"Come Dio Onnipotente disse a Giosuè mentre si trovava davanti al fiume Giordano, pronto a condurre la Nazione di Israele nella Terra Promessa, così oggi vi diciamo:" Sii forte e di buon coraggio ", ha concluso la lettera. 'Be strong and of good courage,' IDF generals tell Trump as sovereignty nears https://worldisraelnews.com/be-strong-and-of-good-courage-idf-generals-tell-trump-as-sovereignty-nears/#.XvMAyy9isKM.twitter
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • a minute ago
yes 'Be strong and of good courage,' IDF generals tell Trump as sovereignty nears
said lorenzoJHWH Jewish MESSIA

Uri • 17 minutes ago
The king of royal mistakes was the 'illustrious" Moshe Dayan who probably never read the Tora, or at least it seems so, when he handed over the Temple Mount to the Arabs. What ignorance, stupidity and illegal actions he took. May his memory NOT be a blessing.

Uri • 23 minutes ago
The Rabbis are absolutely correct. ALL of Judea and Samaria is biblical Jewish land and not one inch may be given away. That would represent a denial of God and his authority and directives. It's a difficult decision and Trump means well but at our expense. We certainly have no obligation to pacify the misnamed Palestinians or make our land into a present for them.

Steven Thompson • 4 hours ago
The Rabbinical Alliance of America (RAA) is correct, but they must realize - which is historically also the strategy of PM Netenyahu - that there are times when you cannot get everything you ask for all at once. There are times you have to take it back piece by piece. This is one of those favorable times. ......
In the mean time, you need not worry that Palestine will become a state, because those Arab leaders in Palestine will never agree to the terms of peace spelled out in the Trump Peace Plan. ....
So, Israel should take what lands it can obtain now, and work on getting the rest at a future time. The thing is that, taking the lands it can now will a assure that Israel is in a safer position moving forward. And there is not a more favorable time in history for Israel to annex lands with US approval. This opportunity will not last long. ..... .
So, I ask the RAA to be reasonable, because what the RAA presently is demanding will not happen.

John Mccord • 4 hours ago
If it's your holy land , why aren't you there ?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 John Mccord • 4 hours ago
becouse they ara parassite and satansts Baal JaBullOn Arumazda: of course!!
kingdom Satana Neoliberalism tecnocratic and masonic Deep State

Jill Abbott • 4 hours ago
Get a dictionary.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Jill Abbott • 2 hours ago
hey, Aru Mazda JaBullOn you will burn in hell with all your dictionary: equally

Ivri Anochi • 4 hours ago
Anyone who puts forward or accepts a peace plan that will even hint a division of the Holy Land, for Israel to give away even a grain of its soil for "peace" will suffer G'd's Wrath and Judgment.
So be very careful Mr. President, G'd Appoints kings and Deposes
kings, Daniel 2:21.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Ivri Anochi • 4 hours ago
you are out of context:
the only internal confrontation that the ARAB LEGA recognizes internally (between Muslims) and externally (against the kafirs) is the Islamic genocide
(at least until sharia is condemned, it will always be like this worldwide)
that's why there is no Palestinian homeland at least until all Israelis are dead.
Trump's plan on Muslims: because of UMMA? it is inapplicable!

alpcns . • 4 hours ago
Trump (and probably Bibi too) is counting on the Fakestinians rejecting anything and everything. After that, Israel is free to do what needs to be done - apply sovereignty to everything. All of Israel's land. Every inch.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 4 hours ago
The statement supports the RAA's position with passages from Torah and the Talmud related to the concept of "Shleimus Haaretz," which refers to the mandate to maintain sovereignty over all territories that fall within the biblical borders of the land of Israel.
even if this were done?
would not be enough to bring back all the Jews of the diaspora.
the problem of the Jewish house is only in the hands of Egypt and Riyadh
and in their sense of responsibility towards the whole human race and its survival

old broad • 9 hours ago
If the American democrat Jews have any say in it ,you not only won't get help THEY will help the muslims totally destroy Israel ! Just like they are helping the socialists/communist destroy America ! If you can't see THAT YOU AREN'T PAYING ATTENTION !
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stevealevine old broad • 7 hours ago
Beyond your bigotry and ignorance, you are totally inaccurate! There are many Democrat Jews, this one included, who love their Homeland and hate communism! What you're doing is behaving and thinking like the "old broad" you claim to be.
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John Mccord stevealevine • 4 hours ago
If you love your homeland , what are you doing here ?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 John Mccord • a few seconds ago
he be to traitors CIA Deep State
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Don Spilman old broad • 7 hours ago
Agree old b. Read my comment!
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kokou • 8 hours ago
It is a sin to surrender a piece of Judea and Samaria to enemies of God
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evangeline golding • 8 hours ago
I agree with him, no giving the fakestinians ANY land.
If they want a state, let them f**k off into the desert ( many miles from Israel) and park their tents there!!
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Uzi Kattan • 10 hours ago
It's not Trump's plan, it's Netanyahu's and Pipi was the one who wanted a terrorist state.
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Jill Abbott Uzi Kattan • 4 hours ago
You are an idiot. Just shut up.
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Lawom Tabay • 11 hours ago
I understand RAA is correct, however, Trump's plan seem to hinge on the PA consistently rejecting any peace plan, and then Israel can proceed with the annexation as is what is currently happening. And, if they did accept Trump's plan, then it could be Israel's time to turn it down. Maybe RAA would be more relevant in rallying US Jews to vote Republican. Just an opinion, peace.
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Dajjal Lawom Tabay • 11 hours ago
Read the damn plan again! It is final. If you keep 30% of Judea, you alienate the 70% permanently, without recourse. Land for pieces of Jews.
By 'annexation' Israel agrees and commits to 'negotiating' with SandMaggots who only demand, never negotiate. It is a trap!!!
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FuzzyAshkenaz Dajjal • 10 hours ago
Every deal Israel has made with islamic savages has resulted in pieces of Jews directly or indirectly.
Its time to throw down now and take ALL Israel back 100% and it also looks like it is now or never.
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Don Spilman FuzzyAshkenaz • 7 hours ago
Yes of course all out WAR will be necessary!
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evangeline golding Dajjal • 8 hours ago
And we know what happens to the Jews left on the 70%...
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Don Spilman evangeline golding • 7 hours ago
They need to be heavily armed trained and told to protect yourselves an go after the enemy! Like the Jews in the book of Ester!
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MALIK AK Don Spilman • 6 hours ago
You mean Hebrews in the book of Esther not khazars !
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Don Spilman MALIK AK • 3 hours ago
Yes ! Thank you, the tribe of Israel!
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Dajjal evangeline golding • 7 hours ago
Mo Abbas declared Falestine Judenrein!!
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sidney weiner Dajjal • 8 hours ago
The remaining 70% remain under Israeli military administration.
Stop making stupid statements
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Dajjal sidney weiner • 7 hours ago
Read it!!! Your error is egregious. The plan requires you to give it to the SandMaggots. You do not get possession if they reject your offer or refuse to negotiate.
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Lawom Tabay Dajjal • 10 hours ago
That is indeed a tough pill to swallow. Personally I am banking on no commitments from both sides and Israel just annex by default. In the same way that G_d gave Israel the land ---- and it was up to Israel to take the land. So unlike after '67 and '73 when those lands were just given up including the Temple mount.
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Don Spilman • 7 hours ago
“Don’t surrender an inch of land’”
Not now not EVER!!!!! Stand strong Israel do not depend on America. America does not show up to help you in the coming Gog of Magog war! Many millions of us would like to see us be there but something stops any nation from coming to your aid! Our own stupid civil war is possible here! Look up: Antifa planning attacks during Fourth of July!
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Will-BWL • 7 hours ago
The Annex is an absolute. Trump are you loosing it to the Lair Arab/ Jordanian, or Egyptian playing Palestinians. Trump it is time for the fake Palestinians started by the British Place Arab King in Jordon to gave the name to Palestinians who followers Yasser Arafat in 1969 in Trans Jordan. Remember those Jordanian Palestinians, Arafat, and Abu Mazen known in Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas tried to throw Jordan's King out of power and they lost.Palestinians should be given their own Arab league who started Palestinian problems. The Arab League own the Palestinians, and it is cheap to keep them in Israel. Palestinians should be pushed back into the Arab League Countries. Israel belongs to Israel by a covenant with God Almighty. The Holy Land of Israel was given to the Jews. Europeans should keep their mouth in their own rotten business.
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punch_corona • 8 hours ago
.. when in doubt ... read the Torah..
(Genesis 13:14 – 18) .. “And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had parted from him, “Raise your eyes and look from where you are, the north and south. To the east and west, for I give all the land that you see to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring as the dust of the earth, so that if one can count the dust of the earth. Then your offspring too can be counted. Up, walk about the land, through its length and its breadth, for I give it to you.” And Abram moved his tent, and came to dwell at the terebinths of Mamre, which are in Hebron; and he built an altar there to the Lord. "
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cammo99 • 8 hours ago
Israel was invaded and occupied land under time honored conditions that a nation could retain occupied lands for its own defense against aggressors. Every time Israel traded land for peace they lost land. Carter , Obama, Clinton, even Bush, now Trump have set a standard the Palestinians whoever they are, they have no intention of settling fr a state of their own. It requires an actual national identity and they have not been able to invent one which is why they are trending towards radical Islam in Gaza and the PA can not get beyond slam in order to make peace with Jews. A one state solution has become the only option that has any validity and Israel is the only state. . I used to believe in a two state solution, but after the deaths of Rabin and Sadat the hope died. No more can you walk or take a cab easily from Cairo to Tel Aviv. And Hezballah and Hamas have more missiles than terrorists. You can not feed people with missiles you need to have keen economic and social sense for development. That leaves only Israel and that is not Israel's cause. Socialists and Islamists have no answers for a better world except to steal and loot.
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Ira Kellman • 11 hours ago
In theory the idea is nice but for Rabbis living here to tell Israelis not to make peaceis not halachic it is chutspah.
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David Ira Kellman • 11 hours ago
You have no idea what you are talking about. It is forbidden in our Torah to give away even an inch to the enemy.
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stevealevine David • 7 hours ago
David, I'm sure that you're a Talmud-observant Jew...when it suits you! And do you think for one moment that the Torah or Talmud or any of our rabbinic law/lore played a role in any of the peace agreements we've signed with our Arab enemies?
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sidney weiner David • 8 hours ago
If that is so,
Than 85% of the old Palestine Mandate is already controlled by the Arabs.
Gaza,PA & Jordan!
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cb David • 9 hours ago
Probably written from your comfortable abode in the USA. Speak as a parent, as a parent with a child in the IDF if you want to make a difference.
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Don Spilman cb • 7 hours ago
Anyone in the IDF today had better be ready to defend Israel with their life or get out! You sound like a snow flake
Questa settimana, alti funzionari dell'amministrazione statunitense terranno un incontro sull'opportunità o meno di dare il via libera al governo israeliano per applicare la sovranità nella Valle del Giordano e in parti della Giudea e della Samaria.
Secondo quanto riferito, l'amministrazione è diventata incerta sul piano dopo che elementi sulla destra di Israele si sono rivelati contrari. Un certo numero di leader degli insediamenti si oppongono al piano dato che richiede uno stato palestinese, anche se sono a favore degli aspetti della sovranità. I leader ebrei della Giudea e della Samaria si sono radunati domenica a Gerusalemme per protestare contro il piano .
Netanyahu ha affermato che dal 1 ° luglio il governo israeliano inizierà un processo di applicazione della sovranità israeliana a parti della Giudea e della Samaria, in linea con l'accordo di coalizione del suo partito con il Partito blu e bianco del ministro della Difesa Benny Gantz.
Tuttavia, Gantz non sembra essere d'accordo con i piani di Netanyahu .
Gantz ha suggerito una sovranità ridotta, molto meno del 30 percento del territorio proposto da Netanyahu e che è consentito dal piano dell'amministrazione Trump. Gantz vuole anche un'attenta analisi di tutte le ramificazioni prima di procedere.
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