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Polish authorities that have adopted anti-LGBTI resolutions

in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: ie, the universal brotherhood but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense? We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News in realtà, io sono soltanto un osservatorio sul Martirio dei cristiani per 33 anni: ed un osservatorio del martirio degli israeliani da 13 anni: ma cosa il tuo satanismo del rothschild talmud lgbtq ha fatto in loro difesa? in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: ie, the universal brotherhood but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense? We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News in fact, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Presidente Rivlin i am persecuted in your little satana Rothschild Israel 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Toninelli in the closed ports said: "The last word is from Salvini, Conte and mine. Let's decide together." Today, however, he denies his words: "Salvini did it all by himself". Danilo Toninelli, in Tonight Italy, expresses himself after the vote with which the Senate said yes to the trial for Matteo Salvini in the Open Arms case 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] A surge of infections in Sicily: 70 percent: they arrived with the boats July 30, 2020 IMMIGRANT CRIMES, MILAN IMMIGRANTS BREAK THEIR EYE IN MILAN TO ROBBERY IT July 30, 2020 ABRUZZO, BREAKING NEWS, CORONAVIRUS, INVASION Government fills small village with infected immigrants pretending to be negative PD: "Embrace a positive migrant" Smuggler senators: the 149 traitors who sold Italy to the foreigner 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Illegal immigrants are a coronavirus bomb: outbreaks break out all over Italy, brought by the Red Cross: but they are fleeing quarantine - VIDEO July 30, 2020 BREAKING NEWS Salvini on trial, Don Biancalani exults: "A great day" July 30, 2020 OpenArms, Toninelli confesses: "Conte and I were responsible with Salvini for the management of the government", but today he denies it - VIDEO 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Soros finances the NGO of the red robes to ferry illegal immigrants to Italy July 30, 2020 Why does Soros have a Kalergi Talmud interest in ethnic replacement in ITALY? IMMIGRANT CRIMES, INVASION, LOMBARDY, VIDEO BRANCO SPACCIATORI AXLE WOMAN SHOOTING, POLICE CANNOT DEFEND her - VIDEO 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] we were in ITALY the 4th industrial power in the world and today, thanks to the EU and GERMANY, and to the Rothschild banking cartel: have we become the 14th or 24th?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran 3 days ago [[ Removed ]] eih President RIVLIN io non so perché blogger non voleva ricevere questo articolo https://satan-is-faggot blogspot com/2020/07/ww3-riyad-and-his-nuclear-war.html 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ this rascal of Anglo-American Jewish satanists and their demonic trinity: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, they told me: "when we asked Bin SALMAN to realize your Kingdom of ISRAEL in MADIANA, he said to us: "" fuuuckking yourself and go kill the russian and the chinese people "".. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ and then, we say and we are sorry that this rascal of Anglo-American Jewish satanists: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, they are punished, with their accomplices: with the shoah in the crematoria of HITLER, or with the shoah of sharia islamists ... but, they told me: "kill Bin SALMAN: he is the one who forces us to remain prisoners of SATAN and prevents us from returning to JHWH in your Kingdom of ISRAEL" 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] MAGA Donald J. Trump our President from United States, my hero patriot, and we are all his SUPPORTER: really lorenzoJHWH, I really need you to pick up the pace.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran You have a donation from OPEC Da: Felwah Abdulmohsin Fahad Mugayel <fmugayel@alfaisal edu> 04:33 (4 ore fa) A: Destinatari nascosti Questo messaggio potrebbe essere un tentativo di phishing. Per favore controlla il mittente e il contenuto per assicurarti che essi siano legittimi. Per saperne di più. Reply to this email for detail : philiphampton4@outlook com ANSWER ====> BIN SALMAN tentare di corrompermi? ti costerebbe di più che creare il mio Regno di ISRAELE, infatti il mio Regno di ISRAELE non ti costerà niente!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Outrage Over Swastika Tweet by Penn State Student shalom! I am remembering naive, ignorant, unsuspecting girls, who are fooled into circles and then find themselves naked on the altar of Satan Pelosi Biden Obama Rothschild Morgan Kissinger, Merkel Macron UK lgbtq gender sodom: of the CIA cannibals. who took that picture is also who made those drawings: "he must be killed!" shalom! mi sto ricordando di ingenui, ignoranti, ignare ragazze, che vengono ingannate circuite e poi si trovano nude sull'altare di Satana Pelosi Biden Obama Rothschild Morgan Kissinger, Merkel Macron UK lgbtq gender sodoma: dei cannibali della CIA. chi ha fatto quella foto, è anche chi ha fatto quei disegni: "lui deve essere ucciso!"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
e questa è la peggiore aggravante: si ostinano ad opporsi alla giustizia di Unius REI che è la più grande giustizia politica di tutta la storia del genere umano!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Bin SALMAN, Riyadh Iran, Erdogan, CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU USA UN OCI ] [ all who are not Zionists (they are demonic creatures because they oppose the will expressed by God in the Bible) and are pushing all mankind into the abyss of the third world war rothschild. deny the owners (Spa, FED, Bayer, 666, ECB NWO IMF) the masters of the world a small homeland, while today, are they masters of the world? this is an act of pure collective suicide! and this is the worst aggravating: they persist in opposing the justice of Unius REI which is the greatest political justice in the history of mankind! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. https://disqus com/by/disqus_NPNAgUTrai/ tutti quelli che non sono sionisti (sono creature demoniache perché si oppongono alla volontà espressa da Dio nella Bibbia) e stanno spingendo tutto il genere umano nell'abisso della terza guerra mondiale rothschild. negare ai padroni (Spa, FED, Bayer, 666, ECB NWO IMF) i padroni del mondo una piccola patria, mentre oggi, loro sono padroni del mondo? questo è un atto di puro suicidio collettivo!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
ME1 • I dont wish this one anyone but David Duke, Pelosi, Farahakkan, Obama, Omar, AOC, Talib, Nadler wont be missed if they're attacked by sharks. ME1 • Non desidero questo nessuno tranne David Duke, Pelosi, Farahakkan, Obama, Omar, AOC, Talib, Nadler non mancheranno se vengono attaccati dagli squali. Don Spilman ME1 • Mangiato dai vermi, divorato dai piranha, masticato dal leone di montagna! Distrutto da avvoltoi giganti! Ehi, niente di troppo buono per queste creature demoniache! Don Spilman ME1 • Eaten by maggots , devoured by piranhas, Chewed by mountain lion! Shredded by giant vultures! Hey nothings too good for these demonic creatures!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Waxman began by asking Balliet to explain how the latter's anti-Semitic beliefs about Jews applied to him specifically. When Balliet replied by talking about Jews in general, Waxman interrupted him, telling the neo-Nazi, "I'm not asking generally, I'm asking you about myself." ANSWER Stephan Balliet is a paranoid ERDOGAN: so you don't reduce him to the logic of rational reasoning but Waxman made two mistakes: 1. has interrupted him and now, we do not know now, if Stephan Balliet hates the Jews because of Rothschild and his demonic new world order! .. and we must not forget that for alleged collective faults Talmudic "blood revenge" corporativ Jewish elements: Masonic Order of B'nai B'rith they are destroying the Christian and are killing Christians all over the world! Jorge Dickerman 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Jew hatred is a disease that destroys the brain, YOU ARE THE PERFECT EXAMPLE TO THAT FACT lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Jorge Dickerman • in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: ie, the universal brotherhood but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense? We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News in realtà, io sono soltanto un osservatorio sul Martirio dei cristiani per 33 anni: ed un osservatorio del martirio degli israeliani da 13 anni: ma cosa il tuo satanismo del rothschild talmud lgbtq ha fatto in loro difesa?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Disqus unitedwithisrael worldisraelnews ] you punish my spam as if I were a user like everyone else ... But what if my angel ministers do not find valid reasons in your heart? they will hurt you! voi punite il mio spam come se io fossi un utente come tutti... ma se i miei ministri angeli non troveranno nel vostro cuore delle valide motivazioni? loro vi faranno del male!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
IDF veteran, ‘party animal,’ beats corona at 80 after nearly 3 months on ventilator IDF veteran, ‘party animal,’ beats corona at 80 after nearly 3 months on ventilator AUGURI BEST WISHES BEST WISHES BEST WISHES

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Survivors Launch Online Campaign to Ban Holocaust Denial from Facebook Survivors Launch Online Campaign to Ban Holocaust Denial from Facebook [[# #NoDenyingIt campaign]] Holocaust? the Turkish genocide of the Armenians and Byzantines cannot be denied! rather for Hitler's shoah we must say that Rothschild was the ideological and political instigator: Hitler (today Erdogan) a hit by the bombs of the 1st world war? he was only a material performer Survivors Launch Online Campaign to Ban Holocaust Denial from Facebook [[ #NoDenyingIt campaign ]] Holocaust? non si può negare il genocidio turco degli armeni e dei bizantini! piuttosto per la shoah di Hitler dobbiamo dire che Rothschild fu il mandante ideologico e politico: Hitler (oggi Erdogan) un rintronato dalle bombe della 1° guerra mondiale? lui era soltanto un esecutore materiale

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Even young people can have serious forms ”. said Professor Eric Caumes, a well-known infectious disease specialist from the most important Parisian hospital, the Pitié-Salpetrière, Infectious disease specialist: "Young people, contaminate yourselves. In this way you will contribute to flock immunity" but that's exactly what Bil Gates said: "we must kill all the elderly in retirement age: at least one billion people, overall, also thanks to our uranium nanoparticles vaccine, etc." ANSWER rather, let's hope the Russian vaccine works well Anche i giovani possono avere forme gravi”. ha detto professor Eric Caumes, noto infettivologo del più importante ospedale parigino, il Pitié-Salpetrière, Infettivologo: "Giovani, contaminatevi fra voi. Così contribuirete all'immunità di gregge" ma è proprio quello che Bil Gates ha detto: " noi dobbiamo uccidere tutti gli anziani in età di pensione: almeno un miliardo di persone, complessivamente, anche grazie al nostro vaccino alle nano particelle di uranio, ecc.. " ANSWER speriamo piuttosto che funzioni bene il vaccino dei russi

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
"Sei anni dopo che il corpo di Hadar Goldin è stato rapito dai terroristi di Hamas…" — lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Sei anni dopo che il corpo di Hadar Goldin è stato rapito dai terroristi di Hamas, sua madre Leah dice che il gruppo terroristico di Gaza deve restituire i suoi resti o rinunciare alle forniture di coronavirus. ANSWER perché tutti i palestinesi non stati ancora deportati in Siria?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
WATCH: Cut off Gaza’s corona supplies unless son is returned, demands Hadar Goldin’s mother Alghero, Elisabetta Canalis victim of drunken vandals: her bike thrown among the rocks After recovering the two vehicles, the showgirl explained: "It is the second time that it has happened, because unfortunately in Alghero it is full of kids who, being unable to go to the disco, roam the city center completely drunk. And I must say that this year they broke all records, because it is the second time that they throw my bike off the wall ". ANSWER the relativist school, an Italian qualunquista of the Democratic Party: churns out ignorant rude and bullies .. so must the slaves of Rothschild lgbtq be

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] [ رؤية 2030 للدار العربية Shared privately esraahr33@gmail com https: // groups google com / forum /? utm_medium = email & utm_source = footer #! forum / esraahr33-2030-- in this grup there is only you and me? sharia is from ISIS, jihad is from Erdogan: for the happiness of dhimmis slaves, and we brothers, we who LEAGUE ARABA, do we want to offer to the world? answer but he did not respond and canceled this dialogue because first he called me and then he blocked me =============== then, he enrolled in: Fox Transport user activation he created my nickname and password because he wanted to collect my personal data Doha Exhibition and Convention Center-DECC, DOHA, from QATAR they tried to censor me! Fred Swenson lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • Thorazine. Try it. lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Fred Swenson • dear satanist "usa e getta" 23 comments • 7 votes my only medicine is JHWH holy lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • i am jewish messia Fred Swenson lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • You're a f_____g moron. lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Fred Swenson • what path Erdogan Talmudic Quranic, Satan's BIDEN Bible did you follow to come to this powerful conclusion of yours about me? che percorso Erdogan Talmudico Coranico, la Bibbia BIDEN di Satana tu hai seguito per essere giunto a questa tua potente conclusione?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ i am one only one why are you so afraid of me? if you are a child of truth? then, you shouldn't be so cowardly against one only man: me! i am one only one perché tu hai così paura di me? se tu sei figlio della verità? poi, tu non dovresti essere così codardo contro un uomo soltanto!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ what are the institutions of: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI and lorenzoAllah Mahdì? the Saudi and Israeli institutions of course .. but, if you are so eager to make yourself this slanderous nuclear world war by: Rothschild Merkel Macron Erdogan Pompeo against CHINA and Russia? I won't stop you! quali sono le istituzioni di: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI e lorenzoAllah Mahdì? le istituzioni saudite e israeliane ovviamente.. ma, se tu sei così smanioso di farti questa guerra mondiale nucleare calunniosa di: Erdogan Pompeo contro CINA e Russia? io non ti fermerò!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Pompeo: US trying to prevent Iran from becoming arms dealer we are not anti-someone: if, the Quran (dhimmis slaves), sharia, Veda (dalit slaves), North Korea (Christian slaves) and Talmud (Israeli slaves goyims) neoliberal technocracy, usury and SpA FED criminal shareholders: that is, and since they are effectively (relentless hostile evil) against all mankind noi non siamo anti-qualcuno: se, il Corano (schiavi dhimmis), sharia, Veda (schiavi dalit), Corea Nord (schiavi cristiani) e Talmud (schiavi israeliani goyims ) neoliberismo tecnocrazia, usura e SpA FED azionisti criminali: cioè, e poiché loro sono effettivamente (dei maligni ostili implacabili) contro tutto il genere umano

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
obviously, we have no estimate of the fascism that Mussolini interpreted: because first of all Mussolini betrayed the ideals which fascism he himself indicated, he was not honest intellectually, with himself! we are repugnant to fascism itself, and to any fascism of the Merkel MAcron Trudeu Rothschild Bilderberg Soros, the Masonic consociativism of the NWO: in itself, but of this neoliberal and technocratic masonry of the democratic party: of a transnational false Masonic democracy without monetary sovereignty? This demonic activity is constitutionally highly subversive .. this: EU US FED IMF ECB OCI UN: not something that can be saved it can only be destroyed! Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu are the victims of transnational freemasonry! * the judges are from the Democratic Party; * the media belongs to the democratic party: * the Central Banks (neoliberalism technocracy bureaucracy perversion lgbtq of state) are all private Spa mutinational and Rothschild Soros shareholders: and are always served by the Democratic Party (speculative finance) and its tax havens ... then someone has to tell me what, what does the word democracy still mean? After 50 years, MATTARELLA asks / begs himself: "what is the truth of the Ustica massacre and the Bologna massacre" answer if we can't indict the Democratic Party? then, we are forced to switch to fascism! ovviamente, noi non abbiamo nessuna stima del fascismo che Mussolini ha interpretato: perché innanzi tutto Mussolini ha tradito gli ideali che fascismo da lui stesso indicati, lui non è stato onesto intellettualmente, con se stesso! noi abbiamo ripugnanza del fascismo in se, e di ogni fascismo dei Merkel MAcron Trudeu Rothschild Bilderberg Soros, il consociativismo massonico del NWO: in se stesso, ma di questa massoneria neoliberista e tecnocratica del partito democratico: di una falsa democrazia massonica trasnazionale senza sovranità monetaria? Questa attività demoniaca e altamente eversiva costituzionalmente .. questo: UE USA FED IMF ECB OCI ONU: non è qualcosa che si può salvare esso può essere soltanto distrutto!!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Disqus not, he brought back me, your slanders! and like a coward, you Satanists of the Democratic Party you and your Erdogan Saud Salman wahhabis you only know how to slander innocent people ... and you only know how to hit people behind! Disqus non , mi ha riportato le tue calunnie! e come un vigliacco, voi satanisti del partito democratico voi sapete soltanto calunniare persone innocenti... e voi sapete soltanto colpire le persone alle spalle!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
DAILY RECAP: Netanyahu Blasts Leftist Media; Protests Against PM Grow; More Top News Bubster NoahTheNephilim • when all else fails riot that is what the people are going to expect from the sore losers they are . Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Bubster • when, you put your finger in your dirty part Sodom, and another: on the crystal ball of the witch Nancy Pelosi: then after then, you can say everything you want to say: without having the duty to argue any of your motivations? no, you NWO UE OCI Riyadh you are losing: and this cannot be stopped quando, tu metti il tuo dito nella tua parte sporca Sodoma, ed un altro: sulla sfera di cristallo della strega Nancy Pelosi: allora, dopo poi, tu puoi dire tutto quello che tu vuoi dire: senza avere il dovere di argomentare un qualche tua motivazione? no, voi NWO UE OCI Riyad voi state perdendo: e questo non si può arrestare

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • a few seconds ago worldisraelnews ] this is my office and i am the only one who can spam here! questo è il mio ufficio e io sono l'unico che può fare spam quì! Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. This comment was marked as spam.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • i am jewish messia twitter and all social media network satellite Tv is gope Regime Bilderberg antifa: la palude del partito democratico: Deep State King Rothschild 666 masonic system NWO ED IMF scam banking seigniorage: the Demonic lgbtq ENTITY

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
in Italy we have a government (imposed by Merkel Bilderberg) that has not elected anyone and that does not have a majority base that supports and represents it! a criminal government smuggler and infector! in Italia noi abbiamo un governo (imposto dalla Merkel Bilderberg) che non ha eletto nessuno e che non ha una base maggioritaria che lo sostiene e rappresenta! un govern criminale scafista, e untore!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu are the victims of transnational freemasonry! * the judges are from the Democratic Party; * the media belongs to the democratic party: * the Central Banks (neoliberalism technocracy bureaucracy perversion lgbtq of state) are all private Spa mutinational and Rothschild Soros shareholders: and are always served by the Democratic Party (speculative finance) and its tax havens ... then someone has to tell me what, what does the word democracy still mean? After 50 years, MATTARELLA asks / begs himself: "what is the truth of the Ustica massacre and the Bologna massacre" answer if we can't indict the Democratic Party? then, we are forced to switch to fascism! Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu sono le vittime della massoneria trasnazionale! * i giudici sono del Partito Democratico; * i media sono del partito democratico: * le Banche Centrali (neoliberismo tecnocrazia burocrazia perversione lgbtq di Stato) sono tutte private Spa multinazionali e azionisti Rothschild Soros: e sempre sono servite dal Partito Democratico (la finanza speculativa) e suoi paradisi fiscali... allora qualcuno mi deve dire che, cosa significa ancora la parola democrazia? MATTARELLA dopo 50 anni, chiede/supplica da se stesso: "quale è la verità della strage di Ustica e della strage di Bologna" answer se non riusciamo a incriminare il Partito Democratico? poi, siamo costretti a passare al fascismo!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Netanyahu condemns Israeli media: 'Propaganda arm of anarchist left' the democratic party of the Fed: high constitutional betrayal the banking seigniorage SpA ECB Bilderberg regime lgbtq a coup is a threat to national security He called on everyone to join in this effort and ignore "the dangerous media instigation campaign". "Prime Minister Netanyahu condemns violence of any kind and calls for an equal investigation into each case of violence and death threats," says the statement. The statement accused the stations of giving free and unlimited publicity to the protests "in an attempt to fuel leftist demonstrations and in a transparent attempt to inflate their importance and weight". "On the other hand, they ignore the violent nature of the demonstrations and the appeals made in them to assassinate the prime minister and his family." il partito democratico della FED: alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario SpA ECB regime Bilderberg lgbtq è un golpe una minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale Ha invitato tutti a unirsi in questo sforzo e a ignorare "la pericolosa campagna di istigazione dei media". "Il primo ministro Netanyahu condanna la violenza di qualsiasi tipo e chiede un'indagine paritaria su ogni caso di violenza e minacce di morte", afferma la dichiarazione. La dichiarazione accusò le stazioni di dare pubblicità libera e illimitata alle proteste "nel tentativo di alimentare le manifestazioni di sinistra e in un tentativo trasparente di gonfiare la loro importanza e il loro peso". "D'altra parte, ignorano la natura violenta delle manifestazioni e gli appelli fatti in esse per assassinare il primo ministro e la sua famiglia."

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Migrants, new landings at night in Lampedusa, infinite landings out of control Another 30 Tunisian migrants have landed on the coast of Lampedusa. The mayor of the city launches an appeal to the government of satan Merkel Bilderberg technocracy Soros mafioso: kalergy smuggler and infector Migranti, nuovi sbarchi nella notte a Lampedusa, sbarchi infiniti e fuori controllo Altri 30 migranti di nazionalità tunisina sono sbarcati sulle coste di Lampedusa. Il sindaco della città lancia un appello al governo di satana Merkel Bilderberg tecnocrzia Soros mafioso: kalergy scafista e untore.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Iran OCI Jihad ISIS sharia genocide worldwide: has a roof: West "safe haven for terrorists", the sinking of the Islamic terrorist minister sharia Zarif it comes just hours after the capture of the leader of a monarchist terrorist group for the return of the Sha to Tehran, which is based in the United States. for Muslims? all non-Muslims are terrorists, because there is only one planet, one UMMA (Erdogan's) and one Allah Iran OCI Jihad ISIS sharia genocide worldwide: ha tetto: Occidente "paradiso sicuro dei terroristi", l'affondo del ministro terrorista islamico sharia degli Esteri Zarif giunge a poche ore dalla cattura del leader di un gruppo terroristi monarchico per il ritorno dello Sha a Teheran, che ha base negli Usa. per gli islamici? tutti i non islamici sono terroristi, perché c'é un solo pianeta, una sola UMMA (quella di Erdogan) e un solo Allah

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Disturbing alien-like figurines could represent the aliens's face of Gods Eloims: Dr Yosef Garfinkel, veteran archaeologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, proposed a fascinating theory that suggests that a series of three small clay figurines recently discovered in the archaeological sites of Khirbet Qeiyafa and Moza and two similar finds previously exhibited at the Museum of Israel could be representations of: Marduch, Ja-Bull-On, Aru Mazda Baal, the God of Rothschild Soros satanist and usurer: slave trader, as it is written in the TALMUD Inquietanti statuette simili ad alieni potrebbero rappresentare il volto di Dio: Il dottor Yosef Garfinkel, archeologo veterano dell'Università Ebraica di Gerusalemme, ha proposto un'affascinante teoria che suggerisce che una serie di tre piccole statuette di argilla recentemente scoperte nei siti archeologici di Khirbet Qeiyafa e Moza e due reperti simili precedentemente esposti presso il Museo d'Israele potrebbero essere rappresentazioni di: Marduch, Ja-Bull-On, Aru Mazda Baal, il Dio di Rothschild Soros satanista e usuraio: commerciante di schiavi, così come è scritto nel TALMUD

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Il giurista Sinagra: processo a Salvini è soltanto un attacco politico Record di sbarchi in queste ore, diversi porti siciliani al collasso e nelle stesse ore il governo italiano illegale e senza consenso nel Paese, manda a processo l’ex ministro Matteo Salvini per aver difeso i confini e scongiurato la minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale. All’epoca la politica dei porti chiusi era condivisa anche dal ministro delle Infrastrutture e dal premier, ma oggi tutti se ne lavano le mani è la colpa è soltanto di Salvini. i giudici massoni di Mattarella eseguiranno la condanna già scritta da Rothschild ACT NOW! Tell NAACP 'Sorry' Isn't Good Enough, Fire Anti-Semitic President Now The jurist Sinagra: Salvini's trial is only a political attack Records of landings in these hours, several Sicilian ports collapsing and in the same hours the Italian government illegal and without consent in the country, sends ex-minister Matteo Salvini to trial for defending the borders and avoiding the threat to national security. At the time, the policy of closed ports was also shared by the Minister of Infrastructure and the Prime Minister, but today everyone is washing their hands and it is only Salvini's fault. the Masonic judges of Mattarella will execute the sentence already written by Rothschild

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
ACT NOW! Tell NAACP 'Sorry' Isn't Good Enough, Fire Anti-Semitic President Now The jurist Sinagra: Salvini's trial is only a political attack Records of landings in these hours, several Sicilian ports collapsing and in the same hours the Italian government illegal and without consent in the country, sends ex-minister Matteo Salvini to trial for defending the borders and avoiding the threat to national security. At the time, the policy of closed ports was also shared by the Minister of Infrastructure and the Prime Minister, but today everyone is washing their hands and it is only Salvini's fault. the Masonic judges of Mattarella will execute the sentence already written by Rothschild

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Coronavirus: 295 more infections in 24 hours, he returned with the boat Foreign NGOs caught offloading sewage into the sea: "They violate 29 rules" PD PRIMA DISASSEMBLES SECURITY DECREES AND WANTS THE IUS SOLI TO REPLACE THE ITALIANS any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Tunisian policemen on boats for Italy too: it is an Islamic assault Cities of art lose 34 million tourist presence in 2020 Government out of control: "Wrong to check the borders: from there only 25% of infected" any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Clashes between hundreds of immigrants, shantytowns set on fire and stone-throwing firefighters August 2, 2020 Lockdown, Conte confesses: "If Italians knew there would be riots" qualsiasi delitto e qualsiasi minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale, tutto è utile pur di vincere le elezioni! Coronavirus: altri 295 contagi in 24 ore, è tornato col barcone ONG straniere beccate a scaricare liquami in mare: “Violano 29 norme” IL PD PRIMA SMONTA I DECRETI SICUREZZA E VUOLE LO IUS SOLI PER SOSTITUIRE GLI ITALIANI Anche i poliziotti tunisini sui barconi per l’Italia: è assalto islamico Città d’arte perdono 34 milioni di presenza turistiche nel 2020 Governo fuori controllo: “Sbagliato controllare i confini: da lì solo 25% di infetti” Scontri tra centinaia di immigrati, baraccopoli incendiata e sassaiole contro pompieri Agosto 2, 2020 Lockdown, Conte confessa: “Se italiani sapessero ci sarebbero disordini”

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Coronavirus: 295 more infections in 24 hours, he returned with the boat Foreign NGOs caught offloading sewage into the sea: "They violate 29 rules" PD PRIMA DISASSEMBLES SECURITY DECREES AND WANTS THE IUS SOLI TO REPLACE THE ITALIANS any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Tunisian policemen on boats for Italy too: it is an Islamic assault Cities of art lose 34 million tourist presence in 2020 Government out of control: "Wrong to check the borders: from there only 25% of infected" any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Clashes between hundreds of immigrants, shantytowns set on fire and stone-throwing firefighters August 2, 2020 Lockdown, Conte confesses: "If Italians knew there would be riots"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
BIN SALMAN ] [ after the massacres of millions of satanists, which I did on youtube? BIDEN's lizards no longer dare to come against me! dopo le stragi di milioni di satanisti, che io ho fatto in youtube? le lucertole di BIDEN non osano più venire a contro di me!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Ma penseresti che un funerale potrebbe essere l'unico posto in cui la politica potrebbe riposare. Bene, ti sbaglieresti. il grande antichirst "Beni Berith" più Rockefeller Morgan Soros Merkel Macron il satanista grande Partito Democratico, ovvero Nuovo Ordine Mondiale FED 666 FMI 322 OCI 187: "teschio e ossa" i pirati Bush e Kerry, sacerdoti di satana della CIA i cannibali: di : Riyad Sodoma, Deep State Regime Bilderberg L'ex presidente dell'agenda Talmud della massoneria Barack Obama questa settimana ha usato il funerale dell'icona dei diritti civili John Lewis per far esplodere Trump, che ha suscitato applausi dalla folla partigiana riunita in onore del defunto legislatore democratico dalla Georgia. il più grande potere della storia del genere umano: getta un fiume di fango e di calunnie contro il nostro patriota MAGA l'eroe Donald TRUMP !!! e il traditore e il corrotto Obama il satanista lgbtq schiavo Dadi Rothschild: "" Anche mentre siamo seduti qui, ci sono quelli al potere che stanno facendo del loro meglio per scoraggiare le persone dal voto chiudendo i seggi elettorali e prendendo di mira le minoranze e gli studenti con leggi restrittive sulla carta d'identità e attaccando i nostri diritti di voto con precisione chirurgica - minando persino il servizio postale in vista di un'elezione che dipenderà dalle votazioni per corrispondenza in modo che le persone non si ammalino ”, ha detto Obama al servizio. E ha paragonato Trump all'ex governatore segregazionista dell'Alabama, George Wallace. "Oggi assistiamo con i nostri occhi agli agenti di polizia in ginocchio sul collo di neri americani", ha detto Obama. "George Wallace potrebbe non esserci più, ma possiamo assistere al nostro governo federale che invia agenti per usare gas lacrimogeni e manganelli contro manifestanti pacifici". Nulla è al sicuro dalla politica: quando i satanisti considerano di essere sconfitti per la seconda volta.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA EU US UN] [[it is essential to criminalize OCI sharia worldwide, and in case of resistance the ARAB LEAGUE must be destroyed]] Dear lorenzoJHWH, CINA, RUSSIA, INDIA UE USA ONU ] [[ è indispensabile criminalizzare la sharia OCI a livello mondiale, ed in caso di resistenza bisogna distruggere la LEGA ARABA ]] Dear lorenzoJHWH, On January 5, an Egyptian Imam named Sheikh Sayed Askar witnessed a terrorist plant bombs on the roof of the Virgin Mary and Father Seifin Church in Nasr City, near Cairo, Egypt. The terrorist planned to detonate the bombs during the church’s orthodox Christmas Eve service on January 6. Hundreds of Christians flock to this Christmas Eve service every year to celebrate their Savior. After Askar alerted the police, the government responded to the Imam’s observation and immediately dispatched a specialized bomb squad to defuse the bombs. The squad located three bombs on the roof of the church. Tragically, while the officers were attempting to defuse the bombs, one detonated. An officer, Major Mustafa Abid, lost his life. Three other nearby individuals, including General Nasar Mansour, were seriously injured.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
Obama rips Trump (at a funeral) to hide his support for ISIS al-Nusra Erdogan and his complicity in putting all Syrian peoples into mass graves. But you'd think a funeral might be the one place politics could take a rest. Well, you'd be wrong. Former president Barack Obama this week used the funeral of civil rights icon John Lewis to blast Trump, which drew applause from the partisan crowd gathered to honor the late Democratic lawmaker from Georgia. Obama rips Trump (at a funeral) per nascondere il suo supporto a ISIS al-Nusra Erdogan e la sua complicità nel mettere nelle fosse comuni tutti i popoli siriani.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
the priests of satan voodoo cannibals CIA deep State FED SPA IMF SPA NWO “Beni Berith”: said that BIDEN wins the elections, although it is not known about his deputy who he is: also because BIDEN doesn't need a deputy vice-president! i sacerdoti di satana hanno detto che BIDEN vince le elezioni anche se non si sa circa il suo vice chi è: anche perché a BIDEN non serve un vice!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
the Italian government admits that it has become an Islamic sharia infector: a murderer of 4 million unemployed! Coronavirus, Minister for Regional Affairs Boccia: "No hatred for immigration, three out of four positives are Italian" il Governo italiano ammettere di essere diventato un islamico untore: un assassino di 4 milioni di disoccupati! Coronavirus, ministro per gli Affari Regionali Boccia: "No a clima di odio per immigrazione, tre positivi su quattro sono italiani"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
"https://voxnews info/2020/08/01/chiesa-di-bergoglio-invita-i-cristiani-a-partec…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom adesso Papa BERGoGLiO si deve dimettere! questa è eresia contro la BIBBIA! Uno Scalabrini direttore dell’ufficio per il dialogo interreligioso della diocesi di Bergamo, avvisa tutti i parroci che il 31 luglio ricorre una festa importantissima. Voi penserete: sant’Ignazio di Loyola. Invece no, si tratta di ‘Aid Al-Adha, la Festa del Sacrificio per i musulmani. Il «dialogo» (l’unica cosa rimasta del Concilio Vaticano II dopo mezzo secolo) impone quanto segue: «Si raccomanda di offrire sostegno ai fratelli e alle sorelle musulmani nel trovare le modalità migliori per poter celebrare questa festività». Nell’avviso ai parroci si ricorda opportunamente che detta festa rammenta il mancato sacrificio di Ismaele da parte di Abramo, cui Dio fermò la mano e fornì come vittima un montone. Ora, poiché abbiamo seri motivi di ritenere che i parroci leggano la Bibbia solo quando la liturgia lo impone, sarebbe stato forse utile ricordare che il figlio sacrificando di Abramo era Isacco, capostipite degli ebrei, non Ismaele, capostipite degli arabi.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
"https://voxnews info/2020/08/01/chiesa-di-bergoglio-invita-i-cristiani-a-partec…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom https://voxnews info/2020/08/01/chiesa-di-bergoglio-invita-i-cristiani-a-partecipare-alla-festa-islamica-dello-sgozzamento/ now Papa BERGoGLiO must resign! this is heresy against the BIBLE! A Scalabrini director of the office for interreligious dialogue of the diocese of Bergamo, warns all the parish priests that July 31 is a very important feast. You will think: Saint Ignatius of Loyola. But no, it's about 'Aid Al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice for Muslims. The "dialogue" (the only thing left of the Second Vatican Council after half a century) requires the following: "It is recommended to offer support to Muslim brothers and sisters in finding the best ways to celebrate this holiday". In the notice to the parish priests, it should be remembered that this feast reminds us of Abraham's failure to sacrifice Ishmael, to whom God stopped his hand and supplied a ram as a victim. Now, since we have serious reasons to believe that parish priests read the Bible only when the liturgy requires it, it would perhaps have been useful to remember that Abraham's sacrificing son was Isaac, progenitor of the Jews, not Ishmael, progenitor of the Arabs.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
40 years after the Bologna massacre, Mattarella: "Duty of memory, full truth and justice" ANSWER therefore MATTARELLA claims to be an Anglo-American "Beni Berith" Rothschild UK puppet the Italian State? check nothing! 40 anni dalla Strage di Bologna, Mattarella: "Dovere di memoria, piena verità e giustizia" ANSWER quindi MATTARELLA dichiara di essere un burattino di Rothschild UK anglo-americani “Beni Berith” lo Stato Italiano? non controlla nulla!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
SEND IMMIGRANTS AS NEGATIVE, BUT THEN DISCOVER THEY ARE INFECTED: SO THE GOVERNMENT SPREADS THE VIRUS, from the hotspot all negative are declared with falsified analyzes, and then they are sent on the national territory AUGUST 1, 2020 Unbelievable. The government continues to spread the virus by spreading illegal immigrants infected with Lampedusa throughout Italy without swabbing them and passing them off as negatives. From the local newspaper: Arrived, not arrived. Positive, not positive. Eventually migrants to Tuscia arrived and 3 of them tested positive for Covid-19 swab. All this was widely predictable, given that 12 Tunisian immigrants who arrived in Latina and belonged to the same group as those who arrived in our province 2 days ago were also positive. Despite what happened in Latina, which was supposed to be a wake-up call, migrants always crossed the entrance to Viterbo two days ago without having been first analyzed by means of the nasopharyngeal swab. Made of an unheard of gravity, above all because the refugees have traveled to three small countries and have come into contact with health workers and others. If mini-outbreaks do not break out it will only be a miracle and above all for the attention with which the health protocols have been activated. How the hell is it possible that, after having brought the country to its knees just to stop the virus, the Interior Ministry makes sure that migrants attributable to links of infection arrive in a province with zero contagion without having even made a swab? INVIANO IMMIGRATI COME NEGATIVI, MA POI SI SCOPRE SONO INFETTI: COSÌ IL GOVERNO DIFFONDE IL VIRUS, dall'hotspot vengono dichiarati tutti negativi con falsificate analisi, e poi, vengono inviati sul territorio nazionale AGOSTO 1, 2020 Incredibile. Il governo continua a diffondere il virus sparpagliando clandestini infetti da Lampedusa a tutta Italia senza fare loro i tamponi e spacciandoli per negativi. Dal giornale locale: Arrivati, non arrivati. Positivi, non positivi. Alla fine i migranti nella Tuscia sono arrivati e 3 di loro sono risultati positivi al tampone per il Covid-19. Tutto ciò era ampiamente prevedibile, dato che 12 immigrati tunisini giunti a Latina ed appartenenti allo stesso gruppo di quelli arrivati nella nostra provincia 2 giorni fa erano risultati anch’essi positivi. Nonostante quanto accaduto a Latina, che doveva essere un campanello d’allarme, i migranti hanno varcato sempre due giorni fa l’ingresso del viterbese senza essere stati prima analizzati tramite il tampone naso-faringeo. Fatto di una gravità inaudita, soprattutto perchè i profughi hanno girato per tre piccoli paesi e sono venuti a contatto con operatori sanitari e non. Se non scoppieranno mini-focolai sarà solo per miracolo e soprattutto per l’attenzione con cui sono stati attivati i protocolli sanitari. Come diavolo è possibile che, dopo aver messo in ginocchio il Paese proprio per fermare il virus, il Viminale faccia in modo che in una provincia a zero contagi arrivino migranti riconducibili a link di contagio senza aver effettuato neanche uno straccio di tampone?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
They send immigrants as negative but then it turns out they are infected: so the government spreads the virus Unbelievable. The government continues to spread the virus by spreading illegal immigrants infected with Lampedusa throughout Italy without swabbing them and passing them off as negatives. Inviano immigrati come negativi ma poi si scopre sono infetti: così il governo diffonde il virus Incredibile. Il governo continua a diffondere il virus sparpagliando clandestini infetti da Lampedusa a tutta Italia senza fare loro i tamponi e spacciandoli per negativi.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
italian criminal jihad state infector covid sharia] [Islamic Festival of the Throat: thousands of animals sacrificed throughout Italy Government of madmen, cruises resume and there are already the first positives on board African in quarantine bars policemen and doctors in the reception center Coronavirus is rampant in South Africa: half a million cases Infected immigrants try to escape from quarantine, a few meters from the bathers in Jesolo August 1, 2020 They send immigrants as negative but it turns out they are infected: so the government italian criminal jihad state infector covid sharia ] [ Festa islamica dello Sgozzamento: migliaia di animali sacrificati in tutta Italia Governo di matti, riprendono le crociere e ci sono già i primi positivi a bordo Africano in quarantena spranga poliziotti e medici in centro accoglienza Coronavirus dilaga in Sudafrica: mezzo milione di casi Immigrati infetti tentano fuga da quarantena, a pochi metri dai bagnanti a Jesolo Agosto 1, 2020 Inviano immigrati come negativi ma poi si scopre sono infetti: così il governo

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
italian criminal jihad state infector covid sharia ] [ Tunisia does not want its illegal immigrants back: blocked returns Lockdown, Conte confesses: "If Italians knew there would be riots" The Ministry of Truth is born, the left wants to decide what we can write: we must bring down the tyrant SICILY BURNS OF CLANDESTINI: LAMPEDUSA AT THE COLLAPSE CLOSES HOTSPOT We are invaded but we also take the 'French' illegal immigrants August 2, 2020 italian criminal jihad state infector covid sharia ] [ CONTE DISTRIBUTES POSITIVE IMMIGRANTS THROUGHOUT ITALY stato jihad untore La Tunisia non vuole indietro i suoi clandestini: rimpatri bloccati Agosto 2, 2020 Lockdown, Conte confessa: “Se italiani sapessero ci sarebbero disordini” Agosto 2, 2020 Nasce il Ministero della Verità, la sinistra vuole decidere cosa possiamo scrivere: dobbiamo abbattere il tiranno Agosto 2, 2020 SICILIA SCOPPIA DI CLANDESTINI: LAMPEDUSA AL COLLASSO CHIUDE HOTSPOT Agosto 2, 2020 Siamo invasi ma ci prendiamo anche i clandestini ‘francesi’ Agosto 2, 2020 CONTE DISTRIBUISCE IMMIGRATI POSITIVI IN TUTTA ITALIA

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
italian criminal jihad state infector covid sharia ] [ Tunisia does not want its illegal immigrants back: blocked returns Lockdown, Conte confesses: "If Italians knew there would be riots" The Ministry of Truth is born, the left wants to decide what we can write: we must bring down the tyrant SICILY BURNS OF CLANDESTINI: LAMPEDUSA AT THE COLLAPSE CLOSES HOTSPOT We are invaded but we also take the 'French' illegal immigrants August 2, 2020 CONTE DISTRIBUTES POSITIVE IMMIGRANTS THROUGHOUT ITALY

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
Prime Minister sharia jihad genocide of the UAE and ruler of Dubai Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum announced on Saturday the launch of the first nuclear power plant in the Arab world "Barakah". ANSWER therefore he declared that all the other nuclear power plants of the ARAB LEAGUE are all terrorist sharia jihad Il primo ministro sharia genocidio jihad degli Emirati Arabi e sovrano di Dubai Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum ha annunciato sabato il lancio della prima centrale nucleare nel mondo arabo "Barakah". ANSWER quindi lui ha dichiarato che tutte le altre centrali nucleari della LEGA ARABA sono tutte terroristiche sharia jihad

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
SALVINI said that Israeli Masonic judges Rothschild will never investigate the Democratic party: even if huge administrative crimes and theft are evident! SALVINI said "Zingaretti would do well not to make jokes about masks. There are villains who use public money to buy ghost masks and in fact they are at the bottom of the rankings of citizens' approval", SALVINI ha detto che i giudici massoni israeliani Rothschild non inquisiranno mai il partito democratico: anche se sono evidenti enormi delitti amministrativi e furto! SALVINI ha detto "Zingaretti farebbe bene a non fare battute sulle mascherine. Ci sono scellerati che usano soldi pubblici per comprare mascherine fantasma e infatti sono in fondo alle classifiche di gradimento dei cittadini”,

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
the "Beni Berith" agenda Kalergy genocide, Bilderberg regime and UN ARAB LEAGUE OCI: "Islamize ITALY" because Muhammad prophesied the caliphate of Rome! Tunisia does not want its illegal immigrants back: blocked returns virtually impossible returns maybe 8 months will be needed! la agenda “Beni Berith” Kalergy genocidio, Bilderberg regime ed ONU LEGA ARABA OCI: "islamizzare l'ITALIA " perché maometto ha profetizzato il califfato di Roma! La Tunisia non vuole indietro i suoi clandestini: rimpatri bloccati rimpatri praticamente impossibili serviranno forse 8 mesi!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
"Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris to become his running mate for the 2020 election on Aug. 1, two weeks before the Democratic National Convention, after keeping his choice close to the chest for months," Politician wrote this week. But the left-leaning site, founded by two former Washington Post reporters, quickly deleted the post, saying "placeholder text" somehow went live. ANSWER he BIDEN (moderate Obama terrorists al-nusra Erdogan genocide ISIS: chemical white helmets) chose Kamala Harris because, like Hillary Clinton, she too: is she a witch consecrated to Satan in a CIA satan church? ANSWER ha scelto Kamala Harris perché come Hillary Clinton, anche lei: è una strega consacrata a Satana in una chiesa di satana della CIA?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
Boston Marathon bomber’s death sentence overturned by court PRESIDENT DONAD TRUMP ] you remove Pompeo immediately! rimuovi Pompeo immediatamente! “With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???” Trump mused on Twitter. Of course, only Congress could delay an election (the terms of which are clearly set out in the Constitution). But Trump took over the news cycle for the day, baiting Democrats into the debate. Still, even members of his own party — and his criminal neocons taytor Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for realize slander WW nuclear against China and Russia — pushed back on the notion. Pompeo said the Department of Justice “will make that legal determination.”

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
President Trump wisely suggests delaying election over pandemic. ANSWER but the democratic party that has already studied a plan, too, to achieve success with electoral fraud and media lynching, slanders, information monopoly, news distortion, the institutional swamp that is controlled: companies and multinationals by the democratic party .. they instead regardless of the virus .. they are in a hurry to make fraud especially through the postal service! But President Trump, wisely, and prudently, this week suggested delaying the election over the COVID-19 pandemic. answer so if they want to vote? must challenge the virus in the ballot box! so if they want to vote? must challenge the virus in the ballot box! President Trump saggiamente suggests delaying election over pandemic. ANSWER ma il partito democratico che ha già studiato un piano, anche, per ottenere il successo con i brogli elettorali e il linciaggio mediatico, calunnie, monopolio dell'informazione, distorsione di notizie, la palude istituzionale che è controllata: aziende e multinazionali dal partito democratico.. loro invece incuranti del virus.. loro hanno fretta di fare brogli soprattutto attraverso il servizio postale! But President Trump, saggiamente, e prudentemente, this week suggested delaying the election over the COVID-19 pandemic. answer allora se vogliono votare? devono sfidare il virus nelle urne!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 giorni fa
No to European funds for the projects of six Polish cities that have declared themselves "LGBT free areas". The decision was made by the European Commission which made it known that no funds will be awarded to anyone who does not meet the equality criteria. "The EU's fundamental values ​​and rights must be respected by the Member States and state authorities," the European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, commented on the decision on Twitter. This is why six city twinning applications involving Polish authorities that have adopted anti-LGBTI resolutions have been rejected. ANSWER this satanic theosophy is also a Gender dictatorship. Rothschild likes to have slaves like this, because people in mortal mortal sin can no longer rebel against him. and everyone has a duty to oppose the satanism of: Rothschild and his NWO SPA FED SPA IMF SPA ECB: the institutional swamp of the democratic party. * the EU lgbtq destroys the parental homeland, the EU destroys the Jewish-Christian civilization and spreads the Quranic Islam Sharia: in the hope of being able to eradicate Christianity from the peoples of Europe .. * the EU lgbtq imposes its gender satanism on children aged 3 years from kindergarten at every level of university education .. * then it is not a representative union: but an anti-constitutional and maximalist coercive criminal Nazi force of shaping the new contents of the human being: but no referendum has been made. no law the national parliaments could argue! No ai fondi europei per i progetti di sei città polacche che si sono dichiarate “zone libere da LGBT”. La decisione è stata presa dalla Commissione europea che ha fatto sapere che nessun fondo sarà elargito a chi non rispetta i criteri di uguaglianza. “I valori e i diritti fondamentali dell’UE devono essere rispettati dagli Stati membri e dalle autorità statali- ha scritto su Twitter il commissario europeo per l’uguaglianza, Helena Dalli, a commento della decisione-. Questo è il motivo per cui sono state respinte sei domande di gemellaggio di città che coinvolgono autorità polacche che hanno adottato risoluzioni anti LGBTI. ANSWER questa teosofia satanica è anche una dittatura Gender. a Rothschild piace avere degli schiavi fatti così, perché persone in peccato mortale mortale non si possono più ribellare contro di lui.. e tutti hanno il dovere di opporsi al satanismo di: Rothschild e del suo NWO SPA FED SPA IMF SPA ECB: la palude istituzionale del partito democratico. * la UE lgbtq distrugge la patria potesta dei genitori, la UE distrugge la civiltà ebraico-cristiana e diffonde l'ISLAM coranico sharia: nella speranza di poter sradicare il cristianesimo dai popoli europei.. * la UE lgbtq impone il suo satanismo gender ai bambini di 3 anni sin dall'asilo a ogni livello di istuzione universitaria.. * allora non è un sindacato rappresentativo: ma una forza nazi criminale anticostituzionale e coercitiva massimalista di plasmazione sui nuovi contenuti dell'essere umano: ma nessun referendum è stato fatto. nessuna legge i parlamenti nazionali hanno potuto discutere!

fantasmi zombies (1 Guest Vote

fantasmi zombies (1 Guest Vote

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎a few seconds ago

here on Israeli sites? the zombies ghosts (1 Guest Vote) they continue to negatively vote me again from the cemetery of hell, even after blocking them!
Hey, Don Spilman, check out this CIA staff of yours who's out of control!
everyone knows that, I am forced to block the CIA priests of satan: who vote against me to make me close the account! Hey,
eih, Don Spilman controlla questo tuo personale della Cia che è fuori controllo!
lo sanno tutti che, io sono costretto a bloccare i sacerdoti di satana della CIA: che mi votano contro per farmi chiudere l'account! ehi,

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎2 minutes ago

qui nei siti israeliani? i fantasmi zombies (1 Guest Vote ) loro continuano a votarmi negativametne ancora dal cimitero dell'inferno, anche dopo averli bloccati!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎44 minutes ago

Report: 2.6 million Israelis lack adequate rocket fire protection

http://disq us/t/3qtg566

CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU USA UN OCI] [ all that must survive go down 50 meters below the ground: and it must be able to resist, for thirty years, since the whole planet can be devastated by nuclear rations, at any moment!
you have rejected my kingdom of ISRAEL and now you must prepare yourself to die!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

The anti-Zionism problem isn’t just from individuals on Twitter, but also reaches the highest levels, like Neturei Karta, AIPAC Rothschild Rockefeller Marduch, Clinton Obama, Riyad Iran OCI ONU FED IMF ECB NWO.
all in NWO UE Deep State Regime Bilderberg, esoteric darwin lgbtq agenda, of neoloberalists Kissinger Soros Bilderberg, jewish world leaders, freemasonry Morgan, they are into democratic party lgbtq antichrist and antiZionist kallaah black magic and satan's synagogue talmud
Last week Israeli legislators were outraged after Twitter company official Ylwa Pettersson told the Knesset that Iranian calls to wipe out Israel were just “foreign policy saber-rattling on military-economic issues [that] are generally not in violation of our rules.”
And on Friday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany slammed Twitter, saying the social media giant was showing blatant bias by targeting conservatives, especially President Donald Trump, Orban, Bolsonaro, Salvini, Netanjahu, etc...

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

because of Rothschild and the satanic talmud: of the B'nai B'rith and kabbalah black magic of the FED IMF NWO ECB anti-Semitism is legitimate!
in fact, what is demonic is the anti-Zionism of the Wahhabis and Erdogan!
that's why, especially all anti-Zionist Jews must be killed!

“Here a high-profile former athlete tells his 146k followers via a verified account that ‘the Jewish cabal’ performs well at ‘ritualistic child torture.’ It’s clear @jack [Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey] has no policy to root out antisemitism on @Twitter,
per colpa di Rothschild e del talmud satanico: dei B'nai B'rith e kabbalah magia nera del FED IMF NWO ECB l'antisemitismo è legittimo!
quello che è demoniaco infatti è l'antisionismo dei wahhabiti e di erdogan!
ecco perché, soprattutto tutti gli ebrei antisionisti devono essere uccisi!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

yes, really there is a secret "Jewish cabal" that carries out perverse crimes like "Ritualistic Child Torture" and "Human Sacrifice / Murder."
and when they discovered aberrant ritual sacrifices, the kabbalistic Jews of black magic were expelled from the nations, because it was not possible to separate the good Jews from the bad Jews ...
bad lgbtq Jews today use the CIA's satan priests for their human sacrifices and no longer get their hands dirty personally
e quando scoprivano aberranti sacrifici rituali, gli ebrei cabalisti della magia nera, venivano esplulsi dalle nazioni, perché non era possibile separare gli ebrei buoni dagli ebrei cativi...
oggi gli ebrei cattivi lgbtq si servono dei sacerdoti di satana della CIA per i loro sacrifici umani e non si sporcano più le mani personalmente



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

Twitter permitted former NFL player Larry Johnson to spread lies about a "Jewish cabal" that carries out perverse crimes like "ritualistic child torture" and "human sacrifice / murder."
satanic talmud and kabbalah black magic? Jews don't know it but they allow themselves to gain weight well !!!
this is a demonic reality, even thousands of years ago, and it can be documented
and why don't the Jews see it as danger, and indeed are the accomplices of their cyclic destruction?
this is part of the curse that has been laid against all the Jewish people
talmud satanico e kabbalah magia nera? gli ebrei non lo sanno ma si lasciano ingrassare bene da esso!!!
questa è una realtà demoniaca, anche di migliaia di anni fa, ed è documentabile
e perché gli ebrei non lo vedono il pericolo, ed anzi sono i complici della propria ciclica distruzione?
questo fa parte della maledizione che è stata stesa contro tutto il popolo degli ebrei

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

if Rothschild shareholders FED IMF ECB NWO lgbtq with his computer can create money from the planet (scam banking seigniorage) (with the exception of Iran and China) then for this secret Jewish kabbalah? we are all already dead!

se Rothschild azionisti FED IMF ECB NWO lgbtq con il suo computer può creare dal nulla il denaro del pianeta (scam banking seigniorage) (ad eccezione di Iran e Cina) allora per questa kabbalah ebraica segreta? noi siamo già tutti morti!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

ISLAM is a legalized sharia genocide, under the auspices of the UN OCI,
and this evil, only the occult and secret kabbalah of the Rothschild SpA FED 666 NWO Riyadh could achieve it!
International human rights lawyer Arsen Ostrovsky was incensed.
“I kid you not! At Knesset hearing on Antisemitism, @Twitter rep tells me they flag @realDonaldTrump because it serves ‘public conversation’, but not Iran’s @khamenei_ir call for GENOCIDE, which passes for acceptable ‘commentary on political issues of the day’,” Ostrovksy tweeted.
ISLAM è un genocidio sharia legalizzato, sotto egida dell'ONU OCI,
e questa malvagità, soltanto la occulta e segreta kabbalah dei Rothschild SpA FED 666 NWO Riyadh potevano realizzarla!
occult masonic power, esoteric agenda kalergi, today, is jewish segret kabbalah MORGAN ROCKEFELLER WW3 nuclear and genocide sharia

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎2 hours ago • edited

all social media net work satellite TV are secret Rothschild kabbalah ANTIFA antichrist Merkel Kalergi Darwin scam banking seigniorage: FED 666 IMF 322 NWO, etc.. occult power, esoteric agenda, regime bilderberg
so are all enemy against innocent jews and christians, secret Jewish kabbalah kill israeli and jewish peoples
secret jewish kabbalah are very very antizionists MORGA ROCKEFELLR ROTHSCHILD WAHHABIS IRAN person
“I thought it was very eye opening and it tells you where these social media companies stand, where they’re not willing to assess the Ayatollah Khomeini’s tweets but they are willing to assess President Trump’s tweets,” McEnany told a White House press conference.


Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom

here on Israeli sites? the zombies ghosts (1 Guest Vote) they continue to negatively vote me again from the cemetery of hell, even after blocking them!
Hey, Don Spilman, check out this CIA staff of yours who's out of control!
everyone knows that, I am forced to block the CIA priests of satan: who vote against me to make me close the account! Hey,

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom

CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU USA UN OCI] [Report: 2.6 million Israelis lack adequate rocket fire protection
all that must survive go down 50 meters below the ground: and it must be able to resist, for thirty years, since the whole planet can be devastated by nuclear rations, at any moment!
you have rejected my kingdom of ISRAEL and now you must prepare yourself to die!

CINA RUSSIA INDIA UE USA ONU OCI ] [ Report: 2.6 million Israelis lack adequate rocket fire protection
tutto quello che deve sopravvivere scendere 50 metri sotto terra: e deve poter resistere, per trenta anni, dato che tutto il pianeta può essere devastato da razioni nucleari, da un momento all'altro!
voi avete rifiutato il mio regno di ISRAELE e ora vi dovete preparare a morire!

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom

Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice' http://disq us/t/3qtdz3j The anti-Zionism problem isn’t just from individuals on Twitter, but also reaches the highest levels, like Neturei Karta, AIPAC Rothschild Rockefeller Marduch, Clinton Obama, Riyad Iran OCI ONU FED IMF ECB NWO. all in NWO UE Deep State Regime Bilderberg, esoteric darwin lgbtq agenda, of neoloberalists Kissinger Soros Bilderberg, jewish world leaders, freemasonry Morgan, they are into democratic party lgbtq antichrist and antiZionist kallaah black magic and satan's synagogue talmud
Last week Israeli legislators were outraged after Twitter company official Ylwa Pettersson told the Knesset that Iranian calls to wipe out Israel were just “foreign policy saber-rattling on military-economic issues [that] are generally not in violation of our rules.”
And on Friday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany slammed Twitter, saying the social media giant was showing blatant bias by targeting conservatives, especially President Donald Trump, Orban, Bolsonaro, Salvini, Netanjahu, etc...

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shaloman hour ago

Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice' http://disq us/t/3qtdz3j because of Rothschild and the satanic talmud: of the B'nai B'rith and kabbalah black magic of the FED IMF NWO ECB anti-Semitism is legitimate! in fact, what is demonic is the anti-Zionism of the Wahhabis and Erdogan!
that's why, especially all anti-Zionist Jews must be killed!

“Here a high-profile former athlete tells his 146k followers via a verified account that ‘the Jewish cabal’ performs well at ‘ritualistic child torture.’ It’s clear @jack [Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey] has no policy to root out antisemitism on @Twitter,

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shaloman hour agoHold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice' because of Rothschild and the satanic talmud: of the B'nai B'rith and kabbalah black magic of the FED IMF NWO ECB anti-Semitism is legitimate! in fact, what is demonic is the anti-Zionism of the Wahhabis and Erdogan!
that's why, especially all anti-Zionist Jews must be killed!

“Here a high-profile former athlete tells his 146k followers via a verified account that ‘the Jewish cabal’ performs well at ‘ritualistic child torture.’ It’s clear @jack [Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey] has no policy to root out antisemitism on @Twitter,

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shaloman hour ago

Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice' http://disq us/t/3qtdz3j yes, really there is a secret "Jewish cabal" that carries out perverse crimes like "Ritualistic Child Torture" and "Human Sacrifice / Murder."
and when they discovered aberrant ritual sacrifices, the kabbalistic Jews of black magic were expelled from the nations, because it was not possible to separate the good Jews from the bad Jews ...
bad lgbtq Jews today use the CIA's satan priests for their human sacrifices and no longer get their hands dirty personally




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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shaloman hour ago

Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice' http://disq us/t/3qtdz3j Twitter permitted former NFL player Larry Johnson to spread lies about a "Jewish cabal" that carries out perverse crimes like "ritualistic child torture" and "human sacrifice / murder."
satanic talmud and kabbalah black magic? Jews don't know it but they allow themselves to gain weight well !!!
this is a demonic reality, even thousands of years ago, and it can be documented
and why don't the Jews see it as danger, and indeed are the accomplices of their cyclic destruction?
this is part of the curse that has been laid against all the Jewish people




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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shaloman hour ago

if Rothschild shareholders FED IMF ECB NWO lgbtq with his computer can create money from the planet (scam banking seigniorage) (with the exception of Iran and China) then for this secret Jewish kabbalah? we are all already dead!

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shaloman hour ago

worldisraelnews [ in this opera account ] I don't see the "Disqus" function if someone replies me

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom2 hours ago

WATCH: Israel Beats Back Palestinian Arsonists Scorching the Biblical Heartland
http://disq us/t/3qtah2e qith J.Edward •
A little walking on water.......a few extra fishes......recounting your past?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 qith •
your incredulity is a form of satanism! Catholics, Jews, and Christians still obtain many miracles from God ...
this is why Copts survived the Islamic Sharia genocide in Egypt:
because Muslims go to pray together with Christians to obtain a miracle!

JESUS did too many: "miracles" even his enemies recognized him,
but, Jesus did no miracle on commission ..
I never do miracles, since the nuclear world war is about to kill you and I can save you!
however to know about my "rational agnostic" "political project": "humanistic metaphysics" "monetary sovereignty" and "universal brotherhood" for the "kingdom of israel", "third jewish temple" and "natural law", you can ask google for "lorenzoJHWH Unius REI" and put this name forward to your research on the "kingdom of israel"!
... if the google lgbtq satanists allow you this search?
you let me know!

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom2 hours agoHold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

WATCH: Israel Beats Back Palestinian Arsonists Scorching the Biblical Heartland qith J.Edward •
A little walking on water.......a few extra fishes......recounting your past?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 qith •
your incredulity is a form of satanism! Catholics, Jews, and Christians still obtain many miracles from God ...
this is why Copts survived the Islamic Sharia genocide in Egypt:
because Muslims go to pray together with Christians to obtain a miracle!

JESUS did too many: "miracles"
even his enemies recognized him,
but, Jesus did no miracle on commission ..
I never do miracles, since the nuclear world war is about to kill you and I can save you!
however to know about my "rational agnostic" "political project": "humanistic metaphysics" "monetary sovereignty" and "universal brotherhood" for the "kingdom of israel", "third jewish temple" and "natural law", you can ask google for "lorenzoJHWH Unius REI" and put this name forward to your research on the "kingdom of israel"!
... if the google lgbtq satanists allow you this search?
you let me know!

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • 

all social media net work satellite TV are secret Rothschild kabbalah ANTIFA antichrist Merkel Kalergi Darwin scam banking seigniorage: FED 666 IMF 322 NWO, etc.. occult power, esoteric agenda, regime bilderberg, so are all enemy against innocent jews and christians, secret Jewish kabbalah kill israeli and jewish peoples
secret jewish kabbalah are very very antizionists MORGA ROCKEFELLR ROTHSCHILD WAHHABIS IRAN person

all social media net work satellite TV ARE ANTIZIONISTS
“I thought it was very eye opening and it tells you where these social media companies stand, where they’re not willing to assess the Ayatollah Khomeini’s tweets but they are willing to assess President Trump’s tweets,” McEnany told a White House press conference.


🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

this is Satanic Talmud and black magic Kabbalah sharia OCI Riyadh Eddogan Iran OCI UN FED IMF ECB NWO ]
only China and Russia can save christianity and Israel today!
SOUTHERN ITALY: what was once the granary, the oil mill, and the largest producer of hazelnuts? today 60% of the campaigns are abandoned ..
why: the demonic lgbtq Bilderberg technocratic neoliberalism EU the antichrist talmud and quran, they must uproot the roots of christianity: they are on farms
so they're going to kill Israel

l'ITALIA MERIDIONALE: quello che una volta era il granaio, il frantoio, e il più grande produttore di nocciole? oggi il 60% delle campagne è abbandonato ..
perché: il demoniaco lgbtq Bilderberg neoliberismo tecnocratico UE l'anticristo talmud e corano, loro devono sradicare le radici del cristianesimo: che sono nelle aziende agricole
quindi andranno ad uccidere Israele

punch_corona3 hours ago

social media is full of bullying.. very detrimental for students & millennials .. it causes a lot of problems for society..

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom punch_corona • 
Former NYT editor: cancel culture is like ‘social murder’ http://disq us/t/3qtfuik this is Satanic Talmud and black magic Kabbalah sharia OCI Riyadh Eddogan Iran OCI UN FED IMF ECB NWO ]
only China and Russia can save christianity and Israel today!
SOUTHERN ITALY: what was once the granary, the oil mill, and the largest producer of hazelnuts? today 60% of the campaigns are abandoned ..
why: the demonic lgbtq Bilderberg technocratic neoliberalism EU the antichrist talmud and quran, they must uproot the roots of christianity: they are on farms
so they're going to kill Israel

alpcns .an hour ago

Cancel culture comes straight from fascism. History has so many valuable lessons and wisdom.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah

Military expert: Russian tanks are NATO's nightmare
In the event of the outbreak of the third world war, the Russian army would soon crush NATO forces in Europe. Petri Mäkelä, military expert
obviously, the Russians have recovered: religion, identity and redeemed their homeland from the Jewish parasitic masons of the IMF FED NWO OCI Riyadh
while we are the rape slaves of rothschild bilderberg
and besides weapons and identity and motivation?
we also lack dignity!
we lack everything, in order to win peace, then,
how could we win a war?

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 

The Russian vaccine starts: "Millions of doses by 2021" The vaccine race is not the only field on which Russia is cutting time. The other side is that of drugs, and in particular of Avifavir, an antiviral that the Russian authorities have approved for the treatment of coronavirus.
and who trusts more than the vaccine prepared by Bill Gates and his satan priests?

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 
ANTIFa government, Islamic invasion sharia greaser, infect, smuggler of slave trader .. plan Merkel Kalergi Bilderberg the Freemason antichrist, banking criminal SOROS the Jew Rothschild the scam banking seigniorage, into synagogue of satan UE USA ECB FED IMF NWO OCI Riyad , the swamp of hell lgbtq: all of them try to suffocate the Christian soul of the Italian people .
Porto Empedocle, 50 migrants fleeing from a reception center About a dozen days ago, about a hundred immigrants had escaped from the same tensile structure of the Civil Protection.
Forza Italia: "Time bomb reception centers"
what M5S and Pd can deserve is the death penalty for high treason

governo ANTIFa, islamico untore, scafista e commerciante di schiavi.. piano Merkel Kalergi Bilderberg l'anticristo massone SOROS l'ebreo Rothschild la sinagoga di satana, la palude dell'inferno lgbtq: tutti loro cercano di soffocare l'anima cristiana del popolo italiano.
Porto Empedocle, 50 migranti in fuga da un centro d'accoglienza Una decina di giorni fa, sempre dalla stessa tensostruttura della Protezione civile, erano scappati un centinaio di immigrati.
Forza Italia: "Centri per l'accoglienza bombe ad orologeria"
quello che M5S e Pd possono meritare è la pena di morte per alto tradimento

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 
qui nei siti israeliani? i fantasmi zombies (1 Guest Vote ) loro continuano a votarmi negativamente ancora dal cimitero dell'inferno, anche dopo averli bloccati!
eih, Don Spilman controlla questo tuo personale della Cia che è fuori controllo!
lo sanno tutti che, io sono costretto a bloccare i sacerdoti di satana della CIA: che mi votano contro per farmi chiudere l'account! ehi,

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 
worldisraelnews & Disqus ] everyone knows that, I am forced to block the CIA priests of satan: who vote against me to make me close the account! Hey, Don Spilman, check this out of control staff of yours!
Avatar 18_18 Avatar Following_Chris tAvatar Blankety-Blank Avatar Hank O'Hair Avatar IsraelReader Avatar Martin Brown
when they insult me without motivation? generally I can stand it !!!
but does anyone vote against me without motivation?
I will block it

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • 

Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller, regime di Bilderberg, i loro sacerdoti di satana della CIA, Deep State: "322 teschio e ossa" con i loro 200000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana fatti nella NATO, e sono stati fatti ogni anno:
loro rimasti invisibili e invisibili perché i politici come te, Merkel e Rivlin loro fingono che la sovranità esista nello Stato
ed invece non è vero!
ma dopotutto i loro delitti: cosa sono in confronto a quelli della tua galassia jhadista sharia?

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 

the sacrileges, profanations, blasphemies, and the destructions of Christianity itself, seem irrefutable demonic and Islamic acts! Nicaragua prayed yesterday, to ask the Lord for help, after the serious attack, in the cathedral of the capital Managua, on Friday night, against the crucifix "Blood of Xsto", a reproduction of Calvary, which arrived in Nicaragua in 1638, the object of a very strong popular devotion.
Even Pope Francis, during yesterday's Angelus, dedicated a thought to Nicaragua. "I think of the people of Nicaragua," said the Pontiff, "who suffers from the attack on the cathedral of Managua where the much venerated image of Xsto that has accompanied and supported, over the centuries, has been very damaged - almost destroyed the life of the faithful people. Dear Nicaraguan brothers, I am close to you and I pray for you ”.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 

Actor Leo Gullotta came out in 1995 during the promotion of Christian De Sica's Men Men Men. he confessed to being penalized at work after saying he was gay
but his bank account and career have disavowed him
is that he pretended to interpret Don Puglisi's life!
these lgbtq have delusions of omnipotence!

L'attore Leo Gullotta ha fatto coming out nel 1995, durante la promozione del film Uomini Uomini Uomini di Christian De Sica. ha confessato di essere stato penalizzato nel lavoro dopo aver detto di essere gay
ma il suo conto in banca, e la sua carriera lo hanno sconfessato
è che pretendeva di interpretare la vita di Don Puglisi!
questi lgbtq hanno deliri di onnipotenza!

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 

The dark summer of the children who lost father and mother in a few hours: for the CIA covid
it is easy to die around the age of 70, or to be born autistic because of the nano particle vaccines of heavy metals!

L'estate buia dei figli che hanno perso padre e madre in poche ore: per il covid fatto dalla CIA
è facile morire intorno ai 70 anni, o nascere autistico per colpa dei vaccini alle nano particelle di metalli pesanti!

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 

Migrant amnesty, Bellanova against Meloni: "Recover humanity ..."
the problem of the neoliberal democratic slave party is smuggler
is that he has no mercy on 5 million unemployed Italians!
the antifa are throwing Italy into the civil war.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 

nobody would have thought that the priests of satan of the CIA could fail .. it was normal that all accomplices of rothschild had to trust you EPSTEIN !!!
Clinton Was With Epstein On Private Island At Same Time As ‘2 Young Girls,’ Witness Claims In Unsealed Court Docs
The Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein) documents have been unsealed.
Will be posting excerpts here -
Starting with allegations of minor being trafficked to Maxwell, Prince Andrew, and Alan Dershowitz (as prev. Alleged).
Clinton Was With Epstein On Private Island At Same Time As ‘2 Young Girls,’ Witness Claims In Unsealed Court Docs
https: // americanlibertydaily com / clinton-was-with-epstein-on-private-island-at-same-time-as-2-young-girls-witness-claims-in-unsealed-court-docs /

nessuno avrebbe pensato che i sacerdoti di satana della Cia potevano fallire.. era normale che tutti i complici di rothschild si dovevano fidare si EPSTEIN!!!

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • 

i am King ISRAELE and his MESSIA
Rothschild is a liar and cult Owl Allah LIZARD 666 BIDEN 322 PELOSI

Jim Moritz 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
What an a$$...BLOCKED AGAIN!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Jim Moritz •
like Rothschild 666 $$ 322 Deep State $$ pay you?

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica