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TUTTO UN SOLO COMPLOTTO USA CIA TURCHIA ARABIA SAUDITA [ The Free Syrian Army (Arabic: الجيش السوري الحر , al-Jaysh as-Sūrī al-Ḥurr, FSA) is a group of defected Syrian Armed Forces officers and soldiers, No-comment Prigioniero Isis: "Sono stato reclutato e addestrato in Turchia" in un campo millitare del "free syrian army" PandoraTV Pubblicato il 30 dic 2015. Abdurrahman Abdulhadi, militante ISIS siriano, è stato imprigionato dalle Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) l'1 novembre 2015 nel villaggio di Heresta, nei pressi di Al-Hasakah, in Siria. L'intervista è stata condotta da un giornalista. accreditata da Sputnik in un prigione nel Rojava, in cui Abdurrahman Abdulhadi è attualmente detenuto. Video diffuso da Ruptly.
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ERDOGAN ] voi non avete capito niente! [ I SACERDOTI DI SATANA ESSENDO STATI SCONFITTI ORA DIPENDONO DA ME ] in che modo voi volete morire?
187AUDIOHOSTEM voleva rendermi colpevole, di peccato di concupiscenza e adulterio spirituale, e disse: "quello che l'occhio guarda il cuore desidera", COSì AVREBBE DISTRUTTO IL MIO MINISTERO POLITICO, ma, il fatto che io sono attratto dalle curve femminili, non vuol dire che io coltivo sentimenti di concupiscenza nel mio cuore! E LUI (la CIA ) PUò VEDERE QUELLO CHE I MIEI OCCHI GUARDANO, utilizzando le connessioni neuronali aliene che sono state poste nel mio cervello, MA, lui NON PUò VEDERE QUELLO CHE IL MIO CUORE DESIDERA!
i sacerdoti di satana della CIA avevano perso contro di me ogni confronto, e addirittura: Synnek1 era stato licenziato come Direttore generale di youtube, ed era diventato 187AudioHostem. per merito mio, ] EPPURE, NON SEMBRA AFFATTO CHE I SACERDOTI DI SATANA e della CIA, ABBIANO PERSO IL CONTROLLO DI YOUTUBE [ @Kerry, Rothschild, Bush, 322, 666 187AUDIOHOSTEM -- quanto sangue di porco, tu hai bevuto oggi? 187AUDIOHOSTEM [I Know Much About You Piece Of Shit]
UFuckWithWrongPerson ( lui è IHateNewLayout ) I love you pics ( vuol dire che, attraverso Le connessioni neuronali aliene, IMPIANTATE NEL MIO CERVELLO, lui può vedere attraverso i miei occhi e può percepire attraverso i miei sensi! )
non sono lo stupido cattivo che se la prende contro i banchieri che lavorano per portare uno stipendio a casa! me la prendo con gli azionisti SpA Banche Centrali, che hanno sputato contro la Bibbia e contro la Costituzione nella MASSONERIA! .. non potrete sfuggire all'ira dei popoli!
Erdogan, Salman, FED Merkel Obama NATO CIA FMI ] ORA è IL VOSTRO TURNO [ io ho visto il vostro satana trascinare la croce sul calvario monte, con la corona di spine in testa! ORA TOCCA A VOI! Van rumpuy his massonico valore ] MERKEL MOGHERINI RENZI [ alto tradimento NATO SpA Rothschild FED FMI NWO ] satana è dio mecca caaba
ISRAELE dear BLOGSPOT GOOGLE ] SOSTANZIALMENTE DICE SEMPRE [ firefox non risponde! ] sono i vampiri della CIA DATAGATE della NSA UK, LEGA ARABA, sono tutti a succhiare il mio pene cazzo ciola ADSL 100MB fibra ottica!
dear BLOGSPOT GOOGLE ] io ho cancellato tutti i cookies ed infatti la segnazione del tipo di errore è cambiato, non riesco ancora a mettere i tag! Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore. (bX-owt4t6)
IL BULLISMO DEL POTERE FINANZIARIO TECNOCRATICO MASSONICO E LA SOVVERSIONE DEMOCRATICA. 29.12.2015( Il primo ministro montenegriNo chiede la fiducia al Parlamento, ma non concede il referendum popolare per l'ingresso nella Nato
IO SONO L'OSSERVATORIO SUL MARTIRIO DEI CRISTIANI DA 30 ANNI, E SONO INDIGNATO DALLE AFFERMAZIONI DI QUESTA FEMMINA! QUALI LIBERTà RELIGIOSE ESISTONO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? QUANTI CRISTIANI SONO SOPRAVVISSUTI IN TURCHIA? NEW YORK, 30 DIC - L'Isis commette un genocidio contro i cristiani e le altre minoranze religiose in Medio Oriente. Lo afferma Hillary Clinton. "Sì. Lo chiamerò genocidio adesso", ha detto. "E lo farò perchè ora abbiamo prove sufficienti", ha proseguito: "Quello che sta succedendo adesso è genocidio, deliberatamente rivolto non solo a distruggere le vite umane, ma anche a cancellare l'esistenza dei cristiani e delle altre minoranze religiose in Medio Oriente, nei territori controllati dall'Isis".
INDIA NON HA IL CONCETTO DI DECORRENZA DEI TERMINI CARCERAZIONE PREVENTIVA. QUINDI STARANNO LI IN ETERNO. 29 DIC - Oltre cento militanti di Azione Nazionale hanno manifestato stamani davanti l'Ambasciata dell'India a Roma per chiedere la liberazione dei due sottoufficiali della Marina Italiana, Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone, il cui destino è da oltre 1.440 giorni in mano al governo di Nuova Delhi. I manifestanti hanno aperto uno striscione con su scritto "Marò Subito Liberi" e sei di loro si sono incatenati per protesta fuori la sede diplomatica indiana.
il regime massonico USA SPA FED NEOCONS, prevede di contrastare le libertà costituzionali dei propri parlamentari! ] QUINDI PER GLI USA I PROPRI PARLAMENTARI VANNO CONTRASTATI, CAPIAMO TUTTI CHE ISRAELE è IL NEMICO, DA ABBATTERE, MA VIOLARE LA SOVRANITà DEI PROPRI PARLAMENTARI è INCOSTITUZIONALE! [ NEW YORK, 30 DIC - Le intercettazioni della National Security Agency (NSA) dei leader stranieri hanno incluso anche conversazioni private tra alti ufficiali israeliani, tra cui il premier Benyamin Netanyahu, deputati al Congresso Usa e gruppi ebraici americani. Lo riferisce il Wall Street Journal che cita ex ed attuali funzionari Usa. Secondo la Casa Bianca - rivelano le fonti al giornale - le intercettazioni potevano essere valide per contrastare la campagna di Netanyahu contro l'accordo nucleare con l'Iran.
LEGIONE di zombies 666 Obama GENDER Darwin la scimmia ] TU STAI ZITTO E NON FIATARE!
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] [ ok, se non vuoi costruire 4 milioni di Chiese, tu mi devi costruire il TEMPIO EBRAICO e mi devi dare la MADIANA, per costruirlo!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] lo sanno tutti che, i santi martiri cristiani innocenti, si onorano, con il dedicare loro, la titolarità delle Chiese, e dalla maledetta apparizione, del vostro falso Profeta Maometto ad oggi? voi avete ucciso non meno di 40 milioni di martiri cristiani! E LORO HANNO AVUTO DA DIO LE CHIAVI DEL PARADISO! Quindi se vuoi entrare in Paradiso? ogni 10 martiri uccisi dai maomettani tu devi costruire una Chiesa!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] ovviamente, noi siamo infedeli, noi siamo idolatri, noi siamo la merda, il nostro dio non esiste, QUINDI NOI POSSIAMO COMPRARE, come schiavi che devono morire, DAI FARISEI I NOSTRI SOLDI AD INTERESSE! [ mentre al contrario ], voi siete i veri fedeli, non siete idolatri, non siete la merda, il vostro Dio e quello vero, e la vostra religione è l'unica religione giusta, ecco perché , anche voi POTETE COMPRARE DAI FARISEI I VOSTRI SOLDI AD INTERESSE, come schiavi che devono morire, DAI SALMAN VAFFANCULO BESTIA!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] che cosa? voi comprate ad interesse, come schiavi di Satana Bush il fariseo Rothschild, il vostro denaro, stampato dall'occhio di Lucifero FMI, piramide torre di Babilonia, e poi, con quel denaro che è il simbolo del demonio, poi, voi entrate in una Moschea del vostro idolo Allah la Cagna Troia! VOI MI FATE SCHIFO!
ALLAH il fetido ] se, il vostro Dio fosse vero? come voi potevate essere gli alleati dei sacerdoti di satana CIA NATO farisei massoni USA? non ci sono massoni anche tra di voi? in Turchia ci sono eccome! e poiché voi dichiarate che il vostro dio è il demonio, poi, lo sanno tutti .. NON SI FA PECCATO AD INSULTARE IL DEMONIO! se, poi, è per colpa vostra che io sto profanando il vostro dio? poi, questo è un peccato che, si aggiunge alla lista dei vostri peccati, che gridano "vendetta" presso il Trono di Dio, cioè, quando la coppa della sua ira sarà stata riempita contro di voi!
TURCHIA ARABIA SAUDITA ] ma, se come voi dite, Allah è il Dio di Abramo, POI, ABRAMO NON HA FATTO I VOSTRI DELITTI. Lui IL TOPO ALLAH, se la prenderà contro di me, che lo sto insultando per colpa vostra? voi avete profanato la sua santità! OPPURE SE LA PRENDERà CONTRO DI VOI? voi lo avete messo in mezzo ai demoni del gufo USA SPA FED, il vostro dio? voi lo avete fatto diventare un demonio, quindi io insulto il vostro demonio, e non c'è peccato ad insultare il demonio, infatti, tutti i delitti e crimini del gufo? anche il vostro dio li fa: come voi siete gli alleati del gufo al bohemian grove USA. QUINDI, VOI STATE BESTEMMIANDO IL VOSTRO DIO, NON IO! e se mi dite, noi stiamo ingannando il GUFO, perché noi siamo ISIS, Boko Haram ecc.. poi, sorgono problemi anche peggiori per il vostro dio di merda! Masonry is satanic Rothschild RELIGION TOPO ALLAH, DESERT IDOL LILIT MECCA CAABA SHARIA
TUTTI POSSONO OTTENERE L'INDIPENDENZA SE FUGGONO DALLA RUSSIA.. MA, C'è LA POSSIBILITà DI AVERE LA INDIPENDENZA PER FUGGIRE DALLA NATO? I CADAVERI IN DONBASS HANNO DETTO DI NO! l presidente della Serbia, da parte sua, ha dichiarato che Belgrado è rammaricata dal sostegno turco all'indipendenza del Kosovo. "È particolarmente doloroso per noi, quando i nostri amici promuovono l'indipendenza del Kosovo. Sto parlando anche della Turchia", — ha detto Nikolic:
E I SATANISTI ISLAMICI ERDOGAN NATO USA POLIZIOTTI DEL MONDO CHE DICONO? Nepal, violente proteste etnia Madhesi, Contro la nuova Costituzione che non tutela la minoranza
Salman Erdogan ARABIA SAUDITA, LEGA ARABA ] [ SUVVIA SIAMO SERI.. se Allah era un vero Dio, come voi potevate fare gli alleati degli USA FARISEI ROTHSCHILD TALMUD KABBALAH IL GUFO BAAL cannibali? lo sanno tutti che sono massoni GENDER DARWIN e sacerdoti di Satana, QUINDI allah potrebbe soltanto essere un demone topo assassino maligno ecc.. ecc.. VOI ANDRETE DISPERATI TUTTI ALL'INFERNO! ] però noi possiamo diventare tutti adoratori di JHWH, non è difficile, coraggio!
Abd Allah TOPO LILIT, DEMONE DEL DESERTO. Allah è soltanto un topo! SOLTANTO JHWH è VERO! ] BUSH 322 KERRY ROTHSCHILD ] da vivo, o meglio da morto? IO SO, sempre, voi DOVE SIETE! e non potrebbe mai esistere un vostro esercito di: alieni demoni fantasmi vampiri zombies, ecc.. che mai potrebbe essere un problema per me! [ COSA DI FOLLE CRIMINALE, SOPRANNATURALE, ESOTERICO MASSONICO, E SOPRATTUTTO DI IRRAZIONALE (PER GLI UMANI PUò SEMBRARE IL SATANISMO) SI DEVE FARE PER PORTARE SATANA, AD ESSERE ADORATO DA TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO? IL PROBLEMA DEGLI USA NON è LA RUSSIA, CINA, ECC.. O LA GUERRA MONDIALE, NO! IL LORO PROBLEMA SONO SOLTANTO IO: UNIUS REI: IL RE DI ISRAELE! IO NON POSSO ESSERE VINTO DA NESSUNO! COME DICE IL PROVERBIO: "IL POTERE E LA POTENZA SENZA IL CONTROLLO DIVENTERANNO UNA MINACCIA CONTRO DI TE! "Razzismo" occidentale e Stato Islamico sono gemelli siamesi.". 29.12.2015 ( What they say about USA. Lo Stato Islamico è una conseguenza. Il motivo della sua comparsa è stato il monopolio americano sul mondo, cresciuto dopo la fine dell'URSS e continuato per gli ultimi 25 anni:
BUSH 322 KERRY ROTHSCHILD ] da vivo o meglio da morto? IO SO, sempre, voi DOVE SIETE!
questo è l'insegnamento dogmatico, che un qualsiasi saudita di salafita wahhabita, darebbe oggi nei territori di guerra, che poi, loro i sauditi ammettono ancora oggi, lo sfruttamento di schiavi e schiave, perché questo è oggettivamente, sia il Corano che la sharia! Così è sempre stato e così sempre sarà, finché non verranno sterminati, tutti i salafiti come ERDOGAN! LONDRA, 29 DIC - L'Isis arriva a indicare regole su come violentare le 'schiave'. Il britannico Daily Mirror pubblica sul suo sito la 'fatwa' emessa in gennaio dallo Stato islamico con 15 'norme' introdotte dopo che i militanti dello Stato islamico si erano lasciati andare a terribili violenze nei confronti delle vittime. Ma il presunto 'regolamento' in realtà non fa che sottolineare il sadismo dell'Isis: viene proibito lo stupro di donne con le mestruazioni, incinte, o di due sorelle contemporaneamente.
Dio JHWH dispera di poter salvare gli USA, questa nazione così potentemente maledetta dagli omosessuali satanisti culto massoni farisei! Dio distruggerà gli USA completamente... è indispensabile che tutti coloro che appartengono al popolo di Dio escano fuori da questa Nazione MALEFICATA!
ISRAEL ] potrebbero essere stati angeli? non so dirlo! ma il tutto è stato fatto: in una frazione di secondo e con troppa precisa determinazione! [ qualcuno nel blog, mi ha fatto comparire, in un luogo del documento, da ma lasciato intenzionalmente senza commenti, che, questa posizione del post, doveva essere: necessariamente, senza commenti, un posto siramente pulito, sotto delle immagini: IN CODA, CIOè IN FONDO A TUTTO IL POST, che mi sarebbe servito in seguito, per un copia incolla, che avevo prospettato di fare, questo strano hacker MI HA FATTO EVIDENZIARE, in questa zona dove avevo cancellato tutto, DUE MIEI VECCHI COMMENTI: 1. IL PRIMO ARTICOLO, giustificava PUTIN per avere dato gli S300 all'IRAN, infatti lui ha paura di forze militarmente soverchianti, e non è stato lui il primo che ha armato fino ai denti i nazisti islamici, 2. ed IL SECONDO ARTICOLO: denunciava OBAMA, di avere ipocritamente fatto un accordo con CUBA e IRAN, al solo scopo, di farsi una immagine di pacifista, come a dire: 1. tutti i disastri nel mondo, 2. il gencidio di tutti i cristiani nel Medio Oriente, ecc.., 3. la diffusione della galassia jihadista, 4. e la stessa Guerra Mondiale Nucleare non potevano mai essere stati colpa mia, perché io sono un pacifista!
E NOI QUANDO IRRORIAMO SANZIONI ALLA TURCHIA PER AVERE COMPRATO IL PETROLIO DA ISIS? Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha firmato un decreto per l'attuazione di misure economiche speciali contro la Turchia. Lo ha reso noto il servizio stampa del Cremlino. Turchia non pagherà danni per l'abbattimento del bombardiere russo Su-24 in Siria
Le relazioni tra Mosca e Ankara si sono deteriorate dopo che le forze turche hanno abbattuto un aereo russo Su-24 in risposta a una presunta violazione dello spazio aereo turco. Il Su-24 era impegnato in un'operazione antiterrorismo della Russia in Siria.
è INDISPENSABILE DICHIARARE GUERRA ALLA NATO! 29.12.2015. Washington sta cercando un motivo per far saltare il vertice NATO fissato per l'anno 2016 a Varsavia. In questo modo gli USA intendono far capire alla Polonia che le sue azioni possono danneggiare i rapporti tra i due Paesi, dice l'ex capo della diplomazia polacca Grzegorz Schetyna:
16:19 Iraq, esercito iracheno ha catturato ministro delle Finanze del Daesh
 16:17 Reporter senza frontiere: 110 giornalisti uccisi nel 2015
 15:43 Iraq, esercito segnala cattura del “tesoriere” Daesh
 15:41 Summit NATO può saltare a causa della politica della Polonia
 15:13 Mosca: escalation in Ucraina evitata grazie alla Russia:
ANKARA, 29 DIC. un INQUIETANTE ISLAMICO NAZISTA SALMAN ERDOGAN SALAFITA CRIMINALE INTERNAZIONALE, MANDANTE DEL TERRORISMO MONDIALE ISLAMICO: LUI MI DEVE DIRE COSA è IL CONCETTO DELLA PIETà NEL SUO CORANO MECCA CAABA ISLAM ALLAH SHARIA, Il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan accusa il presidente siriano Bashar al Assad di aver ucciso "400.000 persone", "senza pietà". Erdogan ha poi affermato che alcuni Paesi "gettano benzina sul fuoco" sostenendo i combattenti curdo-siriani, che Ankara bolla come terroristi. ASSAD HA CONSERVATO 2000 ANNI DI CRISTIANESIMO CHE ERDOGAN CON CIA E NATO HANNO DISTRUTTO, E NON è STATO ASSAD, AD UCCIDERE 2MILIONI DI CRISTIANI SIRIANI!
cosa credevate che la Bibbia è una favola cattiva come il Corano? Caino oggi è Rothschild ed Abele oggi è ISRAELE, se volete che Satana sia il vostro Dio, è semplice: "uccidete Israele!"
IL SIGNIFICATO DI QUESTO SIMBOLO MONETARIO è TROPPO EVIDENTE: ROTHSCHILD HA DETTO AD ISRAELE: "BAAL è IL MIO DIO GUFO IMF MARDUK SPA JABULLON FED, ED IO HO PAGATO MOLTO DI PIù PER FARTI MORIRE, DI COME HO PAGATO PER FARTI VIVERE! adesso: TUTTE LE NAZIONI DEL MONDO DEVONO DIRE, SE STANNO CON ME O SE STANNO CON ROTHSCHILD ] [ TEL AVIV, 29 DIC - Riproduzioni di banconote da 100 dollari statunitensi con la sovrapposizione dell'effigie di Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi e con scritte inneggianti allo Stato islamico sono stati rinvenute in diverse localita' della Galilea, in prossimita' di Kiryat Shmona. Lo rende noto la polizia israeliana che ha aperto un'inchiesta. Per il momento, ha precisato una portavoce, non e' chiaro quale fosse la loro finalita' e non si ha notizia di arresti. ] [ ISRAELE è stata pagata come una troia, a servizio prostituzione, per ORE CONTATE vita SHARIA il mortale nazismo CIA shoah new Olocausto SPA ROTHSCHILD FED NWO
PER ORA VOCI E RUMORI, SOSPETTI, MA QUESTA STORIA PUò PRENDERE UNA BRUTTA PIEGA! cioè, questa storia dei brogli eletorali nel sistema massonico Rothschild MERKEL Bildenberg OBAMA Banche centrali Spa, è una bruta storia che comincia a prendere consistenza. CARACAS, 30 DIC - Il presidente del Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, ha detto che la vittoria dell'opposizione nelle elezioni dello scorso 6 dicembre è stata possibile grazie a "un piano dettagliato di brogli", sul quale è stata aperta un'inchiesta giudiziaria. "Non voglio anticipare i risultati preliminari dell'inchiesta", ha detto Maduro nel suo consueto programma televisivo settimanale, aggiungendo però che "c'è stato di tutto, compreso il volgare voto di scambio con delinquenti".
Ambasciatore Siria all'ONU svela piani di Erdogan per far rinascere Impero Ottomano
12:24 30.12.2015(Il presidente turco sogna "di far rivivere l'eredità coloniale dell'Impero Ottomano." In molti modi Ankara interferisce negli affari interni della Siria e favorisce l'ingresso dei terroristi nel Paese, ritiene il rappresentante permanente della Siria alle Nazioni Unite. Damasco ha chiesto alla comunità internazionale di porre fine alle "violazioni e crimini" commessi dalle autorità turche nei confronti della Siria e dei rifugiati siriani, così come ha parlato dei piani del presidente turco Erdogan per far rinascere l'Impero Ottomano.
Il rappresentante permanente della Siria presso le Nazioni Unite Bashar Jaafari ha detto che i gruppi armati che a partire dal 2011 conducono "una guerra terroristica senza precedenti" contro la Siria sono appoggiati dagli Stati della regione e di altre parti, in particolare dal regime di Erdogan." La lettera indirizzata al segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite e al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite è stata diffusa all'interno dell'ONU martedì.
"Durante la crisi, l'ingerenza turca negli affari interni della Siria ha preso una varietà di forme, tra cui il coinvolgimento diretto del regime di Erdogan e delle forze armate turche in operazioni militari offensive a sostegno dei terroristi," — si legge nella missiva di Jaafari.
Ha inoltre affermato che la Turchia ha contribuito alla penetrazione dei terroristi in Siria assicurando "fuoco di copertura durante il passaggio dei terroristi in Siria lungo il confine."
"Per quanto riguarda il caccia russo abbattuto dalle forze armate turche, abbattuto nello spazio aereo siriano dopo aver bombardato le posizioni del Daesh (ISIS), non servono ulteriori chiarimenti in proposito perché il fatto stesso parla da sé," — è scritto nel testo.
Il rappresentante diplomatico della Siria ha inoltre sottolineato che Ankara sta commettendo crimini contro i profughi siriani in Turchia, "in fuga dal terrore e dalla tirannia di organizzazioni terroristiche come il Daesh," Al-Nusra ","Esercito di Conquista" e "Fronte Islamico", che il governo della Turchia copre nel suo territorio."
Secondo Jaafari, la tratta di esseri umani in cui sono impegnati i terroristi avviene "con il placet e la partecipazione diretta di organizzazioni controllate dal regime di Erdogan".
Jaafari ha osservato che qualche anno fa Erdogan aveva "sollevato la questione della tutela dei popoli di origine turca, nonostante il fatto siano cittadini di Stati sovrani": è la prova che indica come Erdogan voglia "far rivivere l'eredità coloniale dell'Impero Ottomano."
La Siria ha esortato la comunità internazionale a "prendere una posizione forte per porre fine a queste violazioni e crimini" di Ankara.
In Siria dal marzo 2011 è in corso un conflitto armato in cui, secondo le Nazioni Unite, sono rimaste uccise più di 220mila persone. Le truppe governative si oppongono a diversi gruppi armati islamici radicali, tra cui i terroristi del Daesh e del "Fronte Al-Nusra":
GRANDE FRATELLO lui sa sempre dove sei ] A.I. BIOLOGIA SINTETICA, ENTITà SIMBIOTICO COLLETTIVA ALIENA. LUI SA SEMPRE COSA HAI DECISO DI FARE! EPPURE, LA CIA PERMETTE CHE I DELITTI SI COMPIANO! PARIGI, 30 DIC - Il ministro della Difesa francese, Jean-Yves Le Drian, ha confermato la notizia dell'uccisione dell'estremista islamico francese Charaffe Al Mouadan (nome di battaglia 'Souleyman'), legato agli attentati di Parigi, annunciata ieri in un briefing della coalizione anti-Isis. "Sì, posso confermarlo", ha detto Le Drian, interpellato durante un incontro con un gruppo di militari a Parigi, aggiungendo di non avere "altri commenti" sulla vicenda.
LA TURCHIA, COME TUTTI GLI ISLAMICI FANNO DI TUTTO, PER AUMENTARE LE CONDIZIONI SFAVOREVOLI E PER POTERLI AMMAZZARE! Turchia, traffico di uomini: traversate a prezzi stracciati con il mare grosso. 30.12.2015 Trafficanti di uomini propongono ai migranti viaggi verso l'Europa a prezzi stracciati quando condizioni atmosferiche rendono la traversata pericolosa. Trafficanti turchi propongono traversate del Mar Egeo a prezzi stracciati ai migranti che desiderano raggiungere le coste europee della Grecia. I bambini viaggiano gratis. Ma solo quando le condizioni atmosferiche rendono la traversata pericolosa.
"Mi hanno proposto uno sconto perché il mare fosse grosso e stesse piovendo. Era rischioso, ma ci hanno detto che sarebbe andata bene", ha raccontato l'infermiera siriana Nancy Ahmed alla Bbc.
Nancy ha raggiunto le coste dell'Europa, assieme ai due figli di 11 anni e alla madre settantenne, su un barcone che ha rischiato di rovesciarsi per ben tre volte. Alla guida un iracheno, migrante anche lui, cui i trafficanti hanno insegnato a guidare l'imbarcazione in una lezione della durata di appena un'ora. I migranti, una quarantina in tutto, sono stati soccorsi dalla Guardia Costiera greca. Altri, partiti lo scorso venerdì, con il temporale e il mare in tempesta, non sono stati altrettanto fortunati: il barcone si è capovolto e 13 persone sono affogate.
Ma i trafficanti di uomini sanno essere convincenti. "Andate adesso, costa solo 850 dollari. I bambini possono viaggiare gratis. Se aspettate domani, vi costerà il doppio", urlano.
Ron Redmond, portavoce dell'Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati in Grecia, ritiene che l'abbassamento dei soldi chiesti per le traversate abbia fortemente contribuito all'aumento degli annegamenti nei giorni scorsi.
I trafficanti assicurano che i barconi di legno sono più resistenti dei gommoni. Ma, precisa Redmond, "queste barche, molto vecchie e insicure, meccanicamente non sono in buone condizioni. E caricano a bordo da 300 a 400 persone. Se affondano, la guardia costiera non può arrivare a tutti.":
BISOGNA RIMUOVERE A SOGGETTI, SPA, PRIVATI, AZIONISTI, DI IMPOSSESSARSI DELLA SOVRANITà MONETARIA DI UN PAESE, PERCHé è IN QUESTO MODO, CHE LA DEMOCRAZIA DIVIENE UN DELITTO DI ALTO TRADIMENTO! Referendum in Svizzera contro la rendita frazionata. 18:23 30.12.2015. Il referendum mira a impedire che le banche private creino credito, cioè debito in quantità superiore a quello che hanno in cassa. Un referendum per consentire alla sola Banca centrale di emettere moneta: è quello che accadrà in Svizzera, entro sei mesi, dopo la raccolta di oltre 110mila firme. Attualmente il 90% del denaro è moneta elettronica che le banche private creano quando aprono linee di credito. Il referendum mira a impedire che le banche private creino credito, cioè debito in quantità superiore a quello che hanno in cassa. Le banche private, attraverso i prestiti, di fatto concorrono alla creazione di moneta poiché sono tenute a mantenere un rapporto solamente frazionario fra i propri depositi e i crediti che erogano.Tale rapporto in Europa è del 2%. Il risultato è che gran parte della moneta, quella elettronica, non è emessa direttamente dalla banca centrale, bensì dal sistema bancario privato attraverso il fenomeno del moltipliplicatore monetario. Fautore del referendum è il Movimento svizzero per la moneta sovrana, che intende togliere il potere di speculazione da parte delle banche private imponendo un rapporto di riserva pari al 100%. Precludere alle banche private questa possibilità, secondo i promotori, impedirebbe il presentarsi di bolle conseguenti a flussi abnormi di credito. L'Islanda ha già preso una tale decisione. Negli anni Trenta alcuni economisti, tra cui Irving Fisher, erano dello stesso avviso:
COSA è LA SHARIA? ECCOLA! Il sultano del piccolo Stato del Borneo mette al bando i festeggiamenti per il Natale. Cinque anni di carcere a chi festeggia il Natale in Brunei. E' questa la decisione del sultano del piccolo Stato del Borneo per il 25 dicembre, giorno in cui non si potranno "indossare simboli come croci, accendere candele, addobbare alberi di Natale, cantare inni religiosi, montare decorazioni". La nuova legge, era stata annunciata un anno fa al momento della reintroduzione della Sharia, la legge coranica, da parte del sultano Hassanal Bolkian. Il ministro degli affari religiosi del Paese ha spiegato che la scelta di vietare i festeggiamenti del Natale è dettata dalla necessità di "preservare il credo della comunità musulmana", adducendo come motivazione la prevalenza della fede musulmana sulle altre nel piccolo Stato, diffusa nel 65% della popolazione:
2016: nuovi rischi finanziari globali, La Federal Reserve, come previsto, ha chiuso il 2015 con un aumento del tasso di interesse dello 0,25%. Evidentemente si intenderebbe dare il messaggio di fine della crisi negli Stati Uniti:
Trentatrè motivi per lasciare la Turchia fuori dall'Europa
Ogni Paese candidato a diventare membro dell'Unione Europea ha dovuto rispettare determinate condizioni per essere ammesso e in tutto sono trentatré i "capitoli" che vanno approfonditi e negoziati tra i Governi e i rappresentanti della Commissione:
Secondo il portavoce del Cremlino, le informazioni che la Russia possiede sul presunto acquisto da parte di Ankara di petrolio dal Daesh potranno contribuire al contrasto del terrore:
30.12.2015. Negli ultimi 2 giorni gli aerei dell'Aviazione russa hanno effettuato 121 missioni di combattimento in Siria, colpendo 424 obiettivi dei terroristi, ha riferito il generale Igor Konashenkov, rappresentante ufficiale del ministero della Difesa russo.
"Negli ultimi 2 giorni 28 velivoli dell'Aviazione russa di stanza in Siria hanno completato 121 missioni ed hanno colpito 424 infrastrutture terroristiche tra le province di Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Damasco, Dar, Raqqa e Deir ez-Zor," — ha riferito Konashenkov.
A seguito dei raid aerei sono state distrutte 6 infrastrutture petrolifere del Daesh (ISIS) e una colonna di autocisterne cariche di petrolio dirette verso il confine con la Turchia.
"Nei bombardamenti sono state distrutte 20 autocisterne, sfruttate dal Daesh per contrabbandare il petrolio verso la Turchia, così come 2 jeep con mitragliatori Zu-23", — ha aggiunto Konashenkov:
Theology of Persecution for innocent christinas martyrs ] chi fa del male a persone innocenti, lui dichiara al mondo di servire e di adorare il demonio in ogni modo. [World Watch List Countries. most criminal country: [ all friends of ONU ] North Korea, Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran Yemen, Sudan Eritrea, Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Rep. Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar, Turkmenistan, Laos Egypt, Myanmar (Burma), Brunei Colombia, Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka. Tunisia Bhutan, Algeria Mali, Palestinian Territories, United Arab Emirates, Mauritania, China Kuwait, Kazakhstan Malaysia, Bahrain Comoros, Kenya, Morocco, Tajikistan, Djibouti, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Niger.] [ Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. For almost 60 years Open Doors has worked in the world's most oppressive and restrictive countries, strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ's light in these places. These believers stand strong, despite the many obstacles that they face. What are some of the things that we can we learn from their faith? There is something about hardship that allows us to know God deeply. When times get really tough, we discover more about who God is and how He works. Christians who have endured persecution for their faith, know this well. There are no easy answers for why God allows his followers to face suffering. However, the lives of persecuted Christians reveal that even when things look out of control believers can rest secure, knowing that God is still in control. He is able to give courage, peace and even joy to stand strong through the storm. It is through these storms that believers discover God's love in new and powerful ways. Standing Strong Through The Storm is the curriculum that Open Doors uses to help Christians stand strong in the face of persecution. There are six theological and biblical lessons from this curriculum: 1. Sometimes you need to build yourself a cell

Be still, and know that I am God—Psalms 46:10. One Chinese church leader, who spent 23 years in prison, once said this to Christians who did not face persecution: I was pushed into a cell, but you have to push yourself into one. You have no time to know God. You need to build yourself a cell, so you can do for yourself what persecution did for me—simplify your life and know God." It is vital that we spend time with God, to grow in Him, so we are prepared to stand strong in the face of persecution. 2. God keeps secrets. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts—Isaiah 55:8-9. There have been countless stories of persecuted Christians who have died without seeing the fruits of their labor. However, God know all that has been and all that is to come. Our labor is not in vein, it is in His hands.
3. Weakness is a direct path to power. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong—2 Corinthians 12:10. An Egyptian Christian reflected on the way he was treated when he converted to Christ:. "In great suffering you discover a different Jesus than you do in normal life… Pain and suffering bring up to the surface all the weak points of your personality. In my weakest state, I had an incredible realization that Jesus loved me even right then." True empowerment does not come from human means, but through Christ alone. It often takes being at our weakest point to realize this. 4. Overcoming is greater than deliverance. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. —Romans 12:21. Persecuted Christians, no matter what country they are from, do not ask us to pray that persecution would end, but rather ask us to pray that they stand strong through the persecution. They do not wish to be delivered from the persecution, but rather ask us to pray that they would be able to overcome the trials that they are facing in a way that is honoring to God.
5. Extreme hurt requires extreme forgiveness. And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." And they cast lots to divide his garments—Luke 23:34. A Christian widow from Iran said: "I only had hatred in my heart for my enemies who had murdered my husband. But one day a miracle happened. God taught me how I could love my enemies… I had been praying for this, even though on the deepest level I didn't want it to happen. Gradually, through a process of ups and downs, God answered this prayer." The only way we can get through extreme hurt is by forgiving people as Christ did. 6. Prayer is the ultimate fellowship. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering—Hebrews 13:3. Many persecuted Christians often feel isolated and alone, since they are unable to fellowship with other believers. However, prayers from Christians half a world away have brought the same amount of encouragement that fellowship would have for these persecuted Christians. Prayer is vital—not only as a direct line to God, but as a way to encourage our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. 1 Corinthians 12:26 tells us that we are one body—when one member suffers, we all suffer. When one member is lifted up, we all rejoice. The persecuted church and the church in the free world are not two separate entities, but rather are one body. The persecuted church needs the free church to support them and most importantly to lift them up in prayer. The church in the free world learns lessons from the persecuted who have stood strong in the face of persecution. Christ is the head of the body and uses both churches in unique and powerful ways. World Watch List Countries. most criminal country: [ all friends of ONU ] North Korea. Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran Yemen, Sudan Eritrea, Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Rep. Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar, Turkmenistan, Laos Egypt Myanmar (Burma), Brunei Colombia, Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka. Tunisia Bhutan, Algeria Mali, Palestinian Territories, United Arab Emirates, Mauritania, China Kuwait, Kazakhstan Malaysia, Bahrain Comoros, Kenya, Morocco, Tajikistan, Djibouti, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Niger.
Baghdad Christmas bombings kill 37. Dec 30 2013 Church spokesman says reports of Christian deaths 'false'
Central African Republic Christians petition for President's removal. Dec 24 2013. They also want removal of Chadian forces; Muslims demand exit of French troops
Read More. Christmas excitement marred by insecurity for Pakistani Christians after deadly year of attacks
Dec 23 2013. Solidarity with Muslim neighbours the sole highlight of turbulent year
Read More. Chinese Christians' lawyers attacked in presence of foreign TV crew
Dec 20 2013.  
Whereabouts of 17 Nanle church members still unknown; families in fear
Read More
Iraqi Archbishop calls on West to 'open eyes' to Christians' Middle East exodus
Dec 18 2013. Chaldean Catholic Head says Christians are 'integral part of national Arab tissue'
Prince Charles criticises 'organised persecution' of Middle East Christians
Dec 18 2013
Muslim–Christian relationship in danger of being 'destroyed', says Prince
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Turkey blacklists foreign evangelist without explanation
Dec 17 2013
Another US citizen takes case against government after authorities fail to renew residency
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Pakistani Christian on blasphemy charge speaks out from jail
Dec 16 2013
He says police arrested his family to force his return, then later tried to kill him
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Three pastors among dead in Central African Republic
Dec 13 2013
Religious nature of conflict grows more apparent, as ex-Séléka rebels and anti-Balaka clash
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Egyptian convert arrested for 'inciting sectarian strife'
Dec 13 2013
Bishoy Armeya had sued Egypt to change his religion
Scores killed in Central African Republic
Dec 11 2013
Sectarian violence continues despite expanded military presence
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Malaysia's 'Allah' ruling widely criticised
Dec 11 2013
Church leaders call decision to limit use of 'Allah' to Muslims 'repugnant'
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Rumor of tryst triggers anti-Christian violence in Egypt village
Dec 09 2013
One killed; homes burned in trouble-plagued province
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Pakistan's churches increase security after Peshawar blasts
Dec 06 2013
Officer dies guarding another church in Peshawar
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UN endorses more military in Central African Republic
Dec 05 2013
Mandate is to restore security for civilians.
Nigeria's Boko Haram strikes again in Cameroon
Dec 04 2013. Missionary killed, churches torched around time of French priest's kidnapping
Read More . UK Parliament is told Christianity is 'most persecuted religion'
Dec 04 2013
MPs also hear that one Christian is killed every 11 minutes
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12 nuns 'abducted' as rebels recapture Maaloula
Dec 03 2013
Three other women also abducted; Mother Superior says all 'fine and safe'
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Chinese church protests against arrest of 23 members
Dec 03 2013
Lawyers prevented from seeing detainees; leaders' whereabouts unknown
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Pressure mounts on UN to refer Syria 'war crimes' to ICC
Dec 02 2013
Human Rights Watch calls for UN to address atrocities against Christians.
Dozens killed in fresh attacks in central Nigeria
Nov 29 2013
Four Christian-dominated villages decimated; Muslim tribe suspected of attacks
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Vigilante group formed in Bangladesh to stop Christian activities
Nov 29 2013
Two months after church construction halted, committee wants complete end to Christian influence
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Kenyan bishop hurt in clash with local tribe
Nov 27 2013
Three members of congregation also hurt in attempt to retrieve abducted member
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Church welcomes US designation of Boko Haram as Foreign Terrorist Organisation
Nov 15 2013
Splinter group Ansaru also classified as 'terrorists' One of the major organisations representing Christians in Nigeria has welcomed the US State Department's announcement on Nov 13 that it has ...
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All eyes on Sri Lanka as Commonwealth summit begins
Nov 15 2013
Some world leaders boycott summit, citing human rights abuses Sri Lanka's human rights record has been questioned as a Commonwealth summit takes place in Colombo.Several Commonwealth leaders have ...
 Christians face extinction in Middle East, warns UK Minister
Nov 15 2013
 Baroness Warsi says the situation for Christians has become a global crisisA UK Foreign Office Minister has warned that Christians in some parts of the world face extinction because of violence ...
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Turkish pastor arrested on human trafficking accusations
Nov 15 2013
Pastor says deliberate plot was hatched to discredit his churchA Turkish Protestant pastor arrested by police in the Black Sea province of Samsun this week is accused of involvement in prostitution ...
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Number of Christian martyrs continues to cause debate
Nov 13 2013
Estimates range from between 1,200 to 100,000 per yearThe debate over the precise number of Christians martyred each year continues.In May, a Vatican spokesman told the United Nations Human Rights ...
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China asks Church for help with social care
Nov 11 2013
Church to play major role in caring for increasingly elderly population The Chinese government has welcomed the role of the Church in providing social care in the country.China's leaders have been ...
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Iran's nuclear programme 'distracting' world from rights abuses
Nov 08 2013
 Nobel winner Shirin Ebadi calls EU, US to focus on minorities' plight An Iranian Nobel Prize-winner has warned EU and US officials that Iran's nuclear programme is distracting them from addressing …
Radical Islamists 'control much of northern Syria'
Nov 07 2013
 A new survey of Syrian towns by CNN suggests that much of northern Syria has come under the control of radical Islamist groups. CNN claims that Islamist militants, led by a group called the ...
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Youth leader killed in Tanzania church attack
Nov 06 2013
 Bishop asks for protection as another church is attacked in northern Tanzania Another Christian leader in northern Tanzania has been killed in what appears to be a targeted attack, with two other ...
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Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed
Nov 05 2013
 An Iranian Christian sentenced to 10 years in prison has been released after three months. Mostafa Bordbar, 27, was released Nov. 3 from Tehran's Evin Prison after charges of participating in an ...
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Vietnamese Catholics jailed despite protests
Nov 01 2013
 Two Vietnamese Catholics whose arrest led to protests last month have been handed jail terms. Nguyen Van Hai, 43, and Ngo Van Khoi, 53, were ordered on Oct. 23 to serve six and seven months, ...
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Christian woman dies in Eritrean jail, as prisoner of conscience
Nov 01 2013
 An Eritrean Christian woman has become the latest known prisoner of conscience to have died in Eritrea. The death of Wehazit Berhane Debesai, who was in her thirties, comes amidst renewed ...
Christian woman dies in Eritrean jail, as prisoner of conscience
Nov 01 2013
Shipping containers, such as these photographed in South Sudan, are used as makeshift prison cells in neighbouring Eritrea. Wehazit Berhane Debesai died during the week of Oct. 14 in an Eritrea prison, though it was not reported if she was being held in a shipping containter.
An Eritrean Christian woman has become the latest known prisoner of conscience to have died in Eritrea.
The death of Wehazit Berhane Debesai, who was in her thirties, comes amidst renewed condemnation of Eritrea's human rights abuses by the United Nations and NGOs.
 Debesai died during the week of Oct. 14 of pneumonia, following a year of imprisonment in harsh conditions, where she was denied access to medical treatment because she refused to denounce her Christian beliefs.
Debesai's death also coincided with the arrest of around 70 Christians at a prayer gathering in Asmara, the capital.
These arrests bring to nearly 300 the number of Christians known to have been taken into custody this year in what local Christians have called the most serious campaign against the Eritrean Church yet.
This follows the deaths earlier this month of around 380 mostly Eritrean and Somali migrants as they attempted to flee to Europe in ill-equipped vessels, crossing the Mediterranean from Libya.
The United Nations' special rapporteur on human rights in Eritrea, Sheila Keetharuth, recently told the General Assembly that human rights abuses in Eritrea are causing "countless Eritreans to desert from their positions and flee the country". Eritreans are second only to Syrians in terms of the number of those who have fled to Italy by sea up to 30 September this year (UN figures). "It demonstrates the desperation of those who decide to flee, despite the extreme dangers along escape routes and an unknown future," said Keetharuth.
 UN figures claim that between 2,000 and 3,000 people are fleeing Eritrea every month despite a "shoot-to-kill policy" for those who attempt to leave. More than 300,000 Eritreans are believed to have fled the country in the past decade.
 Keetharuth said the most serious violations include a lack of freedom of expression, assembly, religious belief and movement; extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, extended incommunicado detention, torture and indefinite national service.
 Eritrea's ambassador to the UN, Arya Desta, rejected these claims, saying they were being used as a "tool of political pressure" for making "unfair and unjust" sanctions. He also denied the implementation of a shoot-to-kill policy.
 Debesai had been taking part in national service when she was arrested last year for her involvement in Christian activities outside of the government-sanctioned Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical Lutheran church groups.
 Debesai, who was engaged to be married, was then kept incommunicado in Adi Quala, near the Ethiopian border.
 Her fiancé Yohannes was arrested on the same day and also held in Adi Quala.
 A representative of Open Doors, a charity that works with Christians under pressure for their faith, said that many Christian men and women are being held in underground dungeons, metal shipping containers and military detention centres.
 "They face exposure, hard labour and insufficient food, water and hygiene. They are regularly denied medical treatment for malaria and pneumonia contracted while in prison or diseases like diabetes, hypertension or cancer that they may have arrived with," said the representative.
A number of rights organisations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have condemned Eritrea's human rights record. Amnesty International claims that Eritrea's prisons are filled with "thousands of political prisoners, locked up without ever being charged with a crime, many of whom are never heard from again".
At least 10,000 political prisoners have been imprisoned since 1993, claims the organisation, and many die in detention as a result of "torture, appalling conditions or suicide".
Speaking to the BBC World Service in the aftermath of the first Eritrean deaths off the island of Lampedusa, Gaiam Ciprian of London's South Bank University said that every Eritrean between 16 and 40 has to do national service, and since there is no effective de-mobilisation, so no-one really leaves it.
He also said the Eritrean economy has virtually collapsed.
Source:World Watch Monitor
Iranians jailed for 'house church' attendance
Oct 30 2013
Christians lose appeals against incarceration for meeting together to pray Four Iranian Christians jailed for attending a 'house church' have lost their judicial appeals. Mojtaba Seyyed Alaedin ...
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Two pastors killed in Kenya
Oct 29 2013
Perpetrators must be arrested and security increased, say church leaders Two pastors from southern coastal towns in Kenya were killed last weekend in separate attacks. Charles Mathole, a leader of ...
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One third of Syrian Christians have gone, says cleric
Oct 24 2013
Patriarch claims more than 450,000 have fled, but opinions vary Almost a third of Syria's Christians have left since the start of the civil war, according to one of the country's senior clerics. ...
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Clerics call on UN military force to secure Central African Republic
Oct 23 2013
In joint statement, Christian leaders warn of 'interfaith civil war' The leaders of the Central African Republic's 4 million Christians have issued a joint plea for military help to disarm a ...
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Northern Iraq no longer safe for Christians
Oct 22 2013
Once a relative safe haven, Kurdish north is becoming increasingly dangerous An increase in violence against Christians in northern Iraq has increased the flow of Christians leaving the country. ...
Bajrang Dal pressure villagers to leave Christianity
Oct 16 2013
Nationalist Hindu group destroys church, threatens believers For much of the year, Christians in the central India village of Taragaon have been enduring pressure to abandon their religion. In ...
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Indian Christians sentenced to life terms will appeal
Oct 15 2013. No evidence to warrant convictions, lawyers say India's churches are urging an appeal of the lifetime sentences handed down on Oct. 3 to seven men convicted for the 2008 murder of a prominent Hindu ...
Read More. Iran 'abuses' Christians' national and international rights
Oct 14 2013
Christians are jailed, tortured and prevented from meeting together Iran's continued mistreatment of its Christian minority was raised at a recent meeting of the United Nations Human Rights ...
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African migrants risk lives to flee war and persecution
Oct 10 2013
Freedom to choose faith one factor driving them into smugglers' boatsThe latest tragic incident of hundreds of African migrants drowning in European waters tells a wider story.Scratch beneath the ...
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Tension high as Mombasa Muslims protest cleric's murder
Oct 09 2013
Murder causes riots in days after siege of Westgate Shopping Centre in NairobiTension remains high in Kenya's port city of Mombasa after riots in protest at the murder of a prominent Muslim cleric on … Leaving home
Oct 07 2013. A couple of days after she fled Syria for Turkey, a colleague sent me a message."Dear Nuri, this is a court that the extremists established in my city, Lattakia, in the [Syrian] village of Kansabba. … Read More
Promised legal reforms disappoint Turkey's religious minorities
Oct 04 2013. Latest reforms positive but inadequate, say minority groupsThe Turkish government's long-awaited "democratisation package" of reform laws announced this week has met with considerable disappointment ...
Read More . Boko Haram killing spree claims 110 Nigerians
Oct 01 2013. the militant Islamist sect Boko Haram is suspected of killing at least 110 people of various faiths across Nigeria during the past week, prompting the country's top Catholic bishop to declare the … Read More. Iran releases 2 Christians, but many more still imprisoned
Sep 20 2013. Prisoners freed on eve of President's UN addressTwo Christian women were among a number of prisoners of conscience released in Iran, ahead of new President Hassan Rouhani's first address to the UN … Read More. After the storm. Sep 20 2013. A few days on from the Egyptian army's re-establishment of state control over Delga in Minya province, the country's Coptic Christians are beginning to reveal the extent of their sufferings at the …
Interfaith conflict threatens to engulf Central African Republic
Sep 18 2013. Evangelical Alliance leader risks arrest to condemn violence; President disbands rebelsClashes between Christians and Muslims in the northwest of the Central African Republic (CAR) have increased ...
Read More. Catholic priest victim of latest Zanzibar acid attack
Sep 17 2013. Fifth such attack on the island since NovemberAn elderly Catholic priest has been the victim of an acid attack in Zanzibar.Amselmo Mwangamba was attacked on Friday (September 13) and is now in … Read More. Egyptian army breaks Islamist grip on Delga
Sep 16 2013. Since the Aug. 14 wave of anti-Christian violence that swept over Egypt, the Christians of Delga have complained they had been abandoned by government security forces. Many of their churches and ...
Read More. Vietnamese police crush protests against Catholics' imprisonment
Sep 13 2013. Dozens injured, as police use tear gas, batons and police dogsAround 40 people have been injured in Vietnam during a protest against the 3-month detention of two Catholics on minor charges.The protest … Read More. Christians flee Pakistani village after pastor accused of blasphemy. Sep 12 2013. Dozens of Christian families have fled from their homes in a village near Lahore after a pastor was accused of blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad.In a discussion with a Muslim man on August 24, … Christian woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh
Sep 10 2013. Four men were today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi - a story that has grabbed the world's attention. Meanwhile, a little further south, the case of a Christian woman … Read More. Moroccan Christian jailed for evangelizing
Sep 09 2013. Mohamed el Baldi convicted for 'shaking the faith' of MuslimsA Moroccan Christian man has been jailed for two-and-a-half years and fined for evangelizing.Mohamed el Baldi, 34, from the town of Ain ...
Read More. Pastor taken hostage in Philippines rebel attack. Sep 09 2013. A pastor has been taken hostage and several Christians are among the many injured in an attack by a rebel group in the Philippines.The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) is suspected of carrying ...
Read More. Maldives elections unlikely to improve religious freedom
Sep 06 2013. Tourist hotspot the only place where being non-Muslim is illegalKnown for its golden sands and crystal waters, the Maldives is perhaps not the first country that springs to mind when one considers … Read More. Renewed day by day. Sep 04 2013. A photographic journey into the destruction, and resilience, of Egypt's churchesPhoto: Miriam, a member of Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya, absorbs the destruction caused Aug 14 by pro-Morsi ...
Download. Christian woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh
Sep 10 2013. The bed where the woman's body was found. Courtesy: World Watch Monitor. Four men were today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi - a story that has grabbed the world's attention. Meanwhile, a little further south, the case of a Christian woman who suffered the same fate has gone relatively unnoticed.. The 30-year-old was raped and killed on August 29 in Bakoudi village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
The woman, whose name has not been released to protect her family's security and privacy, was found the next morning by her mother-in-law.
Witnesses told World Watch Monitor she had suffered multiple stab wounds to her torso and had been strangled with her own sari.
Two suspects, both Hindus, have been arrested. Mahesh Dohre, 23, who worked with the victim's husband, and Durgesh Potfode, 25, are residents of Bakoudi. They have both been released. It is unclear whether they will face further official charges. The local Christian community has been shocked by the event and expressed concerns about its vulnerability to local authorities. It is uncertain whether the attack took place because of the woman's faith, but Christian women often report threats in the area. Christians comprise a tiny fraction of the population of Madhya Pradesh (the 2001 census put the figure at around 170,000 people, or 0.3%) and just 2.3% of the total population of India (2011 census).
In the vast and diverse country, Christians often live freely. However, India ranks among the 50 countries where life as a Christian is most difficult, according to Open Doors International, a global ministry that serves Christians who are pressured because of their faith. The country is No. 31 on Open Doors' 2013 World Watch List, largely because of a streak of Hindu nationalism, or Hindutva, that envisions India as a purely Hindu state. Source:World Watch Monitor. Dozens of 'noisy' churches silenced in Cameroon. Sep 03 2013. Government continues crackdown on Pentecostal movementThe government of Cameroon has ordered the closure of dozens of churches in an attempt to put an end to what it considers to be anarchy among some ...
Read More. 40 Pakistani Christian families face hunger after Gojra elopement dispute
Sep 02 2013. Christian minority targeted after Muslim girl elopes with Christian manLast month was the fourth anniversary of one of the worst outbreaks of violence against Pakistan's minority Christian community … Read More. North Korea rescinds invitation to U.S. envoy
Aug 30 2013. Diplomatic trip to free Kenneth Bae is offNorth Korea has rescinded its invitation to a special U.S. envoy who had planned to visit Pyongyang with hopes of bringing jailed American Kenneth Bae .. Read More. Viewpoint: A troubling call from Syria
Aug 29 2013. Nuri Kino is a Sweden-based independent investigative reporter, filmmaker, author, Middle East and human-rights analyst. His report, titled "The Camp," which examined the construction of a massive … Read More Court case hangs over Indonesian pastor
Aug 26 2013. Pastor says he was the victim, as human rights group questions police logicPastor says he was the victim, as human rights group questions police logicAn Indonesian pastor remains in a tortured .. Italian priest still unaccounted for in Syria. Aug 22 2013. Fr. Dall'Oglio reported abducted last month, now presumed deadConflicting reports are emerging about the whereabouts and welfare of an Italian Jesuit priest who went missing almost one month ...
Rimsha accused goes free. Aug 21 2013
Cleric acquitted due to 'insufficient evidence'Photo: Rights activist Basharat Khokhar, left; Mizrak Masih, centre; daughter Rimsha, right, in early 2013, after her release.The Muslim cleric suspected … Read More . What caused Syria's civil war?
Aug 16 2013. Revd. Nadim NassarThroughout its history, ancient and modern, Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.Syria, in the original sense of what … Churches across Egypt attacked
Aug 14 2013. Photo: Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt - after church was attacked by Morsi supportersNumerous Christian churches across Egypt were attacked on Wednesday by mobs angered by the military's ...
Read More. In Egypt, Christian anxieties mount as Islamist hostility increases
Aug 13 2013. Coptic Pope cancels public appearancesPhoto: A burned truck is part of the damage caused Aug. 3 by a 4,000-person anti-Christian mob in Bani Ahmed, Egypt.Mass no longer is being celebrated at The … Italian priest still unaccounted for in Syria
Aug 22 2013. Fr. Dall'Oglio reported abducted last month, now presumed dead
Fr. Paolo Dall'Oglio, pictured in his native Italy in 2012.
Conflicting reports are emerging about the whereabouts and welfare of an Italian Jesuit priest who went missing almost one month ago.
Reuters reported on July 29 that Fr. Paolo Dall'Oglio had been abducted by Islamists with links to al-Qaeda in the northern Syrian city of ar-Raqqah, but the Vatican would not confirm the news.
Now, as various reports claim the priest has been killed, the Vatican remains tight-lipped.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported last week that the priest had been killed, but retracted its statement on Monday, Aug. 19.
The rights organisation said sources close to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, which claimed it has kidnaped Dall'Oglio, said he was still alive. ISIS has yet to make a statement.
"No side refuting the report that Father Paolo was killed has shown any evidence to prove that he is alive, despite their empty assurances," said a statement released by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The group called for "solid evidence" to be given, such as a recent video proving that he is alive, and a statement from a "clear and honest" member of the Syrian opposition.
"Any harm inflicted on Father Paolo is harm inflicted on the Syrian revolution and on the Syrian peoples' freedoms and dignity," SOHR said.
"No side refuting the report that Father Paolo was killed has shown any evidence to prove that he is alive, despite their empty assurances."--Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
A Jesuit spokesperson earlier this month expressed "deep worry" about the fate of Dall'Oglio.
Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said: "We are still groping in the dark".
Dall'Oglio worked in Syria for more than 30 years, and described his work as "promoting Islamic-Christian harmony-building". He was expelled last year after speaking out against President Bashar al-Assad and helping victims of the civil war. Since then, he has been working predominantly in Europe. On July 22, he posted an online petition asking Pope Francis to advocate on behalf of suffering Syrians.
However, his stance has been controversial for many Syrian Christian leaders. Nadim Nassar, the only Syrian Anglican priest, told World Watch Monitor: "Any attempt to politicise the voice of Christians in Syria is wrong, and devastating for them, because it weakens them".
Meanwhile, there is nothing new to report about the two Syrian bishops – Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji – kidnapped four months ago.
Metropolitan Timotheus Matta Fadil Alkhouri, patriarchal Assistant for the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, urged members of the press and politicians to refrain from speculation.
"Every week some politician or some journalist pulls out some story on the two Metropolitan Bishops of Aleppo kidnapped," he told Fides. "But so far they have always been unverifiable deductions. The reality is that… we do not know who kidnapped them."
Source: World Watch Monitor. What caused Syria's civil war?
Aug 16 2013. Revd. Nadim Nassar. Photo: Revd. Nadim Nassar
Throughout its history, ancient and modern, Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.
Syria, in the original sense of what is now known as "Greater Syria", encompassed much of the Levant – today's states of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan, plus a portion of Turkey. This is the cradle of the three major monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam; two were born in Syria, and Islam found its way there very early in its existence.
Its geopolitical position brought Syria to the attention of many different superpowers and, sadly, it has often been a battleground for these foreign powers. Throughout millennia of occupation and recent decades of independence, the minorities in Syria have always stayed true to their homeland: they played a major role in the liberation from the Ottomans after more than 500 years of oppression, and from the French Mandate in the twentieth century, leading to independence in 1946.
Christians, Druze, Alawites, Kurds and other, smaller minorities worked hand in hand with the majority Sunnis to secure the liberation of Syria from all foreign occupation.
In 1970 the political situation in Syria took a dramatic turn when a faction of military leaders who were Alawites – an Islamic sect – took power. After many centuries in which the Syrians had been ruled by outsiders, they now found themselves ruled by one of their own minorities.
For years Syrians hoped that the Assads, the ruling family, would bring stability and freedom after the troubled 1950s and 60s, during which a series of coups d'états pushed the country into uncertainty and military conflict. In 1973, just three years after he seized power, Hafez al-Assad joined with Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat in a new major war against Israel. The Soviet Union supplied Egypt and Syria with arms, while the United States of America backed Israel. This disastrous war damaged relations throughout the Middle East and achieved little for Syria.
Before the region could recover, civil war engulfed Syria's southern neighbour, Lebanon. The superpowers and regional powers, including Syria, used their allies in Lebanon to wage their own proxy wars in the midst of the 17-year-long Lebanese Civil War. This act by the ruling minority dragged Syria into the heart of the bloodshed through indirect and direct military intervention.
At this time, President Hafez al-Assad focused most of his energy on foreign politics, especially the on-going conflict with Israel, and left Syria to be run mainly by members of his family and the Intelligence Services.
Trade with the rest of the world was tightly controlled by the Assad regime, and many benefitted from the Lebanese Civil War through establishing smuggling rings and black markets across the Syrian-Lebanese border – with the support of many of those in power; this was the beginning of the awful corruption that has infected Syria.
In an extremely closed economy, smuggling became the norm – even fruit, vegetables and daily products like butter, tea, sugar, bananas and tissues had to be smuggled into Syria from Lebanon and Jordan.
The corruption deepened as time went on, creating a new upper class of people from all religions who took advantage of the situation and got closer to the Alawite regime in order to further their business.
This squeezed the traditional middle class and deprived them of much of their income, fomenting anger and hostility towards the regime and towards Alawites in general.
"What is happening in Syria today is not merely the result of a minority ruling a majority. Some of those who are supported by external powers would like the conflict to be seen in this way, but the changes the people seek have nothing to do with Assad coming from a minority." --Revd. Nadim Nassar
The regime maintained its hold on power through the usual measures employed by a dictatorship: eliminating dissent through censoring the media, silencing opponents and critics, preventing free speech and denying political expression.
That created an atmosphere of fear and resentment of the Alawites and the Assad family in particular.
In the early eighties the Assad regime killed tens of thousands in the western city of Hama to silence the uprising of a Sunni group, the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood had been terrorising parts of Syria through assassination and bombing.
This brutal act did not end the Syrian people's resentment against the regime but merely drove it deeper underground where it would smoulder under the fist of the regime.
When Hafez al-Assad died in 2000, his second son, Bashar, an ophthalmologist living in London, inherited the Presidency.
The people hoped that a young President, who studied in the West and who had married an intelligent and charming Syrian-British woman, could change the situation which his father had created. Many people were almost euphorically optimistic – they saw Bashar as an open-minded, well-travelled reformer.
Indeed, Bashar al-Assad began to restore proper international trade and he started to reform the country, but everything quickly slipped back to the old corrupt ways. Most of the promises of change that Bashar made in his inauguration speech evaporated.
For most Syrians, religion was not a source of tension and conflict. I have always had dear Muslim, Alawite and Druze friends, and differences in belief were never an issue.
Sadly this has now changed in my homeland. Sectarianism was not a part of a Syrian lifestyle until recently. It has been imported by foreign religious fanatics.
The conflict in Syria began as a protest against the corruption that blighted every aspect of people's lives and the lack of freedom; the people demanded radical reforms in how Syria was governed.
The lack of response to these demands was followed by severe and sustained military action against those who protested, and this violence drove some in the opposition to seek help from foreign governments in the region. Many of these governments are keen to shatter the age-old alliance between Syria and Iran, and the fall of the Assad regime would help them greatly; for this reason, they offered military and financial aid to the opposition but only on the condition that the "new Syria" would cut links with Iran and with Hezbollah in South Lebanon.
Some religious leaders outside Syria then called for a Sunni uprising against the minorities – with the Alawites being at the top of the list. Sadly, Christians are also on that list because they are wrongly seen as having been protected by the Alawites.
As the conflict continued, this new sectarianism spread; it became popular because it legitimised violence against others – even those who were not part of the regime. The regime's acts of war against its own people across Syria only encouraged further resentment against the regime and the Alawites.
What is happening in Syria today is not merely the result of a minority ruling a majority. Some of those who are supported by external powers would like the conflict to be seen in this way, but the changes the people seek have nothing to do with Assad coming from a minority.
The change the Syrians desire with all their hearts is the change from oppression to freedom, from corruption to the rule of law, from dictatorship to democracy. This change would be to the great benefit of all Syrians. Source: World Watch Monitor. Churches across Egypt attacked, Aug 14 2013
Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt - after church was attacked by Morsi supporters
Photo: Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt - after church was attacked by Morsi supporters
Numerous Christian churches across Egypt were attacked on Wednesday by mobs angered by the military's armed crackdown on protesters in Cairo. The official death toll has passed 500; a state of emergency and curfew are in effect. St George's Cathedral. Sohag. Southern Egypt just burnt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.. Photo: St George's Cathedral. Sohag, Southern Egypt just burnt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
Watani International provided the following tally of assaults on Christian churches and other buildings: Three churches and six buildings at the monastery of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra'am in Dalga, Minya, Upper Egypt. The church of Mar-Mina in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya. The bishopric church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Sohag, Upper Egypt (video below)
The church of the Holy Virgin in Nazla, Fayoum, Lower Egypt. The Baptist church in Beni-Mazar, Minya. Coptic-owned shops in Gumhouriya Street in Assiut, Upper Egypt. The Good Shepherd School in Suez. The Fransiscan School in Suez. Bible Society of Egypt bookstore in Fayoum. The church of al-Amir Tawadros (St Theodore) in Fayoum. The church of the Holy Virgin in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya. The Catholic church of St Mark, Minya. The Jesuit church in Abu-Hilal, Minya. The church of Mar-Morqos (St Mark) and its community centre, Sohag
18 houses of Coptic families in Dalga, Minya, including the home of Father Angaelus Melek of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra'am's· The Evangelical church on Nassara Street in Abu-Hilal, Minya. The church of Anba Moussa al-Aswad in Minya. Coptic-owned shops, pharmacies, and a doctor's clinic in Minya (photo below) Photo of fire set in a shop owned by coptic citizen in El minya governorate upper Egypt. Photo: Fire set in a shop owned by coptic citizen in El minya governorate upper Egypt. The Jesuit church in Minya (attacked, not burned)
The St Fatima Basilica in Cairo (attacked, not burned)
St Joseph's School in Minya (attacked, not burned)
The Nile boat al-Dahabiya, owned by the Evangelical Church in Minya
Coptic-owned shops, pharmacy, and hotels on Karnak Street and Cleopatra Street in Luxor (attacked and looted)
The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Wasta (attacked)
The church of St Michael on Nemeis Street in Assiut, Upper Egypt
The Adventist church in Assiut; the pastor and his wife were both kidnapped
The Greek church in Suez. The church of Mar-Girgis in Assiut
Coptic houses on Qulta Street in Assiut attacked
The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Arish, North Sina
The church of St Dimiana and the Evangelical church in the village of Zerbi in Fayoum
The offices of the Evangelical foundation in Minya, and those of Umm al-Nour in Beni-Mazar, Minya. The church of Anba Antonius in Kerdassa, Giza
The bishopric church in Etfeeh, Giza. A church burning in Sohag, multiple angles
Photo: A church burning in Sohag, multiple angles.
Additionally, the Bible Society of Egypt reported that another of its bookstores, in Minya, was burned. Source: World Watch Monitor

Christian Persecution

TUTTO UN SOLO COMPLOTTO USA CIA TURCHIA ARABIA SAUDITA [ The Free Syrian Army (Arabic: الجيش السوري الحر , al-Jaysh as-Sūrī al-Ḥurr, FSA) is a group of defected Syrian Armed Forces officers and soldiers, No-comment Prigioniero Isis: "Sono stato reclutato e addestrato in Turchia" in un campo millitare del "free syrian army" PandoraTV Pubblicato il 30 dic 2015. Abdurrahman Abdulhadi, militante ISIS siriano, è stato imprigionato dalle Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) l'1 novembre 2015 nel villaggio di Heresta, nei pressi di Al-Hasakah, in Siria. L'intervista è stata condotta da un giornalista. accreditata da Sputnik in un prigione nel Rojava, in cui Abdurrahman Abdulhadi è attualmente detenuto. Video diffuso da Ruptly.
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ERDOGAN ] voi non avete capito niente! [ I SACERDOTI DI SATANA ESSENDO STATI SCONFITTI ORA DIPENDONO DA ME ] in che modo voi volete morire?
187AUDIOHOSTEM voleva rendermi colpevole, di peccato di concupiscenza e adulterio spirituale, e disse: "quello che l'occhio guarda il cuore desidera", COSì AVREBBE DISTRUTTO IL MIO MINISTERO POLITICO, ma, il fatto che io sono attratto dalle curve femminili, non vuol dire che io coltivo sentimenti di concupiscenza nel mio cuore! E LUI (la CIA ) PUò VEDERE QUELLO CHE I MIEI OCCHI GUARDANO, utilizzando le connessioni neuronali aliene che sono state poste nel mio cervello, MA, lui NON PUò VEDERE QUELLO CHE IL MIO CUORE DESIDERA!
i sacerdoti di satana della CIA avevano perso contro di me ogni confronto, e addirittura: Synnek1 era stato licenziato come Direttore generale di youtube, ed era diventato 187AudioHostem. per merito mio, ] EPPURE, NON SEMBRA AFFATTO CHE I SACERDOTI DI SATANA e della CIA, ABBIANO PERSO IL CONTROLLO DI YOUTUBE [ @Kerry, Rothschild, Bush, 322, 666 187AUDIOHOSTEM -- quanto sangue di porco, tu hai bevuto oggi? 187AUDIOHOSTEM [I Know Much About You Piece Of Shit]
UFuckWithWrongPerson ( lui è IHateNewLayout ) I love you pics ( vuol dire che, attraverso Le connessioni neuronali aliene, IMPIANTATE NEL MIO CERVELLO, lui può vedere attraverso i miei occhi e può percepire attraverso i miei sensi! )
non sono lo stupido cattivo che se la prende contro i banchieri che lavorano per portare uno stipendio a casa! me la prendo con gli azionisti SpA Banche Centrali, che hanno sputato contro la Bibbia e contro la Costituzione nella MASSONERIA! .. non potrete sfuggire all'ira dei popoli!
Erdogan, Salman, FED Merkel Obama NATO CIA FMI ] ORA è IL VOSTRO TURNO [ io ho visto il vostro satana trascinare la croce sul calvario monte, con la corona di spine in testa! ORA TOCCA A VOI! Van rumpuy his massonico valore ] MERKEL MOGHERINI RENZI [ alto tradimento NATO SpA Rothschild FED FMI NWO ] satana è dio mecca caaba
ISRAELE dear BLOGSPOT GOOGLE ] SOSTANZIALMENTE DICE SEMPRE [ firefox non risponde! ] sono i vampiri della CIA DATAGATE della NSA UK, LEGA ARABA, sono tutti a succhiare il mio pene cazzo ciola ADSL 100MB fibra ottica!
dear BLOGSPOT GOOGLE ] io ho cancellato tutti i cookies ed infatti la segnazione del tipo di errore è cambiato, non riesco ancora a mettere i tag! Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore. (bX-owt4t6)
IL BULLISMO DEL POTERE FINANZIARIO TECNOCRATICO MASSONICO E LA SOVVERSIONE DEMOCRATICA. 29.12.2015( Il primo ministro montenegriNo chiede la fiducia al Parlamento, ma non concede il referendum popolare per l'ingresso nella Nato
IO SONO L'OSSERVATORIO SUL MARTIRIO DEI CRISTIANI DA 30 ANNI, E SONO INDIGNATO DALLE AFFERMAZIONI DI QUESTA FEMMINA! QUALI LIBERTà RELIGIOSE ESISTONO IN ARABIA SAUDITA? QUANTI CRISTIANI SONO SOPRAVVISSUTI IN TURCHIA? NEW YORK, 30 DIC - L'Isis commette un genocidio contro i cristiani e le altre minoranze religiose in Medio Oriente. Lo afferma Hillary Clinton. "Sì. Lo chiamerò genocidio adesso", ha detto. "E lo farò perchè ora abbiamo prove sufficienti", ha proseguito: "Quello che sta succedendo adesso è genocidio, deliberatamente rivolto non solo a distruggere le vite umane, ma anche a cancellare l'esistenza dei cristiani e delle altre minoranze religiose in Medio Oriente, nei territori controllati dall'Isis".
INDIA NON HA IL CONCETTO DI DECORRENZA DEI TERMINI CARCERAZIONE PREVENTIVA. QUINDI STARANNO LI IN ETERNO. 29 DIC - Oltre cento militanti di Azione Nazionale hanno manifestato stamani davanti l'Ambasciata dell'India a Roma per chiedere la liberazione dei due sottoufficiali della Marina Italiana, Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone, il cui destino è da oltre 1.440 giorni in mano al governo di Nuova Delhi. I manifestanti hanno aperto uno striscione con su scritto "Marò Subito Liberi" e sei di loro si sono incatenati per protesta fuori la sede diplomatica indiana.
il regime massonico USA SPA FED NEOCONS, prevede di contrastare le libertà costituzionali dei propri parlamentari! ] QUINDI PER GLI USA I PROPRI PARLAMENTARI VANNO CONTRASTATI, CAPIAMO TUTTI CHE ISRAELE è IL NEMICO, DA ABBATTERE, MA VIOLARE LA SOVRANITà DEI PROPRI PARLAMENTARI è INCOSTITUZIONALE! [ NEW YORK, 30 DIC - Le intercettazioni della National Security Agency (NSA) dei leader stranieri hanno incluso anche conversazioni private tra alti ufficiali israeliani, tra cui il premier Benyamin Netanyahu, deputati al Congresso Usa e gruppi ebraici americani. Lo riferisce il Wall Street Journal che cita ex ed attuali funzionari Usa. Secondo la Casa Bianca - rivelano le fonti al giornale - le intercettazioni potevano essere valide per contrastare la campagna di Netanyahu contro l'accordo nucleare con l'Iran.
LEGIONE di zombies 666 Obama GENDER Darwin la scimmia ] TU STAI ZITTO E NON FIATARE!
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] [ ok, se non vuoi costruire 4 milioni di Chiese, tu mi devi costruire il TEMPIO EBRAICO e mi devi dare la MADIANA, per costruirlo!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] lo sanno tutti che, i santi martiri cristiani innocenti, si onorano, con il dedicare loro, la titolarità delle Chiese, e dalla maledetta apparizione, del vostro falso Profeta Maometto ad oggi? voi avete ucciso non meno di 40 milioni di martiri cristiani! E LORO HANNO AVUTO DA DIO LE CHIAVI DEL PARADISO! Quindi se vuoi entrare in Paradiso? ogni 10 martiri uccisi dai maomettani tu devi costruire una Chiesa!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] ovviamente, noi siamo infedeli, noi siamo idolatri, noi siamo la merda, il nostro dio non esiste, QUINDI NOI POSSIAMO COMPRARE, come schiavi che devono morire, DAI FARISEI I NOSTRI SOLDI AD INTERESSE! [ mentre al contrario ], voi siete i veri fedeli, non siete idolatri, non siete la merda, il vostro Dio e quello vero, e la vostra religione è l'unica religione giusta, ecco perché , anche voi POTETE COMPRARE DAI FARISEI I VOSTRI SOLDI AD INTERESSE, come schiavi che devono morire, DAI SALMAN VAFFANCULO BESTIA!
ARABIA TURCHIA SAUDITA ] che cosa? voi comprate ad interesse, come schiavi di Satana Bush il fariseo Rothschild, il vostro denaro, stampato dall'occhio di Lucifero FMI, piramide torre di Babilonia, e poi, con quel denaro che è il simbolo del demonio, poi, voi entrate in una Moschea del vostro idolo Allah la Cagna Troia! VOI MI FATE SCHIFO!
ALLAH il fetido ] se, il vostro Dio fosse vero? come voi potevate essere gli alleati dei sacerdoti di satana CIA NATO farisei massoni USA? non ci sono massoni anche tra di voi? in Turchia ci sono eccome! e poiché voi dichiarate che il vostro dio è il demonio, poi, lo sanno tutti .. NON SI FA PECCATO AD INSULTARE IL DEMONIO! se, poi, è per colpa vostra che io sto profanando il vostro dio? poi, questo è un peccato che, si aggiunge alla lista dei vostri peccati, che gridano "vendetta" presso il Trono di Dio, cioè, quando la coppa della sua ira sarà stata riempita contro di voi!
TURCHIA ARABIA SAUDITA ] ma, se come voi dite, Allah è il Dio di Abramo, POI, ABRAMO NON HA FATTO I VOSTRI DELITTI. Lui IL TOPO ALLAH, se la prenderà contro di me, che lo sto insultando per colpa vostra? voi avete profanato la sua santità! OPPURE SE LA PRENDERà CONTRO DI VOI? voi lo avete messo in mezzo ai demoni del gufo USA SPA FED, il vostro dio? voi lo avete fatto diventare un demonio, quindi io insulto il vostro demonio, e non c'è peccato ad insultare il demonio, infatti, tutti i delitti e crimini del gufo? anche il vostro dio li fa: come voi siete gli alleati del gufo al bohemian grove USA. QUINDI, VOI STATE BESTEMMIANDO IL VOSTRO DIO, NON IO! e se mi dite, noi stiamo ingannando il GUFO, perché noi siamo ISIS, Boko Haram ecc.. poi, sorgono problemi anche peggiori per il vostro dio di merda! Masonry is satanic Rothschild RELIGION TOPO ALLAH, DESERT IDOL LILIT MECCA CAABA SHARIA
TUTTI POSSONO OTTENERE L'INDIPENDENZA SE FUGGONO DALLA RUSSIA.. MA, C'è LA POSSIBILITà DI AVERE LA INDIPENDENZA PER FUGGIRE DALLA NATO? I CADAVERI IN DONBASS HANNO DETTO DI NO! l presidente della Serbia, da parte sua, ha dichiarato che Belgrado è rammaricata dal sostegno turco all'indipendenza del Kosovo. "È particolarmente doloroso per noi, quando i nostri amici promuovono l'indipendenza del Kosovo. Sto parlando anche della Turchia", — ha detto Nikolic:
E I SATANISTI ISLAMICI ERDOGAN NATO USA POLIZIOTTI DEL MONDO CHE DICONO? Nepal, violente proteste etnia Madhesi, Contro la nuova Costituzione che non tutela la minoranza
Salman Erdogan ARABIA SAUDITA, LEGA ARABA ] [ SUVVIA SIAMO SERI.. se Allah era un vero Dio, come voi potevate fare gli alleati degli USA FARISEI ROTHSCHILD TALMUD KABBALAH IL GUFO BAAL cannibali? lo sanno tutti che sono massoni GENDER DARWIN e sacerdoti di Satana, QUINDI allah potrebbe soltanto essere un demone topo assassino maligno ecc.. ecc.. VOI ANDRETE DISPERATI TUTTI ALL'INFERNO! ] però noi possiamo diventare tutti adoratori di JHWH, non è difficile, coraggio!
Abd Allah TOPO LILIT, DEMONE DEL DESERTO. Allah è soltanto un topo! SOLTANTO JHWH è VERO! ] BUSH 322 KERRY ROTHSCHILD ] da vivo, o meglio da morto? IO SO, sempre, voi DOVE SIETE! e non potrebbe mai esistere un vostro esercito di: alieni demoni fantasmi vampiri zombies, ecc.. che mai potrebbe essere un problema per me! [ COSA DI FOLLE CRIMINALE, SOPRANNATURALE, ESOTERICO MASSONICO, E SOPRATTUTTO DI IRRAZIONALE (PER GLI UMANI PUò SEMBRARE IL SATANISMO) SI DEVE FARE PER PORTARE SATANA, AD ESSERE ADORATO DA TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO? IL PROBLEMA DEGLI USA NON è LA RUSSIA, CINA, ECC.. O LA GUERRA MONDIALE, NO! IL LORO PROBLEMA SONO SOLTANTO IO: UNIUS REI: IL RE DI ISRAELE! IO NON POSSO ESSERE VINTO DA NESSUNO! COME DICE IL PROVERBIO: "IL POTERE E LA POTENZA SENZA IL CONTROLLO DIVENTERANNO UNA MINACCIA CONTRO DI TE! "Razzismo" occidentale e Stato Islamico sono gemelli siamesi.". 29.12.2015 ( What they say about USA. Lo Stato Islamico è una conseguenza. Il motivo della sua comparsa è stato il monopolio americano sul mondo, cresciuto dopo la fine dell'URSS e continuato per gli ultimi 25 anni:
BUSH 322 KERRY ROTHSCHILD ] da vivo o meglio da morto? IO SO, sempre, voi DOVE SIETE!
questo è l'insegnamento dogmatico, che un qualsiasi saudita di salafita wahhabita, darebbe oggi nei territori di guerra, che poi, loro i sauditi ammettono ancora oggi, lo sfruttamento di schiavi e schiave, perché questo è oggettivamente, sia il Corano che la sharia! Così è sempre stato e così sempre sarà, finché non verranno sterminati, tutti i salafiti come ERDOGAN! LONDRA, 29 DIC - L'Isis arriva a indicare regole su come violentare le 'schiave'. Il britannico Daily Mirror pubblica sul suo sito la 'fatwa' emessa in gennaio dallo Stato islamico con 15 'norme' introdotte dopo che i militanti dello Stato islamico si erano lasciati andare a terribili violenze nei confronti delle vittime. Ma il presunto 'regolamento' in realtà non fa che sottolineare il sadismo dell'Isis: viene proibito lo stupro di donne con le mestruazioni, incinte, o di due sorelle contemporaneamente.
Dio JHWH dispera di poter salvare gli USA, questa nazione così potentemente maledetta dagli omosessuali satanisti culto massoni farisei! Dio distruggerà gli USA completamente... è indispensabile che tutti coloro che appartengono al popolo di Dio escano fuori da questa Nazione MALEFICATA!
ISRAEL ] potrebbero essere stati angeli? non so dirlo! ma il tutto è stato fatto: in una frazione di secondo e con troppa precisa determinazione! [ qualcuno nel blog, mi ha fatto comparire, in un luogo del documento, da ma lasciato intenzionalmente senza commenti, che, questa posizione del post, doveva essere: necessariamente, senza commenti, un posto siramente pulito, sotto delle immagini: IN CODA, CIOè IN FONDO A TUTTO IL POST, che mi sarebbe servito in seguito, per un copia incolla, che avevo prospettato di fare, questo strano hacker MI HA FATTO EVIDENZIARE, in questa zona dove avevo cancellato tutto, DUE MIEI VECCHI COMMENTI: 1. IL PRIMO ARTICOLO, giustificava PUTIN per avere dato gli S300 all'IRAN, infatti lui ha paura di forze militarmente soverchianti, e non è stato lui il primo che ha armato fino ai denti i nazisti islamici, 2. ed IL SECONDO ARTICOLO: denunciava OBAMA, di avere ipocritamente fatto un accordo con CUBA e IRAN, al solo scopo, di farsi una immagine di pacifista, come a dire: 1. tutti i disastri nel mondo, 2. il gencidio di tutti i cristiani nel Medio Oriente, ecc.., 3. la diffusione della galassia jihadista, 4. e la stessa Guerra Mondiale Nucleare non potevano mai essere stati colpa mia, perché io sono un pacifista!
E NOI QUANDO IRRORIAMO SANZIONI ALLA TURCHIA PER AVERE COMPRATO IL PETROLIO DA ISIS? Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha firmato un decreto per l'attuazione di misure economiche speciali contro la Turchia. Lo ha reso noto il servizio stampa del Cremlino. Turchia non pagherà danni per l'abbattimento del bombardiere russo Su-24 in Siria
Le relazioni tra Mosca e Ankara si sono deteriorate dopo che le forze turche hanno abbattuto un aereo russo Su-24 in risposta a una presunta violazione dello spazio aereo turco. Il Su-24 era impegnato in un'operazione antiterrorismo della Russia in Siria.
è INDISPENSABILE DICHIARARE GUERRA ALLA NATO! 29.12.2015. Washington sta cercando un motivo per far saltare il vertice NATO fissato per l'anno 2016 a Varsavia. In questo modo gli USA intendono far capire alla Polonia che le sue azioni possono danneggiare i rapporti tra i due Paesi, dice l'ex capo della diplomazia polacca Grzegorz Schetyna:
16:19 Iraq, esercito iracheno ha catturato ministro delle Finanze del Daesh
 16:17 Reporter senza frontiere: 110 giornalisti uccisi nel 2015
 15:43 Iraq, esercito segnala cattura del “tesoriere” Daesh
 15:41 Summit NATO può saltare a causa della politica della Polonia
 15:13 Mosca: escalation in Ucraina evitata grazie alla Russia:
ANKARA, 29 DIC. un INQUIETANTE ISLAMICO NAZISTA SALMAN ERDOGAN SALAFITA CRIMINALE INTERNAZIONALE, MANDANTE DEL TERRORISMO MONDIALE ISLAMICO: LUI MI DEVE DIRE COSA è IL CONCETTO DELLA PIETà NEL SUO CORANO MECCA CAABA ISLAM ALLAH SHARIA, Il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan accusa il presidente siriano Bashar al Assad di aver ucciso "400.000 persone", "senza pietà". Erdogan ha poi affermato che alcuni Paesi "gettano benzina sul fuoco" sostenendo i combattenti curdo-siriani, che Ankara bolla come terroristi. ASSAD HA CONSERVATO 2000 ANNI DI CRISTIANESIMO CHE ERDOGAN CON CIA E NATO HANNO DISTRUTTO, E NON è STATO ASSAD, AD UCCIDERE 2MILIONI DI CRISTIANI SIRIANI!
cosa credevate che la Bibbia è una favola cattiva come il Corano? Caino oggi è Rothschild ed Abele oggi è ISRAELE, se volete che Satana sia il vostro Dio, è semplice: "uccidete Israele!"
IL SIGNIFICATO DI QUESTO SIMBOLO MONETARIO è TROPPO EVIDENTE: ROTHSCHILD HA DETTO AD ISRAELE: "BAAL è IL MIO DIO GUFO IMF MARDUK SPA JABULLON FED, ED IO HO PAGATO MOLTO DI PIù PER FARTI MORIRE, DI COME HO PAGATO PER FARTI VIVERE! adesso: TUTTE LE NAZIONI DEL MONDO DEVONO DIRE, SE STANNO CON ME O SE STANNO CON ROTHSCHILD ] [ TEL AVIV, 29 DIC - Riproduzioni di banconote da 100 dollari statunitensi con la sovrapposizione dell'effigie di Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi e con scritte inneggianti allo Stato islamico sono stati rinvenute in diverse localita' della Galilea, in prossimita' di Kiryat Shmona. Lo rende noto la polizia israeliana che ha aperto un'inchiesta. Per il momento, ha precisato una portavoce, non e' chiaro quale fosse la loro finalita' e non si ha notizia di arresti. ] [ ISRAELE è stata pagata come una troia, a servizio prostituzione, per ORE CONTATE vita SHARIA il mortale nazismo CIA shoah new Olocausto SPA ROTHSCHILD FED NWO
PER ORA VOCI E RUMORI, SOSPETTI, MA QUESTA STORIA PUò PRENDERE UNA BRUTTA PIEGA! cioè, questa storia dei brogli eletorali nel sistema massonico Rothschild MERKEL Bildenberg OBAMA Banche centrali Spa, è una bruta storia che comincia a prendere consistenza. CARACAS, 30 DIC - Il presidente del Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, ha detto che la vittoria dell'opposizione nelle elezioni dello scorso 6 dicembre è stata possibile grazie a "un piano dettagliato di brogli", sul quale è stata aperta un'inchiesta giudiziaria. "Non voglio anticipare i risultati preliminari dell'inchiesta", ha detto Maduro nel suo consueto programma televisivo settimanale, aggiungendo però che "c'è stato di tutto, compreso il volgare voto di scambio con delinquenti".
Ambasciatore Siria all'ONU svela piani di Erdogan per far rinascere Impero Ottomano
12:24 30.12.2015(Il presidente turco sogna "di far rivivere l'eredità coloniale dell'Impero Ottomano." In molti modi Ankara interferisce negli affari interni della Siria e favorisce l'ingresso dei terroristi nel Paese, ritiene il rappresentante permanente della Siria alle Nazioni Unite. Damasco ha chiesto alla comunità internazionale di porre fine alle "violazioni e crimini" commessi dalle autorità turche nei confronti della Siria e dei rifugiati siriani, così come ha parlato dei piani del presidente turco Erdogan per far rinascere l'Impero Ottomano.
Il rappresentante permanente della Siria presso le Nazioni Unite Bashar Jaafari ha detto che i gruppi armati che a partire dal 2011 conducono "una guerra terroristica senza precedenti" contro la Siria sono appoggiati dagli Stati della regione e di altre parti, in particolare dal regime di Erdogan." La lettera indirizzata al segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite e al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite è stata diffusa all'interno dell'ONU martedì.
"Durante la crisi, l'ingerenza turca negli affari interni della Siria ha preso una varietà di forme, tra cui il coinvolgimento diretto del regime di Erdogan e delle forze armate turche in operazioni militari offensive a sostegno dei terroristi," — si legge nella missiva di Jaafari.
Ha inoltre affermato che la Turchia ha contribuito alla penetrazione dei terroristi in Siria assicurando "fuoco di copertura durante il passaggio dei terroristi in Siria lungo il confine."
"Per quanto riguarda il caccia russo abbattuto dalle forze armate turche, abbattuto nello spazio aereo siriano dopo aver bombardato le posizioni del Daesh (ISIS), non servono ulteriori chiarimenti in proposito perché il fatto stesso parla da sé," — è scritto nel testo.
Il rappresentante diplomatico della Siria ha inoltre sottolineato che Ankara sta commettendo crimini contro i profughi siriani in Turchia, "in fuga dal terrore e dalla tirannia di organizzazioni terroristiche come il Daesh," Al-Nusra ","Esercito di Conquista" e "Fronte Islamico", che il governo della Turchia copre nel suo territorio."
Secondo Jaafari, la tratta di esseri umani in cui sono impegnati i terroristi avviene "con il placet e la partecipazione diretta di organizzazioni controllate dal regime di Erdogan".
Jaafari ha osservato che qualche anno fa Erdogan aveva "sollevato la questione della tutela dei popoli di origine turca, nonostante il fatto siano cittadini di Stati sovrani": è la prova che indica come Erdogan voglia "far rivivere l'eredità coloniale dell'Impero Ottomano."
La Siria ha esortato la comunità internazionale a "prendere una posizione forte per porre fine a queste violazioni e crimini" di Ankara.
In Siria dal marzo 2011 è in corso un conflitto armato in cui, secondo le Nazioni Unite, sono rimaste uccise più di 220mila persone. Le truppe governative si oppongono a diversi gruppi armati islamici radicali, tra cui i terroristi del Daesh e del "Fronte Al-Nusra":
GRANDE FRATELLO lui sa sempre dove sei ] A.I. BIOLOGIA SINTETICA, ENTITà SIMBIOTICO COLLETTIVA ALIENA. LUI SA SEMPRE COSA HAI DECISO DI FARE! EPPURE, LA CIA PERMETTE CHE I DELITTI SI COMPIANO! PARIGI, 30 DIC - Il ministro della Difesa francese, Jean-Yves Le Drian, ha confermato la notizia dell'uccisione dell'estremista islamico francese Charaffe Al Mouadan (nome di battaglia 'Souleyman'), legato agli attentati di Parigi, annunciata ieri in un briefing della coalizione anti-Isis. "Sì, posso confermarlo", ha detto Le Drian, interpellato durante un incontro con un gruppo di militari a Parigi, aggiungendo di non avere "altri commenti" sulla vicenda.
LA TURCHIA, COME TUTTI GLI ISLAMICI FANNO DI TUTTO, PER AUMENTARE LE CONDIZIONI SFAVOREVOLI E PER POTERLI AMMAZZARE! Turchia, traffico di uomini: traversate a prezzi stracciati con il mare grosso. 30.12.2015 Trafficanti di uomini propongono ai migranti viaggi verso l'Europa a prezzi stracciati quando condizioni atmosferiche rendono la traversata pericolosa. Trafficanti turchi propongono traversate del Mar Egeo a prezzi stracciati ai migranti che desiderano raggiungere le coste europee della Grecia. I bambini viaggiano gratis. Ma solo quando le condizioni atmosferiche rendono la traversata pericolosa.
"Mi hanno proposto uno sconto perché il mare fosse grosso e stesse piovendo. Era rischioso, ma ci hanno detto che sarebbe andata bene", ha raccontato l'infermiera siriana Nancy Ahmed alla Bbc.
Nancy ha raggiunto le coste dell'Europa, assieme ai due figli di 11 anni e alla madre settantenne, su un barcone che ha rischiato di rovesciarsi per ben tre volte. Alla guida un iracheno, migrante anche lui, cui i trafficanti hanno insegnato a guidare l'imbarcazione in una lezione della durata di appena un'ora. I migranti, una quarantina in tutto, sono stati soccorsi dalla Guardia Costiera greca. Altri, partiti lo scorso venerdì, con il temporale e il mare in tempesta, non sono stati altrettanto fortunati: il barcone si è capovolto e 13 persone sono affogate.
Ma i trafficanti di uomini sanno essere convincenti. "Andate adesso, costa solo 850 dollari. I bambini possono viaggiare gratis. Se aspettate domani, vi costerà il doppio", urlano.
Ron Redmond, portavoce dell'Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati in Grecia, ritiene che l'abbassamento dei soldi chiesti per le traversate abbia fortemente contribuito all'aumento degli annegamenti nei giorni scorsi.
I trafficanti assicurano che i barconi di legno sono più resistenti dei gommoni. Ma, precisa Redmond, "queste barche, molto vecchie e insicure, meccanicamente non sono in buone condizioni. E caricano a bordo da 300 a 400 persone. Se affondano, la guardia costiera non può arrivare a tutti.":
BISOGNA RIMUOVERE A SOGGETTI, SPA, PRIVATI, AZIONISTI, DI IMPOSSESSARSI DELLA SOVRANITà MONETARIA DI UN PAESE, PERCHé è IN QUESTO MODO, CHE LA DEMOCRAZIA DIVIENE UN DELITTO DI ALTO TRADIMENTO! Referendum in Svizzera contro la rendita frazionata. 18:23 30.12.2015. Il referendum mira a impedire che le banche private creino credito, cioè debito in quantità superiore a quello che hanno in cassa. Un referendum per consentire alla sola Banca centrale di emettere moneta: è quello che accadrà in Svizzera, entro sei mesi, dopo la raccolta di oltre 110mila firme. Attualmente il 90% del denaro è moneta elettronica che le banche private creano quando aprono linee di credito. Il referendum mira a impedire che le banche private creino credito, cioè debito in quantità superiore a quello che hanno in cassa. Le banche private, attraverso i prestiti, di fatto concorrono alla creazione di moneta poiché sono tenute a mantenere un rapporto solamente frazionario fra i propri depositi e i crediti che erogano.Tale rapporto in Europa è del 2%. Il risultato è che gran parte della moneta, quella elettronica, non è emessa direttamente dalla banca centrale, bensì dal sistema bancario privato attraverso il fenomeno del moltipliplicatore monetario. Fautore del referendum è il Movimento svizzero per la moneta sovrana, che intende togliere il potere di speculazione da parte delle banche private imponendo un rapporto di riserva pari al 100%. Precludere alle banche private questa possibilità, secondo i promotori, impedirebbe il presentarsi di bolle conseguenti a flussi abnormi di credito. L'Islanda ha già preso una tale decisione. Negli anni Trenta alcuni economisti, tra cui Irving Fisher, erano dello stesso avviso:
COSA è LA SHARIA? ECCOLA! Il sultano del piccolo Stato del Borneo mette al bando i festeggiamenti per il Natale. Cinque anni di carcere a chi festeggia il Natale in Brunei. E' questa la decisione del sultano del piccolo Stato del Borneo per il 25 dicembre, giorno in cui non si potranno "indossare simboli come croci, accendere candele, addobbare alberi di Natale, cantare inni religiosi, montare decorazioni". La nuova legge, era stata annunciata un anno fa al momento della reintroduzione della Sharia, la legge coranica, da parte del sultano Hassanal Bolkian. Il ministro degli affari religiosi del Paese ha spiegato che la scelta di vietare i festeggiamenti del Natale è dettata dalla necessità di "preservare il credo della comunità musulmana", adducendo come motivazione la prevalenza della fede musulmana sulle altre nel piccolo Stato, diffusa nel 65% della popolazione:
2016: nuovi rischi finanziari globali, La Federal Reserve, come previsto, ha chiuso il 2015 con un aumento del tasso di interesse dello 0,25%. Evidentemente si intenderebbe dare il messaggio di fine della crisi negli Stati Uniti:
Trentatrè motivi per lasciare la Turchia fuori dall'Europa
Ogni Paese candidato a diventare membro dell'Unione Europea ha dovuto rispettare determinate condizioni per essere ammesso e in tutto sono trentatré i "capitoli" che vanno approfonditi e negoziati tra i Governi e i rappresentanti della Commissione:
Secondo il portavoce del Cremlino, le informazioni che la Russia possiede sul presunto acquisto da parte di Ankara di petrolio dal Daesh potranno contribuire al contrasto del terrore:
30.12.2015. Negli ultimi 2 giorni gli aerei dell'Aviazione russa hanno effettuato 121 missioni di combattimento in Siria, colpendo 424 obiettivi dei terroristi, ha riferito il generale Igor Konashenkov, rappresentante ufficiale del ministero della Difesa russo.
"Negli ultimi 2 giorni 28 velivoli dell'Aviazione russa di stanza in Siria hanno completato 121 missioni ed hanno colpito 424 infrastrutture terroristiche tra le province di Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Damasco, Dar, Raqqa e Deir ez-Zor," — ha riferito Konashenkov.
A seguito dei raid aerei sono state distrutte 6 infrastrutture petrolifere del Daesh (ISIS) e una colonna di autocisterne cariche di petrolio dirette verso il confine con la Turchia.
"Nei bombardamenti sono state distrutte 20 autocisterne, sfruttate dal Daesh per contrabbandare il petrolio verso la Turchia, così come 2 jeep con mitragliatori Zu-23", — ha aggiunto Konashenkov:
 World Watch List

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About Christian Persecution
"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance." Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Christian Persecution


Christian Persecution is any hostility, experienced from the world, as a result of one's identification with Christ. From verbal harassment to hostile feelings, attitudes and actions, believers in areas with severe religious restrictions pay a heavy price for their faith. Beatings, physical torture, confinement, isolation, rape, severe punishment, imprisonment, slavery, discrimination in education and in employment, and even death are just few examples they experience on the daily basis.

According to The Pew Research Center, over 75% of the world's population live in areas with severe religious restrictions. Many of these people are Christians. Also, according to the United States Department of State, Christians in more than 60 countries face persecution from their governments or surrounding neighbors simply because of their belief in the person of Jesus Christ.


Map of countries, where Christian Persecution is the worst.

In the United States, it's easy for believers to take for granted the rights they so regularly enjoy. From praying and worshiping in public to attending Sunday worship services, practice of one's faith is generally accepted in America.

But this isn't the case in many nations such as North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Mali, Syria, etc. in which religion, itself, is banned or where one faith system is permitted and touted, with all others being continually denigrated. The persecution is so severe in many localities, Christians are systematically targeted and mistreated because of their religious beliefs. According to The Pew Research Center, The Economist, Christians today are the most persecuted religious group in the world.


Every year, we release our annual "World Watch List," a ranking of 50 countries that exposes the places Christians are most persecuted across the globe. World Watch List includes individuals in all Christian denominations within an entire nation.


Index of Christian Persecution in the most unfriendly countries.

According to this graph, the statistic shows the index of the persecution of Christians in the top unfriendly countries around the world 2013. North Korea is the country with the strongest suppression of Christians with an index value of 87.The survey for the World Watch List included various aspects of religious freedom: the legal and official status of Christians, the actual situation of Christians living in the country, regulations from the state as well as factors that can undermine the freedom of religion in a country.


The cross (still standing) after the church in Cirebeum (Indonesia) was bulldozed by authorities.


There are variety of reasons why Christians are persecuted. One of the reason it occurs, is when severe abuse of Christians takes place under the authoritarian government. In the case of North Korea and other Communist countries, authoritarian governments seek to control all religious thought and expression as part of a more comprehensive determination to control all aspects of political and civic life. These governments regard some religious groups as enemies of the state because they hold religious beliefs that may challenge loyalty to the rulers.


Another reason why Christians are persecuted is hostility towards nontraditional and minority religious groups. For example, in Niger more than 98 percent of the population are Muslims and hostility comes more from society than from the government. Historically, Islam in West Africa has been moderate, but in the last 20 years dozens of Islamic associations have emerged, like the Izala movement which aims to restrict the freedom of 'deviant Muslims' and minority religious groups like Christians.


The lack of basic human rights is another significant part of persecution in some countries. For instance, in Eritrea violations such as lack of freedom of expression, assembly, religious belief and movement; extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, extended incommunicado detention, torture and indefinite national service cause many Eritreans to flee the country.

Freedom of religion, like all freedoms of thought and expression, are inherent. Our beliefs help define who we are and serve as a foundation for what we contribute to our societies. However, today many people liver under governments that abuse or restrict freedom of religion. Christians in such areas suffer deeply, and are denied basic freedoms that humans should be entitled to.

In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration came as a result of the treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany. The document states that every person is entitled to basic human rights. This reaffirmed the dignity and worth of all human beings no matter what a person's race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status.

In 1966, the United Nations developed the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights in addtion to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 18 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights focuses on four elements of religious freedom:

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.
No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.
Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.
The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions

The Bible calls us to be advocates of human rights. Psalm 82:3 says "Stand up for those who are weak and for those whose fathers have died. See to it that those who are poor and those who are beaten down are treated fairly." As Christians we need to see that all people are entitled to basic human rights.


As Christians in the free world, we are to take stand for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a simple matter of compassion and justice to speak up for the suffering (Zechariah 7:9, Luke 11:42, Matthew 25:35-36). In following Christ's example, we are to show mercy to those who are suffering, especially those in the household of faith (I Corinthians 12:26-27).

Pray Alongside the Women of Laos
Posted on January 24, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories
Laos*Representative photo used to protect identity.

Although marginalized and looked down upon in some countries, women often have a surprisingly important voice within their families. They're the ones instilling values into their children, and husbands often take their wives opinions into consideration. When a wife and mother places her faith in Jesus, it can be a catalyst for the entire family. Getting the gospel to women is such an important task around the world. In spite of gender discrimination in countries like Laos, God is truly working mightily in this area. Let's take a closer look:

Women in Laos have always been considered inferior to men. Most of them work without rest, on top of fulfilling domestic demands, only to constantly prove their worth. In fact, as Buddhists, they believe the only way for a woman to enter ultimate enlightenment is for her to be reborn as a man.

For Christian women living away from big cities, life is much harder. Because the government champions Buddhism, these women practice their faith in the shadows. Once their faith is exposed, however, they are stripped of their properties, disowned by their parents, and even beaten by their husbands.

These are the stories of real women, whose names have been changed for their protection.

Onaona loves her husband, Kahoku. She desires for him to know Jesus, but he laughs at the idea of accepting Him in his life. Whenever Onaona tries to share the gospel with him, they just end up fighting. Kahoku despises Onaona's faith so much, that he reports her to the police whenever a pastor visits their home. Pray that God strengthens Onaona and opens Kahoku's heart to believe in the Lord Jesus.

Kina, Laina, and Iwalani try to keep their families together. They invite their husbands to church, and succeed at some point, but their husbands go back to their old ways. They have become stricter, prohibiting them from attending church activities without permission. Worse, they torture Kina, Laina, and Iwalani who have declared their faith in Christ. Pray for God's comfort for Kina, Laina, and Iwalani. Pray that their testimonies will reveal God to their families, especially to their husbands.

Dea wants to attend church services, but her husband Mong, who's addicted to alcohol and drugs, pushes her to work on Sundays. Dea cuts grass and harvests from the fields while Mong gets further intoxicated. Ask the Lord to give her strength to fulfil her duties as a homemaker while learning more about God. Pray that Mong would encounter Jesus and be freed from the bondage of his addictions.

One of the reasons why Kena can't bring her family to church is poverty. Her husband and children keep on convincing her that church is a waste of resources, and that they are hungry enough as it is. Kena's salary as a school principal has been delayed for four months. Pray for provision for Kena and her family.

Jeanitha is new to the Christian faith. She finds it difficult to fully let go of the rituals she has grown up with. Sometimes, she still invokes spirits and seeks advice from fortune tellers. When she loses objects, or when animals in her care are missing, she consults shamans, or witchdoctors. Some of her fellow Christians offer meals to spirits when their loved ones die. Lift Jeanitha and those who share her struggles to the Lord. Pray for God to give them courage and boldness to trust in Him alone, that they may be redeemed from their old ways and be renewed in Christ day by day.

Let Your Light Shine, Egypt!


On fire. Bold. Young. These are words that describe the current church in Egypt. They are in love with Jesus, and desire to make His name known. With its strategic geographical location in the Middle East, Egyptian believers have the potential to be world changers in this unstable time. An Egyptian Christian and father shares about his experience in his local church, and how they specifically are changing Egypt with the gospel:

On December 31st, my family and I walked down a busy street in our over-populated neighborhood to church. The atmosphere was festive as many clearly identified Christians made their own ways cheerfully to their churches. Everybody seemed happy and hopeful for a better year that was about to start shortly.

Of all the church services of the year, this New Year's Eve service is usually the year's most attended service by Egypt's large Christian community. Unusual security procedures had been taken by the police and army forces, however, to protect the gatherings of Christians during and after the New Year's Eve services. This was prompted after rumors that radical Muslims were planning to attack churches and Christians that night, in revenge for supporting the army leadership in the ousting of former president Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood regime.

Yet, the joy of the Lord and the cheerful atmosphere of the night did not manage to completely eliminate my human weakness and inner hidden concerns as a father and a husband. I wondered in my heart: "Is it really safe to take my family to church tonight? What if a bomb goes off outside our church? What if a crazy terrorist sneaks into our church?"

The theme of the service that night was taken from Mathew 5:13-16. This passage was announced to be the motto for our church in 2014: "You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world…Let your light shine!"

Half an hour before midnight, Pastor Gamil* gave his last sermon of the year. Pastor Gamil explained how needed our live testimony is nowadays to reach out to our neighbors and colleagues who are increasingly wondering, "Who is the real God?" He also gave some simple applications on how everyone can live as salt and light in everyday life situations on an individual basis, and also as a congregation.

Pastor then surprised all of us with an initiative. He said: "Last week, I visited our local police station to request a special permission for our church to go out to the main road, set up a small stage and perform a Christmas service."

"We will sing Christmas songs, including some Bible readings about the truth of Jesus, to proclaim the truth of God's love openly in our neighborhood," he added. My heart rejoiced with the fact that my local church is going to creatively reach out to our troubled community with the love of God, and that we will openly reveal our identity as a church that cares for the lost.

I was then awakened from my deep thoughts by the pastor's voice explaining a special symbolic activity that was to wrap up the special service. Small candles were handed out to everyone. The church's lights were turned off, and the elders slowly lit the first candles, as we all shared our light with the remaining unlit candles.

"Shine on me and my family, Jesus," I prayed. It was a wonderful spirit of unity and love that gathered all of us together, seeking God's face to lead us into the New Year, giving us the perseverance to live as faithful witnesses, even if we have to continue to suffer to keep our faith.

*Name changed to protect his identity.

God, we thank You for the boldness You have gifted this church with. We pray that they focus on You and Your purposes during this new year, and not what their flesh cries out to tell them. We know, Jesus, that whenever anyone steps out boldly for you, the Enemy attacks them even greater. We ask for You to protect and guide this church as they engage their community. We praise you for the work that has already been done here, but we know there are greater things to be done in Egypt. We pray all this in Jesus' holy name, Amen.

Alimjan Yimiti Physically Unwell
Posted on January 21, 2014 by Daniel in Stories

012114-china-odusaAlimjan Yimiti, a Uyghur Christian imprisoned in China, is reportedly ill, though his exact medical condition is unknown. The former house church leader was sentenced in 2009 to 15 years in prison for allegedly "instigating separatism and revealing state secrets." Those close to the case maintain that he was imprisoned because of his Christian faith and witness among the Uyghur people. They assert that there was never any proof of wrongdoing, and that Yimiti, an agricultural worker, would not have had access to state secrets.

Minority Christians in the autonomous region of Xinjiang, where the Uyghur people reside, continue to face ongoing persecution in contrast to some easing for Christians in other parts of China. A Turkic tribe divided into many clans, the vast majority of Uyghurs are Muslim, and each clan strives to preserve its Islamic identity. According to a July 29, 2012 Open Doors (OD) report, prepared by the program coordinator for minorities, says that Christians from ethnic minority groups in China are caught between a rock and a hard place. "There is persecution from one's environment," he explained, "especially family members, but the government plays a part, too. What may happen is that minority leaders complain to [the majority] Han officials, and because they do not want any civil unrest, they may act against the convert."

"Christians have to meet in small groups and in secret," shares the OD program coordinator. "The government wants to uncover anything that is being done in secret. For instance, they call on people to let them know when they see people pulling their window shades during the day. These measures target opposition groups, but also house churches. The government wants to prevent any activity that may cause social unrest."

Prison life has held many challenges for Alimjan, though he reportedly generally does well considering the conditions. He is allowed to see only one visitor for 20 minutes per month, as is customary in Chinese prisons. Usually his wife, Gulnur, or his mother visits him. Gulnur and the children have also faced numerous difficulties during Alimjan's time in prison. Family members blamed Gulnur for Alimjan's imprisonment, and she suffered from depression for a time, but fortunately it has lifted. As the family's sole breadwinner now, she runs a small business. Recent problems with a business partner have caused her a lot of additional stress. Please continue to pray for Alimjan and Gulnur.

Father, as Alimjan suffers in prison, innocent of the crimes for which he is accused, we pray Your hand of healing and protection to rest upon him. Grant him opportunities to share the gospel with other inmates and to minister the Word to other believers that this time might not be in vain. Strengthen his wife, Gulnur, as she provides for her family, and grant her wisdom in these current conflicts with a business partner. Wash over them both with Your peace that is greater than all of their troubles. In the name of Jesus, in whom we place all our trust, Amen.

Central African Republic: Conditions at Refugee Camps "Shocking"
Posted on January 21, 2014 by Daniel in Stories
012114-car-odusaChristians gathered for worship on Jan 12, in the refugee camp at CAR's Bangui Airport. An Open Doors (OD) co-worker reported joining them for worship and communion in the midst of appalling conditions. He witnessed firsthand the desperate circumstances that aid agencies, including the UN humanitarian agency, have been reporting from CAR. The UN humanitarian agency reported increasing food and clean water shortages, and fears that tougher times are ahead as many people have lost their livelihoods and don't have seed for the next planting season. "People live like real animals. There is no latrine. People are living in over-crowded conditions," reported the co-worker.

Aid agencies estimate that at least 1 million people, about a fifth of the population, have been displaced by the violence in CAR. OD visited two of the camps scattered around Bangui from Jan 11-12. "There are 57 refugee sites in the city of Bangui. At the airport, there are at least 100,000 people. I went there this morning to worship and pray with the Christians who gathered there after victimization by ex-Seleka forces," wrote the OD co-worker.

He noted that tension permeated the atmosphere in the camps.
"The airport site inspires fear. Among the refugees there are members of anti-Balaka groups and also Muslims who disguise themselves as people of peace and then throw grenades among Christians."

Following the Jan 10 resignation of the interim president and the prime minister, the newly appointed interim president Alexandre-Ferdinand Nguendet issued a stern statement, saying, "The chaos is over; the pillaging is over, the revenge attacks are over."

Though violence continued over the weekend, by Jan 13, the atmosphere had reportedly calmed down some. The countless refugees across the country welcome the indications of the political will to end the crisis. However, bringing peace to CAR will be no easy task. Open Doors, in partnership with the local church, continues to call on the United Nations Security Council to approve the launch of a full-scale peacekeeping operation in CAR, which appeared this year on the World Watch List for the first time, ranking 16.

Considering the tremendously difficult circumstances Christians are facing, it is praiseworthy that the OD co-worker found them gathered for worship in the two refugee camps he visited. Though encouraged by their faithfulness, this OD worker, unnamed for his security, remains overwhelmed by the immense needs of those he met. "I have met many pastors who have been victimized who are in dire need of assistance. Our discreet assistance to others previously has made a big difference and I hope that we can make the same difference for these pastors I recently met."

Father, as we lift up yet one more nation on the continent of Africa caught up in conflict, we pray for Christians in the Central African Republic as they face this wave of persecution. We pray Your protection over the thousands who are living in horrific conditions at the refugee camps. Provide for their temporal needs and protect them from those who would destroy them. Pour out Your blessing upon them as they worship You even in the midst of fear and trauma. Strengthen the pastors who are in need of assistance that Open Doors workers might find safe ways to help. Soften the hearts of the nation's leaders and accomplish a work of reconciliation among them. In the name of Jesus, who is our strength when we are weak, Amen.

South Sudan in Turmoil
Posted on January 21, 2014 by Daniel in Stories

012114-sudan-odusaLess than three years after South Sudan voted for independence, a power struggle is rocking the world's youngest nation, resulting in extensive fighting since Dec 15. According to Al-Jazeera, the conflict between forces loyal to South Sudan's President Salva Kiir, and a coalition of army defectors and ethnic militia loyal to Riek Machar, has already left at least 1,000 dead and 400,000 displaced. Most of the fighting has been concentrated around the oil-rich border areas. The rebels took the cities of Bentiu and Bor, but the government took back Bentiu earlier this month while continuing a campaign for Bor. Fighting remains fierce throughout the region.

Meanwhile, peace talks in Addis Ababa seem to be stalling, though efforts to arrange a cease-fire agreement by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) regional bloc are continuing. Donald Booth, US special envoy for Sudan and South Sudan, reportedly met with Riek Machar over the Jan 11-12 weekend and with Salva Kiir the following Monday.

So far Open Door's Emmanuel Christian College in Goli has not been directly touched by the violence. However, we expect that many of the students from northern affected areas will be unable to make it for the start of the new term. The local team is doing all they can to arrange for the students' safe passage to the center.

Father, we lift up this new nation, the Republic of South Sudan, who as a people set out to make their nation one that brings honor to You. As they now face internal conflict among the political forces, we pray for the negotiation process that soon there will be peace and reconciliation. As we consider these people who not so long ago suffered unthinkable atrocities from their countrymen to the north, we pray Your grace to be a soothing balm to heal the trauma of this new conflict. Protect innocent lives caught in the crossfire. We thank You for the many Christians who serve You there, and pray Your protection over them. Grant wisdom and discernment to church leaders as they guide Your people through this trying time. We pray for the students enrolled in Emmanuel Christian College, that You might provide safe travels for those who are still on the road. As they are trained up, use them, Lord to be ministers of reconciliation among the variety of ethnic groups they represent. In the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, Amen.

Bomb Scare for Congregation in Mali
Posted on January 21, 2014 by Daniel in Stories

012114-mali-odusaDisaster was narrowly averted for a local congregation in Gao, Mali, on Jan 12, when military personnel patrolling the area that Sunday morning discovered explosives behind one of the doors of their meeting place. After police ushered frightened parishioners to safety, French army personnel were able to safely diffuse the devices.

In 2012, Mali seemed to be another state on the verge of succumbing to an Islamic takeover. But in January 2013, the French military intervened and helped to stabilize the situation, at least temporarily. Sadly, for the Christian community, the infrastructure of Christianity in the north has been largely destroyed. Believers who are slowly trickling back to the north are forced to meet in school classrooms because churches have been either looted or destroyed. An Open Doors representative in the area comments, "Building up a Christian presence again will be difficult, and the Christians who fled the north are afraid to return."

Even though most Malian Christians, who make up less than 5% of the population, live in the southern region, they still feel threatened by Islamists in the north and fear a new uprising.

This month's bomb threat has left church members shaken, but thankful for God's protection. Please pray for this small community of believers.

We thank You, Father, for protecting this Christian community that has suffered so greatly in recent years. Continue to protect them not only as they suffer for their faith in Christ, but also as they live in fear of bandits who continue to be a threat in Gao. We pray for Your sustaining grace to these believers as they seek to live lives that honor You, and demonstrate the presence of Christ in them in the midst of these difficulties. Give them opportunities to share the gospel of Christ with their Muslim neighbors. In the name of Jesus, our sustainer and provider, Amen.

World Watch List Challenge- 2 Somalia
Posted on January 20, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories

After many years of anarchy, elections last September paved the way for greater stability and growth in Somalia. The decreased violence, coupled with increased successes in the internationally supported fight to drive out al Shabaab Islamist insurgents, greatly improved the atmosphere in Somalia. This did not necessarily bring freedom for the church, but it did bring some welcomed consistency, and created "space" for increased discipleship – albeit still under great secrecy.

However, the atmosphere is changing rapidly.

The newly installed Somali government is increasingly challenged in its efforts to maintain stability. It was expected that President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud would stamp out notorious clan politics, corruption and the "stubborn Islamist insurgency" of al Shabaab. But observers say his inexperienced government lacks funds and also the authority to get the job done. Additionally, in the absence of clear instruction from the provisional constitution, the government is battling to find a way to divide power between the center and the regions.

Al Shabaab, in what they called their "Ramadan Offensive", went to great lengths to warn the government of President Mohamud not to underestimate the insurgents' power and influence. The month of fasting saw several attacks in Mogadishu.

The Somali constitution continues to see Islam as the sole religion in the country, and the Quran and the Sunnah as the main source of the law within the country.
Kevin McMahan
• 6 days ago

Heavenly Father, thank You for the Somali people and for Your promise that we will be worshiping alongside them in Heaven. You know the plight of the people there far better than I do; just seems like a never-ending state of conflict that uproots people's lives and that kills and injures. Father, I draw comfort this morning from knowing that no one loves the Somali people more than You do. That somehow, some way, You will glorify Yourself in Somalia, and that You will make good out of the evil that is perpetrated on Your children there. Thank You, Father, for Your promises. May Your Holy Spirit bring those promises to the forefront of the mind of those who are suffering for Your Son. May they hear Your still small voice guiding their next steps. Father, I pray that You turn this country that has vaulted to 2 on the WWL into a shining light and beacon of Your great love and that through Somalia, many are drawn to the Kingdom. I ask these things in the Name above all names, the King above all kings, The Lord above all lords, Your Precious Son, My Savior, and Savior of the world, Jesus. Amen.

Literacy Draws Woman to Christ
Posted on January 17, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories

Ever wonder about the real lives and people that are being affected through Open Doors' literacy programs? Here we meet Zohra*, a woman from Bangladesh whose life was forever changed by the opportunity to learn to read, and ultimately, read about the One who created her.

My name is Zohra, and I am 30 years old. I'm married to Mateen, a laborer, and we have a ten year old daughter, Anamika. I was born in a Muslim family in Bangladesh. Our society expects women to stay at home. Though the government strives to educate young girls, family tradition and economic limitations force them to drop out. Eventually, when they reach their teens, they are set up for marriage.

Because my family forced me to stop schooling when I was very young, I thought my dream of becoming a valuable part of society would never be fulfilled. I always knew about the importance of education, and I really wanted to get a diploma. But, true to tradition, my family married me off to Mateen when I was 15. Mateen didn't go to school either.

That was before I met Sharinah, a literacy teacher. Sharinah and I became good friends, and we shared our lives with one another. Some tears and laughter and many stories later, Sharinah sat down with me and shared the most important story of all – the story of Jesus Christ.

I didn't know how to read, so Sharinah would read the Bible to me. She would read about miracles, healings, suffering and joy. She would read about Jesus's love and sacrifice, about how He came into the world to save us from sin and death. I would listen and imagine, and cling to her every word.

Sharinah's stories were wonderful. Because of them, I surrendered my life to Christ. With that decision came the desire to proclaim my faith, and I was baptized not long after. I wanted Mateen to know Christ too, but I couldn't read the Bible to him. I prayed, and God answered. In January 2013, Sharinah started literacy classes near my home.

In class, we would always start and end with a prayer. Sharinah, now my teacher, would show us pictures as she presented Bible stories. We would learn the alphabet, try to pronounce, spell and discover meanings behind unfamiliar words.

I can read the Bible now. God truly answers prayers. I'm still a bit slow, but it is my great joy to finally be able to read all those stories about Jesus to my husband. We can manage our home better, because I've also learned how to add and subtract. Now, we can be more conscious of our family expenses.

Spiritually, I have never been better. I praise God for how He has allowed me to savor His Word. With it, He continually teaches me to be patient and forgiving. Now, I don't easily get upset. Peace has come into my household, because we no longer fight over petty things.

My neighbors have also noticed the change in me and my family. Other women now come to me to seek advice about family matters. I try to be a good example to them and I advise them to be patient, too, just as how the Lord has taught me.

*Names have been changed to protect the believers in this testimony.

Prayer Points:

Pray that Zohra and her family continue to grow in their faith in Jesus.
Praise God for Sharinah's life and ministry. Continue to pray for Christian workers like her; that they will be diligent and encouraged in their vocation, and that more people would know Christ through their example.
Zohra hopes that her husband and neighbors will also benefit from the literacy classes. Please pray that more programs like this will open near her home, and for the Lord to provide for them.

World Watch List Challenge 1 North Korea
Posted on January 13, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories
North Korea

There is no other country in the world where Christians are so fiercely persecuted because of their faith. Like other North Koreans, Christians live under one of the most oppressive regimes in recent history. They have to deal with corrupt officials, horrific policies, natural disasters, diseases, and starvation. On top of all this, they must hide their decision to follow Christ.

The regime is anti-Christian for two main reasons:

All other religions are seen as harmful to North Korea's Juche ideology, which stresses the importance of man's self-reliance. Because the people are forced to worship their leaders, there is simply no room for other gods.
Christianity is the religion of North Korea's enemies. Christians are seen as spies of the "imperialist Americans" and the "treacherous South Koreans." North Koreans are told that Christians use religion to poison their "glorious nation." As a result of this, the church has been completely pushed underground. It consists of 200,000 – 400,000 believers. Of these, between 50,000 – 70,000 are held in Nazi-like concentration camps and prisons.

"Christians have to teach their children the principles of the gospel without using words such as God, Jesus or the Bible," shares Chin Ho, a Christian from North Korea. "They make up stories with Christian values. Once the children are old enough to keep their faith secret, the parents explain to them the full gospel. This usually happens when the children are between ten and fifteen years old."

Despite being the most difficult place to be a Christian, the underground church in North Korea continues to grow- even in the prison camps.

*Names, photographs and other information have been changed for security purposes

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