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Oregon esonera neri da indossare maschere nell'hotspot

Jeffrey Lev4 hours ago

This is nothing but sad.

VTS3 hours ago

It sounds like Planned Parenthood idea.


Oregon esonera i neri dall'indossare maschere nell'hotspot

Betty Anthony VTS2 hours ago

After I just posted one reply, I thought of that. Their founder wanted to get rid of blacks. Is this what Oregon is up to now?


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Dorrie_ Betty Anthony2 hours ago


Oregon esonera i neri dall'indossare maschere nell'hotspot

Grace Joy VTS2 hours ago • edited

It's the reverse, actually. Every time I go onto Youtube now, there are propaganda videos at the top of the page. Last week it was for Juneteenth ("whites" didn't free slaves, they freed themselves, for example). What do you think might happen if BLM, Antifa, etc., young & healthy, all get corona & most survive? We will be sitting ducks.

Today, "featured" at the top of the youtube homepage is "Expert advice on what’s next" on corona from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The "experts" there are interested in "inequities & policing," "the brave new world of working in the office," "transmission at work," "What to do after the protests," etc. From its "Forum and Voices in Leadership (formerly Decision Making: Voices from the Field) events" comes "solutions on why racism is a public health crisis," "solutions to end a racist corporate culture," etc.

The world is being deconstructed in front of our eyes, we're being instructed in the new ways. White people will be ensla ved, that's why sites telling of Islam's enslavement are censored (try clicking on islamandwesterncivilisation... ). White kids are being taught to be s e x sl aves or bacha bazi by P.P. curriculum; & being groomed as soldiers (Antifa, BLM). Remember, "slave" came from "Slav." Conservatives aren't welcome, either. All the Lies that BLM, lgbt, Fakestinians, etc., have been saying are what they've been indoctrinated with in school: They think it will come true, but they're useful idiots. Everything has gone exactly according to the 45 Goals of Communism:


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HAM3 hours ago

More racism and discrimination under the "color" of trying to avoid it. Does everyone try to be a hypocrite or does it just come natural?


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Don Spilman HAM2 hours ago

Begins at birth for demoncraps!


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William3 hours ago

But the virus does not care about your politics or skin color. It's an equal-opportunity infecter. But if Oregon decides to keep this idea, it may help "avoid racial profiling" while coming back to bite that very population with greater infection rates, to which politicians will respond - "see, America is racist, because the virus disproportionately affects the black community".


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Avision William3 hours ago



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Julie Meister Sidman Gilson William2 hours ago

Yes, thinking the same. The black community was complaining how they were more at risk. Now they are being told it is okay to LET yourself be more at risk.


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Don Spilman Julie Meister Sidman Gilson2 hours ago

Do we care?



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Lorne Don Spilman2 hours ago

Since you believe that he virus is a hoax and no more serious than the flu, you should be happy the government isn't forcing masks on everyone.



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IsraelReader Julie Meister Sidman Gilson2 hours ago

If Black Lives Matter, to themselves, they should be running to put on preventive masks.


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Tinywoman IsraelReader21 minutes ago

Obviously black people don't care because they are too busy killing each other. If their lives matter so much then why are they hell bent on trying to decimate their own race?


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Don Spilman William2 hours ago

LOL I think you are onto something!


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Excuse me William2 hours ago

Exactly. Except anything this soft-headed governor decrees cannot be brought under scrutiny. Now, had the Conservative governor of South Dakota issued this nonsense, it would be decried as horrifically racist.


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Dorrie_ Excuse me2 hours ago

I'm in Oregon and it IS "horrifically racist"! The governor is Moonbeam's STINKING sister! So can anyone be surprised at the BS she pulls?? She's been recalled twice, but refuses to leave!!


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William Excuse mean hour ago

The SD governor is already under attack as being a racist for declaring she will protect Mount Rushmore from any harm.


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Bikinis not Burkas William2 hours ago

Unless you are a Muslim, Muhammad said there are no transmittable diseases.


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Alex Peshansky William2 hours ago

The data I have do not support the hypothesis that blacks are dis-proportionally infected or affected.
Check my profile - I do have data.


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William Alex Peshanskyan hour ago

I agree with you. It's a play on word and statistics that Progressives use to muddy the facts. They claim there is a disproportional affect on blacks because they compare hospitalization and death numbers to actual percentage of blacks as part of US. This is often the method used to build the "systemic racism" narrative, but it's incorrect as it leaves out much of the context.

In this case, it leaves out multi-generational living situations, health problems caused by poor diet, issues with living in a liberal inner-city, and crime. It's not surprising they are more affected but it has to do with poor governing policy, not healthcare or the virus.

Will look at your data.


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James Kastner William36 minutes ago

Think it may be a plot to reduce their demographic by infecting and killing a bunch? I would not put it past a political party once known as DIXIEcrats in some places that was the party of the KLAN.


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Techngro3 hours ago

This is part of the reason that Americans have been, and continue to, lose trust in our institutions. Why were people skeptical about having to wear masks everywhere and shutting down half the economy? Because these "science professionals" routinely expose themselves as biased and political.

If wearing a mask and social distancing are truly keys to slowing the spread of the virus, then why are these "professionals" supporting tens of thousands of protesters in the streets when they're telling everyone else they can't go to work? Why are these "professionals" exempting people from wearing masks for fear of "racial profiling"? The virus doesn't care about their social justice cause. The virus doesn't care about their irrational fear of police.

And then they wonder when Americans are hesitant to trust their word.


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Don Spilman Techngro2 hours ago

I know no one who is hesitant to trust their word. Every one I know TOTALLY KNOWS the rotten stink bombs are lying the minute they open their foul mouths!


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H Shamir Techngro2 hours ago

"their irrational fear of police" is not irrational. Witness all the deaths at the hand of police indoctrinated in the ideology of repressive policing. This obscene attitude by police must stop.



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Techngro H Shamir2 hours ago

First of all, not every death at the hands of police is unjustified. Second, the handful of unjustified killings is not an epidemic. More black people were murdered in Chicago this month than were unjustly killed by police all of last year.

Finally, even if there is a rational fear of police (which there isn't but let's just play along), WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE VIRUS? Do you think that the virus will differentiate between social justice warriors and anyone else?


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Marivan Techngro26 minutes ago

I just have to LOL at that last sentence!


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William H Shamiran hour ago

Except that the wide majority of those harmed by the police are criminals. The statistics show that a very low amount of unarmed people were killed by police, and more white were killed than blacks. Another study shows indeed that white officers are less likely to harm a black/brown person - and this was aired on Liberal NPR last July.

Now if you're talking about harder policing in crime-ridden areas and criminals getting rights violated, just admit you are more anti-police than pro-innocent resident. The black community does not want crime or drugs in their neighborhoods, and it took the failure of BLM protesters in Baltimore to demand less policing that showed them this. Once police pulled back, as demanded by Black instigators, crime went through the roof and residents were begging police to return.

For the record, I'm white, male, and I was also profiled by police. I was also attacked by blacks on numerous occasions - sometimes based on race, sometimes just criminals mugging me. Should I also have a fear of police or black people? I don't...but would I be justified?


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Tinywoman William24 minutes ago

None of this is about the virus or black people or the police. It is now and has been from the start all about 'control'. Rules of Marxism and they now openly admit it. Too many stupid people walking the earth to understand what is going on. Pathetic and sad. We will lose the USA if people don't wake up.


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James Kastner H Shamir42 minutes ago

How about they try this: Learn to behave, not condone criminal acts, not sanctify career criminals when they DO get themselves killed, and act like civilized CITIZENS of the country? Ya think THAT may help more than the whining and BI!CH!ng every time they do not get their way?


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Don Spilman2 hours ago

The homothexual fee male governor of ore gone is a perfect example of the demoncraps ability to comprehend and reason! PUTRID IS AS PURTID DOES !!!!!


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Larry2 hours ago

Those sneaky Democrats....this is there way to thin the herd!!


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naftali2162 hours ago

Hmmmm.... Blacks were supposedly disproportionately affected by the virus. So the solution here is to let them run around without a mask? I think that's known as 'thinning the herd'!!


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Betty Anthony2 hours ago

Personally, I think that this is very racist. I wonder why when I see a black person coming out of Target with a mask on, I do not think that he or she is a criminal but someone that wants to protect themselves and those around them.


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Joel Kutner2 hours ago

Isn't this just another expression of racism? So now black people will be more exposed to the virus and lead to greater infection and morbidity in the black community.


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Yosef Chaim2 hours ago

BLM = Black MASKS Matter

Are we done with this nonsense?

Last year only blacks wore masks when robbing a store... this year its socially correct if you are white... we all know by years end the only people required to wears masks will be the Litvish.... Chassidus joke

Its all noise


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gerald m. serlin2 hours ago

Oregon's governor made this decision. My guess that is that her reasoning is that black lives don't really matter, unless they can somehow be blamed on some racial "injustice" caused by non-blacks. The disease just does not do that.


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Leah2 hours ago

Ladies and gentlemen, it is now official. American has gone from leading to dangerous approval seeking....
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow........


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Jack Jellison2 hours ago



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jefz2 hours ago

Next Governor Brown of Oregon will mandate people of color must be armed to protect themselves from Caucasians and Police.


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Dorrie_2 hours ago

I live in Oregon and this governor is hated by every single voter who isn't a Marxist! We have recalled her TWICE, but she refuses to leave!! She REFUSES to leave after she has been thrown out!!!


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HAM Dorrie_2 hours ago

National Guard?. . .State Militia?. . .Angry Citizens standing upon the Constitution and demanding their Rights. . .ALL LEGAL MEANS.


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Ariram2 hours ago

So now they will be in danger of getting the virus - does this make any sense.


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Grace Joy2 hours ago

When will people believe me about the Great Replacement!

-May 26, 2020. "A study has found that the 'stay at home' lockdown order in the US will 'destroy at least seven times more years of human life' than it saves and that this number is 'likely' to be more than 90 times greater."
"... at least 16.8% of adults in the US have suffered 'major mental harm from responses to Covid-19.'”

"Extrapolating these numbers out, the figures show that 'anxiety from responses to Covid-19 has impacted 42,873,663 adults and will rob them of an average of 1.3 years of life, thus destroying 55.7 million years of life.'”

"This contrasts with 'a maximum of 616,590 lives (which) might be saved by the current lockdowns, and the disease robs an average of 12 years of life from each of its victims, which means that the current lockdowns can save no more than 7.4 million years of life.'”
"... reasons why ... [include] the media’s role in exaggerating the deadliness of COVID-19 and 'using false denominators that exaggerate its death rate.'”
"... psychiatrists wrote 86% more prescriptions for psychotropic drugs, including antidepressants, during the lockdown months of March and April compared to January and February."


-May 13, 2020. Ron Paul wonders "Corona Masks - Infection Prevention ... Or Submission-Signaling?" ronpaulinstitute.Org/archives/featured-articles/2020/may/13/corona-masks-infection-preventionor-submission-signaling/


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Jeffrey Wilens Grace Joy2 hours ago

Sorry, this is not a real study. It falls apart when it claims 16.8% suffered major mental harm (too vague) and does not state what percentage of people suffer "major mental harm" each year even in the absence of covid19. Consider how fragile some people are these days.... Anyway, there is no basis to claim someone is "robbed of 1.3 years of life" by virtue of some emotional trauma. If the figure about prescription drugs is correct, that suggests doctors are making up for loss of in person visits by writing more dangerous prescriptions, which is a bad thing for sure.


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Grace Joy Jeffrey Wilensan hour ago

Did G a t e s hire you?


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HAM Grace Joy2 hours ago

The Essence of what you are saying is that its ALL a farce and there are far more nefarious things in progress. . .and I believe you.

This all fits into the overall picture of lies, coups, take-downs and Marxist advancement worldwide that has been happening for a long time.


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Grace Joy HAM43 minutes ago • edited

Well, it's not "all" a farce. There really is a virus. But it came now to accelerate the NWO. For example, is it a coincidence that the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) had the dates 2011 - 2020? If you click "Download the full GVAP" under the text at the WHO site, you'll see a beautiful brochure explaining the goals of getting everyone to demand vaccines for themselves.

Another example is the World Economic Forum: It has a whole section called "the Great Reset." Todays lead article shows a face being IDed by facial recognition technology (used in China to oppress people). The title is "Tech can be a great ally in the drive for greater inclusion & diversity" (buzzwords for the UN's Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs). There's a section on "racism & racial justice." "Popular videos" include "A vaccine for COVID has been called 'the world's exit strategy,'" "Building a truly green economy is one of the most important challenges for the world after corona," etc.

Antifa, BLM, trans, etc., are taught to be the way they are in school. They're brainwashed. For example, the "anti-racism" indoctrination in the video below: I see the beginning of Antifa & BLM in it. "Perception is Everything"


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HAM Grace Joy23 minutes ago

I will watch the video. . .though I am already convinced.

When I say "Farce" I mean the hype. The common flu is not a farce either; but had they reacted to it like they have with this, it would all be a FARCE. Virtually everything that has been done concerning this has been irrational and against scientific, economic, social. . .ALL sense period. Oh. . .I FORGOT. .. .AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION.


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morens2 hours ago

I think the left is going to be seriously and legitimately shocked in total disbelief when Trump wins overwhelmingly this November.


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Martin Brown morensan hour ago

He has to win or this country goes comunistic.


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BobInBptan hour ago

WELL OF COURSE ! Don't you know that as of 2020, African-Americans are now exempt from all law and order and all protocols? This is part of "reparations" for crimes against SOME of their ancestors 150 years ago by the 5% of rich Southerners who owned plantations. Of course, absolutely NO guilt is shared by the black African slavers who ran the Slave Trade for 400 years and sold their neighbors to White European sea captains.


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Matt Moxonan hour ago

So, the dems don't just want to kill black babies - - - they now want them to catch the kung-flu and die - hahahahahahahaha....


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garybkatz15 minutes ago

Based on the "logic," they should ban hoodies, not masks.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

Obama 666 joins 322 Biden joins 187AudioHostemm
When am I going to pick you up with all your Wahhabi accomplices?
you will cry like rabbits!

BURN Obama 666 joins 322 Biden 187 AudioHostem187 burn Satana Allah: OCI UN NEW WORLD ORDER: lgbtq democratic party Deep State: burn in Jesus's name.
amen alleluia
Obama 666 joins 322 Biden 187 AudioHostem187: they are 2 great Islamic killers of Christian and Israeli martyrs
the scum of hell! ladies and gentlemen, here you are:
"Vice President Joe Biden watches then President Barack Obama"
Vote TRUMP hero MAGA Patriot or you will quickly find yourself dead in the world war
by Lorenzojhwh Unius REI

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎16 minutes ago

Vice President Joe lizard sliping Biden watches then President Imam ISIS Barack Obama,
your priests of satan "Beni Berith" JaBullOn Allah OWL SATAN Aru Mazda Baal Talmud, Bilderberg regime against me they have failed
all resistance is futile!

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI20 minutes ago

Obama 666 joins 322 Biden 187 AudioHostemm187

When am I going to pick you up with all your Wahhabi accomplices?
you will cry like rabbits!

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI21 minutes ago

BURN Obama 666 joins 322 Biden 187 AudioHostem187 burn Satana Allah: OCI UN NEW WORLD ORDER: lgbtq democratic party Deep State: burn in Jesus's name.
amen alleluia

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI25 minutes ago

Obama 666 joins 322 Biden 187 AudioHostem187: they are 2 great Islamic killers of Christian and Israeli martyrs
the scum of hell! ladies and gentlemen, here you are:
"Vice President Joe Biden watches then President Barack Obama"
Vote TRUMP hero MAGA Patriot or you will quickly find yourself dead in the world war

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

2 satanisti rothschild
2 grandi assassini islamici di martiri cristiani e israeliani
la feccia dell'inferno!
signori e signore ecco a voi:
"Vice President Joe Biden watches then President Barack Obama"
vota TRUMP o tu ti troverai morto velocemente nella guerra mondiale

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica