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finanziato la tratta degli schiavi

In realtà, uno dei due sospetti nell'omicidio al supermercato kosher era collegato al movimento antisemita israeliano ebraico nero.

La rappresentante Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) Di giovedì ha erroneamente indicato la "supremazia bianca" come motivo dietro le riprese di martedì al supermercato JC Kosher a Jersey City.

“Questo è Moshe Deutsch, 24 anni, studioso e attivista. È stato ucciso a Jersey City ieri. Assassinati furono anche Mindy Ferencz, 32 anni, leader nella comunità chassidica di JC, e Miguel Douglas, 49 anni. Possano i loro ricordi essere benedizioni. Possano le loro comunità trovare la guarigione. Che possiamo trovare tutti la pace ”, ha twittato il gruppo anti-israeliano IfNotNow.

I due sospettati nella sparatoria, che furono uccisi durante la furia al supermercato, uccisero anche il detective della polizia di Jersey City. Joseph Seals, un padre di cinque anni di 39 anni.

Rashida Tlaib. (Screenshot di Twitter)

“Questo è straziante. La supremazia bianca uccide ", ha pubblicato Tlaib in un nuovo retweet che è stato cancellato da allora.

Uno dei due sospetti nell'omicidio al supermercato kosher era legato al movimento antisemita israeliano ebraico nero .

"Il gruppo crede di essere i veri discendenti degli antichi israeliti, è noto per diffamare i bianchi e gli ebrei e sono considerati un gruppo suprematista nero dal Southern Poverty Law Center", ha riferito il New York Post .

Il gruppo definisce gli ebrei "i bastardi che hanno finanziato la tratta degli schiavi", secondo la Lega anti-diffamazione.

Tlaib Blames ‘White Supremacy’ for NJ Shooting, Deletes Tweet

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI • 
Il gruppo definisce gli ebrei "i b a s t a r d i che hanno finanziato la tratta degli schiavi", secondo la Lega anti-diffamazione.


ebrei colpevoli tratta schiavi? NON calunniamo e non ci allarghiamo: lo hanno fatto i Rothschild e i loro massoni per diventare i satanisti padroni del mondo nella FED FMI BM NWO!

BobInBpt • 6 hours ago

Why White Supremacy when it was mostly Blacks who were almost celebrating the attack against the Jews ???

442rocketdave BobInBpt • 6 hours ago

The leftist Democrats are trying to change the narrative to get people to believe the threat is coming from White Supremacist and while they waste money and effort on that we have many hate groups in this country that are many times as dangerous. This is part of their ploy to get gun control from the public.

Nichus Block 442rocketdave • 3 hours ago

The threat comes from all sides and you know it.

Alex Peshansky BobInBpt • 5 hours ago

Not “mostly black” - only black. And the perps were black.

The Slayer Gabriel BobInBpt • 6 hours ago

Racist blacks? What punks.

Meagain2.0 BobInBpt • 4 hours ago

She is a few beers short of a six pack, lol.

S. Segal • 7 hours ago

What is scary about Tlaib, and others like her, is that she lives in pockets of the nation where they have enough radical votes to elect her and other radicals, Many immigrants who come to America, come with the idea that they will not assimilate with other Americans and they bring the same radical b.s. they moved away from.
duncanmc S. Segal • 6 hours ago

As long as they have a party that will promise and deliver them a free living, why not come? When the economic wheels fall off that situation will change and instead of being isolated agitators, they just be isolated targets...
Leonie Pipe S. Segal • 5 hours ago

And then they attempt to turn the once-fine countries they have migrated to into the foul slums they left behind. Even more scary, the governments of those once-fine countries let them do it.

The Slayer Gabriel S. Segal • 6 hours ago

We, the American people, did not watch while we had enemies of the United States of America, in the office of president. Both George Bush, and his girl Barak Obama, flooded radical, islamist terrorists into America, with the intent of bringing down America. And they did, until the American people took this nation BACK from the scum, and elected President Trump. But now, because of scum like Bush, who flooded tens of thousands of RADICAL, islamist terrorists into America to bring us to our knees, they are killing Americans AND our children. As was done in NJ today, by George Bush's boys.

Walt Kleine • 7 hours ago

She is an idiot! The fact is that a black committed the crime; how can it be "white supremacy"? People - stop electing Muslims!!

Avco Walt Kleine • 7 hours ago

She ignorantly assumed that white police just decided to kill 2 African American people. No one believes her anymore and no media outlet should ever report this pukes words.i

Solving Politics • 6 hours ago

“Taqqia Talib” is at it again. Cant go a week without garbage being spewed by her or “The Somali Pirate!”
Leonie Pipe Solving Politics • 5 hours ago

She is garbage, so it's not surprising that garbage spews out of her foul gob.

bayman50cal • 7 hours ago

Arab supremacy actually does kill. No doubt about it. They kill men, women and children.
uptownwoman • 6 hours ago

She's deranged.

sam i am • 7 hours ago

God she is an ugly gargoyle. The way it is inside is shown on the outside too

Peter Cohen sam i am • 5 hours ago

Just imagine what her 'jungle' must be like.....worse than hell and the smell, the smell !!

Meagain2.0 Peter Cohen • 4 hours ago

Please, I'm eating, lol.

kathleenredman • 7 hours ago

Can't we get this demon out of our government? She's nothing but a lying, hateful terrorist!

bettyschneck • 7 hours ago

Tlaib get out of this country you don't belong here. There is no room in Jerusalem for a Muslim. You came on to the scene in the 6-7th century. Since "Mo" wasn't accepted by the Israelites he developed a religion of hatred. You inherited that vile legacy. Get out of America-there's no room for hate or hostility
SAWolf • 7 hours ago

So two BLACK aceholes target Us and its Caucasoid,"Supremacy"? That filthy arab should be,"Targeted".

TruthHunter SAWolf • 7 hours ago

One was identified "anti-semantic" Black Hebrew Israelite. Don't go spreading rumors of all blacks. This particular group are anti-semantic and anti-white. Please don't spread lies like the fake media does. Go back and read, then make your apology of repentance for sounding like Tliab did.

Eli Willner TruthHunter • 6 hours ago

It seems from your writing that you're the only "anti-semantic" person here. Also, anti-spelling, anti-diction and anti-literacy.

muman613 TruthHunter • 6 hours ago

Did you see the comments from the neighbors which clearly demonstrated their hatred of the Jews. It was not just 2 people who were antisemitic yesterday, it seemed at least 10-15 of the crowd were yelling anti-semitic slurs. They ALL were African-Americans.
SAWolf TruthHunter • 6 hours ago • edited

Are you stupid as well as illiterate? I said TWO, did I blame anyone else? Not ,"Rumors", either you simpleton, but reported FACTS. I'll not apologize ever for what I posted. Take your head out of your behind and observe the CBC and how they blame Us for their ,"Community's issues". "Truth hunter", huh? I call pure bullsheet. Its not the Irish or Italians attacking Orthodox Jews in NY, you idiot.
John Williams • 5 hours ago

Proof once again these idiots are all mouth no brain, she fits right in with joy behar on the view, run off at the mouth and don't even have basic facts.
Brooklyn Ease John Williams • 5 hours ago

Indeed. Two days ago while driving, I told my wife "watch...some idiot is going to say that this was due to while supremacists". Didn't take long to find the idiot, and in the usual place.

John Williams Brooklyn Ease • 2 hours ago

Yep, the usual suspects came thru.

The Slayer Gabriel • 6 hours ago

People, she's a coward of islam, whose slimy god allah, wants to kill us Americans. She's a un-educated fool, holding power given to her to kill Americans, by the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party that, in World War II Europe, was called the "Nazi Party".
ktchnsnk • 6 hours ago

What a maroon!

Marilyn Phillips Malone • 5 hours ago

A Muslim Jew Hater with No Country is what she is , she doesn't belong in America or our Government and shouldn't ever be allowed back in Israel ,she belongs in Iraq, maybe then she could be happy!
lesrun5k • 5 hours ago

Just looking at her,then reading the false idiotic things she spews makes sense that musslime men prefer the goats for nite time companionship,plus the goats are more intelligent.

Nichus Block lesrun5k • 3 hours ago

And they smell nicer. She looks like the back end of a camel.

18_18 • 5 hours ago

Behind closed doors, Rashi*a Tlaib is celebrating.
442rocketdave • 6 hours ago

This idiot has NO brain and her and her quartet of morons cant keep their mouths shut for even a day and something as tragic as this TERRORISM ATTACK and she comes up with WHITE SUPREMIST??? Almost as STUPID as Bill DeBlasio coming out this week with his New Anti White Supremist tactical team???? Stating there is a real threat????? REALLY???? How about that group that just killed 6 people? How about all the Islamic Jihadist attacks on Americans????? These Demoncrats have lost their f..king minds!!!

Liza2004 • 6 hours ago

The "Squad" members are truly brain-dead. What's scary is that they attract similarly challenged followers.

Kenny G. • 7 hours ago

It makes these comments and then blames our president for getting death threats.

jkman • an hour ago • edited

The pathetic Dumb A$$ POS, is so stupid "The 2 Gunmen were BLACK"!!
Keep trying to spin White Supremacy / Nationalism.......

Meagain2.0 • 5 hours ago

Roflmao! What a freaking brain dead idiot.

cammo99 • 6 hours ago

She really is a Muslim and a socialist democrat if she ever thought this was about white supremacy. I have to admit for weak minded people there is a certain attraction to socialism, that people like Tlaib will take care of you...even if she is only lying every time she opens her mouth like the rest of the Democrats who lean left.

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI • 3 minutes ago

Il gruppo definisce gli ebrei "i b a s t a r d i che hanno finanziato la tratta degli schiavi", secondo la Lega anti-diffamazione.
ebrei colpevoli tratta schiavi? NON calunniamo e non ci allarghiamo: lo hanno fatto i Rothschild e i loro massoni per diventare i satanisti padroni del mondo nella FED FMI BM NWO!

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI •

l'unico mandato per un satanista come lui? è un calcio nelle palle! non esiste un mandato BIDEN WASHINGTON, 12 DIC - L'ex vicepresidente Joe Biden, frontrunner democratico nella corsa alla Casa Bianca, ha smentito di aver mai discusso con il team responsabile per la sua campagna elettorale di restare alla Casa Bianca per un solo mandato se verrà eletto nel 2020. "Non ho piani per un mandato", ha dichiarato,

Moshe Moses • 2 hours ago

G-D will avenge this evil crime of a innocent policeman and two innocent Jews condolences to the families

Marvin Feil • 3 hours ago

Relax. I think she is saying that the victims are at fault. I'm sure she wouldn't say that about Blacks. Anyone disagree?

alpcns . • 3 hours ago

Tlaib is not capable of rational thought, only regurgitating "progressive" talking points. She's the perfect modern "democrat".


Meagain2.0 Renee McDowell • 4 hours ago

Why do you say that when blacks commit hate crimes on a daily basis. It just hasn't happened to you yet. Many of them are huge flaming racists.

Ian Wilson Renee McDowell • 4 hours ago


The Slayer Gabriel • 6 hours ago

Personally, I don't believe the story. I think low-life Democrat minded fools in our Federal Government are making up the story, to cover up for islamic terrorist doing this attack. This attack that is identical to the attack in Paris, France.

These idiot clods, need to be locked up for good. Or shipped to Iran to learn islam. But they did not do the attack, and I think we all know that. I believe, this is an attack of the ABomb holding islamists. Almost every arab country, Iran, Saudi Arabia, can, and do build nucle-ar we-apons. And you know they give them to terrorists. And the terrorists, islamist terrorist, given one nu-ke by Iran, will plant it in America. And that is easy as hell to do. Well, American "politicians", aka American Punks, know they are armed with "the bomb". And they, Democrats like the French in WWII, surrendered to them. The arab nations are all armed with nuclear weapons, and that is why America has not been allowed to fight islamic terrorists, since September 11, 2001. They have nukes, so wont report the truth.

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