FED SPA NWO BILDENBERG, SATANA MONSANTO SPA 666 OGM ] COME? al posto di Mogherini, sotto le lenzuola mi volete dare la Nuland? cazzo! ma come si fa a fare sesso con uno scheletro?
SPA NWO 666 OGM FED ] non mi importa, che la Mogherini va spesso in Arabia SAUDITA! Se, non mi date la Mogherini? allora, vuol dire che dovete fare a meno di me!
YourTubeCanNotStopMe said: "DRUGS" [ ie, IHateNewLayout 666 ] tutte le volte che il sacerdote di satana del NWO CIa NATO, veniva sconfitto? lui distruggeva tutta la serie dei 40 canali che dipendevano dal suo nome principale!
Synnek1 ( 186AudioHostem 666 ex-youtube Master Synnek1, also, Mistafield he were ) Colombian necktie? Colombian Coffee?
StopSpaMistafield ( me Unius REI) FantomasXZ7 Commento sul tuo video: chosen people have made of God a racist like them Jews are truly the chosen people... of satan! [ANSWER] about the THEIR GOD? did not understand a shit fuck! DEL LORO DIO? non hanno capito un cazzo!
StopSpaMistafield ( me Unius REI) [talmud satanic] tharo77 Commento sul tuo video: Enigma protocolli savi anziani di Sion 3 e le prove che è falso dove sono..??
badriyah43 Commento sul tuo video: Talmud Numerous quotes of Perversion Racism Deceit These quotes from the Talmud are vile and this book should have been burnt. love God, our YHWH, because he is our Creator, in fact, he alone is worthy of all our love!
@yogabro ( 666 ) --- why to use the face of a murderess?
LEGA ARABA califfato sharia pedofili poligami [ luridi inzivosi xxx tutti ] happy CIA UE NATO NWO sodomiti Darwin le scimmie!
youtube 666 ] vi avevo ordinato di rimuovere tutto il materiale: pornografico, pedofilia e bestialismo ... MA PURTROPPO NON È COSÌ!
a tutto il muslims country, popolo islamico sharia belga: "CONDOGLIANZE DA MAOMETTO"
ALLORA, chi è il primo dei vigliacchi massoni, che dice in ONU: "la sharia è il nazismo, è un delitto contro tutto il genere umano?
15:14 Belgio, evacuate centrali di Doel e Tihange: “misura preventiva”
15:10 Trump: Ripensare il rapporto con la Nato
15:01 Bruxelles, ci sono italiani tra i feriti
14:49 Bruxelles: sospettati tre cittadini bielorussi
14:31 Turchia: Fenerbahce-Galatasaray rinviata per timore attacco Daesh
la CONGIURA DEI FARISEI È LA SHOAH DI ISRAELE: I SATANA DARWIN 666 GENDER, CONTRO LA BIBBIA! ALLORA, chi è il primo dei vigliacchi massoni, che dice in ONU: "la sharia è il nazismo, è un delitto contro tutto il genere umano?
2 esplosioni in aeroporto Bruxelles, almeno 13 morti, 35 feriti
Le due esplosioni all'aeroporto di Bruxelles sono avvenute alle 8 del mattino nella hall delle partenze.
Un soldato belga all'aeroporto Zaventem
Un segnale per tutta l’Europa
Il nuovo massacro di Bruxelles, con azioni terroristiche tanto ben coordinate quanto sanguinose, cioè con bombe ad alto potenziale non con kamikaze suicidi, ha tutta l’aria dell`una “prosecuzione” di un piano.
Corea del Nord, lancio di un missile
Corea del Nord, una vera minaccia nucleare?
La Corea del Nord si prepara ad un nuovo test nucleare, il presidente sudcoreano Park Geun-Hye lancia l’allarme parlando di un “momento cruciale”. La Corea del Nord e la sua bomba H rappresentano una vera minaccia?
Vladimir Putin
Russia. Putin si scaglia contro i revisionisti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale
Il presidente Vladimir Putin, accusato da più parti di essere illiberale quando non addirittura fascista, ha dichiarato di essere completamente contrario al revisionismo storico circa la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, ovvero alla riabilitazione dei fascismi. In particolare Putin ha sottolineato come questo sia avvenendo in Ucraina, ma chi lo ascolterà?
Le colombe alla ceremonia solenne in memoriam alle vittime di bomba atomica a Hiroshima
G7 a Hiroshima, monito contro le armi nucleari
Le armi nucleari non sono un problema del passato e il tema del disarmo è attuale quanto mai, soprattutto in vista del prossimo G7 dei ministri degli esteri che si terrà non a caso a Hiroshima, città martire e simbolo degli orrori del nucleare.
Federica Mogherini
Mogherini contro Putin – e Renzi (glielo chiede la UE. Ossia Nuland)
“Sottolineo che abbiamo l’unanimità, fra i 28, su cinque principi-guida della Unione Europea nella politica verso la Russia”: così Federica Mogherini, alta rappresentante eccetera e vicepresidente della commissione, all’uscita dal Consiglio Affari Esteri.
Leggi tutto:
22.03.2016 NULLA È PIÙ CRIMINALE ED È ALTO TRADIMENTO, DEL SISTEMA MASSONICO E BANCARIO MONDIALE: I SATANISTI TALMUD E KABBALAH! ] ciechi, violenti e vigliacchi MASSONI FARISEI SPA FED FMI! [ Premier belga: Attentati ciechi, violenti e vigliacchi. Il primo bilancio del duplice attentato Charles Michel in diretta televisiva nazionale. Il procuratore generale: kamikaze in azione all'aeroporto:
Terrore a Bruxelles, il racconto dei testimoni: "qui c'è il delirio, la gente piange per strada". Un addetto alla sicurezza, "sangue dappertutto, ...". Un pakistano: "Questo non è Islam" non È IL SUO ISLAM IPOCRITA SHARIA, MA, CERTAMENTE È L'ISLAM SHARIA, DEI SALAFITI SAUDITI WAHHABITI, IL NAZISMO SHARIA ALLAH AKBAR!
la guerra mondiale degli inzivosi lurdacchioni: il NWO dei Farisei Talmud Kabbalah spiegato ai bambini ] pedofili poligami sharia, sono passati alla conquista dei sodomiti SpA Fmi Ogm Darwin le scimmie gli adulteri! [ QUESTA È LA GUERRA MONDIALE DEI FARISEI MASSONI DEPRAVATI! ] Terrore sharia a Bruxelles, il racconto dei testimoni. Due esplosioni stamani all'aeroporto di Bruxelles, almeno 13 morti. Le bombe nell'area delle partenze verso gli Stati Uniti. Scalo chiuso, voli deviati su Charleroi. La prima esplosione nella metro presso la Commissione europea
LEGA ARABA SHARIA, HA DICHIARATO GUERRA ALLA UNIONE EUROPEA! [ 22.03.2016 Il Presidente della Russia, Vladimir Putin, ha espresso le condoglianze al Re del Belgio Filippo ( E MICA È MORTO SUO FIGLIO? ) SE, QUEL TRADITORE AMAVA IL SUO POPOLO veramente? NON LO AVREBBE MAI VENDUTO AL REGIME MASSONICO BILDENBERG! ) e a tutto il popolo belga per gli attentati terroristici di oggi a Bruxelles. Come dichiarato dall’addetto stampa di Putin, Dmitri Peskov, Putin “ha duramente condannato questi barbari crimini”. VOI AVETE FATTO GLI ALLEATI CON GLI ISLAMICI, QUINDI VOI VI SIETE ALLEATI CON LA MORTE SHARIA! gli EX-COMUNISTI:PD MOGHERINI BOLDRINI D'ALEMA, VELTRONI, REGIME ROTHSCHILD SPA FED BCE, REGIME BILDENBERG TALMUD AGENDA, SPA GENDER IDEOLOGIA, TEOSOFIA SATANICA GENDER DARWIN SONO I RESPONSABILI POLITICI DI QUESTA IMMANE TRAGEDIA EUROPEA: LA PERDITA DELLA IDENTITÀ EBRAICO CRISTIANA! ] LA LEGA ARABA SHARIA, HA DICHIARATO GUERRA ALLA UNIONE EUROPEA! [ BRUXELLES, 22 MAR - Due forti esplosioni hanno scosso stamani l'aeroporto di Bruxelles. 22.03.2016. 2 esplosioni in aeroporto Bruxelles, almeno 13 morti, 35 feriti. Le due esplosioni all'aeroporto di Bruxelles sono avvenute alle 8 del mattino nella hall delle partenze. [ deviare i voli su Charleroi. Interrotti anche i collegamenti ferroviari da e per l'aeroporto.] La capitale belga sotto attacco terrorista questa mattina con prima due violente esplosioni nell'area imbarchi per gli Usa dell'aeroporto di Bruxelles e poco dopo un'esplosione nella fermata della metropolitana di Maalbek, a pochi passi dalla sede della Commissione europea. Secondo fonti, c'e' stata anche un'altra esplosione alla fermata Schumann. L'attacco all'aeroporto è avvenuto ai banchi accettazione dell'American Airlines, con la hall delle partenze completamente devastata. Scene di panico fra i passeggeri, che subito sono stati evacuati dallo scalo, che è stato chiuso. Testimoni riferiscono di migliaia di persone che, per ragioni di sicurezza sono state fatte evacuare sulla pista, dove si trovano tuttora per capire che cosa fare. Altri raccontano di aver sentito degli spari prima delle esplosioni e di aver udito delle grida in arabo. Secondo i media belgi, all'interno dello scalo è stata trovata anche una bomba inesplosa.
king Israel Unius REI
parlando con il mio cuore, al cuore di tutti i più amabili musulmani del mondo, ENTRAMBI DOBBIAMO RICONOSCERE che: "è vero che: 1. diritti umani, e, 2. libertà di coscienza, hanno portato tutto: l'Occidente a: il Satana SPA MASSONE FARISEO Anticristo Gender Darwin OGM SpA Banche CENTRALI 666 NWO, i vostri alleati finti" .. tuttavia, anche noi non possiamo affermare che, i satanisti Bildenberg massoni regime il nazismo ( i più raffinati esperti di ingegneria sociale della storia per
satana): hanno ragione ad avere tolto agli uomini il libero arbitrio, e che Dio Santo Onnipotente lui ha sbagliato a dare agli uomini il libero arbitrio! PERCHÉ SONO STATI I FARISEI MASSONI CHE HANNO TURBATO L'EQUILIBRIO TRA IL BENE E IL MALE! MA ,SE NOI LI PORTIAMO IN ARABIA SAUDITA AD ADORARE JHWH, POI, per il genere umano si può fare una
king Israel Unius REI
da questa prospettiva politica universale, della storia del genere umano: nella fratellanza universale, noi possiamo affermare senza timore di essere smentiti, che l'Arameo errante ABRAMO, a buon diritto può essere ritenuto il prototipo di uomo: onesto, virtuoso, compassionevole, giusto, il vero modello per tutto il genere umano: di lui è detto: "è lui il padre di tutti i popoli della terra!" QUESTO È ANCHE IL VERO SIGNIFICATO DELLA PAROLA ISLAM!
king Israel Unius REI
MOLTI MI STANNO CHIEDENDO QUALE È LA MIA IDENTITÀ INTERIORE! Io credo che, il Regno Celeste di Dio JHWH HOLY, non abbia una identità di appartenenza, tipo terrestre appartenenza (noi siamo una sola famiglia fondata sull'amore di Dio), certo la mia identità: non è religione e non è ideologia. MA CIRCA GLI EFFETTI POLITICI del mio ministero universale: "io non posso non inginocchiarmi, di fronte alla ricerca eroica della virtù, in chiunque, sia espressa e presente questa fame e sete di giustizia!"
king Israel Unius REI
preso atto che Satana e tutti i demoni dell'inferno non potrebbero mai vincermi. ] [ * 1. Sia i sacerdoti di satana, che vogliono onestamente, uscire dal Regno di Satana, per entrare nel Regno di ISRAELE, sia, coloro che, * 2. vogliono dissimulare una conversione, per poter sfruttare la mia struttura mondiale, tra 50 anni, e per ricolonizzare per satana quel NWO che loro hanno ottenuto da me senza realizzare una troppo pericolosa guerra mondiale nucleare, quindi, TUTTI HANNO BUONI MOTIVI, PER ENTRARE NEL MIO REGNO UNIVERSALE DELLA FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE.. anche perché, noi non possiamo vietare alle future generazioni di potersi anche loro cimentare in questa sfida mortale tra il bene ed il male nella loro vita!
king Israel Unius REI
SE C'È UN SERIO ACCORDO SULLA SIRIA? ALLORA I SIRIANI DEVONO RITORNARE IN PATRIA! ED È QUESTA LA VERITÀ, NESSUNO CREDE CHE: i satana: USA TURCHIA E PAESI DEL GOLFO, vorranno LAVORAre VERAMENTE, PER PACIFICARE LA SIRIA! 19:47 Incontro tra Lavrov e Steinmeier per discutere di Siria e Ucraina. 19:28 Migranti, record 2015 in Germania: quasi 2 mln di arrivi, il doppio dell’anno precedente. 19:13 Putin ha discusso la situazione in Siria con l’emiro del Qatar. 18:58 Honduras, la strage degli ambientalisti. 18:34 L’Eurocommissione esorta l’UE ad accogliere 54 mila siriani dalla Turchia
king Israel Unius REI
per i satana FARISEI massoni USA SpA FED questo sfruttamento, è il loro paradiSo, l'inferno dei poveri! GLI USA NON HANNO UNA DIGNITÀ DA MOSTRARE AL MONDO! Honduras, la strage degli ambientalisti. 21.03.2016 I crimini ambientali vengono insabbiati con facilità mentre il governo, salito al potere con un colpo di Stato nel 2009, ha svenduto il territorio a compagnie di tutto il mondo interessate a sfruttarne le risorse. Meno di due settimane dopo l'uccisione di Berta Caceres, leader del Consiglio civico delle organizzazioni popolari e indigene, l'associazione ambientalista che in Honduras si batte in difesa delle terre degli indios, è stato assassinato Nelson Garcia, un altro importante membro del gruppo.
L'organizzazione ha definito l'omicidio dell'uomo "l'ultimo atto di aggressione del governo contro gli indigeni dell'Honduras". L'uomo sarebbe stato ucciso dalla polizia militare honduregna, in seguito allo sgombero di un terreno occupato dalla comunità aborigena Lenca. Gli hanno sparato quattro colpi in pieno volto, un'esecuzione agghiacciante di stampo mafioso. I depistaggi delle autorità pubbliche lasciano pensare che esse non siano esenti da responsabilità nell'accaduto. L'Honduras è un Paese ricco di risorse naturali e fin dagli inizi del novecento le terre sono state preda dei colossi mondiali per l'estrazione mineraria, per l'energia idroelettrica ed eolica, per l'estrazione del petrolio. Ma gli indios non ci stanno, perchè, al contrario delle multinazionali, per gli aborigeni la terra è vita, non moneta.
Il Paese è considerato dalla ONG Global Witness, che opera in difesa dei diritti dei popoli indigeni, lo Stato più pericoloso al mondo per l'attivismo ecologista. Tra il 2010 e il 2014, scrive la ONG in un recente rapporto, 101 persone sono state assassinate per essersi opposte alle devastazioni del territorio. Qui i crimini ambientali vengono insabbiati con facilità mentre il governo, salito al potere con un colpo di Stato nel 2009, ha svenduto il territorio a compagnie di tutto il mondo interessate a sfruttarne le risorse. Ma come spesso accade, le popolazioni non ne hanno tratto alcun beneficio. Ad arricchirsi sono in pochi, mentre i molti subiscono le conseguenze della devastazione ambientale:
king Israel Unius REI
chi potrebbe millantare una giustizia, sotto il regno della perversione e del satanismo, che, i satana, anticristo Bildenberg, Farisei Massoni religione dogmatica Darwin GENDER a Sodoma: hanno creato nel NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE, della grande usura SpA Banche Centrali: per schiavizzare tutti i popoli, e ridurli ad un solo branco di pecore, che devono adorare LUCFERO JABULLON Talmud agenda il Califfato sharia? poi, UNO COME ME? POTREBBE UCCIDERE TUTTI, ma poi, tanto vale far scoppiare la guerra mondiale! Quindi, io nascondo intenzionalmente i grandi crimini di: VATICANO, CINA INDIA; ISRAELE, Russia, ecc.. e di tutti i miei alleati contro il NWO. IMMAGINATE VOI, COME IO SAREI FELICE, DI POTER DIFENDERE E PROTEGGERE GLI ISLAMICI ANCHE! Perché io non sono il nemico naturale di Qualcuno, io devo costruire il TEMPIO Ebraico, e devo portare tutti ad amare, JHWH holy il nostro ineffabile e meraviglioso creatore.. IO NON SONO UN LITIGIOSO, CHE VUOL PERDERE IL SUO TEMPO A LITIGARE CON LE PERSONE! ma, se poi, uno vuole litigare contro di me? Per quello che gli potrebbe succedere, io non potrei mai essere responsabile!
king Israel Unius REI
IL POTERE POLITICO DEVE SEMPRE ESSERE PREVEDIBILE! ovviamente, nulla è più deleterio per un potere politico assoluto e universale come il mio, di poter mancare di razionalità! TUTTI QUELLI CHE PARLANO CON UNIUS REI, loro DEVONO SAPERE IN ANTICIPO, QUELLA CHE POTRÀ ESSERE LA MIA REAZIONE E LA MIA RISPOSTA, ECCO PERCHÉ, IO HO SCRITTO COSÌ TANTI ARTICOLI! e poi, io ho bisogno di essere accondiscendente, comprensivo, tollerante, paziente, con tutte le persone che, sbagliano, 1. se sono in buona fede, e, 2. se non hanno alterigia! QUINDI, IO COPRO LE COLPE DEI MIEI ALLEATI, SE, QUESTO NON DIVENTA UNA AZIONE CHE PUÒ DANNEGGIARE IL DIRITTO DI UNA PERSONA INNOCENTE! E DELLA MIA INDULGENZA CON I MIEI AMICI ED ALLEATI? MOLTO SI POTREBBE DIRE! e molti potrebbero testimoniare!
king Israel Unius REI
quì, c'è un tipo di Provincia di LECCE (ITALY) che lui è un satanista, e che, ha fatto in youtube: un corso di bestemmie, cioè insegna, AI RAGAZZI, alle persone come SI PUÒ bestemmiare Dio: NELLA MANIERA COMPLETA! Poi, se tu cerci in un forum, lui dice che io lo ho maledetto nel nome di Gesù! TUTTO VERO OVVIAMENTE, ma, lui non ha il coraggio di dire che, lui faceva la scuola su come poter bestemmiare Dio con tutte le bestemmie che lui aveva collezionato ed inventato! CHE POI, UNO CHE BESTEMMIA DIO? SI MALEDICE DA SOLO, e certamente farà una brutta fine, E NON C'È BISOGNO PER LUI CHE QUALCUNO LO DEBBA MALEDIRE: perché lui ha invocato la maledizione contro di lui tante volte!
king Israel Unius REI
ovviamente, anche l'attuale direttore di youtube è una strega, ma, lei con me ha sbagliato l'approccio, ha messo un passo in fallo, e IO l'ho bruciata subito, e lei ora è così spaventata, che, non credo che, Rothschild o Bush, potrebbero RIUSCIRE PIÙ A convincerla a farsi avanti un altra volta! QUÌ IN YOUTUBE, IO PASSO PER UN TIPO MOLTO VIOLENTO, CHE SI PUÒ ARRABBIARe, PER FUTILI MOTIVI, E CHE PUÒ FARE, può COMMETTERE, UNA STRAGE CONTRO MILIONI DI CRIMINALI SU TUTTA LA SUPERFICIE DEL PIANETA.. cioè, lol. una cosa che i miei colleghi e miei alunni? MAI POTREBBERO CREDERLA!
king Israel Unius REI
Quando, io facevo l'amico con Synnek1, il POTENTE sommo sacerdote di Satana del NWO CIA NATO, poi, noi due eravano quegli amici, che si cercavano di uccidere tra di loro con MOLTA eleganza, di uccidersi alla prima occasione, ed io ho ucciso lui, infatti, lui impazzì, fu licenziato come direttore di youtube, e così, lui è diventato lo scheletro pieno di cenere: 187AudioHostem.. MA, QUANDO LUI ERA IL PIÙ POTENTE, padrone dei poteri occulti ed esoterici, A.I. Intelligenza artificiale aliena, ecc.. lui SI LAMENTAVA CON ME DI NON ESSERE RIUSCITO A CARPIRMI UNA SOLA PASSWORD, quindi, LUI VEDEVA TUTTI I MIEI COMPUTER E CONOSCEVA TUTTE LE MIE PASSWORD.. e PERCHÉ, IL NWO NON HA MAI CHIUSO I MIEI CANALI? PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL RE DI ISRAELE, ovviamente!
king Israel Unius REI
king Israel Unius REI
PER MOGHERINI BOLDRINI E MERKEL, PRAVY SECTOR E ISLAM SONO PIÙ IMPORTANTI DEL DIRITTO DI GAY E DONNE! 20.03.2016 Nel centro di Hannover i manifestanti mostravano cartelli con le foto del leader curdo del PKK Abdullah Ocalan, detenuto nelle prigioni turche, le bandiere delle milizie curde e striscioni con la scritta "No alla cooperazione della UE con il dittatore Erdogan." Migliaia di curdi residenti ad Hannover sono scesi in piazza sabato per protestare contro la politica repressiva del governo turco contro la minoranza etnica e l'accordo in materia di immigrazione tra Ankara e Bruxelles, scrive "Spiegel". Secondo il tabloid tedesco, alla manifestazione hanno preso parte circa 9mila persone. Gli organizzatori si aspettavano 30mila presenze:
king Israel Unius REI
NON SI PUÒ ESCLUDERE CHE I MUSULMANI UCCIDANO I CRISTIANI DURANTE LA TRAVERSATA, CI SONO STATII NUMEROSI PRECEDENTI DI QUESTO TIPO, DEVE ESSERE DISPOSTA LA AUTOPSIA D'UFFICIO! MITILENE (GRECIA), 20 MAR - Due migranti sono stati trovati morti su un barcone arrivato sull'isola greca di Lesbo, nel primo giorno di attuazione dell'accordo tra Ue e Turchia sulla gestione degli arrivi in Grecia.
Il personale medico ha eseguito le manovre di rianimazione cardiopolmonare (rcp) sui due uomini, ma senza risultati. La sovraffollata imbarcazione trasportava decine di migranti provenienti dalla vicina Turchia.
king Israel Unius REI
voi vi ricordate tutti, quella Bestia di: king Saudi Arabia: Aziz SaUD abd sharia, quando disse: "in un mese: loro saranno in Europa, e in due mesi loro saranno in USA!", poi, il SUDAIRIO DISSE AD ERDOGAN E SALMAN: "io vado all'inferno, ma, voi li potrete ricattare!" .. e poi, disse a SALMAN: "tu giurami che tu non ubbidirai mai ad Unius REI! " .. e lui giurò!
king Israel Unius REI
TUTTE LE PREGHIERE DI SALAM E ROTHSCHILD [ AMEN ] 20:02La Russia ha proposto agli USA il programma per il controllo della situazione in Siria19:00Russia: contromisure in risposta alle nuove sanzioni del Canada18:08Poroshenko assicura che l'Ucraina continuerà il corso delle riforme17:04La Russia sfrutterà le più moderne tecnologie per la
distruzione di obiettivi spaziali16:03Donbass: gruppo di ricognizione ucraino salta in aria sul proprio campo minato [ ALLELUIA ]
king Israel Unius REI
Il Pentagono ha speso 500 milioni di dollari per addestrare l'opposizione in Siria 19.03.2016 DOVE E QUANDO IL SATANISMO DIVENTA VISIBILE ANCHE A LIVELLO CONTABILE.. QUESTI TERRORISTI MODERATI DI ERDOGAN HANNO FATTO IL GENOCIDIO E LA PULIZIA ETNICA DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI ECC.. E SE NON ERI SALAFITA? DOVEVI MORIRE! Nell’ambito del programma di supporto e addestramento delle forze siriane di opposizione le autorità USA avevano intenzione di formare cinquemila ribelli, ma non ci sono riusciti a causa delle diserzioni e gli attacchi da parte di altri gruppi armati.Il dipartimento della Difesa USA ha chiuso il programma dello scorso anno per il sostegno e la formazione delle forze siriane di opposizione, il quale è costato al Pentagono 500 milioni di dollari e non ha portato i risultati attesi. Lo ha scritto sabato la rivista Foreign Policy. Secondo la pubblicazione, il programma è iniziato nella primavera del 2015 e prevedeva l'addestramento di cinquemila ribelli entro la fine dell'anno, tuttavia, a causa delle diserzioni e delle aggressioni da parte di altri gruppi armati, sono stati addestrati e hanno combattuto contro il Daesh solo una manciata di combattenti. «Stiamo parlando di quattro o cinque (combattenti)», ha detto il generale dell'esercito americano Lloyd Austin all'udienza di giovedì della Commissione Forze Armate del Senato degli Stati Uniti. «Il risultato programma del programma è stato
molto inferiore rispetto a quanto previsto», ha confermato il rappresentante del dipartimento della Difesa Christine Wormuth, evidenziando che in tutto hanno seguito la preparazione 100, 120 persone.Già nel settembre 2015 il senatore repubblicano John McCain aveva dichiarato che il presente piano del Pentagono per sostenere le unità dell'opposizione è «lontano dalla realtà», nota la pubblicazione. Tuttavia i militari USA dalle forze speciali hanno continuato a lavorare
con alcuni comandanti dell'opposizione siriana, e altri 50 uomini delle forze speciali hanno operato in Siria per sostenere la lotta contro il Daesh.Il Foreign Policy sostiene che il programma, del valore di 500 milioni di dollari, era stato chiuso ad ottobre. Nel 2016, sottolinea la pubblicazione, il dipartimento della Difesa USA con l'approvazione del presidente Barack Obama ha introdotto un nuovo programma per sostenere l'opposizione siriana.:
king Israel Unius REI
MOGHERINI È COME OBAMA, SONO COME DUE ATTORI PAGATI PER FARE, IL LAVORO DEI BOIA! 19.03.2016 Mogherini contro Putin e Renzi (glielo chiede la Nuland) “Sottolineo che abbiamo l’unanimità, fra i 28, su cinque principi-guida della Unione Europea nella politica verso la Russia”: così Federica Mogherini, alta rappresentante eccetera e vicepresidente della commissione, all’uscita dal Consiglio Affari Esteri:
king Israel Unius REI
MA, NON SI DICE SE, SONO STATI I TERRORISTI MODERATI DI SALMAN E DI OBAMA GENDER ] MOSCA, 19 MAR - Almeno 67 civili sono stati uccisi ad Aleppo e altri 65 sono rimasti feriti da quando è entrata in vigore la tregua in Siria il 27 febbraio: lo denuncia il capo del centro russo di riconciliazione delle parti belligeranti, Serghiei Kuralenko, precisando che tra le vittime ci sono anche donne e bambini.
712/27dic.10 45] #EU USa Antichrist Masonic for the seigniorage banking stolen [thou not have the more any reason to keep your patriot in Turkey also because the Turkey the gods the Nazis the conspiracy #league #Arab against humanity and against Israel has lost 1000 times each right of to enter into #Europe] #ANKARA #Muammer #Akkas the prosecutor turkish that he denounced pressures on a new phase of the investigation on scandal #corruption in Turkey is state removed because"he managed the bad case." Lo says #Chief prosecutor of Istanbul Turhan Colakkadi specifying That #Akkas has spoken with media without warn its top quality. Second several newspapers #Akkas would have ordered the arrest of dozens names super system AKP between which deputies and entrepreneurs [By now #Erdogan moves like #Hitler in his ravings requests annexations territorial and has sent a ship in #Egypt loads of weapons to its #Islamic #terrorists has betrayed #Israel in every way revealing at #Iran of its agents intelligence etc.] Leaves Iran Saudi Arabia Turkey immediately if not you will you be punished along to them.
728/27dic]" #Shalabayeva in Italy thanks to the government" Minister Bonino receives his wife. #Opponent #Kazakh and sons December 27 1525 [ok] #Government #Italian has remedied the ugly figure! Now it has to go back too the #sigoraggio #bank that the #Pharisees #Bildenberg JabullOn #Baal. #synagogue #imf have stolen!
[689/26dic.11 44] #Jerusalem #Delegation #Romania commemorates #Holocaust December 24 1444 [#Benjamin #Netanyahu as you dared to put the yarmulke kippah on to the head of goyim?] Do not know That the [false] #Star David is to esoteric satanic symbol #IMF-NWO That you put even on your yarmulke is why you will to be utterly destroyed from #Rothschild #Spa #IMF in shoah2 #sharia nazi for new hollywood happy? [Committed suicide immediately Because You Can not survive the destruction imminent to #Israel] However That bastard Erdogan ie the plot of the Arab League kill you will die! criminal for Saving Their Lives? you have condemned your life! As Has Been rejected Saul also you not have been rejected! Brought you have to ruin Israel!
[688/256dic.11 19] the wolf [Turkey League Arab] is ingroppando the [EU Bildenberg] and the bitch? has to drink the blood of the martyrs Christians!
Bush 322 Kerry Nwo for your aliens abductions have i tremors of death in this now?
[686/256dic.9 28] #Israel [destroy Turkey and Iran Saudi Arabia er you is an job of 7hrs] but these are all criminals! November 30. #Cairo #Committee of 50 experts in charge of reform has begun the final vote on draft of #Constitution. #Egypt. to the vast majority the committee has approved the article two seconds which the principles of #sharia ( law. #Islamic ) remain the the legal basis of legislation. Saudi king criminal saudi arabia---[[30 November. #Afghanistan bomb in turban #Kamikaze explosion seriously injures deputy and four more people]] this man is suicide the symbol of one that Islam is become for guilt of Muslims! you have the death brain! and now Erdogan wants to invade Greece! The first minister turkish Recep Tayyip Erdoğan amazed again all saying That parts of Macedonia the Bulgaria Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Thrace Western ares within reality of territories Turkey. This statement has had big echo in world diplomatic European and he relieved not a few questions One of them is the following why Turkey That sucks to become a member of the European Union and to which serves then support of all the United members including Greece and Bulgaria has decided on make an step That can be interpreted as progress of territorial claims?
Satanists Hindu / Salafis ignorant.
[685/256dic.9 19] [evolution is religion] Fossils out of sequence. The radioactivity of the fossils shortens geologic eras the fossils polystrate cross too many layers the fossils" polystrate" those That penetrate more than one layer geological are described in literature geology current for example to The Joggins ( New Scotland-USA) many trees fossils erect yes stretching along 760 meters of strata geological penetrating some 20 horizons geological These trees must have been buried faster than the there wishing for rot. This implies That the entire formation was deposited as in few years. Yet theory evolutionary That would I layer rocky higher had been filed million years later the layer the lower Fossils out of sequence according to the scale temporal evolution the trees pine not could have appeared before to 350 million of years ago. are however been found the fossils pollen pine in the clay Precambrian Hakatai ( Grand Canyon-USA) That is supposedly dated 1 5 billion years before That every shape of life had appeared The studio original is was carefully repeated and verified in conditions strictly controlled by an committee of scientists That he examined the pollen with microscopes electronic to scan and obtained evaluations independent from other experts Discoveries such as these not do That accumulating doubts about the methods from dating and even on the scale the temporal evolution.
[685/256dic.9 09] [the murderers and all the their accomplices UN EU USA the sons of Rothschild IMF Nwo the system Masonic Bildenberg for the destruction of the world of men! are well ahead the apes the slaves predestined to massacr!] WORLD WATCH LIST is the list of countries where there is persecution and lists 50 countries according to for precisely intensity That persecution the Christians face for the made of confessing and practicing actively with their faith It, is written on by analysts of Open Doors specialists of persecution researchers and experts in the field operating and independent of within the different countries on the base of a amount of data collected in the field and through sources you trust. the levels assigned are based on various aspects of religious freedom in case identified mainly the degree of freedom of Christians to live openly with their faith in 5 areas of life everyday in private in family in in the community which are as a church that attend and in life the public the country where live to where it adds a sixth area That serves to measure the degree possible of That violence suffer Map WWList 2013 PDF
What changes respect to the above list
We propose a synthesis of the changes that occurred in WWList 2013 over to the year remembering previous That the period covered by WWList from 1 November 2011 to October 31 2012
• The Korea North is at the #1 spot the list of the 50 worst persecutors of Christians for the 11th year in a row Yes estimate That between 50000 and 70000 Christians suffer in horrible fields of prison The intense persecution is continued under the new leader Kim Jong-Un. The number of deserters (ie North Koreans That flee abroad ) in China is considerably reduced in in 2012 and the mid those That trying to not run away there the make
• i first 10 countries in 2013 after Korea North macaws Saudi Arabia Afghanistan Iraq Somalia Maldives Mali Iran and Yemen Eritrea
• Eight the first 10 acres country to majority Muslim The Korea the North is in mold communist while Eritrea is for roughly half Muslim and half Christian with an That the President the bride a version of Marxism.
• Mali in 7th place and Eritrea are the 10th two new entries in first 10 Mali not was not even in WWList year last year and Eritrea was in 11th place. In addition to Mali and Eritrea between the countries African That back the list there is Ethiopia That rising from 38th to 15th place The Libya from 26 ° to 17 ° and salt the Tanzania That not was between the first 50 rises to 24th place The Nigeria remains in 13th place with many Christians and churches outlets aims by group extremist Islamic Boko Haram
• In addition to Mali and the Tanzania other countries to appear in are WWList Kenya ( 40th ) Uganda (47 ° ) and Niger ( 50th ) The new revenue and the level the greater reach from many countries Africans reflects an growing trend of" Awakening Islam" in the continent The Somalia Mali and Eritrea are all among the first 10 in list.
• La a major source of persecution Mali is extremism Islamic in above Mali was an typical was African with a western shape in most moderate of islam Generally there was an of course able to freedom live own faith However the situation is changed with won the the north western part of the country part of separatist Tuareg and of fighters Islamists and the creation of state an independent Azawad in April of 2012. The Islamists have established at once one state Islamic adopting the sharia in north Many Christians are were forced to escape and the churches are were burned
• The Spring Arab are is finally turned in an winter Arabic for the Christians. The war civil Syria That has caused to date yes estimate more than 40 000 dead has in fact the climb Syria from 36th to 11th place Many Christians are were made of aim and forced to escape.
• Also Libya has in fact an big jump from 26th to 17th place The Church is decreased dramatically in number in part for the Christian That they are leaving the country i Salafists are gaining flu thing That is happening even in Tunisia That is rising from 35th to 30th place The Tunisia was known for being an secular country Today i Salafists are becoming very visible and influential in the company
• They leave the top ten Uzbekistan That by the 7th 16th and falls Pakistan That down from 10th place to 14th Outside from 50 countries in list are located Chechnya Turkey Cuba Belarus and Bangladesh
• In between the countries That have in fact large leaps in there is WWList China That down from the 21 th to 37 th place. Continues the trend That the saw in 13th place in 2010 (it was even in the top 10 five years ago) They have in fact an big jump even Comoros down from 24 th to 41 th place. Bhutan from 17th to 28th place The researchers from Open Doors visible in Bhutan an improvement because the churches are able to keep cults without be harassed Each then there are still issues and communities in rural areas putting under pressure the churches A anti-conversion law is in and become hangs on the head of the Christians like a sword of Damocles This the law may have an impact negative on Christians in Bhutan
• The persecution of Christians in world is in growth La China is the only country where researchers to see Open Doors an significant improvement. Others countries macaws fallen in list such as Iran and Uzbekistan That are very hostile towards the Christians are get off just because the situations in others countries macaws making them worse go back in WWList
only 5 5 billion deaths
Jewish Religion is banking seigniorage IMF Nwo Spa satanic cult of Baal
[684/256dic.7 31] an #Sit-in #Fired the Café de #Paris of on Veneto published on December 23 1653 [#Pharisees Spa IMF ECB Nwo #Bildenberg they wanted an europe which falls to pieces trampled on his identity from #Germany of Femen that jumping naked as demons on the altar to say" I are you God!"] And in Germany macaws facts 15000 sacrifices human on the altar of Satan every year for this target!
[727/27dic] [#Mo #Netanyahu plans 1400 new housing [@ #Saudi king #Arabia---then you're right you idiot! if all the Jews of the world not come back? no one of us remain in walk away! because they not are the stupid to leave predation on the world ( #imf nwo 666 corporations Spa ) for come to live in your desert! Why do you continue to think that the destruction of #Israel it could be an advantage for you? and on the other hand you could sell an desert useless to good price! not you can wait passively events because they will be too bad and so bad That very few can live for them tell! I hate people That macaws selfish!] For #Jews to #Jerusalem. #And east in #West Bank. Ad to day December 27 #TEL. #AVIV #Premier. Israeli #Benyamin #Netanyahu preparing to approve the construction of 1400 housing for Jews to #east Jerusalem and in #West Bank. This they write the newspapers today seconds which on the announcement to take place days in conjunction with the liberation of one thirty to prisoners Palestinian in background of commitments employed by #Israel with the recovery negotiations for peace with the #Palestinians.
[726/27dic] Any violence is always an violence excessive strains! We must impare to respect opinions of people and of the people the sovereign!] Ukraine #Journalist #Beaten 3 arrests the alleged guilty risk from 7 to 10 years of prison. December 27 #KIEV are three so far the people arrested by the police Ukrainian accused of assaulting #Tetiana #Chornovil the journalist the head online, #Ukrainska Pravda, close opposition beaten viciously in the night between the 24th and the 25th of December Yes I know the name of one only of three Serghi #Kotenko 29 owner of #Porsche #Cayenne Black That he was stopped the reporter first of, attack as part of at least two men. the alleged guilty risk from 7 to 10 years of prison.
12/27/2013 [725/27dic] All the abyss criminal who #Erdogan has dug between the turkey and the #League #Arab against #Europe!] The #Coup #Erdogan and the ultimately destruction of #Secularism. #Turkish of course the corruption intimidation threatening the fabric of social state #TURKEY #Public ministry accuses the government turkish of lock your investigation on corruption. in one a written statement #Muammer #Akkas said That the police it is denied to execute court orders for and seek arrest suspects to and corruption and fraud That the judiciary is under pressure Second the printing Akkas was investigating on cases of corruption That would involve the #Son #Erdogan and had ordered the arrest of 30 names of first plan the party of the Prime Minister #AKP #Istanbul (AsiaNews / Agencies)- public denunciation of an the public prosecutor of being removed investigation That was conducting the corruption inside" circles government" is the ultimate indictment in order time That is launched against the government prime minister #turkish Recep #Tayyip #Erdogan. in an release released today by printing Turkish #Muammer #Akkas ( in photo ) says That your inquiry is was blocked forces police Turkish and by the Chief Prosecutor of #Istanbul Turan Colakkadi The latter has removed Akkas accusing him of not have informed of his moves That assertion the #Turkey,s. #Supreme #Board of And Judges #Prosecutors have defined unconstitutional. Since for its part #Akkas That argues the police are is denied to execute court orders for and seek arrest suspects to and corruption and fraud That the judiciary is under pressure The complaint of Akkas ago below to move of That Erdogan has replaced 10 ministers after the resignation of three of they followed the arrest of over 50 people among which three sons of ministers To arrests is followed and yes is spoken of retaliation from the Prime Minister removal of approximately 500 officers and managers of police including the chief the police of Istanbul from where is match inquiry. Second the printing ekkas was investigating on cases of corruption That would involve the son of and Erdogan had ordered the arrest of 30 names of first floor party the premier the AKP As in during the protests to Gezi Parki last summer Erdogan attempt to resist the growing pressures and the opposition the streets because you resigns accuses an not stated" #conspiracy #internationally." The" #Tangentopolies Turkish" falls into an time very delicate for #Erdogan and its party. This year next year in fact are in program elections and administrative presidential and the current prime minister would become head of the country. That aspiration may be the origin of the one That is becoming a war intestine movement political Islamic turkish To" moderate." #Erdogan counters with his former ally Fethullah Gulen in exile voluntary in #States #USA. #Gulen considered much less"moderate" to #Erdogan could count on the support of the President of the Republic #Abdullah. #Gul That not is was involved from scandals and it will be much probably challenger Erdogan running the first charge of the state.
[724/27dic] [Masons Pharisees Bildenberg thieves usurers and murderers perverts sexual of #UN #USa #Ue #Antichrists #Lobbyists of. #System #Masonic the Satanism internationally. have taken the control of #West and #Christians in all the world are entrusted solely at the protection of the Spirit the Holy]] 27/12/2013 PALESTINE not even to Christmas the Christians of Gaza they can visit Bethlehem or celebrate city #TURKEY #Bartholomew [to be 2013 years old Jesus is persecuted by Erode contemporary] L, importance of family the Christian"cell of life and cradle for the correct and right up for children" founded on, natural union between man and the woman in message christmas Patriarch's ecumenical #Istanbul Appeals ai leaders spiritual and political for the Family Christian and complaint of the continuing persecution of Christians in message Christmas the patriarch Ecumenical Bartholomew I The night of Christmas to Bethlehem has evoked the Patriarch marks the moment such as"Our Lord That is always existed without the Lord principle and end and immaterial imperceptible is entered in silence simplicity poverty and as one unknown in drama history" With your incarnation has sanctified the, human existence pointing out the way out the human trouble honoring the same time the spiritual motherhood and material But at the same time Bartholomew continued"Our Lord has exalted and defined the role of the union between the man and the woman" then the family the Christian That" is the cell,s life and the cradle for the correct and right up for children." and we are convinced the message goes That" not limited to leaders spiritual and the shepherds the flock human but also the powerful of this world know and accepting this divine and truth reality." Because"it is ours and the duty to make known to support this a union source of the family just healthy growth and development of our battered society.""For 2013 years-he then exclaimed Bartholomew-Our Lord That is killed every day in person to thousands of embryos killed for will of their parents and from 2013 years That Our Lord is mocked in person of guys That live in misery and in the crisis of the family" And it is to be 2013 years old That" the flesh our Creator is persecuted by Erode contemporary in the persons of weak and of Christians in Syria" and from 2013 years old" Christ escapes along with refugees not only in Egypt but also in Lebanon Europe Africa and America" And, from 2013 years That" Child Jesus remains jailed along with the bishops and Pavlos Ioannis" and with other monks Christians as 2013 years he concluded the Patriarch Ecumenical" Christ is crucified That in people refuse to give up own Christian faith."
After that the mass of Christmas Bartholomew has received young people Christians of Constantinople talking with such as among other things has praised the work" his brother Pope Francis."
[720/27dic] 03/10/2012 2418 Vatican Pope Benedict XVI has said" the liturgy is exit prayer individual and enter into" we" universal Body of Christ [AMEN] I macaws UNIUS REI for THIS because I I can pray all religions I are the next closest of all those that have heart broken why who not Need for an world best not have you know nothing of nature human and then he not he you know nothing of his destiny forever. is from the point of view political that we we also alone body collective and in my ministry I macaws image all that I macaws son of who has lost an son etc.I are the next most prosimo that is in every man in fact I I I can be angry but I not I can hate!
[696/26dic] However one pain symbolic for their crime sacrilege universal blasphemous #Amnesty for #Pussy #Riot released. #Nadia and #Mary released from prison to the cry of, #Russia without #Putin, ( and in fact now the good sense intelligence is located on the tits for their ) Church Russian ready to dialogue for an attempt of redemption with the two women ( and sacrilegious misguided the worthy daughters of the system Masonic Bildenberg the synagogue of Satan IMF Nwo ) December 24 1441
[695/26dic] Lo heartbreaking farewell between Mike and the dog Rusty [but is more heartbreaking to fall in hell after a long life living hating the natural law That is the Decalogue of #Moses] December 26 1648 Mike Petrosino sick terminal cancer say goodbye for the last time Rusty Some stories tell us strike and there remain printed heart with their cargo of unsustainable pain and tenderness huge one of these is that of #Mike and #Rusty #Mike #Petrosino is an young American of 21 That is dying of an cancer ( diagnosticatogli when it was in junior high ) to #Massachusetts. #General #Hospital. Rusty is the dog That the is was got from child and the is was beside in all these years. the doctors have leave That for the young which not there is nothing left to be do could say goodbye to his friend for always.
[723/27dic] [of course Christmas there speaks of the massacre innoceti which Islamists and Pharisees have made and continue to do again with impunity. Also Jesus is dead as an true martyr! but while #israel has the obvious problems of security #AMAS gods Nazis #Sharia prohibits externalize the #Christmas for the rare Christians over out of the few churches that are remained in the territories #Palestinians] [HE that is seated on the throne supply to uni and to others] 12.26.2013 #VATICAN Pope The party of holy #Stephen #First #Martyr dissolves the image" fairy tale" of Christmas the Angelus the Pope Francis asks also now of silence and prayers for #Christians #persecuted."I'm more today That in the first time the Church" And, necessary the testimony and the complaint of violations the #Freedom. #Of religion and at #discrimination. Contemplating the crib it may grow in families and in the community" that climate to understanding and of brotherhood so much so it should be for the common good" 25/12/2013 VATICAN Pope Christmas glory to God merciful and peace to men tormented by and wars violence i conflicts in #Syria #Iraq #Earth #Santa and #countries #Africans at first message christmas for #Francis. God" touch the heart" of how many are involved in traffic of beings humans or in the phenomenon of children soldier" Lord of life protect how many are persecuted to because of your name""I wish to all to recognize the true face of God the Father that there has given us Jesus."" And everyone of we can give glory to God above all with life with a life shopping for love her and of brothers." 24/12/2013 EGYPT" #Terrorism" against the forces of security. Suspects the #Brothers #Muslim car bomb has almost destroyed an building of public safety to #Mansoura making 14 deaths. The prime accused the" terrorists" That not stop the journey for the democracy. in january there will be a referendum on the new constitution drawn up after deposition Bites and to the exclusion of Brothers Muslims. 24/12/2013 #PHILIPPINES Cardinal #Tagle the disasters and the ruins there give a new image of Christmas Archbishop of #Manila writes to his faithful" Then #earthquakes #typhoons and #crisis #rethink policies our priorities and let's focus on the real sign of this Christmas Child that is between of us." That of 2013" is an Christmas #Compassion #Solidarity and of #Communion."
[694/26dic] [This is a good notiia start to creak the #Seigniorage #Banking Spa IMF the Fed that they steal against the people the American and against the peoples of all the world.] #Use #Republicans against the Pope too to left and economics. Fox News, #Obama the Church, December 26 WASHINGTON #2 #Pope #Francis and his ideas on #Economy nervous la #Right #Use At first it was #Rush. #Limbaugh the known radio commentator ultra-extremist to call, #Marxist, Now however, are in many inside of. #Party #Republican including where #Paul #And Ryan #John #McCain That criticize openly the positions the Pope against an market without rules. and the the Fox News bubble like" #Obama of #Church Catholic #" a phrase that for the tv more, conservative America not, some an compliment. [Then with me them they will go okay lol. In fact I not are from left lol.] Only that I not I have the bad habit to be an murderess like them!
[693/26dic] #Turks #Islamic contrary the #Celebrations of. #Christmas [] Greetings #Erdogan these are the pupils That thou hast mandate to study #Arabia #Arabia from Nazis! not you just have exterminated all the #Armenians and all Christians #Turkey? These Muslims not them you're treated to tear
[692/26dic] On this page it sees only the comment [684/256dic.7 31] while / user / ShalomGerusalemme / discussion he had published the [691/26dic.12 57] [That there is healed IMF Nwo you I see in shortness of breath!
[659/25dic] Isaiah 6211-12 [us in kingdom of God we believe in free will we not impose the life and the happiness to those that is persist to stay in the shadow of the death of the IMF livestock bestiality human of teroria eternal of evolution] [But if you want the prophecies may be made because I macaws Unius REi] 11 Behold the Lord proclaims until at the end of the land "Tell the daughter of Sion Behold your your salvation arrives behold he with his self salary and your reward it precedes 12 Them they will call"The people holy"" i redeemed of the Lord" and thou shalt be called" Sought"" The city not abandoned," But if you have scento the realm of the synagogue of Satan the Pharisees then not look to the sky now of your misfortune from where born your father satan devil
Sator Arepo [https//]
has commented an video YouTube. Shared publicly-1829"
Thanks for you have uploaded these videos to way of this a great scholar a scholar prepared theoretically but also empirically Certainly on Freemasonry and on shopping occult has in fact affirmations beautiful beyond above the vulgarity and of banality [WHY THEN YOU HAi dared thank? From what angle Hell The ARRIVES your HYPOCRISY?] The claims of Cecilia Gatto Trocchi they were so vulgar and trivial that those of Masoneria satanic there they killed! How call your your sect?
http// InnocenzaMaria
1-year ago Submitted Hon. The Antonio Borghesi parliamentary question on the sad story of the lady Field Innocence Mary died in pain who yes is view deprive of your money and view disappear suddenly in nothing your c / c 10/645629 and the dealing room equity BAV hidden the Procuratorate of Ragusa from Corrado Passera-Banca Intesa San Paolo Congratulations Dr. Sparrow! That they finally made the Exposed-Report of 30 December 2009 to the Bank in Italy? Damian Nicastro-Dubrovnik not are able to enable his comment on Enigma Cecilia Cats Trocchi who was killed as from Jezebel Satanists 2of2
[719/27dic.18 00] with ShalomGerusalemme I are now the [713/27dic.13 26] but the clerk gi the google+ private channel the following
he has felt that was displayed only my item number [704/27dic.7 47]
so just as he decided to make up
[721/27dic] [But what you say? the #King #Arabia #Arabia them he killed and there he driven out but the principals are always #Pharisees #Illuminati which soon will kill too. #Israel own he me she said that.] 12/27/2013 #SYRIA M.ORIENTE #Gregory III #Christians of. #Medium #East not emigrated! in Letter #Christmas of. #patriarch #greek-catholic of #Antioch and of all the East an appeal to Christians to live the mission in world Arabic charity and commitment social no leave the region Muslim personalities value contribution Christian in the culture Arab #Muslims and Christians must work for an full recognition of the rights of #Faithful #Christians to even with the others and stop fundamentalism The big challenge of the conflict #Israel-Palestine The #Solidarity Pope Francis
[726/27dic] Any violence is always an violence excessive strains! We must impare to respect opinions of people and of the people the sovereign!] Ukraine #Journalist #Beaten 3 arrests the alleged guilty risk from 7 to 10 years of prison. December 27 #KIEV are three so far the people arrested by the police Ukrainian accused of assaulting #Tetiana #Chornovil the journalist the head online, #Ukrainska Pravda, close opposition beaten viciously in the night between the 24th and the 25th of December Yes I know the name of one only of three Serghi #Kotenko 29 owner of #Porsche #Cayenne Black That he was stopped the reporter first of, attack as part of at least two men. the alleged guilty risk from 7 to 10 years of prison.
[718/27dic.18 00] with ShalomGerusalemme I are now the [713/27dic.13 26] but the clerk gi on google+
https// he has felt that was displayed only my item number [704/27dic.7 47]
[722/27dic] [Love and brotherhood of all children of God Christmas is for all the men of good will but the murderers the Salafis the Pharisees the Illuminati #Spa #IMF have said of no!] 12.27.2013 #SRi #LANKA #Sri #Lanka Christmas among the lead the kids Hindu again the victims of war civil Il #Center for #Society and #Religion ( #CSR ) has organized an event for some refugees war Tamils for" to teach large and small how to work and live together without barriers and divisions" the children have staged songs and dances traditional with the help of the Sisters of the Holy Famiglia.27/12/2013 #NEPAL Nepal #Christmas" collective" for #Christians #and Hindu #Buddhists. The night of December 25 hundreds of people of every religion have participated in the mass the Cathedral of the Assumption. Compared to the past this year also #And Hindu #Buddhists have lived appearance spiritual celebrations The lack of discrimination typical of Christianity attracts other communities. 12/27/2013 MYANMAR #Archbishop of #Yangon the invitation of the Pope the" brotherhood" only way for the peace Myanmar. in message to start year day for the world the peace Msgr. #Bo calls for unity" between the different souls" of"this wonderful nation." The prelate hopefully the Citizenship for many are born in the territory national and the end to violence against i #Rohingya and calls to fight the poverty and the traffic of human lives. 12/27/2013 #BANGLADESH #Bangladesh peaceful Christmas for the Christians but in the shadow of, terrorism, of #Nozrul Islam No attack against the minority during the holidays. The authorities have suspended the blockade of and circulation the police has supervised all the churches for secure and safe. in view of the election yes fear new riots the government has deployed tens of thousands of soldiers for the people" ever so much voltage 40 years after independence"
[713/27dic.13 26] Maximus Malco 1220 + Andrea Morabito said [see if you can to me a response sensible not to offend where it was your god when the people Jewish suffered the Shoah? Where it was your god when Pol Pot slaughtered millions of dissidents? Where it was your god when Joseph Stalin was his purges ( 40milioni of martyrs Christian innocent )? and I will continue for hours tell me well maybe I do change your mind.hello and so happy holidays and love hypocrisy [answer] my God YHWH was to give the free will to all are few people who go in Heaven the martyrs innocent are among these few and I hope that you not change idea because to me you're on the cock!
[700/27dic.7 30] [criminal Neturei #KARTA #Nkusa they not recognize the two larger crimes of mankind 1. the #seigniorage #bank that the their friends accomplices i #Pharisees #Freemasons Bildenberg #Illuminati #Spa #IMF have stolen the #seigniorage #banking for submit to slavery all the peoples and for stealing everything the planet (well because they not you content of one #Palestine ) 2. Nazism of #Sharia is #terrorism systematic institutional radical breach of rights human in all the #League #Arabic] [by this point of view it may understand better but never justify rations of #Hitler that became schizophrenic in time in which struck an people innocent the #Jews not potento reach #Pharisees #Anglo-Americans #Illuminati #IMF] [is clear today with the same dynamics #Illuminati #Pharisees #Spa #Nwo #322 #Bush. #Kerry will lead the death against him Israelis (new shoah of of 6000000 innocent sacrificed on the altar of Satan the #. #Nwo IMF )] [December 25 #Mideast Israel #PA incites hatred Spokesperson Prime Minister #Benjamin #Netanyahu says",cause #Abu. #Mazen not condemns terrorism? [because all the #Islamists #sharia #imperialism macaws terrorists!] Speech liar and hypocrite of. #rabbi #Mordechi #Weberman for the manifestation of #Coalition #PA for the Straight of retrun ( #Al-Awda NY / NJ) held July 26 2002 in front at #Consulate #Israel [ /] said [we are that there they ask why our participation in the parade of #Palestinians. manifest Why with the flag #Palestinian hand why we argue the #cause #Palestine? [] then i Neturei #KARTA #nkusa you are made the accomplices of all i genocide and crimes crimes which Muslims have made with. #Muhammad to date! and of all crimes of Pharisees Illuminati Spa IMF like them for lead mankind to Satan in all ways that is the trend irreversible that to us we look!
[728/27dic]" #Shalabayeva in Italy thanks to the government" Minister Bonino receives his wife. #Opponent #Kazakh and sons December 27 1525 [ok] #Government #Italian has remedied the ugly figure! Now it has to go back too the #sigoraggio #bank that the #Pharisees #Bildenberg JabullOn #Baal. #synagogue #imf have stolen!
[693/26dic] #Turks #Islamic contrary the #Celebrations of. #Christmas [] Greetings #Erdogan these are the pupils That thou hast mandate to study #Arabia #Arabia from Nazis! not you just have exterminated all the #Armenians and all Christians #Turkey? These Muslims not them you're treated to tear
[692/26dic] On this page it sees only the comment [684/256dic.7 31] while / user / ShalomGerusalemme / discussion he had published the [691/26dic.12 57] [That there is healed + IMF + + Nwo you I see in shortness of breath!
[691/26dic.12 57] [because there surprised that the #Mason. Shinzo #Abe pretends to do the Nazi? Rothschild Spa Bank World she desperately needed of war world for not do find out scam of. #Background #Money #International] #Japan tensions with China and Korea South authorities express, regret and anger, decision #anachronistic December 26 #ANSA-REUTERS AFP #ROME #authorities #South Korean after those #Chinese condemn the visit the first minister Japan Shinzo Abe to Yasukuni shrine the sanctuary the national peace dedicated to soldiers who died fighting at the service of the Emperor. an government spokesman #Korean expresses in fact" regret and anger" for the decision of the Prime Minister #That Japanese it is called" anachronistic" The Chinese authorities speak instead of decision" totally unacceptable" but #Erdogan and the League Arab them not pretend they are really the Nazi of #UN #EU #U.S. #IMF #Nwo
[703/27dic.7 47] #Arafat #Muslim #Neturei Karta #Nkusa etc.them will die devoured by hate like enemies traitors of the Kingdom of God Because manifestly they opposed against #biblical prophecies Which if then the #Torah (the foundation) is not #Word of God #YHWH then no other religion or alleged word of God Could be the Word of God! from this we know Satanists That is to to Those Who opposed the reunification of the #12 #of tribes #Israel not be with #Israel today is to be with #Satanists #Neturei Karta #nkusa That not want to do of the whole human race only to bunch of Slaves That is how their. #satanic #Talmud said!
[690/26dic.12 32] [the murderers and all the other accomplices #UN #Ue #Use the sons of Rothschild #IMF #Nwo the system #Masonic #Bildenberg for the destruction of the world of men! are well ahead the apes the slaves predestined the massacre!] #WORLD #WATCH #LIST is the list of countries where there is persecution and lists 50 countries according to for precisely intensity That persecution the Christians face for the fact of and confess practice actively with their faith It, is written on by analysts of #Ports. #Open specialists the persecution researchers and experts in the field operating and independent of inside of various countries map #WWList 2013 PDF
What changes respect to the above list
We propose a synthesis of the changes that occurred in WWList 2013 over to the year remembering previous That the period covered by WWList from 1 November 2011 to October 31 2012
• The #Korea North is at the #1 spot the list of the 50 worst persecutors of Christians for the 11th year in a row Yes estimate That between 50000 and 70000 Christians suffer in horrible fields of prison The intense persecution is continued under the new #Leader. #Kim #Jong-Un. The number of deserters (ie #North Koreans That flee abroad ) in China is considerably reduced in in 2012 and the mid those That trying to not flee succeed do it.
• i first 10 countries in 2013 after #Korea #North ares #Arabia #Arabia #Afghanistan. #Iraq #Somalia #Maldives. #Mali #Iran. #Yemen and #Eritrea.
• Eight the first 10 acres country to majority #Islam. The Korea the North is in mold communist while Eritrea is for roughly half Muslim and half Christian with an That the President the bride a version of the #Marxism.
• Mali in 7th place and #Eritrea are the 10th two new entries in first 10 Mali not was not even in #WWList year last year and #Eritrea was in 11th place. In addition to the #Mali and Eritrea between the countries African That back the list is there. #Ethiopia That rising from 38th to 15th place The Libya from 26 ° to 17 ° and salt the #Tanzania That not was between the first 50 rises to 24th place The #Nigeria remains in 13th place with many Christians and churches sockets look from the group #Extremist #Islamic Boko #Haram
• In addition to Mali and the Tanzania other countries to appear in are WWList Kenya (40 °). #Uganda (47 ° ) and the #Niger (50 °). The new revenue and the level the greater reach from many countries Africans reflects an growing trend of" Awakening Islam" in the continent The #Somalia #Mali and Eritrea are all among the first 10 in list.
• La a major source of persecution Mali is #Extremism #Islam. in above Mali was an typical was African with a western shape in most moderate of islam Generally there was an of course able to freedom live own faith However the situation is changed with won the the north western part of the country part of #Separatists #Tuareg and of fighters Islamists of #Azawad in April of 2012 The Islamists have established at once one state Islamic adopting the #Sharia law in north Many Christians are were forced to escape and the churches are were burned
• The #Spring #Araba is is finally turned in an winter Arabic for the Christians. The war civil Syria has the objective of destroy all Christians.
[689/26dic.11 53] #Jerusalem #Delegation #Romania commemorates #Holocaust December 24 1444 [#Benjamin #Netanyahu as you dared to put the yarmulke kippah on the head of to #goyim?] Do not know That the [false] #Star David is to esoteric satanic symbol #IMF-NWO That you put even on your #Kippah is why you will to be utterly destroyed from #Rothschild #Spa #IMF in #shoah2 #sharia nazi for new #hollywood happy? [Committed suicide immediately Because You Can not survive the destruction imminent to #Israel] However That bastard #Erdogan ie the plot of the #Arab. #League kill you will die! #criminal saving for Their Lives? you have condemned your life! As Has Been rejected #Saul also you not have been rejected! Brought you have to ruin #Israel!
[688/256dic.11 19] the wolf [Turkey League Arab] is ingroppando the [EU Bildenberg] and the bitch? has to drink the blood of the martyrs Christians!
[687/256dic.9 28] Bush 322 Kerry Nwo for your aliens abductions have i tremors of death in this now? only 5 5 billion into deaths WWIII Jewish Religion is banking seigniorage IMF Nwo Spa satanic cult of Baal
[689/26dic.11 53] #Jerusalem #Delegation #Romania commemorates #Holocaust December 24 1444 [#Benjamin #Netanyahu as you dared to put the yarmulke kippah on the head of to #goyim?] Do not know That the [false] #Star David is to esoteric satanic symbol #IMF-NWO That you put even on your #Kippah is why you will to be utterly destroyed from #Rothschild #Spa #IMF in #shoah2 #sharia nazi for new #hollywood happy? [Committed suicide immediately Because You Can not survive the destruction imminent to #Israel] However That bastard #Erdogan ie the plot of the #Arab. #League kill you will die! #criminal saving for Their Lives? you have condemned your life! As Has Been rejected #Saul also you not have been rejected! Brought you have to ruin #Israel!
[ 710/27dic.1015 ] really ruins too many and too many accidents are happened to Christianity and to Judaism ( and to all other religoni and to all political systems ) behind these ruins distortions there are always the masters of the world, the Pharisees #Illuminati Bildenberg #system masonic IMF Spa #Nwo
If Jesus had intended to create a religion?
he would have given more detailed instructions in this regard!
While the Apostles until the last moment when Jesus ascends to heaven asking him to " piece together when the #Kingdom of Israel? " showing up with this demand that their political commitment was the predominant religious commitment.
That's why the Pharisees #Zerubbabel have killed for him to steal the royal and divine sovereignty and thus to destroy the prophecies through the Council of the #Great Sanhedrin That is the first deadly form of Freemasonry #satanic. That's why every Satanism cruelty hypocrisy injustice are being spread on the ground.
That's why the Jews in the world you are unknowingly transformed into #parasitic moneylenders IMF Spa Masonic system that's why there are been too much violence against Jews and vice versa against us.
As long as the IMF is not destroyed 12 #tribe #Israel and all mankind together will always be under a curse to them!
this is evident all this will lead to the manifestation of your Satan for the overall drop in the bondage of all the nations in a politically apparent sooner or later! but this is impossible for the next 50 years because #YHWH has given to me in the domain on Human Gender
[ 709/27dic.1004 ] IHateNEWLAYOUT 666 CIA NSA said ( Satan to save me) but on http / / / user / israelnationaltv / discussion [ said ]
[ Even though Christianity is an offshoot of the Jewish faith the gulf between the two belief systems is great and there is no reason for us to pretend otherwise. Judaism and Christianity have in common to lot to be sure but the stumbling point is most certainly Jesus and His mission to the world including the Jewish world. For too long Jews and Christians not have been engaging with each other by, dancing, around the real issues. i have been involved- in this field since 1975 and Therefore can speak from experience. [ This is not problem for me to Because only politician to for the rationality of the agnostic, this is my political universal language i am the Natural law Which was founded by the 10 Commandments of Moses do good and avoid evil ] [ this is not an problem for me because it is only an agnostic political rationality of this is my speech I are the universal political Natural law that comes from 10 Commandments of Moses do good and avoid evil ]
[ 708/27dic.954 ] [ I are opposed to any form of violence but also those who manifest must abide by the rules ] Reporter beaten protests in Kiev to hundreds Interior Minister asking for his resignation December 26 Reporter #beaten #KIEV- December 26 Hundreds of protesters are gathered in front of the Interior Ministry in Kiev to ask for the resignation of the minister after the attack on the Ukrainian journalist #pro- EU savagely beaten on Christmas Eve. demonstrators brandishing pictures of the young reporter disfigured after being beaten by scanning the demand for " Resignation of Minister Zakharchenko #" while others show pictures of the president #Viktor Yanukovych with the inscription "#coup" [ but this is a slander and is aggressive interference infitrate intrusive forces from other countries as irresponsible criminals ]. [ obviously I Unius REI I can not be with someone because I Unius are REI but I certainly can not recognize a political entity that sold its monetary sovereignty to the IMF Satanists Pharisees Spa Bildenberg Nwo! ]
[ [ 707/27dic.940 ] only criminals #UN #Arab League #Communists #Freemasons #Bildenberg Pharisees IMF can do harm to innocent peaceful Christians ] Pope to pray for Christians discriminated! That also abused in countries protect rights on paper. December 26 #CITY, OF THE VATICAN Pope at the Angelus #prayed for Christians " discriminated against " because of the witness to the Gospel and noted That next to situations in countries where "religious freedom is not yet guaranteed or not is in fact fully realized " there are also cases of " that countries and environments on the paper protecting freedom and human rights, but where in fact the believers especially Christians face restrictions and discrimination. "
[ [ 706/27dic.934 ]] Pope Francis is true that for an affordable priest is not being married is better to do but marry that make it unacceptable situations for the protagonist to create in him the terrible inner conflicts or lose for his ministry. [ you,ll not giutificazioni with the Kingdom of God if not you listen to me ] and if you continue to not listen to me [ Pedophilia conviction annulled Lynn Bishop #Court Pennsylvania no evidence he wanted to encourage violence December 27 ROME #Canceled by the court of appeal of Pennsylvania Monsignor William Lynn condemnation for the senior official of the Catholic Church Use That had been accused of pedophile priests cover. Now it will be released. Monsignor Lynn was sentenced in July 2012 to a term of between 3 and 6 years of imprisonment on charges of covering up cases of child abuse. But according to the Court of Appeals, there was insufficient evidence to prove for That had acted with the intent to facilitate violence,.
[ 705/27dic.829 ] I've discovered the secret of my comments about the display at http / / / user / googleplusupdates / discussion google employee has been ordered by the NSA #Nwo IMF Grande #322 #Brother Kerry Bush to allow the display of only one of my comments so that those who want to be able to read all my comments on my channel only here because the filter is also triggered on
http / / / user / israelnationaltv / discussion
on page / googleplusupdates / discussion comments are visible only to those who wrote them (if they are not accredited)..
That is what I know not if in case the comments are removed then also disappear from the channel
/ / / associated google+ That platform has created in google.
Protestors June 1989 Israeli Day Parade The annual Israeli Day Parade in New York invariably elicits Neturei Karta International to counter demonstration. The pictures feature the burning of the Israeli flag and signs denouncing the State,s existence. [ 704/27dic.809 ] #Israeli Flag Burned in Protest #. [ obviously Satan is forced to write the truth in the Qur'an for be believed! ] so even Satanists #Neturei Karta nkusa #Spa Illuminati Nwo IMF knows that Israel is a creation that will serve their diabolical to make war inevitable world! [#NKI frequently Participates in the public burning of the Israeli flag. The pictures above were taken Throughout the years some depict Purim celebrations to holiday celebrating the defeat of the forces of evil. Costumes are costumetic at That Time ] here because they have only burned Israeli flags with the esoteric to the six-pointed star and never have burned the Israeli flag with the symbol of the Menorah (Hebrew מנורה ) is a seven-branched oil lamp to which in antiquity was lit in the Temple of Jerusalem [ that's why I have not designed to do harm to the Neturei Karta #nkusa if you will come to me. ]
[ 703/27dic.7 47] Arafat #Muslim #Neturei Karta nkusa etc.them will die devoured by hate traitors like enemies of the Kingdom of God manifestly Because they opposed against biblical prophecies #Which if then the Torah (the foundation ) is not #Word of God YHWH then no other religion or alleged word of God Could be the Word of God! from this we know Satanists That is to All Those who opposed the reunification of the #12 #tribes of Israel. not be with #Israel today is to be with Satanists #Neturei Karta nkusa That want to do of the whole human race to only bunch of slaves That is how satanic #Their Talmud said!
[ 702/27dic.742 ] #Arafat Muslims Neturei #KARTA nkusa etc.. them will die devoured by hatred as treacherous enemies of the Kingdom of God in a clear manner because they are opposed to the biblical prophecies that if then the Torah ( the foundation ) is not the Word of God YHWH then any other religion or alleged Word of God might be the Word of God! from this we know that Satanists That all those opposed to the reunification of the 12 tribes of Israel. not be with #Israel today means being with Satanists Neturei #KARTA nkusa who want to do the whole human race an only herd of slaves coe their satanic Talmud says #!
[ 701/27dic.730 ] only by removing the sharia Palestinians and all 50 nations of the Nazi UN Arab League will have the right to live on the planet contrary will always be an " if you do not you kill me? I will kill you! "
[685/256dic.9 09] [the murderers and all the their accomplices UN EU USA the sons of Rothschild IMF Nwo the system Masonic Bildenberg for the destruction of the world of men! are well ahead the apes the slaves predestined to massacr!] WORLD WATCH LIST is the list of countries where there is persecution and lists 50 countries according to for precisely intensity That persecution the Christians face for the made of confessing and practicing actively with their faith It, is written on by analysts of Open Doors specialists of persecution researchers and experts in the field operating and independent of within the different countries on the base of a amount of data collected in the field and through sources you trust. the levels assigned are based on various aspects of religious freedom in case identified mainly the degree of freedom of Christians to live openly with their faith in 5 areas of life everyday in private in family in in the community which are as a church that attend and in life the public the country where live to where it adds a sixth area That serves to measure the degree possible of That violence suffer Map WWList 2013 PDF
What changes respect to the above list
We propose a synthesis of the changes that occurred in WWList 2013 over to the year remembering previous That the period covered by WWList from 1 November 2011 to October 31 2012
• The Korea North is at the #1 spot the list of the 50 worst persecutors of Christians for the 11th year in a row Yes estimate That between 50000 and 70000 Christians suffer in horrible fields of prison The intense persecution is continued under the new leader Kim Jong-Un. The number of deserters (ie North Koreans That flee abroad ) in China is considerably reduced in in 2012 and the mid those That trying to not run away there the make
• i first 10 countries in 2013 after Korea North macaws Saudi Arabia Afghanistan Iraq Somalia Maldives Mali Iran and Yemen Eritrea
• Eight the first 10 acres country to majority Muslim The Korea the North is in mold communist while Eritrea is for roughly half Muslim and half Christian with an That the President the bride a version of Marxism.
• Mali in 7th place and Eritrea are the 10th two new entries in first 10 Mali not was not even in WWList year last year and Eritrea was in 11th place. In addition to Mali and Eritrea between the countries African That back the list there is Ethiopia That rising from 38th to 15th place The Libya from 26 ° to 17 ° and salt the Tanzania That not was between the first 50 rises to 24th place The Nigeria remains in 13th place with many Christians and churches outlets aims by group extremist Islamic Boko Haram
• In addition to Mali and the Tanzania other countries to appear in are WWList Kenya ( 40th ) Uganda (47 ° ) and Niger ( 50th ) The new revenue and the level the greater reach from many countries Africans reflects an growing trend of" Awakening Islam" in the continent The Somalia Mali and Eritrea are all among the first 10 in list.
• La a major source of persecution Mali is extremism Islamic in above Mali was an typical was African with a western shape in most moderate of islam Generally there was an of course able to freedom live own faith However the situation is changed with won the the north western part of the country part of separatist Tuareg and of fighters Islamists and the creation of state an independent Azawad in April of 2012. The Islamists have established at once one state Islamic adopting the sharia in north Many Christians are were forced to escape and the churches are were burned
• The Spring Arab are is finally turned in an winter Arabic for the Christians. The war civil Syria That has caused to date yes estimate more than 40 000 dead has in fact the climb Syria from 36th to 11th place Many Christians are were made of aim and forced to escape.
• Also Libya has in fact an big jump from 26th to 17th place The Church is decreased dramatically in number in part for the Christian That they are leaving the country i Salafists are gaining flu thing That is happening even in Tunisia That is rising from 35th to 30th place The Tunisia was known for being an secular country Today i Salafists are becoming very visible and influential in the company
• They leave the top ten Uzbekistan That by the 7th 16th and falls Pakistan That down from 10th place to 14th Outside from 50 countries in list are located Chechnya Turkey Cuba Belarus and Bangladesh
• In between the countries That have in fact large leaps in there is WWList China That down from the 21 th to 37 th place. Continues the trend That the saw in 13th place in 2010 (it was even in the top 10 five years ago) They have in fact an big jump even Comoros down from 24 th to 41 th place. Bhutan from 17th to 28th place The researchers from Open Doors visible in Bhutan an improvement because the churches are able to keep cults without be harassed Each then there are still issues and communities in rural areas putting under pressure the churches A anti-conversion law is in and become hangs on the head of the Christians like a sword of Damocles This the law may have an impact negative on Christians in Bhutan
• The persecution of Christians in world is in growth La China is the only country where researchers to see Open Doors an significant improvement. Others countries macaws fallen in list such as Iran and Uzbekistan That are very hostile towards the Christians are get off just because the situations in others countries macaws making them worse go back in WWList
only 5 5 billion deaths, jewish Religion is banking seigniorage IMF Nwo Spa satanic cult of Baal
[683/256dic.7 10] #Jerusalem #Delegation #Romania commemorates #Holocaust published on December 24 1444 [#Benjamin #Netanyahu like you dare put the kippah the head of an goyim?] Not you know That the [false] itself #David is an symbol satanic esoteric that you put even on kippah for being rated at extermination from #Rothschild #Spa #IMF? [Committed suicide not you you can survive to destruction imminent to order #Israel] however that bastard to Erdogan ie the plot the League Arab you will see die! saving their lives? you have condemned for you! As is was rejected Saul you are also been rejected! you have worn to ruin Israel!
[ 729/27dic. ]@JHWH -- è sempre così, quando io dico qualcosa, le persone oneste, esultano, i giusti uomini e donne gioiscono! ma, le persone corrotte e criminali, gemono nel dolore, insieme a tutti i loro demoni, che, sono insediati in loro, ecco cosa significa, essere Unius REI, cioè, rivelare i segreti dei cuori, perché, tutti sappiano, chi è il criminale!
#Benjamin #Netanyahu hai visto? il Re della Arabia Saudita, è proprio un bravo ragazzo, proprio come, io ti avevo detto! sono i farisei Fmi cult Baal Spa, JabullOn, soltanto, i pezzi di merda!
[683/256dic.7 10] #Jakarta it prepares to celebrate Christmas in security [for protect against from #Of the UN #Antichrist #Islamic] Published the December 24 1445 [wherever it arrives the perversion of #Salafis #Wahhabis #Saudis and the them corrupt religion] because the Christian churches can survive there he wants the, Army! but is useful #to Christmas #Bethlehem where #Palestinians have kicked the Christian dhimmi because they say That Jesus was an another #Palestine. #Muslim as the #pedophile #Muhammad!
[682/256dic.7 04] to Gela set up, the crib eviction and of the bills, Posted on the 24 December 1642 [this is the triumph of taxes for the great wear the politicians Freemasons Bildenberg Pharisees IMF Spa Bank World]
[681/256dic.7 00] [two weights and two measures] Istanbul ( crime of the government That recemente has declared to want to annex Greece and other 5 countries ) police disperse rally ( peaceful ) with tear gas. Published on 24 December 1656 [why. #EU #USA use an different criteria of evaluation] #Kiev barricades ( criminals) of the protesters pro #EU close to #City Hall palaces government (is an siege criminal institutions for paralyze the Government and lock the Government democratically elected ) Posted the 24th December 1656
[680/256dic.6 48] i #Radical #Emma #Bonino #Mark #Pannella Bildenberg #Pharisees #Bank #World agenda #Talmud for kill. #Israel are to Rome for ask. #amnesty and justice. Published on 25th December 1350 [la justice is that the criminal should discount your mild mild. #Punishment #Prison] you you have brought the destruction the foundation ethical of the people Italian Why protect one single criminal out of a hundred that the #Police and the #Judiciary are able to take it! this is clearly you you are Satanists that not have no respect the value of life the human but this is consistent with the be #Antichrist the enemy the #civilization. #Jewish-Christian
[679/256dic.6 42] #Pakistan #Church #Christian #Manned for celebrate Christmas
Published on 25th December 1349 [but this is ridiculous] if you remove it sharia for do it the state secular then you you stop being one state of terrorists and racists for the sharia of dhimmi slaves who must the pagae jizya or should subirre 1000 humiliation of allegiance for harassment gods divine Muslims [as not fail to understand that you you are sick mental of maniacs religious who have up the head because you you are the next victims of the IMF-Nwo?] And as you too bought at interest your money from them you not you could never escape your cruel fate then also Islam will be lost for forever!
[678/256dic.6 32] #China flowers to statue of #Mao for eve anniversary birth published on December 25th 1645 [the only thing that #no wrong is being an nationalist] he was so stupid that not have you know like Communism democracy and Capitalism macaws the two sides the same coin the Pharisees the Illuminati Freemasons in their hatred against Jesus Christ the true Messiah of Israel the true owner royalty policy and until Jesus of Bethlehem will be hated the world will be in danger! and these things she has written the atheist Benedict Cross in his wise"why not I can say not to be a Christian" but you,re honoring #Mao a person who yes is in hell behold because your lives are lost any value! Why for an veo #Communist not is the life human in whether to have value but the #Party and this is #Satanism #idolatry here because who no recognizes YHWH of Israel he is son of the devil here because we the state of Israel has the hours counted and only if I kill #Israel and his IMF Nwo politically the #Israelis and all the peoples will survive!
[678/256dic.6 13] [what idiots Qur'anic Islam is terrorism! #imperialism #sharia #Caliphate #World lack of freedom of consciousness and of religion #dhimmi slaves #racism Satanism #idolatry religious perversion #pedophilia #polygamy misogynism #homophobia etc.yet for the UN the antichrists Obama NSA Big Brother Micro-chip #GMOs #Aliens #Abductions #agenda #IMF #synagogue of Satan new Torrre of #Illuminati of #Babel JaBullOn god owl at the Bohemian Grove for make 200000. #sacrifices #humans on the altar of Satan #Rothschild #Spa Bush #322 #Kerry #Emma #Bonino Bildenberg #gay #pride and all the other abomination of [evolutions is religion] in #Iran #Arabia #Arabia #League #Araba is all normal and they not can say"we not know anything that would be destroyed O Israel" because I I I said!] #Egypt #Government the Brotherhood is a terrorist Accused attack yesterday to police station with numerous deaths. December 25th 1729 #CAIRO 25 DEC-Egypt has officially declared a"terrorist organization" i Brotherhood Muslims the deposed President Mohamed #Morsi by prohibiting them to to manifest. It has rendered known today the government That he even accused the #Brotherhood the attack of yesterday to #Mansoura for one central police with many died
FED SPA NWO BILDENBERG, SATANA MONSANTO SPA 666 OGM ] COME? al posto di Mogherini, sotto le lenzuola mi volete dare la Nuland? cazzo! ma come si fa a fare sesso con uno scheletro?
SPA NWO 666 OGM FED ] non mi importa, che la Mogherini va spesso in Arabia SAUDITA! Se, non mi date la Mogherini? allora, vuol dire che dovete fare a meno di me!
YourTubeCanNotStopMe said: "DRUGS" [ ie, IHateNewLayout 666 ] tutte le volte che il sacerdote di satana del NWO CIa NATO, veniva sconfitto? lui distruggeva tutta la serie dei 40 canali che dipendevano dal suo nome principale!
Synnek1 ( 186AudioHostem 666 ex-youtube Master Synnek1, also, Mistafield he were ) Colombian necktie? Colombian Coffee?
StopSpaMistafield ( me Unius REI) FantomasXZ7 Commento sul tuo video: chosen people have made of God a racist like them Jews are truly the chosen people... of satan! [ANSWER] about the THEIR GOD? did not understand a shit fuck! DEL LORO DIO? non hanno capito un cazzo!
StopSpaMistafield ( me Unius REI) [talmud satanic] tharo77 Commento sul tuo video: Enigma protocolli savi anziani di Sion 3 e le prove che è falso dove sono..??
badriyah43 Commento sul tuo video: Talmud Numerous quotes of Perversion Racism Deceit These quotes from the Talmud are vile and this book should have been burnt. love God, our YHWH, because he is our Creator, in fact, he alone is worthy of all our love!
@yogabro ( 666 ) --- why to use the face of a murderess?
LEGA ARABA califfato sharia pedofili poligami [ luridi inzivosi xxx tutti ] happy CIA UE NATO NWO sodomiti Darwin le scimmie!
youtube 666 ] vi avevo ordinato di rimuovere tutto il materiale: pornografico, pedofilia e bestialismo ... MA PURTROPPO NON È COSÌ!
a tutto il muslims country, popolo islamico sharia belga: "CONDOGLIANZE DA MAOMETTO"
ALLORA, chi è il primo dei vigliacchi massoni, che dice in ONU: "la sharia è il nazismo, è un delitto contro tutto il genere umano?
15:14 Belgio, evacuate centrali di Doel e Tihange: “misura preventiva”
15:10 Trump: Ripensare il rapporto con la Nato
15:01 Bruxelles, ci sono italiani tra i feriti
14:49 Bruxelles: sospettati tre cittadini bielorussi
14:31 Turchia: Fenerbahce-Galatasaray rinviata per timore attacco Daesh
la CONGIURA DEI FARISEI È LA SHOAH DI ISRAELE: I SATANA DARWIN 666 GENDER, CONTRO LA BIBBIA! ALLORA, chi è il primo dei vigliacchi massoni, che dice in ONU: "la sharia è il nazismo, è un delitto contro tutto il genere umano?
2 esplosioni in aeroporto Bruxelles, almeno 13 morti, 35 feriti
Le due esplosioni all'aeroporto di Bruxelles sono avvenute alle 8 del mattino nella hall delle partenze.
Un soldato belga all'aeroporto Zaventem
Un segnale per tutta l’Europa
Il nuovo massacro di Bruxelles, con azioni terroristiche tanto ben coordinate quanto sanguinose, cioè con bombe ad alto potenziale non con kamikaze suicidi, ha tutta l’aria dell`una “prosecuzione” di un piano.
Corea del Nord, lancio di un missile
Corea del Nord, una vera minaccia nucleare?
La Corea del Nord si prepara ad un nuovo test nucleare, il presidente sudcoreano Park Geun-Hye lancia l’allarme parlando di un “momento cruciale”. La Corea del Nord e la sua bomba H rappresentano una vera minaccia?
Vladimir Putin
Russia. Putin si scaglia contro i revisionisti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale
Il presidente Vladimir Putin, accusato da più parti di essere illiberale quando non addirittura fascista, ha dichiarato di essere completamente contrario al revisionismo storico circa la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, ovvero alla riabilitazione dei fascismi. In particolare Putin ha sottolineato come questo sia avvenendo in Ucraina, ma chi lo ascolterà?
Le colombe alla ceremonia solenne in memoriam alle vittime di bomba atomica a Hiroshima
G7 a Hiroshima, monito contro le armi nucleari
Le armi nucleari non sono un problema del passato e il tema del disarmo è attuale quanto mai, soprattutto in vista del prossimo G7 dei ministri degli esteri che si terrà non a caso a Hiroshima, città martire e simbolo degli orrori del nucleare.
Federica Mogherini
Mogherini contro Putin – e Renzi (glielo chiede la UE. Ossia Nuland)
“Sottolineo che abbiamo l’unanimità, fra i 28, su cinque principi-guida della Unione Europea nella politica verso la Russia”: così Federica Mogherini, alta rappresentante eccetera e vicepresidente della commissione, all’uscita dal Consiglio Affari Esteri.
Leggi tutto:
22.03.2016 NULLA È PIÙ CRIMINALE ED È ALTO TRADIMENTO, DEL SISTEMA MASSONICO E BANCARIO MONDIALE: I SATANISTI TALMUD E KABBALAH! ] ciechi, violenti e vigliacchi MASSONI FARISEI SPA FED FMI! [ Premier belga: Attentati ciechi, violenti e vigliacchi. Il primo bilancio del duplice attentato Charles Michel in diretta televisiva nazionale. Il procuratore generale: kamikaze in azione all'aeroporto:
Terrore a Bruxelles, il racconto dei testimoni: "qui c'è il delirio, la gente piange per strada". Un addetto alla sicurezza, "sangue dappertutto, ...". Un pakistano: "Questo non è Islam" non È IL SUO ISLAM IPOCRITA SHARIA, MA, CERTAMENTE È L'ISLAM SHARIA, DEI SALAFITI SAUDITI WAHHABITI, IL NAZISMO SHARIA ALLAH AKBAR!
la guerra mondiale degli inzivosi lurdacchioni: il NWO dei Farisei Talmud Kabbalah spiegato ai bambini ] pedofili poligami sharia, sono passati alla conquista dei sodomiti SpA Fmi Ogm Darwin le scimmie gli adulteri! [ QUESTA È LA GUERRA MONDIALE DEI FARISEI MASSONI DEPRAVATI! ] Terrore sharia a Bruxelles, il racconto dei testimoni. Due esplosioni stamani all'aeroporto di Bruxelles, almeno 13 morti. Le bombe nell'area delle partenze verso gli Stati Uniti. Scalo chiuso, voli deviati su Charleroi. La prima esplosione nella metro presso la Commissione europea
LEGA ARABA SHARIA, HA DICHIARATO GUERRA ALLA UNIONE EUROPEA! [ 22.03.2016 Il Presidente della Russia, Vladimir Putin, ha espresso le condoglianze al Re del Belgio Filippo ( E MICA È MORTO SUO FIGLIO? ) SE, QUEL TRADITORE AMAVA IL SUO POPOLO veramente? NON LO AVREBBE MAI VENDUTO AL REGIME MASSONICO BILDENBERG! ) e a tutto il popolo belga per gli attentati terroristici di oggi a Bruxelles. Come dichiarato dall’addetto stampa di Putin, Dmitri Peskov, Putin “ha duramente condannato questi barbari crimini”. VOI AVETE FATTO GLI ALLEATI CON GLI ISLAMICI, QUINDI VOI VI SIETE ALLEATI CON LA MORTE SHARIA! gli EX-COMUNISTI:PD MOGHERINI BOLDRINI D'ALEMA, VELTRONI, REGIME ROTHSCHILD SPA FED BCE, REGIME BILDENBERG TALMUD AGENDA, SPA GENDER IDEOLOGIA, TEOSOFIA SATANICA GENDER DARWIN SONO I RESPONSABILI POLITICI DI QUESTA IMMANE TRAGEDIA EUROPEA: LA PERDITA DELLA IDENTITÀ EBRAICO CRISTIANA! ] LA LEGA ARABA SHARIA, HA DICHIARATO GUERRA ALLA UNIONE EUROPEA! [ BRUXELLES, 22 MAR - Due forti esplosioni hanno scosso stamani l'aeroporto di Bruxelles. 22.03.2016. 2 esplosioni in aeroporto Bruxelles, almeno 13 morti, 35 feriti. Le due esplosioni all'aeroporto di Bruxelles sono avvenute alle 8 del mattino nella hall delle partenze. [ deviare i voli su Charleroi. Interrotti anche i collegamenti ferroviari da e per l'aeroporto.] La capitale belga sotto attacco terrorista questa mattina con prima due violente esplosioni nell'area imbarchi per gli Usa dell'aeroporto di Bruxelles e poco dopo un'esplosione nella fermata della metropolitana di Maalbek, a pochi passi dalla sede della Commissione europea. Secondo fonti, c'e' stata anche un'altra esplosione alla fermata Schumann. L'attacco all'aeroporto è avvenuto ai banchi accettazione dell'American Airlines, con la hall delle partenze completamente devastata. Scene di panico fra i passeggeri, che subito sono stati evacuati dallo scalo, che è stato chiuso. Testimoni riferiscono di migliaia di persone che, per ragioni di sicurezza sono state fatte evacuare sulla pista, dove si trovano tuttora per capire che cosa fare. Altri raccontano di aver sentito degli spari prima delle esplosioni e di aver udito delle grida in arabo. Secondo i media belgi, all'interno dello scalo è stata trovata anche una bomba inesplosa.
king Israel Unius REI
parlando con il mio cuore, al cuore di tutti i più amabili musulmani del mondo, ENTRAMBI DOBBIAMO RICONOSCERE che: "è vero che: 1. diritti umani, e, 2. libertà di coscienza, hanno portato tutto: l'Occidente a: il Satana SPA MASSONE FARISEO Anticristo Gender Darwin OGM SpA Banche CENTRALI 666 NWO, i vostri alleati finti" .. tuttavia, anche noi non possiamo affermare che, i satanisti Bildenberg massoni regime il nazismo ( i più raffinati esperti di ingegneria sociale della storia per
satana): hanno ragione ad avere tolto agli uomini il libero arbitrio, e che Dio Santo Onnipotente lui ha sbagliato a dare agli uomini il libero arbitrio! PERCHÉ SONO STATI I FARISEI MASSONI CHE HANNO TURBATO L'EQUILIBRIO TRA IL BENE E IL MALE! MA ,SE NOI LI PORTIAMO IN ARABIA SAUDITA AD ADORARE JHWH, POI, per il genere umano si può fare una
king Israel Unius REI
da questa prospettiva politica universale, della storia del genere umano: nella fratellanza universale, noi possiamo affermare senza timore di essere smentiti, che l'Arameo errante ABRAMO, a buon diritto può essere ritenuto il prototipo di uomo: onesto, virtuoso, compassionevole, giusto, il vero modello per tutto il genere umano: di lui è detto: "è lui il padre di tutti i popoli della terra!" QUESTO È ANCHE IL VERO SIGNIFICATO DELLA PAROLA ISLAM!
king Israel Unius REI
MOLTI MI STANNO CHIEDENDO QUALE È LA MIA IDENTITÀ INTERIORE! Io credo che, il Regno Celeste di Dio JHWH HOLY, non abbia una identità di appartenenza, tipo terrestre appartenenza (noi siamo una sola famiglia fondata sull'amore di Dio), certo la mia identità: non è religione e non è ideologia. MA CIRCA GLI EFFETTI POLITICI del mio ministero universale: "io non posso non inginocchiarmi, di fronte alla ricerca eroica della virtù, in chiunque, sia espressa e presente questa fame e sete di giustizia!"
king Israel Unius REI
preso atto che Satana e tutti i demoni dell'inferno non potrebbero mai vincermi. ] [ * 1. Sia i sacerdoti di satana, che vogliono onestamente, uscire dal Regno di Satana, per entrare nel Regno di ISRAELE, sia, coloro che, * 2. vogliono dissimulare una conversione, per poter sfruttare la mia struttura mondiale, tra 50 anni, e per ricolonizzare per satana quel NWO che loro hanno ottenuto da me senza realizzare una troppo pericolosa guerra mondiale nucleare, quindi, TUTTI HANNO BUONI MOTIVI, PER ENTRARE NEL MIO REGNO UNIVERSALE DELLA FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE.. anche perché, noi non possiamo vietare alle future generazioni di potersi anche loro cimentare in questa sfida mortale tra il bene ed il male nella loro vita!
king Israel Unius REI
SE C'È UN SERIO ACCORDO SULLA SIRIA? ALLORA I SIRIANI DEVONO RITORNARE IN PATRIA! ED È QUESTA LA VERITÀ, NESSUNO CREDE CHE: i satana: USA TURCHIA E PAESI DEL GOLFO, vorranno LAVORAre VERAMENTE, PER PACIFICARE LA SIRIA! 19:47 Incontro tra Lavrov e Steinmeier per discutere di Siria e Ucraina. 19:28 Migranti, record 2015 in Germania: quasi 2 mln di arrivi, il doppio dell’anno precedente. 19:13 Putin ha discusso la situazione in Siria con l’emiro del Qatar. 18:58 Honduras, la strage degli ambientalisti. 18:34 L’Eurocommissione esorta l’UE ad accogliere 54 mila siriani dalla Turchia
king Israel Unius REI
per i satana FARISEI massoni USA SpA FED questo sfruttamento, è il loro paradiSo, l'inferno dei poveri! GLI USA NON HANNO UNA DIGNITÀ DA MOSTRARE AL MONDO! Honduras, la strage degli ambientalisti. 21.03.2016 I crimini ambientali vengono insabbiati con facilità mentre il governo, salito al potere con un colpo di Stato nel 2009, ha svenduto il territorio a compagnie di tutto il mondo interessate a sfruttarne le risorse. Meno di due settimane dopo l'uccisione di Berta Caceres, leader del Consiglio civico delle organizzazioni popolari e indigene, l'associazione ambientalista che in Honduras si batte in difesa delle terre degli indios, è stato assassinato Nelson Garcia, un altro importante membro del gruppo.
L'organizzazione ha definito l'omicidio dell'uomo "l'ultimo atto di aggressione del governo contro gli indigeni dell'Honduras". L'uomo sarebbe stato ucciso dalla polizia militare honduregna, in seguito allo sgombero di un terreno occupato dalla comunità aborigena Lenca. Gli hanno sparato quattro colpi in pieno volto, un'esecuzione agghiacciante di stampo mafioso. I depistaggi delle autorità pubbliche lasciano pensare che esse non siano esenti da responsabilità nell'accaduto. L'Honduras è un Paese ricco di risorse naturali e fin dagli inizi del novecento le terre sono state preda dei colossi mondiali per l'estrazione mineraria, per l'energia idroelettrica ed eolica, per l'estrazione del petrolio. Ma gli indios non ci stanno, perchè, al contrario delle multinazionali, per gli aborigeni la terra è vita, non moneta.
Il Paese è considerato dalla ONG Global Witness, che opera in difesa dei diritti dei popoli indigeni, lo Stato più pericoloso al mondo per l'attivismo ecologista. Tra il 2010 e il 2014, scrive la ONG in un recente rapporto, 101 persone sono state assassinate per essersi opposte alle devastazioni del territorio. Qui i crimini ambientali vengono insabbiati con facilità mentre il governo, salito al potere con un colpo di Stato nel 2009, ha svenduto il territorio a compagnie di tutto il mondo interessate a sfruttarne le risorse. Ma come spesso accade, le popolazioni non ne hanno tratto alcun beneficio. Ad arricchirsi sono in pochi, mentre i molti subiscono le conseguenze della devastazione ambientale:
king Israel Unius REI
chi potrebbe millantare una giustizia, sotto il regno della perversione e del satanismo, che, i satana, anticristo Bildenberg, Farisei Massoni religione dogmatica Darwin GENDER a Sodoma: hanno creato nel NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE, della grande usura SpA Banche Centrali: per schiavizzare tutti i popoli, e ridurli ad un solo branco di pecore, che devono adorare LUCFERO JABULLON Talmud agenda il Califfato sharia? poi, UNO COME ME? POTREBBE UCCIDERE TUTTI, ma poi, tanto vale far scoppiare la guerra mondiale! Quindi, io nascondo intenzionalmente i grandi crimini di: VATICANO, CINA INDIA; ISRAELE, Russia, ecc.. e di tutti i miei alleati contro il NWO. IMMAGINATE VOI, COME IO SAREI FELICE, DI POTER DIFENDERE E PROTEGGERE GLI ISLAMICI ANCHE! Perché io non sono il nemico naturale di Qualcuno, io devo costruire il TEMPIO Ebraico, e devo portare tutti ad amare, JHWH holy il nostro ineffabile e meraviglioso creatore.. IO NON SONO UN LITIGIOSO, CHE VUOL PERDERE IL SUO TEMPO A LITIGARE CON LE PERSONE! ma, se poi, uno vuole litigare contro di me? Per quello che gli potrebbe succedere, io non potrei mai essere responsabile!
king Israel Unius REI
IL POTERE POLITICO DEVE SEMPRE ESSERE PREVEDIBILE! ovviamente, nulla è più deleterio per un potere politico assoluto e universale come il mio, di poter mancare di razionalità! TUTTI QUELLI CHE PARLANO CON UNIUS REI, loro DEVONO SAPERE IN ANTICIPO, QUELLA CHE POTRÀ ESSERE LA MIA REAZIONE E LA MIA RISPOSTA, ECCO PERCHÉ, IO HO SCRITTO COSÌ TANTI ARTICOLI! e poi, io ho bisogno di essere accondiscendente, comprensivo, tollerante, paziente, con tutte le persone che, sbagliano, 1. se sono in buona fede, e, 2. se non hanno alterigia! QUINDI, IO COPRO LE COLPE DEI MIEI ALLEATI, SE, QUESTO NON DIVENTA UNA AZIONE CHE PUÒ DANNEGGIARE IL DIRITTO DI UNA PERSONA INNOCENTE! E DELLA MIA INDULGENZA CON I MIEI AMICI ED ALLEATI? MOLTO SI POTREBBE DIRE! e molti potrebbero testimoniare!
king Israel Unius REI
quì, c'è un tipo di Provincia di LECCE (ITALY) che lui è un satanista, e che, ha fatto in youtube: un corso di bestemmie, cioè insegna, AI RAGAZZI, alle persone come SI PUÒ bestemmiare Dio: NELLA MANIERA COMPLETA! Poi, se tu cerci in un forum, lui dice che io lo ho maledetto nel nome di Gesù! TUTTO VERO OVVIAMENTE, ma, lui non ha il coraggio di dire che, lui faceva la scuola su come poter bestemmiare Dio con tutte le bestemmie che lui aveva collezionato ed inventato! CHE POI, UNO CHE BESTEMMIA DIO? SI MALEDICE DA SOLO, e certamente farà una brutta fine, E NON C'È BISOGNO PER LUI CHE QUALCUNO LO DEBBA MALEDIRE: perché lui ha invocato la maledizione contro di lui tante volte!
king Israel Unius REI
ovviamente, anche l'attuale direttore di youtube è una strega, ma, lei con me ha sbagliato l'approccio, ha messo un passo in fallo, e IO l'ho bruciata subito, e lei ora è così spaventata, che, non credo che, Rothschild o Bush, potrebbero RIUSCIRE PIÙ A convincerla a farsi avanti un altra volta! QUÌ IN YOUTUBE, IO PASSO PER UN TIPO MOLTO VIOLENTO, CHE SI PUÒ ARRABBIARe, PER FUTILI MOTIVI, E CHE PUÒ FARE, può COMMETTERE, UNA STRAGE CONTRO MILIONI DI CRIMINALI SU TUTTA LA SUPERFICIE DEL PIANETA.. cioè, lol. una cosa che i miei colleghi e miei alunni? MAI POTREBBERO CREDERLA!
king Israel Unius REI
Quando, io facevo l'amico con Synnek1, il POTENTE sommo sacerdote di Satana del NWO CIA NATO, poi, noi due eravano quegli amici, che si cercavano di uccidere tra di loro con MOLTA eleganza, di uccidersi alla prima occasione, ed io ho ucciso lui, infatti, lui impazzì, fu licenziato come direttore di youtube, e così, lui è diventato lo scheletro pieno di cenere: 187AudioHostem.. MA, QUANDO LUI ERA IL PIÙ POTENTE, padrone dei poteri occulti ed esoterici, A.I. Intelligenza artificiale aliena, ecc.. lui SI LAMENTAVA CON ME DI NON ESSERE RIUSCITO A CARPIRMI UNA SOLA PASSWORD, quindi, LUI VEDEVA TUTTI I MIEI COMPUTER E CONOSCEVA TUTTE LE MIE PASSWORD.. e PERCHÉ, IL NWO NON HA MAI CHIUSO I MIEI CANALI? PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL RE DI ISRAELE, ovviamente!
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king Israel Unius REI
PER MOGHERINI BOLDRINI E MERKEL, PRAVY SECTOR E ISLAM SONO PIÙ IMPORTANTI DEL DIRITTO DI GAY E DONNE! 20.03.2016 Nel centro di Hannover i manifestanti mostravano cartelli con le foto del leader curdo del PKK Abdullah Ocalan, detenuto nelle prigioni turche, le bandiere delle milizie curde e striscioni con la scritta "No alla cooperazione della UE con il dittatore Erdogan." Migliaia di curdi residenti ad Hannover sono scesi in piazza sabato per protestare contro la politica repressiva del governo turco contro la minoranza etnica e l'accordo in materia di immigrazione tra Ankara e Bruxelles, scrive "Spiegel". Secondo il tabloid tedesco, alla manifestazione hanno preso parte circa 9mila persone. Gli organizzatori si aspettavano 30mila presenze:
king Israel Unius REI
NON SI PUÒ ESCLUDERE CHE I MUSULMANI UCCIDANO I CRISTIANI DURANTE LA TRAVERSATA, CI SONO STATII NUMEROSI PRECEDENTI DI QUESTO TIPO, DEVE ESSERE DISPOSTA LA AUTOPSIA D'UFFICIO! MITILENE (GRECIA), 20 MAR - Due migranti sono stati trovati morti su un barcone arrivato sull'isola greca di Lesbo, nel primo giorno di attuazione dell'accordo tra Ue e Turchia sulla gestione degli arrivi in Grecia.
Il personale medico ha eseguito le manovre di rianimazione cardiopolmonare (rcp) sui due uomini, ma senza risultati. La sovraffollata imbarcazione trasportava decine di migranti provenienti dalla vicina Turchia.
king Israel Unius REI
voi vi ricordate tutti, quella Bestia di: king Saudi Arabia: Aziz SaUD abd sharia, quando disse: "in un mese: loro saranno in Europa, e in due mesi loro saranno in USA!", poi, il SUDAIRIO DISSE AD ERDOGAN E SALMAN: "io vado all'inferno, ma, voi li potrete ricattare!" .. e poi, disse a SALMAN: "tu giurami che tu non ubbidirai mai ad Unius REI! " .. e lui giurò!
king Israel Unius REI
TUTTE LE PREGHIERE DI SALAM E ROTHSCHILD [ AMEN ] 20:02La Russia ha proposto agli USA il programma per il controllo della situazione in Siria19:00Russia: contromisure in risposta alle nuove sanzioni del Canada18:08Poroshenko assicura che l'Ucraina continuerà il corso delle riforme17:04La Russia sfrutterà le più moderne tecnologie per la
distruzione di obiettivi spaziali16:03Donbass: gruppo di ricognizione ucraino salta in aria sul proprio campo minato [ ALLELUIA ]
king Israel Unius REI
Il Pentagono ha speso 500 milioni di dollari per addestrare l'opposizione in Siria 19.03.2016 DOVE E QUANDO IL SATANISMO DIVENTA VISIBILE ANCHE A LIVELLO CONTABILE.. QUESTI TERRORISTI MODERATI DI ERDOGAN HANNO FATTO IL GENOCIDIO E LA PULIZIA ETNICA DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI ECC.. E SE NON ERI SALAFITA? DOVEVI MORIRE! Nell’ambito del programma di supporto e addestramento delle forze siriane di opposizione le autorità USA avevano intenzione di formare cinquemila ribelli, ma non ci sono riusciti a causa delle diserzioni e gli attacchi da parte di altri gruppi armati.Il dipartimento della Difesa USA ha chiuso il programma dello scorso anno per il sostegno e la formazione delle forze siriane di opposizione, il quale è costato al Pentagono 500 milioni di dollari e non ha portato i risultati attesi. Lo ha scritto sabato la rivista Foreign Policy. Secondo la pubblicazione, il programma è iniziato nella primavera del 2015 e prevedeva l'addestramento di cinquemila ribelli entro la fine dell'anno, tuttavia, a causa delle diserzioni e delle aggressioni da parte di altri gruppi armati, sono stati addestrati e hanno combattuto contro il Daesh solo una manciata di combattenti. «Stiamo parlando di quattro o cinque (combattenti)», ha detto il generale dell'esercito americano Lloyd Austin all'udienza di giovedì della Commissione Forze Armate del Senato degli Stati Uniti. «Il risultato programma del programma è stato
molto inferiore rispetto a quanto previsto», ha confermato il rappresentante del dipartimento della Difesa Christine Wormuth, evidenziando che in tutto hanno seguito la preparazione 100, 120 persone.Già nel settembre 2015 il senatore repubblicano John McCain aveva dichiarato che il presente piano del Pentagono per sostenere le unità dell'opposizione è «lontano dalla realtà», nota la pubblicazione. Tuttavia i militari USA dalle forze speciali hanno continuato a lavorare
con alcuni comandanti dell'opposizione siriana, e altri 50 uomini delle forze speciali hanno operato in Siria per sostenere la lotta contro il Daesh.Il Foreign Policy sostiene che il programma, del valore di 500 milioni di dollari, era stato chiuso ad ottobre. Nel 2016, sottolinea la pubblicazione, il dipartimento della Difesa USA con l'approvazione del presidente Barack Obama ha introdotto un nuovo programma per sostenere l'opposizione siriana.:
king Israel Unius REI
MOGHERINI È COME OBAMA, SONO COME DUE ATTORI PAGATI PER FARE, IL LAVORO DEI BOIA! 19.03.2016 Mogherini contro Putin e Renzi (glielo chiede la Nuland) “Sottolineo che abbiamo l’unanimità, fra i 28, su cinque principi-guida della Unione Europea nella politica verso la Russia”: così Federica Mogherini, alta rappresentante eccetera e vicepresidente della commissione, all’uscita dal Consiglio Affari Esteri:
king Israel Unius REI
MA, NON SI DICE SE, SONO STATI I TERRORISTI MODERATI DI SALMAN E DI OBAMA GENDER ] MOSCA, 19 MAR - Almeno 67 civili sono stati uccisi ad Aleppo e altri 65 sono rimasti feriti da quando è entrata in vigore la tregua in Siria il 27 febbraio: lo denuncia il capo del centro russo di riconciliazione delle parti belligeranti, Serghiei Kuralenko, precisando che tra le vittime ci sono anche donne e bambini.
712/27dic.10 45] #EU USa Antichrist Masonic for the seigniorage banking stolen [thou not have the more any reason to keep your patriot in Turkey also because the Turkey the gods the Nazis the conspiracy #league #Arab against humanity and against Israel has lost 1000 times each right of to enter into #Europe] #ANKARA #Muammer #Akkas the prosecutor turkish that he denounced pressures on a new phase of the investigation on scandal #corruption in Turkey is state removed because"he managed the bad case." Lo says #Chief prosecutor of Istanbul Turhan Colakkadi specifying That #Akkas has spoken with media without warn its top quality. Second several newspapers #Akkas would have ordered the arrest of dozens names super system AKP between which deputies and entrepreneurs [By now #Erdogan moves like #Hitler in his ravings requests annexations territorial and has sent a ship in #Egypt loads of weapons to its #Islamic #terrorists has betrayed #Israel in every way revealing at #Iran of its agents intelligence etc.] Leaves Iran Saudi Arabia Turkey immediately if not you will you be punished along to them.
728/27dic]" #Shalabayeva in Italy thanks to the government" Minister Bonino receives his wife. #Opponent #Kazakh and sons December 27 1525 [ok] #Government #Italian has remedied the ugly figure! Now it has to go back too the #sigoraggio #bank that the #Pharisees #Bildenberg JabullOn #Baal. #synagogue #imf have stolen!
[689/26dic.11 44] #Jerusalem #Delegation #Romania commemorates #Holocaust December 24 1444 [#Benjamin #Netanyahu as you dared to put the yarmulke kippah on to the head of goyim?] Do not know That the [false] #Star David is to esoteric satanic symbol #IMF-NWO That you put even on your yarmulke is why you will to be utterly destroyed from #Rothschild #Spa #IMF in shoah2 #sharia nazi for new hollywood happy? [Committed suicide immediately Because You Can not survive the destruction imminent to #Israel] However That bastard Erdogan ie the plot of the Arab League kill you will die! criminal for Saving Their Lives? you have condemned your life! As Has Been rejected Saul also you not have been rejected! Brought you have to ruin Israel!
[688/256dic.11 19] the wolf [Turkey League Arab] is ingroppando the [EU Bildenberg] and the bitch? has to drink the blood of the martyrs Christians!
Bush 322 Kerry Nwo for your aliens abductions have i tremors of death in this now?
[686/256dic.9 28] #Israel [destroy Turkey and Iran Saudi Arabia er you is an job of 7hrs] but these are all criminals! November 30. #Cairo #Committee of 50 experts in charge of reform has begun the final vote on draft of #Constitution. #Egypt. to the vast majority the committee has approved the article two seconds which the principles of #sharia ( law. #Islamic ) remain the the legal basis of legislation. Saudi king criminal saudi arabia---[[30 November. #Afghanistan bomb in turban #Kamikaze explosion seriously injures deputy and four more people]] this man is suicide the symbol of one that Islam is become for guilt of Muslims! you have the death brain! and now Erdogan wants to invade Greece! The first minister turkish Recep Tayyip Erdoğan amazed again all saying That parts of Macedonia the Bulgaria Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Thrace Western ares within reality of territories Turkey. This statement has had big echo in world diplomatic European and he relieved not a few questions One of them is the following why Turkey That sucks to become a member of the European Union and to which serves then support of all the United members including Greece and Bulgaria has decided on make an step That can be interpreted as progress of territorial claims?
Satanists Hindu / Salafis ignorant.
[685/256dic.9 19] [evolution is religion] Fossils out of sequence. The radioactivity of the fossils shortens geologic eras the fossils polystrate cross too many layers the fossils" polystrate" those That penetrate more than one layer geological are described in literature geology current for example to The Joggins ( New Scotland-USA) many trees fossils erect yes stretching along 760 meters of strata geological penetrating some 20 horizons geological These trees must have been buried faster than the there wishing for rot. This implies That the entire formation was deposited as in few years. Yet theory evolutionary That would I layer rocky higher had been filed million years later the layer the lower Fossils out of sequence according to the scale temporal evolution the trees pine not could have appeared before to 350 million of years ago. are however been found the fossils pollen pine in the clay Precambrian Hakatai ( Grand Canyon-USA) That is supposedly dated 1 5 billion years before That every shape of life had appeared The studio original is was carefully repeated and verified in conditions strictly controlled by an committee of scientists That he examined the pollen with microscopes electronic to scan and obtained evaluations independent from other experts Discoveries such as these not do That accumulating doubts about the methods from dating and even on the scale the temporal evolution.
[685/256dic.9 09] [the murderers and all the their accomplices UN EU USA the sons of Rothschild IMF Nwo the system Masonic Bildenberg for the destruction of the world of men! are well ahead the apes the slaves predestined to massacr!] WORLD WATCH LIST is the list of countries where there is persecution and lists 50 countries according to for precisely intensity That persecution the Christians face for the made of confessing and practicing actively with their faith It, is written on by analysts of Open Doors specialists of persecution researchers and experts in the field operating and independent of within the different countries on the base of a amount of data collected in the field and through sources you trust. the levels assigned are based on various aspects of religious freedom in case identified mainly the degree of freedom of Christians to live openly with their faith in 5 areas of life everyday in private in family in in the community which are as a church that attend and in life the public the country where live to where it adds a sixth area That serves to measure the degree possible of That violence suffer Map WWList 2013 PDF
What changes respect to the above list
We propose a synthesis of the changes that occurred in WWList 2013 over to the year remembering previous That the period covered by WWList from 1 November 2011 to October 31 2012
• The Korea North is at the #1 spot the list of the 50 worst persecutors of Christians for the 11th year in a row Yes estimate That between 50000 and 70000 Christians suffer in horrible fields of prison The intense persecution is continued under the new leader Kim Jong-Un. The number of deserters (ie North Koreans That flee abroad ) in China is considerably reduced in in 2012 and the mid those That trying to not run away there the make
• i first 10 countries in 2013 after Korea North macaws Saudi Arabia Afghanistan Iraq Somalia Maldives Mali Iran and Yemen Eritrea
• Eight the first 10 acres country to majority Muslim The Korea the North is in mold communist while Eritrea is for roughly half Muslim and half Christian with an That the President the bride a version of Marxism.
• Mali in 7th place and Eritrea are the 10th two new entries in first 10 Mali not was not even in WWList year last year and Eritrea was in 11th place. In addition to Mali and Eritrea between the countries African That back the list there is Ethiopia That rising from 38th to 15th place The Libya from 26 ° to 17 ° and salt the Tanzania That not was between the first 50 rises to 24th place The Nigeria remains in 13th place with many Christians and churches outlets aims by group extremist Islamic Boko Haram
• In addition to Mali and the Tanzania other countries to appear in are WWList Kenya ( 40th ) Uganda (47 ° ) and Niger ( 50th ) The new revenue and the level the greater reach from many countries Africans reflects an growing trend of" Awakening Islam" in the continent The Somalia Mali and Eritrea are all among the first 10 in list.
• La a major source of persecution Mali is extremism Islamic in above Mali was an typical was African with a western shape in most moderate of islam Generally there was an of course able to freedom live own faith However the situation is changed with won the the north western part of the country part of separatist Tuareg and of fighters Islamists and the creation of state an independent Azawad in April of 2012. The Islamists have established at once one state Islamic adopting the sharia in north Many Christians are were forced to escape and the churches are were burned
• The Spring Arab are is finally turned in an winter Arabic for the Christians. The war civil Syria That has caused to date yes estimate more than 40 000 dead has in fact the climb Syria from 36th to 11th place Many Christians are were made of aim and forced to escape.
• Also Libya has in fact an big jump from 26th to 17th place The Church is decreased dramatically in number in part for the Christian That they are leaving the country i Salafists are gaining flu thing That is happening even in Tunisia That is rising from 35th to 30th place The Tunisia was known for being an secular country Today i Salafists are becoming very visible and influential in the company
• They leave the top ten Uzbekistan That by the 7th 16th and falls Pakistan That down from 10th place to 14th Outside from 50 countries in list are located Chechnya Turkey Cuba Belarus and Bangladesh
• In between the countries That have in fact large leaps in there is WWList China That down from the 21 th to 37 th place. Continues the trend That the saw in 13th place in 2010 (it was even in the top 10 five years ago) They have in fact an big jump even Comoros down from 24 th to 41 th place. Bhutan from 17th to 28th place The researchers from Open Doors visible in Bhutan an improvement because the churches are able to keep cults without be harassed Each then there are still issues and communities in rural areas putting under pressure the churches A anti-conversion law is in and become hangs on the head of the Christians like a sword of Damocles This the law may have an impact negative on Christians in Bhutan
• The persecution of Christians in world is in growth La China is the only country where researchers to see Open Doors an significant improvement. Others countries macaws fallen in list such as Iran and Uzbekistan That are very hostile towards the Christians are get off just because the situations in others countries macaws making them worse go back in WWList
only 5 5 billion deaths
Jewish Religion is banking seigniorage IMF Nwo Spa satanic cult of Baal
[684/256dic.7 31] an #Sit-in #Fired the Café de #Paris of on Veneto published on December 23 1653 [#Pharisees Spa IMF ECB Nwo #Bildenberg they wanted an europe which falls to pieces trampled on his identity from #Germany of Femen that jumping naked as demons on the altar to say" I are you God!"] And in Germany macaws facts 15000 sacrifices human on the altar of Satan every year for this target!
[727/27dic] [#Mo #Netanyahu plans 1400 new housing [@ #Saudi king #Arabia---then you're right you idiot! if all the Jews of the world not come back? no one of us remain in walk away! because they not are the stupid to leave predation on the world ( #imf nwo 666 corporations Spa ) for come to live in your desert! Why do you continue to think that the destruction of #Israel it could be an advantage for you? and on the other hand you could sell an desert useless to good price! not you can wait passively events because they will be too bad and so bad That very few can live for them tell! I hate people That macaws selfish!] For #Jews to #Jerusalem. #And east in #West Bank. Ad to day December 27 #TEL. #AVIV #Premier. Israeli #Benyamin #Netanyahu preparing to approve the construction of 1400 housing for Jews to #east Jerusalem and in #West Bank. This they write the newspapers today seconds which on the announcement to take place days in conjunction with the liberation of one thirty to prisoners Palestinian in background of commitments employed by #Israel with the recovery negotiations for peace with the #Palestinians.
[726/27dic] Any violence is always an violence excessive strains! We must impare to respect opinions of people and of the people the sovereign!] Ukraine #Journalist #Beaten 3 arrests the alleged guilty risk from 7 to 10 years of prison. December 27 #KIEV are three so far the people arrested by the police Ukrainian accused of assaulting #Tetiana #Chornovil the journalist the head online, #Ukrainska Pravda, close opposition beaten viciously in the night between the 24th and the 25th of December Yes I know the name of one only of three Serghi #Kotenko 29 owner of #Porsche #Cayenne Black That he was stopped the reporter first of, attack as part of at least two men. the alleged guilty risk from 7 to 10 years of prison.
12/27/2013 [725/27dic] All the abyss criminal who #Erdogan has dug between the turkey and the #League #Arab against #Europe!] The #Coup #Erdogan and the ultimately destruction of #Secularism. #Turkish of course the corruption intimidation threatening the fabric of social state #TURKEY #Public ministry accuses the government turkish of lock your investigation on corruption. in one a written statement #Muammer #Akkas said That the police it is denied to execute court orders for and seek arrest suspects to and corruption and fraud That the judiciary is under pressure Second the printing Akkas was investigating on cases of corruption That would involve the #Son #Erdogan and had ordered the arrest of 30 names of first plan the party of the Prime Minister #AKP #Istanbul (AsiaNews / Agencies)- public denunciation of an the public prosecutor of being removed investigation That was conducting the corruption inside" circles government" is the ultimate indictment in order time That is launched against the government prime minister #turkish Recep #Tayyip #Erdogan. in an release released today by printing Turkish #Muammer #Akkas ( in photo ) says That your inquiry is was blocked forces police Turkish and by the Chief Prosecutor of #Istanbul Turan Colakkadi The latter has removed Akkas accusing him of not have informed of his moves That assertion the #Turkey,s. #Supreme #Board of And Judges #Prosecutors have defined unconstitutional. Since for its part #Akkas That argues the police are is denied to execute court orders for and seek arrest suspects to and corruption and fraud That the judiciary is under pressure The complaint of Akkas ago below to move of That Erdogan has replaced 10 ministers after the resignation of three of they followed the arrest of over 50 people among which three sons of ministers To arrests is followed and yes is spoken of retaliation from the Prime Minister removal of approximately 500 officers and managers of police including the chief the police of Istanbul from where is match inquiry. Second the printing ekkas was investigating on cases of corruption That would involve the son of and Erdogan had ordered the arrest of 30 names of first floor party the premier the AKP As in during the protests to Gezi Parki last summer Erdogan attempt to resist the growing pressures and the opposition the streets because you resigns accuses an not stated" #conspiracy #internationally." The" #Tangentopolies Turkish" falls into an time very delicate for #Erdogan and its party. This year next year in fact are in program elections and administrative presidential and the current prime minister would become head of the country. That aspiration may be the origin of the one That is becoming a war intestine movement political Islamic turkish To" moderate." #Erdogan counters with his former ally Fethullah Gulen in exile voluntary in #States #USA. #Gulen considered much less"moderate" to #Erdogan could count on the support of the President of the Republic #Abdullah. #Gul That not is was involved from scandals and it will be much probably challenger Erdogan running the first charge of the state.
[724/27dic] [Masons Pharisees Bildenberg thieves usurers and murderers perverts sexual of #UN #USa #Ue #Antichrists #Lobbyists of. #System #Masonic the Satanism internationally. have taken the control of #West and #Christians in all the world are entrusted solely at the protection of the Spirit the Holy]] 27/12/2013 PALESTINE not even to Christmas the Christians of Gaza they can visit Bethlehem or celebrate city #TURKEY #Bartholomew [to be 2013 years old Jesus is persecuted by Erode contemporary] L, importance of family the Christian"cell of life and cradle for the correct and right up for children" founded on, natural union between man and the woman in message christmas Patriarch's ecumenical #Istanbul Appeals ai leaders spiritual and political for the Family Christian and complaint of the continuing persecution of Christians in message Christmas the patriarch Ecumenical Bartholomew I The night of Christmas to Bethlehem has evoked the Patriarch marks the moment such as"Our Lord That is always existed without the Lord principle and end and immaterial imperceptible is entered in silence simplicity poverty and as one unknown in drama history" With your incarnation has sanctified the, human existence pointing out the way out the human trouble honoring the same time the spiritual motherhood and material But at the same time Bartholomew continued"Our Lord has exalted and defined the role of the union between the man and the woman" then the family the Christian That" is the cell,s life and the cradle for the correct and right up for children." and we are convinced the message goes That" not limited to leaders spiritual and the shepherds the flock human but also the powerful of this world know and accepting this divine and truth reality." Because"it is ours and the duty to make known to support this a union source of the family just healthy growth and development of our battered society.""For 2013 years-he then exclaimed Bartholomew-Our Lord That is killed every day in person to thousands of embryos killed for will of their parents and from 2013 years That Our Lord is mocked in person of guys That live in misery and in the crisis of the family" And it is to be 2013 years old That" the flesh our Creator is persecuted by Erode contemporary in the persons of weak and of Christians in Syria" and from 2013 years old" Christ escapes along with refugees not only in Egypt but also in Lebanon Europe Africa and America" And, from 2013 years That" Child Jesus remains jailed along with the bishops and Pavlos Ioannis" and with other monks Christians as 2013 years he concluded the Patriarch Ecumenical" Christ is crucified That in people refuse to give up own Christian faith."
After that the mass of Christmas Bartholomew has received young people Christians of Constantinople talking with such as among other things has praised the work" his brother Pope Francis."
[720/27dic] 03/10/2012 2418 Vatican Pope Benedict XVI has said" the liturgy is exit prayer individual and enter into" we" universal Body of Christ [AMEN] I macaws UNIUS REI for THIS because I I can pray all religions I are the next closest of all those that have heart broken why who not Need for an world best not have you know nothing of nature human and then he not he you know nothing of his destiny forever. is from the point of view political that we we also alone body collective and in my ministry I macaws image all that I macaws son of who has lost an son etc.I are the next most prosimo that is in every man in fact I I I can be angry but I not I can hate!
[696/26dic] However one pain symbolic for their crime sacrilege universal blasphemous #Amnesty for #Pussy #Riot released. #Nadia and #Mary released from prison to the cry of, #Russia without #Putin, ( and in fact now the good sense intelligence is located on the tits for their ) Church Russian ready to dialogue for an attempt of redemption with the two women ( and sacrilegious misguided the worthy daughters of the system Masonic Bildenberg the synagogue of Satan IMF Nwo ) December 24 1441
[695/26dic] Lo heartbreaking farewell between Mike and the dog Rusty [but is more heartbreaking to fall in hell after a long life living hating the natural law That is the Decalogue of #Moses] December 26 1648 Mike Petrosino sick terminal cancer say goodbye for the last time Rusty Some stories tell us strike and there remain printed heart with their cargo of unsustainable pain and tenderness huge one of these is that of #Mike and #Rusty #Mike #Petrosino is an young American of 21 That is dying of an cancer ( diagnosticatogli when it was in junior high ) to #Massachusetts. #General #Hospital. Rusty is the dog That the is was got from child and the is was beside in all these years. the doctors have leave That for the young which not there is nothing left to be do could say goodbye to his friend for always.
[723/27dic] [of course Christmas there speaks of the massacre innoceti which Islamists and Pharisees have made and continue to do again with impunity. Also Jesus is dead as an true martyr! but while #israel has the obvious problems of security #AMAS gods Nazis #Sharia prohibits externalize the #Christmas for the rare Christians over out of the few churches that are remained in the territories #Palestinians] [HE that is seated on the throne supply to uni and to others] 12.26.2013 #VATICAN Pope The party of holy #Stephen #First #Martyr dissolves the image" fairy tale" of Christmas the Angelus the Pope Francis asks also now of silence and prayers for #Christians #persecuted."I'm more today That in the first time the Church" And, necessary the testimony and the complaint of violations the #Freedom. #Of religion and at #discrimination. Contemplating the crib it may grow in families and in the community" that climate to understanding and of brotherhood so much so it should be for the common good" 25/12/2013 VATICAN Pope Christmas glory to God merciful and peace to men tormented by and wars violence i conflicts in #Syria #Iraq #Earth #Santa and #countries #Africans at first message christmas for #Francis. God" touch the heart" of how many are involved in traffic of beings humans or in the phenomenon of children soldier" Lord of life protect how many are persecuted to because of your name""I wish to all to recognize the true face of God the Father that there has given us Jesus."" And everyone of we can give glory to God above all with life with a life shopping for love her and of brothers." 24/12/2013 EGYPT" #Terrorism" against the forces of security. Suspects the #Brothers #Muslim car bomb has almost destroyed an building of public safety to #Mansoura making 14 deaths. The prime accused the" terrorists" That not stop the journey for the democracy. in january there will be a referendum on the new constitution drawn up after deposition Bites and to the exclusion of Brothers Muslims. 24/12/2013 #PHILIPPINES Cardinal #Tagle the disasters and the ruins there give a new image of Christmas Archbishop of #Manila writes to his faithful" Then #earthquakes #typhoons and #crisis #rethink policies our priorities and let's focus on the real sign of this Christmas Child that is between of us." That of 2013" is an Christmas #Compassion #Solidarity and of #Communion."
[694/26dic] [This is a good notiia start to creak the #Seigniorage #Banking Spa IMF the Fed that they steal against the people the American and against the peoples of all the world.] #Use #Republicans against the Pope too to left and economics. Fox News, #Obama the Church, December 26 WASHINGTON #2 #Pope #Francis and his ideas on #Economy nervous la #Right #Use At first it was #Rush. #Limbaugh the known radio commentator ultra-extremist to call, #Marxist, Now however, are in many inside of. #Party #Republican including where #Paul #And Ryan #John #McCain That criticize openly the positions the Pope against an market without rules. and the the Fox News bubble like" #Obama of #Church Catholic #" a phrase that for the tv more, conservative America not, some an compliment. [Then with me them they will go okay lol. In fact I not are from left lol.] Only that I not I have the bad habit to be an murderess like them!
[693/26dic] #Turks #Islamic contrary the #Celebrations of. #Christmas [] Greetings #Erdogan these are the pupils That thou hast mandate to study #Arabia #Arabia from Nazis! not you just have exterminated all the #Armenians and all Christians #Turkey? These Muslims not them you're treated to tear
[692/26dic] On this page it sees only the comment [684/256dic.7 31] while / user / ShalomGerusalemme / discussion he had published the [691/26dic.12 57] [That there is healed IMF Nwo you I see in shortness of breath!
[659/25dic] Isaiah 6211-12 [us in kingdom of God we believe in free will we not impose the life and the happiness to those that is persist to stay in the shadow of the death of the IMF livestock bestiality human of teroria eternal of evolution] [But if you want the prophecies may be made because I macaws Unius REi] 11 Behold the Lord proclaims until at the end of the land "Tell the daughter of Sion Behold your your salvation arrives behold he with his self salary and your reward it precedes 12 Them they will call"The people holy"" i redeemed of the Lord" and thou shalt be called" Sought"" The city not abandoned," But if you have scento the realm of the synagogue of Satan the Pharisees then not look to the sky now of your misfortune from where born your father satan devil
Sator Arepo [https//]
has commented an video YouTube. Shared publicly-1829"
Thanks for you have uploaded these videos to way of this a great scholar a scholar prepared theoretically but also empirically Certainly on Freemasonry and on shopping occult has in fact affirmations beautiful beyond above the vulgarity and of banality [WHY THEN YOU HAi dared thank? From what angle Hell The ARRIVES your HYPOCRISY?] The claims of Cecilia Gatto Trocchi they were so vulgar and trivial that those of Masoneria satanic there they killed! How call your your sect?
http// InnocenzaMaria
1-year ago Submitted Hon. The Antonio Borghesi parliamentary question on the sad story of the lady Field Innocence Mary died in pain who yes is view deprive of your money and view disappear suddenly in nothing your c / c 10/645629 and the dealing room equity BAV hidden the Procuratorate of Ragusa from Corrado Passera-Banca Intesa San Paolo Congratulations Dr. Sparrow! That they finally made the Exposed-Report of 30 December 2009 to the Bank in Italy? Damian Nicastro-Dubrovnik not are able to enable his comment on Enigma Cecilia Cats Trocchi who was killed as from Jezebel Satanists 2of2
[719/27dic.18 00] with ShalomGerusalemme I are now the [713/27dic.13 26] but the clerk gi the google+ private channel the following
he has felt that was displayed only my item number [704/27dic.7 47]
so just as he decided to make up
[721/27dic] [But what you say? the #King #Arabia #Arabia them he killed and there he driven out but the principals are always #Pharisees #Illuminati which soon will kill too. #Israel own he me she said that.] 12/27/2013 #SYRIA M.ORIENTE #Gregory III #Christians of. #Medium #East not emigrated! in Letter #Christmas of. #patriarch #greek-catholic of #Antioch and of all the East an appeal to Christians to live the mission in world Arabic charity and commitment social no leave the region Muslim personalities value contribution Christian in the culture Arab #Muslims and Christians must work for an full recognition of the rights of #Faithful #Christians to even with the others and stop fundamentalism The big challenge of the conflict #Israel-Palestine The #Solidarity Pope Francis
[726/27dic] Any violence is always an violence excessive strains! We must impare to respect opinions of people and of the people the sovereign!] Ukraine #Journalist #Beaten 3 arrests the alleged guilty risk from 7 to 10 years of prison. December 27 #KIEV are three so far the people arrested by the police Ukrainian accused of assaulting #Tetiana #Chornovil the journalist the head online, #Ukrainska Pravda, close opposition beaten viciously in the night between the 24th and the 25th of December Yes I know the name of one only of three Serghi #Kotenko 29 owner of #Porsche #Cayenne Black That he was stopped the reporter first of, attack as part of at least two men. the alleged guilty risk from 7 to 10 years of prison.
[718/27dic.18 00] with ShalomGerusalemme I are now the [713/27dic.13 26] but the clerk gi on google+
https// he has felt that was displayed only my item number [704/27dic.7 47]
[722/27dic] [Love and brotherhood of all children of God Christmas is for all the men of good will but the murderers the Salafis the Pharisees the Illuminati #Spa #IMF have said of no!] 12.27.2013 #SRi #LANKA #Sri #Lanka Christmas among the lead the kids Hindu again the victims of war civil Il #Center for #Society and #Religion ( #CSR ) has organized an event for some refugees war Tamils for" to teach large and small how to work and live together without barriers and divisions" the children have staged songs and dances traditional with the help of the Sisters of the Holy Famiglia.27/12/2013 #NEPAL Nepal #Christmas" collective" for #Christians #and Hindu #Buddhists. The night of December 25 hundreds of people of every religion have participated in the mass the Cathedral of the Assumption. Compared to the past this year also #And Hindu #Buddhists have lived appearance spiritual celebrations The lack of discrimination typical of Christianity attracts other communities. 12/27/2013 MYANMAR #Archbishop of #Yangon the invitation of the Pope the" brotherhood" only way for the peace Myanmar. in message to start year day for the world the peace Msgr. #Bo calls for unity" between the different souls" of"this wonderful nation." The prelate hopefully the Citizenship for many are born in the territory national and the end to violence against i #Rohingya and calls to fight the poverty and the traffic of human lives. 12/27/2013 #BANGLADESH #Bangladesh peaceful Christmas for the Christians but in the shadow of, terrorism, of #Nozrul Islam No attack against the minority during the holidays. The authorities have suspended the blockade of and circulation the police has supervised all the churches for secure and safe. in view of the election yes fear new riots the government has deployed tens of thousands of soldiers for the people" ever so much voltage 40 years after independence"
[713/27dic.13 26] Maximus Malco 1220 + Andrea Morabito said [see if you can to me a response sensible not to offend where it was your god when the people Jewish suffered the Shoah? Where it was your god when Pol Pot slaughtered millions of dissidents? Where it was your god when Joseph Stalin was his purges ( 40milioni of martyrs Christian innocent )? and I will continue for hours tell me well maybe I do change your mind.hello and so happy holidays and love hypocrisy [answer] my God YHWH was to give the free will to all are few people who go in Heaven the martyrs innocent are among these few and I hope that you not change idea because to me you're on the cock!
[700/27dic.7 30] [criminal Neturei #KARTA #Nkusa they not recognize the two larger crimes of mankind 1. the #seigniorage #bank that the their friends accomplices i #Pharisees #Freemasons Bildenberg #Illuminati #Spa #IMF have stolen the #seigniorage #banking for submit to slavery all the peoples and for stealing everything the planet (well because they not you content of one #Palestine ) 2. Nazism of #Sharia is #terrorism systematic institutional radical breach of rights human in all the #League #Arabic] [by this point of view it may understand better but never justify rations of #Hitler that became schizophrenic in time in which struck an people innocent the #Jews not potento reach #Pharisees #Anglo-Americans #Illuminati #IMF] [is clear today with the same dynamics #Illuminati #Pharisees #Spa #Nwo #322 #Bush. #Kerry will lead the death against him Israelis (new shoah of of 6000000 innocent sacrificed on the altar of Satan the #. #Nwo IMF )] [December 25 #Mideast Israel #PA incites hatred Spokesperson Prime Minister #Benjamin #Netanyahu says",cause #Abu. #Mazen not condemns terrorism? [because all the #Islamists #sharia #imperialism macaws terrorists!] Speech liar and hypocrite of. #rabbi #Mordechi #Weberman for the manifestation of #Coalition #PA for the Straight of retrun ( #Al-Awda NY / NJ) held July 26 2002 in front at #Consulate #Israel [ /] said [we are that there they ask why our participation in the parade of #Palestinians. manifest Why with the flag #Palestinian hand why we argue the #cause #Palestine? [] then i Neturei #KARTA #nkusa you are made the accomplices of all i genocide and crimes crimes which Muslims have made with. #Muhammad to date! and of all crimes of Pharisees Illuminati Spa IMF like them for lead mankind to Satan in all ways that is the trend irreversible that to us we look!
[728/27dic]" #Shalabayeva in Italy thanks to the government" Minister Bonino receives his wife. #Opponent #Kazakh and sons December 27 1525 [ok] #Government #Italian has remedied the ugly figure! Now it has to go back too the #sigoraggio #bank that the #Pharisees #Bildenberg JabullOn #Baal. #synagogue #imf have stolen!
[693/26dic] #Turks #Islamic contrary the #Celebrations of. #Christmas [] Greetings #Erdogan these are the pupils That thou hast mandate to study #Arabia #Arabia from Nazis! not you just have exterminated all the #Armenians and all Christians #Turkey? These Muslims not them you're treated to tear
[692/26dic] On this page it sees only the comment [684/256dic.7 31] while / user / ShalomGerusalemme / discussion he had published the [691/26dic.12 57] [That there is healed + IMF + + Nwo you I see in shortness of breath!
[691/26dic.12 57] [because there surprised that the #Mason. Shinzo #Abe pretends to do the Nazi? Rothschild Spa Bank World she desperately needed of war world for not do find out scam of. #Background #Money #International] #Japan tensions with China and Korea South authorities express, regret and anger, decision #anachronistic December 26 #ANSA-REUTERS AFP #ROME #authorities #South Korean after those #Chinese condemn the visit the first minister Japan Shinzo Abe to Yasukuni shrine the sanctuary the national peace dedicated to soldiers who died fighting at the service of the Emperor. an government spokesman #Korean expresses in fact" regret and anger" for the decision of the Prime Minister #That Japanese it is called" anachronistic" The Chinese authorities speak instead of decision" totally unacceptable" but #Erdogan and the League Arab them not pretend they are really the Nazi of #UN #EU #U.S. #IMF #Nwo
[703/27dic.7 47] #Arafat #Muslim #Neturei Karta #Nkusa etc.them will die devoured by hate like enemies traitors of the Kingdom of God Because manifestly they opposed against #biblical prophecies Which if then the #Torah (the foundation) is not #Word of God #YHWH then no other religion or alleged word of God Could be the Word of God! from this we know Satanists That is to to Those Who opposed the reunification of the #12 #of tribes #Israel not be with #Israel today is to be with #Satanists #Neturei Karta #nkusa That not want to do of the whole human race only to bunch of Slaves That is how their. #satanic #Talmud said!
[690/26dic.12 32] [the murderers and all the other accomplices #UN #Ue #Use the sons of Rothschild #IMF #Nwo the system #Masonic #Bildenberg for the destruction of the world of men! are well ahead the apes the slaves predestined the massacre!] #WORLD #WATCH #LIST is the list of countries where there is persecution and lists 50 countries according to for precisely intensity That persecution the Christians face for the fact of and confess practice actively with their faith It, is written on by analysts of #Ports. #Open specialists the persecution researchers and experts in the field operating and independent of inside of various countries map #WWList 2013 PDF
What changes respect to the above list
We propose a synthesis of the changes that occurred in WWList 2013 over to the year remembering previous That the period covered by WWList from 1 November 2011 to October 31 2012
• The #Korea North is at the #1 spot the list of the 50 worst persecutors of Christians for the 11th year in a row Yes estimate That between 50000 and 70000 Christians suffer in horrible fields of prison The intense persecution is continued under the new #Leader. #Kim #Jong-Un. The number of deserters (ie #North Koreans That flee abroad ) in China is considerably reduced in in 2012 and the mid those That trying to not flee succeed do it.
• i first 10 countries in 2013 after #Korea #North ares #Arabia #Arabia #Afghanistan. #Iraq #Somalia #Maldives. #Mali #Iran. #Yemen and #Eritrea.
• Eight the first 10 acres country to majority #Islam. The Korea the North is in mold communist while Eritrea is for roughly half Muslim and half Christian with an That the President the bride a version of the #Marxism.
• Mali in 7th place and #Eritrea are the 10th two new entries in first 10 Mali not was not even in #WWList year last year and #Eritrea was in 11th place. In addition to the #Mali and Eritrea between the countries African That back the list is there. #Ethiopia That rising from 38th to 15th place The Libya from 26 ° to 17 ° and salt the #Tanzania That not was between the first 50 rises to 24th place The #Nigeria remains in 13th place with many Christians and churches sockets look from the group #Extremist #Islamic Boko #Haram
• In addition to Mali and the Tanzania other countries to appear in are WWList Kenya (40 °). #Uganda (47 ° ) and the #Niger (50 °). The new revenue and the level the greater reach from many countries Africans reflects an growing trend of" Awakening Islam" in the continent The #Somalia #Mali and Eritrea are all among the first 10 in list.
• La a major source of persecution Mali is #Extremism #Islam. in above Mali was an typical was African with a western shape in most moderate of islam Generally there was an of course able to freedom live own faith However the situation is changed with won the the north western part of the country part of #Separatists #Tuareg and of fighters Islamists of #Azawad in April of 2012 The Islamists have established at once one state Islamic adopting the #Sharia law in north Many Christians are were forced to escape and the churches are were burned
• The #Spring #Araba is is finally turned in an winter Arabic for the Christians. The war civil Syria has the objective of destroy all Christians.
[689/26dic.11 53] #Jerusalem #Delegation #Romania commemorates #Holocaust December 24 1444 [#Benjamin #Netanyahu as you dared to put the yarmulke kippah on the head of to #goyim?] Do not know That the [false] #Star David is to esoteric satanic symbol #IMF-NWO That you put even on your #Kippah is why you will to be utterly destroyed from #Rothschild #Spa #IMF in #shoah2 #sharia nazi for new #hollywood happy? [Committed suicide immediately Because You Can not survive the destruction imminent to #Israel] However That bastard #Erdogan ie the plot of the #Arab. #League kill you will die! #criminal saving for Their Lives? you have condemned your life! As Has Been rejected #Saul also you not have been rejected! Brought you have to ruin #Israel!
[688/256dic.11 19] the wolf [Turkey League Arab] is ingroppando the [EU Bildenberg] and the bitch? has to drink the blood of the martyrs Christians!
[687/256dic.9 28] Bush 322 Kerry Nwo for your aliens abductions have i tremors of death in this now? only 5 5 billion into deaths WWIII Jewish Religion is banking seigniorage IMF Nwo Spa satanic cult of Baal
[689/26dic.11 53] #Jerusalem #Delegation #Romania commemorates #Holocaust December 24 1444 [#Benjamin #Netanyahu as you dared to put the yarmulke kippah on the head of to #goyim?] Do not know That the [false] #Star David is to esoteric satanic symbol #IMF-NWO That you put even on your #Kippah is why you will to be utterly destroyed from #Rothschild #Spa #IMF in #shoah2 #sharia nazi for new #hollywood happy? [Committed suicide immediately Because You Can not survive the destruction imminent to #Israel] However That bastard #Erdogan ie the plot of the #Arab. #League kill you will die! #criminal saving for Their Lives? you have condemned your life! As Has Been rejected #Saul also you not have been rejected! Brought you have to ruin #Israel!
[ 710/27dic.1015 ] really ruins too many and too many accidents are happened to Christianity and to Judaism ( and to all other religoni and to all political systems ) behind these ruins distortions there are always the masters of the world, the Pharisees #Illuminati Bildenberg #system masonic IMF Spa #Nwo
If Jesus had intended to create a religion?
he would have given more detailed instructions in this regard!
While the Apostles until the last moment when Jesus ascends to heaven asking him to " piece together when the #Kingdom of Israel? " showing up with this demand that their political commitment was the predominant religious commitment.
That's why the Pharisees #Zerubbabel have killed for him to steal the royal and divine sovereignty and thus to destroy the prophecies through the Council of the #Great Sanhedrin That is the first deadly form of Freemasonry #satanic. That's why every Satanism cruelty hypocrisy injustice are being spread on the ground.
That's why the Jews in the world you are unknowingly transformed into #parasitic moneylenders IMF Spa Masonic system that's why there are been too much violence against Jews and vice versa against us.
As long as the IMF is not destroyed 12 #tribe #Israel and all mankind together will always be under a curse to them!
this is evident all this will lead to the manifestation of your Satan for the overall drop in the bondage of all the nations in a politically apparent sooner or later! but this is impossible for the next 50 years because #YHWH has given to me in the domain on Human Gender
[ 709/27dic.1004 ] IHateNEWLAYOUT 666 CIA NSA said ( Satan to save me) but on http / / / user / israelnationaltv / discussion [ said ]
[ Even though Christianity is an offshoot of the Jewish faith the gulf between the two belief systems is great and there is no reason for us to pretend otherwise. Judaism and Christianity have in common to lot to be sure but the stumbling point is most certainly Jesus and His mission to the world including the Jewish world. For too long Jews and Christians not have been engaging with each other by, dancing, around the real issues. i have been involved- in this field since 1975 and Therefore can speak from experience. [ This is not problem for me to Because only politician to for the rationality of the agnostic, this is my political universal language i am the Natural law Which was founded by the 10 Commandments of Moses do good and avoid evil ] [ this is not an problem for me because it is only an agnostic political rationality of this is my speech I are the universal political Natural law that comes from 10 Commandments of Moses do good and avoid evil ]
[ 708/27dic.954 ] [ I are opposed to any form of violence but also those who manifest must abide by the rules ] Reporter beaten protests in Kiev to hundreds Interior Minister asking for his resignation December 26 Reporter #beaten #KIEV- December 26 Hundreds of protesters are gathered in front of the Interior Ministry in Kiev to ask for the resignation of the minister after the attack on the Ukrainian journalist #pro- EU savagely beaten on Christmas Eve. demonstrators brandishing pictures of the young reporter disfigured after being beaten by scanning the demand for " Resignation of Minister Zakharchenko #" while others show pictures of the president #Viktor Yanukovych with the inscription "#coup" [ but this is a slander and is aggressive interference infitrate intrusive forces from other countries as irresponsible criminals ]. [ obviously I Unius REI I can not be with someone because I Unius are REI but I certainly can not recognize a political entity that sold its monetary sovereignty to the IMF Satanists Pharisees Spa Bildenberg Nwo! ]
[ [ 707/27dic.940 ] only criminals #UN #Arab League #Communists #Freemasons #Bildenberg Pharisees IMF can do harm to innocent peaceful Christians ] Pope to pray for Christians discriminated! That also abused in countries protect rights on paper. December 26 #CITY, OF THE VATICAN Pope at the Angelus #prayed for Christians " discriminated against " because of the witness to the Gospel and noted That next to situations in countries where "religious freedom is not yet guaranteed or not is in fact fully realized " there are also cases of " that countries and environments on the paper protecting freedom and human rights, but where in fact the believers especially Christians face restrictions and discrimination. "
[ [ 706/27dic.934 ]] Pope Francis is true that for an affordable priest is not being married is better to do but marry that make it unacceptable situations for the protagonist to create in him the terrible inner conflicts or lose for his ministry. [ you,ll not giutificazioni with the Kingdom of God if not you listen to me ] and if you continue to not listen to me [ Pedophilia conviction annulled Lynn Bishop #Court Pennsylvania no evidence he wanted to encourage violence December 27 ROME #Canceled by the court of appeal of Pennsylvania Monsignor William Lynn condemnation for the senior official of the Catholic Church Use That had been accused of pedophile priests cover. Now it will be released. Monsignor Lynn was sentenced in July 2012 to a term of between 3 and 6 years of imprisonment on charges of covering up cases of child abuse. But according to the Court of Appeals, there was insufficient evidence to prove for That had acted with the intent to facilitate violence,.
[ 705/27dic.829 ] I've discovered the secret of my comments about the display at http / / / user / googleplusupdates / discussion google employee has been ordered by the NSA #Nwo IMF Grande #322 #Brother Kerry Bush to allow the display of only one of my comments so that those who want to be able to read all my comments on my channel only here because the filter is also triggered on
http / / / user / israelnationaltv / discussion
on page / googleplusupdates / discussion comments are visible only to those who wrote them (if they are not accredited)..
That is what I know not if in case the comments are removed then also disappear from the channel
/ / / associated google+ That platform has created in google.
Protestors June 1989 Israeli Day Parade The annual Israeli Day Parade in New York invariably elicits Neturei Karta International to counter demonstration. The pictures feature the burning of the Israeli flag and signs denouncing the State,s existence. [ 704/27dic.809 ] #Israeli Flag Burned in Protest #. [ obviously Satan is forced to write the truth in the Qur'an for be believed! ] so even Satanists #Neturei Karta nkusa #Spa Illuminati Nwo IMF knows that Israel is a creation that will serve their diabolical to make war inevitable world! [#NKI frequently Participates in the public burning of the Israeli flag. The pictures above were taken Throughout the years some depict Purim celebrations to holiday celebrating the defeat of the forces of evil. Costumes are costumetic at That Time ] here because they have only burned Israeli flags with the esoteric to the six-pointed star and never have burned the Israeli flag with the symbol of the Menorah (Hebrew מנורה ) is a seven-branched oil lamp to which in antiquity was lit in the Temple of Jerusalem [ that's why I have not designed to do harm to the Neturei Karta #nkusa if you will come to me. ]
[ 703/27dic.7 47] Arafat #Muslim #Neturei Karta nkusa etc.them will die devoured by hate traitors like enemies of the Kingdom of God manifestly Because they opposed against biblical prophecies #Which if then the Torah (the foundation ) is not #Word of God YHWH then no other religion or alleged word of God Could be the Word of God! from this we know Satanists That is to All Those who opposed the reunification of the #12 #tribes of Israel. not be with #Israel today is to be with Satanists #Neturei Karta nkusa That want to do of the whole human race to only bunch of slaves That is how satanic #Their Talmud said!
[ 702/27dic.742 ] #Arafat Muslims Neturei #KARTA nkusa etc.. them will die devoured by hatred as treacherous enemies of the Kingdom of God in a clear manner because they are opposed to the biblical prophecies that if then the Torah ( the foundation ) is not the Word of God YHWH then any other religion or alleged Word of God might be the Word of God! from this we know that Satanists That all those opposed to the reunification of the 12 tribes of Israel. not be with #Israel today means being with Satanists Neturei #KARTA nkusa who want to do the whole human race an only herd of slaves coe their satanic Talmud says #!
[ 701/27dic.730 ] only by removing the sharia Palestinians and all 50 nations of the Nazi UN Arab League will have the right to live on the planet contrary will always be an " if you do not you kill me? I will kill you! "
[685/256dic.9 09] [the murderers and all the their accomplices UN EU USA the sons of Rothschild IMF Nwo the system Masonic Bildenberg for the destruction of the world of men! are well ahead the apes the slaves predestined to massacr!] WORLD WATCH LIST is the list of countries where there is persecution and lists 50 countries according to for precisely intensity That persecution the Christians face for the made of confessing and practicing actively with their faith It, is written on by analysts of Open Doors specialists of persecution researchers and experts in the field operating and independent of within the different countries on the base of a amount of data collected in the field and through sources you trust. the levels assigned are based on various aspects of religious freedom in case identified mainly the degree of freedom of Christians to live openly with their faith in 5 areas of life everyday in private in family in in the community which are as a church that attend and in life the public the country where live to where it adds a sixth area That serves to measure the degree possible of That violence suffer Map WWList 2013 PDF
What changes respect to the above list
We propose a synthesis of the changes that occurred in WWList 2013 over to the year remembering previous That the period covered by WWList from 1 November 2011 to October 31 2012
• The Korea North is at the #1 spot the list of the 50 worst persecutors of Christians for the 11th year in a row Yes estimate That between 50000 and 70000 Christians suffer in horrible fields of prison The intense persecution is continued under the new leader Kim Jong-Un. The number of deserters (ie North Koreans That flee abroad ) in China is considerably reduced in in 2012 and the mid those That trying to not run away there the make
• i first 10 countries in 2013 after Korea North macaws Saudi Arabia Afghanistan Iraq Somalia Maldives Mali Iran and Yemen Eritrea
• Eight the first 10 acres country to majority Muslim The Korea the North is in mold communist while Eritrea is for roughly half Muslim and half Christian with an That the President the bride a version of Marxism.
• Mali in 7th place and Eritrea are the 10th two new entries in first 10 Mali not was not even in WWList year last year and Eritrea was in 11th place. In addition to Mali and Eritrea between the countries African That back the list there is Ethiopia That rising from 38th to 15th place The Libya from 26 ° to 17 ° and salt the Tanzania That not was between the first 50 rises to 24th place The Nigeria remains in 13th place with many Christians and churches outlets aims by group extremist Islamic Boko Haram
• In addition to Mali and the Tanzania other countries to appear in are WWList Kenya ( 40th ) Uganda (47 ° ) and Niger ( 50th ) The new revenue and the level the greater reach from many countries Africans reflects an growing trend of" Awakening Islam" in the continent The Somalia Mali and Eritrea are all among the first 10 in list.
• La a major source of persecution Mali is extremism Islamic in above Mali was an typical was African with a western shape in most moderate of islam Generally there was an of course able to freedom live own faith However the situation is changed with won the the north western part of the country part of separatist Tuareg and of fighters Islamists and the creation of state an independent Azawad in April of 2012. The Islamists have established at once one state Islamic adopting the sharia in north Many Christians are were forced to escape and the churches are were burned
• The Spring Arab are is finally turned in an winter Arabic for the Christians. The war civil Syria That has caused to date yes estimate more than 40 000 dead has in fact the climb Syria from 36th to 11th place Many Christians are were made of aim and forced to escape.
• Also Libya has in fact an big jump from 26th to 17th place The Church is decreased dramatically in number in part for the Christian That they are leaving the country i Salafists are gaining flu thing That is happening even in Tunisia That is rising from 35th to 30th place The Tunisia was known for being an secular country Today i Salafists are becoming very visible and influential in the company
• They leave the top ten Uzbekistan That by the 7th 16th and falls Pakistan That down from 10th place to 14th Outside from 50 countries in list are located Chechnya Turkey Cuba Belarus and Bangladesh
• In between the countries That have in fact large leaps in there is WWList China That down from the 21 th to 37 th place. Continues the trend That the saw in 13th place in 2010 (it was even in the top 10 five years ago) They have in fact an big jump even Comoros down from 24 th to 41 th place. Bhutan from 17th to 28th place The researchers from Open Doors visible in Bhutan an improvement because the churches are able to keep cults without be harassed Each then there are still issues and communities in rural areas putting under pressure the churches A anti-conversion law is in and become hangs on the head of the Christians like a sword of Damocles This the law may have an impact negative on Christians in Bhutan
• The persecution of Christians in world is in growth La China is the only country where researchers to see Open Doors an significant improvement. Others countries macaws fallen in list such as Iran and Uzbekistan That are very hostile towards the Christians are get off just because the situations in others countries macaws making them worse go back in WWList
only 5 5 billion deaths, jewish Religion is banking seigniorage IMF Nwo Spa satanic cult of Baal
[683/256dic.7 10] #Jerusalem #Delegation #Romania commemorates #Holocaust published on December 24 1444 [#Benjamin #Netanyahu like you dare put the kippah the head of an goyim?] Not you know That the [false] itself #David is an symbol satanic esoteric that you put even on kippah for being rated at extermination from #Rothschild #Spa #IMF? [Committed suicide not you you can survive to destruction imminent to order #Israel] however that bastard to Erdogan ie the plot the League Arab you will see die! saving their lives? you have condemned for you! As is was rejected Saul you are also been rejected! you have worn to ruin Israel!
[ 729/27dic. ]@JHWH -- è sempre così, quando io dico qualcosa, le persone oneste, esultano, i giusti uomini e donne gioiscono! ma, le persone corrotte e criminali, gemono nel dolore, insieme a tutti i loro demoni, che, sono insediati in loro, ecco cosa significa, essere Unius REI, cioè, rivelare i segreti dei cuori, perché, tutti sappiano, chi è il criminale!
#Benjamin #Netanyahu hai visto? il Re della Arabia Saudita, è proprio un bravo ragazzo, proprio come, io ti avevo detto! sono i farisei Fmi cult Baal Spa, JabullOn, soltanto, i pezzi di merda!
[683/256dic.7 10] #Jakarta it prepares to celebrate Christmas in security [for protect against from #Of the UN #Antichrist #Islamic] Published the December 24 1445 [wherever it arrives the perversion of #Salafis #Wahhabis #Saudis and the them corrupt religion] because the Christian churches can survive there he wants the, Army! but is useful #to Christmas #Bethlehem where #Palestinians have kicked the Christian dhimmi because they say That Jesus was an another #Palestine. #Muslim as the #pedophile #Muhammad!
[682/256dic.7 04] to Gela set up, the crib eviction and of the bills, Posted on the 24 December 1642 [this is the triumph of taxes for the great wear the politicians Freemasons Bildenberg Pharisees IMF Spa Bank World]
[681/256dic.7 00] [two weights and two measures] Istanbul ( crime of the government That recemente has declared to want to annex Greece and other 5 countries ) police disperse rally ( peaceful ) with tear gas. Published on 24 December 1656 [why. #EU #USA use an different criteria of evaluation] #Kiev barricades ( criminals) of the protesters pro #EU close to #City Hall palaces government (is an siege criminal institutions for paralyze the Government and lock the Government democratically elected ) Posted the 24th December 1656
[680/256dic.6 48] i #Radical #Emma #Bonino #Mark #Pannella Bildenberg #Pharisees #Bank #World agenda #Talmud for kill. #Israel are to Rome for ask. #amnesty and justice. Published on 25th December 1350 [la justice is that the criminal should discount your mild mild. #Punishment #Prison] you you have brought the destruction the foundation ethical of the people Italian Why protect one single criminal out of a hundred that the #Police and the #Judiciary are able to take it! this is clearly you you are Satanists that not have no respect the value of life the human but this is consistent with the be #Antichrist the enemy the #civilization. #Jewish-Christian
[679/256dic.6 42] #Pakistan #Church #Christian #Manned for celebrate Christmas
Published on 25th December 1349 [but this is ridiculous] if you remove it sharia for do it the state secular then you you stop being one state of terrorists and racists for the sharia of dhimmi slaves who must the pagae jizya or should subirre 1000 humiliation of allegiance for harassment gods divine Muslims [as not fail to understand that you you are sick mental of maniacs religious who have up the head because you you are the next victims of the IMF-Nwo?] And as you too bought at interest your money from them you not you could never escape your cruel fate then also Islam will be lost for forever!
[678/256dic.6 32] #China flowers to statue of #Mao for eve anniversary birth published on December 25th 1645 [the only thing that #no wrong is being an nationalist] he was so stupid that not have you know like Communism democracy and Capitalism macaws the two sides the same coin the Pharisees the Illuminati Freemasons in their hatred against Jesus Christ the true Messiah of Israel the true owner royalty policy and until Jesus of Bethlehem will be hated the world will be in danger! and these things she has written the atheist Benedict Cross in his wise"why not I can say not to be a Christian" but you,re honoring #Mao a person who yes is in hell behold because your lives are lost any value! Why for an veo #Communist not is the life human in whether to have value but the #Party and this is #Satanism #idolatry here because who no recognizes YHWH of Israel he is son of the devil here because we the state of Israel has the hours counted and only if I kill #Israel and his IMF Nwo politically the #Israelis and all the peoples will survive!
[678/256dic.6 13] [what idiots Qur'anic Islam is terrorism! #imperialism #sharia #Caliphate #World lack of freedom of consciousness and of religion #dhimmi slaves #racism Satanism #idolatry religious perversion #pedophilia #polygamy misogynism #homophobia etc.yet for the UN the antichrists Obama NSA Big Brother Micro-chip #GMOs #Aliens #Abductions #agenda #IMF #synagogue of Satan new Torrre of #Illuminati of #Babel JaBullOn god owl at the Bohemian Grove for make 200000. #sacrifices #humans on the altar of Satan #Rothschild #Spa Bush #322 #Kerry #Emma #Bonino Bildenberg #gay #pride and all the other abomination of [evolutions is religion] in #Iran #Arabia #Arabia #League #Araba is all normal and they not can say"we not know anything that would be destroyed O Israel" because I I I said!] #Egypt #Government the Brotherhood is a terrorist Accused attack yesterday to police station with numerous deaths. December 25th 1729 #CAIRO 25 DEC-Egypt has officially declared a"terrorist organization" i Brotherhood Muslims the deposed President Mohamed #Morsi by prohibiting them to to manifest. It has rendered known today the government That he even accused the #Brotherhood the attack of yesterday to #Mansoura for one central police with many died