collezionista di cadaveri, ed i satanisti come cultori della morte ] A MAOMETTO LE MOGLI PIACCIONO VIVE [ non esiste chi non crede in Dio, così come non esiste un pesce che non può credere nella esistenza del mare! il problema nasce, quando tu sai in modo intuitivo di dover andare all'inferno. Allora, dipende dal livello dei tuoi soldi e dal livello del tuo satanismo che possono succedere anche queste cose [ Texas, mistero al funerale: dalla bara scompare il corpo della 26enne Julie Mott ] Julie Mott, 26enne morta dopo le complicazioni dovute alla fibrosi cistica, è sparito. È stato rubato e nessuna telecamera di sorveglianza ha ripreso coloro che hanno trafugato la salma sabato scorso, subito dopo i funerali della ragazza. Il 15 agosto Julie avrebbe compiuto 26 anni, ma purtroppo, la malattia se l'è portata via prima che potesse arrivare a festeggiare il suo compleanno: è morta l'8 agosto, dopo aver lottato da quando aveva 2 anni contro una malattia che l'ha costretta per un lungo periodo della sua vita a fare la spola tra il letto di casa e gli ospedali. ] [ Per adesso la vicenda è avvolta nel mistero e in Texas la mente è tornata velocemente indietro nel tempo, a un altro sconvolgente fatto accaduto nel 1997 a Dallas: il corpo di Melinda Ann Lee, morta dopo un incidente stradale, venne trafugato dalla sua bara al Restland Memorial Park. I suoi resti non furono mai ritrovati.
ci risiamo: Obama è UN PERVERTITO MENTALE SODOMA IDEOLOGIA DARWIN IN SUPER TECNOLOGICA EVOLUZIONE GENDER: [ questa è una informazione tendenziosa! ] Bagnasco, no alle Unioni civili: si riapre lo scontro. Maggioranza divisa, Ncd con i vescovi [ il matrimonio non è una unione civile: oppure un diritto civile, come convenzione giuridica, ma, il matrimonio è un diritto naturale, con proiezione procreativa, che soltanto un uomo ed una donna possono sposarsi, ma, i gay comunque possono vedere riconosciute e tutelate dalla legge le loro unioni, che, non possono mai essere l'Istituto Giuridico Naturale del Matrimonio.. IL PROBLEMA è CHE DOPO AVERE AMMESSO LA PEDOFILIA, VOI POTETE ANCHE CALPESTARE IL DIRITTO DEI BAMBINI AD AVERE UN VERO PADRE ED UNA VERA MADRE!
SONO TERRORIZZATO CHE DEVE ESSERE, sempre, HOLLYWOOD A DIRE QUALE sia STATA LA Verità DELLA STORIA, cioè, COME SE schiere di Merkel Troika, signoraggio bancario alto tradimento Mario Monti, CORROTTI MASSONI DI: POLITICI STORICI E SCIENZIATI NON SIANO SUFFICIENTI! ] non c'è una pubblicità che può essere spesa per convincere la gente che l'11-09, non sia stato un auto attacco della CIA e del MOSSAD, per poter distruggere, insieme ad Arabia SAUDITA, Israele e tutti i cristiani di Africa, Asia e Medio Oriente! ] Casa Bianca, le foto inedite dell'11 settembre.
Non solo la Grecia: gli altri Stati vicini al fallimento ] quello che le istituzioni massoniche sanno e fingono di non sapere, e che è filosoficamente impossibile che una Nazione possa fallire, se i massoni farisei non hanno fatto falso in Bilancio con tre truffe legalizzate 1. signoraggio bancario; 2. Debito Pubblico; 3. Riserva frazionaria, e che la Guardia di Finanza non può controllare nel FMI! [ QUESTI, NEI 2/3 DEL MONDO, HANNO IL COLTELLO DALLA PARTE DEL MANICO E DECIDONO LORO CHI FAR FALLIRE! OVVIAMENTE, SE NON ESISTEVA LA CINA? ANCHE LA RUSSIA SAREBBE FALLITA! E QUESTO è L'UNICO MOTIVO PER CUI, Sarà FATTA LA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE CONTRO CINA E RUSSIA ]
I MASSONI FARISEI, DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE SONO IL NAZISMO CHE DEVE UCCIDERE Israele, Perché ISRAELE è UN OSTACOLO ALLA CONQUISTA ED ALLA SATANIZZAZIONE DEL GENERE UMANO! QUESTI OBAMA GENDER MERKEL TROIKA HANNO GIà NEGATO IL SUFFRAGIO UNIVERSALE ANCHE IN DONBASS, ECCO Perché LA MERKEL è IL NUOVO HITLER DELLA FINANZA MASSONICA: ALTO TRADIMENTO! ] PARIGI, 23 AGO - Le istituzioni europee, dopo l'accordo "imposto con la forza" alla Grecia, sono diventate "una macchina per annullare gli effetti del suffragio universale". Lo ha affermato l'ex ministro dell'Economia francese, Arnaud Montebourg, in un discorso alla Festa della Rosa, tradizionale appuntamento estivo dell'ala sinistra dei socialisti transalpini, a cui è presente anche Yanis Varoufakis, l'ex ministro delle finanze greco.
CINA E RUSSIA ] sarebbe un grave errore strategico venire fisicamente in ARABIA SAUDITA, io intendevo dire che al topo Allah Akbar, piacciono molto i missili intercontinentali russi TOPOL ] [ BAGHDAD, 23 AGO - Sanguinoso attacco dei jihadisti dell'Isis in Iraq nella turbolenta provincia di al Anbar. Fonti ufficiali irachene hanno riferito che i miliziani dello Stato islamico hanno ucciso 17 soldati e 6 combattenti sunniti loro alleati nel distretto di Jaramshah, a nord del capoluogo Ramadi. Secondo le stesse fonti, i terroristi dell'Isis hanno compiuto la strage a colpi di mortaio e con un numero imprecisato di kamikaze che si sono fatti saltare in aria.
KING SAUDI SALMAN sharia califfato ] adesso lo sanno tutti, come satanista indemoniato tu hai più paura di Gesù Cristo, che non di Baal, infatti tutte le Chiese Cristiane? tu le hai distrutte prima! [ Cinque giorni dopo aver decapitato su una piazza pubblica di Palmira Khaled al Asaad, 81 anni, uno dei massimi esperti siriani di antichità ed ex direttore del sito archeologico locale, l'Isis ha distrutto uno dei principali templi dell'antica perla nel deserto siriano. E' quello di Baalshamin, a poche decine di metri dal teatro romano della città, dove la Stato islamico aveva inscenato alcune esecuzioni pubbliche. Anche questa volta a riferirlo è l'ong Osservatorio nazionale per i diritti umani in Siria (Ondus), che cita alcuni residenti della città in fuga dalla furia assassina dei jihadisti. Il santuario di Baalshamin (Il signore del Cielo) è del secondo secolo dopo Cristo ed è dedicato ad una divinità asssimilabile a Mercurio. Al Asaad è stato barbaramente ucciso il 18 agosto: decapitato sulla pubblica piazza davanti al museo che per decenni ha diretto, e il suo cadavere appeso ad una colonna romana, suscitando durissime reazioni internazionali e un profondo sdegno in tutto il mondo.
SE, ISRAELE SOPRAVVIVE A TUTTO QUESTO? PUò ESSERE SOLTANTO UN MIRACOLO! Ehud Barak è un satanista massone farisei Rothschild Enlightened SpA NWO 322 SACERDOTI DI SATANA KERRY BUSH! ] [ le sinistre IN GENERE, COME TSIPRAS IN GRECIA? sono i traditori del popolo, e i TRADITORI DELLA COSTITUZIONE, complici di: alto tradimento costituzionale sovranità monetaria, Rothschild Spa Merkel Troika OBAMA GENDER in tutto il mondo, loro sono Babilonia: 322 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, ed ogni forza anticristiana per distruggere definitivamente (anche servendosi degli islamici) ogni residuo di civiltà ebraico cristiana! ] QUESTA è LA BATTAGLIA DECISIVA TRA I MONDO DEI MOSTRI BILDENBERG, ED IL MONDO DEGLI UOMINI! [ TEL AVIV, 23 AGO - La leadership israeliana, a partire dal premier Benyamin Netanyahu, è descritta come furiosa contro l'ex ministro della difesa Ehud Barak per aver rivelato che in tre occasioni, tra 2010 e 2012, Israele su input dello stesso Netanyahu è stata sul punto di attaccare strutture nucleari iraniane. L'ex ministro degli Esteri, Avigdor Lieberman, ha accusato Barak di aver rivelato segreti di Stato. "Sono più che sorpreso", ha detto aggiungendo che tutto questo non fa che rafforzare l'Iran stesso. TEL AVIV, 9 GEN - Botta e risposta tra l'ex ministro della difesa (e in passato primo ministro) Ehud Barak e il premier Benyamin Netanyahu. Il primo ha sostenuto in una intervista al quotidiano Haaretz che la passività di Netanyahu sta portando Israele "al disastro". Il secondo ha replicato definendo "irresponsabili" i leader "della sinistra" come Barak, Livni e Herzog che "stanno ancora cercando di vendere alla gente il sogno di un nuovo Medio Oriente che invece si e' trasformato in un incubo".
SIETE SOTTO LO SGUARDO ATTENTO DEL VOSTRO MESSIA ] NON è TIMIDO: Benyamin Netanyahu è UN KILLER INTELLIGENTE! SAPRà AGIRE AL MOMENTO GIUSTO! [ TEL AVIV, 3 DIC - "La verità è che dietro la sue parole isteriche abbiamo un premier che ha paura: paura dei suoi ministri e del mondo esterno. E per questo va sostituito". Cosi' l'ex ministro della Giustizia centrista Tizpi Livni - silurata ieri da Benyamin Netanyahu con il collega delle Finanze Yair Lapid - e' tornata all'attacco del primo ministro e leader della destra. "E' triste per me dire questo - ha aggiunto - perché è il primo ministro d'Israele e va rispettato ma abbiamo il dovere di rimpiazzarlo"
dietro, questa truffa evoluzionista, della massonica comunità
scientifica internazionale?] Physical and cultural anthropologists
universally attest to the uniqueness of man. All cultures and peoples
have asked, in varying degrees, the four basic questions of life: Who am
I? Where did I come from? What is my purpose here? Where am I going?
Leakey refers to the theological question as to the universal
uncertainty about where we came from. He writes that "the desire to
remove that uncertainty is very strong indeed: it is what the great
theologian Paul Tillich referred to as "the ultimate concern". We
continue to catch the spirit of what he is saying:
Humans have
many unusual characteristics, not least of which is our intense
curiosity about our relationships with the world around us. We look at
the many animals with which we share our planet and ask what it is that
makes us different from them. We wonder if there are other living worlds
scattered throughout the universe. Philosophical thought through the
ages reflects an obsession with the question of what it means to be
That we are capable of thinking about our origins and the
world and universe around us is rather enlightening. This intrinsic
quality of man is a universal experience, and all indications are that
this quality in man has always existed since man has been man. The
National Geographic Society published a voluminous cultural atlas to the
ancient world called Peoples and Places Of The Past. On page 8 the
editors comment that "the origins of complex thinking lie far back in
our past.1
In spite of cultural,
geographic and racial differences members of the human race possess a
basic physiological, psychological and spiritual unity. While he is a
part of nature, he is distinct in all of nature. Standard classification
places him as follows:
PHYLUM Chordata (chordates)
SUBPHYLUM Vertebrata (vertebrates)
CLASS Mammalia (mammals)
SUBCLASS Eutheria (placental mammals)
ORDER Primates
SUBORDER Anthropoidea (higher primates)
SUPERFAMILY Hominoidea (hominoids)
FAMILY Hominidae (hominids)
GENUS Homo (man)
SPECIES Homo sapiens (intelligent man)
SUBSPECIES Homo sapiens sapiens (modern intelligent man)
intrinsic uniqueness of man is verified in all cultures and histories.
All written records reflect this concerted opinion, even evolutionary
Man differs from all other animals in many
respects, such as his permanently erect posture, the size and function
of his brain, and his mode of life in societies. He is also the only
creature capable of conscious action, of working and producing and of
controlling nature itself for a useful purpose. ...Man's ability to
create a secondary environment through his culture has separated him
from other animals....He altered his conditions and himself by
continuous, purposeful and consciously directed activity; this
eventually led to the highest forms of science and art. culture and
The same text offers basic data showing the main anatomical features differentiating man from all other animals:
man the cranial part of the head is larger than the facial part, and
the high braincase forms a bulging forehead. The arch of the jaw is
short and horseshoe-shaped, and has no spaces for the canines; the
canines are incisor- like, they do not project beyond the other teeth,
and they display only small sex-related size differences. The premolars
are "grinding' teeth, and the third premolar particularly has lost any
trace of its primitive cutting function. The eyes are capable of both
black-and-white and colour vision. The outer part of the ear terminates
in a lobe and has a curled rim. The nasal bones project from the face
and are fitted together like a roof....The mucous membrane covers the
outside of the lips to a considerable distance and the upper lip has a
groove in the center.
The human brain is several times larger than
that of anthropoid apes and in relation to body weight it is heavier.
The formation of a larJre number of convolutions has increased the
surface of the brain to about two square meters; and the structure of
the brain tissue is also more complex.
The spine has two S-shaped bends, and adaptation to upright posture.
The pelvis is wide and carries the whole weight of the trunk, distributing the pressure on the lower limbs.
arms are mobile and they lack the weight-bearing specialization present
in the great apes. The freeing of the arms from their locomotor
function makes them available for other uses, initially probably food
gathering and carrying, but later the full range of man's activities.
The human hand has a well-developed thumb, very large relative to the
fingers, and the hand is adapted for high-precision gripping of objects.
legs are very long in relation to the trunk and are adapted for bearing
the full body weight. The foot has longitudinal and lateral arches for
softening the impact on the ground. Much of the stress during walking is
taken through the big toe, which in man is not divergent but is
parallel to the other toes. It is also by far the most robust of the
five toes.
This list can be summarized into two major
characters that are unique to man: his large skull and brain size, with
all its related features, and the fact that he walks upright on two
...Man's exceptional position in nature and the
differences between man and animals are also due to other developments
of the human brain. Man does not see better than birds and there are
many species which surpass him in swiftness, strength, hearing and a
sense of smell. Unlike animals, however, man can live in any climate and
any surroundings, he can penetrate the Earth's depths, climb the
highest mountains and venture out into space; he has mastered the use of
fire and has learnt all about the atom and how to control it - all as a
result of the development of his brain and the use of his hands.
man first came into existence, his most significant and most important
activity has been work, i.e. activity with a specific aim, a thing which
does not exist among animals. Work is the true prerogative of the human
race. ...Most animal activities are instinctive (though some can be
learned), but only man consciously alters his work to suit his
requirements and at the same time alters his physical and mental
activity and makes himself master of his environment. Animals influence
nature simply by existing in it, for instance by moving about in it and
living on its produce, but man, through his work, has a much greater
effect on nature and leaves traces of his activities behind him. When
animals die out. nature remains basicallv unchanged, whereas every human
generation leaves behind it concrete reminders of its working
Skills of Ancient ``Primitive'' Man
It is
this intrinsic uniqueness of man which is of such vital interest to us.
After more than a century of attempts by essentially all of our modern
scholastic institutions to form a transitional bridge between man and
the lower primates, man remains unique in all settings, primitive or
advanced. N.F. Ashley Montagu reveals that "primitive" man is not
essentially different from sophisticated human cultures. Truly great
skill is seen in much of their drawing, carving, weaving and pottery.
Complex and subtle rhythmic structure accompanies their music, though we
may not appreciate it because our ears are attuned to our own concepts
of melody and harmony. Sophistication in the culture of stone age men
living several thousand years ago favorably compares to that of many
advanced "primitive" tribes today. In these cultures, as in all cultures
of living men, there is a dominant belief in the supernatural and in
life after death.
With the use of appropriate testing procedures
it has been found that the intelligence oftoday's primitive peoples
approximates our own. Anthropologists agree that this intelligence and
the presence of human culture distinguish man from al] animals. It is
primarily linguistic intelligence which is given priority listing.
Linguistic communicative skills marks supelior intelligence even within
higher civilizations. "The fact is that many 'primitive' languages
aren't any more primitive than most of the rest of the culture; indeed,
they are often a great deal more complex and more efficient than the
languages of the so-called higher civilizations."4
The skills of
ancient primitive man have recently undergone a practical examination.
According to a report in the 10 January, 1986 Science, archaeologist
Nicholas Toth has been examining and duplicating the tools of ancient
man. His pursuit carried him to the oldest known tool sites of ancient
man. These sites in East Africa are dated standardly at two million
After examination of the flakes and cores Toth began
studying the details of the chips themselves which still show the
patterns of the blows which created them. The archaeologist then began
to chip his own tools in order to understand just how these ancient
tools were made. He then noted that man of "two million years ago'
skillfully created a range of tools which are "indistinguishable" from
sites half a million years younger, by evolutionary dating methods. Even
sites which are only "10,000 years old", "clearly ... the products of
modern humans", show "no greater imposition of arbitrary form" than the
"two-million year-old" sites. Toth depicts the "two-million-year-old"
ancestors of man as much more modern and intelligent than previously
thought. The pattern of their work, manufacture, and the wear on the
stone tools leads Toth to conclude that ancient man operated with a
considerable amount of planning and skill.
Footprints of Laetoli
Figure 1. Contour Lines in the Laetoli Footprint
is a contention of this dissertation work that ancient man did indeed
possess intelligence and skills comparable to modern man; in fact, man
as sophisticated and competent as modern man was actually there. Ancient
man appears on the scene capable and competent. In an original work
done for this research, associate Michael Reddick ran a sophisticated
1/1,000-inch calibrated measurement of the best-preserved small
"hominid" footprint discovered by Mary Leakey at Laetoli in East Africa.
Figure 2. ARCH EXPRESSION in the Laetoli Footprint
original measurements were made from a certified hard cast of the
Laetoli footprint. After "X" "Y" "Z" dimensional measurements were run,
the data was computer-generated to reveal a calibrated reproduction of
the print. This reproduction of the footprint displayed features which
are exclusively seen in the Homo sapien footprint. These features are:
(1) calcaneus (heel),
(2) transverse arch,
(3) lateral side of the longitudinal arch,
(4) medial side of the longitudinal arch,
(5) base of the fifth metatarsal,
(6) first phalange (great toe),
(7) phalanges trench (digits 2-5), and
(8) areas of weight distribution.
areas of weight distribution correspond specifically and exclusively to
mankind. They include: (1) the calcaneus heel section as the first area
of impression in man's forward locomotion, (2) the lateral flange area
along the outside of the foot toward the small toe, the second area of
transfer impression in man's forward locomotion, and (3) the ball-great
toe section along the inside of the foot, the third area of transfer
impression in man's forward locomotion. These areas of weight
distribution indicate that the individual making the footprints was not
hominid, but true Homo sapien. The implication of this research is that
fully developed man was present in ancient times.
While it is
understood that man is classified in the SUPERFAMILY Hominoidea
(hominoids) and the FAMILY Hominidae (hominids) the purpose of this
current discussion is to clarify that it is not simply developing man
which is indicated at Laetoli, but fully developed man, Homo sapiens. If
fully developed man was present, along with fowl and other modern
mammals, in the lithified ash at Laetoli, then the evolutionary paradigm
is again denuded of essential precursors so essential in the standard
anthropological posture of man.
Key missing links are not
available to explain the sudden appearance of man at the top of the
paleontological record just as key missing links are not available to
explain sudden appearances at the beginning of the fossil record.
Research within the past thirty years has but enhanced the universal
frustration at continuously finding these sudden unprecursored
appearances of complicated life forms at the beginning of the Cambrian
period of the Paleozoic era, along with other such complicated life
forms appearing throughout the geologic column. Former U.C.L.A. geology
professor, H.S. Ladd, spoke of the missing chain. "Most paleontologists
today give little thought to fossiliferous rocks older than the
Cambrian, thus ignoring the most important missing link of all. Indeed
the missing Pre-Cambrian record cannot properly be described as a link
for it is in reality about nine-tenths of the chain of life: the first
In this dissertation application is made to the
sudden appearance of man in ancient times. Eugene Dubois discovered two
human skulls at a site on the same geologic level as that of
Pithecanthropus. He, of course, buried these skulls beneath the floor of
his home in Holland. Philosophic, emotional bias has often been
practiced at the sacrifice of scientific investigation. Everett C.
Olsen, who held a position as professor of geology at the University of
Chicago, wrote that "...the intensive, often emotional, search for man's
ancestors has undoubtedly colored interpretations."6 This emotional
bias is inexcusable if it in fact disregards or suppresses tenants of
applicable evidence.
lt appears that academic adherence to the
standard evolutionary interpretation has overlooked applicable
evidences. Between 1860 and 1880 a modern human skull was discovered in
Italy (called the Castenodolo skull) in Pliocene rocks. This skull was
not included in man's academic ascent, because the rocks were too old,
The Olmo skull was found in Italy in 1863 in Pliocene rocks. It was
ignored for the same reasons. In March, 1973, Nature magazine carried an
article which revealed that anthropologist Bryan Patterson had
discovered a portion of the right side of a hominid mandible (lower jaw)
with one molar attached. The fossil was quite human in appearance.
Using potassium argon dating techniques and adjacent fauna fossil
dating, the mandible was assigned an age of 5.5 million years.
Anthropologist Donald Johanson discovered Homo leg, foot, hand and jaw
bones at Hadar and dated them from 3.25 million years ago (older than
Lucy). He referred to them as: "uncanny resemblance to
ours...startlingly similar...astonishingly similar."7 B. Wood relates
that anthropologist Mary Leakey found Homo jaws and teeth shaped like
those of modern man at Laotoli and dated them at 3.5 to 3.75 years B.p.8
thesis held in this paper includes Neanderthal fossils unearthed in the
caves of Skuhl and Tabun at Mt. Carmel in Israel. Skeletons buried at a
lower level were actually more advanced than skeletal remains buried at
a distinctly higher level. These and other fossils may show
peculiarities resulting from isolation, diet and limited gene pool
(inbreeding). Physical anthropologists have not adequately assimilated
extant physical data with scientific rigor.
anthropologists are incubated in a similar frustration. By examining
social evolution, cultural anthropologists had envisioned the
development of a science of culture. Attempts were made to outline
definite, invariable stages through which all societies must pass.
Attempts were made to identify these stages and to arrange them in a
proper evolutionary sequence. Following decades of academic posture,
anthropologists have proposed various sequences through which societies
supposedly pass: from savagery to barbarism, to militarism, to
Cultural anthropologists have attempted to trace
the evolutionary stages of various social institutions. In economics
mankind is alleged to have gone through the food gathering stage to
hunting, cattle breeding, agriculture and then industry. Supposedly, the
evolution of marriage and the family developed through sexual
promiscuity to polygamy, to patriarchal monogamy, and then to the
conjugal family of today. Technology is supposed to have followed the
pattern of wood, stone, bronze, then iron. In the case of religion the
evolutionary development is portrayed as: magic, animism, totemism,
polytheism, monotheism, and ethical monotheism.9
Many scientists
today have rejected this model of social evolution. Actual observation
in cultural practice has removed much of this simplistic explanation.
Monogamy is now considered by many to have been the earliest form of
marriage and monotheism the earliest form of religion.10
It is
becoming increasingly clear that ancient man appeared with intact
culture. Even strongly biased evolutionary sources are less reticent to
admit this concept than they were a few years ago. "People living at
Terra Amata in southern France about 300,000 years ago built camps with
huts made from wooden poles and stones, roofed with hide or branches.
They used stone 'hand axes' and were skilled hunters, killing elephants,
wild boars, and rhinoceroses." " According to the Houston Chronicle
(Texas 12/22186) a new portrait of humanity in the late neolithic age is
unfolding as a result of recent archaeological discovelies. Researchers
have found that trading networks, specialized production of tools and
clothing, and a social hierarchy - even technological experimentation -
were aspects of early society, The article further states that in the
past archaeologists have been inclined to interpret sites in isolation,
and not in relation to others, making for a very limited picture of the
Some anthropologists are suggesting that variation
within physical appearances found in mankind could have resulted from
coping with specific weather patterns rather than divergent evolutionary
pathways. Albert T. Steegman postulates that to cope with the weather,
body shapes are different. Cold climate dwellers weigh more, develop
shorter arms and legs, and their body fat is distributed more equally.
He continues to postulate that behavior is also a key to keeping warm.
Clothing, diet and sleeping habits can contribute to survival in cold
weather. Steegman also suspects that genes possess an inherent range, or
potential, for adaptation to cold (Omaha World-Herald 1/14/86). Abrupt
appearance and adaptation to variant climatological patterns fall within
the range of explaining what is actually known about man.
Artifacts of Ancient Man
more exact profile on ancient man can be derived from examination of
actual artifacts which reveal his extensive sophistication. Rene
Noorbergen writes that "for the past thirty years there has been a
steadily increasing number of historical and archaeological discoveries
made at various sites around the world, which, because of their
mysterious and highly controversial nature, have been classified as
'out-of-place' artifacts....The reason for this designation is that they
are found in geological strata where they shouldn't be, and their
sudden appearance in these layers of ancient dirt has baffled the minds
of many a trained scientific observer. They emerge from among the
remains of the treasured past sans evidence of any preceding period of
culture or technological growth. In many cases, the technical
sophistication of the (out-of-place artifacts) extends far beyond the
inventive capabilities of the ancient peoples among whose remains they
were discovered.''12
Site Medzamor in Soviet Armenia is of
intriguing interest. An international scientific report published in
1969 expressed the belief that these finds point to an unknown period of
technological development. "Medzamor was founded by the wise men of
earlier civilizations. They possessed knowledge they had acquired during
a remote age unknown to us that deserves to be called scientific and
The preceding year Koriun Megurtchian of the
Soviet Union unearthed the oldest large-scale metallurgical factory
currently known. At this site over 4,500 years ago an unknown
prehistoric people worked with over 200 furnaces, producing an
assortment of vases, knives, spearheads, rings, bracelets, etc. The
Medzamor craftsmen wore mouth-filters and gloves while they labored and
expertly fashioned their wares of copper, lead, zinc, iron, gold, tin,
manganese, and fourteen kinds of bronze. The smelters also produced an
assortment of metallic paints, ceramics and glass. Scientific
organizations from the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, France
and Germany verified that several pairs of tweezers made of
exceptionally high grade steel were taken from layers predating the
first millennium B.C.14
In Scientific American (June 1951, Vol.
7, p. 298) a report was given concerning a metallic vase that had been
dynamited out of solid rock on Meeting Horse Hill in Dorchester,
Massachusetts. The report read, "On putting the two parts together it
formed a bell-shaped vessel, 4 1/2 inches high, 6 l/2 inches at the
base, 2 1/2 inches at the top and about an eighth of an inch in
thickness. The body of the vessel resembles zinc in color, or a
composition metal in which there is a considerable portion of silver. On
the sides there are six figures of a flower, a bouquet, beautifully in
laid with pure silver, and around the lower part of the vessel, a vine,
or wreath, inlaid also with silver. The chasing, carving and inlaying
are exquisitely done by the art of some cunning craftsman. This curious
and unknown vessel was blown out of the solid pudding stone, fifteen
feet below the surface."
The scientific journals Nature
(London,1886) and L'Astronomie (Paris,1887) published confirmation that
in 1886, in the foundry of the Austrian Isador Braun of Vocklabruck, a
block of coal dating from the Tertiary period was broken open. A small
metal cube was discovered inside. Tests indicated that the cube was
composed of a steel-nickel alloy. It measured 2.64 by 2.64 by 1.85
inches, weighed 1.73 pounds, and had a specific gravity of 7.75. The
edges of this ancient cube were perfectly straight and sharp; four of
its sides were flat, while the two remaining opposite sides were convex.
A deep groove had been cut all the way around the cube. It appeared
that the cube had been machine made and was part of a larger mechanism.
Noorbergen relates that on February 13, 1961 in the Coso Mountains six
miles northeast of Olancha, California three rock hunters found a stone
located near the top of a peak approximately 4,300 feet above sea level.
The following day the rock was cut open with a diamond-blade saw.
Inside were the remains of some form of mechanical device. The device
consists of a three-quarter inch-wide cylinder made of solid porcelain
or ceramic; and in the center of the cylinder was discovered a
two-millimeter thick shaft of bright metal. This shaft was magnetic and
showed no signs of oxidation. Circling the ceramic cylinder were rings
of copper. X-rays taken by the Charles Ford Society indicated that to
one end of the metallic shaft was affixed a spring or helix of metal.
Indications are that it is some form of electrical instrument.
the possession of the Creation Evidence Museum at Glen Rose, Texas is
another rare and ancient artifact. This artifact consists of a metal
hammer, imbedded in Ordovician rock, with a portion of the handle still
in place. This assemblage was discovered in June of 1936 near London,
Texas by Frank and Emma Hahn. At the time of the discovery the
Ordovician rock encased the entire metal hammer. The hammer head is 6.25
inches long, and the remaining handle portion is 4.25 inches long.
Battelle Laboratories analyzed the artifact and found that the metal
hammer head was 96.6% iron, 0.74% sulphur, and 2.6% chlorine. No
metallurgist today can alloy metallic iron with chlorine. Fabrication of
this implement required technology possessed by the ancients which we
cannot duplicate in today's sophisticated enterprise.
It was
perhaps with uncanny insight that historian Will Durant wrote, "Immense
volumes have been written to expound our knowledge, and conceal our
ignorance, of primitive man...primitive cultures were not necessarily
the ancestors of our own; for all we know they may be the degenerate
remnants of higher cultures..."15
Prehistorian Robert Silverberg
describes the sophistication of Paleolithic art in terms which equate
with the thesis of this dissertation: "The cave paintings are upsetting
to those who prefer to think of Quaternary man as little more than an
ape. Not only do they indicate great craftsmanship, but they point to a
whole constellation of conclusions: That primitive man had an organized
society with continuity and shape, religion and art. It was so dismaying
to learn that the earliest inhabitants of Western Europe...had scaled
heights of artistic achievement that would not be reached again until
late in the Christian era. That exploded the theory [that] man's rise
from barbarism had been steady and always upward.''16 From the facts at
hand there is warrant for the concept that barbarism occurred after the
great heights of achievement were manifest. The great archaeologist,
William F. Albright, in From The Stone Age To Christianity, gave his
expert impressions about Paleolithic art: "...though the number of
motifs, techniques and media available to him now is, of course,
immeasurably greater, it is very doubtful whether man's artistic
capabilities are actually any higher today than they were in late
prehistoric times."
Research has supported the concept that
Stone Age man lived in well-constructed houses. The Magdalenian
paintings have been admired for their originality and profusion. Yet, in
these Lascaux Caverns one can still see the holes in the rock that
supported wooden crossbeams. These crossbeams held scaffolding that
enabled Cro-Magnon artists to execute their works on the cave ceilings
ten to twelve feet above the cavern floor, much like Michelangelo
constructed many millennia later. Rene Noorbergen sheds revealing light
on this subject of Stone Age sophistication:
What are perhaps
the most disturbing prehistoric construction and civilization ffnds were
uncovered in 1965 by archaeologist Dragoslav Srejovic at a site now
called Starveco, on the Danube River, on the Yugoslavian and Rumanian
border. Digging into the Yugoslavian bank, Srejovic first encountered
traces of a Roman road; beneath this were fragments of proto-Greek
pottery, and below these were Neolithic remnants and traces of
Mesolithic cultural artifacts. Deeper still, Srejovic came upon
something totally out of place: the remains of a cement floor. More
speciffcally, the material was an amalgam of local limestone, sand and
water, considered a feat of chemistry and construction several millennia
ahead of its time. The cement surfaces were not placed haphazardly, but
were carefully laid out in large slabs to form the foundations of
houses. Several foundations were built one on top of another, indicating
that buildings had been constructed and reconstructed over an in
determinate period. Yet there was also remarkable uniformity. The layout
of the houses in the later periods was the same as that in the earlier
periods - there was no evidence of a gradual development from a simple
to a complex pattern. Rather, the Starveco village suddenly appeared,
fully mature, flourished, then decayed and was abandoned in the same
advanced state.
In addition to the foundations, the individual
Starveco buildings also showed a high order of architectural
sophistication. They all had one side larger in size than the other
three, with proportions of either 3:1 or 4:1. The larger side was shaped
like a 60-degree segment of a circle. This larger side always faced
toward the river, providing the occupants with the maximum view of the
Danube and the surrounding hilly country. Inside each house, the shape
of the dwelling was repeated in the hearth or oven, which was bounded by
carefully shaped stone slabs and always located in the eastern or sunny
end of the house. Srejovic noted that the position of the hearth was
significant, as it was situated in the exact center of an equilateral
triangle if the lines of the house were extended....The implications of
the mathematical and geometrical knowledge cannot be ignored.
same precision and order evident in the architecture is also found in
the arrangement of the dwellings at the Starveco site. The structures
were laid out in what appears to have been a planned fan shape, opening
toward the riverbank. The larger buildings, presumably those belonging
to members of a higher class or governing body, were located toward the
center, surrounding a paved plaza...
The Starveco site has
yielded a number of other cultural characteristics previously thought to
have been developed thousands of years later, in the Middle East.
Behind the hearth in each house, laborers unearthed the remains of
altars, indicating religious beliefs and practices. Each altar was
composed of a flat stone, with a cup impression for burning a sacriffce,
which faced two or more upright stones of reddish sandstone. This
sandstone has been excavated from an outcrop, located in a ravine
several miles away, and many of the stones had carved wavy lines or
chevrons in low relief, considered the oldest examples of architectural
decoration. Even more significant was the discovery of twenty sculpted
life-size human faces of stone....
An interesting aspect of the
site was the evidence of very good health among the Starveco population.
There was a striking absence of deformed or diseased bones, and the
women were so robustly built that it was difficult to tell their
skeletal remains from those of the men.'17
In spite of his
absence from Western culture and history Stone Age man is seen to equal
or, in some cases, to surpass our own modern accomplishments. In depth
research was continued by Noorbergen into the sophistication in
In a cave near Lussac-les-Chateaux, in 1937, Leon
Pericard and Stephane Lwoff uncovered a number of engraved stones dating
from the Magdalenian period which drastically altered the accepted
picture. The flat stones showed men and women in casual poses, wearing
robes, boots, belts, coats and hats. One engraving is a profile of a
young lady who appears to be sitting and watching something. She is
dressed in a pant suit with a short-sleeved jacket, a pair of small
boots, and a decorated hat that flops down over her right ear and
touches her shoulder. Resting on her lap is a square, flat object that
folds down the front, very much like a modern purse. Other examples show
men wearing well-tailored pants and coats, broad belts with clasps, and
clipped beards and moustaches.
...The Lussac models are by no
means the only evidence of sophisticated dress from the Stone Age.
Prehistoric cave paintings from the Kalahari Desert of Southwest Africa,
dated within the Stone Age period, show light-skinned men with blond
beards and well-styled hair, wearing boots, tight fitting pants,
multicolored shirts, and coats and gloves.18
Categories of Excellence
and archaeologists marvel at the advancement observed in early
cultures, advancement without any visible means of process. The advanced
civilization appears on the scene without identifiable ancestors.
Ancient records and literature were consulted with a view to research
categories of excellence found among the ancients. The most
comprehensive and insightful compilation was found in the Biblical
record. In approaching the compilation data from a critical and
analytical view it became obvious that the category being investigated
was inherent either in (1) the individuals being observed, (2) the
reporter of those being observed, or (3) the writer of the report. The
weight of evidence is that the category was inherent in all three
instances. In any case, the report bears a strong weight of genuineness
due to the antiquity of the record itself. In all cases the inherent
characteristic would have to be possessed by the writer in order for him
to observe the characteristic itself.
The astonishing fact came
to light in this research that in historical times no culture or
peoples as a single unit have been in possession of all these
categorical characteristics which these ancients apparently possessed in
mass. The collective gene pool was apparently much broader than
succeeding generations possessed in their specialization and isolation.
Analysis reflected in the researched citations in both archaeology and
anthropology given in this paper have verified the existence of these
characteristics in specialized forms at least among all the ancients.