Opinion: The Day I Was Told to Check My 'Jew Privilege'
the first Jew in the picture said that "justice for him is to have many slaves goyims rothschild dhimmis murtidi dalit all saudi takfiris komejni" the second Jew in the photo said that "his god has it black and long" in fact the traitors are in the USA: to suck Babylon and they have not yet done Aliyah il primo ebreo nella foto ha detto che: "la giustizia per lui è avere tanti schiavi goyims rothshild dhimmis mutidi dalit" il secondo ebreo nella foto ha detto che: "il suo Dio ce lo ha nero e lungo" infati i traditori stanno in USA: a succhiare Babilonia e non hanno fatto ancora Aliyah
Presidente Rivlin i am persecuted in your little satana Rothschild Israel
DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-august-3-2020/#.XyhTGh7eJBY.twitter Katalina Wierzba 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • You are thinking incorrectly? Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Katalina Wierzba • ah ah ah ah ah if you decided to make my enemy? then, you are the one who must prove something wrong with me! but, your friends, the cannibal priests of CIA SpA FED IMF NWO Deep State B'nai B'rith, they have failed in these 13 years: always, but all said: that are you a powerful and successful witch.. then, you could be successful, where they 666 failed Aru Mazda JA-BullOn! se tu hai deciso di fare il mio nemico? allora, sei tu che devi dimostrare qualcosa di sbagliato in me! ma, i tuoi amici, i sacerdoti di satana cannibali della CIA SpA FED IMF NWO, loro in questi 13 anni hanno fallito: sempre, ma tu che sei una strega potente e di successo? tu potresti avere successo, dove loro hanno fallito!
BIN SALMAN ] my word is law in the Kingdom of God, and this all the demons and cursed, and damned souls in hell, who for me have betrayed Satan and entered to serve my Kingdom of ISRAEL this, all of them know it: "I will not disintegrate them on the day of universal judgment, but, I will take them to Heaven and rehabilitate them to their original dignity and function, in the service of praise to Almighty God our holy JHWH" that's why, it is impossible for sharia and the NWO to survive me ... I will not reject any of my allies who will accept my natural law .. and I have a political and peaceful solution for everyone and everything .. that is, if the criminals, the islamists, anglo-american satanists, the Ottoman ISIS sharia and the antichrists of any bad LGBTQ race, they don't persist in dying at all costs! BIN SALMAN ] la mia parola è legge nel Regno di Dio, e questo tutti i demoni e le anime maledette e dannate nell'inferno, che per me hanno tradito Satana e sono entrati a servire il mio Regno di ISRAELE questo, tutti loro lo sanno: "io non li disintegrerò nel giorno del giudizio universale, ma, li porterò in Paradiso e li riabiliterò alla loro dignità e funzione originaria, nel servizio della lode a Dio Onnipotente JHWH nostro Santo" ecco perché, è impossibile per la sharia e per il NWO di poter sopravvivere a me... io non respingerò nessuno dei miei alleti che accetterà la mia legge naturale.. ed io ho una soluzione politica e pacifica per tutti e tutto.. cioè, se i criminali, i massoni, islamici ottomani e gli anticristi di ogni mala razza lgbtq, loro non si ostinano a morire a tutti i costi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
IDF eliminates band of 4 terrorists planting bomb on northern border https://worldisraelnews.com/idf-eliminates-band-of-4-terrorists-planting-bomb-on-northern-border/#.XyhAm9qe7vc.twitter come i sacerdoti di Satana e di Rockefeller CIA Deep State: si rendono invisibili: nel NWO FED lgbtq regime Bilderberg UE l'anticristo e la sinagoga di satana, così i sauditi si trasformano in assassini/mandanti invisibili nella LEGA ARABA mentre la Turchia rivendica leadership dell'Islam sunnita: soltanto apparentemente sottraendolo all'Arabia Saudita
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Dave • sorry is that i make too many spelling mistakes .. this time? it's not google's fault! I am thinking of that plate of "Maḥmūd_Abbās, also known as:" akuma matata kunya Abū Māze " he told ERDOGAN "you did well to use the ISIS sword law to transform Hagia Sophia: into an Ottoman mosque for the conquest of the caliphate of Rome" then half of the Moroccans are all coming to Italy with the barges and the boats, because the democratic party needs to win the elections at least one more time so that war can be declared on China and Russia: soon!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-august-3-2020/#.Xyg8AqPnPug.twitter Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Dave • a few seconds ago I am thinking of that Ma dimūd ʿAbbās saucer, also known as: "akuma matata kunya Abū Māze" he told ERDOGAN "you made babies to use the ISIS sword dictum to transform Santa Sofia into an Ottoman mosque for the conquest of the caliphate of Rome" then half of the Moroccans are all coming to Italy with the baroque and the small boats, because the democratic party needs to win the elections at least one more time for war to be declared on China and Russia: soon! io sto pensando a quella piattola di "Maḥmūd_Abbās, conosciuto anche come: " akuma matata kunya Abū Māze " lui ha detto ad ERDOGAN "hai fatto bene ad usare il diritto della spada di ISIS per trasformare Santa Sofia: in una moschea ottomana per la conquista del califfato di Roma" poi metà dei marocchini stanno venendo tutti in Italia con i barconi e i barchini, perché il partito democratico ha bisogno di vincere le elezioni almeno per un altra volta affinché si possa dichiarare guerra a Cina e Russia: al più presto!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Dave • Allah demons are a legion of demons Erdogan Iran Mecca dolo kaaba they don't forget sharia and they don't forgive jihad i demoni Allah sono una legione di demoni Erdogan Iran Mecca dolo kaaba loro non dimenticano sharia e non perdonano jihad
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News http://disq.us/t/3qt8c3a Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Dave • the monsters of the books: quran, see, talmud and neoliberal lgbtq communist demonic ideologies, masonic and islamic antichrists: they don't think: they obey! i mostri dei libri: corano, veda, talmud e di ideologie demoniache comuniste lgbtq neoliberiste, dell'anticristo massoniche e islamiche: loro non pensano: loro ubbidiscono!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa (modificato)
"President RIVLIN ] [ anche il giudice di Palermo non vedeva il mio IBAN messo su…" — lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah http://disq.us/p/2ayoj6z President RIVLIN ] [ anche il giudice di Palermo non vedeva il mio IBAN messo su 110 blogspot ( che è stato usato dai sacerdoti di Satana dell'Italia meridionale, per confezionare una fattura falsa, che io non ho riscosso) anche il computer dei carabinieri non vedevano i miei siti No new brand mentions found for lorenzoJHWH HK (blogger com) SEMrush Brand Monitoring ANSWER quindi sono stato denunciato penalmente per sostituzione di persona e frode! questo scherzo? mi costerà 2000 euro!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 ore fa
https://disqus com/by/disqus_NPNAgUTrai/ [[[We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. ]]] #worldisraelnews perché lo hai fatto? in base alla calunnia di chi satanista?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 ore fa
i am King ISRAELE & Jewish MESSIA lorenzoJHWH Rothschild is a liar and LIZARD 666 BIDEN 322 PELOSI 18_18 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • You are NOT the King Israel, but some insignificant Schmuck. One other person stevealevine is typing… [[ Sodoma è già stata bruciata! ritorna nel tuo Schmuck cimitero! ]] − 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 18_18 • your Satan 18_666_18 Schmuck MORGAN Soros la ZOCCOLA, can prove it?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News http://disq.us/t/3qt8c3a Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • President RIVLIN ] a sentire questa storia tra Hitler e Rothschild? si può piangere soltanto! Robert Einstein si suicidò pochi mesi dopo per il dolore.. i carnefici rimasero impuniti, l'inchiesta fu insabbiata... per non offendere la MERKEL [ Lo conferma il fatto che furono risparmiate dal massacro le tre nipoti e le cugine, facenti parte dello stesso nucleo familiare, ma con un diverso cognome. Strage della famiglia Einstein Il 3 agosto 1944 la famiglia di Robert Einstein, cugino del più famoso Albert, fu oggetto di un atroce massacro ad opera di soldati della Wehrmacht presso Villa il Focardo a Rignano Valdarno. Robert e Albert Einstein erano cugini per parte paterna; i due ragazzi avevano trascorso l’infanzia insieme prima in Germania e poi in Italia. Le loro strade si separeranno poi. Albert diventerà un fisico di fama mondiale, Robert inizierà gli studi di ingegneria. ANSWER ma la sentenza era chiara: "jesus nararenun rex judeorum!" come a dire: " giudei e traditori" proprio questa era il motivo della condanna scritta dai fascisti e nazisti! ANSWER allora, caro Presidente RIVLIN è vero, o non è vero: che voi ebrei siete tutti i complici dei satanisti e massoni rothschild? cioè che voi ebrei siete i traditori dei popoli nel NWO FED lgbtq, deep State, occult power massonic system, Baal Owl Marduch from Allah & satana SpA IMF la sinagoga di satana del talmud satanico???
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
Opinion: Celebrity Anti-Semites Can't Be Absolved Through Private Apologies http://disq.us/t/3qt9obk Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 20 hours ago [[[Removed]]] Bin SALMAN from Riyadh] [what are the institutions of: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI and lorenzoAllah Mahdì? the Saudi and Israeli institutions of course .. but, if you are so eager to make yourself this slanderous nuclear world war by: Rothschild Merkel Macron Erdogan Pompeo against CHINA and Russia? I won't stop you! 6 hours ago [[[Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]] YOUR PRESENTATION RIVLIN IS DISHONORED YOUR LEVEL OF MORALITY! what are the institutions of: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI and lorenzoAllah Mahdì? 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. President RIVLIN your Satan persecute me, in your fake Rothschild ISRAEL [scam]
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
Anti-Netanyahu protest leaders decamp to ritzy Waldorf Astoria for the night http: // disq us / t / 3qt7eum Rothschild in SATAN, it doesn't make him miss anything! [[[We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. ]]] Chaim Shadmi and Yishai Hadas, two of the protests' main organizers, were photographed enjoying the Waldorf Astoria's breakfast buffet after spending the night in the hotel. Another prominent figure in the protests, attorney Gonen Ben Yitzhak, was seen dining alongside the pair, reported Israel Hayom. The Waldorf Astoria is widely known as one of Jerusalem's most luxurious hotels. Located on the corner of King David and Agron streets, within walking distance of the protests ’central point of Paris Square, the hotel’s website lists the cheapest room on a weekday as costing 1,100 shekels (about $ 320). Rothschild a SATANA, non gli fa mancare niente! [[[ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. ]]]
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
10 ore fa
IDF eliminates band of 4 terrorists planting bomb on northern border http://disq.us/t/3qszw39 i am King ISRAELE Rothschild is a liar and LIZARD 666 BIDEN 322 PELOSI
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
10 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: Netanyahu Blasts Leftist Media; Protests Against PM Grow; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-august-2-2020-2/#.XyfGrjHDEEs.twitter Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • PRESIDENT Rivlin (the rival) BULLYING IS NOW ALSO THAT OF YOU, YOU ARE FRIEND OF THE SATANISTS !!! Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago [[[Removed [[[Removed]]] [[[Removed]]]] [[[Removed]]] the Italian government admits that it has become an Islamic sharia infector: a murderer of 4 million unemployed! Coronavirus, Minister for Regional Affairs Boccia: "No hatred for immigration, three out of four positives are Italian" Dorrie_ Dorrie_ You must have a grand time talking to yourself! You're the deepest mentally flawed person I've ever seen on these threads and I've seen a lot of them! SEEK HELP! QUICKLY !! PRESIDENT Rivlin (il rivale) IL BULLISMO ORA è ANCHE QUELLO TUO, TU SEI AMICO DEI SATANISTI!!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
10 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] i am jewish messia [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] Dorrie_ https://disqus com/by/yehudi3/ ]] [[ Guest • 12 hours ago You are liar.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
11 ore fa
PRESIDENT Rivlin (the rival) BULLYING IS NOW ALSO THAT OF YOU, YOU ARE FRIEND OF THE SATANISTS !!! Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago [[[Removed [[[Removed]]] [[[Removed]]]] [[[Removed]]] the Italian government admits that it has become an Islamic sharia infector: a murderer of 4 million unemployed! Coronavirus, Minister for Regional Affairs Boccia: "No hatred for immigration, three out of four positives are Italian" Dorrie_ Dorrie_ You must have a grand time talking to yourself! You're the deepest mentally flawed person I've ever seen on these threads and I've seen a lot of them! SEEK HELP! QUICKLY !! PRESIDENT Rivlin (il rivale) IL BULLISMO ORA è ANCHE QUELLO TUO, TU SEI AMICO DEI SATANISTI!!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
11 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: Netanyahu Blasts Leftist Media; Protests Against PM Grow; More Top News Bubster Bubster https://disqus.com/by/disqus_LqxuB15jfi/ Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 12 hours ago Bawhahaha you didn't understand my( sarcasm --- the use of irony to mock or convey contempt , that is what Sarcasm means ! Okay after my discuss for your post , I realized your limited understanding of English , ! I'm trying to cut you some slack ! really if your going to post discussing notes , change your handle Don't degrade the Israel bible , you should not represent it like that . ! You should have ask me my motivate , I would have explained it to you ! cool off hot head , I'm on your side you just didn't get it , https://disqus.com/by/disqus_LqxuB15jfi/ Bubster Bubster Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 12 hours ago Yitzchak -- you call yourself , and you write such filth , and talk like a guttersnipe , ! you should call yourself PIG ! and be my guest , and go there , your nose is . all ready their so head on PIG ! Just like loser you are , who is out their in the streets raising hell the demon cats do you even know how to read English you idiot ReplyView in discussion Bubster Bubster NoahTheNephilim 17 hours ago when all else fails riot that is what the people are going to expect from the sore losers they are .
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
11 ore fa
PRESIDENTE RIVLIN è DISONORATO IL TUO LIVELLO DI MORALITà! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]]]] Elihana - Halleluyah ELIHANA - HALLELUYAH - PSALM 146 אליחנה הללויה - תהילים פרק קמו אַשְׁרֵי--שֶׁאֵל יַעֲקֹב בְּעֶזְרוֹ: שִׂבְרוֹ, עַל-יְהוָה אֱלֹהָיו. עֹשֶׂה, שָׁמַיִם וָאָרֶץ-- אֶת-הַיָּם וְאֶת-כָּל-אֲשֶׁר-בָּם; יְהוָה יִמְלֹךְ, לְעוֹלָם- הַלְלִי נַפְשִׁי, אֶת-יְהוָה. אֲהַלְלָה יְהוָה בְּחַיָּי; אֲזַמְּרָה לֵאלֹהַי בְּעוֹדִי. הַלְלוּ-יָהּ: HalleluYAH Ashre she' El Ya'Akov be'ezroh Sivro al ADONAI Elohav Oseh shamayim va'aretz Et hayam ve et kol asher bam ADONAI matir asurim ADONAI pockeach ivrim, zokef kefufim Yatom ve'almana oded ADONAI Yimloch leolam vaed Halleli nafshi et ADONAI Ahallel'ah ADONAI bechaiyai Azame'rah Le'Elohai be'odi HalleluYAH 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]]] שואל, כבוד, תהילה, לאלוהי הכל יכול והנצחי 🙏🔥🙌☀️🕊👑❤ KADOSH (HOLY) הבה נקדש את שמך, על כדור הארץ, כפי שהוא מקודש בגובה השמים. דכתיב נביאך. [קהילה] - קדוש, קדוש, קדוש הוא אדוני צבאות! נוכחותו של אלוהים ממלאת את כל הארץ. מקור הכוח, הו ריבוני, כמה מלכותי, נוכחותך בכל הארץ! [קהילה] - אשרי נוכחותו של אלוהים, הנובע אור, משם שוכן האל. אלוהים בלבד הוא אלוהינו ויוצרנו, ריבוננו ומצילנו; וברחמים, האל מגלה את עצמו, למראה, של כל היצורים החיים: אני ה 'אלוהיך! אדוני ימלוך תמיד, אלוהיך הו ציון מדור לדור הללויה! לכל הדורות נכריז, על גדולתכם, ועל כל הנצח אנו נכריז על קדושתכם. שבחך, אלוהים, לעולם לא יעזוב את שפתינו. ברוך אתה אדוני האל הקדוש. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]]] Im Hashem Lo Yivneh Bayis - Shira Choir | מקהלת שירה מבצעת את ׳אם השם לא יבנה בית מקהלת שירה מבצעת את השיר החדש ׳אם השם לא יבנה בית׳ של המלחין שלמה יהודה רכניץ בבר מצוה לבנו של שרגא גולד מנהלה הדגול של מקהלת שירה אשר התקיימה בברוקלין
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
11 ore fa
President RIVLIN your Satan persecute me, in your fake Rothschild ISRAEL [ scam ] Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] the technocratic EU democratic party lgbtq masonic neoliberal: Rothschild's institutional coup mafia consociativism, Bilderberg regime is leading to a profound social divide which can lead to civil war in Italy! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] the italian state is a infector: and is a traitor to: get a wildly infected, Afro-Islamic invasion! therefore the infected are spreading in all Italian regions! in this way it will be impossible in September to reopen the school or return to productive activities. "Does the seventh industrial power, Italy, need an emergency declaration to continue activating a toll-free number?", Or one of the "weak" reasons given by Conte to continue the state of health emergency. "If it were true," added Cassese, "it would mean that the state is not there and the Prime Minister should worry about this emergency rather than the health one," he says. Laws are enough According to the constitutionalist, therefore, "laws and regulations provide for and regulate normal prophylaxis activities and do not require the use of an emergency". 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] A state of health emergency would not be needed, but ordinary laws would suffice to manage the pandemic in Italy, says the constitutionalist Sabino Cassese. According to Sabino Cassese, emeritus judge of the Constitutional Court, Conte's reasons for justifying the extension of the state of health emergency would be "very weak". ANSWER the Democratic Party is an institutional coup-led totalitarianism: Masonic mafia: and an ideological error: subservient to Rothschilds technocracy and neoliberalism represents a constitutional crime and a constant threat to their peoples! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[[ Removed ]]] Open Arms, right-wing solidarity with Salvini: the democratic party has lost its religious identity, and therefore has also lost: the concept of country ... but in the face of a dogmatic masimalist ISLAM: Koranic imperialist sharia theocratic fundamentalist jihad? sooner or later they will have to bury their male children, and they will have to help their raped daughters .. but this is not a problem for the lgbtq because they have no future to protect !! If the center-right is compact, the people of Twitter, who express themselves through the hashtag #salviniaprocesso, splits on the story. Solidarity comes from those who define the "anti-Italian" government. They send #salviniaprocesso for defending Italy and #bonafede is still there after having released mafia criminals. Prolong the #statodiemergenza that nn is there. Immigrants who roam the streets naked. They will approve Mes. A government more anti-Italian than this, never seen. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Open Arms, right-wing solidarity with Salvini] this is how Anglo-American Jews are also threatening the survival of the israeli people! the democratic party and the Masonic lobbies Rothschild: they are cancer, an institutional coup: a flagrant violation of the Constitution: a mafia of judges: they can only be criminalized! [ For the senator, the solidarity of his comrades, including Silvio Berlusconi, has arrived. For the leader of Forza Italia "once again the political use of justice is the weapon with which the left wants to free itself from its opponents". "Of course Forza Italia can only be against these methods, not only for loyalty to an ally, but also and above all because they are absolutely unacceptable methods in a true democracy", said Cavalieri to 'Studio Aperto'. Even the leader of the Carroccio himself spoke of "political process". For Salvini's party companion, Roberto Calderoli, the leader of the League must be united to Dalla Chiesa, Falcone and Borsellino to be stabbed by those same institutions that he was trying to serve. For Calderoli, the Italian one is "a state that instead of thanking Minister Salvini who had stopped the invasion and the trafficking of human beings sent him to trial for having done his duty, for having done what his institutional role imposed on him and loyalty to citizens. "
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
11 ore fa
in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: ie, the universal brotherhood but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense? We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News in realtà, io sono soltanto un osservatorio sul Martirio dei cristiani per 33 anni: ed un osservatorio del martirio degli israeliani da 13 anni: ma cosa il tuo satanismo del rothschild talmud lgbtq ha fatto in loro difesa? in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: ie, the universal brotherhood but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense? We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News in fact, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense?
Presidente Rivlin i am persecuted in your little satana Rothschild Israel 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Toninelli in the closed ports said: "The last word is from Salvini, Conte and mine. Let's decide together." Today, however, he denies his words: "Salvini did it all by himself". Danilo Toninelli, in Tonight Italy, expresses himself after the vote with which the Senate said yes to the trial for Matteo Salvini in the Open Arms case 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] A surge of infections in Sicily: 70 percent: they arrived with the boats July 30, 2020 IMMIGRANT CRIMES, MILAN IMMIGRANTS BREAK THEIR EYE IN MILAN TO ROBBERY IT July 30, 2020 ABRUZZO, BREAKING NEWS, CORONAVIRUS, INVASION Government fills small village with infected immigrants pretending to be negative PD: "Embrace a positive migrant" Smuggler senators: the 149 traitors who sold Italy to the foreigner 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Illegal immigrants are a coronavirus bomb: outbreaks break out all over Italy, brought by the Red Cross: but they are fleeing quarantine - VIDEO July 30, 2020 BREAKING NEWS Salvini on trial, Don Biancalani exults: "A great day" July 30, 2020 OpenArms, Toninelli confesses: "Conte and I were responsible with Salvini for the management of the government", but today he denies it - VIDEO 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Soros finances the NGO of the red robes to ferry illegal immigrants to Italy July 30, 2020 Why does Soros have a Kalergi Talmud interest in ethnic replacement in ITALY? IMMIGRANT CRIMES, INVASION, LOMBARDY, VIDEO BRANCO SPACCIATORI AXLE WOMAN SHOOTING, POLICE CANNOT DEFEND her - VIDEO 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] we were in ITALY the 4th industrial power in the world and today, thanks to the EU and GERMANY, and to the Rothschild banking cartel: have we become the 14th or 24th?
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran http://disq.us/t/3qslh0i 3 days ago [[ Removed ]] eih President RIVLIN io non so perché blogger non voleva ricevere questo articolo https://satan-is-faggot blogspot com/2020/07/ww3-riyad-and-his-nuclear-war.html 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ this rascal of Anglo-American Jewish satanists and their demonic trinity: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, they told me: "when we asked Bin SALMAN to realize your Kingdom of ISRAEL in MADIANA, he said to us: "" fuuuckking yourself and go kill the russian and the chinese people "".. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ and then, we say and we are sorry that this rascal of Anglo-American Jewish satanists: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, they are punished, with their accomplices: with the shoah in the crematoria of HITLER, or with the shoah of sharia islamists ... but, they told me: "kill Bin SALMAN: he is the one who forces us to remain prisoners of SATAN and prevents us from returning to JHWH in your Kingdom of ISRAEL" 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] MAGA Donald J. Trump our President from United States, my hero patriot, and we are all his SUPPORTER: really lorenzoJHWH, I really need you to pick up the pace.
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran http://disq.us/t/3qslh0i You have a donation from OPEC Da: Felwah Abdulmohsin Fahad Mugayel <fmugayel@alfaisal edu> 04:33 (4 ore fa) A: Destinatari nascosti Questo messaggio potrebbe essere un tentativo di phishing. Per favore controlla il mittente e il contenuto per assicurarti che essi siano legittimi. Per saperne di più. Reply to this email for detail : philiphampton4@outlook com ANSWER ====> BIN SALMAN tentare di corrompermi? ti costerebbe di più che creare il mio Regno di ISRAELE, infatti il mio Regno di ISRAELE non ti costerà niente!
Outrage Over Swastika Tweet by Penn State Student http://disq.us/t/3pac2rs shalom! I am remembering naive, ignorant, unsuspecting girls, who are fooled into circles and then find themselves naked on the altar of Satan Pelosi Biden Obama Rothschild Morgan Kissinger, Merkel Macron UK lgbtq gender sodom: of the CIA cannibals. who took that picture is also who made those drawings: "he must be killed!" shalom! mi sto ricordando di ingenui, ignoranti, ignare ragazze, che vengono ingannate circuite e poi si trovano nude sull'altare di Satana Pelosi Biden Obama Rothschild Morgan Kissinger, Merkel Macron UK lgbtq gender sodoma: dei cannibali della CIA. chi ha fatto quella foto, è anche chi ha fatto quei disegni: "lui deve essere ucciso!"
e questa è la peggiore aggravante: si ostinano ad opporsi alla giustizia di Unius REI che è la più grande giustizia politica di tutta la storia del genere umano!
Bin SALMAN, Riyadh Iran, Erdogan, CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU USA UN OCI ] [ all who are not Zionists (they are demonic creatures because they oppose the will expressed by God in the Bible) and are pushing all mankind into the abyss of the third world war rothschild. deny the owners (Spa, FED, Bayer, 666, ECB NWO IMF) the masters of the world a small homeland, while today, are they masters of the world? this is an act of pure collective suicide! and this is the worst aggravating: they persist in opposing the justice of Unius REI which is the greatest political justice in the history of mankind! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. https://disqus com/by/disqus_NPNAgUTrai/ tutti quelli che non sono sionisti (sono creature demoniache perché si oppongono alla volontà espressa da Dio nella Bibbia) e stanno spingendo tutto il genere umano nell'abisso della terza guerra mondiale rothschild. negare ai padroni (Spa, FED, Bayer, 666, ECB NWO IMF) i padroni del mondo una piccola patria, mentre oggi, loro sono padroni del mondo? questo è un atto di puro suicidio collettivo!
ME1 • I dont wish this one anyone but David Duke, Pelosi, Farahakkan, Obama, Omar, AOC, Talib, Nadler wont be missed if they're attacked by sharks. ME1 • Non desidero questo nessuno tranne David Duke, Pelosi, Farahakkan, Obama, Omar, AOC, Talib, Nadler non mancheranno se vengono attaccati dagli squali. Don Spilman ME1 • Mangiato dai vermi, divorato dai piranha, masticato dal leone di montagna! Distrutto da avvoltoi giganti! Ehi, niente di troppo buono per queste creature demoniache! Don Spilman ME1 • Eaten by maggots , devoured by piranhas, Chewed by mountain lion! Shredded by giant vultures! Hey nothings too good for these demonic creatures!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Waxman began by asking Balliet to explain how the latter's anti-Semitic beliefs about Jews applied to him specifically. When Balliet replied by talking about Jews in general, Waxman interrupted him, telling the neo-Nazi, "I'm not asking generally, I'm asking you about myself." ANSWER Stephan Balliet is a paranoid ERDOGAN: so you don't reduce him to the logic of rational reasoning but Waxman made two mistakes: 1. has interrupted him and now, we do not know now, if Stephan Balliet hates the Jews because of Rothschild and his demonic new world order! .. and we must not forget that for alleged collective faults Talmudic "blood revenge" corporativ Jewish elements: Masonic Order of B'nai B'rith they are destroying the Christian and are killing Christians all over the world! Jorge Dickerman 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Jew hatred is a disease that destroys the brain, YOU ARE THE PERFECT EXAMPLE TO THAT FACT lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Jorge Dickerman • in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: ie, the universal brotherhood but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense? We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News in realtà, io sono soltanto un osservatorio sul Martirio dei cristiani per 33 anni: ed un osservatorio del martirio degli israeliani da 13 anni: ma cosa il tuo satanismo del rothschild talmud lgbtq ha fatto in loro difesa?
Disqus unitedwithisrael worldisraelnews ] you punish my spam as if I were a user like everyone else ... But what if my angel ministers do not find valid reasons in your heart? they will hurt you! voi punite il mio spam come se io fossi un utente come tutti... ma se i miei ministri angeli non troveranno nel vostro cuore delle valide motivazioni? loro vi faranno del male!
IDF veteran, ‘party animal,’ beats corona at 80 after nearly 3 months on ventilator http://disq.us/t/3qsjous IDF veteran, ‘party animal,’ beats corona at 80 after nearly 3 months on ventilator AUGURI BEST WISHES BEST WISHES BEST WISHES
Survivors Launch Online Campaign to Ban Holocaust Denial from Facebook http://disq.us/t/3qsfl5q Survivors Launch Online Campaign to Ban Holocaust Denial from Facebook [[# #NoDenyingIt campaign]] Holocaust? the Turkish genocide of the Armenians and Byzantines cannot be denied! rather for Hitler's shoah we must say that Rothschild was the ideological and political instigator: Hitler (today Erdogan) a hit by the bombs of the 1st world war? he was only a material performer Survivors Launch Online Campaign to Ban Holocaust Denial from Facebook [[ #NoDenyingIt campaign ]] Holocaust? non si può negare il genocidio turco degli armeni e dei bizantini! piuttosto per la shoah di Hitler dobbiamo dire che Rothschild fu il mandante ideologico e politico: Hitler (oggi Erdogan) un rintronato dalle bombe della 1° guerra mondiale? lui era soltanto un esecutore materiale
Even young people can have serious forms ”. said Professor Eric Caumes, a well-known infectious disease specialist from the most important Parisian hospital, the Pitié-Salpetrière, Infectious disease specialist: "Young people, contaminate yourselves. In this way you will contribute to flock immunity" but that's exactly what Bil Gates said: "we must kill all the elderly in retirement age: at least one billion people, overall, also thanks to our uranium nanoparticles vaccine, etc." ANSWER rather, let's hope the Russian vaccine works well Anche i giovani possono avere forme gravi”. ha detto professor Eric Caumes, noto infettivologo del più importante ospedale parigino, il Pitié-Salpetrière, Infettivologo: "Giovani, contaminatevi fra voi. Così contribuirete all'immunità di gregge" ma è proprio quello che Bil Gates ha detto: " noi dobbiamo uccidere tutti gli anziani in età di pensione: almeno un miliardo di persone, complessivamente, anche grazie al nostro vaccino alle nano particelle di uranio, ecc.. " ANSWER speriamo piuttosto che funzioni bene il vaccino dei russi
"Sei anni dopo che il corpo di Hadar Goldin è stato rapito dai terroristi di Hamas…" — lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah http://disq.us/p/2ay3kr9 Sei anni dopo che il corpo di Hadar Goldin è stato rapito dai terroristi di Hamas, sua madre Leah dice che il gruppo terroristico di Gaza deve restituire i suoi resti o rinunciare alle forniture di coronavirus. ANSWER perché tutti i palestinesi non stati ancora deportati in Siria?
WATCH: Cut off Gaza’s corona supplies unless son is returned, demands Hadar Goldin’s mother http://disq.us/t/3qsp69i Alghero, Elisabetta Canalis victim of drunken vandals: her bike thrown among the rocks After recovering the two vehicles, the showgirl explained: "It is the second time that it has happened, because unfortunately in Alghero it is full of kids who, being unable to go to the disco, roam the city center completely drunk. And I must say that this year they broke all records, because it is the second time that they throw my bike off the wall ". ANSWER the relativist school, an Italian qualunquista of the Democratic Party: churns out ignorant rude and bullies .. so must the slaves of Rothschild lgbtq be
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] [ رؤية 2030 للدار العربية Shared privately esraahr33@gmail com https: // groups google com / forum /? utm_medium = email & utm_source = footer #! forum / esraahr33-2030-- in this grup there is only you and me? sharia is from ISIS, jihad is from Erdogan: for the happiness of dhimmis slaves, and we brothers, we who LEAGUE ARABA, do we want to offer to the world? answer but he did not respond and canceled this dialogue because first he called me and then he blocked me =============== then, he enrolled in: Fox Transport user activation he created my nickname and password because he wanted to collect my personal data Doha Exhibition and Convention Center-DECC, DOHA, from QATAR they tried to censor me! https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-july-27-2020-2/#comment-5007919721 Fred Swenson lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • Thorazine. Try it. lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Fred Swenson • dear satanist "usa e getta" 23 comments • 7 votes my only medicine is JHWH holy lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • i am jewish messia Fred Swenson lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • You're a f_____g moron. lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Fred Swenson • what path Erdogan Talmudic Quranic, Satan's BIDEN Bible did you follow to come to this powerful conclusion of yours about me? che percorso Erdogan Talmudico Coranico, la Bibbia BIDEN di Satana tu hai seguito per essere giunto a questa tua potente conclusione?
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran http://disq.us/t/3qslh0i Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ i am one only one why are you so afraid of me? if you are a child of truth? then, you shouldn't be so cowardly against one only man: me! i am one only one perché tu hai così paura di me? se tu sei figlio della verità? poi, tu non dovresti essere così codardo contro un uomo soltanto!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran http://disq.us/t/3qslh0i Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ what are the institutions of: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI and lorenzoAllah Mahdì? the Saudi and Israeli institutions of course .. but, if you are so eager to make yourself this slanderous nuclear world war by: Rothschild Merkel Macron Erdogan Pompeo against CHINA and Russia? I won't stop you! quali sono le istituzioni di: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI e lorenzoAllah Mahdì? le istituzioni saudite e israeliane ovviamente.. ma, se tu sei così smanioso di farti questa guerra mondiale nucleare calunniosa di: Erdogan Pompeo contro CINA e Russia? io non ti fermerò!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Pompeo: US trying to prevent Iran from becoming arms dealer http://disq.us/t/3qsnh2v we are not anti-someone: if, the Quran (dhimmis slaves), sharia, Veda (dalit slaves), North Korea (Christian slaves) and Talmud (Israeli slaves goyims) neoliberal technocracy, usury and SpA FED criminal shareholders: that is, and since they are effectively (relentless hostile evil) against all mankind noi non siamo anti-qualcuno: se, il Corano (schiavi dhimmis), sharia, Veda (schiavi dalit), Corea Nord (schiavi cristiani) e Talmud (schiavi israeliani goyims ) neoliberismo tecnocrazia, usura e SpA FED azionisti criminali: cioè, e poiché loro sono effettivamente (dei maligni ostili implacabili) contro tutto il genere umano
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
obviously, we have no estimate of the fascism that Mussolini interpreted: because first of all Mussolini betrayed the ideals which fascism he himself indicated, he was not honest intellectually, with himself! we are repugnant to fascism itself, and to any fascism of the Merkel MAcron Trudeu Rothschild Bilderberg Soros, the Masonic consociativism of the NWO: in itself, but of this neoliberal and technocratic masonry of the democratic party: of a transnational false Masonic democracy without monetary sovereignty? This demonic activity is constitutionally highly subversive .. this: EU US FED IMF ECB OCI UN: not something that can be saved it can only be destroyed! Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu are the victims of transnational freemasonry! * the judges are from the Democratic Party; * the media belongs to the democratic party: * the Central Banks (neoliberalism technocracy bureaucracy perversion lgbtq of state) are all private Spa mutinational and Rothschild Soros shareholders: and are always served by the Democratic Party (speculative finance) and its tax havens ... then someone has to tell me what, what does the word democracy still mean? After 50 years, MATTARELLA asks / begs himself: "what is the truth of the Ustica massacre and the Bologna massacre" answer if we can't indict the Democratic Party? then, we are forced to switch to fascism! ovviamente, noi non abbiamo nessuna stima del fascismo che Mussolini ha interpretato: perché innanzi tutto Mussolini ha tradito gli ideali che fascismo da lui stesso indicati, lui non è stato onesto intellettualmente, con se stesso! noi abbiamo ripugnanza del fascismo in se, e di ogni fascismo dei Merkel MAcron Trudeu Rothschild Bilderberg Soros, il consociativismo massonico del NWO: in se stesso, ma di questa massoneria neoliberista e tecnocratica del partito democratico: di una falsa democrazia massonica trasnazionale senza sovranità monetaria? Questa attività demoniaca e altamente eversiva costituzionalmente .. questo: UE USA FED IMF ECB OCI ONU: non è qualcosa che si può salvare esso può essere soltanto distrutto!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Disqus not, he brought back me, your slanders! and like a coward, you Satanists of the Democratic Party you and your Erdogan Saud Salman wahhabis you only know how to slander innocent people ... and you only know how to hit people behind! Disqus non , mi ha riportato le tue calunnie! e come un vigliacco, voi satanisti del partito democratico voi sapete soltanto calunniare persone innocenti... e voi sapete soltanto colpire le persone alle spalle!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
DAILY RECAP: Netanyahu Blasts Leftist Media; Protests Against PM Grow; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-august-2-2020-2/#.Xybyu-0FkZ8.twitter Bubster NoahTheNephilim • when all else fails riot that is what the people are going to expect from the sore losers they are . Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Bubster • when, you put your finger in your dirty part Sodom, and another: on the crystal ball of the witch Nancy Pelosi: then after then, you can say everything you want to say: without having the duty to argue any of your motivations? no, you NWO UE OCI Riyadh you are losing: and this cannot be stopped quando, tu metti il tuo dito nella tua parte sporca Sodoma, ed un altro: sulla sfera di cristallo della strega Nancy Pelosi: allora, dopo poi, tu puoi dire tutto quello che tu vuoi dire: senza avere il dovere di argomentare un qualche tua motivazione? no, voi NWO UE OCI Riyad voi state perdendo: e questo non si può arrestare
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • a few seconds ago worldisraelnews ] this is my office and i am the only one who can spam here! questo è il mio ufficio e io sono l'unico che può fare spam quì! Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. This comment was marked as spam.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran http://disq.us/t/3qslh0i Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • i am jewish messia twitter and all social media network satellite Tv is gope Regime Bilderberg antifa: la palude del partito democratico: Deep State King Rothschild 666 masonic system NWO ED IMF scam banking seigniorage: the Demonic lgbtq ENTITY
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
in Italy we have a government (imposed by Merkel Bilderberg) that has not elected anyone and that does not have a majority base that supports and represents it! a criminal government smuggler and infector! in Italia noi abbiamo un governo (imposto dalla Merkel Bilderberg) che non ha eletto nessuno e che non ha una base maggioritaria che lo sostiene e rappresenta! un govern criminale scafista, e untore!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu are the victims of transnational freemasonry! * the judges are from the Democratic Party; * the media belongs to the democratic party: * the Central Banks (neoliberalism technocracy bureaucracy perversion lgbtq of state) are all private Spa mutinational and Rothschild Soros shareholders: and are always served by the Democratic Party (speculative finance) and its tax havens ... then someone has to tell me what, what does the word democracy still mean? After 50 years, MATTARELLA asks / begs himself: "what is the truth of the Ustica massacre and the Bologna massacre" answer if we can't indict the Democratic Party? then, we are forced to switch to fascism! Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu sono le vittime della massoneria trasnazionale! * i giudici sono del Partito Democratico; * i media sono del partito democratico: * le Banche Centrali (neoliberismo tecnocrazia burocrazia perversione lgbtq di Stato) sono tutte private Spa multinazionali e azionisti Rothschild Soros: e sempre sono servite dal Partito Democratico (la finanza speculativa) e suoi paradisi fiscali... allora qualcuno mi deve dire che, cosa significa ancora la parola democrazia? MATTARELLA dopo 50 anni, chiede/supplica da se stesso: "quale è la verità della strage di Ustica e della strage di Bologna" answer se non riusciamo a incriminare il Partito Democratico? poi, siamo costretti a passare al fascismo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Netanyahu condemns Israeli media: 'Propaganda arm of anarchist left' http://disq.us/t/3qshfa0 the democratic party of the Fed: high constitutional betrayal the banking seigniorage SpA ECB Bilderberg regime lgbtq a coup is a threat to national security He called on everyone to join in this effort and ignore "the dangerous media instigation campaign". "Prime Minister Netanyahu condemns violence of any kind and calls for an equal investigation into each case of violence and death threats," says the statement. The statement accused the stations of giving free and unlimited publicity to the protests "in an attempt to fuel leftist demonstrations and in a transparent attempt to inflate their importance and weight". "On the other hand, they ignore the violent nature of the demonstrations and the appeals made in them to assassinate the prime minister and his family." il partito democratico della FED: alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario SpA ECB regime Bilderberg lgbtq è un golpe una minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale Ha invitato tutti a unirsi in questo sforzo e a ignorare "la pericolosa campagna di istigazione dei media". "Il primo ministro Netanyahu condanna la violenza di qualsiasi tipo e chiede un'indagine paritaria su ogni caso di violenza e minacce di morte", afferma la dichiarazione. La dichiarazione accusò le stazioni di dare pubblicità libera e illimitata alle proteste "nel tentativo di alimentare le manifestazioni di sinistra e in un tentativo trasparente di gonfiare la loro importanza e il loro peso". "D'altra parte, ignorano la natura violenta delle manifestazioni e gli appelli fatti in esse per assassinare il primo ministro e la sua famiglia."
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Migrants, new landings at night in Lampedusa, infinite landings out of control Another 30 Tunisian migrants have landed on the coast of Lampedusa. The mayor of the city launches an appeal to the government of satan Merkel Bilderberg technocracy Soros mafioso: kalergy smuggler and infector Migranti, nuovi sbarchi nella notte a Lampedusa, sbarchi infiniti e fuori controllo Altri 30 migranti di nazionalità tunisina sono sbarcati sulle coste di Lampedusa. Il sindaco della città lancia un appello al governo di satana Merkel Bilderberg tecnocrzia Soros mafioso: kalergy scafista e untore.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Iran OCI Jihad ISIS sharia genocide worldwide: has a roof: West "safe haven for terrorists", the sinking of the Islamic terrorist minister sharia Zarif it comes just hours after the capture of the leader of a monarchist terrorist group for the return of the Sha to Tehran, which is based in the United States. for Muslims? all non-Muslims are terrorists, because there is only one planet, one UMMA (Erdogan's) and one Allah Iran OCI Jihad ISIS sharia genocide worldwide: ha tetto: Occidente "paradiso sicuro dei terroristi", l'affondo del ministro terrorista islamico sharia degli Esteri Zarif giunge a poche ore dalla cattura del leader di un gruppo terroristi monarchico per il ritorno dello Sha a Teheran, che ha base negli Usa. per gli islamici? tutti i non islamici sono terroristi, perché c'é un solo pianeta, una sola UMMA (quella di Erdogan) e un solo Allah
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Disturbing alien-like figurines could represent the aliens's face of Gods Eloims: Dr Yosef Garfinkel, veteran archaeologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, proposed a fascinating theory that suggests that a series of three small clay figurines recently discovered in the archaeological sites of Khirbet Qeiyafa and Moza and two similar finds previously exhibited at the Museum of Israel could be representations of: Marduch, Ja-Bull-On, Aru Mazda Baal, the God of Rothschild Soros satanist and usurer: slave trader, as it is written in the TALMUD Inquietanti statuette simili ad alieni potrebbero rappresentare il volto di Dio: Il dottor Yosef Garfinkel, archeologo veterano dell'Università Ebraica di Gerusalemme, ha proposto un'affascinante teoria che suggerisce che una serie di tre piccole statuette di argilla recentemente scoperte nei siti archeologici di Khirbet Qeiyafa e Moza e due reperti simili precedentemente esposti presso il Museo d'Israele potrebbero essere rappresentazioni di: Marduch, Ja-Bull-On, Aru Mazda Baal, il Dio di Rothschild Soros satanista e usuraio: commerciante di schiavi, così come è scritto nel TALMUD
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Il giurista Sinagra: processo a Salvini è soltanto un attacco politico Record di sbarchi in queste ore, diversi porti siciliani al collasso e nelle stesse ore il governo italiano illegale e senza consenso nel Paese, manda a processo l’ex ministro Matteo Salvini per aver difeso i confini e scongiurato la minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale. All’epoca la politica dei porti chiusi era condivisa anche dal ministro delle Infrastrutture e dal premier, ma oggi tutti se ne lavano le mani è la colpa è soltanto di Salvini. i giudici massoni di Mattarella eseguiranno la condanna già scritta da Rothschild ACT NOW! Tell NAACP 'Sorry' Isn't Good Enough, Fire Anti-Semitic President Now http://disq.us/t/3qr44qe The jurist Sinagra: Salvini's trial is only a political attack Records of landings in these hours, several Sicilian ports collapsing and in the same hours the Italian government illegal and without consent in the country, sends ex-minister Matteo Salvini to trial for defending the borders and avoiding the threat to national security. At the time, the policy of closed ports was also shared by the Minister of Infrastructure and the Prime Minister, but today everyone is washing their hands and it is only Salvini's fault. the Masonic judges of Mattarella will execute the sentence already written by Rothschild
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
ACT NOW! Tell NAACP 'Sorry' Isn't Good Enough, Fire Anti-Semitic President Now http://disq.us/t/3qr44qe The jurist Sinagra: Salvini's trial is only a political attack Records of landings in these hours, several Sicilian ports collapsing and in the same hours the Italian government illegal and without consent in the country, sends ex-minister Matteo Salvini to trial for defending the borders and avoiding the threat to national security. At the time, the policy of closed ports was also shared by the Minister of Infrastructure and the Prime Minister, but today everyone is washing their hands and it is only Salvini's fault. the Masonic judges of Mattarella will execute the sentence already written by Rothschild
any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Coronavirus: 295 more infections in 24 hours, he returned with the boat Foreign NGOs caught offloading sewage into the sea: "They violate 29 rules" PD PRIMA DISASSEMBLES SECURITY DECREES AND WANTS THE IUS SOLI TO REPLACE THE ITALIANS any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Tunisian policemen on boats for Italy too: it is an Islamic assault Cities of art lose 34 million tourist presence in 2020 Government out of control: "Wrong to check the borders: from there only 25% of infected" any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Clashes between hundreds of immigrants, shantytowns set on fire and stone-throwing firefighters August 2, 2020 Lockdown, Conte confesses: "If Italians knew there would be riots" qualsiasi delitto e qualsiasi minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale, tutto è utile pur di vincere le elezioni! Coronavirus: altri 295 contagi in 24 ore, è tornato col barcone ONG straniere beccate a scaricare liquami in mare: “Violano 29 norme” IL PD PRIMA SMONTA I DECRETI SICUREZZA E VUOLE LO IUS SOLI PER SOSTITUIRE GLI ITALIANI Anche i poliziotti tunisini sui barconi per l’Italia: è assalto islamico Città d’arte perdono 34 milioni di presenza turistiche nel 2020 Governo fuori controllo: “Sbagliato controllare i confini: da lì solo 25% di infetti” Scontri tra centinaia di immigrati, baraccopoli incendiata e sassaiole contro pompieri Agosto 2, 2020 Lockdown, Conte confessa: “Se italiani sapessero ci sarebbero disordini”
any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Coronavirus: 295 more infections in 24 hours, he returned with the boat Foreign NGOs caught offloading sewage into the sea: "They violate 29 rules" PD PRIMA DISASSEMBLES SECURITY DECREES AND WANTS THE IUS SOLI TO REPLACE THE ITALIANS any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Tunisian policemen on boats for Italy too: it is an Islamic assault Cities of art lose 34 million tourist presence in 2020 Government out of control: "Wrong to check the borders: from there only 25% of infected" any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Clashes between hundreds of immigrants, shantytowns set on fire and stone-throwing firefighters August 2, 2020 Lockdown, Conte confesses: "If Italians knew there would be riots"
BIN SALMAN ] [ after the massacres of millions of satanists, which I did on youtube? BIDEN's lizards no longer dare to come against me! dopo le stragi di milioni di satanisti, che io ho fatto in youtube? le lucertole di BIDEN non osano più venire a contro di me!
Ma penseresti che un funerale potrebbe essere l'unico posto in cui la politica potrebbe riposare. Bene, ti sbaglieresti. il grande antichirst "Beni Berith" più Rockefeller Morgan Soros Merkel Macron il satanista grande Partito Democratico, ovvero Nuovo Ordine Mondiale FED 666 FMI 322 OCI 187: "teschio e ossa" i pirati Bush e Kerry, sacerdoti di satana della CIA i cannibali: di : Riyad Sodoma, Deep State Regime Bilderberg L'ex presidente dell'agenda Talmud della massoneria Barack Obama questa settimana ha usato il funerale dell'icona dei diritti civili John Lewis per far esplodere Trump, che ha suscitato applausi dalla folla partigiana riunita in onore del defunto legislatore democratico dalla Georgia. il più grande potere della storia del genere umano: getta un fiume di fango e di calunnie contro il nostro patriota MAGA l'eroe Donald TRUMP !!! e il traditore e il corrotto Obama il satanista lgbtq schiavo Dadi Rothschild: "" Anche mentre siamo seduti qui, ci sono quelli al potere che stanno facendo del loro meglio per scoraggiare le persone dal voto chiudendo i seggi elettorali e prendendo di mira le minoranze e gli studenti con leggi restrittive sulla carta d'identità e attaccando i nostri diritti di voto con precisione chirurgica - minando persino il servizio postale in vista di un'elezione che dipenderà dalle votazioni per corrispondenza in modo che le persone non si ammalino ”, ha detto Obama al servizio. E ha paragonato Trump all'ex governatore segregazionista dell'Alabama, George Wallace. "Oggi assistiamo con i nostri occhi agli agenti di polizia in ginocchio sul collo di neri americani", ha detto Obama. "George Wallace potrebbe non esserci più, ma possiamo assistere al nostro governo federale che invia agenti per usare gas lacrimogeni e manganelli contro manifestanti pacifici". Nulla è al sicuro dalla politica: quando i satanisti considerano di essere sconfitti per la seconda volta.
CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA EU US UN] [[it is essential to criminalize OCI sharia worldwide, and in case of resistance the ARAB LEAGUE must be destroyed]] Dear lorenzoJHWH, CINA, RUSSIA, INDIA UE USA ONU ] [[ è indispensabile criminalizzare la sharia OCI a livello mondiale, ed in caso di resistenza bisogna distruggere la LEGA ARABA ]] Dear lorenzoJHWH, On January 5, an Egyptian Imam named Sheikh Sayed Askar witnessed a terrorist plant bombs on the roof of the Virgin Mary and Father Seifin Church in Nasr City, near Cairo, Egypt. The terrorist planned to detonate the bombs during the church’s orthodox Christmas Eve service on January 6. Hundreds of Christians flock to this Christmas Eve service every year to celebrate their Savior. After Askar alerted the police, the government responded to the Imam’s observation and immediately dispatched a specialized bomb squad to defuse the bombs. The squad located three bombs on the roof of the church. Tragically, while the officers were attempting to defuse the bombs, one detonated. An officer, Major Mustafa Abid, lost his life. Three other nearby individuals, including General Nasar Mansour, were seriously injured.
Obama rips Trump (at a funeral) to hide his support for ISIS al-Nusra Erdogan and his complicity in putting all Syrian peoples into mass graves. But you'd think a funeral might be the one place politics could take a rest. Well, you'd be wrong. Former president Barack Obama this week used the funeral of civil rights icon John Lewis to blast Trump, which drew applause from the partisan crowd gathered to honor the late Democratic lawmaker from Georgia. Obama rips Trump (at a funeral) per nascondere il suo supporto a ISIS al-Nusra Erdogan e la sua complicità nel mettere nelle fosse comuni tutti i popoli siriani.
the first Jew in the picture said that "justice for him is to have many slaves goyims rothschild dhimmis murtidi dalit all saudi takfiris komejni" the second Jew in the photo said that "his god has it black and long" in fact the traitors are in the USA: to suck Babylon and they have not yet done Aliyah il primo ebreo nella foto ha detto che: "la giustizia per lui è avere tanti schiavi goyims rothshild dhimmis mutidi dalit" il secondo ebreo nella foto ha detto che: "il suo Dio ce lo ha nero e lungo" infati i traditori stanno in USA: a succhiare Babilonia e non hanno fatto ancora Aliyah
Presidente Rivlin i am persecuted in your little satana Rothschild Israel
DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-august-3-2020/#.XyhTGh7eJBY.twitter Katalina Wierzba 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • You are thinking incorrectly? Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Katalina Wierzba • ah ah ah ah ah if you decided to make my enemy? then, you are the one who must prove something wrong with me! but, your friends, the cannibal priests of CIA SpA FED IMF NWO Deep State B'nai B'rith, they have failed in these 13 years: always, but all said: that are you a powerful and successful witch.. then, you could be successful, where they 666 failed Aru Mazda JA-BullOn! se tu hai deciso di fare il mio nemico? allora, sei tu che devi dimostrare qualcosa di sbagliato in me! ma, i tuoi amici, i sacerdoti di satana cannibali della CIA SpA FED IMF NWO, loro in questi 13 anni hanno fallito: sempre, ma tu che sei una strega potente e di successo? tu potresti avere successo, dove loro hanno fallito!
BIN SALMAN ] my word is law in the Kingdom of God, and this all the demons and cursed, and damned souls in hell, who for me have betrayed Satan and entered to serve my Kingdom of ISRAEL this, all of them know it: "I will not disintegrate them on the day of universal judgment, but, I will take them to Heaven and rehabilitate them to their original dignity and function, in the service of praise to Almighty God our holy JHWH" that's why, it is impossible for sharia and the NWO to survive me ... I will not reject any of my allies who will accept my natural law .. and I have a political and peaceful solution for everyone and everything .. that is, if the criminals, the islamists, anglo-american satanists, the Ottoman ISIS sharia and the antichrists of any bad LGBTQ race, they don't persist in dying at all costs! BIN SALMAN ] la mia parola è legge nel Regno di Dio, e questo tutti i demoni e le anime maledette e dannate nell'inferno, che per me hanno tradito Satana e sono entrati a servire il mio Regno di ISRAELE questo, tutti loro lo sanno: "io non li disintegrerò nel giorno del giudizio universale, ma, li porterò in Paradiso e li riabiliterò alla loro dignità e funzione originaria, nel servizio della lode a Dio Onnipotente JHWH nostro Santo" ecco perché, è impossibile per la sharia e per il NWO di poter sopravvivere a me... io non respingerò nessuno dei miei alleti che accetterà la mia legge naturale.. ed io ho una soluzione politica e pacifica per tutti e tutto.. cioè, se i criminali, i massoni, islamici ottomani e gli anticristi di ogni mala razza lgbtq, loro non si ostinano a morire a tutti i costi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
IDF eliminates band of 4 terrorists planting bomb on northern border https://worldisraelnews.com/idf-eliminates-band-of-4-terrorists-planting-bomb-on-northern-border/#.XyhAm9qe7vc.twitter come i sacerdoti di Satana e di Rockefeller CIA Deep State: si rendono invisibili: nel NWO FED lgbtq regime Bilderberg UE l'anticristo e la sinagoga di satana, così i sauditi si trasformano in assassini/mandanti invisibili nella LEGA ARABA mentre la Turchia rivendica leadership dell'Islam sunnita: soltanto apparentemente sottraendolo all'Arabia Saudita
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Dave • sorry is that i make too many spelling mistakes .. this time? it's not google's fault! I am thinking of that plate of "Maḥmūd_Abbās, also known as:" akuma matata kunya Abū Māze " he told ERDOGAN "you did well to use the ISIS sword law to transform Hagia Sophia: into an Ottoman mosque for the conquest of the caliphate of Rome" then half of the Moroccans are all coming to Italy with the barges and the boats, because the democratic party needs to win the elections at least one more time so that war can be declared on China and Russia: soon!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-august-3-2020/#.Xyg8AqPnPug.twitter Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Dave • a few seconds ago I am thinking of that Ma dimūd ʿAbbās saucer, also known as: "akuma matata kunya Abū Māze" he told ERDOGAN "you made babies to use the ISIS sword dictum to transform Santa Sofia into an Ottoman mosque for the conquest of the caliphate of Rome" then half of the Moroccans are all coming to Italy with the baroque and the small boats, because the democratic party needs to win the elections at least one more time for war to be declared on China and Russia: soon! io sto pensando a quella piattola di "Maḥmūd_Abbās, conosciuto anche come: " akuma matata kunya Abū Māze " lui ha detto ad ERDOGAN "hai fatto bene ad usare il diritto della spada di ISIS per trasformare Santa Sofia: in una moschea ottomana per la conquista del califfato di Roma" poi metà dei marocchini stanno venendo tutti in Italia con i barconi e i barchini, perché il partito democratico ha bisogno di vincere le elezioni almeno per un altra volta affinché si possa dichiarare guerra a Cina e Russia: al più presto!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Dave • Allah demons are a legion of demons Erdogan Iran Mecca dolo kaaba they don't forget sharia and they don't forgive jihad i demoni Allah sono una legione di demoni Erdogan Iran Mecca dolo kaaba loro non dimenticano sharia e non perdonano jihad
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News http://disq.us/t/3qt8c3a Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Dave • the monsters of the books: quran, see, talmud and neoliberal lgbtq communist demonic ideologies, masonic and islamic antichrists: they don't think: they obey! i mostri dei libri: corano, veda, talmud e di ideologie demoniache comuniste lgbtq neoliberiste, dell'anticristo massoniche e islamiche: loro non pensano: loro ubbidiscono!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa (modificato)
"President RIVLIN ] [ anche il giudice di Palermo non vedeva il mio IBAN messo su…" — lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah http://disq.us/p/2ayoj6z President RIVLIN ] [ anche il giudice di Palermo non vedeva il mio IBAN messo su 110 blogspot ( che è stato usato dai sacerdoti di Satana dell'Italia meridionale, per confezionare una fattura falsa, che io non ho riscosso) anche il computer dei carabinieri non vedevano i miei siti No new brand mentions found for lorenzoJHWH HK (blogger com) SEMrush Brand Monitoring ANSWER quindi sono stato denunciato penalmente per sostituzione di persona e frode! questo scherzo? mi costerà 2000 euro!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 ore fa
https://disqus com/by/disqus_NPNAgUTrai/ [[[We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. ]]] #worldisraelnews perché lo hai fatto? in base alla calunnia di chi satanista?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 ore fa
i am King ISRAELE & Jewish MESSIA lorenzoJHWH Rothschild is a liar and LIZARD 666 BIDEN 322 PELOSI 18_18 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • You are NOT the King Israel, but some insignificant Schmuck. One other person stevealevine is typing… [[ Sodoma è già stata bruciata! ritorna nel tuo Schmuck cimitero! ]] − 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 18_18 • your Satan 18_666_18 Schmuck MORGAN Soros la ZOCCOLA, can prove it?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News http://disq.us/t/3qt8c3a Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • President RIVLIN ] a sentire questa storia tra Hitler e Rothschild? si può piangere soltanto! Robert Einstein si suicidò pochi mesi dopo per il dolore.. i carnefici rimasero impuniti, l'inchiesta fu insabbiata... per non offendere la MERKEL [ Lo conferma il fatto che furono risparmiate dal massacro le tre nipoti e le cugine, facenti parte dello stesso nucleo familiare, ma con un diverso cognome. Strage della famiglia Einstein Il 3 agosto 1944 la famiglia di Robert Einstein, cugino del più famoso Albert, fu oggetto di un atroce massacro ad opera di soldati della Wehrmacht presso Villa il Focardo a Rignano Valdarno. Robert e Albert Einstein erano cugini per parte paterna; i due ragazzi avevano trascorso l’infanzia insieme prima in Germania e poi in Italia. Le loro strade si separeranno poi. Albert diventerà un fisico di fama mondiale, Robert inizierà gli studi di ingegneria. ANSWER ma la sentenza era chiara: "jesus nararenun rex judeorum!" come a dire: " giudei e traditori" proprio questa era il motivo della condanna scritta dai fascisti e nazisti! ANSWER allora, caro Presidente RIVLIN è vero, o non è vero: che voi ebrei siete tutti i complici dei satanisti e massoni rothschild? cioè che voi ebrei siete i traditori dei popoli nel NWO FED lgbtq, deep State, occult power massonic system, Baal Owl Marduch from Allah & satana SpA IMF la sinagoga di satana del talmud satanico???
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
Opinion: Celebrity Anti-Semites Can't Be Absolved Through Private Apologies http://disq.us/t/3qt9obk Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 20 hours ago [[[Removed]]] Bin SALMAN from Riyadh] [what are the institutions of: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI and lorenzoAllah Mahdì? the Saudi and Israeli institutions of course .. but, if you are so eager to make yourself this slanderous nuclear world war by: Rothschild Merkel Macron Erdogan Pompeo against CHINA and Russia? I won't stop you! 6 hours ago [[[Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]] YOUR PRESENTATION RIVLIN IS DISHONORED YOUR LEVEL OF MORALITY! what are the institutions of: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI and lorenzoAllah Mahdì? 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. President RIVLIN your Satan persecute me, in your fake Rothschild ISRAEL [scam]
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
Anti-Netanyahu protest leaders decamp to ritzy Waldorf Astoria for the night http: // disq us / t / 3qt7eum Rothschild in SATAN, it doesn't make him miss anything! [[[We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. ]]] Chaim Shadmi and Yishai Hadas, two of the protests' main organizers, were photographed enjoying the Waldorf Astoria's breakfast buffet after spending the night in the hotel. Another prominent figure in the protests, attorney Gonen Ben Yitzhak, was seen dining alongside the pair, reported Israel Hayom. The Waldorf Astoria is widely known as one of Jerusalem's most luxurious hotels. Located on the corner of King David and Agron streets, within walking distance of the protests ’central point of Paris Square, the hotel’s website lists the cheapest room on a weekday as costing 1,100 shekels (about $ 320). Rothschild a SATANA, non gli fa mancare niente! [[[ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. ]]]
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
10 ore fa
IDF eliminates band of 4 terrorists planting bomb on northern border http://disq.us/t/3qszw39 i am King ISRAELE Rothschild is a liar and LIZARD 666 BIDEN 322 PELOSI
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
10 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: Netanyahu Blasts Leftist Media; Protests Against PM Grow; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-august-2-2020-2/#.XyfGrjHDEEs.twitter Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • PRESIDENT Rivlin (the rival) BULLYING IS NOW ALSO THAT OF YOU, YOU ARE FRIEND OF THE SATANISTS !!! Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago [[[Removed [[[Removed]]] [[[Removed]]]] [[[Removed]]] the Italian government admits that it has become an Islamic sharia infector: a murderer of 4 million unemployed! Coronavirus, Minister for Regional Affairs Boccia: "No hatred for immigration, three out of four positives are Italian" Dorrie_ Dorrie_ You must have a grand time talking to yourself! You're the deepest mentally flawed person I've ever seen on these threads and I've seen a lot of them! SEEK HELP! QUICKLY !! PRESIDENT Rivlin (il rivale) IL BULLISMO ORA è ANCHE QUELLO TUO, TU SEI AMICO DEI SATANISTI!!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
10 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] i am jewish messia [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] Dorrie_ https://disqus com/by/yehudi3/ ]] [[ Guest • 12 hours ago You are liar.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
11 ore fa
PRESIDENT Rivlin (the rival) BULLYING IS NOW ALSO THAT OF YOU, YOU ARE FRIEND OF THE SATANISTS !!! Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago [[[Removed [[[Removed]]] [[[Removed]]]] [[[Removed]]] the Italian government admits that it has become an Islamic sharia infector: a murderer of 4 million unemployed! Coronavirus, Minister for Regional Affairs Boccia: "No hatred for immigration, three out of four positives are Italian" Dorrie_ Dorrie_ You must have a grand time talking to yourself! You're the deepest mentally flawed person I've ever seen on these threads and I've seen a lot of them! SEEK HELP! QUICKLY !! PRESIDENT Rivlin (il rivale) IL BULLISMO ORA è ANCHE QUELLO TUO, TU SEI AMICO DEI SATANISTI!!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
11 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: Netanyahu Blasts Leftist Media; Protests Against PM Grow; More Top News Bubster Bubster https://disqus.com/by/disqus_LqxuB15jfi/ Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 12 hours ago Bawhahaha you didn't understand my( sarcasm --- the use of irony to mock or convey contempt , that is what Sarcasm means ! Okay after my discuss for your post , I realized your limited understanding of English , ! I'm trying to cut you some slack ! really if your going to post discussing notes , change your handle Don't degrade the Israel bible , you should not represent it like that . ! You should have ask me my motivate , I would have explained it to you ! cool off hot head , I'm on your side you just didn't get it , https://disqus.com/by/disqus_LqxuB15jfi/ Bubster Bubster Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 12 hours ago Yitzchak -- you call yourself , and you write such filth , and talk like a guttersnipe , ! you should call yourself PIG ! and be my guest , and go there , your nose is . all ready their so head on PIG ! Just like loser you are , who is out their in the streets raising hell the demon cats do you even know how to read English you idiot ReplyView in discussion Bubster Bubster NoahTheNephilim 17 hours ago when all else fails riot that is what the people are going to expect from the sore losers they are .
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
11 ore fa
PRESIDENTE RIVLIN è DISONORATO IL TUO LIVELLO DI MORALITà! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]]]] Elihana - Halleluyah ELIHANA - HALLELUYAH - PSALM 146 אליחנה הללויה - תהילים פרק קמו אַשְׁרֵי--שֶׁאֵל יַעֲקֹב בְּעֶזְרוֹ: שִׂבְרוֹ, עַל-יְהוָה אֱלֹהָיו. עֹשֶׂה, שָׁמַיִם וָאָרֶץ-- אֶת-הַיָּם וְאֶת-כָּל-אֲשֶׁר-בָּם; יְהוָה יִמְלֹךְ, לְעוֹלָם- הַלְלִי נַפְשִׁי, אֶת-יְהוָה. אֲהַלְלָה יְהוָה בְּחַיָּי; אֲזַמְּרָה לֵאלֹהַי בְּעוֹדִי. הַלְלוּ-יָהּ: HalleluYAH Ashre she' El Ya'Akov be'ezroh Sivro al ADONAI Elohav Oseh shamayim va'aretz Et hayam ve et kol asher bam ADONAI matir asurim ADONAI pockeach ivrim, zokef kefufim Yatom ve'almana oded ADONAI Yimloch leolam vaed Halleli nafshi et ADONAI Ahallel'ah ADONAI bechaiyai Azame'rah Le'Elohai be'odi HalleluYAH 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]]] שואל, כבוד, תהילה, לאלוהי הכל יכול והנצחי 🙏🔥🙌☀️🕊👑❤ KADOSH (HOLY) הבה נקדש את שמך, על כדור הארץ, כפי שהוא מקודש בגובה השמים. דכתיב נביאך. [קהילה] - קדוש, קדוש, קדוש הוא אדוני צבאות! נוכחותו של אלוהים ממלאת את כל הארץ. מקור הכוח, הו ריבוני, כמה מלכותי, נוכחותך בכל הארץ! [קהילה] - אשרי נוכחותו של אלוהים, הנובע אור, משם שוכן האל. אלוהים בלבד הוא אלוהינו ויוצרנו, ריבוננו ומצילנו; וברחמים, האל מגלה את עצמו, למראה, של כל היצורים החיים: אני ה 'אלוהיך! אדוני ימלוך תמיד, אלוהיך הו ציון מדור לדור הללויה! לכל הדורות נכריז, על גדולתכם, ועל כל הנצח אנו נכריז על קדושתכם. שבחך, אלוהים, לעולם לא יעזוב את שפתינו. ברוך אתה אדוני האל הקדוש. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. ]]] Im Hashem Lo Yivneh Bayis - Shira Choir | מקהלת שירה מבצעת את ׳אם השם לא יבנה בית מקהלת שירה מבצעת את השיר החדש ׳אם השם לא יבנה בית׳ של המלחין שלמה יהודה רכניץ בבר מצוה לבנו של שרגא גולד מנהלה הדגול של מקהלת שירה אשר התקיימה בברוקלין
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
11 ore fa
President RIVLIN your Satan persecute me, in your fake Rothschild ISRAEL [ scam ] Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] the technocratic EU democratic party lgbtq masonic neoliberal: Rothschild's institutional coup mafia consociativism, Bilderberg regime is leading to a profound social divide which can lead to civil war in Italy! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] the italian state is a infector: and is a traitor to: get a wildly infected, Afro-Islamic invasion! therefore the infected are spreading in all Italian regions! in this way it will be impossible in September to reopen the school or return to productive activities. "Does the seventh industrial power, Italy, need an emergency declaration to continue activating a toll-free number?", Or one of the "weak" reasons given by Conte to continue the state of health emergency. "If it were true," added Cassese, "it would mean that the state is not there and the Prime Minister should worry about this emergency rather than the health one," he says. Laws are enough According to the constitutionalist, therefore, "laws and regulations provide for and regulate normal prophylaxis activities and do not require the use of an emergency". 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] A state of health emergency would not be needed, but ordinary laws would suffice to manage the pandemic in Italy, says the constitutionalist Sabino Cassese. According to Sabino Cassese, emeritus judge of the Constitutional Court, Conte's reasons for justifying the extension of the state of health emergency would be "very weak". ANSWER the Democratic Party is an institutional coup-led totalitarianism: Masonic mafia: and an ideological error: subservient to Rothschilds technocracy and neoliberalism represents a constitutional crime and a constant threat to their peoples! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[[ Removed ]]] Open Arms, right-wing solidarity with Salvini: the democratic party has lost its religious identity, and therefore has also lost: the concept of country ... but in the face of a dogmatic masimalist ISLAM: Koranic imperialist sharia theocratic fundamentalist jihad? sooner or later they will have to bury their male children, and they will have to help their raped daughters .. but this is not a problem for the lgbtq because they have no future to protect !! If the center-right is compact, the people of Twitter, who express themselves through the hashtag #salviniaprocesso, splits on the story. Solidarity comes from those who define the "anti-Italian" government. They send #salviniaprocesso for defending Italy and #bonafede is still there after having released mafia criminals. Prolong the #statodiemergenza that nn is there. Immigrants who roam the streets naked. They will approve Mes. A government more anti-Italian than this, never seen. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Open Arms, right-wing solidarity with Salvini] this is how Anglo-American Jews are also threatening the survival of the israeli people! the democratic party and the Masonic lobbies Rothschild: they are cancer, an institutional coup: a flagrant violation of the Constitution: a mafia of judges: they can only be criminalized! [ For the senator, the solidarity of his comrades, including Silvio Berlusconi, has arrived. For the leader of Forza Italia "once again the political use of justice is the weapon with which the left wants to free itself from its opponents". "Of course Forza Italia can only be against these methods, not only for loyalty to an ally, but also and above all because they are absolutely unacceptable methods in a true democracy", said Cavalieri to 'Studio Aperto'. Even the leader of the Carroccio himself spoke of "political process". For Salvini's party companion, Roberto Calderoli, the leader of the League must be united to Dalla Chiesa, Falcone and Borsellino to be stabbed by those same institutions that he was trying to serve. For Calderoli, the Italian one is "a state that instead of thanking Minister Salvini who had stopped the invasion and the trafficking of human beings sent him to trial for having done his duty, for having done what his institutional role imposed on him and loyalty to citizens. "
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
11 ore fa
in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: ie, the universal brotherhood but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense? We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News in realtà, io sono soltanto un osservatorio sul Martirio dei cristiani per 33 anni: ed un osservatorio del martirio degli israeliani da 13 anni: ma cosa il tuo satanismo del rothschild talmud lgbtq ha fatto in loro difesa? in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: ie, the universal brotherhood but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense? We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News in fact, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense?
Presidente Rivlin i am persecuted in your little satana Rothschild Israel 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Toninelli in the closed ports said: "The last word is from Salvini, Conte and mine. Let's decide together." Today, however, he denies his words: "Salvini did it all by himself". Danilo Toninelli, in Tonight Italy, expresses himself after the vote with which the Senate said yes to the trial for Matteo Salvini in the Open Arms case 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] A surge of infections in Sicily: 70 percent: they arrived with the boats July 30, 2020 IMMIGRANT CRIMES, MILAN IMMIGRANTS BREAK THEIR EYE IN MILAN TO ROBBERY IT July 30, 2020 ABRUZZO, BREAKING NEWS, CORONAVIRUS, INVASION Government fills small village with infected immigrants pretending to be negative PD: "Embrace a positive migrant" Smuggler senators: the 149 traitors who sold Italy to the foreigner 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Illegal immigrants are a coronavirus bomb: outbreaks break out all over Italy, brought by the Red Cross: but they are fleeing quarantine - VIDEO July 30, 2020 BREAKING NEWS Salvini on trial, Don Biancalani exults: "A great day" July 30, 2020 OpenArms, Toninelli confesses: "Conte and I were responsible with Salvini for the management of the government", but today he denies it - VIDEO 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Soros finances the NGO of the red robes to ferry illegal immigrants to Italy July 30, 2020 Why does Soros have a Kalergi Talmud interest in ethnic replacement in ITALY? IMMIGRANT CRIMES, INVASION, LOMBARDY, VIDEO BRANCO SPACCIATORI AXLE WOMAN SHOOTING, POLICE CANNOT DEFEND her - VIDEO 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] we were in ITALY the 4th industrial power in the world and today, thanks to the EU and GERMANY, and to the Rothschild banking cartel: have we become the 14th or 24th?
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran http://disq.us/t/3qslh0i 3 days ago [[ Removed ]] eih President RIVLIN io non so perché blogger non voleva ricevere questo articolo https://satan-is-faggot blogspot com/2020/07/ww3-riyad-and-his-nuclear-war.html 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ this rascal of Anglo-American Jewish satanists and their demonic trinity: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, they told me: "when we asked Bin SALMAN to realize your Kingdom of ISRAEL in MADIANA, he said to us: "" fuuuckking yourself and go kill the russian and the chinese people "".. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ and then, we say and we are sorry that this rascal of Anglo-American Jewish satanists: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, they are punished, with their accomplices: with the shoah in the crematoria of HITLER, or with the shoah of sharia islamists ... but, they told me: "kill Bin SALMAN: he is the one who forces us to remain prisoners of SATAN and prevents us from returning to JHWH in your Kingdom of ISRAEL" 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] MAGA Donald J. Trump our President from United States, my hero patriot, and we are all his SUPPORTER: really lorenzoJHWH, I really need you to pick up the pace.
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran http://disq.us/t/3qslh0i You have a donation from OPEC Da: Felwah Abdulmohsin Fahad Mugayel <fmugayel@alfaisal edu> 04:33 (4 ore fa) A: Destinatari nascosti Questo messaggio potrebbe essere un tentativo di phishing. Per favore controlla il mittente e il contenuto per assicurarti che essi siano legittimi. Per saperne di più. Reply to this email for detail : philiphampton4@outlook com ANSWER ====> BIN SALMAN tentare di corrompermi? ti costerebbe di più che creare il mio Regno di ISRAELE, infatti il mio Regno di ISRAELE non ti costerà niente!
Outrage Over Swastika Tweet by Penn State Student http://disq.us/t/3pac2rs shalom! I am remembering naive, ignorant, unsuspecting girls, who are fooled into circles and then find themselves naked on the altar of Satan Pelosi Biden Obama Rothschild Morgan Kissinger, Merkel Macron UK lgbtq gender sodom: of the CIA cannibals. who took that picture is also who made those drawings: "he must be killed!" shalom! mi sto ricordando di ingenui, ignoranti, ignare ragazze, che vengono ingannate circuite e poi si trovano nude sull'altare di Satana Pelosi Biden Obama Rothschild Morgan Kissinger, Merkel Macron UK lgbtq gender sodoma: dei cannibali della CIA. chi ha fatto quella foto, è anche chi ha fatto quei disegni: "lui deve essere ucciso!"
e questa è la peggiore aggravante: si ostinano ad opporsi alla giustizia di Unius REI che è la più grande giustizia politica di tutta la storia del genere umano!
Bin SALMAN, Riyadh Iran, Erdogan, CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU USA UN OCI ] [ all who are not Zionists (they are demonic creatures because they oppose the will expressed by God in the Bible) and are pushing all mankind into the abyss of the third world war rothschild. deny the owners (Spa, FED, Bayer, 666, ECB NWO IMF) the masters of the world a small homeland, while today, are they masters of the world? this is an act of pure collective suicide! and this is the worst aggravating: they persist in opposing the justice of Unius REI which is the greatest political justice in the history of mankind! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. https://disqus com/by/disqus_NPNAgUTrai/ tutti quelli che non sono sionisti (sono creature demoniache perché si oppongono alla volontà espressa da Dio nella Bibbia) e stanno spingendo tutto il genere umano nell'abisso della terza guerra mondiale rothschild. negare ai padroni (Spa, FED, Bayer, 666, ECB NWO IMF) i padroni del mondo una piccola patria, mentre oggi, loro sono padroni del mondo? questo è un atto di puro suicidio collettivo!
ME1 • I dont wish this one anyone but David Duke, Pelosi, Farahakkan, Obama, Omar, AOC, Talib, Nadler wont be missed if they're attacked by sharks. ME1 • Non desidero questo nessuno tranne David Duke, Pelosi, Farahakkan, Obama, Omar, AOC, Talib, Nadler non mancheranno se vengono attaccati dagli squali. Don Spilman ME1 • Mangiato dai vermi, divorato dai piranha, masticato dal leone di montagna! Distrutto da avvoltoi giganti! Ehi, niente di troppo buono per queste creature demoniache! Don Spilman ME1 • Eaten by maggots , devoured by piranhas, Chewed by mountain lion! Shredded by giant vultures! Hey nothings too good for these demonic creatures!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Waxman began by asking Balliet to explain how the latter's anti-Semitic beliefs about Jews applied to him specifically. When Balliet replied by talking about Jews in general, Waxman interrupted him, telling the neo-Nazi, "I'm not asking generally, I'm asking you about myself." ANSWER Stephan Balliet is a paranoid ERDOGAN: so you don't reduce him to the logic of rational reasoning but Waxman made two mistakes: 1. has interrupted him and now, we do not know now, if Stephan Balliet hates the Jews because of Rothschild and his demonic new world order! .. and we must not forget that for alleged collective faults Talmudic "blood revenge" corporativ Jewish elements: Masonic Order of B'nai B'rith they are destroying the Christian and are killing Christians all over the world! Jorge Dickerman 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Jew hatred is a disease that destroys the brain, YOU ARE THE PERFECT EXAMPLE TO THAT FACT lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Jorge Dickerman • in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years: and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years: ie, the universal brotherhood but what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense? We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News in realtà, io sono soltanto un osservatorio sul Martirio dei cristiani per 33 anni: ed un osservatorio del martirio degli israeliani da 13 anni: ma cosa il tuo satanismo del rothschild talmud lgbtq ha fatto in loro difesa?
Disqus unitedwithisrael worldisraelnews ] you punish my spam as if I were a user like everyone else ... But what if my angel ministers do not find valid reasons in your heart? they will hurt you! voi punite il mio spam come se io fossi un utente come tutti... ma se i miei ministri angeli non troveranno nel vostro cuore delle valide motivazioni? loro vi faranno del male!
IDF veteran, ‘party animal,’ beats corona at 80 after nearly 3 months on ventilator http://disq.us/t/3qsjous IDF veteran, ‘party animal,’ beats corona at 80 after nearly 3 months on ventilator AUGURI BEST WISHES BEST WISHES BEST WISHES
Survivors Launch Online Campaign to Ban Holocaust Denial from Facebook http://disq.us/t/3qsfl5q Survivors Launch Online Campaign to Ban Holocaust Denial from Facebook [[# #NoDenyingIt campaign]] Holocaust? the Turkish genocide of the Armenians and Byzantines cannot be denied! rather for Hitler's shoah we must say that Rothschild was the ideological and political instigator: Hitler (today Erdogan) a hit by the bombs of the 1st world war? he was only a material performer Survivors Launch Online Campaign to Ban Holocaust Denial from Facebook [[ #NoDenyingIt campaign ]] Holocaust? non si può negare il genocidio turco degli armeni e dei bizantini! piuttosto per la shoah di Hitler dobbiamo dire che Rothschild fu il mandante ideologico e politico: Hitler (oggi Erdogan) un rintronato dalle bombe della 1° guerra mondiale? lui era soltanto un esecutore materiale
Even young people can have serious forms ”. said Professor Eric Caumes, a well-known infectious disease specialist from the most important Parisian hospital, the Pitié-Salpetrière, Infectious disease specialist: "Young people, contaminate yourselves. In this way you will contribute to flock immunity" but that's exactly what Bil Gates said: "we must kill all the elderly in retirement age: at least one billion people, overall, also thanks to our uranium nanoparticles vaccine, etc." ANSWER rather, let's hope the Russian vaccine works well Anche i giovani possono avere forme gravi”. ha detto professor Eric Caumes, noto infettivologo del più importante ospedale parigino, il Pitié-Salpetrière, Infettivologo: "Giovani, contaminatevi fra voi. Così contribuirete all'immunità di gregge" ma è proprio quello che Bil Gates ha detto: " noi dobbiamo uccidere tutti gli anziani in età di pensione: almeno un miliardo di persone, complessivamente, anche grazie al nostro vaccino alle nano particelle di uranio, ecc.. " ANSWER speriamo piuttosto che funzioni bene il vaccino dei russi
"Sei anni dopo che il corpo di Hadar Goldin è stato rapito dai terroristi di Hamas…" — lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah http://disq.us/p/2ay3kr9 Sei anni dopo che il corpo di Hadar Goldin è stato rapito dai terroristi di Hamas, sua madre Leah dice che il gruppo terroristico di Gaza deve restituire i suoi resti o rinunciare alle forniture di coronavirus. ANSWER perché tutti i palestinesi non stati ancora deportati in Siria?
WATCH: Cut off Gaza’s corona supplies unless son is returned, demands Hadar Goldin’s mother http://disq.us/t/3qsp69i Alghero, Elisabetta Canalis victim of drunken vandals: her bike thrown among the rocks After recovering the two vehicles, the showgirl explained: "It is the second time that it has happened, because unfortunately in Alghero it is full of kids who, being unable to go to the disco, roam the city center completely drunk. And I must say that this year they broke all records, because it is the second time that they throw my bike off the wall ". ANSWER the relativist school, an Italian qualunquista of the Democratic Party: churns out ignorant rude and bullies .. so must the slaves of Rothschild lgbtq be
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] [ رؤية 2030 للدار العربية Shared privately esraahr33@gmail com https: // groups google com / forum /? utm_medium = email & utm_source = footer #! forum / esraahr33-2030-- in this grup there is only you and me? sharia is from ISIS, jihad is from Erdogan: for the happiness of dhimmis slaves, and we brothers, we who LEAGUE ARABA, do we want to offer to the world? answer but he did not respond and canceled this dialogue because first he called me and then he blocked me =============== then, he enrolled in: Fox Transport user activation he created my nickname and password because he wanted to collect my personal data Doha Exhibition and Convention Center-DECC, DOHA, from QATAR they tried to censor me! https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-july-27-2020-2/#comment-5007919721 Fred Swenson lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • Thorazine. Try it. lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Fred Swenson • dear satanist "usa e getta" 23 comments • 7 votes my only medicine is JHWH holy lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • i am jewish messia Fred Swenson lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • You're a f_____g moron. lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Fred Swenson • what path Erdogan Talmudic Quranic, Satan's BIDEN Bible did you follow to come to this powerful conclusion of yours about me? che percorso Erdogan Talmudico Coranico, la Bibbia BIDEN di Satana tu hai seguito per essere giunto a questa tua potente conclusione?
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran http://disq.us/t/3qslh0i Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ i am one only one why are you so afraid of me? if you are a child of truth? then, you shouldn't be so cowardly against one only man: me! i am one only one perché tu hai così paura di me? se tu sei figlio della verità? poi, tu non dovresti essere così codardo contro un uomo soltanto!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran http://disq.us/t/3qslh0i Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ what are the institutions of: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI and lorenzoAllah Mahdì? the Saudi and Israeli institutions of course .. but, if you are so eager to make yourself this slanderous nuclear world war by: Rothschild Merkel Macron Erdogan Pompeo against CHINA and Russia? I won't stop you! quali sono le istituzioni di: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI e lorenzoAllah Mahdì? le istituzioni saudite e israeliane ovviamente.. ma, se tu sei così smanioso di farti questa guerra mondiale nucleare calunniosa di: Erdogan Pompeo contro CINA e Russia? io non ti fermerò!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Pompeo: US trying to prevent Iran from becoming arms dealer http://disq.us/t/3qsnh2v we are not anti-someone: if, the Quran (dhimmis slaves), sharia, Veda (dalit slaves), North Korea (Christian slaves) and Talmud (Israeli slaves goyims) neoliberal technocracy, usury and SpA FED criminal shareholders: that is, and since they are effectively (relentless hostile evil) against all mankind noi non siamo anti-qualcuno: se, il Corano (schiavi dhimmis), sharia, Veda (schiavi dalit), Corea Nord (schiavi cristiani) e Talmud (schiavi israeliani goyims ) neoliberismo tecnocrazia, usura e SpA FED azionisti criminali: cioè, e poiché loro sono effettivamente (dei maligni ostili implacabili) contro tutto il genere umano
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
obviously, we have no estimate of the fascism that Mussolini interpreted: because first of all Mussolini betrayed the ideals which fascism he himself indicated, he was not honest intellectually, with himself! we are repugnant to fascism itself, and to any fascism of the Merkel MAcron Trudeu Rothschild Bilderberg Soros, the Masonic consociativism of the NWO: in itself, but of this neoliberal and technocratic masonry of the democratic party: of a transnational false Masonic democracy without monetary sovereignty? This demonic activity is constitutionally highly subversive .. this: EU US FED IMF ECB OCI UN: not something that can be saved it can only be destroyed! Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu are the victims of transnational freemasonry! * the judges are from the Democratic Party; * the media belongs to the democratic party: * the Central Banks (neoliberalism technocracy bureaucracy perversion lgbtq of state) are all private Spa mutinational and Rothschild Soros shareholders: and are always served by the Democratic Party (speculative finance) and its tax havens ... then someone has to tell me what, what does the word democracy still mean? After 50 years, MATTARELLA asks / begs himself: "what is the truth of the Ustica massacre and the Bologna massacre" answer if we can't indict the Democratic Party? then, we are forced to switch to fascism! ovviamente, noi non abbiamo nessuna stima del fascismo che Mussolini ha interpretato: perché innanzi tutto Mussolini ha tradito gli ideali che fascismo da lui stesso indicati, lui non è stato onesto intellettualmente, con se stesso! noi abbiamo ripugnanza del fascismo in se, e di ogni fascismo dei Merkel MAcron Trudeu Rothschild Bilderberg Soros, il consociativismo massonico del NWO: in se stesso, ma di questa massoneria neoliberista e tecnocratica del partito democratico: di una falsa democrazia massonica trasnazionale senza sovranità monetaria? Questa attività demoniaca e altamente eversiva costituzionalmente .. questo: UE USA FED IMF ECB OCI ONU: non è qualcosa che si può salvare esso può essere soltanto distrutto!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Disqus not, he brought back me, your slanders! and like a coward, you Satanists of the Democratic Party you and your Erdogan Saud Salman wahhabis you only know how to slander innocent people ... and you only know how to hit people behind! Disqus non , mi ha riportato le tue calunnie! e come un vigliacco, voi satanisti del partito democratico voi sapete soltanto calunniare persone innocenti... e voi sapete soltanto colpire le persone alle spalle!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
DAILY RECAP: Netanyahu Blasts Leftist Media; Protests Against PM Grow; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-august-2-2020-2/#.Xybyu-0FkZ8.twitter Bubster NoahTheNephilim • when all else fails riot that is what the people are going to expect from the sore losers they are . Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Bubster • when, you put your finger in your dirty part Sodom, and another: on the crystal ball of the witch Nancy Pelosi: then after then, you can say everything you want to say: without having the duty to argue any of your motivations? no, you NWO UE OCI Riyadh you are losing: and this cannot be stopped quando, tu metti il tuo dito nella tua parte sporca Sodoma, ed un altro: sulla sfera di cristallo della strega Nancy Pelosi: allora, dopo poi, tu puoi dire tutto quello che tu vuoi dire: senza avere il dovere di argomentare un qualche tua motivazione? no, voi NWO UE OCI Riyad voi state perdendo: e questo non si può arrestare
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • a few seconds ago worldisraelnews ] this is my office and i am the only one who can spam here! questo è il mio ufficio e io sono l'unico che può fare spam quì! Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. This comment was marked as spam.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
White House Condemns Twitter for Targeting Trump and Ignoring Iran http://disq.us/t/3qslh0i Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • i am jewish messia twitter and all social media network satellite Tv is gope Regime Bilderberg antifa: la palude del partito democratico: Deep State King Rothschild 666 masonic system NWO ED IMF scam banking seigniorage: the Demonic lgbtq ENTITY
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
in Italy we have a government (imposed by Merkel Bilderberg) that has not elected anyone and that does not have a majority base that supports and represents it! a criminal government smuggler and infector! in Italia noi abbiamo un governo (imposto dalla Merkel Bilderberg) che non ha eletto nessuno e che non ha una base maggioritaria che lo sostiene e rappresenta! un govern criminale scafista, e untore!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu are the victims of transnational freemasonry! * the judges are from the Democratic Party; * the media belongs to the democratic party: * the Central Banks (neoliberalism technocracy bureaucracy perversion lgbtq of state) are all private Spa mutinational and Rothschild Soros shareholders: and are always served by the Democratic Party (speculative finance) and its tax havens ... then someone has to tell me what, what does the word democracy still mean? After 50 years, MATTARELLA asks / begs himself: "what is the truth of the Ustica massacre and the Bologna massacre" answer if we can't indict the Democratic Party? then, we are forced to switch to fascism! Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu sono le vittime della massoneria trasnazionale! * i giudici sono del Partito Democratico; * i media sono del partito democratico: * le Banche Centrali (neoliberismo tecnocrazia burocrazia perversione lgbtq di Stato) sono tutte private Spa multinazionali e azionisti Rothschild Soros: e sempre sono servite dal Partito Democratico (la finanza speculativa) e suoi paradisi fiscali... allora qualcuno mi deve dire che, cosa significa ancora la parola democrazia? MATTARELLA dopo 50 anni, chiede/supplica da se stesso: "quale è la verità della strage di Ustica e della strage di Bologna" answer se non riusciamo a incriminare il Partito Democratico? poi, siamo costretti a passare al fascismo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Netanyahu condemns Israeli media: 'Propaganda arm of anarchist left' http://disq.us/t/3qshfa0 the democratic party of the Fed: high constitutional betrayal the banking seigniorage SpA ECB Bilderberg regime lgbtq a coup is a threat to national security He called on everyone to join in this effort and ignore "the dangerous media instigation campaign". "Prime Minister Netanyahu condemns violence of any kind and calls for an equal investigation into each case of violence and death threats," says the statement. The statement accused the stations of giving free and unlimited publicity to the protests "in an attempt to fuel leftist demonstrations and in a transparent attempt to inflate their importance and weight". "On the other hand, they ignore the violent nature of the demonstrations and the appeals made in them to assassinate the prime minister and his family." il partito democratico della FED: alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario SpA ECB regime Bilderberg lgbtq è un golpe una minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale Ha invitato tutti a unirsi in questo sforzo e a ignorare "la pericolosa campagna di istigazione dei media". "Il primo ministro Netanyahu condanna la violenza di qualsiasi tipo e chiede un'indagine paritaria su ogni caso di violenza e minacce di morte", afferma la dichiarazione. La dichiarazione accusò le stazioni di dare pubblicità libera e illimitata alle proteste "nel tentativo di alimentare le manifestazioni di sinistra e in un tentativo trasparente di gonfiare la loro importanza e il loro peso". "D'altra parte, ignorano la natura violenta delle manifestazioni e gli appelli fatti in esse per assassinare il primo ministro e la sua famiglia."
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Migrants, new landings at night in Lampedusa, infinite landings out of control Another 30 Tunisian migrants have landed on the coast of Lampedusa. The mayor of the city launches an appeal to the government of satan Merkel Bilderberg technocracy Soros mafioso: kalergy smuggler and infector Migranti, nuovi sbarchi nella notte a Lampedusa, sbarchi infiniti e fuori controllo Altri 30 migranti di nazionalità tunisina sono sbarcati sulle coste di Lampedusa. Il sindaco della città lancia un appello al governo di satana Merkel Bilderberg tecnocrzia Soros mafioso: kalergy scafista e untore.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Iran OCI Jihad ISIS sharia genocide worldwide: has a roof: West "safe haven for terrorists", the sinking of the Islamic terrorist minister sharia Zarif it comes just hours after the capture of the leader of a monarchist terrorist group for the return of the Sha to Tehran, which is based in the United States. for Muslims? all non-Muslims are terrorists, because there is only one planet, one UMMA (Erdogan's) and one Allah Iran OCI Jihad ISIS sharia genocide worldwide: ha tetto: Occidente "paradiso sicuro dei terroristi", l'affondo del ministro terrorista islamico sharia degli Esteri Zarif giunge a poche ore dalla cattura del leader di un gruppo terroristi monarchico per il ritorno dello Sha a Teheran, che ha base negli Usa. per gli islamici? tutti i non islamici sono terroristi, perché c'é un solo pianeta, una sola UMMA (quella di Erdogan) e un solo Allah
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Disturbing alien-like figurines could represent the aliens's face of Gods Eloims: Dr Yosef Garfinkel, veteran archaeologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, proposed a fascinating theory that suggests that a series of three small clay figurines recently discovered in the archaeological sites of Khirbet Qeiyafa and Moza and two similar finds previously exhibited at the Museum of Israel could be representations of: Marduch, Ja-Bull-On, Aru Mazda Baal, the God of Rothschild Soros satanist and usurer: slave trader, as it is written in the TALMUD Inquietanti statuette simili ad alieni potrebbero rappresentare il volto di Dio: Il dottor Yosef Garfinkel, archeologo veterano dell'Università Ebraica di Gerusalemme, ha proposto un'affascinante teoria che suggerisce che una serie di tre piccole statuette di argilla recentemente scoperte nei siti archeologici di Khirbet Qeiyafa e Moza e due reperti simili precedentemente esposti presso il Museo d'Israele potrebbero essere rappresentazioni di: Marduch, Ja-Bull-On, Aru Mazda Baal, il Dio di Rothschild Soros satanista e usuraio: commerciante di schiavi, così come è scritto nel TALMUD
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Il giurista Sinagra: processo a Salvini è soltanto un attacco politico Record di sbarchi in queste ore, diversi porti siciliani al collasso e nelle stesse ore il governo italiano illegale e senza consenso nel Paese, manda a processo l’ex ministro Matteo Salvini per aver difeso i confini e scongiurato la minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale. All’epoca la politica dei porti chiusi era condivisa anche dal ministro delle Infrastrutture e dal premier, ma oggi tutti se ne lavano le mani è la colpa è soltanto di Salvini. i giudici massoni di Mattarella eseguiranno la condanna già scritta da Rothschild ACT NOW! Tell NAACP 'Sorry' Isn't Good Enough, Fire Anti-Semitic President Now http://disq.us/t/3qr44qe The jurist Sinagra: Salvini's trial is only a political attack Records of landings in these hours, several Sicilian ports collapsing and in the same hours the Italian government illegal and without consent in the country, sends ex-minister Matteo Salvini to trial for defending the borders and avoiding the threat to national security. At the time, the policy of closed ports was also shared by the Minister of Infrastructure and the Prime Minister, but today everyone is washing their hands and it is only Salvini's fault. the Masonic judges of Mattarella will execute the sentence already written by Rothschild
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
ACT NOW! Tell NAACP 'Sorry' Isn't Good Enough, Fire Anti-Semitic President Now http://disq.us/t/3qr44qe The jurist Sinagra: Salvini's trial is only a political attack Records of landings in these hours, several Sicilian ports collapsing and in the same hours the Italian government illegal and without consent in the country, sends ex-minister Matteo Salvini to trial for defending the borders and avoiding the threat to national security. At the time, the policy of closed ports was also shared by the Minister of Infrastructure and the Prime Minister, but today everyone is washing their hands and it is only Salvini's fault. the Masonic judges of Mattarella will execute the sentence already written by Rothschild
any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Coronavirus: 295 more infections in 24 hours, he returned with the boat Foreign NGOs caught offloading sewage into the sea: "They violate 29 rules" PD PRIMA DISASSEMBLES SECURITY DECREES AND WANTS THE IUS SOLI TO REPLACE THE ITALIANS any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Tunisian policemen on boats for Italy too: it is an Islamic assault Cities of art lose 34 million tourist presence in 2020 Government out of control: "Wrong to check the borders: from there only 25% of infected" any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Clashes between hundreds of immigrants, shantytowns set on fire and stone-throwing firefighters August 2, 2020 Lockdown, Conte confesses: "If Italians knew there would be riots" qualsiasi delitto e qualsiasi minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale, tutto è utile pur di vincere le elezioni! Coronavirus: altri 295 contagi in 24 ore, è tornato col barcone ONG straniere beccate a scaricare liquami in mare: “Violano 29 norme” IL PD PRIMA SMONTA I DECRETI SICUREZZA E VUOLE LO IUS SOLI PER SOSTITUIRE GLI ITALIANI Anche i poliziotti tunisini sui barconi per l’Italia: è assalto islamico Città d’arte perdono 34 milioni di presenza turistiche nel 2020 Governo fuori controllo: “Sbagliato controllare i confini: da lì solo 25% di infetti” Scontri tra centinaia di immigrati, baraccopoli incendiata e sassaiole contro pompieri Agosto 2, 2020 Lockdown, Conte confessa: “Se italiani sapessero ci sarebbero disordini”
any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Coronavirus: 295 more infections in 24 hours, he returned with the boat Foreign NGOs caught offloading sewage into the sea: "They violate 29 rules" PD PRIMA DISASSEMBLES SECURITY DECREES AND WANTS THE IUS SOLI TO REPLACE THE ITALIANS any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Tunisian policemen on boats for Italy too: it is an Islamic assault Cities of art lose 34 million tourist presence in 2020 Government out of control: "Wrong to check the borders: from there only 25% of infected" any crime and any threat to national security, everything is useful to win the election! Clashes between hundreds of immigrants, shantytowns set on fire and stone-throwing firefighters August 2, 2020 Lockdown, Conte confesses: "If Italians knew there would be riots"
BIN SALMAN ] [ after the massacres of millions of satanists, which I did on youtube? BIDEN's lizards no longer dare to come against me! dopo le stragi di milioni di satanisti, che io ho fatto in youtube? le lucertole di BIDEN non osano più venire a contro di me!
Ma penseresti che un funerale potrebbe essere l'unico posto in cui la politica potrebbe riposare. Bene, ti sbaglieresti. il grande antichirst "Beni Berith" più Rockefeller Morgan Soros Merkel Macron il satanista grande Partito Democratico, ovvero Nuovo Ordine Mondiale FED 666 FMI 322 OCI 187: "teschio e ossa" i pirati Bush e Kerry, sacerdoti di satana della CIA i cannibali: di : Riyad Sodoma, Deep State Regime Bilderberg L'ex presidente dell'agenda Talmud della massoneria Barack Obama questa settimana ha usato il funerale dell'icona dei diritti civili John Lewis per far esplodere Trump, che ha suscitato applausi dalla folla partigiana riunita in onore del defunto legislatore democratico dalla Georgia. il più grande potere della storia del genere umano: getta un fiume di fango e di calunnie contro il nostro patriota MAGA l'eroe Donald TRUMP !!! e il traditore e il corrotto Obama il satanista lgbtq schiavo Dadi Rothschild: "" Anche mentre siamo seduti qui, ci sono quelli al potere che stanno facendo del loro meglio per scoraggiare le persone dal voto chiudendo i seggi elettorali e prendendo di mira le minoranze e gli studenti con leggi restrittive sulla carta d'identità e attaccando i nostri diritti di voto con precisione chirurgica - minando persino il servizio postale in vista di un'elezione che dipenderà dalle votazioni per corrispondenza in modo che le persone non si ammalino ”, ha detto Obama al servizio. E ha paragonato Trump all'ex governatore segregazionista dell'Alabama, George Wallace. "Oggi assistiamo con i nostri occhi agli agenti di polizia in ginocchio sul collo di neri americani", ha detto Obama. "George Wallace potrebbe non esserci più, ma possiamo assistere al nostro governo federale che invia agenti per usare gas lacrimogeni e manganelli contro manifestanti pacifici". Nulla è al sicuro dalla politica: quando i satanisti considerano di essere sconfitti per la seconda volta.
CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA EU US UN] [[it is essential to criminalize OCI sharia worldwide, and in case of resistance the ARAB LEAGUE must be destroyed]] Dear lorenzoJHWH, CINA, RUSSIA, INDIA UE USA ONU ] [[ è indispensabile criminalizzare la sharia OCI a livello mondiale, ed in caso di resistenza bisogna distruggere la LEGA ARABA ]] Dear lorenzoJHWH, On January 5, an Egyptian Imam named Sheikh Sayed Askar witnessed a terrorist plant bombs on the roof of the Virgin Mary and Father Seifin Church in Nasr City, near Cairo, Egypt. The terrorist planned to detonate the bombs during the church’s orthodox Christmas Eve service on January 6. Hundreds of Christians flock to this Christmas Eve service every year to celebrate their Savior. After Askar alerted the police, the government responded to the Imam’s observation and immediately dispatched a specialized bomb squad to defuse the bombs. The squad located three bombs on the roof of the church. Tragically, while the officers were attempting to defuse the bombs, one detonated. An officer, Major Mustafa Abid, lost his life. Three other nearby individuals, including General Nasar Mansour, were seriously injured.
Obama rips Trump (at a funeral) to hide his support for ISIS al-Nusra Erdogan and his complicity in putting all Syrian peoples into mass graves. But you'd think a funeral might be the one place politics could take a rest. Well, you'd be wrong. Former president Barack Obama this week used the funeral of civil rights icon John Lewis to blast Trump, which drew applause from the partisan crowd gathered to honor the late Democratic lawmaker from Georgia. Obama rips Trump (at a funeral) per nascondere il suo supporto a ISIS al-Nusra Erdogan e la sua complicità nel mettere nelle fosse comuni tutti i popoli siriani.