White House Blasts Twitter for Approving Iran’s Threats to Destroy Israel
White House slams social media giant for labeling Trump’s tweets with content warnings after Twitter says Iranian calls for genocide against Israel do not violate company policy.
By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany slammed Twitter Friday, saying the social media giant was showing blatant bias by targeting conservatives, especially President Trump.
The comments came after Twitter company official Ylwa Pettersson told the Knesset last week that Iranian calls to wipe out Israel were just “foreign policy saber-rattling on military-economic issues [that] are generally not in violation of our rules.”
“I thought it was very eye opening and it tells you where these social media companies stand, where they’re not willing to assess the Ayatollah Khomeini’s tweets but they are willing to assess President Trump’s tweets,” McEnany told a White House press conference.
In May, Twitter started adding tags to some of the President’s tweets, labeling some of them as “unsubstantiated” and warning users to fact-check.
However, for years Iranian leaders have been tweeting their desire for the destruction of Israel, with one Iranian commander saying the goal of Iran’s military is “the total annihilation of Israel.”
“Israel is a malignant cancerous tumor in the West Asian region that has to be removed and eradicated,” Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said, among other statements about his aim for the elimination of the Jewish state.
Despite repeated requests from Israeli officials, Twitter has ignored calls to remove the tweets, calling them “comments on current affairs.”
“It’s really appalling, and it just speaks to their overwhelming, blinding bias against conservatives and against this president,” McEnany said.
Ellie Cohanim, U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism, also called out Twitter for censoring Trump but not Khamenei.
“The hypocrisy is so thick it becomes clear to me … that this is about one thing and one thing only and that’s the elections coming up in the United States on November 3rd,” said Cohanim, herself an Iranian Jewish refugee who fled to freedom in America.
“The social media companies are behaving as the thought police & it must end,” Cohanim tweeted.
Make the Land of Israel even more beautiful and fruitful while helping Israeli farmers to recover from financial losses due to coronavirus and destructive Hamas arson fires.
“…for the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land… a land of wheat and barley, vines, figs and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey” (Deuteronomy 8:7-8)
Nichus Block • an hour ago
Maybe they target liars and not conservatives.
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๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ • an hour ago
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]]]] Elihana - Halleluyah ELIHANA - HALLELUYAH - PSALM 146 ืืืืื ื ืืืืืื - ืชืืืืื ืคืจืง ืงืื
ืַืฉְׁืจֵื--ืฉֶׁืֵื ืַืขֲืงֹื ืְּืขֶืְืจืֹ: ืฉִׂืְืจืֹ, ืขַื-ืְืืָื ืֱืֹืָืื.
ืขֹืฉֶׂื, ืฉָׁืַืִื ืָืָืจֶืฅ-- ืֶืช-ืַืָּื ืְืֶืช-ืָּื-ืֲืฉֶׁืจ-ืָּื; ืְืืָื ืִืְืֹืְ, ืְืขืֹืָื-
ืַืְืִื ื ַืคְืฉִׁื, ืֶืช-ืְืืָื. ืֲืַืְืָื ืְืืָื ืְּืַืָּื; ืֲืַืְּืจָื ืֵืืֹืַื ืְּืขืֹืִื.
ืַืְืืּ-ืָืּ: HalleluYAH
Ashre she' El Ya'Akov be'ezroh Sivro al ADONAI Elohav
Oseh shamayim va'aretz
Et hayam ve et kol asher bam ADONAI matir asurim
ADONAI pockeach ivrim, zokef kefufim
Yatom ve'almana oded ADONAI Yimloch leolam vaed
Halleli nafshi et ADONAI Ahallel'ah ADONAI bechaiyai
Azame'rah Le'Elohai be'odi HalleluYAH
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]]]
ืฉืืื, ืืืื, ืชืืืื, ืืืืืื ืืื ืืืื ืืื ืฆืื ๐๐ฅ๐☀️๐๐❤
KADOSH (HOLY) ืืื ื ืงืืฉ ืืช ืฉืื, ืขื ืืืืจ ืืืจืฅ, ืืคื ืฉืืื ืืงืืืฉ ืืืืื ืืฉืืื. ืืืชืื ื ืืืื. [ืงืืืื] - ืงืืืฉ, ืงืืืฉ, ืงืืืฉ ืืื ืืืื ื ืฆืืืืช! ื ืืืืืชื ืฉื ืืืืืื ืืืืืช ืืช ืื ืืืจืฅ. ืืงืืจ ืืืื, ืื ืจืืืื ื, ืืื ืืืืืชื, ื ืืืืืชื ืืื ืืืจืฅ! [ืงืืืื] - ืืฉืจื ื ืืืืืชื ืฉื ืืืืืื, ืื ืืืข ืืืจ, ืืฉื ืฉืืื ืืื. ืืืืืื ืืืื ืืื ืืืืืื ื ืืืืฆืจื ื, ืจืืืื ื ื ืืืฆืืื ื; ืืืจืืืื, ืืื ืืืื ืืช ืขืฆืื, ืืืจืื, ืฉื ืื ืืืฆืืจืื ืืืืื: ืื ื ื 'ืืืืืื!
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๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]]] Im Hashem Lo Yivneh Bayis - Shira Choir | ืืงืืืช ืฉืืจื ืืืฆืขืช ืืช ׳ืื ืืฉื ืื ืืื ื ืืืช ืืงืืืช ืฉืืจื ืืืฆืขืช ืืช ืืฉืืจ ืืืืฉ ׳ืื ืืฉื ืื ืืื ื ืืืช׳ ืฉื ืืืืืื ืฉืืื ืืืืื ืจืื ืืฅ ืืืจ ืืฆืื ืืื ื ืฉื ืฉืจืื ืืืื ืื ืืื ืืืืื ืฉื ืืงืืืช ืฉืืจื ืืฉืจ ืืชืงืืืื ืืืจืืงืืื
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๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ • an hour ago
President RIVLIN your Satan persecute me, in your fake Rothschild ISRAEL [ scam ] Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] the technocratic EU democratic party lgbtq masonic neoliberal:
Rothschild's institutional coup mafia consociativism, Bilderberg regime
is leading to a profound social divide
which can lead to civil war in Italy!
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] the italian state is a infector: and is a traitor to: get a wildly infected, Afro-Islamic invasion! therefore the infected are spreading in all
Italian regions! in this way it will be impossible in September to
reopen the school or return to productive activities. "Does the seventh industrial power, Italy, need an emergency declaration to continue activating a toll-free number?", Or one of the "weak" reasons
given by Conte to continue the state of health emergency.
"If it were true," added Cassese, "it would mean that the state is not there and
the Prime Minister should worry about this emergency rather than the
health one," he says.
Laws are enough
According to the
constitutionalist, therefore, "laws and regulations provide for and
regulate normal prophylaxis activities and do not require the use of an
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] A state of health emergency would not be needed, but ordinary laws
would suffice to manage the pandemic in Italy, says the constitutionalist Sabino Cassese.
According to Sabino Cassese, emeritus judge of the Constitutional Court, Conte's reasons for
justifying the extension of the state of health emergency would be "very
the Democratic Party is an institutional coup-led
totalitarianism: Masonic mafia: and an ideological error: subservient to
Rothschilds technocracy and neoliberalism
represents a constitutional crime and a constant threat to their peoples!
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[[ Removed ]]] Open Arms, right-wing solidarity with Salvini: the democratic party
has lost its religious identity, and therefore has also lost: the
concept of country ... but in the face of a dogmatic masimalist ISLAM:
Koranic imperialist sharia theocratic fundamentalist jihad? sooner or
later they will have to bury their male children, and they will have to
help their raped daughters .. but this is not a problem for the lgbtq
because they have no future to protect !! If the center-right is
compact, the people of Twitter, who express themselves through the
hashtag #salviniaprocesso, splits on the story.
Solidarity comes from those who define the "anti-Italian" government. They send #salviniaprocesso for defending Italy and #bonafede is still there after having released mafia criminals. Prolong the
#statodiemergenza that nn is there. Immigrants who roam the streets naked. They will approve Mes. A government more anti-Italian than this, never seen.
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Open Arms, right-wing solidarity with Salvini] this is how Anglo-American Jews are also threatening the survival of the israeli
people! the democratic party and the Masonic lobbies Rothschild: they
are cancer, an institutional coup: a flagrant violation of the
Constitution: a mafia of judges: they can only be criminalized! [ For the senator, the solidarity of his comrades, including Silvio Berlusconi, has arrived. For the leader of Forza Italia "once again the political
use of justice is the weapon with which the left wants to free itself
from its opponents". "Of course Forza Italia can only be against
these methods, not only for loyalty to an ally, but also and above all
because they are absolutely unacceptable methods in a true democracy",
said Cavalieri to 'Studio Aperto'.
Even the leader of the Carroccio himself spoke of "political process".
For Salvini's party companion, Roberto Calderoli, the leader of the League
must be united to Dalla Chiesa, Falcone and Borsellino to be stabbed by
those same institutions that he was trying to serve.
For Calderoli, the Italian one is "a state that instead of thanking Minister
Salvini who had stopped the invasion and the trafficking of human
beings sent him to trial for having done his duty, for having done what
his institutional role imposed on him and loyalty to citizens. "
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๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ • 2 hours ago
Presidente Rivlin i am persecuted in your little satana Rothschild Israel ๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Toninelli in the closed ports said: "The last word is from Salvini, Conte and mine. Let's decide together."
Today, however, he denies his words: "Salvini did it all by himself". Danilo Toninelli, in Tonight
Italy, expresses himself after the vote with which the Senate said yes
to the trial for Matteo Salvini in the Open Arms case
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]]
A surge of infections in Sicily: 70 percent: they arrived with the boats
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
Government fills small village with infected immigrants pretending to be negative
PD: "Embrace a positive migrant"
Smuggler senators: the 149 traitors who sold Italy to the foreigner
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Illegal immigrants are a coronavirus bomb: outbreaks break out all
over Italy, brought by the Red Cross: but they are fleeing quarantine -
July 30, 2020
Salvini on trial, Don Biancalani exults: "A great day"
July 30, 2020
Toninelli confesses: "Conte and I were responsible with Salvini for the
management of the government", but today he denies it - VIDEO
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Soros finances the NGO of the red robes to ferry illegal immigrants to Italy
July 30, 2020 Why does Soros have a Kalergi Talmud interest in ethnic replacement in ITALY?
BRANCO SPACCIATORI AXLE WOMAN SHOOTING, POLICE CANNOT DEFEND her - VIDEO ๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]]
we were in ITALY the 4th industrial power in the world
and today, thanks to the EU and GERMANY, and to the Rothschild banking cartel:
have we become the 14th or 24th?
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๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ • 2 hours ago
3 days ago [[ Removed ]] eih President RIVLIN io non so perchรฉ blogger non voleva ricevere questo articolo https://satan-is-faggot blogspot com/2020/07/ww3-riyad-and-his-nuclear-war.html
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ this rascal of Anglo-American Jewish satanists and their demonic trinity: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA
FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, they told me: "when we asked Bin SALMAN to realize
your Kingdom of ISRAEL in MADIANA, he said to us: "" fuuuckking yourself and go kill the russian and the chinese people ""..
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]]
BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ and then, we say and we are sorry that
this rascal of Anglo-American Jewish satanists: Rothschild Rockefeller
Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, they are punished, with their
accomplices: with the shoah in the crematoria of HITLER, or with the
shoah of sharia islamists ...
but, they told me: "kill Bin SALMAN: he
is the one who forces us to remain prisoners of SATAN and prevents us
from returning to JHWH in your Kingdom of ISRAEL"
๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] MAGA Donald J. Trump our President from United States, my hero patriot, and we are all his SUPPORTER: really lorenzoJHWH, I really need you to pick up the pace.
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Michael • 11 hours ago
An old Italian saying, the fish stinks from the head down. Jack Dorsey is the CEO of Twitter and Square. His leftist politics and anti-Semitism speaks for itself with his undisguised policies on Twitter.
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alpcns . Michael • 10 hours ago
Well said.
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VTS Michael • 6 hours ago
Face-boo&Goo-le are founded by Jews, aren't much better.
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Neil • 11 hours ago
President Trump, you must shutdown all socialist media sites, especially til-tok! Microsoft is just an extension of the chicoms and are out to destroy our republic! Now that they have all our secret data stored on their cloud, the chicoms know them all!!!!
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gerald m. serlin Neil • 9 hours ago
Shutting down free speech is not the way our government works. It is far better to allow bias and falsehoods, than to violate the First (and most important) Amendment. Publicizing how false the objectionable speech is, is the way to fix the problem.
4 1
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Neil gerald m. serlin • 9 hours ago
This is not free speech! This is communist propaganda and no other speech is allowed! Sorry, but you are wrong ! Shut down these democrat propaganda outlets now!
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Efram Paul gerald m. serlin • 5 hours ago
There is a line between free speech and hate speech. If you are calling for mass genocide with millions of followers you abdicate the right to free speech. Especially as Twitter loves the Islamo-Nazis while shutting down anyone with whom they disagree, including the president of the US.
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Scott M Sykes gerald m. serlin • 8 hours ago
you are a hypocrite. on one hand you state "Regulation of free speech violates the First Amendment, by definition. If you don't like the speech, either make arguments against what was said, or don't listen." and now you say "Shutting down free speech is not the way our government works. It is far better to allow bias and falsehoods, than to violate the First (and most important) Amendment. Publicizing how false the objectionable speech is, is the way to fix the problem."? That makes you a hypocrite. You say one thing and then completely CONTRADICT yourself! Learn to have a SOLID OPINION instead of being a lukewarm advocate for lunacy.
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ProclaimLiberty Scott M Sykes • 4 hours ago
Where are you perceiving self-contradiction or hypocrisy in gerald's post, Scott? He said that the way to combat false speech is with more or better speech which shows the falseness of the objectionable speech. There's nothing lukewarm or contradictory about that. It's a very solid position, though it doesn't quite address the possibility of interdicting speech which exceeds some boundary of public safety, such as evoking panic in a crowd, or incitement to murder or other crimes.
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Efram Paul Scott M Sykes • 5 hours ago
Yes, but how can you do it when the same site will shut you down for disagreeing with the Islamo-Nazis? There used to be a rule on television of equal response to a political statement. That rule needs to be returned for social media. If you allow a sewer rat like Khameini to call for genocide, then you need to allow the human beings who disagree to respond.
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VTS Neil • 6 hours ago
Trump needs to act and win. Enough talking.
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SAWolf • 11 hours ago
The tech oligarchs are avowed enemies of Freedom.
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cammo99 • 11 hours ago
The DNC likes the Ayatollah he's their kind of Revolutionary, destroying embassies and getting a nut case President to pay them for it.
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shaongaon • 11 hours ago • edited
Antisemitism is bullet-proof, cancel-proof; clearly on the rise and back in vogue.
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stevenL • 10 hours ago • edited
Tt is just antisemitic!
On both side of the Pacific ocean the CCP and dems have same ideology and same goals. Eliminate Trump and destroy the economy if it is what it takes to remove Trump.
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Scott M Sykes • 10 hours ago
It is time to put AOL, Facebook, MSN, Twitter, and Yahoo on a Federal Regulation guidelines for their so called "community standards" or "may be offensive" to some of their members. Tell me, how is the TERM SNOWFLAKE an offensive word? Unless it APPLIES to you it shouldn't offend you and IF IT DOES perhaps you should SELF ANALYZE yourself as to WHY IT OFFENDS YOU and then correct YOURSELF instead of whining about a comment. These MEDIA OUTLETS VIOLATE FREE SPEECH ACCORDING TO THEIR SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS AND NOT WHAT THE LAW STATES. There needs to be a Federal agency that you can file a FORMAL COMPLAINT AGAINST THESE PUBLIC MEDIA AGENCIES! If they can freely put things out there according to THEIR IDEALS then they need to be REGULATED to insure that they are COMPLYING WITH NATIONAL LAWS OF FREE SPEECH!
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gerald m. serlin Scott M Sykes • 9 hours ago
Regulation of free speech violates the First Amendment, by definition. If you don't like the speech, either make arguments against what was said, or don't listen.
2 1
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Dajjal gerald m. serlin • 9 hours ago
The problem is that the prime offenders have a provision of federal law which immunises them against litigation. They censor Conservatives who have no recourse in law. That must be changed!!
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Efram Paul gerald m. serlin • 5 hours ago
Again, you aren't ALLOWED to argue against it! That is what is going on with Twitter. Khameini can call for genocide, but if you disagree you are banned from Twitter!
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Scott M Sykes gerald m. serlin •
when your so-called "community standards" are so BIASED and BIGOTED and can be used by those in that company to however they CHOOSE to interpret their guidelines than that is NOT FREE SPEECH AND A VIOLATION OF A PERSON'S RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT AGAINST, OR FOR, A PARTICULAR TOPIC. Essentially they are muzzling everyone who doesn't follow what they think is right, whether it has no basis or that it is a false opinion. Imagine trying to go to trial against a court that kept telling you that your arguments was in violation of that particular judges belief or ideology but the opposing attorney was friends with that judge and could say anything they wanted. That is NOT LEGAL NOR A PART OF FREE SPEECH! As such since these public media outlets, now if they want to charge for their services and then muzzle what a person says then it is ok, provide the forum to speak FREELY on such matters on a PUBLIC SYSTEM they are in VIOLATION OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO FREELY SPEAK. If we do not state that we want to murder someone or see the destruction of something then our RIGHT to publicly air our opposing viewpoints should be allowed, whether or not that viewpoint "offends" someone or not. That is the WHOLE POINT OF THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
I am not saying that these PUBLIC MEDIA outlets don't have a right to monitor such comments but if they want to hinder a person's right to FREE SPEECH then perhaps they need to make their PUBLIC MEDIA OUTLET a paid for service. It is then that they can do what they wish in regards to their so-called "community standards".
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Raymond Chioma Achinonu • 7 hours ago
The victory for Donald trump in this year"s US election is non-negotiable, the author and the maker is the true holy God of Israel, for any one that bless Israel must be Blessed. As for YIWA, do you not know this person is not neither Christian, but a Muslim, But using the cover name as Peterson is to disguise himself or herself. No Muslim will stand united with Israel, even though if there is it will not last long.They are fighting President Trump, but they will all fail.
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Efram Paul Raymond Chioma Achinonu • 5 hours ago
Please G-d!
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Barry Burton • 8 hours ago
If that does not Violate Twitter's policy, then I just did the right thing. I destroyed Twitter from my electronic devices. It is now gone! I have no more contact on Twitter! You should too!
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alpcns . • 10 hours ago
Time for action against these so-called "social" media.
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๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ • 2 hours ago
how the EU antichrist lgbtq and its democratic party, how it destroys your homeland!
The little Filippo humiliates Azzolina: "With your wheeled benches we make the bumper car" - VIDEO August 2, 2020
Government prepares count-saving law: abuse of office by the abusive premier
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
Other landings in Lampedua: Conte transfers 800 illegal immigrants throughout Italy, thus spreading the infection
August 2, 2020
Jesolo, immigrant harasses tourists: Italian reacts by hitting him
- VIDEO August 2, 2020
The PD (without poll of election victory) FIRST DISASSEMBLES THE SECURITY DECREES (for Afro-Islamic invasion) AND, then WANTS THE IUS SOLI TO REPLACE with Soros Kalergy Rothschild agenda THE ITALIANS
August 2, 2020
Tunisian policemen on boats to Italy too:
this is an Islamic assault
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๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ • 2 hours ago
You have a donation from OPEC Da: Felwah Abdulmohsin Fahad Mugayel <fmugayel@alfaisal edu="">
04:33 (4 ore fa)
A: Destinatari nascosti
Questo messaggio
potrebbe essere un tentativo di phishing. Per favore controlla il
mittente e il contenuto per assicurarti che essi siano legittimi. Per saperne di piรน.
Reply to this email for detail : philiphampton4@outlook com
ANSWER ====> BIN SALMAN tentare di corrompermi? ti costerebbe di piรน che creare il mio Regno di ISRAELE, infatti il mio Regno di ISRAELE non ti costerร niente!
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Roger Ellison • 2 hours ago
I haven't opened Twitter since the boycott. Time for a new startup to compete with Twitter - first rule - No hate speech.
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Efram Paul • 5 hours ago
Time for legal action. The only way to stop Islamo-Nazis is to sue them. That is how the KKK was destroyed, and it is the way to destroy the Islamo-Nazis.
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Photobug55 • 7 hours ago
So Twitter is posting lies from both the left and the right. What else is new?
Social media is a cancer.
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Dajjal • 9 hours ago
#AbolishCensorship Contradict dictators instead of squelching them. The evil of Islam should be fully exposed, in their own words when possible.
Unfair censorship of President Trump and his supporters is not a valid excuse for covering up the vile statements of the enemy.
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๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ • 15 hours ago
noi non siamo anti-qualcuno:
se, il Corano (schiavi dhimmis), sharia, Veda (schiavi dalit), Corea Nord (schiavi cristiani) e Talmud (schiavi israeliani goyims ) neoliberismo tecnocrazia, usura e SpA FED azionisti crimnali:
cioรจ, e poichรฉ loro sono effivamente (dei maligni ostili implacabili) contro tutto il genere umano
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๐ Biden moderate terrorists ๐ • 7 hours ago
Bin SALMAN, Riyadh Iran, Erdogan, CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU USA UN OCI ] [ all who are not Zionists (they are demonic creatures because they oppose the will expressed by God in the Bible) and are pushing all mankind into the abyss of the third world war rothschild.
deny the owners (Spa, FED, Bayer, 666, ECB NWO IMF)
the masters of the world a small homeland, while today, are they masters of the world?
this is an act of pure collective suicide!
and this is the worst aggravating: they persist in opposing the justice of Unius REI which is the greatest political justice in the history of mankind!
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https://disqus com/by/disqus_NPNAgUTrai/
tutti quelli che non sono sionisti (sono creature demoniache perchรฉ si oppongono alla volontร espressa da Dio nella Bibbia) e stanno spingendo tutto il genere umano nell'abisso della terza guerra mondiale rothschild.
negare ai padroni (Spa, FED, Bayer, 666, ECB NWO IMF)
i padroni del mondo una piccola patria, mentre oggi, loro sono padroni del mondo?
questo รจ un atto di puro suicidio collettivo!
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Alvaro Panesso • 10 hours ago
El Paรญs de la antigua Persia, Irรกn, no tiene otra forma de pasar el tiempo que amenazando a Israel, con el conocimiento de causa, de vieja data, que nunca podrรก hacerle daรฑo al pueblo de Dios, pero necesita decir cualquier cosa para no perder vigencia en Asia, ya que su pretensiรณn real, es quedar en un buen puesto en el NOM, que muchos creen que eso es algo conspirativa. Lo mismo estรก haciendo Donald Trump con sus "pucheros" de siempre, cuando lo cierto es que ya perdiรณ el aรฑo; la รฉlite rica estรก con China y Rusia, incluidos los Demรณcratas.
La pandemia es lo estรก sirviendo como cortina de humo, para poder iniciar con รฉxito, el nuevo "reseteo" capitalista, religioso y de poder. Israel, no tiene nada que temer.
Dios bendiga a su pueblo amado.
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • 15 hours ago
Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ i am one only one
why are you so afraid of me?
if you are a child of truth?
then, you shouldn't be so cowardly against one only man: me!
i am one only one
perchรฉ tu hai cosรฌ paura di me?
se tu sei figlio della veritร ?
poi, tu non dovresti essere cosรฌ codardo contro un uomo soltanto!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • 16 hours ago
obviously, we have no estimate of the fascism that Mussolini interpreted:
because first of all Mussolini betrayed the ideals which fascism he himself indicated, he was not honest intellectually, with himself!
we are repugnant to fascism itself, and to any fascism of the Merkel MAcron Trudeu Rothschild Bilderberg Soros, the Masonic consociativism of the NWO: in itself,
but of this neoliberal and technocratic masonry of the democratic party: of a transnational false Masonic democracy without monetary sovereignty?
This demonic activity is constitutionally highly subversive .. this: EU US FED IMF ECB OCI UN: not something that can be saved
it can only be destroyed!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago
Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu are the victims of transnational freemasonry!
*** the judges are from the Democratic Party;
*** the media belongs to the democratic party:
*** the Central Banks (neoliberalism technocracy bureaucracy perversion lgbtq of state) are all private Spa mutinational and Rothschild Soros shareholders: and are always served by the Democratic Party (speculative finance) and its tax havens ...
then someone has to tell me what, what does the word democracy still mean?
After 50 years, MATTARELLA asks / begs himself: "what is the truth of the Ustica massacre and the Bologna massacre"
if we can't indict the Democratic Party?
then, we are forced to switch to fascism!
ovviamente, noi non abbiamo nessuna stima del fascismo che Mussolini ha interpretato:
perchรฉ innanzi tutto Mussolini ha tradito gli ideali che fascismo da lui stesso indicati, lui non รจ stato onesto intellettualmente, con se stesso!
noi abbiamo ripugnanza del fascismo in se, e di ogni fascismo dei Merkel MAcron Trudeu Rothschild Bilderberg Soros, il consociativismo massonico del NWO: in se stesso,
ma di questa massoneria neoliberista e tecnocratica del partito democratico: di una falsa democrazia massonica trasnazionale senza sovranitร monetaria?
Questa attivitร demoniaca e altamente eversiva costituzionalmente .. questo: UE USA FED IMF ECB OCI ONU: non รจ qualcosa che si puรฒ salvare
esso puรฒ essere soltanto distrutto!!see more
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • 16 hours ago • edited
i am jewish messia
twitter and all social media network satellite Tv is golpe Regime Bilderberg: JaBullOn Aru Mazda OWL FED 666 IMF NWO 322:
antifa: la palude del partito democratico: Deep State King Rothschild 666 masonic system NWO IMF scam banking seigniorage: the Demonic lgbtq ENTITY
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • an hour ago
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]]
i am jewish messia [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]]
Dorrie_ https://disqus com/by/yehudi3/ ]] [[ Guest • 12 hours ago
You are liar.
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • an hour ago
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago [[[Removed [[[Removed]]] [[[Removed]]]] [[[Removed]]]
the Italian government admits that it has become an Islamic sharia infector: a murderer of 4 million unemployed! Coronavirus, Minister for Regional Affairs Boccia: "No hatred for immigration, three out of four positives are Italian"
You must have a grand time talking to yourself! You're the deepest mentally flawed person I've ever seen on these threads and I've seen a lot of them! SEEK HELP! QUICKLY !!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • an hour ago
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Bubster • 16 hours ago
when, you put your finger in your dirty part Sodom,
and another: on the crystal ball of the witch Nancy Peolosi:
then after
then, you can say everything you want to say:
without having the duty to argue any of your motivations?
no, you NWO UE OCI Riyadh
you are losing: and this cannot be stopped
quando, tu metti il tuo dito nella tua parte sporca Sodoma,
ed un altro: sulla sfera di cristallo della strega Nancy Peolosi:
allora, dopo
poi, tu puoi dire tutto quello che tu vuoi dire:
senza avere il dovere di argomentare un qualche tua motivazione?
no, voi NWO UE OCI Riyad
voi state perdendo: e questo non si puรฒ arrestare
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Bubster • 16 hours ago
Disqus not, he brought back me, your slanders!
and like a coward, you Satanists of the Democratic Party
you and your Erdogan Saud Salman wahhabis you only know how to slander innocent people ...
and you only know how to hit people behind!
Disqus non , mi ha riportato le tue calunnie!
e come un vigliacco, voi satanisti del partito democratico
voi sapete soltanto calunniare persone innocenti...
e voi sapete soltanto colpire le persone alle spalle!
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom said: " White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran
http://disq us/t/3qslh0i
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •
i am jewish messia
twitter and all social media network satellite Tv is gope Regime Bilderberg
antifa: la palude del partito democratico: Deep State King Rothschild 666 masonic system NWO ED IMF scam banking seigniorage: the Demonic lgbtq ENTITY
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •
worldisraelnews ] this is my office and i am the only one who can spam here!
questo รจ il mio ufficio e io sono l'unico che puรฒ fare spam quรฌ!
Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
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Post as Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom
Denise Waterford •
Michigan, the antithesis of Florida.
Phil Lesh Fan •
And all of Gaza/Hamas/Fatah handed out candy to celebrate.
And all of the American Jewish Democrats want their piece of candy.
After all, their Polisi said it was good candy.......
ME1 •
I dont wish this one anyone but David Duke, Pelosi, Farahakkan, Obama, Omar, AOC, Talib, Nadler wont be missed if they're attacked by sharks.
Don Spilman ME1 •
Eaten by maggots , devoured by piranhas, Chewed by mountain lion! Shredded by giant vultures! Hey nothings too good for these demonic creatures!
Don Spilman •
Well sure the muzslime bi..h and the commie are going to support each other! They be birds of a feather! Fing together thats “flocking” of course!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • 7 hours ago
Bin SALMAN, Riyadh Iran, Erdogan, CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU USA UN OCI ] [ all who are not Zionists (they are demonic creatures because they oppose the will expressed by God in the Bible) and are pushing all mankind into the abyss of the third world war rothschild.
deny the owners (Spa, FED, Bayer, 666, ECB NWO IMF)
the masters of the world a small homeland, while today, are they masters of the world?
this is an act of pure collective suicide!
and this is the worst aggravating: they persist in opposing the justice of Unius REI which is the greatest political justice in the history of mankind!
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
https://disqus com/by/disqus_NPNAgUTrai/
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •
e questa รจ la peggiore aggravante: si ostinano ad opporsi alla giustizia di Unius REI
che รจ la piรน grande giustizia politica di tutta la storia del genere umano!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •
Outrage Over Swastika Tweet by Penn State Student
http://disq us/t/3pac2rs
shalom! I am remembering naive, ignorant, unsuspecting girls, who are fooled into circles and then find themselves naked on the altar of Satan Pelosi Biden Obama Rothschild Morgan Kissinger, Merkel Macron UK lgbtq gender sodom: of the CIA cannibals. who took that picture is also who made those drawings: "he must be killed!"
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •
i am King ISRAEL
Rothschild is Satanist Baal JaBullOn Marduch Murdoch
gli stramortacci della mamma Troika Merkel
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