Former NYT editor: Cancel culture is like 'social murder' Calin
Z punch_corona • 3 hours ago • edited But culture is so racist - how
come most big names in culture (like famous poets, painters, novelists,
architects, musicians - Michelangelo, Mozart, Petrarca, Homer,
Dostoyevski, Goethe, etc) were all white? Maybe we should throw white
culture to the bin, and so that, as the Al Qaida bi*ch Omar put it,
"something nice can grow in its place", a new culture, that will make
the whole world have the feeling of an afro-slum or a Belgian-Swedish
musIim ghetto... Was there no art emanating from the Calais jungle? Of
course there was, much better than the bigoted while supremacist
traditional art! Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Calin Z • when your
Jewish satanist parasite B'nai B'rith, usurer of the Talmud and Pharisee
Jew Rothschild the loan shark SpA FED SpA IMF ECB 666 NWO, deep state,
bilderberg regime, masonic system: he robs you and undue and devitalizes
your vital resources. then, even a genius or a victory cannot be
obtained! God is not a racist, and has not cursed any people but the
Anglo-American Jews cursed all the peoples of the world, and condemned
all Israelis to Shoah quando il tuo ebreo parassita satanista, usuraio
del talmud e giudeo fariseo Rothschild lo strozzino SpA FED SpA IMF ECB
666 NWO, deep State, regime bilderberg, masonic system: lui ti deruba e
indebita e devitalizza delle tue risorse vitali.. allora, neanche un
genio o una vittoria può essere ottenuta! Dio non è un razzista e non ha
maledetto nessun popolo ma, gli ebrei anglo-americani hanno maledetto
tutti i popoli del mondo, ed hanno condannato a Shoah tutti i gli
Cancel culture is like 'social murder'
WATCH: Israel Beats Back Palestinian Arsonists Scorching the Biblical Heartland
ProclaimLiberty qith • I did something akin to walking on the surface
of the Sea of Galilee, once -- but I was wearing water skis and holding a
rope attached to a fast motorboat. [:)] 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
ProclaimLiberty • you "baboon" you throw mud on yourself, and more
difficult to walk on water or it is more difficult to make 2 million
Jewish people walk, and tens of millions of their animals on the seabed:
while going towards the desert of Saudi MADIANA, suffering from the
NUBEIDA plain? tu "babbacchione" tu getti fango su te stesso, e più
difficile camminare sull'acqua o è più difficile fare camminare 2
milioni di persone ebrei, e decine di milioni di loro animali sul fondo
del mare: mentre si andava verso il deserto della MADIANA saudita,
partendo dalla pianura di NUBEIDA?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 ore fa Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice'
Solving Politics Snaps • More like only 6.5% are black men! 🕎 Biden
moderate terrorists 🕎 Solving Politics • 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists
🕎 open letter to "alpcns. • 400 years ago, Rothshchild's company FED
IMF ECB, etc .. they bought the Bank of England: today, with the
exception of CHINA and Iran, all the Central Banks are owned by them
SpA, then, you should follow the teachings of Giacinto AURITI (videos in
Italian are present on youtube) to understand how the NWO works (new
world order lgbtq bilderberg regime) then, logic will be able to connect
all masonry with the democratic party the constitution says that, we
are a sovereign people, yet we are forced to buy Jewish private
shareholders from Rothschild SpA FED IMF, our money for 270% of its
value, as slaves: because of criminal politicians such as RIVLIN and
MATTARELLA who pretend to manage the power of the state 1. 100% bank
seigniorage; (money created out of nothing, in exchange for BOT and CCT
public debt securities) ... so Rothschild puts its balance sheet at
ZERO, that's why tax havens are indispensable ... 2. 100% public debt
(which is the interest that must be paid, on public debt securities)
even if the money to pay the public debt has not been printed (and this
creates monetary rarefaction). 3. 70% is private debt: obtained through
the "fractional reserve". with this gallows / noose system, then it is
inevitable to kill the peoples, every 80 years, in the world war, before
understanding that the whole monetary system: it is all a scam of high
constitutional betrayal B'nai B'rith and the Jewish bankers, during the
French revolution invented the "assigned" nominal paper money notebank
": and with them they won destroyed all the European Catholic (only coin
gold money) monarchies and through the communist revolution always
financed by them they also destroyed the Russian monarchy lorenzojhwh
Unius REI kingdom by your kinf and messia
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 ore fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . • 400 anni fa, i Rothshchild's
company FED IMF ECB, etc.. loro acquistarono la Banca di Inghilterra:
oggi, ad eccezione di CINA e Iran, tutte le Banche Centrali sono di loro
SpA proprietà privata, allora, tu dovresti seguire gli insegnamenti di
Giacinto AURITI (video in italiano son presenti in youtube) per capire
come funziona il NWO (nuovo ordine mondiale lgbtq regime bilderberg)
poi, la logica ti poterà a collegare tutte le massonerie con il partito
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 ore fa
la costituzione dice che, noi siamo un popolo sovrano, eppure, noi
siamo costretti a comprare da Rothschild SpA FED IMF azionisti privati
ebrei, il nostro denaro per il 270% del suo valore, come degli schiavi:
per colpa di politici criminali come RIVLIN e MATTARELLA che fingono di
gestire il potere dello Stato 1. 100% signoraggio bancario; (denaro
creato dal nulla, in cambio di BOT e CCT titoli di debito pubblico)...
quindi Rothschild mette il suo bilancio a ZERO, ecco perché sono
indispensabili i paradisi fiscali... 2. 100% debito pubblico (che è
l'interesse che deve essere pagato, sui titoli di debito pubblico) anche
se il denaro per pagare il debito pubblico non è stato stampato (e
questo crea rarefazione monetaria). 3. 70% è il debito privato: ottenuto
attraverso la "riserva frazionaria". con questo sistema a forca
/cappio, allora è inevitabile uccidere i popoli, ogni 80 anni, nella
guerra mondiale, prima di capire che tutto il sistema monetario: è tutto
una truffa di alto tradimento costituzionale
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 ore fa
B'nai B'rith and the Jewish bankers, during the French revolution
invented the "assigned" nominal paper money notebank": and with them
they won destroyed all the European Catholic (only coin gold money )
monarchies and through the communist revolution always financed by them
they also destroyed the Russian monarchy B'nai B'rith e i banchieri
ebrei, durante la rivoluzione francese inventarono gli " assegnati "
denaro cartaneo nominale": e con essi vinsero distrussero tutte le
monarchie cattoliche europee e attraverso la rivoluzione comunista semre
da loro finanziata distrussero anche la monarchia russa
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 ore fa Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice'
alpcns . 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Ci sono pochi dubbi sul
fatto che ci sia molto male nel mondo, ma con tutto il rispetto non vedo
molte prove concrete per tutte queste storie di Rockefeller e
Rothshild. È difficile per me capire la relazione. 🕎 Biden moderate
terrorists 🕎 alpcns . • 400 anni i Rothshchild's company FED IMF ECB,
etc.. loro acquistarono la Banca di Inghilterra: oggi, ad eccezione di
CINA e Iran, tutte le Banche Centrali sono di loro SpA proprietà
privata, allora, tu dovresti seguire gli insegnamenti di Giacinto AURITI
(video in italiano son presenti in youtube) per capire come funziona il
NWO (nuovo ordine mondiale lgbtq regime bilderberg) poi, la logica ti
poterà a collegare tutte le massonerie con il partito democratico
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 5 ore fa 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 ProclaimLiberty •
maybe if you read my articles you might get the "rothschild SpA FED
scam banking seigniorage, the" black cloth "that oppresses my Jewish
people: the blood curse, "your covenant with death" as your Bible says,
and that also forced God JHWH holy, to expel you from your promised land
to our fathers 2000 years ago! .. even the prophet Jeremiah, like me,
had said: but he was not listened to! that then, the satanists of
Erdogan OCI Riyad Iran do they have to do the sharia genocide of all
mankind? this is part of the Satanism of their origin forse se tu
leggessi i miei articoli ti potrebbe cade il " rothschild SpA FED scam
banking seigniorage, il " panno nero" che opprime il mio popolo ebraico:
la maledizione del sangue, "il tuo patto con la morte" come dice la tua
Bibbia, e che ha costretto anche Dio JHWH holy, ad espellervi dalla
vostra terra promessa ai nostri padri 2000 anni fa! .. anche il profeta
Geremia, come me, lo aveva detto: ma non fu ascoltato! che poi, i
satanisti di Erdogan OCI Riyad Iran loro devono fare il genocidio sharia
di tutto il genere umano? questo è parte del satanismo della loro
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 5 ore fa Former NYT editor: cancel culture is like ‘social murder’
this is Satanic Talmud and black magic Kabbalah sharia OCI Riyadh
Eddogan Iran OCI UN FED IMF ECB NWO ] only China and Russia can save
christianity and Israel today! SOUTHERN ITALY: what was once the
granary, the oil mill, and the largest producer of hazelnuts? today 60%
of the campaigns are abandoned .. why: the demonic lgbtq Bilderberg
technocratic neoliberalism EU the antichrist talmud and quran, they must
uproot the roots of christianity: they are on farms so they're going to
kill Israel l'ITALIA MERIDIONALE: quello che una volta era il granaio,
il frantoio, e il più grande produttore di nocciole? oggi il 60% delle
campagne è abbandonato .. perché: il demoniaco lgbtq Bilderberg
neoliberismo tecnocratico UE l'anticristo talmud e corano, loro devono
sradicare le radici del cristianesimo: che sono nelle aziende agricole
quindi andranno ad uccidere Israele
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 5 ore fa
here on Israeli sites? the zombies ghosts (1 Guest Vote) they continue
to negatively vote me again from the cemetery of hell, even after
blocking them! Hey, Don Spilman, check out this CIA staff of yours who's
out of control! everyone knows that, I am forced to block the CIA
priests of satan: who vote against me to make me close the account! Hey,
qui nei siti israeliani? i fantasmi zombies (1 Guest Vote ) loro
continuano a votarmi negativamente ancora dal cimitero dell'inferno,
anche dopo averli bloccati! eih, Don Spilman controlla questo tuo
personale della Cia che è fuori controllo! lo sanno tutti che, io sono
costretto a bloccare i sacerdoti di satana della CIA: che mi votano
contro per farmi chiudere l'account! ehi,
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa WATCH: Hezbollah may lie about retaliation to save face, says security expert
worldisraelnews & Disqus ] everyone knows that, I am forced to
block the CIA priests of satan: who vote against me to make me close the
account! Hey, Don Spilman, check this out of control staff of yours! [
lo sanno tutti che, io sono costretto a bloccare i sacerdoti di satana
della CIA: che mi votano contro per farmi chiudere l'account! ehi, Don
Spilman controlla questo tuo personale fuori controllo! Avatar 18_18
Avatar Following_Chris tAvatar Blankety-Blank Avatar Hank O'Hair Avatar
IsraelReader Avatar Martin Brown when they insult me without motivation?
generally I can stand it !!! but does anyone vote against me without
motivation? I will block it quando mi insultano senza motivazione? in
genere lo sopporto!!! ma chiunque mi vota contro senza motivazione? io
lo bloccherò
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa Report: 2.6 million Israelis lack adequate rocket fire protection
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU USA UN OCI] [Report: 2.6 million Israelis lack
adequate rocket fire protection all that must survive go down 50 meters
below the ground: and it must be able to resist, for thirty years, since
the whole planet can be devastated by nuclear rations, at any moment!
you have rejected my kingdom of ISRAEL and now you must prepare yourself
to die! CINA RUSSIA INDIA UE USA ONU OCI ] [ Report: 2.6 million
Israelis lack adequate rocket fire protection tutto quello che deve
sopravvivere scendere 50 metri sotto terra: e deve poter resistere, per
trenta anni, dato che tutto il pianeta può essere devastato da razioni
nucleari, da un momento all'altro! voi avete rifiutato il mio regno di
ISRAELE e ora vi dovete preparare a morire!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice'
The anti-Zionism problem isn’t just from individuals on Twitter, but
also reaches the highest levels, like Neturei Karta, AIPAC Rothschild
Rockefeller Marduch, Clinton Obama, Riyad Iran OCI ONU FED IMF ECB NWO.
all in NWO UE Deep State Regime Bilderberg, esoteric darwin lgbtq
agenda, of neoloberalists Kissinger Soros Bilderberg, jewish world
leaders, freemasonry Morgan, they are into democratic party lgbtq
antichrist and antiZionist kallaah black magic and satan's synagogue
talmud Last week Israeli legislators were outraged after Twitter company
official Ylwa Pettersson told the Knesset that Iranian calls to wipe
out Israel were just “foreign policy saber-rattling on military-economic
issues [that] are generally not in violation of our rules.” And on
Friday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany slammed Twitter,
saying the social media giant was showing blatant bias by targeting
conservatives, especially President Donald Trump, Orban, Bolsonaro,
Salvini, Netanjahu, etc...
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice'
because of Rothschild and the satanic talmud: of the B'nai B'rith and
kabbalah black magic of the FED IMF NWO ECB anti-Semitism is legitimate!
in fact, what is demonic is the anti-Zionism of the Wahhabis and
Erdogan! that's why, especially all anti-Zionist Jews must be killed!
“Here a high-profile former athlete tells his 146k followers via a
verified account that ‘the Jewish cabal’ performs well at ‘ritualistic
child torture.’ It’s clear @jack [Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey] has no policy
to root out antisemitism on @Twitter, ANSWER per colpa di Rothschild e
del talmud satanico: dei B'nai B'rith e kabbalah magia nera del FED IMF
NWO ECB l'antisemitismo è legittimo! quello che è demoniaco infatti è
l'antisionismo dei wahhabiti e di erdogan! ecco perché, soprattutto
tutti gli ebrei antisionisti devono essere uccisi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice'
yes, really there is a secret "Jewish cabal" that carries out perverse
crimes like "Ritualistic Child Torture" and "Human Sacrifice / Murder."
and when they discovered aberrant ritual sacrifices, the kabbalistic
Jews of black magic were expelled from the nations, because it was not
possible to separate the good Jews from the bad Jews ... bad lgbtq Jews
today use the CIA's satan priests for their human sacrifices and no
longer get their hands dirty personally e quando scoprivano aberranti
sacrifici rituali, gli ebrei cabalisti della magia nera, venivano
espulsi dalle nazioni, perché non era possibile separare gli ebrei buoni
dagli ebrei cattivi... oggi gli ebrei cattivi lgbtq si servono dei
sacerdoti di satana della CIA per i loro sacrifici umani e non si
sporcano più le mani personalmente
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice'
Twitter permitted former NFL player Larry Johnson to spread lies about a
"Jewish cabal" that carries out perverse crimes like "ritualistic child
torture" and "human sacrifice / murder." ANSWER satanic talmud and
kabbalah black magic? Jews don't know it but they allow themselves to
gain weight well !!! this is a demonic reality, even thousands of years
ago, and it can be documented and why don't the Jews see it as danger,
and indeed are the accomplices of their cyclic destruction? this is part
of the curse that has been laid against all the Jewish people ANSWER
talmud satanico e kabbalah magia nera? gli ebrei non lo sanno ma si
lasciano ingrassare bene da esso!!! questa è una realtà demoniaca, anche
di migliaia di anni fa, ed è documentabile e perché gli ebrei non lo
vedono il pericolo, ed anzi sono i complici della propria ciclica
distruzione? questo fa parte della maledizione che è stata stesa contro
tutto il popolo degli ebrei
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa
if Rothschild shareholders FED IMF ECB NWO lgbtq with his computer can
create money from the planet (scam banking seigniorage) (with the
exception of Iran and China) then for this secret Jewish kabbalah? we
are all already dead! se Rothschild azionisti FED IMF ECB NWO lgbtq con
il suo computer può creare dal nulla il denaro del pianeta (scam banking
seigniorage) (ad eccezione di Iran e Cina) allora per questa kabbalah
ebraica segreta? noi siamo già tutti morti!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice'
ISLAM is a legalized sharia genocide, under the auspices of the UN OCI,
and this evil, only the occult and secret kabbalah of the Rothschild
SpA FED 666 NWO Riyadh could achieve it! International human rights
lawyer Arsen Ostrovsky was incensed. “I kid you not! At Knesset hearing
on Antisemitism, @Twitter rep tells me they flag @realDonaldTrump
because it serves ‘public conversation’, but not Iran’s @khamenei_ir
call for GENOCIDE, which passes for acceptable ‘commentary on political
issues of the day’,” Ostrovksy tweeted. ANSWER ISLAM è un genocidio
sharia legalizzato, sotto egida dell'ONU OCI, e questa malvagità,
soltanto la occulta e segreta kabbalah dei Rothschild SpA FED 666 NWO
Riyadh potevano realizzarla! occult masonic power, esoteric agenda
kalergi, today, is jewish segret kabbalah MORGAN ROCKEFELLER WW3 nuclear
and genocide sharia
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
worldisraelnews [ in this opera account ] I don't see the "Disqus"
function if someone replies me non vedo la funzione "Disqus" se qualcuno
mi risponde
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa WATCH: Israel Beats Back Palestinian Arsonists Scorching the Biblical Heartland
qith J.Edward • A little walking on water.......a few extra
fishes......recounting your past? 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 qith •
your incredulity is a form of satanism! Catholics, Jews, and Christians
still obtain many miracles from God ... this is why Copts survived the
Islamic Sharia genocide in Egypt: because Muslims go to pray together
with Christians to obtain a miracle! tutt'oggi i cattolici, gli ebrei, e
i cristiani ottengono molti miracoli da Dio... ecco perché in Egitto i
copti sono sopravvissuti al genocidio sharia islamico: perché i
mussulmani vanno a pregare insieme ai cristiani per ottenere un
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa WATCH: Israel Beats Back Palestinian Arsonists Scorching the Biblical Heartland
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • becouse rothschild and OCI Bin Salman
we also lack dignity 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • i am jewish
messia J.Edward 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • And......... what's
your point? Let's see you preform a miracle 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists
🕎 J.Edward • JESUS did too many: "miracles" even his enemies
recognized him, but, Jesus did no miracle on commission .. I never do
miracles, since the nuclear world war is about to kill you and I can
save you! however to know about my "rational agnostic" "political
project": "humanistic metaphysics" "monetary sovereignty" and "universal
brotherhood" for the "kingdom of israel", "third jewish temple" and
"natural law", you can ask google for "lorenzoJHWH Unius REI" and put
this name forward to your research on the "kingdom of israel"! ... if
the google lgbtq satanists allow you this search? you let me know! GESù
ha fatto troppi: "miracles" anche i suoi nemici lo hanno riconosciuto,
ma, Gesù non ha fatto nessun miracolo sotto commissione.. io non faccio
mai miracoli, dato che la guerra mondiale nucleare sta per ucciderti e
io posso salvarti! tuttavia per sapere del mio "progetto politico"
"agnostico razionale": "metafisica umanistica" "sovranità monetaria " e
sulla "fratellanza universale" per il "regno di israele", "terzo tempio
ebraico "e sulla "legge naturale", tu puoi chiedere a google di
"lorenzoJHWH Unius REI" e mettere avanti questo nome alle tue ricerche
sul "regno di israele"! ... se i satanisti lgbtq di google ti permettono
questa ricerca? tu fammelo sapere! qith J.Edward • A little walking on
water.......a few extra fishes......recounting your past?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
all social media net work satellite TV are secret Rothschild kabbalah
ANTIFA antichrist Merkel Kalergi Darwin scam banking seigniorage: FED
666 IMF 322 NWO, etc.. occult power, esoteric agenda, regime bilderberg
so are all enemy against innocent jews and christians, secret Jewish
kabbalah kill israeli and jewish peoples secret jewish kabbalah are very
thought it was very eye opening and it tells you where these social
media companies stand, where they’re not willing to assess the Ayatollah
Khomeini’s tweets but they are willing to assess President Trump’s
tweets,” McEnany told a White House press conference.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa Ex-NFL Player Tweets Libel About Jewish 'Child Torture,' 'Human Sacrifice'
all social media net work satellite TV are secret Rothschild kabbalah
ANTIFA antichrist Merkel Kalergi Darwin scam banking seigniorage occult
power, esoteric agenda, so are all enemy against innocent jews and
christians, secret Jewish kabbalah kill israeli and jewish peoples “I
thought it was very eye opening and it tells you where these social
media companies stand, where they’re not willing to assess the Ayatollah
Khomeini’s tweets but they are willing to assess President Trump’s
tweets,” McEnany told a White House press conference.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 12 ore fa
Military expert: Russian tanks are NATO's nightmare In the event of the
outbreak of the third world war, the Russian army would soon crush NATO
forces in Europe. Petri Mäkelä, military expert ANSWER obviously, the
Russians have recovered: religion, identity and redeemed their homeland
from the Jewish parasitic masons of the IMF FED NWO OCI Riyadh while we
are the rape slaves of rothschild bilderberg and besides weapons and
identity and motivation? we also lack dignity! we lack everything, in
order to win peace, then, how could we win a war? Esperto militare:
carri armati russi sono l'incubo della NATO In caso dello scoppio della
terza guerra mondiale, l'esercito russo in breve tempo schiaccerebbe le
forze della NATO in Europa. Petri Mäkelä, esperto militare ANSWER
ovviamente, i russi hanno recuprarto: la religione, la identità e
riscattato la loro patria dagli ebrei massoni parassiti del FMI FED NWO
OCI Riyadh mentre noi siamo gli schiavi stuprati di rothschild
bilderberg e oltre alle armi ed alla identità e motivazione? a noi manca
anche la dignità! noi manchiamo di tutto, per poter vincere la pace,
allora, come noi potremmo vincere una guerra?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 12 ore fa Former NYT editor: cancel culture is like ‘social murder’
The Russian vaccine starts: "Millions of doses by 2021" The vaccine
race is not the only field on which Russia is cutting time. The other
side is that of drugs, and in particular of Avifavir, an antiviral that
the Russian authorities have approved for the treatment of coronavirus.
ANSWER and who trusts more than the vaccine prepared by Bill Gates and
his satan priests? Parte il vaccino russo : "Milioni di dosi entro il
2021" La corsa al vaccino non è l’unico campo su cui la Russia sta
tagliando i tempi. L’altro fronte è quello dei farmaci, e in particolare
dell’Avifavir, un antivirale che le autorità russe hanno approvato per
il trattamento del coronavirus. ANSWER e chi si fida più del vaccino
preparato da Bill Gates e i suoi sacerdoti di satana?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 12 ore fa
ANTIFa government, Islamic invasion sharia greaser, infect, smuggler of
slave trader .. plan Merkel Kalergi Bilderberg the Freemason
antichrist, banking criminal SOROS the Jew Rothschild the scam banking
seigniorage, into synagogue of satan UE USA ECB FED IMF NWO OCI Riyad ,
the swamp of hell lgbtq: all of them try to suffocate the Christian soul
of the Italian people . Porto Empedocle, 50 migrants fleeing from a
reception center About a dozen days ago, about a hundred immigrants had
escaped from the same tensile structure of the Civil Protection. Forza
Italia: "Time bomb reception centers" what M5S and Pd can deserve is the
death penalty for high treason governo ANTIFa, islamico untore,
scafista e commerciante di schiavi.. piano Merkel Kalergi Bilderberg
l'anticristo massone SOROS l'ebreo Rothschild la sinagoga di satana, la
palude dell'inferno lgbtq: tutti loro cercano di soffocare l'anima
cristiana del popolo italiano. Porto Empedocle, 50 migranti in fuga da
un centro d'accoglienza Una decina di giorni fa, sempre dalla stessa
tensostruttura della Protezione civile, erano scappati un centinaio di
immigrati. Forza Italia: "Centri per l'accoglienza bombe ad orologeria"
quello che M5S e Pd possono meritare è la pena di morte per alto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 12 ore fa
Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller, regime di Bilderberg, i loro sacerdoti
di satana della CIA, Deep State: "322 teschio e ossa" con i loro 200000
sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana fatti nella NATO, e sono stati
fatti ogni anno: loro rimasti invisibili e invisibili perché i politici
come te, Merkel e Rivlin loro fingono che la sovranità esista nello
Stato ed invece non è vero! ma dopotutto i loro delitti: cosa sono in
confronto a quelli della tua galassia jhadista sharia? Rothschild Morgan
Rockefeller, Bilderberg regime, i loro sacerdoti di satana della CIA,
Deep State: "322 teschio e ossa" con i loro 200000 sacrifici umani
sull'altare di satana fatti nella NATO, e sono stati fatti ogni anno:
loro rimangono invisibili e invisibili perché i politici come te,Merkel e
Rivlin loro fingono che la sovranità esista nello Stato ed invece non è
vero! ma dopotutto i loro delitti: cosa sono in confronto a quelli
della tua galassia jhadista sharia?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 12 ore fa Former NYT editor: cancel culture is like ‘social murder’
the sacrileges, profanations, blasphemies, and the destructions of
Christianity itself, seem irrefutable demonic and Islamic acts!
Nicaragua prayed yesterday, to ask the Lord for help, after the serious
attack, in the cathedral of the capital Managua, on Friday night,
against the crucifix "Blood of Xsto", a reproduction of Calvary, which
arrived in Nicaragua in 1638, the object of a very strong popular
devotion. Even Pope Francis, during yesterday's Angelus, dedicated a
thought to Nicaragua. "I think of the people of Nicaragua," said the
Pontiff, "who suffers from the attack on the cathedral of Managua where
the much venerated image of Xsto that has accompanied and supported,
over the centuries, has been very damaged - almost destroyed the life of
the faithful people. Dear Nicaraguan brothers, I am close to you and I
pray for you ”. answer BIN SALMAN] [WHY THE Rothschild SATANISTS NEVER
ATTACK MOAMETTO? i sacrilegi, profanazioni, blasfemie, e le distruzioni
del cristianiesimo in se, sembrano atti demoniaci e islamici
irrefenabili! Nicaragua ha pregato, ieri, per chiedere aiuto al Signore,
dopo il grave attacco, nella cattedrale della capitale Managua, nella
notte di venerdi, contro il crocifisso “Sangue di Xsto”, una
riproduzione del Calvario, arrivata in Nicaragua nel 1638, oggetto di
una fortissima devozione popolare. Anche Papa Francesco, durante
l’Angelus di ieri, ha dedicato un pensiero al Nicaragua. “Penso al
popolo del Nicaragua”, ha detto il Pontefice, “che soffre per
l’attentato alla cattedrale di Managua dove è stata molto danneggiata –
quasi distrutta – l’immagine tanto venerata di Xsto che ha accompagnato e
sostenuto, durante i secoli, la vita del popolo fedele. Cari fratelli
nicaraguensi, vi sono vicino e prego per voi”. answer BIN SALMAN ] [
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 13 ore fa
Actor Leo Gullotta came out in 1995 during the promotion of Christian
De Sica's Men Men Men. he confessed to being penalized at work after
saying he was gay ANSWER but his bank account and career have disavowed
him is that he pretended to interpret Don Puglisi's life! these lgbtq
have delusions of omnipotence! L'attore Leo Gullotta ha fatto coming out
nel 1995, durante la promozione del film Uomini Uomini Uomini di
Christian De Sica. ha confessato di essere stato penalizzato nel lavoro
dopo aver detto di essere gay ANSWER ma il suo conto in banca, e la sua
carriera lo hanno sconfessato è che pretendeva di interpretare la vita
di Don Puglisi! questi lgbtq hanno deliri di onnipotenza!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 13 ore fa
The dark summer of the children who lost father and mother in a few
hours: for the CIA covid it is easy to die around the age of 70, or to
be born autistic because of the nano particle vaccines of heavy metals!
L'estate buia dei figli che hanno perso padre e madre in poche ore: per
il covid fatto dalla CIA è facile morire intorno ai 70 anni, o nascere
autistico per colpa dei vaccini alle nano particelle di metalli pesanti!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 13 ore fa Former NYT editor: cancel culture is like ‘social murder’
Migrant amnesty, Bellanova against Meloni: "Recover humanity ..."
ANSWER the problem of the neoliberal democratic slave party is smuggler
is that he has no mercy on 5 million unemployed Italians! the antifa are
throwing Italy into the civil war. Sanatoria migranti, Bellanova contro
Meloni: "Recuperi l'umanità..." ANSWER il problema del partito
democratico schiavista neoliberista è scafista è che non ha nessuna
pietà di 5 milioni di disoccupati italiani! gli antifa stanno gettando
l'Italia nella guerra civile.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 13 ore fa
nobody would have thought that the priests of satan of the CIA could
fail .. it was normal that all accomplices of rothschild had to trust
you EPSTEIN !!! Clinton Was With Epstein On Private Island At Same Time
As ‘2 Young Girls,’ Witness Claims In Unsealed Court Docs @Techno_Fog
The Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein) documents have been unsealed. Will be
posting excerpts here - Starting with allegations of minor being
trafficked to Maxwell, Prince Andrew, and Alan Dershowitz (as prev.
Alleged). Thread. Clinton Was With Epstein On Private Island At Same
Time As ‘2 Young Girls,’ Witness Claims In Unsealed Court Docs https: //
americanlibertydaily com /
/ nessuno avrebbe pensato che i sacerdoti di satana della Cia potevano
fallire.. era normale che tutti i complici di rothschild si dovevano
fidare si EPSTEIN!!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 13 ore fa
i am King ISRAELE and his MESSIA Rothschild is a liar and cult Owl
Allah LIZARD 666 BIDEN 322 PELOSI Jim Moritz 🕎 Biden moderate
terrorists 🕎 • What an a$$...BLOCKED AGAIN! 🕎 Biden moderate
terrorists 🕎 Jim Moritz • like Rothschild 666 $$ 322 Deep State $$ pay
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 13 ore fa
come i sacerdoti di Satana e di Rockefeller CIA Deep State: si rendono
invisibili: nel NWO FED lgbtq regime Bilderberg UE l'anticristo e la
sinagoga di satana, così i sauditi si trasformano in assassini/mandanti
invisibili nella LEGA ARABA mentre la Turchia rivendica leadership
dell'Islam sunnita: soltanto apparentemente sottraendolo all'Arabia
Saudita Blankety-Blank • You appear to be suffering from a defective
keyboard. Or perhaps distress due to dystopian digital directives from a
cerebral apparatus which has dwindled to dramatic, determinate
dysfunction. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Blankety-Blank • when will
the meat begin to boil in the pot? certainly Satan will not come to save
you! for all mankind and also for the satanists? I am the only and last
chance of salvation!
per tutto il genere umano ed anche per i satanisti? io sono l'unica ed
ultima possibilità di salvezza! quando le carne incomincerà a bollire
nella pentola? certo Satana non verrà a salvarvi! 🕎 Biden moderate
terrorists 🕎 Blankety-Blank • nothing of what seems true in the NWO is
true: in fact, you are a hologram in the rothschild computer: swindling
the bank seigniorage, Rothschild creates your money out of your life: so
he can always create your death thanks to Freemasons and traitors
politicians like Rivlin and Mattarella! and he Rothschild he can erase
your life: like a "BIT"! never trust appearances, this is the first rule
of the internet, and of the image itself: that seems like reality,
while it is only a representation of the same! I make a lot of typing
errors just because,I write in the dark yet to the dark I see invisible
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa
debbieakbar • Your (you're) what is so effing boring and wrong with
this site that should have you banned for wasting everyone's time with
your insane ramblings. Pitiful. The least you can do is learn the
difference between "your" and "you're" which is the contraction of "you
are" Now how about a thank you for improving your impossible to sifer
literacy? 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 debbieakbar • thank you ok,
thank you.. we all have to better in our confrontation with God JHWH and
your Satan tutti dobbiamo migliore nel nostro confronto con Dio e
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • come i sacerdoti di Satana e di
Rockefeller CIA Deep State: si rendono invisibili: nel NWO FED lgbtq
regime Bilderberg UE l'anticristo e la sinagoga di satana, così i
sauditi si trasformano in assassini/mandanti invisibili nella LEGA ARABA
mentre la Turchia rivendica leadership dell'Islam sunnita: soltanto
apparentemente sottraendolo all'Arabia Saudita Blankety-Blank • You
appear to be suffering from a defective keyboard. Or perhaps distress
due to dystopian digital directives from a cerebral apparatus which has
dwindled to dramatic, determinate dysfunction. 🕎 Biden moderate
terrorists 🕎 Blankety-Blank • nothing of what seems true in the NWO is
true: in fact, you are a hologram in the rothschild computer: swindling
the bank seigniorage, Rothschild creates your money out of your life: so
he can always create your death thanks to Freemasons and traitors
politicians like Rivlin and Mattarella! and he Rothschild he can erase
your life: like a "BIT"! never trust appearances, this is the first rule
of the internet, and of the image itself: that seems like reality,
while it is only a representation of the same! I make a lot of typing
errors just because,I write in the dark yet to the oxen I see invisible
things! nulla di quello che sembra nel NWO è vero: infatti, tu sei un
ologramma nel computer di rothschild: truffa il signoraggio bancario,
Rothschild crea dal nulla il tuo denaro la tua vita: quindi sempre lui
può creare la tua morte grazie ai politici massoni e traditori come
Rivlin e Mattarella! e lui Rothschild lui ti può cancellare come un BIT!
mai fidarsi delle apparenze, questa è la prima regola di internet, e
della immagine in se stessa: che sembra la realtà, mentre è soltanto una
rappresentazione della stessa! io faccio molti errori di battitura
soltanto perché scrivo al buio.. eppure al buoi io vedo le cose
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa
debbieakbar OY GEVALT Go see a brain doctor and ask for a transplant!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 debbieakbar • I knew 2 sodomite and
shameless penguins who did their dirty lgbtq things in public but all
the other penguins? they were all good penguins! you what kind of dark
criminal 666 penguin are you? conoscevo 2 pinguini sodomiti e impudichi
che facevano le loro cose lgbtq in pubblico ma tutti gli altri pinguini?
loro erano tutti pinguini per bene! tu che tipo di pinguino dark
criminale tu sei?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa US denies Iranian proxy in Yemen shot down drone
si, certo: la islamizzazione di SANTA SOFIA è una dichiarazione di
guerra di religione contro tutti i non sunniti, certo è una guerra
contro gli atei pervertiti a sodoma, contro tutti coloro che non si
sottomettono pacificamente alla spada ottomana.. adesso un HITLER
islamico è nato nel mediterraneo!! ed è un dichiarato tentativo di
stabilire un impero neo-ottomano, mentre si allontanano dall'Occidente e
dall'eredità di Mustafa Kemal Ataturk che ha fondato la Repubblica
laica turca in seguito alla caduta dell'Impero ottomano nel 1923. Il 24
luglio di quell'anno, il trattato di Losanna ha portato le potenze
occidentali e i loro alleati a riconoscere i confini moderni della
Turchia. La riapertura della Grande Moschea di Santa Sofia è stata il 97
° anniversario della firma del trattato. Un tale simbolismo deliberato
permeava anche il sermone di venerdì scorso . Il capo della massima
autorità religiosa turca, il Diyanet , Ali Erbas trasportava una spada
ottomana mentre saliva sul pulpito al posto del bastone di legno più
comunemente usato. L'Imam Erbas in seguito spiegò il suo uso di una
spada ai giornalisti: “Questa è una tradizione nelle moschee che sono un
simbolo di conquista. Per 481 anni senza interruzione, [imam] è andato
con una spada [al minbar]. Insha'Allah [God Willing], continueremo
questa tradizione da ora in poi. "
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa Opinion: The Day I Was Told to Check My 'Jew Privilege'
the first Jew in the picture said that "justice for him is to have many
slaves goyims rothschild dhimmis murtidi dalit all saudi takfiris
komejni" the second Jew in the photo said that "his god has it black and
long" in fact the traitors are in the USA: to suck Babylon and they
have not yet done Aliyah il primo ebreo nella foto ha detto che: "la
giustizia per lui è avere tanti schiavi goyims rothshild dhimmis mutidi
dalit" il secondo ebreo nella foto ha detto che: "il suo Dio ce lo ha
nero e lungo" infati i traditori stanno in USA: a succhiare Babilonia e
non hanno fatto ancora Aliyah
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 15 ore fa DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News
Katalina Wierzba 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • You are thinking
incorrectly? Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Katalina Wierzba • ah ah ah
ah ah if you decided to make my enemy? then, you are the one who must
prove something wrong with me! but, your friends, the cannibal priests
of CIA SpA FED IMF NWO Deep State B'nai B'rith, they have failed in
these 13 years: always, but all said: that are you a powerful and
successful witch.. then, you could be successful, where they 666 failed
Aru Mazda JA-BullOn! se tu hai deciso di fare il mio nemico? allora, sei
tu che devi dimostrare qualcosa di sbagliato in me! ma, i tuoi amici, i
sacerdoti di satana cannibali della CIA SpA FED IMF NWO, loro in questi
13 anni hanno fallito: sempre, ma tu che sei una strega potente e di
successo? tu potresti avere successo, dove loro hanno fallito!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 16 ore fa
BIN SALMAN ] my word is law in the Kingdom of God, and this all the
demons and cursed, and damned souls in hell, who for me have betrayed
Satan and entered to serve my Kingdom of ISRAEL this, all of them know
it: "I will not disintegrate them on the day of universal judgment, but,
I will take them to Heaven and rehabilitate them to their original
dignity and function, in the service of praise to Almighty God our holy
JHWH" that's why, it is impossible for sharia and the NWO to survive me
... I will not reject any of my allies who will accept my natural law ..
and I have a political and peaceful solution for everyone and
everything .. that is, if the criminals, the islamists, anglo-american
satanists, the Ottoman ISIS sharia and the antichrists of any bad LGBTQ
race, they don't persist in dying at all costs! BIN SALMAN ] la mia
parola è legge nel Regno di Dio, e questo tutti i demoni e le anime
maledette e dannate nell'inferno, che per me hanno tradito Satana e sono
entrati a servire il mio Regno di ISRAELE questo, tutti loro lo sanno:
"io non li disintegrerò nel giorno del giudizio universale, ma, li
porterò in Paradiso e li riabiliterò alla loro dignità e funzione
originaria, nel servizio della lode a Dio Onnipotente JHWH nostro Santo"
ecco perché, è impossibile per la sharia e per il NWO di poter
sopravvivere a me... io non respingerò nessuno dei miei alleti che
accetterà la mia legge naturale.. ed io ho una soluzione politica e
pacifica per tutti e tutto.. cioè, se i criminali, i massoni, islamici
ottomani e gli anticristi di ogni mala razza lgbtq, loro non si ostinano
a morire a tutti i costi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 16 ore fa IDF eliminates band of 4 terrorists planting bomb on northern border
come i sacerdoti di Satana e di Rockefeller CIA Deep State: si rendono
invisibili: nel NWO FED lgbtq regime Bilderberg UE l'anticristo e la
sinagoga di satana, così i sauditi si trasformano in assassini/mandanti
invisibili nella LEGA ARABA mentre la Turchia rivendica leadership
dell'Islam sunnita: soltanto apparentemente sottraendolo all'Arabia
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 17 ore fa
Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. 🕎 Biden
moderate terrorists 🕎 Dave • sorry is that i make too many spelling
mistakes .. this time? it's not google's fault! I am thinking of that
plate of "Maḥmūd_Abbās, also known as:" akuma matata kunya Abū Māze " he
told ERDOGAN "you did well to use the ISIS sword law to transform Hagia
Sophia: into an Ottoman mosque for the conquest of the caliphate of
Rome" then half of the Moroccans are all coming to Italy with the barges
and the boats, because the democratic party needs to win the elections
at least one more time so that war can be declared on China and Russia:
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 17 ore fa DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News
Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. Yitzchak
Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Dave • a few seconds ago I am thinking of that Ma
dimūd ʿAbbās saucer, also known as: "akuma matata kunya Abū Māze" he
told ERDOGAN "you made babies to use the ISIS sword dictum to transform
Santa Sofia into an Ottoman mosque for the conquest of the caliphate of
Rome" then half of the Moroccans are all coming to Italy with the
baroque and the small boats, because the democratic party needs to win
the elections at least one more time for war to be declared on China and
Russia: soon! io sto pensando a quella piattola di "Maḥmūd_Abbās,
conosciuto anche come: " akuma matata kunya Abū Māze " lui ha detto ad
ERDOGAN "hai fatto bene ad usare il diritto della spada di ISIS per
trasformare Santa Sofia: in una moschea ottomana per la conquista del
califfato di Roma" poi metà dei marocchini stanno venendo tutti in
Italia con i barconi e i barchini, perché il partito democratico ha
bisogno di vincere le elezioni almeno per un altra volta affinché si
possa dichiarare guerra a Cina e Russia: al più presto!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 17 ore fa
Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them. Yitzchak
Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Dave • Allah demons are a legion of demons
Erdogan Iran Mecca dolo kaaba they don't forget sharia and they don't
forgive jihad i demoni Allah sono una legione di demoni Erdogan Iran
Mecca dolo kaaba loro non dimenticano sharia e non perdonano jihad
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 17 ore fa DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News
Dave • Muslims must think that Allah is not pleased with them.
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Dave • the monsters of the books: quran, see,
talmud and neoliberal lgbtq communist demonic ideologies, masonic and
islamic antichrists: they don't think: they obey! i mostri dei libri:
corano, veda, talmud e di ideologie demoniache comuniste lgbtq
neoliberiste, dell'anticristo massoniche e islamiche: loro non pensano:
loro ubbidiscono!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 17 ore fa (modificato) "President RIVLIN ] [ anche il giudice di Palermo non vedeva il mio IBAN messo su…" — lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah
President RIVLIN ] [ anche il giudice di Palermo non vedeva il mio IBAN
messo su 110 blogspot ( che è stato usato dai sacerdoti di Satana
dell'Italia meridionale, per confezionare una fattura falsa, che io non
ho riscosso) anche il computer dei carabinieri non vedevano i miei siti
No new brand mentions found for lorenzoJHWH HK (blogger com) SEMrush
Brand Monitoring ANSWER quindi sono stato denunciato penalmente per
sostituzione di persona e frode! questo scherzo? mi costerà 2000 euro!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 17 ore fa
https://disqus com/by/disqus_NPNAgUTrai/ [[[We are unable to post your
comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. ]]]
#worldisraelnews perché lo hai fatto? in base alla calunnia di chi satanista?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 17 ore fa
i am King ISRAELE & Jewish MESSIA lorenzoJHWH Rothschild is a liar
and LIZARD 666 BIDEN 322 PELOSI 18_18 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
You are NOT the King Israel, but some insignificant Schmuck. One other
person stevealevine is typing… [[ Sodoma è già stata bruciata! ritorna
nel tuo Schmuck cimitero! ]] − 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 18_18 •
your Satan 18_666_18 Schmuck MORGAN Soros la ZOCCOLA, can prove it?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 19 ore fa DAILY RECAP: IDF Foils Terrorists; Israel Regains Control In Corona Fight; More Top News
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • President RIVLIN ] a sentire questa
storia tra Hitler e Rothschild? si può piangere soltanto! Robert
Einstein si suicidò pochi mesi dopo per il dolore.. i carnefici rimasero
impuniti, l'inchiesta fu insabbiata... per non offendere la MERKEL [ Lo
conferma il fatto che furono risparmiate dal massacro le tre nipoti e
le cugine, facenti parte dello stesso nucleo familiare, ma con un
diverso cognome. Strage della famiglia Einstein Il 3 agosto 1944 la
famiglia di Robert Einstein, cugino del più famoso Albert, fu oggetto di
un atroce massacro ad opera di soldati della Wehrmacht presso Villa il
Focardo a Rignano Valdarno. Robert e Albert Einstein erano cugini per
parte paterna; i due ragazzi avevano trascorso l’infanzia insieme prima
in Germania e poi in Italia. Le loro strade si separeranno poi. Albert
diventerà un fisico di fama mondiale, Robert inizierà gli studi di
ingegneria. ANSWER ma la sentenza era chiara: "jesus nararenun rex
judeorum!" come a dire: " giudei e traditori" proprio questa era il
motivo della condanna scritta dai fascisti e nazisti! ANSWER allora,
caro Presidente RIVLIN è vero, o non è vero: che voi ebrei siete tutti i
complici dei satanisti e massoni rothschild? cioè che voi ebrei siete i
traditori dei popoli nel NWO FED lgbtq, deep State, occult power
massonic system, Baal Owl Marduch from Allah & satana SpA IMF la
sinagoga di satana del talmud satanico???
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 19 ore fa Opinion: Celebrity Anti-Semites Can't Be Absolved Through Private Apologies
Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 20 hours ago [[[Removed]]] Bin SALMAN from
Riyadh] [what are the institutions of: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI
and lorenzoAllah Mahdì? the Saudi and Israeli institutions of course ..
but, if you are so eager to make yourself this slanderous nuclear world
war by: Rothschild Merkel Macron Erdogan Pompeo against CHINA and
Russia? I won't stop you! 6 hours ago [[[Detected as spam Thanks, we'll
work on getting this corrected. ]] YOUR PRESENTATION RIVLIN IS
DISHONORED YOUR LEVEL OF MORALITY! what are the institutions of: Messia
RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI and lorenzoAllah Mahdì? 🕎 Biden moderate
terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting
this corrected. President RIVLIN your Satan persecute me, in your fake
Rothschild ISRAEL [scam]
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 19 ore fa
Anti-Netanyahu protest leaders decamp to ritzy Waldorf Astoria for the
night http: // disq us / t / 3qt7eum Rothschild in SATAN, it doesn't
make him miss anything! [[[We are unable to post your comment because
you have been banned by World Israel News. ]]] Chaim Shadmi and Yishai
Hadas, two of the protests' main organizers, were photographed enjoying
the Waldorf Astoria's breakfast buffet after spending the night in the
hotel. Another prominent figure in the protests, attorney Gonen Ben
Yitzhak, was seen dining alongside the pair, reported Israel Hayom. The
Waldorf Astoria is widely known as one of Jerusalem's most luxurious
hotels. Located on the corner of King David and Agron streets, within
walking distance of the protests ’central point of Paris Square, the
hotel’s website lists the cheapest room on a weekday as costing 1,100
shekels (about $ 320). Rothschild a SATANA, non gli fa mancare niente!
[[[ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by
World Israel News. ]]]
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa IDF eliminates band of 4 terrorists planting bomb on northern border i am King ISRAELE Rothschild is a liar and LIZARD 666 BIDEN 322 PELOSI
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa DAILY RECAP: Netanyahu Blasts Leftist Media; Protests Against PM Grow; More Top News
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • PRESIDENT Rivlin (the rival) BULLYING
Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago [[[Removed [[[Removed]]] [[[Removed]]]]
[[[Removed]]] the Italian government admits that it has become an
Islamic sharia infector: a murderer of 4 million unemployed!
Coronavirus, Minister for Regional Affairs Boccia: "No hatred for
immigration, three out of four positives are Italian" Dorrie_ Dorrie_
You must have a grand time talking to yourself! You're the deepest
mentally flawed person I've ever seen on these threads and I've seen a
lot of them! SEEK HELP! QUICKLY !! PRESIDENT Rivlin (il rivale) IL
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed
]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] i am jewish messia [[[ Removed ]]]
[[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] [[[ Removed ]]] Dorrie_ https://disqus
com/by/yehudi3/ ]] [[ Guest • 12 hours ago You are liar.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
FRIEND OF THE SATANISTS !!! Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a day ago
[[[Removed [[[Removed]]] [[[Removed]]]] [[[Removed]]] the Italian
government admits that it has become an Islamic sharia infector: a
murderer of 4 million unemployed! Coronavirus, Minister for Regional
Affairs Boccia: "No hatred for immigration, three out of four positives
are Italian" Dorrie_ Dorrie_ You must have a grand time talking to
yourself! You're the deepest mentally flawed person I've ever seen on
these threads and I've seen a lot of them! SEEK HELP! QUICKLY !!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa DAILY RECAP: Netanyahu Blasts Leftist Media; Protests Against PM Grow; More Top News Bubster Bubster
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 12 hours ago Bawhahaha you didn't
understand my( sarcasm --- the use of irony to mock or convey contempt ,
that is what Sarcasm means ! Okay after my discuss for your post , I
realized your limited understanding of English , ! I'm trying to cut you
some slack ! really if your going to post discussing notes , change
your handle Don't degrade the Israel bible , you should not represent it
like that . ! You should have ask me my motivate , I would have
explained it to you ! cool off hot head , I'm on your side you just
didn't get it ,
Bubster Bubster Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 12 hours ago Yitzchak --
you call yourself , and you write such filth , and talk like a
guttersnipe , ! you should call yourself PIG ! and be my guest , and go
there , your nose is . all ready their so head on PIG ! Just like loser
you are , who is out their in the streets raising hell the demon cats do
you even know how to read English you idiot ReplyView in discussion
Bubster Bubster NoahTheNephilim 17 hours ago when all else fails riot
that is what the people are going to expect from the sore losers they
are .
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll
work on getting this corrected. ]]]] Elihana - Halleluyah ELIHANA -
HALLELUYAH - PSALM 146 אליחנה הללויה - תהילים פרק קמו אַשְׁרֵי--שֶׁאֵל
יַעֲקֹב בְּעֶזְרוֹ: שִׂבְרוֹ, עַל-יְהוָה אֱלֹהָיו. עֹשֶׂה, שָׁמַיִם
וָאָרֶץ-- אֶת-הַיָּם וְאֶת-כָּל-אֲשֶׁר-בָּם; יְהוָה יִמְלֹךְ, לְעוֹלָם-
הַלְלִי נַפְשִׁי, אֶת-יְהוָה. אֲהַלְלָה יְהוָה בְּחַיָּי; אֲזַמְּרָה
לֵאלֹהַי בְּעוֹדִי. הַלְלוּ-יָהּ: HalleluYAH Ashre she' El Ya'Akov
be'ezroh Sivro al ADONAI Elohav Oseh shamayim va'aretz Et hayam ve et
kol asher bam ADONAI matir asurim ADONAI pockeach ivrim, zokef kefufim
Yatom ve'almana oded ADONAI Yimloch leolam vaed Halleli nafshi et ADONAI
Ahallel'ah ADONAI bechaiyai Azame'rah Le'Elohai be'odi HalleluYAH 🕎
Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks,
we'll work on getting this corrected. ]]] שואל, כבוד, תהילה, לאלוהי הכל
יכול והנצחי 🙏🔥🙌☀️🕊👑❤ KADOSH (HOLY) הבה נקדש את שמך, על כדור הארץ,
כפי שהוא מקודש בגובה השמים. דכתיב נביאך. [קהילה] - קדוש, קדוש, קדוש הוא
אדוני צבאות! נוכחותו של אלוהים ממלאת את כל הארץ. מקור הכוח, הו ריבוני,
כמה מלכותי, נוכחותך בכל הארץ! [קהילה] - אשרי נוכחותו של אלוהים, הנובע
אור, משם שוכן האל. אלוהים בלבד הוא אלוהינו ויוצרנו, ריבוננו ומצילנו;
וברחמים, האל מגלה את עצמו, למראה, של כל היצורים החיים: אני ה 'אלוהיך!
אדוני ימלוך תמיד, אלוהיך הו ציון מדור לדור הללויה! לכל הדורות נכריז, על
גדולתכם, ועל כל הנצח אנו נכריז על קדושתכם. שבחך, אלוהים, לעולם לא יעזוב
את שפתינו. ברוך אתה אדוני האל הקדוש. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3
days ago [[[ Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this
corrected. ]]] Im Hashem Lo Yivneh Bayis - Shira Choir | מקהלת שירה
מבצעת את ׳אם השם לא יבנה בית מקהלת שירה מבצעת את השיר החדש ׳אם השם לא
יבנה בית׳ של המלחין שלמה יהודה רכניץ בבר מצוה לבנו של שרגא גולד מנהלה
הדגול של מקהלת שירה אשר התקיימה בברוקלין
President RIVLIN your Satan persecute me, in your fake Rothschild
ISRAEL [ scam ] Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]]
the technocratic EU democratic party lgbtq masonic neoliberal:
Rothschild's institutional coup mafia consociativism, Bilderberg regime
is leading to a profound social divide which can lead to civil war in
Italy! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] the
italian state is a infector: and is a traitor to: get a wildly infected,
Afro-Islamic invasion! therefore the infected are spreading in all
Italian regions! in this way it will be impossible in September to
reopen the school or return to productive activities. "Does the seventh
industrial power, Italy, need an emergency declaration to continue
activating a toll-free number?", Or one of the "weak" reasons given by
Conte to continue the state of health emergency. "If it were true,"
added Cassese, "it would mean that the state is not there and the Prime
Minister should worry about this emergency rather than the health one,"
he says. Laws are enough According to the constitutionalist, therefore,
"laws and regulations provide for and regulate normal prophylaxis
activities and do not require the use of an emergency". 🕎 Biden
moderate terrorists 🕎
3 days ago [[[ Removed ]]] A state of
health emergency would not be needed, but ordinary laws would suffice to
manage the pandemic in Italy, says the constitutionalist Sabino
Cassese. According to Sabino Cassese, emeritus judge of the
Constitutional Court, Conte's reasons for justifying the extension of
the state of health emergency would be "very weak". ANSWER the
Democratic Party is an institutional coup-led totalitarianism: Masonic
mafia: and an ideological error: subservient to Rothschilds technocracy
and neoliberalism represents a constitutional crime and a constant
threat to their peoples! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
3 days
ago [[[[ Removed ]]] Open Arms, right-wing solidarity with Salvini: the
democratic party has lost its religious identity, and therefore has also
lost: the concept of country ... but in the face of a dogmatic
masimalist ISLAM: Koranic imperialist sharia theocratic fundamentalist
jihad? sooner or later they will have to bury their male children, and
they will have to help their raped daughters .. but this is not a
problem for the lgbtq because they have no future to protect !! If the
center-right is compact, the people of Twitter, who express themselves
through the hashtag
#salviniaprocesso, splits on the story. Solidarity comes from those who define the "anti-Italian" government. They send
#salviniaprocesso for defending Italy and
#bonafede is still there after having released mafia criminals. Prolong the
that nn is there. Immigrants who roam the streets naked. They will
approve Mes. A government more anti-Italian than this, never seen.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
days ago [[[ Removed ]]] Open Arms, right-wing solidarity with Salvini]
this is how Anglo-American Jews are also threatening the survival of
the israeli people! the democratic party and the Masonic lobbies
Rothschild: they are cancer, an institutional coup: a flagrant violation
of the Constitution: a mafia of judges: they can only be criminalized! [
For the senator, the solidarity of his comrades, including Silvio
Berlusconi, has arrived. For the leader of Forza Italia "once again the
political use of justice is the weapon with which the left wants to free
itself from its opponents". "Of course Forza Italia can only be against
these methods, not only for loyalty to an ally, but also and above all
because they are absolutely unacceptable methods in a true democracy",
said Cavalieri to 'Studio Aperto'. Even the leader of the Carroccio
himself spoke of "political process". For Salvini's party companion,
Roberto Calderoli, the leader of the League must be united to Dalla
Chiesa, Falcone and Borsellino to be stabbed by those same institutions
that he was trying to serve. For Calderoli, the Italian one is "a state
that instead of thanking Minister Salvini who had stopped the invasion
and the trafficking of human beings sent him to trial for having done
his duty, for having done what his institutional role imposed on him and
loyalty to citizens. "