🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 i am jewish messia Phil Lesh Fan 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Nope. Mashiach, when he comes, will know how to use capital letters appropriately. And he will know how to spell correctly. And yet, if it brings you peace of mind to believe that you are someone that you admire, it does nobody any harm. Have at it! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Phil Lesh Fan • the problem is not for CIA trool satanists and rothschild slaves like you, but it is for Jews they are the ones who don't have a messiah! ANSWER il problema non è per i satanisti trool della CIA e schiavi di rothschild come te, ma è per gli ebrei sono loro che non hanno un messia!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Zionism is White Supremacy,’ Claimed Author of ‘Movement for Black Lives’ Platform The anti-Israel agenda of the woman who co-authored the 2016 Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) Policy Platform has resurfaced amid the social unrest in the U.S. Il sionismo è White Supremacy, "Autore affermato della piattaforma" Movement for Black Lives " L'agenda anti-israeliana della donna che è stata co-autrice della piattaforma politica del Movimento per le vite nere del 2016 (M4BL) è riemersa tra i disordini sociali negli Stati Uniti 'Zionism is White Supremacy,' Claimed Author of 'Movement for Black Lives' Platform http://disq.us/t/3porgqg 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • the scum of the devil Satan Morgan inKissger and Allah Riyadh they give the microphone to all the criminals lgbtq antifa liar slanders on our planet! la feccia del demonio Satana Morgan Kissinger e Allah Riyadh danno il microfono a tutti i criminali del nostro pianeta!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
EU Snatches Funds from Palestinian Group That Refuses to Reject Terror European Union rejects $1.9 million grant application from the Palestinian NGO 'BADIL' due to its refusal to sign a waiver renouncing ties to Palestinian terror groups. L'UE ruba fondi dal gruppo palestinese che rifiuta di respingere il terrore L'Unione europea respinge la domanda di sovvenzione da 1,9 milioni di dollari dell'ONG palestinese "BADIL" a causa del suo rifiuto di firmare una rinuncia a rinunciare ai legami con i gruppi terroristici palestinesi.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Katalina Wierzba No to właściwa ocena-głupku. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 in the reign of Rockefeller Talmud Quran there are so few who manage to save themselves from hell, don't miss it too nel regno di Rockefeller Talmud corano sono così pochi quelli che riescono a salvarsi dall'inferno, non perderti anche tu
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 katalina 666 katalinae se venissi io, a guardarti bene bene: da vicino, con una mia precisa diagnosi accurata?tu capiresti di non poter sfuggire alla sorte delle anime maledette che bruciano disperate all'inferno! Katalina Wierzba Katalina Wierzba Nie pojmuję tego?? ale polecam ,cytuję: MĄDRE słowa wiecznie żywe.!Parafraza słów Lenina. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 to wybór w terenie! niech szatan Rothschild szaria lgbtq i wejdź do mego królestwa Izraela è una scelta di campo! lascia satana Rothschild sharia lgbtq ed enra nel mio regno di israele
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • stop lizard BIDEN ISIS ] [vote for MAGA patriot Trump MALIK AK 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • hahahahahaha.... Sorry if Trump wasn't racist he would have a chance . 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 MALIK AK • that's why he will win the election! he is not a racist ecco perché lui vincerà le elezioni! lui non è razzista
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
CORONA HEROES: How the Jewish Community Helped Save Lives in New York http://disq.us/t/3popqff Arkady • Other minorities first concentrate on the help to their own communities poor members, but Jew are always "better Catholics"... That is a reason for World "love and privileges". Arkady • Altre minoranze si concentrano innanzitutto sull'aiuto alle proprie comunità, i membri poveri, ma gli ebrei sono sempre "cattolici migliori" ... Questa è una ragione per "amore e privilegi" nel mondo. Steve • Ma Herr Bürgermeister Wilhelm si rivolge ancora agli ebrei per molestie a causa della loro presunta mancanza di distanza sociale. Forse disordini e saccheggi avrebbero incontrato la sua approvazione. Steve • But Herr Bürgermeister Wilhelm still targets Jews for harassment due to their supposed lack of social distancing. Perhaps rioting and looting would meet with his approval.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
WATCH: Clever foxes put Israeli sea turtles on edge of extinction https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-clever-foxes-put-israeli-sea-turtles-on-edge-of-extinction/#.Xuw2JwpOAec.twitter Sally Fox • Save the turtles! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Sally Fox • save yourself 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Sally Fox • Doc Stevens 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Although you are not Jewish & not a 'Messia' you are...well, you are nothing! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Doc Stevens • https://disqus com/by/docstevens/ it's so easy, in the realm of "Beni Berith" satan allah bilderberg rothschild FED sharia IMF lgbtq ECB OIC NWO to end up in hell! you strive to enter my Kingdom of ISRAEL and pay the price è così facile, nel regno di “Beni Berith” satana allah bilderberg rothschild FED sharia IMF lgbtq ECB OIC NWO di finire all'inferno! tu sforzati di entrare nel mio Regno di ISRAELE e paga il prezzo
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
it's so easy, in the realm of "Beni Berith" satan allah bilderberg rothschild FED sharia IMF lgbtq ECB OIC NWO to end up in hell! you strive to enter my Kingdom of ISRAEL and pay the price
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Israel intercepts Palestinian boat smuggling weapons to Hamas https://worldisraelnews.com/israel-intercepts-palestinian-boat-smuggling-weapons-to-hamas/#.XuwxKNxA5H8.twitter 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • i am jewish messia Doc Stevens 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Although you are not Jewish & not a 'Messia' you are...well, you are nothing! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Doc Stevens • all satanists suffer with me you started doing it!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Rothschild kill Israel oh, my holy my jhwh holy you Select all 666 jihad sharia Country: destroy them Dean Blake Dean Blake 8 hours ago https: // disqus com / by / deanblakeshermanoaks / CRACKPOT ALERT !! ! ANSWER to the satanists, bellyache always comes!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
Obama ambassador denies Putin saved Israel from dangerous US resolution https://worldisraelnews.com/obama-ambassador-denies-putin-saved-israel-from-dangerous-us-resolution/#.Xuwu-MaUmF0.twitter Richard DiBenedetto • The alleged UN Security Council Resolution compelling Israel to return to 1948 Borders that Obama allegedly planned to support is without substance. Israel has consistently refused to comply with UN Security Council Resolution 242 requiring Israel's return to pre-1967 War Borders. There is no UN Resolution superceding Resolution 242 adopted by the UN long before the Obama Administration. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Richard DiBenedetto • to have supported a war "six day" whose stated aim was genocide does not give right to anything? avere sostenuto una guerra il cui fine dichiarato era il genocidio non da diritto a niente?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
lorenzoJHWH_Messia • i am jewish messia but my people not know me! Uzi Kattan • The general staff needs to be cleansed of these defeatist leftists who have taken over command of the military. FuzzyAshkenaz Uzi Kattan • The erev rav have infiltrated the government, the military, the police and the justice system, much like most "democratic" nations. If Messiah doesn't come soon we are all screwed. Frances Weingarten • As far as I'm concerned, Israel is the land of the Jewish people! We don't have to answer to any other group of people, anymore than other countries don't have to answer to people who don't live in their country! It's time we stood up for ourselves and our needs! Yes, we're reliant on others as well, but those others have no right to tell us how to run Israel anymore than we can tell them how to run their countries! We don't have to apologize for living in our country in the way that suits us best. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Why are generals refusing to lead sovereignty push? because in the era of Satan there is no longer anyone to compromise with / for God JHWH these are my times: the times of the prophet Elijah 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Afghanistan, 10 students killed by a bomb in a religious school The explosion occurred in the early hours of the morning causing ten victims and eight injured among the students of the madrassa, the Islamic school. ANSWER ISLAM is a religion of peace! Islam is the light that squarxia the darkness! Muhammad? the perfection of all the prophets! What if ERDOGAN said it? you can swear to us that it is so 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Born, the Italian F-35 fighters deployed to protect the airspace in Iceland answer THIS EU of celebrolesi dangers? it must be destroyed as soon as possible! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 "India should not underestimate Chinese will to safeguard territorial integrity" - Foreign Beijing The Chinese Foreign Minister warned India, saying that New Delhi should not underestimate Beijing's "firm will" to safeguard its national borders. ANSWER this bad story brings me great sadness! to fight not to agree on a border, on a compensatory basis? it is a serious lack of intelligence! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Hindu demons? they are all deaf and dumb Hitler's swastika was born there there was born the swastika of Rothschild, which is the star on the Israeli flag
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa
this was first comment in this page! disqus didn't tell me there were problems, because there are no problems for him! however even if disqus doesn't know? these comments have been deleted from me! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 hours ago stop BIDEN sliping lizard !!! vote for MAGA PATRIOT This is worse than I imagined. I emailed you. Mitch McConnell. Karl Rove emailed. Newt Gingrich emailed. We all tried to warn you, and we were all ignored. I am extremely disappointed, but I am reaching out ONE FINAL time. 5X MATCHING has been extended 24 hours. Please don't let us down again. Make a 5x-matched donation immediately to defend our Republican Senate Majority! Democrats are just FOUR seats away from stealing the Senate. The Left has invested millions into key battleground states, and ratings are shifting in Democrats' favor! We could face a MAJOR BLOWOUT in November. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 5 hours ago we have no reason to give any credibility to OBAMA and his family of satan priests!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Archaeologists find Moses-like scepter from ancient Canaanite temple http://disq.us/t/3poj0fn idiot! Garfinkle said, observing that Moses performed divine miracles while holding a rod in his hand. "The supremacy of Moses does not derive from a spell or from a movement of the body, but from holding the staff of God in his hand". idiot! Garfinkle compared the discovery to the Canaanite equivalent of finding the staff of the biblical prophet Moses, with the scepter performing miracles with the help of the gods. ANSWER ah ah ah ah ah ah 1. there were no gods Aru Mazda Baal Ja-BullOn Talmud! and 2. there was no power in the stick. you must have faith, and you must have a divine mandate: all here! disse Garfinkle, osservando che Mosè compiva miracoli divini tenendo in mano una verga. "La supremazia di Mosè non deriva da un incantesimo o da un movimento del corpo, ma dal tenere in mano il bastone di Dio". Garfinkle paragonò la scoperta all'equivalente cananeo del ritrovamento del bastone del profeta biblico Mosè, con lo scettro che compiva miracoli con l'aiuto degli dei. ANSWER ah ah ah ah ah non ci sono stati gli dei e non c'era nessun potere nel bastone. devi avere fede, e devi avere un mandato divino: tutto quì!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Archaeologists find Moses-like scepter from ancient Canaanite temple http://disq.us/t/3poj0fn idiot!!! it seems to me like the baker's spatula: when he brings out the pizza ridiculous!!! while the stick of Moses was typical of the patriarchal stick: which contained the description of the genealogies! mi sembra la paletta del fornaio: quando porta fuori la pizza ridicolo!!! mentre il bastone di Mosé era tipico del bastone patriarcale: che conteneva la descrizione delle genealogie!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Former Obama ambassador denies Putin blocked anti-Israel resolution http://disq.us/t/3poimam 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • stop BIDEN sliping lizard!!! vote for MAGA PATRIOT This is worse than I imagined. I emailed you. Mitch McConnell. Karl Rove emailed. Newt Gingrich emailed. We all tried to warn you, and we were all ignored. I am extremely disappointed, but I am reaching out ONE FINAL time. 5X MATCHING has been extended 24 hours. Please don’t let us down again. Make a 5x-matched donation immediately to defend our Republican Senate Majority! Democrats are just FOUR seats away from stealing the Senate. The Left has invested millions into key battleground states, and ratings are shifting in Democrats’ favor! We could face a MAJOR BLOWOUT in November. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • we have no reason to give any credibility to OBAMA and his family of satan priests!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
DAILY RECAP: Generals Afraid To Lead Sovereignty Push; Netanyahu Halts Economy’s Return; More Top News http://disq.us/t/3poh781 certamente le basi siriane ed irachene devono essere fortificate, almeno finché l'iran continua a rimanere nella zona! ISIS Terrorists Cannot Be Allowed to Reclaim Iraq by Con Coughlin • June 18, 2020 Iraqi security officials say the number of ISIS fighters in Iraq is now between 2,000-3,000, which includes around 500 militants who have made their way to Iraq after escaping from prisons in Syria. The upsurge in ISIS in activity in Iraq should certainly act as a wake-up call for the Trump administration as it reviews America's military commitment to Iraq following the recent appointment of former Iraqi intelligence chief Mustafa al-Kadhimi as the country's new pro-Western prime minister. The reason Iraq is able to have elections in the first place is because of the enormous sacrifices made by American and other coalition forces to rebuild the country after the overthrow of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003, an achievement that the Trump administration cannot allow to be damaged by a resurgent ISIS.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Former Obama ambassador denies Putin blocked anti-Israel resolution http://disq.us/t/3poimam we have no reason to give any credibility to OBAMA and his family of satan priests! noi non abbiamo motivo di dare alcuna credibilità ad OBAMA e alla sua famiglia dei sacerdoti di satana!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
DAILY RECAP: Generals Afraid To Lead Sovereignty Push; Netanyahu Halts Economy’s Return; More Top News http://disq.us/t/3poh781 without obtaining a first-level popular and municipal court: now in Southern Italy (thanks to Merkel the value of the buildings has fallen to 50%) and the proletarian expropriation of houses has passed as well as the impossibility of being able to rent them! senza ottenere un tribunale popolare e comunale di primo livello: ormai al Sud Italia (grazie alla Merkel il valore degli immobili è crollato al 50%) e si è passati all'esproprio proletario delle case come anche alla impossibilità di poterle affittare!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
DAILY RECAP: Generals Afraid To Lead Sovereignty Push; Netanyahu Halts Economy’s Return; More Top News http://disq.us/t/3poh781 Conte, we take full advantage of EU funds opportunities "blah blah blah ... all pots of rothschild lgbtq PD and M5S; Bilderberg, France and Germany: England, they clung to the armchair and suck the blood of the Italian people! Conte, sfruttiamo appieno opportunità fondi Ue" bla bla bla... tutte le piattole di rothschildPD e M5S; Bilderberg, Francia e Germania: Inghilterra, loro si sono attaccate alla poltrona e succhiano il sangue del popolo italiano!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Israeli court freezes work at Jaffa building site on abandoned Muslim cemetery http://disq.us/t/3pofbcw BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ the thing I love most about Israelis? it is their sense of humor and self-irony and they are two properties of spirit and intelligence, which Muslims completely lack because your sky is gray! la cosa che io più amo degli israeliani? è il loro senso di umorismo e autoironia e sono due proprietà dello spirito e della intelligenza, che ai mussulmani mancano completametne perché il vostro cielo è grigio!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Israeli court freezes work at Jaffa building site on abandoned Muslim cemetery http://disq.us/t/3pofbcw ONU China Russia UE USA India ] [ The Israeli court freezes the work on the Jaffa construction site in the abandoned Muslim cemetery ANSWER let the dead bury their dead OIC ISIS jihad Erdogan Iran the ARAB LEAGUE must understand that it cannot save ISLAM and sharia genocide together! La corte israeliana congela i lavori nel cantiere di Giaffa nel cimitero musulmano abbandonato ANSWER lascia che i morti seppeliscano i loro morti la LEGA ARABA deve capire che non uò salvare ISLAM e sharia genocidio insieme!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
'Wacko' Bolton 'exceedingly tedious,' tweets Trump as damning book details emerge http://disq.us/t/3poe3r9 eih Trump, about Bolton? he didn't seem like a bad guy he just wanted to kill IRAN eih Trump, about Bolton? non mi sembrava un tipo cattivo lui voleva soltanto uccidere l'IRAN
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Netanyahu slams brakes on opening economy http://disq.us/t/3poevq7 yes Netanjahu is the Yogi bear and ganzo gonzo is the bubu bear Bubu is a Hanna-Barbera cartoon character, best friend of the Yogi bear and inseparable companion of many adventures si Netanjahu è l'orso Yoghi e ganzo gonzo è l'orso bubu Bubu è un personaggio dei cartoni animati della Hanna-Barbera, migliore amico dell'orso Yoghi e inseparabile compagno di tante avventure
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Netanyahu slams brakes on opening economy http://disq.us/t/3poevq7 the coward Netanyahu tweeted and he said: "I will print money under monetary sovereignty [www simec. org] ie, Popular property/sovreignity of the coin, continuation of the struggle started by Professor Giacinto Auriti, with the executive order of JFK 11110 to save the people, and also because the roialty/sovereign is not Rothschild and also because, it will be an honor for me to have Morgan shoot like the Goyims slave master without paternal genealogies il codardo Netanyahu tweeted e ha detto: "io stamperò del denaro, in regime di sovranità monetaria [ www simec.org ] Proprietà popolare della moneta, continuazione della lotta iniziata dal professor Giacinto Auriti, con l'ordine esecutivo di JFK 11110 per salvare il popolo, e anche perché il popolo è sovrano non Rothschild e anche perché, sarà un onore per me farmi sparare da Morgan il Padrone degli schiavi goyims senza genealogie paterne
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Bolton: Trump moves in office guided by reelection concerns http://disq.us/t/3po8e39 the antichrist European Council, of the criminal Gentiloni: "Without common debt, single market, and euro at risk" For the European Commissioner for the economy, the common debt recovery plan will arrive in July, not tomorrow's meeting, to be considered a step towards bringing the positions of the member countries closer together. ANSWER speak a dishonest speak? it becomes incomprehensible! but, we can't do the EU if we don't first do it for the first time after the war the sovereignty of the Italian people betrayed by Masons of order and Satan race il anticristo Consiglio europeo, del criminale Gentiloni: "Senza debito comune, mercato unico, e euro a rischio" Per il commissario europeo per l'economia il piano di rilancio con debito comune arriverà a luglio, non nella riunione di domani, da considerare una tappa per avvicinare le posizioni dei Paesi membri. ANSWER parla un disonesto parla? diventa incomprensibile! ma, non possiamo fare la UE se prima non facciamo per la prima volta dopo la guerra la sovranità del popolo italiano tradito dai massoni di ordine e razza satana
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
Bolton: Trump moves in office guided by reelection concerns http://disq.us/t/3po8e39 the antichrist European Council, of the criminal Gentiloni: "Without common debt, single market, and euro at risk" For the European Commissioner for the economy, the common debt recovery plan will arrive in July, not tomorrow's meeting, to be considered a step towards bringing the positions of the member countries closer together. ANSWER speak a dishonest speak? it becomes incomprehensible! but, we can't do the EU if we don't first do it for the first time after the war the sovereignty of the Italian people betrayed by Masons of order and Satan race il anticristo Consiglio europeo, del criminale Gentiloni: "Senza debito comune, mercato unico, e euro a rischio" Per il commissario europeo per l'economia il piano di rilancio con debito comune arriverà a luglio, non nella riunione di domani, da considerare una tappa per avvicinare le posizioni dei Paesi membri. ANSWER parla un disonesto parla? diventa incomprensibile! ma, non possiamo fare la UE se prima non facciamo per la prima volta dopo la guerra la sovranità del popolo italiano tradito dai massoni di ordine e razza satana
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
Why are generals refusing to lead HQ for Judea, Samaria sovereignty? http://disq.us/t/3pocjj2 lorenzoJHWH_Messia • i am jewish messia but my people not know me! lorenzo JHWH_Messia • sono un messia ebreo ma la mia gente non mi conosce!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
The Morgan Bilderberg judiciary, like the Rothschild media system, is beset by widespread ideological corruption. As the Palamara affair shows. TOGA PROHIBITS NIGERIAN EXPULSION BECAUSE IN NIGERIA RISKS CONTAGION FROM CORONAVIRUS The umpteenth case proves that more than scandalous is grotesque: a Nigerian must remain in Italy with a 'humanitarian permit' because in Nigeria he risks being infected by the coronavirus. In short, he must stay in Bergamo because in Benin City he risks contagion. A magistrate who conceives such obscenity should be minimally removed, La magistratura Morgan Bilderberg, come il sistema mediatico Rothschild, è percorsa da un’ampia corruzione ideologica. Come del resto dimostra l’affaire Palamara. TOGA VIETA ESPULSIONE NIGERIANO PERCHÉ IN NIGERIA RISCHIA CONTAGIO DA CORONAVIRUS Lo dimostra l’ennesimo caso che più che scandaloso è grottesco: un nigeriano deve rimanere in Italia con un ‘permesso umanitario’ perché in Nigeria rischia di essere contagiato dal coronavirus. Insomma, deve rimanere a Bergamo perché a Benin City rischia il contagio. Un magistrato che concepisce un’oscenità del genere dovrebbe essere minimo rimosso,
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
The Morgan Bilderberg judiciary, like the Rothschild media system, is beset by widespread ideological corruption. As the Palamara affair shows. TOGA PROHIBITS NIGERIAN EXPULSION BECAUSE IN NIGERIA RISKS CONTAGION FROM CORONAVIRUS The umpteenth case proves that more than scandalous is grotesque: a Nigerian must remain in Italy with a 'humanitarian permit' because in Nigeria he risks being infected by the coronavirus. In short, he must stay in Bergamo because in Benin City he risks contagion. A magistrate who conceives such obscenity should be minimally removed, La magistratura Morgan Bilderberg, come il sistema mediatico Rothschild, è percorsa da un’ampia corruzione ideologica. Come del resto dimostra l’affaire Palamara. TOGA VIETA ESPULSIONE NIGERIANO PERCHÉ IN NIGERIA RISCHIA CONTAGIO DA CORONAVIRUS Lo dimostra l’ennesimo caso che più che scandaloso è grottesco: un nigeriano deve rimanere in Italia con un ‘permesso umanitario’ perché in Nigeria rischia di essere contagiato dal coronavirus. Insomma, deve rimanere a Bergamo perché a Benin City rischia il contagio. Un magistrato che concepisce un’oscenità del genere dovrebbe essere minimo rimosso,
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
Bolton: Trump moves in office guided by reelection concerns http://disq.us/t/3po8e39 Bolton: Trump moves in office guided by reelection concerns answer in fact, with the Obama Satanists Imam ISIS, FED Deep State? this type of accident: they could not happen because Obama is a perfect puppet and actor mannequin: Obama pleaded with the Russians in front of the cameras saying he "has an election" answer in effetti, con i satanisti di Obama Imam ISIS, FED Deep State? questa tipologia di incidenti: non potevano avvenire perché Obama è un manichino di pupazzo e attore perfetto: Obama ha supplicato i russi davanti alle telecamere dicendo di "avere le elezioni"
Lorenzo Fedele250660
Jews most targeted group for hate crimes in Toronto http://disq.us/t/3poaroj Most targeted Jews hate crime group in Toronto ANSWER globalist Satanist Jews NEOLIBERISTS they took control of politics and economics but to protest? it's just me! it is clear that the victims of hatred then, always the most innocent, has always been so, in fact from Hitler's Germany? the chief KAKAM ENLIGHTENED ROTHSCHILD rabbis had already run away! Ebrei più mirati gruppo per i crimini d'odio a Toronto ANSWER ebrei satanisti mondialisti hanno preso il controllo della politica e della economia ma a protestare? sono soltanto io! è chiaro che le vittime di odio poi, sempre i più innocenti, è sempre stato così, infatti dalla Germania di Hitler? i rabbini capi erano già scappati!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
they come here to live like parasites in a hotel and to kill the Italian people the MERKEL EU is a crime of Satanism MIGRANTS DO NOT WANT TO REPAY THE RECEPTION: "WE ARE NOT WORKING HERE" JUNE 18, 2020 “Only 5% of those who come to Italy are truly refugees. They are not the "least of the last" as they pay thousands of dollars for travel and fake documents. " So the researcher Anna Bono, former professor of African history and institutions at the University of Turin, who in her book dismantles some of the most popular fake news on illegal immigration. vengono quì a vivere come parassiti in albergo ed a uccidere il popolo italiano la UE della MERKEL è un delitto di satanismo MIGRANTI NON VOGLIONO RIPAGARE L’ACCOGLIENZA: “NON SIAMO QUI A LAVORARE” GIUGNO 18, 2020 “Solo il 5% di chi viene in Italia è veramente un profugo. Non sono gli “ultimi degli ultimi” visto che pagano migliaia di dollari per il viaggio e i documenti falsi”. Così la ricercatrice Anna Bono, già docente di storia e istituzioni dell’Africa all’Università di Torino, che nel suo libro smonta alcune delle più diffuse fake news sull’immigrazione clandestina.
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