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islamici sono socialmente pericolosi

Due ebrei nella metropolitana di New York, una donna israeliana e un uomo americano, sono stati brutalmente attaccati da un antisemita che ha elogiato il massacro di Jersey City e ha lasciato sanguinare la donna.

Quando la israeliana Lihi Aharon salì a bordo della metropolitana di New York City a Manhattan in seguito alla cerimonia di induzione della sua scuola, si ritrovò a ricevere un violento assalto fisico diretto contro di lei e un uomo ebreo più anziano che si sedette accanto a lei.

Aharon ha catturato le riprese dell'attacco orribile e violento sul suo telefono, che l'ha lasciata con un enorme graffio sanguinante sul viso. Ma Aharon, non ha preso l'abuso sedendosi; combatté con tutte le sue forze, rimuovendo l'attaccante dal treno prima che potesse danneggiare chiunque altro.

Dopo l'intervento della polizia, l'attaccante antisemita ha vomitato parolacce, citato il Corano e ha definito Aharon un "puzzolente ebreo serpente".

Raymond Gork12 minutes ago

I commend Lihi Aharon for her courage. However, watching the video, I did get the impression that the attacker was mentally disturbed, and as such, she was in need of help. I would wager that a significant proportion of these anti-Semitic attackers are similarly afflicted.

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI3 minutes ago

c'é chi si trova ancora all'era della pietra: e non ha ancora imparato il linguaggio.. ecco perché gli islamici sono socialmente pericolosi!

Gabriel Mersellea day ago

Kol Hakavod! This girl is AWESOME!
A proud Jew and a proud Israeli.
I hope the scar heals fully, but you are beautiful and brave even with it.

Leaha day ago

Put that woman's face all over the internet to show just how racism can be from people who claim others are racist at them. Show the double standard and the hate.

Avi Leah15 hours ago

It is sad to see how many US blacks are rabid anti-Semites, considering how many liberal Jews helped their anti-racism cause. Same ingratitude in South Africa. And, as the black anti-Semite in this video makes clear, blacks are now influenced by Islam to hate Jews - Islam which has been for over a thirteen hundred years the major agent of African enslavement.

Harry Shamir Avi4 hours ago

Preceded by several thousand years more of enslavement by Arabs.

Grace Joya day ago

Thank G d the J ewish woman is Israeli, more able to stand up to this sort of psychopath. The Muslim convert dresses like a man, knows the the Shahada in Arabic, & is trained like a black Hebrew israelite fake to notice skin color. What was the disgusting thing she was doing rubbing her face, like witchcraft? These animals have been groomed for generations.

MsRain Grace Joy18 hours ago

I thought it was some sort of witchcraft too. Some sort of curse maybe?

Grace Joy MsRain16 hours ago

Maybe. It will take a while to get that out of my head. That poor Israeli woman, the Orthodox man, & everyone who had to witness that in person. I feel sick.

Meagain2.0 Grace Joy16 hours ago

Some of them are heavy into voodoo also, conjuring up spirits. I'm sure glad the Jews didn't get knifed, or shot. How scary.

drjon4u2a day ago

What an awful experience for any visitor to America! I hope the attacker was arrested and spends some quality time in a New York jail!

Kathryn20 hours ago

Please tell the rest of the story and follow up. What was the perpetrator charged with? When is her court date? What is the sentence? The victim can also place a civil lawsuit. Hate speech is terrible but I will defend speech with my dying breath. I will not however tolerate speech that threatens or incites violence. Once that idiot put her hands on this brave, well trained Israeli than she got what was coming to her! God bless her for her outspokenness and bravery in this situation. Choose Faith over Fear!

Elisa Mancuso21 hours ago

Beautiful young woman, I am so proud of you!

qith21 hours ago

wow, if men won't lead, then Deborah will. May God give us men, make us men that will lead.

Martin Browna day ago

If more Jews would fight back these animals, they would gain some respect from the world.

John Williamsa day ago

I bet some of America's left wing talking heads and useless politicians think this is another "white supremacy" attack, wake up rashida and joy, you are the fools.

Meagain2.016 hours ago • edited

The attacker was just jealous on every level. The Jewish lady has infinitely more class, is better looking, and smarter as well. And that is just for starters. Even her scratch is better looking. She was a perfect example of how hatred on the inside bleeds to every part of a person's life, and she is the result.

Tony Munro18 hours ago

It is All a Directive of Luis Satan Farrakan ,to attack Jewish people .
His congregation should be outlawed and send all this hissing snakes back to a desserts and CAVES .

pippin Baker20 hours ago


Terry Kile21 hours ago

amen sister

Filthy koranimal jihadi. Why are they being let into this nation? A tiger cannot change his stripes, so these types will never change! That koranimal would look better with at least .34 in her.

Chervin Daniel8 hours ago

Always defend yourself & others against the attackers! NEVER turn the other cheek.

Stephen Lonewolf Makama12 hours ago

Wonder Woman without a suit!! Why is this happening in the US? In France and Belgium or the UK maybe- but not in the US! America should be careful.

Stan Hoffman20 hours ago

Thank God the Jew's survived. May the attacker be dealt with harshly by the fullest extent of the law.

daniel • 17 hours ago

africans are the most racist brutal criminal people next to allahu akbar

Awraham Itschak Sholem6 hours ago

This attacker is not only brain dead but never learned any thing. The first to help organize and walk with ML King were Jews! She should be thankfull that Jewish Americans helped and stepped in for the than called negro's, now American Africans of America. Ok it is AfrAm not Amaf

sudha13 hours ago

Lihi, your name should be Jael (Judges 4: 18-22). You are to be honored! God bless you.

szotar15 hours ago

But I have been told for years that blacks can't be racist pigs.

Awraham Itschak Sholem szotar6 hours ago

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, my belly hurts from laughing. These non whites forget that their own kind, the tribes in Africa stole them from the villages and sold them to muslim Arabs who sold them to the Dutch, Portugese, Spanish and Englis and French buyers. These non whites can't stand the idea that their own kind and color were/are traitors and slave trading

gerald m. serlin18 hours ago

So many questions: Was this incident formally reported to the police? If so, what was the outcome of the proceedings thereafter? This was not picked up by the MSM. Why not?

Philip Mann gerald m. serlin5 hours ago

The cops were there, you can see one watching her.

jack • 20 hours ago

This woman was obviously psychotic. You don't argue with crazy people.

IsraelReader jack20 hours ago

If the attacking woman was psychotic, she should be institutionalized, and shouldn't be allowed to walk the streets of New York City.

Elisheva Flink jack13 hours ago

yeah ,but be ready with pepper spray it they attack other people

Irgun21 hours ago

Two Jews, a moron, and a rubber chicken walk into a subway.

herbcaena day ago

Just another day in New York Shittty

herbcaena day ago

Just another day in New York City

Portager herbcaen6 hours ago

An ex NYker, I am reminded of riding the subways 50+ years ago ( late 60'-early 70's) and experiencing the same disgusting, vile racist anti Jewish/ white filth spewing from some deranged Black's pie hole! Nothing has changed, it is almost a ritualistic behavior.

daniel herbcaen17 hours ago



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Harry Shamir4 hours ago • edited

You need to see the video to understand, still photos don't explain much. Kudos to the videographer. As for the Israeli girl, col hacavod indeed.


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YT4 hours ago

Boy dose the arrogant terrorist have a surprise coming


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Artlover5 hours ago

Just goes to show you what Islam is teaching them.


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Steve5 hours ago

And Herr Bürgermeister Wilhelm still insists that antisemitism is exclusively the domain of "white supremacists".


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Nart5 hours ago

Just look at the comments on this video on YouTube. It's filled with Neo-Nazis, Holocaust denying and other sickening abuse towards Jews. This is the world we live in.


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cammo995 hours ago

Proving that the influence of Islam on Blacks only creates racist bigotry in violent forms of expression. But such ois the nature of our Obama DOJ that criminality is preferable in defense than the victims of the violence they instigate as a matter of their corrupt greed and hold on power.


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Philip Mann5 hours ago

I like the modest way Ms. Ahron described her action, "I decided it was not going to be today, and that lady found herself outside the subway station, on the floor with all her belongings.


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ed barnes5 hours ago

we see the hatred in islam at the gaza Border-- i was in Gaza during a small riot years ago and i walked to the car to get out of gaza---the gazans thought we were all jews and they were shouting at us--- i see this woman used islamic name of god--- but she needs to Read the Bible where we read the " God of Israel " where she needs to turn to and used over 200 times in Bible--- we also believe in jesus = yeshua in hebrew who died and carried the guilt of sinners== Isaiah 53--- to Him you must turn


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A Zionist6 hours ago

GO to YouTube & read the depraved antisemites - & REPORT them!
Righteous Gentile


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Joan Ngoc-chou6 hours ago

This Jewish girl is right a lot of peope should speak up, of what haters are doing against Jews and Christians, use the media even more than those haters, isn't that what Freedom of speech is about?


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Leonie Pipe6 hours ago

The piece of filth who spouted antisemitic insults at this girl needs to be named and shamed. Good old-fashioned stocks, with people jeering and throwing pork bones and bacon rinds, come to mind.


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william carr13 hours ago

That woman looks a few bricks short of the full load!


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Steve william carr5 hours ago

Marrying first cousins since the 7th century will do that.


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Baruch 21 hours ago

This was not the spontaneous attack I was led to believe it was from the headline. I probably wouldn't have done anything to escalate the situation, which a camera in the face will often do. I didn't seem worth getting into a fight with some pig over their not giving up their seat. Nasty people like that foul-mouthed hater exist everywhere. Is she even specifically a Jew hater, or was she just customizing her rant with the easiest insults that came to mind? I shout some pretty bad things at bad drivers from inside my car that I don't really mean, so I'm not sure how much of a deal I should make of this.


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qith Baruch 21 hours ago

That is what we are all faced with. Whether to allow this bad behavior on your person and family, or to stand your ground, and repulse it. This is a choice we all have to make. If you are afraid, sit down and take it. If not, stand up. Deborah looked for a man, but finally she had to lead.


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Moira Faulds qith20 hours ago

Absolutely! Well said.


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Moira Faulds Baruch 20 hours ago

No, she was definitely a Jew hater, of the Black Hebrew Israelite variety. She was mouthing all their vicious tripe. You should make a very big deal out of this! Most aren't as brave as the young visiting Israeli girl. It did my heart good to see her stand up for herself the man beside her and Jews everywhere. It's better than sitting there and saying nothing. People need to grow a pair.


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daniel Moira Faulds17 hours ago

even if she wasn't a jew, africans hate caucasians, and not because of slavery.

Last time I checked, jews were in a holocaust only 50 years ago. So what are africans hostile toward jews for?

They simply hate white people. Since mainstream jews are White, they hate jews and direct their hatred towards jews.

And even though asians had nothing to do with so-called slavery of africans, africans in america are extremely racist and violent toward asians.

The nonsense about slavery is a distraction.


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daniel Baruch 17 hours ago

the amount of black on non-black violence is disproportionate to the reverse. How many east orientals in america do you see robbing, raping, brutalizing, slurring, bullying africans? Hardly any, if at all. The reverse? Well, just youtube it. They love watching videos like that. It's called World Star Hip Hop. Turn on African radio, it's called hot 97, turn on african music videos, its called B.E.T., why is it so violent, crime glorifying, misogynist, and brutal? Why aren't others' cultures like that? Africans are special. All you hear about is american history, but no one knows a single thing about african history. Because they don't want people knowing african history. Same way islam on non-islam terrorism is disproportionate to non-islam on islam. It's all in the religion and culture.


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Meagain2.0 Baruch 16 hours ago • edited

Shouldn't it be immensely clear to you? She is a mus-lim. "After the police intervened, the anti-Semitic attacker spewed profanities, quoted the Quran, and called Aharon a “stinking a** serpent Jew.”

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Lorenzojhwh Unius REI


New Report: Terror-linked BDS Movement Uses 'Social Justice' to Spread Jew-hatred

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI a minute ago
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WATCH: Egyptian preaches says Jews deserved to be turned into apes and pigs

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI 15 hours ago

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si, anche Ovadia Josef, Morgan rochefeller Rothschild FED FMI dicono lo stesso:

ma quelli non sono ebrei sono soltanto satanisti massoni!

Egyptian preaches says Jews deserved to be turned into apes and pigs

Israel becomes major energy exporter after signing Egypt gas permit

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI 11 hours ago

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Mattarella cerca di salvare la UE ma non gli riuscirà..

ecco perché, Bush Obama a Riyadh complottano insieme e

infatti,dopo Donald TRUMP hanno deciso di calunniare e di aggredire Cina e Russia

il sistema consociativismo massonico neo-liberista, burocratico: alto tradimento costituzionale: il signoraggio bancario truffa: dei ladri Rochefeller FED 322 BCE FMI BN NWO, tecnocratico e usurocratico: devitalizzante della finanza privata speculativa Rothschild 666 microchip Morgan,?

è miseramente crollato!!!

ora, non è più possibile fermare la recessione e il prelievo fiscale abbrutente e spersonalizzante.

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI 11 hours ago

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il sistema consociativismo massonico neo-liberista, burocratico: alto tradimento costituzionale: il signoraggio bancario truffa: dei ladri Rochefeller FED 322 BCE FMI BN NWO, tecnocratico e usurocratico: devitalizzante della finanza privata speculativa Rothschild 666 microchip Morgan,?

è miseramente crollato!!!

ora, non è più possibile fermare la recessione e il prelievo fiscale abbrutente e spersonalizzante.

Mattarella cerca di salvare la UE ma non gli riuscirà..

ecco perché, Bush Obama a Riyadh complottano insieme e

infatti,dopo Donald TRUMP hanno deciso di calunniare e di aggredire Cina e Russia

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI 11 hours ago

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good news

G-d Bless my jHWH holy


Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments
DAILY RECAP: Johnson Battles BDS; Israel Inks Historic Defense Deal; Arab League Blasts Iran: More Top News

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI 15 hours ago

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any onest politiccal man and woman be like Johnson that Battles BDS

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI

è tipico dei sacerdoti di Satana della Merkel Macron Trudeau Biden e CIA: deep State, evocare i demoni e le anime dannate dall'inferno!

Germania, profanata la tomba del gerarca nazista della "soluzione finale"

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI

chi va a urlare ad un comizio di un avversario politico, lui deve essere incriminato per golpe contro la democrazia!

gli antifa lo fanno spesso!

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI4 hours ago

Aggressione in Centrale, somalo prende a bottigliate un donna

ANSWER. in effetti chi non ha niente da perdere NON teme nulla...

fatelo diventare un MASSONE azionista di maggioranza Rothschild della private banking SpA BCE!

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI4 hours ago • edited

Tutto ciò che possiamo imparare dal paese più felice del mondo

La Finlandia si è guadagnata il primo posto tra i paesi più felici


ecco perché: Allah uuuuh AKBAR jihad sharia Erdogan Mohammed Saud Salman OCI Iran: dopo 1400 anni, di genocidi? anche loro hanno deciso di andare in Finlandia per essere un poco felici Umma anche loro

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI5 hours ago

scam banking seigniorage FED Rothschild? è marcio e deve crollare!!! ecco perché, Bush Obama BIDEN Epstein lgbtq a Riyadh complottano insieme e, infatti, dopo il President TRUMP, loro hanno deciso di calunniare e di aggredire Cina e Russia

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI 6 hours ago

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bravo bravo bravo you getting this corrected.



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Lorenzojhwh Unius REI5 hours ago

my Presidente Rivlin-Mattarella [ lo stipendio che tu prendi è soddisfacente? ] voi avete giurato di essere imparziali, ed invece voi state lavorando per il partito Democratico Rothschild!

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI

a day ago

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i am lion Judah and Netanjahu also!

we are not woundeds



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Lorenzojhwh Unius REI5 hours ago • edited

quando io ho detto che la Bibbia condanna la OM0se?sualità?

un alunno di 14 anni (che io conosco bene ) lui mi ha telefonato in modalità anonima e mi ha promesso, di uccidermi con il martello, ha anche detto che io sono razzista!

è evidente lui si è preso troppo carnalmente con il suo amico, che ora non possono più staccarsi senza un supporto psicologico!



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Lorenzojhwh Unius REI5 hours ago

la peste ha indebolito l'impero romano? no sono stati i gay e i loro satanismi: questa è la pestilenza morale che ammorba il partito democratico!



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Lorenzojhwh Unius REI5 hours ago

lo Stato: Peolosi Prodi Draghi Dalema Veltroni Zingaretti Di Maio, Biden, ecc.. non può mettere tanti filmini di pervertiti in internet e poi, dire: "ci dispiace per i divorzi" e poi, " è tutta colpa degli uomini maniaci"



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Lorenzojhwh Unius REI5 hours ago

io l'ho detto a Clinton Hillay Obama Biden Soros Morgan : "voi non mettete tanti filmini sporchi in internet"

ma, loro hanno detto: "e poi, come facciamo a vincere le elezioni?"

La modella, che ora vive a New York ("me ne sono dovuta andare dall'Italia, perché il mio nome era 'macchiato' come una escort"), ha parlato, come aveva già fatto negli altri processi, del "bunga-bunga" a villa San Martino ("Berlusconi mi toccò il sedere") e poi anche del "procedimento" a carico di Weinstein, che "mi palpò", che inizierà "il 6 gennaio".



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Lorenzojhwh Unius REI5 hours ago

my RIVLIN President ] quì in questo server c'é qualcuno che mi fa la CENSURA!

quindi se un commento non piace ai sauditi, o non piace al partito democratico? viene censurato e cancellato!!

tu sei un neo-NAZI



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Lorenzojhwh Unius REI5 hours ago

Rimosso Rimosso Rimosso

così metti la Santa Croce della Redenzione universale:

all'interno della stella della svastica 666 Rothschild

perché hai fatto quell'apostasia blasfemy?

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI rimosso Rimosso Rimosso

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI 3 giorni fa

Rimosso Rimosso

Livingston è un ragazzo molto strano come Romano Prodi .. Ha anche detto "non è antisemita odiare gli ebrei di Israele".


io per avere scritto: "amo gli israeliani e odio gli ebrei", facebook mi ha bloccato per 40 giorni!

si ma facebook ha circa 60 sessi diversi tutti doc lgbtq: e quindi il suo cervello va spesso in confusione

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI rimosso

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI Rimosso 3 giorni fa

Rimosso Rimosso

infatti, il tuo cranio è osso liscio: si è indurito a livello di dannazione: e satanismo FED NWO!

Rimosso Rimosso

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI5 hours ago

Bush 666 Kerry 322 Biden Clinton ] non hanno questi problemi: perché loro hanno la Chiesa di Satana, e chiunque è stato incappucciato intorno all'altare di Satana, poi, certo non parlerà neanche sotto tortura!

perché dopo che hai visto Obama Pelosi, i capi della polizia e i magistrati intorno ai cannibali?

poi, tu comprendi subito di essere in trappola!!

RubyTer, Battilana: "Vidi Berlusconi senza denti e trucco, pensai fosse imitatore"

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Questa NON è una testata giornalistica