoria dell'opposizione nelle elezioni dello scorso 6 dicembre è stata possibile grazie a "un piano dettagliato di brogli", sul quale è stata aperta un'inchiesta giudiziaria. "Non voglio anticipare i risultati preliminari dell'inchiesta", ha detto Maduro nel suo consueto programma televisivo settimanale, aggiungendo però che "c'è stato di tutto, compreso il volgare voto di scambio con delinquenti".
Ambasciatore Siria all'ONU svela piani di Erdogan per far rinascere Impero Ottomano
12:24 30.12.2015(Il presidente turco sogna "di far rivivere l'eredità coloniale dell'Impero Ottomano." In molti modi Ankara interferisce negli affari interni della Siria e favorisce l'ingresso dei terroristi nel Paese, ritiene il rappresentante permanente della Siria alle Nazioni Unite. Damasco ha chiesto alla comunità internazionale di porre fine alle "violazioni e crimini" commessi dalle autorità turche nei confronti della Siria e dei rifugiati siriani, così come ha parlato dei piani del presidente turco Erdogan per far rinascere l'Impero Ottomano.
Il rappresentante permanente della Siria presso le Nazioni Unite Bashar Jaafari ha detto che i gruppi armati che a partire dal 2011 conducono "una guerra terroristica senza precedenti" contro la Siria sono appoggiati dagli Stati della regione e di altre parti, in particolare dal regime di Erdogan." La lettera indirizzata al segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite e al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite è stata diffusa all'interno dell'ONU martedì.
"Durante la crisi, l'ingerenza turca negli affari interni della Siria ha preso una varietà di forme, tra cui il coinvolgimento diretto del regime di Erdogan e delle forze armate turche in operazioni militari offensive a sostegno dei terroristi," — si legge nella missiva di Jaafari.
Ha inoltre affermato che la Turchia ha contribuito alla penetrazione dei terroristi in Siria assicurando "fuoco di copertura durante il passaggio dei terroristi in Siria lungo il confine."
"Per quanto riguarda il caccia russo abbattuto dalle forze armate turche, abbattuto nello spazio aereo siriano dopo aver bombardato le posizioni del Daesh (ISIS), non servono ulteriori chiarimenti in proposito perché il fatto stesso parla da sé," — è scritto nel testo.
Il rappresentante diplomatico della Siria ha inoltre sottolineato che Ankara sta commettendo crimini contro i profughi siriani in Turchia, "in fuga dal terrore e dalla tirannia di organizzazioni terroristiche come il Daesh," Al-Nusra ","Esercito di Conquista" e "Fronte Islamico", che il governo della Turchia copre nel suo territorio."
Secondo Jaafari, la tratta di esseri umani in cui sono impegnati i terroristi avviene "con il placet e la partecipazione diretta di organizzazioni controllate dal regime di Erdogan".
Jaafari ha osservato che qualche anno fa Erdogan aveva "sollevato la questione della tutela dei popoli di origine turca, nonostante il fatto siano cittadini di Stati sovrani": è la prova che indica come Erdogan voglia "far rivivere l'eredità coloniale dell'Impero Ottomano."
La Siria ha esortato la comunità internazionale a "prendere una posizione forte per porre fine a queste violazioni e crimini" di Ankara.
In Siria dal marzo 2011 è in corso un conflitto armato in cui, secondo le Nazioni Unite, sono rimaste uccise più di 220mila persone. Le truppe governative si oppongono a diversi gruppi armati islamici radicali, tra cui i terroristi del Daesh e del "Fronte Al-Nusra": http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151230/1807271/Jaafari-Turchia-Daesh-AlNusra-terrorismo-Medioriente-profughi-Assad.html#ixzz3voEcmnx0
GRANDE FRATELLO lui sa sempre dove sei ] A.I. BIOLOGIA SINTETICA, ENTITà SIMBIOTICO COLLETTIVA ALIENA. LUI SA SEMPRE COSA HAI DECISO DI FARE! EPPURE, LA CIA PERMETTE CHE I DELITTI SI COMPIANO! PARIGI, 30 DIC - Il ministro della Difesa francese, Jean-Yves Le Drian, ha confermato la notizia dell'uccisione dell'estremista islamico francese Charaffe Al Mouadan (nome di battaglia 'Souleyman'), legato agli attentati di Parigi, annunciata ieri in un briefing della coalizione anti-Isis. "Sì, posso confermarlo", ha detto Le Drian, interpellato durante un incontro con un gruppo di militari a Parigi, aggiungendo di non avere "altri commenti" sulla vicenda.
LA TURCHIA, COME TUTTI GLI ISLAMICI FANNO DI TUTTO, PER AUMENTARE LE CONDIZIONI SFAVOREVOLI E PER POTERLI AMMAZZARE! Turchia, traffico di uomini: traversate a prezzi stracciati con il mare grosso. 30.12.2015 Trafficanti di uomini propongono ai migranti viaggi verso l'Europa a prezzi stracciati quando condizioni atmosferiche rendono la traversata pericolosa. Trafficanti turchi propongono traversate del Mar Egeo a prezzi stracciati ai migranti che desiderano raggiungere le coste europee della Grecia. I bambini viaggiano gratis. Ma solo quando le condizioni atmosferiche rendono la traversata pericolosa.
"Mi hanno proposto uno sconto perché il mare fosse grosso e stesse piovendo. Era rischioso, ma ci hanno detto che sarebbe andata bene", ha raccontato l'infermiera siriana Nancy Ahmed alla Bbc.
Nancy ha raggiunto le coste dell'Europa, assieme ai due figli di 11 anni e alla madre settantenne, su un barcone che ha rischiato di rovesciarsi per ben tre volte. Alla guida un iracheno, migrante anche lui, cui i trafficanti hanno insegnato a guidare l'imbarcazione in una lezione della durata di appena un'ora. I migranti, una quarantina in tutto, sono stati soccorsi dalla Guardia Costiera greca. Altri, partiti lo scorso venerdì, con il temporale e il mare in tempesta, non sono stati altrettanto fortunati: il barcone si è capovolto e 13 persone sono affogate.
Ma i trafficanti di uomini sanno essere convincenti. "Andate adesso, costa solo 850 dollari. I bambini possono viaggiare gratis. Se aspettate domani, vi costerà il doppio", urlano.
Ron Redmond, portavoce dell'Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati in Grecia, ritiene che l'abbassamento dei soldi chiesti per le traversate abbia fortemente contribuito all'aumento degli annegamenti nei giorni scorsi.
I trafficanti assicurano che i barconi di legno sono più resistenti dei gommoni. Ma, precisa Redmond, "queste barche, molto vecchie e insicure, meccanicamente non sono in buone condizioni. E caricano a bordo da 300 a 400 persone. Se affondano, la guardia costiera non può arrivare a tutti.": http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151230/1810691/turchia-traffico-di-uomini.html#ixzz3vpB2xIjM
BISOGNA RIMUOVERE A SOGGETTI, SPA, PRIVATI, AZIONISTI, DI IMPOSSESSARSI DELLA SOVRANITà MONETARIA DI UN PAESE, PERCHé è IN QUESTO MODO, CHE LA DEMOCRAZIA DIVIENE UN DELITTO DI ALTO TRADIMENTO! Referendum in Svizzera contro la rendita frazionata. 18:23 30.12.2015. Il referendum mira a impedire che le banche private creino credito, cioè debito in quantità superiore a quello che hanno in cassa. Un referendum per consentire alla sola Banca centrale di emettere moneta: è quello che accadrà in Svizzera, entro sei mesi, dopo la raccolta di oltre 110mila firme. Attualmente il 90% del denaro è moneta elettronica che le banche private creano quando aprono linee di credito. Il referendum mira a impedire che le banche private creino credito, cioè debito in quantità superiore a quello che hanno in cassa. Le banche private, attraverso i prestiti, di fatto concorrono alla creazione di moneta poiché sono tenute a mantenere un rapporto solamente frazionario fra i propri depositi e i crediti che erogano.Tale rapporto in Europa è del 2%. Il risultato è che gran parte della moneta, quella elettronica, non è emessa direttamente dalla banca centrale, bensì dal sistema bancario privato attraverso il fenomeno del moltipliplicatore monetario. Fautore del referendum è il Movimento svizzero per la moneta sovrana, che intende togliere il potere di speculazione da parte delle banche private imponendo un rapporto di riserva pari al 100%. Precludere alle banche private questa possibilità, secondo i promotori, impedirebbe il presentarsi di bolle conseguenti a flussi abnormi di credito. L'Islanda ha già preso una tale decisione. Negli anni Trenta alcuni economisti, tra cui Irving Fisher, erano dello stesso avviso: http://it.sputniknews.com/economia/20151230/1811616/svizzera-contro-rendita-frazionata.html#ixzz3vpC60Blu
COSA è LA SHARIA? ECCOLA! Il sultano del piccolo Stato del Borneo mette al bando i festeggiamenti per il Natale. Cinque anni di carcere a chi festeggia il Natale in Brunei. E' questa la decisione del sultano del piccolo Stato del Borneo per il 25 dicembre, giorno in cui non si potranno "indossare simboli come croci, accendere candele, addobbare alberi di Natale, cantare inni religiosi, montare decorazioni". La nuova legge, era stata annunciata un anno fa al momento della reintroduzione della Sharia, la legge coranica, da parte del sultano Hassanal Bolkian. Il ministro degli affari religiosi del Paese ha spiegato che la scelta di vietare i festeggiamenti del Natale è dettata dalla necessità di "preservare il credo della comunità musulmana", adducendo come motivazione la prevalenza della fede musulmana sulle altre nel piccolo Stato, diffusa nel 65% della popolazione: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151222/1770325/brunei-divieto-natale.html#ixzz3vpDRXHHi
2016: nuovi rischi finanziari globali, La Federal Reserve, come previsto, ha chiuso il 2015 con un aumento del tasso di interesse dello 0,25%. Evidentemente si intenderebbe dare il messaggio di fine della crisi negli Stati Uniti: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151222/1770325/brunei-divieto-natale.html#ixzz3vpDtd24x
Trentatrè motivi per lasciare la Turchia fuori dall'Europa
Ogni Paese candidato a diventare membro dell'Unione Europea ha dovuto rispettare determinate condizioni per essere ammesso e in tutto sono trentatré i "capitoli" che vanno approfonditi e negoziati tra i Governi e i rappresentanti della Commissione: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151222/1770325/brunei-divieto-natale.html#ixzz3vpE2flZl
Secondo il portavoce del Cremlino, le informazioni che la Russia possiede sul presunto acquisto da parte di Ankara di petrolio dal Daesh potranno contribuire al contrasto del terrore: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151201/1642061/turchia-daesh-petrolio-commercio-terrorismo.html#ixzz3vpEfyvUP
30.12.2015. Negli ultimi 2 giorni gli aerei dell'Aviazione russa hanno effettuato 121 missioni di combattimento in Siria, colpendo 424 obiettivi dei terroristi, ha riferito il generale Igor Konashenkov, rappresentante ufficiale del ministero della Difesa russo.
"Negli ultimi 2 giorni 28 velivoli dell'Aviazione russa di stanza in Siria hanno completato 121 missioni ed hanno colpito 424 infrastrutture terroristiche tra le province di Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Damasco, Dar, Raqqa e Deir ez-Zor," — ha riferito Konashenkov.
A seguito dei raid aerei sono state distrutte 6 infrastrutture petrolifere del Daesh (ISIS) e una colonna di autocisterne cariche di petrolio dirette verso il confine con la Turchia.
"Nei bombardamenti sono state distrutte 20 autocisterne, sfruttate dal Daesh per contrabbandare il petrolio verso la Turchia, così come 2 jeep con mitragliatori Zu-23", — ha aggiunto Konashenkov: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151230/1808829/Russia-Raid-Daesh-Terrorismo.html#ixzz3vpFWBlwB
my JHWH, perché tu continui ad insistere? questi pezzi di merda, non meritano di vivere! #Datagate: #Ue, traditori di massoni, hanno detto. bene Obama, ci ha ascoltati [ #imbecilli voi state supplicando, qualcuno, che, lui è un satanista, notoriamente satanista, di essere amico, con voi, quando voi, non avete la tecnologia per accorgervi di nulla! ] Ok anche da Germania, "tutela dati personali anche per non Usa"
17 gennaio, 21:29. #BRUXELLES, #Commissione #Ue "saluta con favore il discorso di Obama sulla revisione dei programmi di intelligence, e in particolare il suo impegno ad accogliere i timori sulla raccolta dei dati da parte #Nsa": lo afferma Bruxelles in una nota. "Obama dimostra di aver ascoltato i timori della Ue riconoscendo la necessità di agire". Positiva reazione anche a #Berlino, secondo cui è importante che "la protezione di dati e diritti personali siano osservati anche per i cittadini non statunitensi".
Banchiere da impiegati vestito da drag [ e allora, cosa c'è di strano? lo sanno tutti, che, ad una certa età, è più facile prenderlo, che, darlo! ] E' #Gerrit #Zalm di #Abn #Amro, ex ministro delle Finanze olandese. 17 gennaio, 19:54. #LONDRA, Circa 7mila dipendenti del #colosso #bancario #olandese #Abn #Amro, sono rimasti allibiti quando ad una serata spettacolo per lo staff il loro presidente si è presentato sul palco vestito da 'drag queen'. Ancor più se si pensa che il #banchiere #Gerrit #Zalm, 61 anni, è stato ministro delle #Finanze in #Olanda. #Parrucca, occhiali anni 50 e abito da donna blu elettrico, con tanto di guanti dorati, si è presentato sul palco come ' #Priscilla' la sorella immaginaria del presidente, tenutaria di una casa chiusa. [ domani? tutti quelli del sesso libero, si sentiranno incoraggiati! ]
#Obama tu sei formalmente apparentemente in cima al potere di un pianeta, mentre, tutti sanno che tu sei un burattino che non conta un cazzo! e tu non hai nessun potere sul futuro delle tue figlie, senza di me! Quindi, tu non verrai a raccontare a me le tue stronzate!
17 gen. Per 'spiare' #Nsa, dovrà chiedere ok Corte. dear #Obamama quando loro fanno i sacrifici umani in onore di satana poi loro chiedono anche in quel caso il permesso alla Corte?
17 gennaio 19:03 #SAN GIMIGNANO ( #SIENA) [ma quanti gay sono entrati nella Chiesa Cattolica pur di non fare entrare i preti sposati? ] Benedizione apostolica di Papa Francesco per il circolo Arci di Ulignano frazione di S.Gimignano. Si tratta del gesto di riconoscenza del parroco locale don Luigi Miggiano realizzato con l'aiuto di un prelato della Curia vaticana che ha scelto il piccolo borgo come buen retiro. I due religiosi hanno voluto omaggiare il circolo Arci consegnando nelle mani della barista la pergamena con tanto di timbro papale in rilievo rilasciata dall'Elemosineria Apostolica del Vaticano.
Google sarà giudicata per violazioni in Gran Bretagna [ niente di tutto questo tutte le sue azioni sono intenzionali per la Nsa Rothschild NWO-Fmi quindi tanto vale che voi fate pagare la 666 Nsa Banca Mondiale Aliens abductions direttamente! ] In Gran Bretagna Google dovrà difendersi in tribunale dall'accuse di violazione della riservatezza degli utenti del browser "Apple Safari". In precedenza Google era riuscita a cavarsela da un processo simile negli Stati Uniti: aveva dovuto pagare 225 milioni di dollari a favore della Federal Trade Commission e 17 milioni di dollari per coprire le spese processuali. Google era riuscita a dimostrare che le sue azioni non erano intenzionali evitando così sanzioni più severe.
Central African Republic conflict 'political not religious'
Published: January 17 2014
CAR's Protestant leader says fighting is for access to resources
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Nicolas Guerékoyamé-Gbangou says fighting between members of the disbanded Séléka rebel group and the anti-balaka self-defense militias is not a battle between Muslims and Christians.
hdptcar / Flickr / Creative Commons
The man chosen to lead what he says is 51% of the population of the Central African Republic (CAR) its Protestants says that the conflict in the country has nothing to do with religion.
Nicolas Guerékoyamé-Gbangou a guest lecturer at London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) this week said that fighting between members of the disbanded Séléka rebel group and the anti-balaka (anti-machete) self-defence militias is not a battle between Muslims and Christians.
"There is no Christian militia and there is no Muslim militia as well… This conflict is not religious at all" he said explaining that the anti-balaka militias developed from local village self-defence groups originally formed against cattle rustlers and bandits. He added that around 90 per cent of Séléka was comprised of foreign nationals from neighbouring Chad and Sudan.
It has been widely reported in the media that the conflict has taken a clear religious tone with the Séléka group referred to as an Islamist force bent on turning the country into an Islamic state and the anti-balaka called a 'Christian' militia.
However Guerékoyamé-Gbangou says the conflict is really a battle for control of the country's resource-rich northeast.
"Most of our resources are concentrated in the northeast in the region of [CAR's former president] Michel Djotodia" he said. "This is what led to the rebellion in the northeast. It has been neglected for decades. And [fighting over this region] started in the colonial period so what does it have to do with Christianity or Islam? People want to exploit the natural resources but don't want to develop the region because if it is developed it would appeal to lots of people and there would be more investors. [The leaders in the capital] prefer to leave the region like it is so that only the strong ones will have access to the resources."
Nicolas Guerékoyamé-Gbangou says the conflict is really a battle for control of the country's resource-rich northeast.
World Watch Monitor
Guerékoyamé-Gbangou added that it would be wrong to consider the CAR to be split solely between Christians and Muslims.
"There aren't just Christians and Muslims" he said. "There are also animists Buddhists and people from other religions as well. The conflict is not religious; it is political. Those who led the country did not share resources and wealth."
After the lecture he was asked why if CAR's Christian comprise over 76% of the population (with he says 29% of them being Catholic and the rest Protestant Evangelical) the country has all the seeds for a genocide according to the Director of Operations for the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).
In response the Head of the Evangelical Alliance said most committed Christians have not been actively involved in politics in CAR for the past 20 years and so have not been able to be influential in the governance of the country. He lamented that fact saying that was why he himself is an active member of Parliament.
While he was in London World Watch Monitor facilitated Rev. Nicolas Guerekoyame-Gbangou's extended interview for BBC World Service's programme 'Outlook' on Mon January 20 2014. bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01prcsr first broadcast 1206 GMT.
(BBC WS is also re-broadcast on many FM stations worldwide – please check local media).
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Central African Republic
Michel Djotodia
Media 'wrong' to ignore Christians' plight in Central African Republic
Central African Republic Christians petition for President's removal
Three pastors among dead in Central African Republic
Scores killed in Central African Republic
Ban Ki-moon warns Central African Republic 'spiralling into anarchy'
Bomb scare reignites Christian fear in northern Mali. Published: January 16 2014
Congregants forced to meet in school; explosives found nearby
Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services6. The city of Gao was left badly damaged during the conflict between Malian forces and the Tuareg-led Islamist group last year.
MINUSMA/Marco Dormino / Flickr / Creative Commons
Christians in a city in northern Mali already forced to hold services in a school classroom because their church was looted and not ready to host meetings had a bomb scare on Sunday (Jan. 12).
Military personnel patrolling the area in Gao on Sunday morning discovered explosives near the school. French army personnel were able to safely defuse the devices and authorities are now investigating but the incident left church members shocked.
The pastor of the church whose identity is being withheld to protect his security told World Watch Monitor there is "insecurity in all aspects of life" at the moment but that his congregation was refusing to panic.
"I cannot say for sure that the bomb was intended to hurt us Christians" he said. "I only know that the location of the bomb was right next to our place of worship and also a route frequently used by the military."
It is just over a year now since French troops ousted the Tuareg-led Islamist group which had taken over northern Mali and declared independence aiming to impose Islamic law on cities such as Gao.
On January 11 last year French troops moved to regain control of the region after the Islamist militants had attempted to progress further south.
For nearly a year the armed Islamist groups had ruled the region banning the practice of other religions and desecrating and looting churches and other places of worship.
Thousands including many Christians fled the occupation and found refuge in the south of the country or in neighbouring countries such as Niger and Burkina Faso.
After the French helped the Malian forces to regain control of the region the re-establishment of security took time and necessitated mass reconstruction as many displaced people returned home.
A number of public buildings were destroyed during the conflict including schools health clinics ancient monuments hotels and restaurants.
The pastor of the church in Gao told World Watch Monitor that around 50 members of his congregation have returned home in recent months.
"We came back because we want to revive the testimony of Christ here in our hometown" he said. "Despite the insecurity in all aspects of life we want everyone to return here and together to work for our God who loves us so much."
Mali fell from 7th to 33rd on the 2014 World Watch List which ranks the 50 countries where practising Christianity is most fraught.
Following the French military intervention last year "the threat of an Islamist takeover has been averted at least temporarily" reported this year's World Watch List which was compiled by Christian charity Open Doors International.
However the list reports that the presence and infrastructure of Christianity in the north was largely destroyed and that rebuilding a Christian presence will be difficult because many Christians who fled the north are afraid to return.
"Even though most Malian Christians (constituting less than 5% of the population) live in the south of the country they feel threatened by Islamists in the north and fear of a new uprising remains" reports the list.
Old wine new skin? Published: January 16 2014 by Markus Tozman
Analysis: Egypt's new constitution contains welcome ideas but no guarantee they will be followed. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services3
Vote counting in an Alexandria polling station.
Imogen Anderson via Twitter (@Imo_Anderson)
Analysis by Markus Tozman
For the second time in 13 months Egyptians have approved a new constitution. Compared to the constitution they just tossed aside the new charter promises Christians a stronger standing and better representation than ever in the history of the Arab Republic. Coptic Pope Tawadros II and other Christian leaders endorsed it.
After the brief but disastrous rule of the Muslim Brotherhood the new constitution is cause for optimism to be sure but the document by itself won't change the situation for Christians in Egypt. Like other national charters it announces principles of religious freedom. But Egypt also needs lawmakers and judges who establish and interpret laws in line with the constitution's ideals. Here the future is not as clear: The new constitution promises Christians a place in its legislative assemblies for example but not in its courts.
Even so early returns indicate the new constitution has won overwhelming approval even as many of the supporters of the former Islamist regime of the Muslim Brotherhood and ousted president Mohamed Morsi sat out the vote in protest.
Egypt's new constitution represents yet another swing of the pendulum since the revolution of 2011 that toppled autocrat President Hosni Mubarak. The Muslim Brotherhood mobilised 13 million voters in June 2012 to elect Morsi who supervised work on a new constitution. Work on the document lagged as frustrated Christians and other liberal elements dropped out of the Islamist-dominated drafting assembly. Late in 2012 Morsi ordered the remaining delegates to finish their work in one night and pushed the draft out for a quick vote.
Widespread anti-Morsi protests backed the military's removal of the president in July. The Muslim Brotherhood was outlawed and work began on a new constitution.
The new charter reflects the desire to undo Muslim Brotherhood influence and expresses an ultra-nationalism that idealises the army as the protector of the people's will. As many Egyptians pointed out voting in favour of the new constitution was an endorsement of the June 2012 revolution that drove out Morsi. The new constitution is a nationalist project intended to counter the Brotherhood's Islamist policies and focuses on the unity of the Egyptian people bringing together Islam's crescent and Christianity's cross. Consequently supporters of the revolution would have been seen as traitors to the nationalist cause if they had voted against the document.
Highlighting the government's appeal to national unity Egypt's interim president Adly Mansour visited the Coptic Papal Seat at Saint Mark's Cathedral the first Egyptian head of state to do so in more than 40 years. This gesture did not go unnoticed; Pope Tawadros endorsed the new constitution and urged Copts to vote in favour of it.
The new constitution has one major element in common with the document it replaces: It establishes Sharia as the principle source of legislation. But there is a difference.
Prior to the Brotherhood's ascension to power in 2012 the interpretation of the "principles of Sharia" had been left to the courts. The 2012 constitution specifies in Article 219 that the principles "include general evidence the foundational principles of Islamic jurisprudence (usul ul-fiqh) and the reliable sources from among the Sunni schools of thoughts (madhahib)". The potential consequences were far-reaching; Article 219 allowed Sharia law to penetrate all spheres of social and personal life paving the way for literal and archaic interpretations of Sharia as well as application of punishment.
The new constitution removes Article 219.
It also removes Article 212 which had granted the government far-reaching powers to control endowments and thus church finances and by extension their operations and social services. By removing Article 212 the new constitution takes the power of the church purse away from a government that will continue to be dominated by Muslims in a country where Islam remains the state religion.
Both the old and new constitutions ostensibly guarantee the independence of Christian and Jewish religious affairs and several new articles theoretically imply greater religious freedom. Article 64 sets forth the "absolute" freedom of belief (instead of the "inviolable" freedom established in the previous document) though it is restricted it to the Abrahamic religions leaving Baha'i Shia atheists and agnostics without constitutional cover. Article 74 prohibits the founding of religious political parties and parties that discriminate against "sex origin sect or geographic location". Article 53 promises all "citizens are equal before the law possess equal rights and public duties and may not be discriminated against on the basis of religion belief sex origin race colour language disability social class political or geographical affiliation or for any other reason".
An activist who works closely with persecuted Christians in the countryside said the addition of Article 63 which forbids forced displacement of citizens is especially welcome. Since the 1990s the state has turned a blind eye to displaced Christians in Upper Egypt and other rural regions. Under threat of violence and faced with massive repression and discrimination by Islamists tens of thousands of Christians had forcibly been displaced.
Constitutions typically confine themselves to broad principles and usually are not the place for the detail of carrying them out. But Egypt's new charter speaks to several specific Christian concerns.
In contrast to the previous constitution for example the new constitution acknowledges the cultural and historic status of Christians and grants them greater political representation. In both the preamble and in Article 50 it refers to the cultural and historic heritage of the "Church of Jesus" and the Copts in particular. Article 244 enshrines "appropriate representation in the first House of Representatives" for Christians among other minorities. Article 180 reiterates this principle on the level of local councils.
The new constitution also tackles one of the most enduring and sensitive issues for Egypt's Christians: Church building and renovation permits. Article 235 promises that "in its first legislative term after this Constitution comes into effect the House of Representatives shall issue a law to organise building and renovating churches guaranteeing Christians the freedom to practice their religious rituals". It's the first time in Egypt's history that a constitution has addressed this issue.
It is worrisome then that such detailed provisions for Christians are not to be found in other places in the document. The judicial sector for example remains mostly unreformed. It gains a measure of independence in the new charter by moving the power to choose the prosecutor general from the president to the Supreme Judicial Council. But there is no provision reserving a share of seats on the bench for Christians. The articles in the new constitution concerning the courts are the same articles in the old constitution concerning the courts.
Elsewhere there is nothing to indicate whether the rights of religious minorities will be mirrored in for example educational curricula. Nor are there new mechanisms to hold individuals and institutions accountable for breaches of constitutional rights.
Christians about one-tenth of the population in the officially Islamic country have long been frustrated trying to obtain state jobs. Just as it carved out space for Christians in legislative assemblies the new constitution could have carved out space for Christians in the civil service. But it doesn't.
"It is the best constitution Egypt has had yet but … [it is] still disappointing" said an Egyptian human rights activist who asked not to be named. The military-run interim government waged an intense vote-yes campaign and dissenters – including some of the leaders of the 2011 revolution – have found themselves in trouble with the authorities.
So indeed compared to the last constitution Christians have more rights. However the structural societal bureaucratic and judicial discrimination that has plagued Egypt's Christians since the founding of the Arab Republic has historically been a consequence of the non-implementation of the different constitutions. Without any new enforcement mechanisms it is not likely that much will change for Egypt's Christians. Their rights will remain theoretical.
To put it in the words of a government official from the Egyptian Foreign Service before this week's vote: "This constitution is written for foreigners not for Egyptians. Egyptians do not respect simple traffic rules; How could they respect constitutional articles? No one read the constitution. Still the constitution will be passed with a majority vote of at least 70%."
At best this new constitution represents a return to the pre-Brotherhood status for Egypt's Christians. The wine-skins are new; the wine however is not.
Markus Tozman is a graduate student of the Middle East at Johns Hopkins University SAIS. The views expressed in this analysis are his own.
Anti-religion hostility rose worldwide in 2012 study says. Published: January 15 2014
Growth most rapid in North Africa Middle East Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services3
The world became generally more hostile to religious believers of all faiths Christianity included in 2012 according to a major annual report issued Jan. 14.
Christians were harassed in more countries than followers of other faiths though pressure on Muslims and Jews was widespread globally according to the study conducted by the Washington D.C.-based Pew Research Center.
The report now in its sixth year measures constraints on religious freedom in two major categories: social hostilities and government restrictions. It surveys conditions in 198 countries encompassing 99 per cent of the world's population.
Social Hostilities. A third of the world's countries had high measures of social hostilities in 2012 the highest level recorded in the study's six-year history. Pew defines social hostilities as ranging from terrorism and mob violence to harassment over religious attire. Nearly half of all countries reported abuse of religious minorities by individuals or groups who took offense at or felt threatened by the minority. In the first year of the study less than a quarter of all countries reported such abuse.
Violence or the threat of it against religious minorities to enforce religious norms was reported in 39 per cent of countries compared to 33 per cent a year earlier and 18 per cent in the first year of the study.
The report said 2012 growth of social hostilities was especially rapid in Northern Africa and the Middle East and was highest in Pakistan.
Government restrictions. High rates of official limits on religion were found in 29 per cent of the countries about the same as the previous year. Pew examines 20 indicators of government control including bans on specific faiths restrictions on conversions and preferential treatment to certain religions among others.
Increases were detected among several of those 20 measures. Government limits on worship were citied in 74 per cent of countries up from 69 per cent in 2011. Restrictions on public preaching were found in 38 per cent of countries up from 31 per cent. And government force such as arrest and prosecution was documented in 48 per cent of the world's countries up from 41 per cent.
Egypt ranked highest on the report's list of government restrictions.
Taking both categories — government restrictions and social hostility — into account high levels of overall religious restrictions were reported in 43 per cent of the world's countries the highest ever recorded by Pew. In all three-quarters of the world's population lives under high levels of restrictions according to the report.
The Christian experience. The Pew Center report concerns itself with all religions not Christianity alone. It did say however that Christians in 2012 were harassed in more countries 110 than any other single religion. Muslims were harassed in 109 and Jews 71. Since the report began in 2007 Christian harassment has been reported in 151 countries and harassment of Muslims in 135.
About the report. The Pew report released Tuesday covers 2012. It doesn't take into account momentous developments in 2013 such as the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi from Egypt's presidency and the subsequent violence against Coptic churches across Egypt; or the anarchy and deadly Muslim-Christian violence in the Central African Republic; or the continued exodus of Christians from Syria and much of the Middle East; or the bombings in Peshawar Pakistan that killed scores of Christians. Pew also excludes North Korea from its study citing the inability to obtain reliable data from or about the reclusive country.
Data for the report is drawn from 18 public information sources most published by national governments the United Nations European Union and non-government human-rights organizations.
Report claims 30000 Eritreans kidnapped in 5 years
Published: December 10 2013 by Julius Mbaluto
Total of $600 million extorted in ransom payments
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Asmara Eritrea.
Carsten ten Brink / Flickr / Creative Commons
A report presented to the European Parliament shows that around 30000 Eritreans have been kidnapped since 2007 and taken to the Sinai while ransom payments are demanded.
The report conducted by an Eritrean human rights activist and professors from a Dutch University says that a total of around $600 million (€468m) was extorted from families. During its launch in London on December 4 it was confirmed that Christians were among the thousands kidnapped.
Eritrea is ranked 10th on the 2013 World Watch List which ranks the 50 countries in which Christians are most under pressure for their faith. According to Eritrea's Evangelical Alliance approximately 1200 Christians are now incarcerated in Eritrea.
After 366 refugees died in early October off the coast of Lampedusa in Italy where they had been attempting to find refuge Father Mussie Zerai Chairman of the Habeshia Agency which works on behalf of these migrants told World Watch Monitor the majority of those involved in the shipwreck were Christians.
"I look at the list of the survivors and 90 per cent is Christian" he said. "They are coming from Eritrea and Ethiopia. The situation is very bad because politically in Eritrea there is a dictator and they live without any type of freedom or democracy. Many Christians are persecuted because of their faith. It's not easy for them to live in Eritrea at this moment."
The report says that Eritrea's Border Surveillance Unit (BSU) and Sudanese Security officials are among the "actors" collaborating with the gangs that hold people hostage in Sinai.
The Eritrean military was also blamed for abducting young people and forcing them to join the National Youth Service while the Eritrean government came under fire for its inability to protect its citizens.
However speaking to BBC's Focus on Africa Eritrean Ambassador to the UK Tesfamicael Gerahtu denied the allegations citing a conspiracy between Eritrean asylum seekers and the West. He said the Eritrean government was doing its best to deal with the criminals.
"Many Christians are persecuted because of their faith. It's not easy for them to live in Eritrea at this moment."
--Father Mussie Zerai
One case which highlights the human trafficking journey from Eritrea to Egypt was movingly presented at the report's launch.
Dawit a British citizen from Eritrea said that his sister a single mother was kidnapped on her way to work on July 12.
He said that when she did not come home after work her eldest daughter went to her office but found no sign of her and was told by locals that the business had not opened that day.
The next day Dawit received a call from his mother in Eritrea telling him that she had received a call from someone in Sudan saying that his sister had been kidnapped and demanding $10000 for her release.
Dawit told the gathering that he had no money at the time and that his mother didn't want her son in London to call the kidnappers in case they increased the ransom upon realising that a family member lived and worked in the UK.
Dawit said that he was unable to raise the sufficient funds whereupon his sister was tortured. He said that his mother received phone calls during which his sister was raped and her mother was forced to sister to her screams. With her mother still on the phone the kidnappers also electrocuted her and threatened to kill her unless the ransom could be paid.
Eventually Dawit was able to raise the money by selling his car and borrowing money. The ransom was then paid but the kidnappers failed to release his sister despite their promises to do so.
Dawit's sister was eventually said to have been released to the Egyptian authorities but he has since heard no word from her. He says that his sister's ordeal shows that the Eritrea government cannot protect its citizens.
Dawit's efforts to get the UK government's help in securing his sister failed. However Stop Sinai Torture activists reported that they have since held meetings with the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) and there is a strong move to gather evidence and to prosecute the perpetrators.
Selam Kidane at the European Parliament
Release Eritrea
Selam Kidane a human rights activist said that the average amount demanded by kidnappers has increased over the years from $5000 in 2009 to $30000 today. Kidane said that even those who were released were severely traumatised.
The report claims that those released in Egypt and Israel were generally opposed to returning home but were forced to return and in Egypt were ordered to pay a repatriation fee.
Meanwhile the report claims those released in Libya are often detained tortured raped and forced to work for free.
Algerian churches NGOs wary as 'restrictive' law comes into force
Published: January 10 2014
Protestant Church concerned Amnesty International and EU head call for repeal of 'draconian' law. Mustapha Krim President of the Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA).
World Watch Monitor
A number of churches as well as foreign NGOs in Algeria have called for the abolishment of a new law which they say will hamper their work.
Under the law which will come into effect on Sunday (January 12) NGOs may be dissolved or suspended if their business is deemed to interfere with national affairs.
Those who fail to comply with the law by January 12 will be liable to prosecution.
Amnesty International claims the law gives Algerian authorities permission to restrict the work of foreign NGOs including human rights organisations.
The law was passed in January 2012 as part of Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's political reforms but it has been criticised by Amnesty International as "draconian".
In a statement released on December 18 2013 by its bureau in Algiers the human rights organisation said the law threatens freedom and democracy.
"The new Algerian law on associations should be repealed before the expiry of the deadline in January set for existing associations to get registered in order to avoid irreparable damage to Algerian civil society. This draconian law could lead to the closure of independent organisations and civil society and stifle debate on key political social and economic issues" said Amnesty's statement.
The organisation adds that the law "arbitrarily restricts the right to freedom of association and elevated it de facto to a criminal offense in violation of state obligations prescribed by international human rights law".
The Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA) is among a number of other local organisations concerned by the new law.
The law stipulates that an association must be present in at least 12 regions out of a total of 48 across the country in order to be granted national status. Previously the EPA in Algeria was present in only five regions so it has been obliged to obtain the affiliation of other churches located across seven additional regions in order to comply.
"We sent an updated version of our constitution to the Ministry of the Interior at the end of November just two weeks after our general assembly" explained Pastor Mustapha Krim president of the EPA. "We were advised by a lawyer to ensure we introduce our application in the right way. We have done everything necessary to comply with this new law."
Under the provisions of the new law the Ministry of Interior will either issue a receipt of approval or a decision of refusal within 60 days.
Already facing restrictions due to the controversial 2006 law forcing churches to register with the state the provisions of this new law will further limit the activities of churches in Algeria.
The 2006 also law outlaws any Christian evangelism of Muslims as well as the distribution production and storing of material used for this purpose.
A group of associations including the Algerian League for Human Rights (LADDH) has called for a national campaign against the law.
The European Union has also expressed its concern. "We hope that these practical difficulties in the implementation of this law which are not quite the same for all associations will be lifted to facilitate the work of associations" said the head of the EU delegation of Algeria Marek Skolil during a press conference on December 22 in Algiers.
Two pastors killed in Kenya Published: October 29 2013 by Julius Mbaluto
Perpetrators must be arrested and security increased say church leaders. Mombasa.
Lauren Pressley / Flickr / Creative Commons Two pastors from southern coastal towns in Kenya were killed last weekend in separate attacks. Charles Mathole a leader of Mombasa's Redeemed Gospel Church in Mtopanga was found dead in church on the morning of Sunday October 20 shot in the head and with a Bible in his lap. A member of the choir in his church said he seemed to have been preparing the Sunday morning service when he was shot. In Kilifi about 60 kilometres north of Mombasa the body of a pastor with the East African Pentecostal Churches Ibrahim Kithaka was found dumped in a patch of bushes near Madamani trading centre in Vitengeni according to members of his church. The two deaths come just a few days after the coastal town of Mombasa witnessed its worst rioting in recent years after the drive-by shooting of a Muslim Imam Ibrahim Rogo itself in the aftermath of the Westgate mall attack.
Rioters protesting against Rogo's death had burned a Salvation Army Church in Kenya's second largest city and four people lost their lives during the protests).
One local pastor whose name is being withheld for security reasons told World Watch Monitor the atmosphere remained tense following the murder of Sheikh Rogo and his three companions.
"Church leaders have all received threatening text messages in the past but they have increased since the sheikh was killed" he said. "The text messages from an unknown number say: 'Be prepared we are coming for you.' We reported them to the police but no arrests have been made.
Another local pastor said that Muslim leaders had openly incited local youth against Christians in the previous few weeks.
"They abused us very badly" he said. "We reported to the OCPD [Officer Commanding Police Division] who promised to disband the meeting but did not. We also hear [rumours] that [extremists] have targeted five specific churches for destruction. We do not know which churches those are but we have informed the police of this too."
In a statement released on October 21 Mombasa Church Forum pastors called on the government to intensify security.
"The Mombasa Church Forum categorically states that no attack on Christians or their church leaders will deter us from our way of worship and our freedom of religion. To the perpetrators of these heinous attacks we hereby state that we will not be intimidated and will continue to worship our Lord in our churches" said Bishop Wilfred Lai Chairman of the Mombasa Church Forum.
Assistant Police Commissioner Vincent Kibaara said that Pastor Kithaka was in the process of setting up a church in the Muryachakwe area of Kilifi and it is believed he was attacked while travelling home.
The police chief said they were looking for two boys seen with the pastor before he was killed. "We are yet to get leads on what transpired but we are looking for the two boys last seen with the pastor. I am sure they will shed some light on his death" said Mr Kibaara.
Kilifi County Deputy Speaker Teddy Mwambire and Governor Amason Kingi asked Kilifi County Police Commander James Kithuka to clean up his office and fight crime. The acting Mombasa County Commissioner Mohamed Salim said police are investigating the incidents and asked for patience.
Kenya which has a Christian majority of 85 per cent has little history of interfaith tensions. However in recent years this has changed.
Kenyan forces have been in Somalia since 2011.
Albany Associates / Flickr / Creative Commons
One factor has been Kenya's military involvement in Somalia since October 2011 and the retaliatory response of the Islamic extremist group Al-Shabaab which swore to attack Kenya until her troops were called back home from Somalia.
Recent attacks at Westgate Mall in Nairobi saw the terrorists force many of their captives to recite the Islamic prayer. Those who were not able were deemed 'Kafirs' or non-believers and were killed (although Muslims also died in Westgate so it was not clear-cut).
The terrorists were seen in recent CCTV footage praying inside Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi after killing 67 people including women and children and injuring over 200 others.
Kenyan Christian and Muslim leaders together condemned the Westgate attack telling Kenyans that they should not be divided by religion. Kenya's former Prime Minister backed this campaign saying that Islam is a religion of peace and never condones killing therefore the killers were terrorists and not true Muslims.
Al-Shabaab's campaign has been felt in many church quarters and in Kenya as a whole. Many churches now have routine security checks. Now the Westgate attacks seem to have increased Kenyans' resolve to win the battle against Al-Shabaab. Whereas the attackers demanded the withdrawal of Kenya's troops from Somalia President Uhuru Kenyatta was quoted as saying Kenyan troops will stay in Somalia until that country "gets its house in order".
However there is another dimension to the assault on Christians in Kenya. In north-east Kenya tension has been high for much longer than Kenya's involvement in fighting Al-Shabaab across the border.
Analysts say this assault is also about ridding the Muslim-dominated north east of its Christians an Islamist agenda for Kenya and a secessionist agenda in the region.
In February this year two pastors Abdi Welli and Ibrahim Makunyi were shot by unknown gunmen who killed the one and wounded the other. The two pastors were leaders in the East Africa Pentecostal church in Garissa in northern Kenya.
Kenya is a new arrival at No. 40 on the World Watch List which charts the countries where life as a Christian is most difficult.
"Kenya has come under the grip of Islamic extremism more and more and this is a source of hostility against Christians" reports the List. "Thousands of Somalis continue to cross the border into Kenya as the situation in Somalia worsens causing much instability in Kenya. Members of the extremist Islamic movement in Somalia therefore also cross into the north-eastern and coastal regions of Kenya spreading their extremist views and this is where the majority of Christian persecution takes place."
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East African Pentecostal Churches
'White Widow' key suspect in Kenyan pastors' murders
Tension high as Mombasa Muslims protest cleric's murder
Kenyan religious groups ready to work with President-elect despite his war crime indictment
Nairobi church stands strong after grenade kills boy injures others
Grenade Attack on Church in Kenya Kills One
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Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed. Published: November 05 2013
Successful appeal after just three months for 27-year-old
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Mostafa Bordbar 27 has been released after just three months.
Mohabat News
An Iranian Christian sentenced to 10 years in prison has been released after three months.
Mostafa Bordbar 27 was released Nov. 3 from Tehran's Evin Prison after charges of participating in an "anti-security organisation" and "gathering with intent to commit crimes against Iranian national security" were overturned.
Bordbar was arrested in December last year during Christmas celebrations with friends and sentenced in July. The Oct. 30 appeals court hearing cleared him of all charges.
Iran has come under increasing pressure from the international community to improve its human rights record including its number of political prisoners or other prisoners of conscience such as the more than 40 Christians behind bars.
In September two Christians were released a decision welcomed internationally. Mitra Rahmati and Maryam Jalili were nearing the end of their sentences and were released just ahead of new President Hassan Rouhani's first address to the U.N. General Assembly in New York.
The U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power took to Twitter on Sept. 18 to hail the release of prisoners from Iran's jails. "But it's far from enough" she wrote. "Those missing or unjustly detained including Amir Hekmati Saeed Abedini and Bob Levinson must be returned home."
Hekmati is awaiting retrial in Iran on espionage charges. Levinson was kidnapped in Iran in 2007 and is believed to remain in government custody. Meanwhile Abedini an Iranian-born U.S. citizen and pastor serving eight years in prison for his missionary work has written to Rouhani asking for justice and freedom.
At least 300 Christians have been arrested in the past three years in Iran with the most common charges being actions against public security and propaganda against the regime. Many of these Christians were arrested while taking part in "house churches" small meetings of Christians who gather to worship and pray together.
"In bringing about these charges against Christians both the government and the judiciary have made an error of law and fact because Christian gatherings either at homes or churches are mainly formed for Christians to worship together and to read and study the Bible not to change the regime and they do not have a goal of any political activity. So these are wrong judgments" human rights lawyer Attieh Fard told the United Nations Human Rights Council last month.
Fard urged Rouhani to make good on his promises to the U.N. in New York by releasing the 42 Christians known to be in jail and the 45 awaiting trial.
Bordbar's victory in court comes one week after another four Iranian Christians lost their own appeals having been convicted of similar charges.
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Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed. Published: November 05 2013
Successful appeal after just three months for 27-year-old
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Mostafa Bordbar 27 has been released after just three months.
Mohabat News
An Iranian Christian sentenced to 10 years in prison has been released after three months.
Mostafa Bordbar 27 was released Nov. 3 from Tehran's Evin Prison after charges of participating in an "anti-security organisation" and "gathering with intent to commit crimes against Iranian national security" were overturned.
Bordbar was arrested in December last year during Christmas celebrations with friends and sentenced in July. The Oct. 30 appeals court hearing cleared him of all charges.
Iran has come under increasing pressure from the international community to improve its human rights record including its number of political prisoners or other prisoners of conscience such as the more than 40 Christians behind bars.
In September two Christians were released a decision welcomed internationally. Mitra Rahmati and Maryam Jalili were nearing the end of their sentences and were released just ahead of new President Hassan Rouhani's first address to the U.N. General Assembly in New York.
The U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power took to Twitter on Sept. 18 to hail the release of prisoners from Iran's jails. "But it's far from enough" she wrote. "Those missing or unjustly detained including Amir Hekmati Saeed Abedini and Bob Levinson must be returned home."
Hekmati is awaiting retrial in Iran on espionage charges. Levinson was kidnapped in Iran in 2007 and is believed to remain in government custody. Meanwhile Abedini an Iranian-born U.S. citizen and pastor serving eight years in prison for his missionary work has written to Rouhani asking for justice and freedom.
At least 300 Christians have been arrested in the past three years in Iran with the most common charges being actions against public security and propaganda against the regime. Many of these Christians were arrested while taking part in "house churches" small meetings of Christians who gather to worship and pray together.
"In bringing about these charges against Christians both the government and the judiciary have made an error of law and fact because Christian gatherings either at homes or churches are mainly formed for Christians to worship together and to read and study the Bible not to change the regime and they do not have a goal of any political activity. So these are wrong judgments" human rights lawyer Attieh Fard told the United Nations Human Rights Council last month.
Fard urged Rouhani to make good on his promises to the U.N. in New York by releasing the 42 Christians known to be in jail and the 45 awaiting trial.
Bordbar's victory in court comes one week after another four Iranian Christians lost their own appeals having been convicted of similar charges.
Two pastors killed in Kenya Published: October 29 2013 by Julius Mbaluto
Perpetrators must be arrested and security increased say church leaders. Mombasa.
Lauren Pressley / Flickr / Creative Commons Two pastors from southern coastal towns in Kenya were killed last weekend in separate attacks. Charles Mathole a leader of Mombasa's Redeemed Gospel Church in Mtopanga was found dead in church on the morning of Sunday October 20 shot in the head and with a Bible in his lap. A member of the choir in his church said he seemed to have been preparing the Sunday morning service when he was shot. In Kilifi about 60 kilometres north of Mombasa the body of a pastor with the East African Pentecostal Churches Ibrahim Kithaka was found dumped in a patch of bushes near Madamani trading centre in Vitengeni according to members of his church. The two deaths come just a few days after the coastal town of Mombasa witnessed its worst rioting in recent years after the drive-by shooting of a Muslim Imam Ibrahim Rogo itself in the aftermath of the Westgate mall attack.
Rioters protesting against Rogo's death had burned a Salvation Army Church in Kenya's second largest city and four people lost their lives during the protests).
One local pastor whose name is being withheld for security reasons told World Watch Monitor the atmosphere remained tense following the murder of Sheikh Rogo and his three companions.
"Church leaders have all received threatening text messages in the past but they have increased since the sheikh was killed" he said. "The text messages from an unknown number say: 'Be prepared we are coming for you.' We reported them to the police but no arrests have been made.
Another local pastor said that Muslim leaders had openly incited local youth against Christians in the previous few weeks.
"They abused us very badly" he said. "We reported to the OCPD [Officer Commanding Police Division] who promised to disband the meeting but did not. We also hear [rumours] that [extremists] have targeted five specific churches for destruction. We do not know which churches those are but we have informed the police of this too."
In a statement released on October 21 Mombasa Church Forum pastors called on the government to intensify security.
"The Mombasa Church Forum categorically states that no attack on Christians or their church leaders will deter us from our way of worship and our freedom of religion. To the perpetrators of these heinous attacks we hereby state that we will not be intimidated and will continue to worship our Lord in our churches" said Bishop Wilfred Lai Chairman of the Mombasa Church Forum.
Assistant Police Commissioner Vincent Kibaara said that Pastor Kithaka was in the process of setting up a church in the Muryachakwe area of Kilifi and it is believed he was attacked while travelling home.
The police chief said they were looking for two boys seen with the pastor before he was killed. "We are yet to get leads on what transpired but we are looking for the two boys last seen with the pastor. I am sure they will shed some light on his death" said Mr Kibaara.
Kilifi County Deputy Speaker Teddy Mwambire and Governor Amason Kingi asked Kilifi County Police Commander James Kithuka to clean up his office and fight crime. The acting Mombasa County Commissioner Mohamed Salim said police are investigating the incidents and asked for patience.
Kenya which has a Christian majority of 85 per cent has little history of interfaith tensions. However in recent years this has changed.
Kenyan forces have been in Somalia since 2011.
Albany Associates / Flickr / Creative Commons
One factor has been Kenya's military involvement in Somalia since October 2011 and the retaliatory response of the Islamic extremist group Al-Shabaab which swore to attack Kenya until her troops were called back home from Somalia.
Recent attacks at Westgate Mall in Nairobi saw the terrorists force many of their captives to recite the Islamic prayer. Those who were not able were deemed 'Kafirs' or non-believers and were killed (although Muslims also died in Westgate so it was not clear-cut).
The terrorists were seen in recent CCTV footage praying inside Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi after killing 67 people including women and children and injuring over 200 others.
Kenyan Christian and Muslim leaders together condemned the Westgate attack telling Kenyans that they should not be divided by religion. Kenya's former Prime Minister backed this campaign saying that Islam is a religion of peace and never condones killing therefore the killers were terrorists and not true Muslims.
Al-Shabaab's campaign has been felt in many church quarters and in Kenya as a whole. Many churches now have routine security checks. Now the Westgate attacks seem to have increased Kenyans' resolve to win the battle against Al-Shabaab. Whereas the attackers demanded the withdrawal of Kenya's troops from Somalia President Uhuru Kenyatta was quoted as saying Kenyan troops will stay in Somalia until that country "gets its house in order".
However there is another dimension to the assault on Christians in Kenya. In north-east Kenya tension has been high for much longer than Kenya's involvement in fighting Al-Shabaab across the border.
Analysts say this assault is also about ridding the Muslim-dominated north east of its Christians an Islamist agenda for Kenya and a secessionist agenda in the region.
In February this year two pastors Abdi Welli and Ibrahim Makunyi were shot by unknown gunmen who killed the one and wounded the other. The two pastors were leaders in the East Africa Pentecostal church in Garissa in northern Kenya.
Kenya is a new arrival at No. 40 on the World Watch List which charts the countries where life as a Christian is most difficult.
"Kenya has come under the grip of Islamic extremism more and more and this is a source of hostility against Christians" reports the List. "Thousands of Somalis continue to cross the border into Kenya as the situation in Somalia worsens causing much instability in Kenya. Members of the extremist Islamic movement in Somalia therefore also cross into the north-eastern and coastal regions of Kenya spreading their extremist views and this is where the majority of Christian persecution takes place."
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East African Pentecostal Churches
'White Widow' key suspect in Kenyan pastors' murders
Tension high as Mombasa Muslims protest cleric's murder
Kenyan religious groups ready to work with President-elect despite his war crime indictment
Nairobi church stands strong after grenade kills boy injures others
Grenade Attack on Church in Kenya Kills One
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8 ore fa
Algerian churches NGOs wary as 'restrictive' law comes into force
Published: January 10 2014
Protestant Church concerned Amnesty International and EU head call for repeal of 'draconian' law. Mustapha Krim President of the Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA).
World Watch Monitor
A number of churches as well as foreign NGOs in Algeria have called for the abolishment of a new law which they say will hamper their work.
Under the law which will come into effect on Sunday (January 12) NGOs may be dissolved or suspended if their business is deemed to interfere with national affairs.
Those who fail to comply with the law by January 12 will be liable to prosecution.
Amnesty International claims the law gives Algerian authorities permission to restrict the work of foreign NGOs including human rights organisations.
The law was passed in January 2012 as part of Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's political reforms but it has been criticised by Amnesty International as "draconian".
In a statement released on December 18 2013 by its bureau in Algiers the human rights organisation said the law threatens freedom and democracy.
"The new Algerian law on associations should be repealed before the expiry of the deadline in January set for existing associations to get registered in order to avoid irreparable damage to Algerian civil society. This draconian law could lead to the closure of independent organisations and civil society and stifle debate on key political social and economic issues" said Amnesty's statement.
The organisation adds that the law "arbitrarily restricts the right to freedom of association and elevated it de facto to a criminal offense in violation of state obligations prescribed by international human rights law".
The Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA) is among a number of other local organisations concerned by the new law.
The law stipulates that an association must be present in at least 12 regions out of a total of 48 across the country in order to be granted national status. Previously the EPA in Algeria was present in only five regions so it has been obliged to obtain the affiliation of other churches located across seven additional regions in order to comply.
"We sent an updated version of our constitution to the Ministry of the Interior at the end of November just two weeks after our general assembly" explained Pastor Mustapha Krim president of the EPA. "We were advised by a lawyer to ensure we introduce our application in the right way. We have done everything necessary to comply with this new law."
Under the provisions of the new law the Ministry of Interior will either issue a receipt of approval or a decision of refusal within 60 days.
Already facing restrictions due to the controversial 2006 law forcing churches to register with the state the provisions of this new law will further limit the activities of churches in Algeria.
The 2006 also law outlaws any Christian evangelism of Muslims as well as the distribution production and storing of material used for this purpose.
A group of associations including the Algerian League for Human Rights (LADDH) has called for a national campaign against the law.
The European Union has also expressed its concern. "We hope that these practical difficulties in the implementation of this law which are not quite the same for all associations will be lifted to facilitate the work of associations" said the head of the EU delegation of Algeria Marek Skolil during a press conference on December 22 in Algiers.
#Obama tu sei patetico ma quello di pensare che la #NSA si limiti a spiare è soltanto una analisi molto riduttiva loro possono entrare in tutti i siti e possono cancellare e modificare ogni cosa di quel sito web. infatti i satanisti sono arroganti e calpestano lo altrui pensiero culturale e quindi deridono il cristianesimo è con cavilli che hanno distrutto tanti siti web cristiani in youtube.
#Obama e se io ero un uomo bugiardo oppure un umo che non voleva bene a tutte le persone del mondo oppure un uomo che non voleva proteggere tutte le religioni e tuutti i governi poi io non potevo mai essere stato eletto da Dio ad essere Unius REI.
#Obama tu guarda tutto il male che noi abbiamo fatto al nostro pianeta visto che lui era prima il paradiso terrestre: fatto da Dio. 1. noi abbiamo fatto: la Torre di Babele 2. abbiamo meritato: il diluvio universale 3. poi abbiamo costruito tanti sistemi ideologici e politici per fare soffrire: tante persone innocenti. 4. infine: i farisei Illuminati Spa Fmi per nascondere la loro truffa di signoraggio bancario hanno preteso [cioè per motivi contabili hanno avuto bisogno] di due guerre mondiali ed hanno rovinato depauperato impoverito degradato in ogni modo il genere umano! 5. ecco perché di questo tutti sono sicuri: "voi senza Unius REI voi non potete minimamente sperare di poter sfuggire: anche: a questa terza guerra mondiale"
#Obama e poi che genere di merda i farisei anglo-americani Bildenberg le sinistre massoniche che dominano il mondo avendo rubato a tutti la sovranità monetaria hanno finaziato e portato a vittoria nel loro odio assurdo contro Gesù Cristo il giusto uomo nato a Betlemme? il relativimo il materialismo il secolarismo e quindi la eterna fiaba teoria della evoluzione che dopo 150 anni non potrà più essere dimostrata certamente. [ ecco perché le cose più aberranti come pedofilia eutanasia omosessualismo aborto ed ogni perversione sessuale il sataniso stesso hanno trovato (non solo una tolleranza) ma addirittura una giustificazione giuridica sul nostro pianeta! ]
#Obama tu sei formalmente apparentemente in cima al potere di un pianeta mentre tutti sanno che tu sei un burattino che non conta un cazzo! e tu non hai nessun potere sul futuro delle tue figlie senza di me! Quindi tu non verrai a raccontare a me le tue stronzate!
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ERDOGAN ] voi non avete capito niente! [ I SACERDOTI DI SATANA ESSENDO STATI SCONFITTI ORA DIPENDONO DA ME ] in che modo voi volete morire?
187AUDIOHOSTEM voleva rendermi colpevole, di peccato di concupiscenza e adulterio spirituale, e disse: "quello che l'occhio guarda il cuore desidera", COSì AVREBBE DISTRUTTO IL MIO MINISTERO POLITICO, ma, il fatto che io sono attratto dalle curve femminili, non vuol dire che io coltivo sentimenti di concupiscenza nel mio cuore! E LUI (la CIA ) PUò VEDERE QUELLO CHE I MIEI OCCHI GUARDANO, utilizzando le connessioni neuronali aliene che sono state poste nel mio cervello, MA, lui NON PUò VEDERE QUELLO CHE IL MIO CUORE DESIDERA!
i sacerdoti di satana della CIA avevano perso contro di me ogni confronto, e addirittura: Synnek1 era stato licenziato come Direttore generale di youtube, ed era diventato 187AudioHostem. per merito mio, ] EPPURE, NON SEMBRA AFFATTO CHE I SACERDOTI DI SATANA e della CIA, ABBIANO PERSO IL CONTROLLO DI YOUTUBE [ @Kerry, Rothschild, Bush, 322, 666 187AUDIOHOSTEM -- quanto sangue di porco, tu hai bevuto oggi? 187AUDIOHOSTEM [I Know Much About You Piece Of Shit]
UFuckWithWrongPerson ( lui è IHateNewLayout ) I love you pics ( vuol dire che, attraverso Le connessioni neuronali aliene, IMPIANTATE NEL MIO CERVELLO, lui può vedere attraverso i miei occhi e può percepire attraverso i miei sensi! )
non sono lo stupido cattivo che se la prende contro i banchieri che lavorano per portare uno stipendio a casa! me la prendo con gli azionisti SpA Banche Centrali, che hanno sputato contro la Bibbia e contro la Costituzione nella MASSONERIA! .. non potrete sfuggire all'ira dei popoli!
Erdogan, Salman, FED Merkel Obama NATO CIA FMI ] ORA è IL VOSTRO TURNO [ io ho visto il vostro satana trascinare la croce sul calvario monte, con la corona di spine in testa! ORA TOCCA A VOI! Van rumpuy his massonico valore ] MERKEL MOGHERINI RENZI [ alto tradimento NATO SpA Rothschild FED FMI NWO ] satana è dio mecca caaba
ISRAELE dear BLOGSPOT GOOGLE ] SOSTANZIALMENTE DICE SEMPRE [ firefox non risponde! ] sono i vampiri della CIA DATAGATE della NSA UK, LEGA ARABA, sono tutti a succhiare il mio pene cazzo ciola ADSL 100MB fibra ottica!
dear BLOGSPOT GOOGLE ] io ho cancellato tutti i cookies ed infatti la segnazione del tipo di errore è cambiato, non riesco ancora a mettere i tag! Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore. (bX-owt4t6)
IL BULLISMO DEL POTERE FINANZIARIO TECNOCRATICO MASSONICO E LA SOVVERSIONE DEMOCRATICA. 29.12.2015( Il primo ministro montenegriNo chiede la fiducia al Parlamento, ma non concede il referendum popolare per l'ingresso nella Nato
IO SONO L'OSSERVATORIO SUL MARTIRIO DEI CRISTIANI DA 30 ANNI, E SONO INDIGNATO DALLE AFFERMAZIONI DI QUESTA FEMMINA! QUALI LIBERTà RELIGIOSE ESISTONO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? QUANTI CRISTIANI SONO SOPRAVVISSUTI IN TURCHIA? NEW YORK, 30 DIC - L'Isis commette un genocidio contro i cristiani e le altre minoranze religiose in Medio Oriente. Lo afferma Hillary Clinton. "Sì. Lo chiamerò genocidio adesso", ha detto. "E lo farò perchè ora abbiamo prove sufficienti", ha proseguito: "Quello che sta succedendo adesso è genocidio, deliberatamente rivolto non solo a distruggere le vite umane, ma anche a cancellare l'esistenza dei cristiani e delle altre minoranze religiose in Medio Oriente, nei territori controllati dall'Isis".
INDIA NON HA IL CONCETTO DI DECORRENZA DEI TERMINI CARCERAZIONE PREVENTIVA. QUINDI STARANNO LI IN ETERNO. 29 DIC - Oltre cento militanti di Azione Nazionale hanno manifestato stamani davanti l'Ambasciata dell'India a Roma per chiedere la liberazione dei due sottoufficiali della Marina Italiana, Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone, il cui destino è da oltre 1.440 giorni in mano al governo di Nuova Delhi. I manifestanti hanno aperto uno striscione con su scritto "Marò Subito Liberi" e sei di loro si sono incatenati per protesta fuori la sede diplomatica indiana.
il regime massonico USA SPA FED NEOCONS, prevede di contrastare le libertà costituzionali dei propri parlamentari! ] QUINDI PER GLI USA I PROPRI PARLAMENTARI VANNO CONTRASTATI, CAPIAMO TUTTI CHE ISRAELE è IL NEMICO, DA ABBATTERE, MA VIOLARE LA SOVRANITà DEI PROPRI PARLAMENTARI è INCOSTITUZIONALE! [ NEW YORK, 30 DIC - Le intercettazioni della National Security Agency (NSA) dei leader stranieri hanno incluso anche conversazioni private tra alti ufficiali israeliani, tra cui il premier Benyamin Netanyahu, deputati al Congresso Usa e gruppi ebraici americani. Lo riferisce il Wall Street Journal che cita ex ed attuali funzionari Usa. Secondo la Casa Bianca - rivelano le fonti al giornale - le intercettazioni potevano essere valide per contrastare la campagna di Netanyahu contro l'accordo nucleare con l'Iran.
LEGIONE di zombies 666 Obama GENDER Darwin la scimmia ] TU STAI ZITTO E NON FIATARE!
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] [ ok, se non vuoi costruire 4 milioni di Chiese, tu mi devi costruire il TEMPIO EBRAICO e mi devi dare la MADIANA, per costruirlo!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] lo sanno tutti che, i santi martiri cristiani innocenti, si onorano, con il dedicare loro, la titolarità delle Chiese, e dalla maledetta apparizione, del vostro falso Profeta Maometto ad oggi? voi avete ucciso non meno di 40 milioni di martiri cristiani! E LORO HANNO AVUTO DA DIO LE CHIAVI DEL PARADISO! Quindi se vuoi entrare in Paradiso? ogni 10 martiri uccisi dai maomettani tu devi costruire una Chiesa!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] ovviamente, noi siamo infedeli, noi siamo idolatri, noi siamo la merda, il nostro dio non esiste, QUINDI NOI POSSIAMO COMPRARE, come schiavi che devono morire, DAI FARISEI I NOSTRI SOLDI AD INTERESSE! [ mentre al contrario ], voi siete i veri fedeli, non siete idolatri, non siete la merda, il vostro Dio e quello vero, e la vostra religione è l'unica religione giusta, ecco perché , anche voi POTETE COMPRARE DAI FARISEI I VOSTRI SOLDI AD INTERESSE, come schiavi che devono morire, DAI SALMAN VAFFANCULO BESTIA!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] che cosa? voi comprate ad interesse, come schiavi di Satana Bush il fariseo Rothschild, il vostro denaro, stampato dall'occhio di Lucifero FMI, piramide torre di Babilonia, e poi, con quel denaro che è il simbolo del demonio, poi, voi entrate in una Moschea del vostro idolo Allah la Cagna Troia! VOI MI FATE SCHIFO!
ALLAH il fetido ] se, il vostro Dio fosse vero? come voi potevate essere gli alleati dei sacerdoti di satana CIA NATO farisei massoni USA? non ci sono massoni anche tra di voi? in Turchia ci sono eccome! e poiché voi dichiarate che il vostro dio è il demonio, poi, lo sanno tutti .. NON SI FA PECCATO AD INSULTARE IL DEMONIO! se, poi, è per colpa vostra che io sto profanando il vostro dio? poi, questo è un peccato che, si aggiunge alla lista dei vostri peccati, che gridano "vendetta" presso il Trono di Dio, cioè, quando la coppa della sua ira sarà stata riempita contro di voi!
TURCHIA ARABIA SAUDITA ] ma, se come voi dite, Allah è il Dio di Abramo, POI, ABRAMO NON HA FATTO I VOSTRI DELITTI. Lui IL TOPO ALLAH, se la prenderà contro di me, che lo sto insultando per colpa vostra? voi avete profanato la sua santità! OPPURE SE LA PRENDERà CONTRO DI VOI? voi lo avete messo in mezzo ai demoni del gufo USA SPA FED, il vostro dio? voi lo avete fatto diventare un demonio, quindi io insulto il vostro demonio, e non c'è peccato ad insultare il demonio, infatti, tutti i delitti e crimini del gufo? anche il vostro dio li fa: come voi siete gli alleati del gufo al bohemian grove USA. QUINDI, VOI STATE BESTEMMIANDO IL VOSTRO DIO, NON IO! e se mi dite, noi stiamo ingannando il GUFO, perché noi siamo ISIS, Boko Haram ecc.. poi, sorgono problemi anche peggiori per il vostro dio di merda! Masonry is satanic Rothschild RELIGION TOPO ALLAH, DESERT IDOL LILIT MECCA CAABA SHARIA
TUTTI POSSONO OTTENERE L'INDIPENDENZA SE FUGGONO DALLA RUSSIA.. MA, C'è LA POSSIBILITà DI AVERE LA INDIPENDENZA PER FUGGIRE DALLA NATO? I CADAVERI IN DONBASS HANNO DETTO DI NO! l presidente della Serbia, da parte sua, ha dichiarato che Belgrado è rammaricata dal sostegno turco all'indipendenza del Kosovo. "È particolarmente doloroso per noi, quando i nostri amici promuovono l'indipendenza del Kosovo. Sto parlando anche della Turchia", — ha detto Nikolic: http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20151229/1805671/Turchia-Serbia-aiuto.html#ixzz3vjtLO9Sr
E I SATANISTI ISLAMICI ERDOGAN NATO USA POLIZIOTTI DEL MONDO CHE DICONO? Nepal, violente proteste etnia Madhesi, Contro la nuova Costituzione che non tutela la minoranza
Salman Erdogan ARABIA SAUDITA, LEGA ARABA ] [ SUVVIA SIAMO SERI.. se Allah era un vero Dio, come voi potevate fare gli alleati degli USA FARISEI ROTHSCHILD TALMUD KABBALAH IL GUFO BAAL cannibali? lo sanno tutti che sono massoni GENDER DARWIN e sacerdoti di Satana, QUINDI allah potrebbe soltanto essere un demone topo assassino maligno ecc.. ecc.. VOI ANDRETE DISPERATI TUTTI ALL'INFERNO! ] però noi possiamo diventare tutti adoratori di JHWH, non è difficile, coraggio!
Abd Allah TOPO LILIT, DEMONE DEL DESERTO. Allah è soltanto un topo! SOLTANTO JHWH è VERO! ] BUSH 322 KERRY ROTHSCHILD ] da vivo, o meglio da morto? IO SO, sempre, voi DOVE SIETE! e non potrebbe mai esistere un vostro esercito di: alieni demoni fantasmi vampiri zombies, ecc.. che mai potrebbe essere un problema per me! [ COSA DI FOLLE CRIMINALE, SOPRANNATURALE, ESOTERICO MASSONICO, E SOPRATTUTTO DI IRRAZIONALE (PER GLI UMANI PUò SEMBRARE IL SATANISMO) SI DEVE FARE PER PORTARE SATANA, AD ESSERE ADORATO DA TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO? IL PROBLEMA DEGLI USA NON è LA RUSSIA, CINA, ECC.. O LA GUERRA MONDIALE, NO! IL LORO PROBLEMA SONO SOLTANTO IO: UNIUS REI: IL RE DI ISRAELE! IO NON POSSO ESSERE VINTO DA NESSUNO! COME DICE IL PROVERBIO: "IL POTERE E LA POTENZA SENZA IL CONTROLLO DIVENTERANNO UNA MINACCIA CONTRO DI TE! "Razzismo" occidentale e Stato Islamico sono gemelli siamesi.". 29.12.2015 ( What they say about USA. Lo Stato Islamico è una conseguenza. Il motivo della sua comparsa è stato il monopolio americano sul mondo, cresciuto dopo la fine dell'URSS e continuato per gli ultimi 25 anni: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151229/1805444/razzismo-isis.html#ixzz3vjUTI0RM
BUSH 322 KERRY ROTHSCHILD ] da vivo o meglio da morto? IO SO, sempre, voi DOVE SIETE!
COSA DI FOLLE CRIMINALE, SOPRANNATURALE, ESOTERICO MASSONICO, E SOPRATTUTTO DI IRRAZIONALE (PER GLI UMANI PUò SEMBRARE IL SATANISMO) SI DEVE FARE PER PORTARE SATANA, AD ESSERE ADORATO DA TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO? IL PROBLEMA DEGLI USA NON è LA RUSSIA, CINA, ECC.. O LA GUERRA MONDIALE, NO! IL LORO PROBLEMA SONO SOLTANTO IO: UNIUS REI: IL RE DI ISRAELE! IO NON POSSO ESSERE VINTO DA NESSUNO! COME DICE IL PROVERBIO IL POTERE E LA POTENZA SENZA IL CONTROLLO DIVENTERANNO UNA MINACCIA CONTRO DI TE! "Razzismo" occidentale e Stato Islamico sono gemelli siamesi. 17:41 29.12.2015( What they say about USA. Lo Stato Islamico è una conseguenza. Il motivo della sua comparsa è stato il monopolio americano sul mondo, cresciuto dopo la fine dell'URSS e continuato per gli ultimi 25 anni: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151229/1805444/razzismo-isis.html#ixzz3vjUTI0RM
questo è l'insegnamento dogmatico, che un qualsiasi saudita di salafita wahhabita, darebbe oggi nei territori di guerra, che poi, loro i sauditi ammettono ancora oggi, lo sfruttamento di schiavi e schiave, perché questo è oggettivamente, sia il Corano che la sharia! Così è sempre stato e così sempre sarà, finché non verranno sterminati, tutti i salafiti come ERDOGAN! LONDRA, 29 DIC - L'Isis arriva a indicare regole su come violentare le 'schiave'. Il britannico Daily Mirror pubblica sul suo sito la 'fatwa' emessa in gennaio dallo Stato islamico con 15 'norme' introdotte dopo che i militanti dello Stato islamico si erano lasciati andare a terribili violenze nei confronti delle vittime. Ma il presunto 'regolamento' in realtà non fa che sottolineare il sadismo dell'Isis: viene proibito lo stupro di donne con le mestruazioni, incinte, o di due sorelle contemporaneamente.
Dio JHWH dispera di poter salvare gli USA, questa nazione così potentemente maledetta dagli omosessuali satanisti culto massoni farisei! Dio distruggerà gli USA completamente... è indispensabile che tutti coloro che appartengono al popolo di Dio escano fuori da questa Nazione MALEFICATA!
ISRAEL ] potrebbero essere stati angeli? non so dirlo! ma il tutto è stato fatto: in una frazione di secondo e con troppa precisa determinazione! [ qualcuno nel blog, mi ha fatto comparire, in un luogo del documento, da ma lasciato intenzionalmente senza commenti, che, questa posizione del post, doveva essere: necessariamente, senza commenti, un posto siramente pulito, sotto delle immagini: IN CODA, CIOè IN FONDO A TUTTO IL POST, che mi sarebbe servito in seguito, per un copia incolla, che avevo prospettato di fare, questo strano hacker MI HA FATTO EVIDENZIARE, in questa zona dove avevo cancellato tutto, DUE MIEI VECCHI COMMENTI: 1. IL PRIMO ARTICOLO, giustificava PUTIN per avere dato gli S300 all'IRAN, infatti lui ha paura di forze militarmente soverchianti, e non è stato lui il primo che ha armato fino ai denti i nazisti islamici, 2. ed IL SECONDO ARTICOLO: denunciava OBAMA, di avere ipocritamente fatto un accordo con CUBA e IRAN, al solo scopo, di farsi una immagine di pacifista, come a dire: 1. tutti i disastri nel mondo, 2. il gencidio di tutti i cristiani nel Medio Oriente, ecc.., 3. la diffusione della galassia jihadista, 4. e la stessa Guerra Mondiale Nucleare non potevano mai essere stati colpa mia, perché io sono un pacifista!
E NOI QUANDO IRRORIAMO SANZIONI ALLA TURCHIA PER AVERE COMPRATO IL PETROLIO DA ISIS? Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha firmato un decreto per l'attuazione di misure economiche speciali contro la Turchia. Lo ha reso noto il servizio stampa del Cremlino. Turchia non pagherà danni per l'abbattimento del bombardiere russo Su-24 in Siria
Le relazioni tra Mosca e Ankara si sono deteriorate dopo che le forze turche hanno abbattuto un aereo russo Su-24 in risposta a una presunta violazione dello spazio aereo turco. Il Su-24 era impegnato in un'operazione antiterrorismo della Russia in Siria.
è INDISPENSABILE DICHIARARE GUERRA ALLA NATO! 29.12.2015. Washington sta cercando un motivo per far saltare il vertice NATO fissato per l'anno 2016 a Varsavia. In questo modo gli USA intendono far capire alla Polonia che le sue azioni possono danneggiare i rapporti tra i due Paesi, dice l'ex capo della diplomazia polacca Grzegorz Schetyna: http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20151229/1803930/summit-nato-polonia-politica.html#ixzz3vixmk9X7
16:19 Iraq, esercito iracheno ha catturato ministro delle Finanze del Daesh
16:17 Reporter senza frontiere: 110 giornalisti uccisi nel 2015
15:43 Iraq, esercito segnala cattura del “tesoriere” Daesh
15:41 Summit NATO può saltare a causa della politica della Polonia
15:13 Mosca: escalation in Ucraina evitata grazie alla Russia: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/#ixzz3vix0ukST
ANKARA, 29 DIC. un INQUIETANTE ISLAMICO NAZISTA SALMAN ERDOGAN SALAFITA CRIMINALE INTERNAZIONALE, MANDANTE DEL TERRORISMO MONDIALE ISLAMICO: LUI MI DEVE DIRE COSA è IL CONCETTO DELLA PIETà NEL SUO CORANO MECCA CAABA ISLAM ALLAH SHARIA, Il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan accusa il presidente siriano Bashar al Assad di aver ucciso "400.000 persone", "senza pietà". Erdogan ha poi affermato che alcuni Paesi "gettano benzina sul fuoco" sostenendo i combattenti curdo-siriani, che Ankara bolla come terroristi. ASSAD HA CONSERVATO 2000 ANNI DI CRISTIANESIMO CHE ERDOGAN CON CIA E NATO HANNO DISTRUTTO, E NON è STATO ASSAD, AD UCCIDERE 2MILIONI DI CRISTIANI SIRIANI!
cosa credevate che la Bibbia è una favola cattiva come il Corano? Caino oggi è Rothschild ed Abele oggi è ISRAELE, se volete che Satana sia il vostro Dio, è semplice: "uccidete Israele!"
IL SIGNIFICATO DI QUESTO SIMBOLO MONETARIO è TROPPO EVIDENTE: ROTHSCHILD HA DETTO AD ISRAELE: "BAAL è IL MIO DIO GUFO IMF MARDUK SPA JABULLON FED, ED IO HO PAGATO MOLTO DI PIù PER FARTI MORIRE, DI COME HO PAGATO PER FARTI VIVERE! adesso: TUTTE LE NAZIONI DEL MONDO DEVONO DIRE, SE STANNO CON ME O SE STANNO CON ROTHSCHILD ] [ TEL AVIV, 29 DIC - Riproduzioni di banconote da 100 dollari statunitensi con la sovrapposizione dell'effigie di Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi e con scritte inneggianti allo Stato islamico sono stati rinvenute in diverse localita' della Galilea, in prossimita' di Kiryat Shmona. Lo rende noto la polizia israeliana che ha aperto un'inchiesta. Per il momento, ha precisato una portavoce, non e' chiaro quale fosse la loro finalita' e non si ha notizia di arresti. ] [ ISRAELE è stata pagata come una troia, a servizio prostituzione, per ORE CONTATE vita SHARIA il mortale nazismo CIA shoah new Olocausto SPA ROTHSCHILD FED NWO
PER ORA VOCI E RUMORI, SOSPETTI, MA QUESTA STORIA PUò PRENDERE UNA BRUTTA PIEGA! cioè, questa storia dei brogli eletorali nel sistema massonico Rothschild MERKEL Bildenberg OBAMA Banche centrali Spa, è una bruta storia che comincia a prendere consistenza. CARACAS, 30 DIC - Il presidente del Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, ha detto che la vittoria dell'opposizione nelle elezioni dello scorso 6 dicembre è stata possibile grazie a "un piano dettagliato di brogli", sul quale è stata aperta un'inchiesta giudiziaria. "Non voglio anticipare i risultati preliminari dell'inchiesta", ha detto Maduro nel suo consueto programma televisivo settimanale, aggiungendo però che "c'è stato di tutto, compreso il volgare voto di scambio con delinquenti".
Ambasciatore Siria all'ONU svela piani di Erdogan per far rinascere Impero Ottomano
12:24 30.12.2015(Il presidente turco sogna "di far rivivere l'eredità coloniale dell'Impero Ottomano." In molti modi Ankara interferisce negli affari interni della Siria e favorisce l'ingresso dei terroristi nel Paese, ritiene il rappresentante permanente della Siria alle Nazioni Unite. Damasco ha chiesto alla comunità internazionale di porre fine alle "violazioni e crimini" commessi dalle autorità turche nei confronti della Siria e dei rifugiati siriani, così come ha parlato dei piani del presidente turco Erdogan per far rinascere l'Impero Ottomano.
Il rappresentante permanente della Siria presso le Nazioni Unite Bashar Jaafari ha detto che i gruppi armati che a partire dal 2011 conducono "una guerra terroristica senza precedenti" contro la Siria sono appoggiati dagli Stati della regione e di altre parti, in particolare dal regime di Erdogan." La lettera indirizzata al segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite e al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite è stata diffusa all'interno dell'ONU martedì.
"Durante la crisi, l'ingerenza turca negli affari interni della Siria ha preso una varietà di forme, tra cui il coinvolgimento diretto del regime di Erdogan e delle forze armate turche in operazioni militari offensive a sostegno dei terroristi," — si legge nella missiva di Jaafari.
Ha inoltre affermato che la Turchia ha contribuito alla penetrazione dei terroristi in Siria assicurando "fuoco di copertura durante il passaggio dei terroristi in Siria lungo il confine."
"Per quanto riguarda il caccia russo abbattuto dalle forze armate turche, abbattuto nello spazio aereo siriano dopo aver bombardato le posizioni del Daesh (ISIS), non servono ulteriori chiarimenti in proposito perché il fatto stesso parla da sé," — è scritto nel testo.
Il rappresentante diplomatico della Siria ha inoltre sottolineato che Ankara sta commettendo crimini contro i profughi siriani in Turchia, "in fuga dal terrore e dalla tirannia di organizzazioni terroristiche come il Daesh," Al-Nusra ","Esercito di Conquista" e "Fronte Islamico", che il governo della Turchia copre nel suo territorio."
Secondo Jaafari, la tratta di esseri umani in cui sono impegnati i terroristi avviene "con il placet e la partecipazione diretta di organizzazioni controllate dal regime di Erdogan".
Jaafari ha osservato che qualche anno fa Erdogan aveva "sollevato la questione della tutela dei popoli di origine turca, nonostante il fatto siano cittadini di Stati sovrani": è la prova che indica come Erdogan voglia "far rivivere l'eredità coloniale dell'Impero Ottomano."
La Siria ha esortato la comunità internazionale a "prendere una posizione forte per porre fine a queste violazioni e crimini" di Ankara.
In Siria dal marzo 2011 è in corso un conflitto armato in cui, secondo le Nazioni Unite, sono rimaste uccise più di 220mila persone. Le truppe governative si oppongono a diversi gruppi armati islamici radicali, tra cui i terroristi del Daesh e del "Fronte Al-Nusra": http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151230/1807271/Jaafari-Turchia-Daesh-AlNusra-terrorismo-Medioriente-profughi-Assad.html#ixzz3voEcmnx0
GRANDE FRATELLO lui sa sempre dove sei ] A.I. BIOLOGIA SINTETICA, ENTITà SIMBIOTICO COLLETTIVA ALIENA. LUI SA SEMPRE COSA HAI DECISO DI FARE! EPPURE, LA CIA PERMETTE CHE I DELITTI SI COMPIANO! PARIGI, 30 DIC - Il ministro della Difesa francese, Jean-Yves Le Drian, ha confermato la notizia dell'uccisione dell'estremista islamico francese Charaffe Al Mouadan (nome di battaglia 'Souleyman'), legato agli attentati di Parigi, annunciata ieri in un briefing della coalizione anti-Isis. "Sì, posso confermarlo", ha detto Le Drian, interpellato durante un incontro con un gruppo di militari a Parigi, aggiungendo di non avere "altri commenti" sulla vicenda.
LA TURCHIA, COME TUTTI GLI ISLAMICI FANNO DI TUTTO, PER AUMENTARE LE CONDIZIONI SFAVOREVOLI E PER POTERLI AMMAZZARE! Turchia, traffico di uomini: traversate a prezzi stracciati con il mare grosso. 30.12.2015 Trafficanti di uomini propongono ai migranti viaggi verso l'Europa a prezzi stracciati quando condizioni atmosferiche rendono la traversata pericolosa. Trafficanti turchi propongono traversate del Mar Egeo a prezzi stracciati ai migranti che desiderano raggiungere le coste europee della Grecia. I bambini viaggiano gratis. Ma solo quando le condizioni atmosferiche rendono la traversata pericolosa.
"Mi hanno proposto uno sconto perché il mare fosse grosso e stesse piovendo. Era rischioso, ma ci hanno detto che sarebbe andata bene", ha raccontato l'infermiera siriana Nancy Ahmed alla Bbc.
Nancy ha raggiunto le coste dell'Europa, assieme ai due figli di 11 anni e alla madre settantenne, su un barcone che ha rischiato di rovesciarsi per ben tre volte. Alla guida un iracheno, migrante anche lui, cui i trafficanti hanno insegnato a guidare l'imbarcazione in una lezione della durata di appena un'ora. I migranti, una quarantina in tutto, sono stati soccorsi dalla Guardia Costiera greca. Altri, partiti lo scorso venerdì, con il temporale e il mare in tempesta, non sono stati altrettanto fortunati: il barcone si è capovolto e 13 persone sono affogate.
Ma i trafficanti di uomini sanno essere convincenti. "Andate adesso, costa solo 850 dollari. I bambini possono viaggiare gratis. Se aspettate domani, vi costerà il doppio", urlano.
Ron Redmond, portavoce dell'Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati in Grecia, ritiene che l'abbassamento dei soldi chiesti per le traversate abbia fortemente contribuito all'aumento degli annegamenti nei giorni scorsi.
I trafficanti assicurano che i barconi di legno sono più resistenti dei gommoni. Ma, precisa Redmond, "queste barche, molto vecchie e insicure, meccanicamente non sono in buone condizioni. E caricano a bordo da 300 a 400 persone. Se affondano, la guardia costiera non può arrivare a tutti.": http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151230/1810691/turchia-traffico-di-uomini.html#ixzz3vpB2xIjM
BISOGNA RIMUOVERE A SOGGETTI, SPA, PRIVATI, AZIONISTI, DI IMPOSSESSARSI DELLA SOVRANITà MONETARIA DI UN PAESE, PERCHé è IN QUESTO MODO, CHE LA DEMOCRAZIA DIVIENE UN DELITTO DI ALTO TRADIMENTO! Referendum in Svizzera contro la rendita frazionata. 18:23 30.12.2015. Il referendum mira a impedire che le banche private creino credito, cioè debito in quantità superiore a quello che hanno in cassa. Un referendum per consentire alla sola Banca centrale di emettere moneta: è quello che accadrà in Svizzera, entro sei mesi, dopo la raccolta di oltre 110mila firme. Attualmente il 90% del denaro è moneta elettronica che le banche private creano quando aprono linee di credito. Il referendum mira a impedire che le banche private creino credito, cioè debito in quantità superiore a quello che hanno in cassa. Le banche private, attraverso i prestiti, di fatto concorrono alla creazione di moneta poiché sono tenute a mantenere un rapporto solamente frazionario fra i propri depositi e i crediti che erogano.Tale rapporto in Europa è del 2%. Il risultato è che gran parte della moneta, quella elettronica, non è emessa direttamente dalla banca centrale, bensì dal sistema bancario privato attraverso il fenomeno del moltipliplicatore monetario. Fautore del referendum è il Movimento svizzero per la moneta sovrana, che intende togliere il potere di speculazione da parte delle banche private imponendo un rapporto di riserva pari al 100%. Precludere alle banche private questa possibilità, secondo i promotori, impedirebbe il presentarsi di bolle conseguenti a flussi abnormi di credito. L'Islanda ha già preso una tale decisione. Negli anni Trenta alcuni economisti, tra cui Irving Fisher, erano dello stesso avviso: http://it.sputniknews.com/economia/20151230/1811616/svizzera-contro-rendita-frazionata.html#ixzz3vpC60Blu
COSA è LA SHARIA? ECCOLA! Il sultano del piccolo Stato del Borneo mette al bando i festeggiamenti per il Natale. Cinque anni di carcere a chi festeggia il Natale in Brunei. E' questa la decisione del sultano del piccolo Stato del Borneo per il 25 dicembre, giorno in cui non si potranno "indossare simboli come croci, accendere candele, addobbare alberi di Natale, cantare inni religiosi, montare decorazioni". La nuova legge, era stata annunciata un anno fa al momento della reintroduzione della Sharia, la legge coranica, da parte del sultano Hassanal Bolkian. Il ministro degli affari religiosi del Paese ha spiegato che la scelta di vietare i festeggiamenti del Natale è dettata dalla necessità di "preservare il credo della comunità musulmana", adducendo come motivazione la prevalenza della fede musulmana sulle altre nel piccolo Stato, diffusa nel 65% della popolazione: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151222/1770325/brunei-divieto-natale.html#ixzz3vpDRXHHi
2016: nuovi rischi finanziari globali, La Federal Reserve, come previsto, ha chiuso il 2015 con un aumento del tasso di interesse dello 0,25%. Evidentemente si intenderebbe dare il messaggio di fine della crisi negli Stati Uniti: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151222/1770325/brunei-divieto-natale.html#ixzz3vpDtd24x
Trentatrè motivi per lasciare la Turchia fuori dall'Europa
Ogni Paese candidato a diventare membro dell'Unione Europea ha dovuto rispettare determinate condizioni per essere ammesso e in tutto sono trentatré i "capitoli" che vanno approfonditi e negoziati tra i Governi e i rappresentanti della Commissione: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151222/1770325/brunei-divieto-natale.html#ixzz3vpE2flZl
Secondo il portavoce del Cremlino, le informazioni che la Russia possiede sul presunto acquisto da parte di Ankara di petrolio dal Daesh potranno contribuire al contrasto del terrore: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151201/1642061/turchia-daesh-petrolio-commercio-terrorismo.html#ixzz3vpEfyvUP
30.12.2015. Negli ultimi 2 giorni gli aerei dell'Aviazione russa hanno effettuato 121 missioni di combattimento in Siria, colpendo 424 obiettivi dei terroristi, ha riferito il generale Igor Konashenkov, rappresentante ufficiale del ministero della Difesa russo.
"Negli ultimi 2 giorni 28 velivoli dell'Aviazione russa di stanza in Siria hanno completato 121 missioni ed hanno colpito 424 infrastrutture terroristiche tra le province di Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Damasco, Dar, Raqqa e Deir ez-Zor," — ha riferito Konashenkov.
A seguito dei raid aerei sono state distrutte 6 infrastrutture petrolifere del Daesh (ISIS) e una colonna di autocisterne cariche di petrolio dirette verso il confine con la Turchia.
"Nei bombardamenti sono state distrutte 20 autocisterne, sfruttate dal Daesh per contrabbandare il petrolio verso la Turchia, così come 2 jeep con mitragliatori Zu-23", — ha aggiunto Konashenkov: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20151230/1808829/Russia-Raid-Daesh-Terrorismo.html#ixzz3vpFWBlwB
my JHWH, perché tu continui ad insistere? questi pezzi di merda, non meritano di vivere! #Datagate: #Ue, traditori di massoni, hanno detto. bene Obama, ci ha ascoltati [ #imbecilli voi state supplicando, qualcuno, che, lui è un satanista, notoriamente satanista, di essere amico, con voi, quando voi, non avete la tecnologia per accorgervi di nulla! ] Ok anche da Germania, "tutela dati personali anche per non Usa"
17 gennaio, 21:29. #BRUXELLES, #Commissione #Ue "saluta con favore il discorso di Obama sulla revisione dei programmi di intelligence, e in particolare il suo impegno ad accogliere i timori sulla raccolta dei dati da parte #Nsa": lo afferma Bruxelles in una nota. "Obama dimostra di aver ascoltato i timori della Ue riconoscendo la necessità di agire". Positiva reazione anche a #Berlino, secondo cui è importante che "la protezione di dati e diritti personali siano osservati anche per i cittadini non statunitensi".
Banchiere da impiegati vestito da drag [ e allora, cosa c'è di strano? lo sanno tutti, che, ad una certa età, è più facile prenderlo, che, darlo! ] E' #Gerrit #Zalm di #Abn #Amro, ex ministro delle Finanze olandese. 17 gennaio, 19:54. #LONDRA, Circa 7mila dipendenti del #colosso #bancario #olandese #Abn #Amro, sono rimasti allibiti quando ad una serata spettacolo per lo staff il loro presidente si è presentato sul palco vestito da 'drag queen'. Ancor più se si pensa che il #banchiere #Gerrit #Zalm, 61 anni, è stato ministro delle #Finanze in #Olanda. #Parrucca, occhiali anni 50 e abito da donna blu elettrico, con tanto di guanti dorati, si è presentato sul palco come ' #Priscilla' la sorella immaginaria del presidente, tenutaria di una casa chiusa. [ domani? tutti quelli del sesso libero, si sentiranno incoraggiati! ]
#Obama tu sei formalmente apparentemente in cima al potere di un pianeta, mentre, tutti sanno che tu sei un burattino che non conta un cazzo! e tu non hai nessun potere sul futuro delle tue figlie, senza di me! Quindi, tu non verrai a raccontare a me le tue stronzate!
17 gen. Per 'spiare' #Nsa, dovrà chiedere ok Corte. dear #Obamama quando loro fanno i sacrifici umani in onore di satana poi loro chiedono anche in quel caso il permesso alla Corte?
17 gennaio 19:03 #SAN GIMIGNANO ( #SIENA) [ma quanti gay sono entrati nella Chiesa Cattolica pur di non fare entrare i preti sposati? ] Benedizione apostolica di Papa Francesco per il circolo Arci di Ulignano frazione di S.Gimignano. Si tratta del gesto di riconoscenza del parroco locale don Luigi Miggiano realizzato con l'aiuto di un prelato della Curia vaticana che ha scelto il piccolo borgo come buen retiro. I due religiosi hanno voluto omaggiare il circolo Arci consegnando nelle mani della barista la pergamena con tanto di timbro papale in rilievo rilasciata dall'Elemosineria Apostolica del Vaticano.
Google sarà giudicata per violazioni in Gran Bretagna [ niente di tutto questo tutte le sue azioni sono intenzionali per la Nsa Rothschild NWO-Fmi quindi tanto vale che voi fate pagare la 666 Nsa Banca Mondiale Aliens abductions direttamente! ] In Gran Bretagna Google dovrà difendersi in tribunale dall'accuse di violazione della riservatezza degli utenti del browser "Apple Safari". In precedenza Google era riuscita a cavarsela da un processo simile negli Stati Uniti: aveva dovuto pagare 225 milioni di dollari a favore della Federal Trade Commission e 17 milioni di dollari per coprire le spese processuali. Google era riuscita a dimostrare che le sue azioni non erano intenzionali evitando così sanzioni più severe.
Central African Republic conflict 'political not religious'
Published: January 17 2014
CAR's Protestant leader says fighting is for access to resources
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Nicolas Guerékoyamé-Gbangou says fighting between members of the disbanded Séléka rebel group and the anti-balaka self-defense militias is not a battle between Muslims and Christians.
hdptcar / Flickr / Creative Commons
The man chosen to lead what he says is 51% of the population of the Central African Republic (CAR) its Protestants says that the conflict in the country has nothing to do with religion.
Nicolas Guerékoyamé-Gbangou a guest lecturer at London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) this week said that fighting between members of the disbanded Séléka rebel group and the anti-balaka (anti-machete) self-defence militias is not a battle between Muslims and Christians.
"There is no Christian militia and there is no Muslim militia as well… This conflict is not religious at all" he said explaining that the anti-balaka militias developed from local village self-defence groups originally formed against cattle rustlers and bandits. He added that around 90 per cent of Séléka was comprised of foreign nationals from neighbouring Chad and Sudan.
It has been widely reported in the media that the conflict has taken a clear religious tone with the Séléka group referred to as an Islamist force bent on turning the country into an Islamic state and the anti-balaka called a 'Christian' militia.
However Guerékoyamé-Gbangou says the conflict is really a battle for control of the country's resource-rich northeast.
"Most of our resources are concentrated in the northeast in the region of [CAR's former president] Michel Djotodia" he said. "This is what led to the rebellion in the northeast. It has been neglected for decades. And [fighting over this region] started in the colonial period so what does it have to do with Christianity or Islam? People want to exploit the natural resources but don't want to develop the region because if it is developed it would appeal to lots of people and there would be more investors. [The leaders in the capital] prefer to leave the region like it is so that only the strong ones will have access to the resources."
Nicolas Guerékoyamé-Gbangou says the conflict is really a battle for control of the country's resource-rich northeast.
World Watch Monitor
Guerékoyamé-Gbangou added that it would be wrong to consider the CAR to be split solely between Christians and Muslims.
"There aren't just Christians and Muslims" he said. "There are also animists Buddhists and people from other religions as well. The conflict is not religious; it is political. Those who led the country did not share resources and wealth."
After the lecture he was asked why if CAR's Christian comprise over 76% of the population (with he says 29% of them being Catholic and the rest Protestant Evangelical) the country has all the seeds for a genocide according to the Director of Operations for the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).
In response the Head of the Evangelical Alliance said most committed Christians have not been actively involved in politics in CAR for the past 20 years and so have not been able to be influential in the governance of the country. He lamented that fact saying that was why he himself is an active member of Parliament.
While he was in London World Watch Monitor facilitated Rev. Nicolas Guerekoyame-Gbangou's extended interview for BBC World Service's programme 'Outlook' on Mon January 20 2014. bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01prcsr first broadcast 1206 GMT.
(BBC WS is also re-broadcast on many FM stations worldwide – please check local media).
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Central African Republic
Michel Djotodia
Media 'wrong' to ignore Christians' plight in Central African Republic
Central African Republic Christians petition for President's removal
Three pastors among dead in Central African Republic
Scores killed in Central African Republic
Ban Ki-moon warns Central African Republic 'spiralling into anarchy'
Bomb scare reignites Christian fear in northern Mali. Published: January 16 2014
Congregants forced to meet in school; explosives found nearby
Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services6. The city of Gao was left badly damaged during the conflict between Malian forces and the Tuareg-led Islamist group last year.
MINUSMA/Marco Dormino / Flickr / Creative Commons
Christians in a city in northern Mali already forced to hold services in a school classroom because their church was looted and not ready to host meetings had a bomb scare on Sunday (Jan. 12).
Military personnel patrolling the area in Gao on Sunday morning discovered explosives near the school. French army personnel were able to safely defuse the devices and authorities are now investigating but the incident left church members shocked.
The pastor of the church whose identity is being withheld to protect his security told World Watch Monitor there is "insecurity in all aspects of life" at the moment but that his congregation was refusing to panic.
"I cannot say for sure that the bomb was intended to hurt us Christians" he said. "I only know that the location of the bomb was right next to our place of worship and also a route frequently used by the military."
It is just over a year now since French troops ousted the Tuareg-led Islamist group which had taken over northern Mali and declared independence aiming to impose Islamic law on cities such as Gao.
On January 11 last year French troops moved to regain control of the region after the Islamist militants had attempted to progress further south.
For nearly a year the armed Islamist groups had ruled the region banning the practice of other religions and desecrating and looting churches and other places of worship.
Thousands including many Christians fled the occupation and found refuge in the south of the country or in neighbouring countries such as Niger and Burkina Faso.
After the French helped the Malian forces to regain control of the region the re-establishment of security took time and necessitated mass reconstruction as many displaced people returned home.
A number of public buildings were destroyed during the conflict including schools health clinics ancient monuments hotels and restaurants.
The pastor of the church in Gao told World Watch Monitor that around 50 members of his congregation have returned home in recent months.
"We came back because we want to revive the testimony of Christ here in our hometown" he said. "Despite the insecurity in all aspects of life we want everyone to return here and together to work for our God who loves us so much."
Mali fell from 7th to 33rd on the 2014 World Watch List which ranks the 50 countries where practising Christianity is most fraught.
Following the French military intervention last year "the threat of an Islamist takeover has been averted at least temporarily" reported this year's World Watch List which was compiled by Christian charity Open Doors International.
However the list reports that the presence and infrastructure of Christianity in the north was largely destroyed and that rebuilding a Christian presence will be difficult because many Christians who fled the north are afraid to return.
"Even though most Malian Christians (constituting less than 5% of the population) live in the south of the country they feel threatened by Islamists in the north and fear of a new uprising remains" reports the list.
Old wine new skin? Published: January 16 2014 by Markus Tozman
Analysis: Egypt's new constitution contains welcome ideas but no guarantee they will be followed. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services3
Vote counting in an Alexandria polling station.
Imogen Anderson via Twitter (@Imo_Anderson)
Analysis by Markus Tozman
For the second time in 13 months Egyptians have approved a new constitution. Compared to the constitution they just tossed aside the new charter promises Christians a stronger standing and better representation than ever in the history of the Arab Republic. Coptic Pope Tawadros II and other Christian leaders endorsed it.
After the brief but disastrous rule of the Muslim Brotherhood the new constitution is cause for optimism to be sure but the document by itself won't change the situation for Christians in Egypt. Like other national charters it announces principles of religious freedom. But Egypt also needs lawmakers and judges who establish and interpret laws in line with the constitution's ideals. Here the future is not as clear: The new constitution promises Christians a place in its legislative assemblies for example but not in its courts.
Even so early returns indicate the new constitution has won overwhelming approval even as many of the supporters of the former Islamist regime of the Muslim Brotherhood and ousted president Mohamed Morsi sat out the vote in protest.
Egypt's new constitution represents yet another swing of the pendulum since the revolution of 2011 that toppled autocrat President Hosni Mubarak. The Muslim Brotherhood mobilised 13 million voters in June 2012 to elect Morsi who supervised work on a new constitution. Work on the document lagged as frustrated Christians and other liberal elements dropped out of the Islamist-dominated drafting assembly. Late in 2012 Morsi ordered the remaining delegates to finish their work in one night and pushed the draft out for a quick vote.
Widespread anti-Morsi protests backed the military's removal of the president in July. The Muslim Brotherhood was outlawed and work began on a new constitution.
The new charter reflects the desire to undo Muslim Brotherhood influence and expresses an ultra-nationalism that idealises the army as the protector of the people's will. As many Egyptians pointed out voting in favour of the new constitution was an endorsement of the June 2012 revolution that drove out Morsi. The new constitution is a nationalist project intended to counter the Brotherhood's Islamist policies and focuses on the unity of the Egyptian people bringing together Islam's crescent and Christianity's cross. Consequently supporters of the revolution would have been seen as traitors to the nationalist cause if they had voted against the document.
Highlighting the government's appeal to national unity Egypt's interim president Adly Mansour visited the Coptic Papal Seat at Saint Mark's Cathedral the first Egyptian head of state to do so in more than 40 years. This gesture did not go unnoticed; Pope Tawadros endorsed the new constitution and urged Copts to vote in favour of it.
The new constitution has one major element in common with the document it replaces: It establishes Sharia as the principle source of legislation. But there is a difference.
Prior to the Brotherhood's ascension to power in 2012 the interpretation of the "principles of Sharia" had been left to the courts. The 2012 constitution specifies in Article 219 that the principles "include general evidence the foundational principles of Islamic jurisprudence (usul ul-fiqh) and the reliable sources from among the Sunni schools of thoughts (madhahib)". The potential consequences were far-reaching; Article 219 allowed Sharia law to penetrate all spheres of social and personal life paving the way for literal and archaic interpretations of Sharia as well as application of punishment.
The new constitution removes Article 219.
It also removes Article 212 which had granted the government far-reaching powers to control endowments and thus church finances and by extension their operations and social services. By removing Article 212 the new constitution takes the power of the church purse away from a government that will continue to be dominated by Muslims in a country where Islam remains the state religion.
Both the old and new constitutions ostensibly guarantee the independence of Christian and Jewish religious affairs and several new articles theoretically imply greater religious freedom. Article 64 sets forth the "absolute" freedom of belief (instead of the "inviolable" freedom established in the previous document) though it is restricted it to the Abrahamic religions leaving Baha'i Shia atheists and agnostics without constitutional cover. Article 74 prohibits the founding of religious political parties and parties that discriminate against "sex origin sect or geographic location". Article 53 promises all "citizens are equal before the law possess equal rights and public duties and may not be discriminated against on the basis of religion belief sex origin race colour language disability social class political or geographical affiliation or for any other reason".
An activist who works closely with persecuted Christians in the countryside said the addition of Article 63 which forbids forced displacement of citizens is especially welcome. Since the 1990s the state has turned a blind eye to displaced Christians in Upper Egypt and other rural regions. Under threat of violence and faced with massive repression and discrimination by Islamists tens of thousands of Christians had forcibly been displaced.
Constitutions typically confine themselves to broad principles and usually are not the place for the detail of carrying them out. But Egypt's new charter speaks to several specific Christian concerns.
In contrast to the previous constitution for example the new constitution acknowledges the cultural and historic status of Christians and grants them greater political representation. In both the preamble and in Article 50 it refers to the cultural and historic heritage of the "Church of Jesus" and the Copts in particular. Article 244 enshrines "appropriate representation in the first House of Representatives" for Christians among other minorities. Article 180 reiterates this principle on the level of local councils.
The new constitution also tackles one of the most enduring and sensitive issues for Egypt's Christians: Church building and renovation permits. Article 235 promises that "in its first legislative term after this Constitution comes into effect the House of Representatives shall issue a law to organise building and renovating churches guaranteeing Christians the freedom to practice their religious rituals". It's the first time in Egypt's history that a constitution has addressed this issue.
It is worrisome then that such detailed provisions for Christians are not to be found in other places in the document. The judicial sector for example remains mostly unreformed. It gains a measure of independence in the new charter by moving the power to choose the prosecutor general from the president to the Supreme Judicial Council. But there is no provision reserving a share of seats on the bench for Christians. The articles in the new constitution concerning the courts are the same articles in the old constitution concerning the courts.
Elsewhere there is nothing to indicate whether the rights of religious minorities will be mirrored in for example educational curricula. Nor are there new mechanisms to hold individuals and institutions accountable for breaches of constitutional rights.
Christians about one-tenth of the population in the officially Islamic country have long been frustrated trying to obtain state jobs. Just as it carved out space for Christians in legislative assemblies the new constitution could have carved out space for Christians in the civil service. But it doesn't.
"It is the best constitution Egypt has had yet but … [it is] still disappointing" said an Egyptian human rights activist who asked not to be named. The military-run interim government waged an intense vote-yes campaign and dissenters – including some of the leaders of the 2011 revolution – have found themselves in trouble with the authorities.
So indeed compared to the last constitution Christians have more rights. However the structural societal bureaucratic and judicial discrimination that has plagued Egypt's Christians since the founding of the Arab Republic has historically been a consequence of the non-implementation of the different constitutions. Without any new enforcement mechanisms it is not likely that much will change for Egypt's Christians. Their rights will remain theoretical.
To put it in the words of a government official from the Egyptian Foreign Service before this week's vote: "This constitution is written for foreigners not for Egyptians. Egyptians do not respect simple traffic rules; How could they respect constitutional articles? No one read the constitution. Still the constitution will be passed with a majority vote of at least 70%."
At best this new constitution represents a return to the pre-Brotherhood status for Egypt's Christians. The wine-skins are new; the wine however is not.
Markus Tozman is a graduate student of the Middle East at Johns Hopkins University SAIS. The views expressed in this analysis are his own.
Anti-religion hostility rose worldwide in 2012 study says. Published: January 15 2014
Growth most rapid in North Africa Middle East Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services3
The world became generally more hostile to religious believers of all faiths Christianity included in 2012 according to a major annual report issued Jan. 14.
Christians were harassed in more countries than followers of other faiths though pressure on Muslims and Jews was widespread globally according to the study conducted by the Washington D.C.-based Pew Research Center.
The report now in its sixth year measures constraints on religious freedom in two major categories: social hostilities and government restrictions. It surveys conditions in 198 countries encompassing 99 per cent of the world's population.
Social Hostilities. A third of the world's countries had high measures of social hostilities in 2012 the highest level recorded in the study's six-year history. Pew defines social hostilities as ranging from terrorism and mob violence to harassment over religious attire. Nearly half of all countries reported abuse of religious minorities by individuals or groups who took offense at or felt threatened by the minority. In the first year of the study less than a quarter of all countries reported such abuse.
Violence or the threat of it against religious minorities to enforce religious norms was reported in 39 per cent of countries compared to 33 per cent a year earlier and 18 per cent in the first year of the study.
The report said 2012 growth of social hostilities was especially rapid in Northern Africa and the Middle East and was highest in Pakistan.
Government restrictions. High rates of official limits on religion were found in 29 per cent of the countries about the same as the previous year. Pew examines 20 indicators of government control including bans on specific faiths restrictions on conversions and preferential treatment to certain religions among others.
Increases were detected among several of those 20 measures. Government limits on worship were citied in 74 per cent of countries up from 69 per cent in 2011. Restrictions on public preaching were found in 38 per cent of countries up from 31 per cent. And government force such as arrest and prosecution was documented in 48 per cent of the world's countries up from 41 per cent.
Egypt ranked highest on the report's list of government restrictions.
Taking both categories — government restrictions and social hostility — into account high levels of overall religious restrictions were reported in 43 per cent of the world's countries the highest ever recorded by Pew. In all three-quarters of the world's population lives under high levels of restrictions according to the report.
The Christian experience. The Pew Center report concerns itself with all religions not Christianity alone. It did say however that Christians in 2012 were harassed in more countries 110 than any other single religion. Muslims were harassed in 109 and Jews 71. Since the report began in 2007 Christian harassment has been reported in 151 countries and harassment of Muslims in 135.
About the report. The Pew report released Tuesday covers 2012. It doesn't take into account momentous developments in 2013 such as the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi from Egypt's presidency and the subsequent violence against Coptic churches across Egypt; or the anarchy and deadly Muslim-Christian violence in the Central African Republic; or the continued exodus of Christians from Syria and much of the Middle East; or the bombings in Peshawar Pakistan that killed scores of Christians. Pew also excludes North Korea from its study citing the inability to obtain reliable data from or about the reclusive country.
Data for the report is drawn from 18 public information sources most published by national governments the United Nations European Union and non-government human-rights organizations.
Report claims 30000 Eritreans kidnapped in 5 years
Published: December 10 2013 by Julius Mbaluto
Total of $600 million extorted in ransom payments
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Asmara Eritrea.
Carsten ten Brink / Flickr / Creative Commons
A report presented to the European Parliament shows that around 30000 Eritreans have been kidnapped since 2007 and taken to the Sinai while ransom payments are demanded.
The report conducted by an Eritrean human rights activist and professors from a Dutch University says that a total of around $600 million (€468m) was extorted from families. During its launch in London on December 4 it was confirmed that Christians were among the thousands kidnapped.
Eritrea is ranked 10th on the 2013 World Watch List which ranks the 50 countries in which Christians are most under pressure for their faith. According to Eritrea's Evangelical Alliance approximately 1200 Christians are now incarcerated in Eritrea.
After 366 refugees died in early October off the coast of Lampedusa in Italy where they had been attempting to find refuge Father Mussie Zerai Chairman of the Habeshia Agency which works on behalf of these migrants told World Watch Monitor the majority of those involved in the shipwreck were Christians.
"I look at the list of the survivors and 90 per cent is Christian" he said. "They are coming from Eritrea and Ethiopia. The situation is very bad because politically in Eritrea there is a dictator and they live without any type of freedom or democracy. Many Christians are persecuted because of their faith. It's not easy for them to live in Eritrea at this moment."
The report says that Eritrea's Border Surveillance Unit (BSU) and Sudanese Security officials are among the "actors" collaborating with the gangs that hold people hostage in Sinai.
The Eritrean military was also blamed for abducting young people and forcing them to join the National Youth Service while the Eritrean government came under fire for its inability to protect its citizens.
However speaking to BBC's Focus on Africa Eritrean Ambassador to the UK Tesfamicael Gerahtu denied the allegations citing a conspiracy between Eritrean asylum seekers and the West. He said the Eritrean government was doing its best to deal with the criminals.
"Many Christians are persecuted because of their faith. It's not easy for them to live in Eritrea at this moment."
--Father Mussie Zerai
One case which highlights the human trafficking journey from Eritrea to Egypt was movingly presented at the report's launch.
Dawit a British citizen from Eritrea said that his sister a single mother was kidnapped on her way to work on July 12.
He said that when she did not come home after work her eldest daughter went to her office but found no sign of her and was told by locals that the business had not opened that day.
The next day Dawit received a call from his mother in Eritrea telling him that she had received a call from someone in Sudan saying that his sister had been kidnapped and demanding $10000 for her release.
Dawit told the gathering that he had no money at the time and that his mother didn't want her son in London to call the kidnappers in case they increased the ransom upon realising that a family member lived and worked in the UK.
Dawit said that he was unable to raise the sufficient funds whereupon his sister was tortured. He said that his mother received phone calls during which his sister was raped and her mother was forced to sister to her screams. With her mother still on the phone the kidnappers also electrocuted her and threatened to kill her unless the ransom could be paid.
Eventually Dawit was able to raise the money by selling his car and borrowing money. The ransom was then paid but the kidnappers failed to release his sister despite their promises to do so.
Dawit's sister was eventually said to have been released to the Egyptian authorities but he has since heard no word from her. He says that his sister's ordeal shows that the Eritrea government cannot protect its citizens.
Dawit's efforts to get the UK government's help in securing his sister failed. However Stop Sinai Torture activists reported that they have since held meetings with the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) and there is a strong move to gather evidence and to prosecute the perpetrators.
Selam Kidane at the European Parliament
Release Eritrea
Selam Kidane a human rights activist said that the average amount demanded by kidnappers has increased over the years from $5000 in 2009 to $30000 today. Kidane said that even those who were released were severely traumatised.
The report claims that those released in Egypt and Israel were generally opposed to returning home but were forced to return and in Egypt were ordered to pay a repatriation fee.
Meanwhile the report claims those released in Libya are often detained tortured raped and forced to work for free.
Algerian churches NGOs wary as 'restrictive' law comes into force
Published: January 10 2014
Protestant Church concerned Amnesty International and EU head call for repeal of 'draconian' law. Mustapha Krim President of the Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA).
World Watch Monitor
A number of churches as well as foreign NGOs in Algeria have called for the abolishment of a new law which they say will hamper their work.
Under the law which will come into effect on Sunday (January 12) NGOs may be dissolved or suspended if their business is deemed to interfere with national affairs.
Those who fail to comply with the law by January 12 will be liable to prosecution.
Amnesty International claims the law gives Algerian authorities permission to restrict the work of foreign NGOs including human rights organisations.
The law was passed in January 2012 as part of Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's political reforms but it has been criticised by Amnesty International as "draconian".
In a statement released on December 18 2013 by its bureau in Algiers the human rights organisation said the law threatens freedom and democracy.
"The new Algerian law on associations should be repealed before the expiry of the deadline in January set for existing associations to get registered in order to avoid irreparable damage to Algerian civil society. This draconian law could lead to the closure of independent organisations and civil society and stifle debate on key political social and economic issues" said Amnesty's statement.
The organisation adds that the law "arbitrarily restricts the right to freedom of association and elevated it de facto to a criminal offense in violation of state obligations prescribed by international human rights law".
The Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA) is among a number of other local organisations concerned by the new law.
The law stipulates that an association must be present in at least 12 regions out of a total of 48 across the country in order to be granted national status. Previously the EPA in Algeria was present in only five regions so it has been obliged to obtain the affiliation of other churches located across seven additional regions in order to comply.
"We sent an updated version of our constitution to the Ministry of the Interior at the end of November just two weeks after our general assembly" explained Pastor Mustapha Krim president of the EPA. "We were advised by a lawyer to ensure we introduce our application in the right way. We have done everything necessary to comply with this new law."
Under the provisions of the new law the Ministry of Interior will either issue a receipt of approval or a decision of refusal within 60 days.
Already facing restrictions due to the controversial 2006 law forcing churches to register with the state the provisions of this new law will further limit the activities of churches in Algeria.
The 2006 also law outlaws any Christian evangelism of Muslims as well as the distribution production and storing of material used for this purpose.
A group of associations including the Algerian League for Human Rights (LADDH) has called for a national campaign against the law.
The European Union has also expressed its concern. "We hope that these practical difficulties in the implementation of this law which are not quite the same for all associations will be lifted to facilitate the work of associations" said the head of the EU delegation of Algeria Marek Skolil during a press conference on December 22 in Algiers.
Two pastors killed in Kenya Published: October 29 2013 by Julius Mbaluto
Perpetrators must be arrested and security increased say church leaders. Mombasa.
Lauren Pressley / Flickr / Creative Commons Two pastors from southern coastal towns in Kenya were killed last weekend in separate attacks. Charles Mathole a leader of Mombasa's Redeemed Gospel Church in Mtopanga was found dead in church on the morning of Sunday October 20 shot in the head and with a Bible in his lap. A member of the choir in his church said he seemed to have been preparing the Sunday morning service when he was shot. In Kilifi about 60 kilometres north of Mombasa the body of a pastor with the East African Pentecostal Churches Ibrahim Kithaka was found dumped in a patch of bushes near Madamani trading centre in Vitengeni according to members of his church. The two deaths come just a few days after the coastal town of Mombasa witnessed its worst rioting in recent years after the drive-by shooting of a Muslim Imam Ibrahim Rogo itself in the aftermath of the Westgate mall attack.
Rioters protesting against Rogo's death had burned a Salvation Army Church in Kenya's second largest city and four people lost their lives during the protests).
One local pastor whose name is being withheld for security reasons told World Watch Monitor the atmosphere remained tense following the murder of Sheikh Rogo and his three companions.
"Church leaders have all received threatening text messages in the past but they have increased since the sheikh was killed" he said. "The text messages from an unknown number say: 'Be prepared we are coming for you.' We reported them to the police but no arrests have been made.
Another local pastor said that Muslim leaders had openly incited local youth against Christians in the previous few weeks.
"They abused us very badly" he said. "We reported to the OCPD [Officer Commanding Police Division] who promised to disband the meeting but did not. We also hear [rumours] that [extremists] have targeted five specific churches for destruction. We do not know which churches those are but we have informed the police of this too."
In a statement released on October 21 Mombasa Church Forum pastors called on the government to intensify security.
"The Mombasa Church Forum categorically states that no attack on Christians or their church leaders will deter us from our way of worship and our freedom of religion. To the perpetrators of these heinous attacks we hereby state that we will not be intimidated and will continue to worship our Lord in our churches" said Bishop Wilfred Lai Chairman of the Mombasa Church Forum.
Assistant Police Commissioner Vincent Kibaara said that Pastor Kithaka was in the process of setting up a church in the Muryachakwe area of Kilifi and it is believed he was attacked while travelling home.
The police chief said they were looking for two boys seen with the pastor before he was killed. "We are yet to get leads on what transpired but we are looking for the two boys last seen with the pastor. I am sure they will shed some light on his death" said Mr Kibaara.
Kilifi County Deputy Speaker Teddy Mwambire and Governor Amason Kingi asked Kilifi County Police Commander James Kithuka to clean up his office and fight crime. The acting Mombasa County Commissioner Mohamed Salim said police are investigating the incidents and asked for patience.
Kenya which has a Christian majority of 85 per cent has little history of interfaith tensions. However in recent years this has changed.
Kenyan forces have been in Somalia since 2011.
Albany Associates / Flickr / Creative Commons
One factor has been Kenya's military involvement in Somalia since October 2011 and the retaliatory response of the Islamic extremist group Al-Shabaab which swore to attack Kenya until her troops were called back home from Somalia.
Recent attacks at Westgate Mall in Nairobi saw the terrorists force many of their captives to recite the Islamic prayer. Those who were not able were deemed 'Kafirs' or non-believers and were killed (although Muslims also died in Westgate so it was not clear-cut).
The terrorists were seen in recent CCTV footage praying inside Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi after killing 67 people including women and children and injuring over 200 others.
Kenyan Christian and Muslim leaders together condemned the Westgate attack telling Kenyans that they should not be divided by religion. Kenya's former Prime Minister backed this campaign saying that Islam is a religion of peace and never condones killing therefore the killers were terrorists and not true Muslims.
Al-Shabaab's campaign has been felt in many church quarters and in Kenya as a whole. Many churches now have routine security checks. Now the Westgate attacks seem to have increased Kenyans' resolve to win the battle against Al-Shabaab. Whereas the attackers demanded the withdrawal of Kenya's troops from Somalia President Uhuru Kenyatta was quoted as saying Kenyan troops will stay in Somalia until that country "gets its house in order".
However there is another dimension to the assault on Christians in Kenya. In north-east Kenya tension has been high for much longer than Kenya's involvement in fighting Al-Shabaab across the border.
Analysts say this assault is also about ridding the Muslim-dominated north east of its Christians an Islamist agenda for Kenya and a secessionist agenda in the region.
In February this year two pastors Abdi Welli and Ibrahim Makunyi were shot by unknown gunmen who killed the one and wounded the other. The two pastors were leaders in the East Africa Pentecostal church in Garissa in northern Kenya.
Kenya is a new arrival at No. 40 on the World Watch List which charts the countries where life as a Christian is most difficult.
"Kenya has come under the grip of Islamic extremism more and more and this is a source of hostility against Christians" reports the List. "Thousands of Somalis continue to cross the border into Kenya as the situation in Somalia worsens causing much instability in Kenya. Members of the extremist Islamic movement in Somalia therefore also cross into the north-eastern and coastal regions of Kenya spreading their extremist views and this is where the majority of Christian persecution takes place."
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East African Pentecostal Churches
'White Widow' key suspect in Kenyan pastors' murders
Tension high as Mombasa Muslims protest cleric's murder
Kenyan religious groups ready to work with President-elect despite his war crime indictment
Nairobi church stands strong after grenade kills boy injures others
Grenade Attack on Church in Kenya Kills One
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Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed. Published: November 05 2013
Successful appeal after just three months for 27-year-old
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Mostafa Bordbar 27 has been released after just three months.
Mohabat News
An Iranian Christian sentenced to 10 years in prison has been released after three months.
Mostafa Bordbar 27 was released Nov. 3 from Tehran's Evin Prison after charges of participating in an "anti-security organisation" and "gathering with intent to commit crimes against Iranian national security" were overturned.
Bordbar was arrested in December last year during Christmas celebrations with friends and sentenced in July. The Oct. 30 appeals court hearing cleared him of all charges.
Iran has come under increasing pressure from the international community to improve its human rights record including its number of political prisoners or other prisoners of conscience such as the more than 40 Christians behind bars.
In September two Christians were released a decision welcomed internationally. Mitra Rahmati and Maryam Jalili were nearing the end of their sentences and were released just ahead of new President Hassan Rouhani's first address to the U.N. General Assembly in New York.
The U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power took to Twitter on Sept. 18 to hail the release of prisoners from Iran's jails. "But it's far from enough" she wrote. "Those missing or unjustly detained including Amir Hekmati Saeed Abedini and Bob Levinson must be returned home."
Hekmati is awaiting retrial in Iran on espionage charges. Levinson was kidnapped in Iran in 2007 and is believed to remain in government custody. Meanwhile Abedini an Iranian-born U.S. citizen and pastor serving eight years in prison for his missionary work has written to Rouhani asking for justice and freedom.
At least 300 Christians have been arrested in the past three years in Iran with the most common charges being actions against public security and propaganda against the regime. Many of these Christians were arrested while taking part in "house churches" small meetings of Christians who gather to worship and pray together.
"In bringing about these charges against Christians both the government and the judiciary have made an error of law and fact because Christian gatherings either at homes or churches are mainly formed for Christians to worship together and to read and study the Bible not to change the regime and they do not have a goal of any political activity. So these are wrong judgments" human rights lawyer Attieh Fard told the United Nations Human Rights Council last month.
Fard urged Rouhani to make good on his promises to the U.N. in New York by releasing the 42 Christians known to be in jail and the 45 awaiting trial.
Bordbar's victory in court comes one week after another four Iranian Christians lost their own appeals having been convicted of similar charges.
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Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed. Published: November 05 2013
Successful appeal after just three months for 27-year-old
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Mostafa Bordbar 27 has been released after just three months.
Mohabat News
An Iranian Christian sentenced to 10 years in prison has been released after three months.
Mostafa Bordbar 27 was released Nov. 3 from Tehran's Evin Prison after charges of participating in an "anti-security organisation" and "gathering with intent to commit crimes against Iranian national security" were overturned.
Bordbar was arrested in December last year during Christmas celebrations with friends and sentenced in July. The Oct. 30 appeals court hearing cleared him of all charges.
Iran has come under increasing pressure from the international community to improve its human rights record including its number of political prisoners or other prisoners of conscience such as the more than 40 Christians behind bars.
In September two Christians were released a decision welcomed internationally. Mitra Rahmati and Maryam Jalili were nearing the end of their sentences and were released just ahead of new President Hassan Rouhani's first address to the U.N. General Assembly in New York.
The U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power took to Twitter on Sept. 18 to hail the release of prisoners from Iran's jails. "But it's far from enough" she wrote. "Those missing or unjustly detained including Amir Hekmati Saeed Abedini and Bob Levinson must be returned home."
Hekmati is awaiting retrial in Iran on espionage charges. Levinson was kidnapped in Iran in 2007 and is believed to remain in government custody. Meanwhile Abedini an Iranian-born U.S. citizen and pastor serving eight years in prison for his missionary work has written to Rouhani asking for justice and freedom.
At least 300 Christians have been arrested in the past three years in Iran with the most common charges being actions against public security and propaganda against the regime. Many of these Christians were arrested while taking part in "house churches" small meetings of Christians who gather to worship and pray together.
"In bringing about these charges against Christians both the government and the judiciary have made an error of law and fact because Christian gatherings either at homes or churches are mainly formed for Christians to worship together and to read and study the Bible not to change the regime and they do not have a goal of any political activity. So these are wrong judgments" human rights lawyer Attieh Fard told the United Nations Human Rights Council last month.
Fard urged Rouhani to make good on his promises to the U.N. in New York by releasing the 42 Christians known to be in jail and the 45 awaiting trial.
Bordbar's victory in court comes one week after another four Iranian Christians lost their own appeals having been convicted of similar charges.
Two pastors killed in Kenya Published: October 29 2013 by Julius Mbaluto
Perpetrators must be arrested and security increased say church leaders. Mombasa.
Lauren Pressley / Flickr / Creative Commons Two pastors from southern coastal towns in Kenya were killed last weekend in separate attacks. Charles Mathole a leader of Mombasa's Redeemed Gospel Church in Mtopanga was found dead in church on the morning of Sunday October 20 shot in the head and with a Bible in his lap. A member of the choir in his church said he seemed to have been preparing the Sunday morning service when he was shot. In Kilifi about 60 kilometres north of Mombasa the body of a pastor with the East African Pentecostal Churches Ibrahim Kithaka was found dumped in a patch of bushes near Madamani trading centre in Vitengeni according to members of his church. The two deaths come just a few days after the coastal town of Mombasa witnessed its worst rioting in recent years after the drive-by shooting of a Muslim Imam Ibrahim Rogo itself in the aftermath of the Westgate mall attack.
Rioters protesting against Rogo's death had burned a Salvation Army Church in Kenya's second largest city and four people lost their lives during the protests).
One local pastor whose name is being withheld for security reasons told World Watch Monitor the atmosphere remained tense following the murder of Sheikh Rogo and his three companions.
"Church leaders have all received threatening text messages in the past but they have increased since the sheikh was killed" he said. "The text messages from an unknown number say: 'Be prepared we are coming for you.' We reported them to the police but no arrests have been made.
Another local pastor said that Muslim leaders had openly incited local youth against Christians in the previous few weeks.
"They abused us very badly" he said. "We reported to the OCPD [Officer Commanding Police Division] who promised to disband the meeting but did not. We also hear [rumours] that [extremists] have targeted five specific churches for destruction. We do not know which churches those are but we have informed the police of this too."
In a statement released on October 21 Mombasa Church Forum pastors called on the government to intensify security.
"The Mombasa Church Forum categorically states that no attack on Christians or their church leaders will deter us from our way of worship and our freedom of religion. To the perpetrators of these heinous attacks we hereby state that we will not be intimidated and will continue to worship our Lord in our churches" said Bishop Wilfred Lai Chairman of the Mombasa Church Forum.
Assistant Police Commissioner Vincent Kibaara said that Pastor Kithaka was in the process of setting up a church in the Muryachakwe area of Kilifi and it is believed he was attacked while travelling home.
The police chief said they were looking for two boys seen with the pastor before he was killed. "We are yet to get leads on what transpired but we are looking for the two boys last seen with the pastor. I am sure they will shed some light on his death" said Mr Kibaara.
Kilifi County Deputy Speaker Teddy Mwambire and Governor Amason Kingi asked Kilifi County Police Commander James Kithuka to clean up his office and fight crime. The acting Mombasa County Commissioner Mohamed Salim said police are investigating the incidents and asked for patience.
Kenya which has a Christian majority of 85 per cent has little history of interfaith tensions. However in recent years this has changed.
Kenyan forces have been in Somalia since 2011.
Albany Associates / Flickr / Creative Commons
One factor has been Kenya's military involvement in Somalia since October 2011 and the retaliatory response of the Islamic extremist group Al-Shabaab which swore to attack Kenya until her troops were called back home from Somalia.
Recent attacks at Westgate Mall in Nairobi saw the terrorists force many of their captives to recite the Islamic prayer. Those who were not able were deemed 'Kafirs' or non-believers and were killed (although Muslims also died in Westgate so it was not clear-cut).
The terrorists were seen in recent CCTV footage praying inside Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi after killing 67 people including women and children and injuring over 200 others.
Kenyan Christian and Muslim leaders together condemned the Westgate attack telling Kenyans that they should not be divided by religion. Kenya's former Prime Minister backed this campaign saying that Islam is a religion of peace and never condones killing therefore the killers were terrorists and not true Muslims.
Al-Shabaab's campaign has been felt in many church quarters and in Kenya as a whole. Many churches now have routine security checks. Now the Westgate attacks seem to have increased Kenyans' resolve to win the battle against Al-Shabaab. Whereas the attackers demanded the withdrawal of Kenya's troops from Somalia President Uhuru Kenyatta was quoted as saying Kenyan troops will stay in Somalia until that country "gets its house in order".
However there is another dimension to the assault on Christians in Kenya. In north-east Kenya tension has been high for much longer than Kenya's involvement in fighting Al-Shabaab across the border.
Analysts say this assault is also about ridding the Muslim-dominated north east of its Christians an Islamist agenda for Kenya and a secessionist agenda in the region.
In February this year two pastors Abdi Welli and Ibrahim Makunyi were shot by unknown gunmen who killed the one and wounded the other. The two pastors were leaders in the East Africa Pentecostal church in Garissa in northern Kenya.
Kenya is a new arrival at No. 40 on the World Watch List which charts the countries where life as a Christian is most difficult.
"Kenya has come under the grip of Islamic extremism more and more and this is a source of hostility against Christians" reports the List. "Thousands of Somalis continue to cross the border into Kenya as the situation in Somalia worsens causing much instability in Kenya. Members of the extremist Islamic movement in Somalia therefore also cross into the north-eastern and coastal regions of Kenya spreading their extremist views and this is where the majority of Christian persecution takes place."
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East African Pentecostal Churches
'White Widow' key suspect in Kenyan pastors' murders
Tension high as Mombasa Muslims protest cleric's murder
Kenyan religious groups ready to work with President-elect despite his war crime indictment
Nairobi church stands strong after grenade kills boy injures others
Grenade Attack on Church in Kenya Kills One
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8 ore fa
Algerian churches NGOs wary as 'restrictive' law comes into force
Published: January 10 2014
Protestant Church concerned Amnesty International and EU head call for repeal of 'draconian' law. Mustapha Krim President of the Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA).
World Watch Monitor
A number of churches as well as foreign NGOs in Algeria have called for the abolishment of a new law which they say will hamper their work.
Under the law which will come into effect on Sunday (January 12) NGOs may be dissolved or suspended if their business is deemed to interfere with national affairs.
Those who fail to comply with the law by January 12 will be liable to prosecution.
Amnesty International claims the law gives Algerian authorities permission to restrict the work of foreign NGOs including human rights organisations.
The law was passed in January 2012 as part of Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's political reforms but it has been criticised by Amnesty International as "draconian".
In a statement released on December 18 2013 by its bureau in Algiers the human rights organisation said the law threatens freedom and democracy.
"The new Algerian law on associations should be repealed before the expiry of the deadline in January set for existing associations to get registered in order to avoid irreparable damage to Algerian civil society. This draconian law could lead to the closure of independent organisations and civil society and stifle debate on key political social and economic issues" said Amnesty's statement.
The organisation adds that the law "arbitrarily restricts the right to freedom of association and elevated it de facto to a criminal offense in violation of state obligations prescribed by international human rights law".
The Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA) is among a number of other local organisations concerned by the new law.
The law stipulates that an association must be present in at least 12 regions out of a total of 48 across the country in order to be granted national status. Previously the EPA in Algeria was present in only five regions so it has been obliged to obtain the affiliation of other churches located across seven additional regions in order to comply.
"We sent an updated version of our constitution to the Ministry of the Interior at the end of November just two weeks after our general assembly" explained Pastor Mustapha Krim president of the EPA. "We were advised by a lawyer to ensure we introduce our application in the right way. We have done everything necessary to comply with this new law."
Under the provisions of the new law the Ministry of Interior will either issue a receipt of approval or a decision of refusal within 60 days.
Already facing restrictions due to the controversial 2006 law forcing churches to register with the state the provisions of this new law will further limit the activities of churches in Algeria.
The 2006 also law outlaws any Christian evangelism of Muslims as well as the distribution production and storing of material used for this purpose.
A group of associations including the Algerian League for Human Rights (LADDH) has called for a national campaign against the law.
The European Union has also expressed its concern. "We hope that these practical difficulties in the implementation of this law which are not quite the same for all associations will be lifted to facilitate the work of associations" said the head of the EU delegation of Algeria Marek Skolil during a press conference on December 22 in Algiers.
#Obama tu sei patetico ma quello di pensare che la #NSA si limiti a spiare è soltanto una analisi molto riduttiva loro possono entrare in tutti i siti e possono cancellare e modificare ogni cosa di quel sito web. infatti i satanisti sono arroganti e calpestano lo altrui pensiero culturale e quindi deridono il cristianesimo è con cavilli che hanno distrutto tanti siti web cristiani in youtube.
#Obama e se io ero un uomo bugiardo oppure un umo che non voleva bene a tutte le persone del mondo oppure un uomo che non voleva proteggere tutte le religioni e tuutti i governi poi io non potevo mai essere stato eletto da Dio ad essere Unius REI.
#Obama tu guarda tutto il male che noi abbiamo fatto al nostro pianeta visto che lui era prima il paradiso terrestre: fatto da Dio. 1. noi abbiamo fatto: la Torre di Babele 2. abbiamo meritato: il diluvio universale 3. poi abbiamo costruito tanti sistemi ideologici e politici per fare soffrire: tante persone innocenti. 4. infine: i farisei Illuminati Spa Fmi per nascondere la loro truffa di signoraggio bancario hanno preteso [cioè per motivi contabili hanno avuto bisogno] di due guerre mondiali ed hanno rovinato depauperato impoverito degradato in ogni modo il genere umano! 5. ecco perché di questo tutti sono sicuri: "voi senza Unius REI voi non potete minimamente sperare di poter sfuggire: anche: a questa terza guerra mondiale"
#Obama e poi che genere di merda i farisei anglo-americani Bildenberg le sinistre massoniche che dominano il mondo avendo rubato a tutti la sovranità monetaria hanno finaziato e portato a vittoria nel loro odio assurdo contro Gesù Cristo il giusto uomo nato a Betlemme? il relativimo il materialismo il secolarismo e quindi la eterna fiaba teoria della evoluzione che dopo 150 anni non potrà più essere dimostrata certamente. [ ecco perché le cose più aberranti come pedofilia eutanasia omosessualismo aborto ed ogni perversione sessuale il sataniso stesso hanno trovato (non solo una tolleranza) ma addirittura una giustificazione giuridica sul nostro pianeta! ]
#Obama tu sei formalmente apparentemente in cima al potere di un pianeta mentre tutti sanno che tu sei un burattino che non conta un cazzo! e tu non hai nessun potere sul futuro delle tue figlie senza di me! Quindi tu non verrai a raccontare a me le tue stronzate!